Miracle Mineral

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009
This Breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. The answer to AIDS, hepatitis A,B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind’s worse diseases has been found. Many diseases are now easily controlled. More than 75,000 disease victims have been included in the field tests in Africa. Scientific clinical trials have been conducted in a prison in the country of Malawi, East Africa.
The Miracle Mineral supplement of the 21st Century – PART I
This book tells the story of the discovery and gives you the complete formula and secrets.

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The Miracle Mineral supplement of the 21st Century – PART II
The small charge of $9.95 for this second book is to cover the distribution costs. All extra money from these sales will go towards humanitarian efforts in Africa and the Americas, which will in the long run benefit the world.

Hard Copy
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. Hard copy that includes both Parts I and II.

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We hope you enjoy this information and use the MMS as soon as possible. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time to investigate these claims. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. The Author

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