The Great Pyramid: Measurements

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Rejected stone

E a r t h / m a t r i X
Science in Ancient Artwork

Extract No.28

The Great Pyramid: Measurements


Charles William Johnson

The measurements regarding the Great Pyramid have always been under debate. Depending what, when, where and, how measurements were taken has produced conflicting measurements regarding the length of the base, slope and height of the Great Pyramid, as well as its angle of inclination. Given the fact that the Great Pyramid has not been in mint condition for millenia, it is understandable that such measurements have varied to the point of contradiction. The base measurement has been cited anywhere from 693 feet, through 756 feet, to 765 feet, depending upon which position is taken as the boundaries of the pyramid’s base. The pyramid’s height is impossible to measure exactly, given the fact that the capstone no longer exists. The pyramid’s angle of inclination has been computated as of a few stones found which possibly reveal the original angle, although again condition and the size of those stones make for calculations and not exact measurements.

Nonetheless, recently, measurements have been offered by the Director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Mark Lehner, in a work entitled,The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries (Thames and Hudson, 1997). Let us examine the measurements offered in this scholarly work in the light of the numbers of the ancient reckoning system that we have been studying in the Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork series.

The base length of the Great Pyramid is calculated as 230.33 meters or 756 feet, according to professor Lehner, and its height once rose to146.59 meters or 481 feet (Ibid., page 108). The angle of inclination or slope of its faces are 51° 50′ 40″, again according to that same author. Much debate has revolved around employing measurements in the metric system or the English system; or, whether one should employ the numbers of the ancient cubit or, even some other unit of measurement. According to our reasoning, it does not matter which particular system of measurement is chosen for the discussion, given the fact that the geometrical outlay of the Great Pyramid allows for accomodating any system of measurement. This obtains from a comprehension of the mathematics of the ancient reckoning system and the very nature of geometry itself involving angles of inclination and the trigonometric table.

As we view the numbers offered by professor Lehner, we cannot help but immediately note that the metric measurement of 230.33 reminds us of the maya long count number 2304 (fractal), the alautun of 23,040,000,000. Nor can we avoid observing the possibility of relating the 146.59 measurement in meters to the Sothic cycle number 1460 or 1461 years. In most of our previous studies, we have employed the 756 feet measurement for the base length of the Great Pyramid, along with the 481 feet height measurement. The possibility of analyzing the angle of inclination has been dealt with previously by us (Cfr., Earth/matriX, Extract No.7, Pyramids of Egypt: Precession Numbers and Degrees of Angles).

Given the previously cited measurements, the following may be observed. The 51° 50′ 40″ angle translates into the decimal system as51.844444°, which when halved yields the number 25.922222. This particular number reminds us of the Platonic Cycle number of 25,920 years. Previously, we have discussed how the numbers of the angle of inclination of the pyramids of ancient kemi may have been reflecting just such a knowledge of the Precession. However, for computations in many of the ancient reckoning systems, it is widely held that the ancients avoided employing fractional numbers (with the exception of numbers regarding the reciprocal of seven). In this case, then, we might expect the angle of inclination to have been conceived (if not technologically achieved in the stone carving) as of 51.84°, or that of 51° 50′ 24″0 (a difference of 0° 00′ 16″0).

However, before we discuss such a variable, let us comprehend the relationship of the numbers offered by the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. The first question that comes to mind is whether or not it is possible, according to the trigonometric table, to obtain a pyramidal structure of the measurements offered. The answer would appear to be negative. Consider the following:

In Meters:

115.165² + 146.59² = 186.4178246²
115.165 / .786336352 (sin 51.844444) = 146.4576827 (a difference of .132317306 from
Lehner’s datum)

In this case, the 146.4576827 appears to be more relational to a reciprocal of seven number: 146.4285714 with a lesser difference (146.4576827 – 146.4285714 = .0291113).

146.59 x .786336352 = 115.2690458 (a difference of .10404584 from Lehner’s datum)

In other words, it is impossible, trigonometrically speaking, to have a pyramidal structure with the given measurements of base length 230.33 meters, height 146.59 meters and an angle of inclination of 51.844444 degrees according to the posits of the Pythagorean Theorem.

In Feet:

378² + 481² = 611.7556702²
378 / .786336352 = 480.7103208 (a difference of .289679234 from
Lehner’s datum)
481 x 786336352 = 378.2277853 (a difference of .2277853 from
Lehner’s datum)

In other words, it is impossible, trigonometrically speaking, to have a pyramidal structure with the given measurements of 756 feet base length, 481 feet height, and an angle of inclination of the slope of 51.844444 degrees.

The measurements of the Great Pyramid undergo such scrutiny because it has become a case of deciding whether the Great Pyramid was built with such great precision out of design or by happenstance. Although we are talking about an enormously, unimaginable monumental stone structure, at the same time we are considering the exact preciseness with which it appears to have been executed. Hence, the reason for considering the exactness of the numbers of the measurements. The numbers of the ancient reckoning system may assist us in comprehending the variations of the numbers offered in the current measurements.

The measurements of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, which are admitted calculations, do not appear to conform to the historically significant numbers of the ancient reackoning system. However, if we allow for some adjustments of those numbers in terms of the ancient numbers, then the projected measurements and their adjustments appear to become more relevant.

If we allow for an angle of inclination of 51.84 degrees, the relationships of the numbers change. And, we must remember that if the angle of inclination remains as a constant, it does not matter which set of measurements for the length/height of the pyramidal structure is employed; the proportion remains constant in terms of trigonometry.

Adjusted numbers:

    In Meters:

If 51.844444 degrees, but 230.4 meters:

115.2 / .786336352 = 146.502193 (a difference of .087807005 from Lehner’s original datum)
115.2² + 146.5111215² = 186.3774362²
    In Feet:

756 feet, but with 51.84 degree angle of inclination:

378 / .786288432 = 480.7396174 (a difference of .260382556)
378² + 480.7396174² = 611.5509625²


481 / .786288432 = 611.7348042
481 x .786288432 = 378.2047358
611.7348042 - 481 = 377.9662295 ( or, doubled to 755.932459)

Depending upon whether one begins with the baseline or the height of the Great Pyramid, the numbers change correspondingly.

There is another reason that one might want to consider the original angle of inclination designed into the Great Pyramid as having been 51.84 degrees. Consider the fact that if the baseline measurement of 756 feet is correct (the one that is most commonly accepted), then the following obtains:

378 x 51.84 = 19595.52We recognize in this fractal the Nineveh number of 195,955,200,000,000.

In the sine of the 51.84 number, .786288432, distinct ancient historically significant numbers appear: .786 (288)(432). Therefore, 288 being a maya fractal; 432, being the Consecration number.

Notice, however, when the 756 and 481 numbers given by professor Lehner are viewed in relation to the 360c of the ancient reckoning system:

481 / 756 = .636243386
.636243386 x 360 = 229.047619
146.59 / 230.33 = .636434681
.636434681 - .636243386 = .000191295 difference)


146.5904762 / .636243386 = 230.4000001

Hence, the baseline length of the Great Pyramid may be of any unit of measurement (230.33 meters; 230.4 meters; 756 feet; 500 cubits; etc.), with the angle of inclination remaining constant. Essentially, it does not matter even if one measures the baseline wrong; the angle pre-determines the proportional measurements of the triangle. This becomes even more evident when we employ the cited measurement of 500 cubits for the length of the base of the Great Pyramid:

    In cubits:
250 x 51.844444 = 12961.111
250 x 51.84 = 12960/fractal (ancient kemi number 1296000)

An unsuspecting relationship developes from this possibility:

250² + 317.9301063² = 404.4496909²
163579.5525 = 163579.5525

But, if we subtract this total amount from another ancient Sothic number (1649.457812 fractal) distinguished in previous Earth/matriX essays (Cfr., Essay No.73), the appearance of a number relational to the maya companion number obtains (1366560):

1649.457812 - 1635.795525 = 13.662287

Regarding any of the adjusted possibilities presented above, one could obviously obtain computations where the ancient historically significant numbers would become relational to one another.


Brian David Andersen

©1998-2006Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.

Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated:
e-mail: [email protected]

Science in Ancient Artwork
The Great Pyramid: Measurements 
Extract No.28

31 May 1998
©1998-2006 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved

P.O. Box 231126 New Orleans, LA 70183-1126; USA
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

GREAT Pyramid

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009


Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004 By Elijah Penn

[Footnotes to Part II.][Part I. Ancient Mystery Unraveled]
[The American Institute of Pyramidology]

So many fanciful theories abound about the Great Pyramid and its meaning, one could despair of ever reaching sane conclusions about it. It is comforting to reduce speculations to the actual medium the Pyramid undeniably bequeaths: Its silent, unerring geometry and measures. I have just finished reading Richard W. Noone’s book 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster. I felt obligated to read this book before writing the present chapter because, like a tour guide to new visitors, I am claiming to know something about the chronology of the Pyramid, and I want to learn all I can.

I had heard that the premise of the book was that the Pyramid reveals the date May 5, 2000, as some epochal tragedy for the human race, like others that have been experienced in historical times. I am glad to be able to report to other seekers that reading the book is not worth the effort, if sound chronology be the object of search. While there are many interesting interviews with Pyramidologists like Valentine and Tompkins, Egyptologists, and esoteric metaphysicians, and while there are many interesting nuggets spread along the way, the book offers no sound reason to look to May 5, 2000 as any kind of Pyramid-based date. I am led to believe that some people like the power and pride that comes with authorship, like babbling on and on with dazzling erudition, but do not have a commitment to bless their readers with helpful and true facts and reasoned conjectures that will aid in the struggles of this life.

Being told that the Pyramid reveals a major tragedy caused by the growing weight of ice in Antarctica which will tip the earth’s axis, causing a major disruption of the planet–on a specific date!–is certainly titillating–isn’t it?–but it is not based on any sound exposition of the Pyramid’s structure. I should say that I found much the same dynamic in Robert Bauval’s The Orion Mystery which carries the subtitle Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids and has the single phrase front-jacket blurb “A Revolutionary New Interpretation of the Ancient Enigma.” Much ado about very little.

Bauval is ruffled that his theories on the pyramids are not welcome among the Egyptologists. They hold that the pyramid builders had a solar religion, he thinks it was stellar. They will not admit of a link with the pyramid locations and the order of stars in the heavens while he insists on such linkage. They have no explanation for why the Dynasty of Cheops built such exquisite pyramids when the dynasties before and after simply show no ability for such craftsmanship, and yet when Bauval offers a possible explanation they are sure it cannot be right. And so on. There is a desire to want acceptance from “experts” who he knows are not really experts.

Bauval must make up his mind as to whether he wants the accolade of blind academics or if he is content to let his research lead him where it will, the experts notwithstanding. One must remember the heavy entrance requirement one pays to be an “Egyptologist:”

bullet go all the way through graduate school in some field related to Egyptology (an intellectual and pecuniary hurdle beyond most common people) and (now for the big one…)
bullet accept the prevailing theories and assumptions that characterize the coursework along the way.

Paying such a price carries an impossible toll on any free-thinker, or anyone who believes in a sovereign God. If Bauval will not pay the price–and why should he?–then he had best lay his conclusions before readers who can judge the merits of his investigations. It is incredible Bauval lists not one footnote to Velikovsky in his entire treatise. Immanuel Velikovsky rocked the astronomical and Egyptological establishments in the 1950′s with the publication of his works Ages in Chaos and Earth in Upheaval. His vast and intricate scholarship undercut the foundations of the astronomical and Egyptological establishments. Harvard astronomer Harlow Shapely put pressure on Velikovsky’s New York publisher to stop publication of the book. His pressure–representing the combined pride of these establishments–was able to scare away the publisher, but another publisher–Doubleday–had the courage to go with Velikovsky and his radical but erudite and profound ideas became public.

The reason it is incredible that Bauval does not mention Velikovsky–who, for the record, was an agnostic Jew, not a Bible thumping creationist, for instance–is that Velikovsky shows the entire edifice of Egyptology as it exists as a discipline today is false. The accepted chronology of Egypt–and its crosslinks with Israel in such events as the Exodus–is shown by Velikovsky to be off by centuries, and in hopeless contradiction to itself in many places. Velikosky’s evidence is primary historical research. As a rational human being with no ax to grind, I accept almost all of Velikovsky’s scholarship. In saying this, I am in rebellion against the prevailing orthodoxoy and would be blacklisted and shunned by the Egyptologists that Bauval and others are hoping to get noticed by. It would be a suicide note if any Egyptologist today attempted to embrace Velikovsky in public scholarship.

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So I choose to go with the clear-seeing rebel–Velikovsky–and don’t give it a second thought that I am totally outside the blessing of the Egyptological establishment. I am not with Bauval in seeking for their notice or recognition. I hope they see the light and shed their skin but I’m not holding my breath. I am used to being outside the flow of the establishment as one who believes in an all-loving sovereign God who is the creator of the Universe and not an unknown, impersonal, chance-bound force that somehow allows the accident of evolution to occur. With renewed personal resolve, let me venture forth to unfold some of the Pyramid’s chronological treasures, revealed, let it be reminded, in unerring stone geometry which is as ancient as any writing available to the human race. Moses’ penning of Genesis came a thousand years after the Pyramid’s message had been tooled in stone.

In an appendix to Peter Tompkin’s popular book, The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, is an appendix about ancient Egyptian measures. People can marvel at how “advanced” this system of measures is. But the very concept of “advancement” implies that the roots of the Egyptian science were gleaned from former “lower” civilizations which were before the Egyptian. But that is simply not the case. The Bible makes it abundantly plain that Noah’s son Ham was the father of Egypt.1 Noah was the recipient of the advanced knowledge that had come into the world through revelation to the patriarchs before him, especially through Enoch and Adam. Noah used much of this advanced knowledge in construction of the ark, which he built according to the divinely ordained cubit, the basis of the ark’s design.2 The cubit is mentioned also in the book of Revelation:

(Rev 21:17) And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

It is mentioned as the unit used by angels. The cubit is a measurement standard from out of this world, used by angels in Heaven. How interesting that the cubit shows itself to be a more rational and scientifically accurate standard than the metric system! When the French savants who invented the metric system chose a standard for that system, they took the one ten millionth part of a meridian from the North Pole to the equator through–where else?–Paris. Ta da! The meter is born…

The problem with this is not only that the meridian through Paris3 is different than all other meridians, but is also subject to change as the topography changes. On the other hand, the sacred cubit is the one ten millionth part of the earth’s semi-polar axis, a radius from the center of the earth to the North Pole. This semi-axis does not vary as would a meridian, whether through Greenwich or Paris. If the ancient Egyptians designed the cubit based on the earth’s semi-polar axis, and the French scientists–cream of the crop of the Age of Enlightenment, the flower of modernity–did so based on a Parisienne meridian, one has to wonder if evolution is running in reverse. Of course it is more likely that the Creator is the One who designed the cubit to be in direct relation to the planet for which it was meant to be a standard.

The Bible says in eight different places that the Ten Commandments –God’s moral standard, just as the cubit (and its corresponding inch) is a linear standard– were written with “the finger of God,” not the genius of Moses. It is a distinctly modern idea that humans can make their own standards, whether moral or linear. This is certainly the prevailing ethic in the schoolroom today. Students take it as an a priori, unquestionable law of the universe that truth is what each individual perceives it to be. Alan Bloom tells us that almost every one of his college students believes this.4 This would have been unthinkable in ancient Egypt.

John Anthony West, following the work of Schwaller de Lubicz, would have us believe that Egyptians were aware of a singular unity pervading all disciplines, thus breeding a respect in each individual for the sacredness and metaphysical nature of everything, including the science of mensuration.5 They would not presume to arbitrarily deify a meter-unit they had created. They would instead instinctively trust that the cubit-measure with which they had been entrusted, was filled with significance and wonder, and would humble themselves to plumb the depths of its revelatory signficance.6 The modern perspective leads to a society where individuals are fixated on questions of cars, houses, brandnames, wealth, idols of their own creation: look at modern architecture where buildings exalt Sears or Prudential or Standard Oil. The ancient Egyptian perspective leads to a fixation on questions like “Am I pure? Am I pleasing to God?”


The Great Pyramid exalts–without gold and jewels–the Creator and His plans and purposes for mankind. No king or pharaoh is buried there. It carries not the name Caesar, nor Sears, but the Creator, who is called in Daniel 8:13 “The Wonderful Numberer.” Back to the meter–cubit(inch) comparison. The fact that scientists have only recently calculated the radius of the earth argues for the divine origin of the sacred cubit. Interest is compounded with the fact that the British system of measurement, based on the inch, is directly related to the cubit. Sir Isaac Newton has shown that the sacred cubit contained 25 inches (unlike the more recent cubit whose length is usually given as about 18 inches, or the royal cubit of about 20 inches used in ancient Egypt). Adam Rutherford, in his book series entitled Pyramidology, has laboriously argued that the sacred inch (the 1/25 part of the sacred cubit) is only a hair’s breadth different from the British inch. The present work will not differentiate–as Rutherford continually does–between the Pyramid inch (1/25 of a sacred cubit) and the British inch, because it seems to me that the practical accuracy possible in measuring the elements of the Great Pyramid makes frivolous the minuscule distinction between the inches.7 For practical purposes, the two inches are one. Rodolfo Benavides claims that the English inch and the pyramid inch were the same during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.7a

Kurt Mendelssohn, in The Riddle of the Pyramids, gives the standard litany for those who refuse to see the supernatural in the Pyramid’s amazing architecture. He belittles the Pyramidiots who believe the Pyramid of Giza is a divine revelation. The work of Scotland’s Royal Astronomer, C. Piazzi Smyth, so influential in extracting meaning from the Pyramid’s passage systems and chronology, is ridiculed extensively. Smyth argued strenuously, in partnership with noted astronomer Sir John Herschel, for the existence of the inch as the Pyramid’s unit of revelation. The two men led a movement which kept Britain from nationally accepting the metric system in the Nineteenth Century, because its basis is man-centered, not divinely ordained as is the Pyramid’s. Herschel sat on the British Standards Commission, but resigned in 1869 because of its gravitation toward the metric system. Mendelssohn admits that Smyth is right to try and ascertain the reason for the Great Pyramid’s unique and singular accuracy of construction on the value of pi, a value supposedly unknown to the ancient Egyptians. He writes:

“A pyramid with an angle of elevation of 52 degrees—51 degrees, 52 minutes to be precise–has the unique geometrical property that its height stands in the same ratio to its circumference as the radius to the circumference of a circle. This ratio is 1/2pi, where pi is a transcendental number 3.14…Khufu’s pyramid is the most carefully built of all and accurate measurement of its foundation has shown that this ratio is correctly represented to better than one part in a thousand. This certainly is far too accurate to be dismissed as a coincidence, and a great number of theories, often involving divine inspiration, have been based on this astonishing numerical fact.”8

Mendelssohn actually thinks he demolishes Smyth’s work by suggesting a rather crude explanation for this accuracy. He first admits that the Pyramid exhibits “brilliant constructional skill” and “superb workmanship” and a geometric precision which every modern triangulation only more perfectly confirms. But he couples the recognition of this remarkable engineering with a refusal to admit any advanced scientific or revelational component to its construction.

“We have no evidence that the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom had more than the most rudimentary command of mathematics. Any acceptable solution must therefore have a practical, rather than a theoretical, basis, and that suggested to me by an electronics engineer, T.E. Connolly, fulfills this condition.”9

Here then, is the basis on which we are to explain the Giza miracle in stone: it must be the work of grunting chimps, aboriginal humans, because

  1. Mendolssohn doesn’t think we can doubt the Egyptological historical explanations of the Old Kingdom, and
  2. the speculations of some tech-nerd buddy of his.

So there you have it: Swallow whole the historical framework of the Egyptologists and accept the theory of some electrical engineer. In the process make elaborate fun of the Royal Astronomer for Scotland, and one of England’s famous scientists. For the record, here is the profound conjecture of our electrical engineer: The Pyramid builders’ method was–and here I quote–”to roll a drum and count the number of revolutions.”10 Amazing! Of course Mendolssohn does not explain how these half-ape Egyptians formed a drum with so exact a diameter, nor, apparently does the electrical engineer. My preference, after seeing so many similar efforts to debunk a truth which is as uncompromising and immovable as the Great Pyramid, is to let the rocks themselves cry out. With that, let us listen as the inches speak.

[To Footnotes]

The interior passage systems of the Great Pyramid vindicate the bias of Western civilization, which is amazing considering that Egyptians are Easterners. The major bias of Western civilization that I have in mind here is the foundational axiom that Christianity is the one true and great religion, that its teachings provide eternal values and guidance, and that the lessons of God’s dealings with the Jews in the Old Testament and his revelations to believers in the New are instructive to the entire human family. This bedrock perspective, though misapplied, motivated Columbus to venture, the British to unapologetically rule in India and carve up Africa with other European powers, and Crusaders to go forth killing with zeal. It is the ruling governor in the concept of America’s “manifest destiny.” It has to do with being unashamedly sure that Christianity is the one true religion.

How does the Great Pyramid share this perspective? The meaning of the Pyramid’s inner passageways and their associated chronology focus, not on Pharaoh Cheops, his lineage, the history of the previous Egyptian dynasties or the dynasties to come, but upon the general falleness of the human race, the Hebrew Exodus event, the cross of Christ, and the tribulations to rock the planet before His return. It is for this reason that efforts are launched to crush the Pyramid’s solemn revelations. Men want to be their own masters, their own judges, their own gods. The passage system of the Pyramids reminds mankind that the Creator of Heaven and Earth has a plan for the human race which He created and its members individually.

Look at the diagram of the Pyramid’s internal passage system. The descending passage, moving steadily toward the pit, represents the course that this world has taken since the fall of the race in its original parents. Men are continually talking of progress–think of all the glories of the internet and modern electronics!!–and yet the world is forever and everywhere filled with war, disease, and the inhumanity of human beings to each other. The glories of Atlantis–whatever they were–were not sufficient to keep it from dying.

The apostle Paul writes this interesting bit of historical interpretation in his letter to the Romans:

Death reigned from Adam to Moses (Rom. 5:14)

At the time of Moses, the world received the revelation of God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. Paul is saying that without this law to inform people that, for instance, adultery, stealing and murder are sins against God, they would tend to go on doing them. Their living would be dying. Death would reign. But with the law comes a knowledge of the right. Thus the Ten Commandment law, while it has been vilified by secularists and Christians alike, is a gift from God, pointing the human race toward Heaven, toward a life that is pleasing to God.

It is thus significant that at the point indicated by the Pyramid’s chronograph to be the time of the Exodus, the upward passage system begins, breaking away from the descending passage as sharply as the Israelites broke away from Egypt under Moses. This is the exodus point by two different reckonings. If the entrance door is taken as the date of the construction of the Pyramid, at an inch for a year the first ascending passage comes at the time of the exodus, about 1484 B.C., a date in harmony with Velikovsky’s work and the Biblical chronology.

Secondly, if the face angle of the Pyramid is hypothetically extended until it meets the first ascending passage, (also hypothetically extended), a zero point, representing the creation of Adam, is determined. At the scale of an inch for a year from this point on a straight upward march toward the Kings Chamber at the angle of the upward passages, the beginning of the first ascending passage is again identified as the time of the Exodus.

Thus the geometric appearance of the first ascending passage–a radical break with the downward course of the descending passage–is in harmony with what it represents: The Exodus. Winston Churchill said the Exodus was the “most decisive leap forward ever discernible in the human story.” The chronography is a remarkable vindication and confirmation of the geography.

A further link with geometric appearance and meaning is the fact the there are two huge red granite stones completely blocking the way up the first ascending passage. These two stones powerfully symbolize the Ten Commandment law which was given by God to the Jews at the time of the Exodus. While the law is a holy reflection of God’s purity, it is utterly impossible for it to act as a pipeline toward Heaven. The law kills, it does not give life. Who has never coveted? Who has perfectly honored their parents or perfectly kept the Sabbath day? While the law reveals God’s perfect moral design, it does absolutely nothing to help fallen men achieve it. Thus the two granite stones, placed at the point representing chronologically the Exodus and the giving of the Law, aptly symbolize the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, blocking the way to Heaven because of the perfection they demand.

The next major geometric point defined by the voice of the Pyramid’s inner passage system is the conjunction of three of the passages: the end of the first ascending passage, the beginning of the Grand Gallery and the beginning of the opening to the Queen’s Chamber. The Grand Gallery represents a remarkably different architecture and construction than the much lower first ascending passageway. It has a ceiling of 28 feet which helps create the feeling of being uplifted, after coming out of the first ascending passage through which one must crouch to ascend.

In geometric form, the resurrection of Christ is represented. The first ascending passage, beginning with the Exodus, would obviously then represent the Jewish or law dispensation. Thus the two major sections of the upward passage system, the only upward passages in any of the pyramids, represent what has been the basis of Western Civilization: the Judaeo-Christian history and, implicitly, its values. The Grand Gallery’s magnificent rise–from four feet to 28 feet!–indicates the surpassing glory of the revelation of God in Christ, the fulfillment of the Jewish shadows, laws, and ceremonies in the Messiah.

Following the same chronographic scale that was used to identify the Exodus point, the beginning of the Grand Gallery pinpoints the exact time of Jesus’ death and resurrection!

The Queen’s Chamber passage, being horizontal, and thus sort of a parenthetical excursus off of the upward climb of the first ascending passage and the Grand Gallery, represents the reward of Jesus’ victory: the title deed to planet earth, and the prophetic assurance that this earth will be made new. When Christ wrestled with the powers of evil in his earthly ministry, the battle was over ultimate control and dominion of planet earth. If Christ would have failed in His mission, the world would be Satan’s, and eternal life on an earth made new would be only an illusion. With Christ’s sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, the title deed is His. This earth will be made new as an eternal home for all believers. But the tangible, physical passage representing this grand spiritual truth is a horizontal parenthesis because this fallen earth still limps along, cancer-plagued and ecologically debauched. We do not now see the reward of Jesus’ victory and labor, except by faith. The Pyramid, the Bible in Stone as Joseph Seiss called it, gives a stone parable to further build the faith of those who believe. That stone parable, translated, is saying something like this:

As you continue in your journey toward Heaven, do not let the cold hearts and deteriorating conditions around you discourage you from the assurance that I have won the victory for you. I have redeemed this fallen planet. Let this great fact give you courage as you press forward in the battle of life. To the secular-minded, this is pyramidiocy.

No exposition of the Queen’s Chamber chronograph will be offered at this time, since none of the Pyramid writers has ever indulged such a study. The focus has always been to heed the inches heading up the first ascending passage, the Grand Gallery, and the horizontal approach to the King’s Chamber. Since the Queen’s Chamber seems to represent the earth in the age to come–the prize won by the sacrifice of the Messiah on behalf of the human race–some scale is probably hidden in the Pyramid which, when revealed, would give the amount of time from the crucifixion of Christ to the beginning of the age to come.

Continuing the assent of the Grand Gallery, the next major geometric feature is the Great Step. Rising about a yard (3′) above the floor line of the Grand Gallery, it is the first change in the floor line since the Exodus point at the conjunction of the Descending and Ascending passages. Even where the Grand Gallery begins, at the point representing the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, the floor line remains the same as it was for the first ascending passage, representing the Jewish dispensation. The architectural symbolism thus indicates that the work of the Messiah, and His redemption of the human race, did not change the walk, or life-style which God wants for humanity. While the 28 foot high Grand Gallery ceiling represents an increased glory possible for the Christian era, the unchanged floor line indicates that God’s plans for Jews who lived in the era before Christ are the same as His plans for Christians who live after Him. Walk straight and honest, be true and pure, and keep headed upward.

But the Great Step represents a change of floor line, a change of direction. What is the time of the Great Step according to the Great Pyramid, and what is its significance, its meaning? Many Pyramid writers have given the date 1844 to this most distinctive aspect of the Pyramid’s geometry. This date is derived the same way as the Exodus point and the point representing Christ’s resurrection, by counting a year to an inch. But none of the Pyramid writers have offered much of an explanation for that date. Tom Valentine points out that 1844 is a date with some meaning in the Ba’hai faith, but this is rather unsatisfying, especially considering the remarkable conformance of traditional Judaeo-Christian history with the Pyramid. There is one overlooked movement, world-wide in extent, to which the date 1844 stands out with unmistakable singularity. Since this date, marked out by the silent, unerring stone of the Great Pyramid 1000 years before Moses wrote Genesis, marks the gateway to the Pyramid’s final horizontal passage as it approaches the King’s Chamber, its explanation will begin part III of this work. Since the Pyramid pinpointed the dates of two singular, epochal moments in Judaeo-Christian history, (the Exodus and the Cross) we can be forgiven if we look with some sense of insightful expectation at the timeline of that which lies just before us in time…

Students of this Gigantic Mystery will not want to miss the intersection of the Pyramid’s prophetic timeline with the day in which we are living. In a sense, the entire message of the Pyramid, the sweat of every Egyptian stone laborer, the preoccupation of ancient pharaonic dynasties, has anxiously awaited the crowning moment of time in which we live.


The Great Pyramid


Part III. The Great Step

[E-mail] [Part I.] [Part II.]

In part I. we saw many indications that the Great Pyramid of Giza is the monument referred to by the prophet Isaiah, that would be a witness to the Lord “in the midst of the land of Egypt.” Its geometric significations, determined by the Great Architect, are intended for the edification of the human race. The Creator used prophets to bring the plans and dimensions of the Mighty Stone Mountain to the notice of the Egyptian rulers and their builders. It is possible –indeed, probable– that both the Egyptian laborers and the divinely appointed messengers were unaware of the bulk of supernatural revelations contained in the Pyramid through its geometry and construction.

There are many theories on how the Pyramid might have been built, but there is nothing more than theory. Nobody knows how they did it, period. It might have been through

bullet stones being floated into place with water locks, through the use of massive earthen causeways, as it is usually pictured in artists’ conceptions,
bullet through the blocks actually being “concrete” blocks, poured into place at the site. or, theoretically
bullet by angels or alien power.

Leading engineers in our time have said that we could not build the Great Pyramid today, even with our present laser-cutting technology and high-tech construction techniques. This is one of the Pyramid’s mysteries on which I have not expended energy to try and solve. I put my energy instead into trying to discern the meaning of what is there, however it got there!

The Pyramid’s message seems to be especially intended for the time in which we live. When Moses looked upon the Stone Mountain did he know it pointed out in time the great exodus event which he spearheaded? When, over a millennium later, Alexander the Great looked upon the grand and imposing stone structure he could not know the glories it pronounced about the Messiah who would come in three centuries and die for the fallen race of man. As we saw in part II., this event was predicted in stone two millennia before Christ died. When Napoleon directed his scientists to study in earnest the mysteries of a monument beyond the reach of their Enlightened rationalism, he could not know that the ticking chronograph of the Grand Gallery was soon to reach the Great Step, indicating in the Pyramid’s inch-for-a-year symbolism the year 1844.

It should be noted that these events, notched in the Pyramid’s timeline millenia ago — The Exodus, the crucifixtion of Christ, and 1844 — are not only indicated by the inch-year key, but also by a geometric key. The Architect has blended form and “function.” Not function in the normal sense of utility, but function in the sense that the major function of the Pyramid, like Bible prophecy, is symbolical.

The Exodus event is marked by geometry which says, “Go upward. Go a different way. Break away from the prevailing downward course of history and events. Exodus…” The first upward passage breaks away from the downward descending passage at the same angle–upward–that the descending passage had been following–downward. It is interesting that if a line of the same angle is drawn on a world map, starting at the Pyramid, the line will go directly through the site where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea at the time of the Exodus! (It is more amazing still that a continuation of the same line crosses through Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, who is the Greater Exodus…)

Peter Lemesurier, author of perhaps the most impressive modern work of relatively wide circulation on the Pyramid, The Great Pyramid Decoded, says this of this remarkable line:

“The suggestion that this fact could be other than pure coincidence must seem laughable…if…the Bethlehem-line was not accidental, then there can be only one other possible explanation: the Pyramid’s architect could see into the future. Such indeed, was the tradition among the ancient Egyptians, as Coptic manuscripts still affirm today: The Pyramid, it was said, contained a record of all that was past and of all things to come.”1


A further revelation of the coordination of form and function are the two huge granite blocks–the two tablets, if you will–which make ascent in the first ascending passage impossible. Here is obvious symbolism of the law–the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandment law–preventing anyone from going Heavenward, because the law is perfect and no human is. In the words of New Testament theology, coming over two millennia before the Apostle Paul’s pen:

“But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident…” -Gal. 3:11


“…we are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ…written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of sone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.” -2 Cor. 3:3

The upward passage system breaks upward — toward the light, toward heaven –from the downward descending passage. This form fits the places in the New Testament that speak of the law being good. (1 Tim 1:8; Rom. 7:12,14) It is a “schoolmaster” and who, but school children, would see a “schoolmaster” as evil? We need school.

But the two granite blocks (called “plugs” in much of the Pyramid literature) symbolize the inability of that good law to accomplish the good thing: securing us a place in Heaven, the assurance of eternal life. For that, the law is, to quote Paul, “a ministration of death.”

The Christ point–the junction of the Grand Gallery, the first ascending passageway, and the beginning of the Queens Chamber passage–also matches with architectural form that which it symbolizes, as we have seen in previous studies. The horizontal Queen’s Chamber passage symbolizes the victory spoils of Christ’s sacrifice on behalf of the human race–an earth which will be made new in the age to come, redeemed from the curse. The rise of the Grand Gallery ceiling indicates the greater light, privelege, and glory for believers in New Covenant times.

But without question, it is the Great Step, which acts as a transition from the Grand Gallery era of Christianity, to the final Kings Chamber, representing Heaven, which is critical to decipher in our time at the beginning of the 21st Century. Almost every religious group has some teaching about the tribulation, the times of distress, the shaking, the time of trouble, the Great Tribulation, the coming chastisement, or whatever other terms are used. The Great Pyramid is the oldest prophetic voice on this issue on the planet…it has proven itself right with the Exodus and with Christ’s crucifixtion. It will prove itself right about its teachings about the coming tribulation…

The GREAT STEP is the transition point between the upward climb of the Grand Gallery and the horizontal walk of the final passage to the Kings Chamber. Notice the great fall in the Grand Gallery ceiling from 28′ to a height one must bend down to enter…


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1 Lemesurier, The Great Pyramid Decoded, (Rockport, MA: Element, 1993) 19-20. Lemesurier adds this other amazing fact also: the Red Sea-Bethlehem line marks the bearing of the summer solstice from the latitude of the Great Pyramid.