Created by pastorbuddy on 3/25/2009
STUDY BY Pastor Isaac E. Kusuma
The word Christian or Christians originated with the Catholics. Protestants still cling on to it. In reality, no one in the first century was called a Christian. This word is only written three times in the Catholic and Protestant Bibles: (1) Acts 11:26 (2) Acts 26:27,28 (3) 1 Peter 4:16.
The word Christian is derived from Christ. The Hebrews (Israelites and Jews) knew Him only as Messiah . The all looked forward towards the coming of the Messiah , not Christ. Messiah is not Christ. Christ is not Messiah . If we study Daniel 9:25, “the Anointed One, the Prince” is explained in the footnote as Messiah . Thus it is written that Messiah means the Anointed One. Messiah is a Hebrew word. In Hebrew, Messiah was called as Elohim (Exodus 5:3; 7:16; 9:4,13).
The Law and the Prophets were all written in Hebrew language. Now the whole earth had one language and one speech (Genesis 11:1).Therefore it is proved that Yahwah, the Creator, spoke in Hebrew. That Yahwah Messiah told His name in Hebrew, when He encountered Saul on the way to Damascus, is proved by the following references: Acts 9:4; 22:7; and 26:14. Acts 22:2 proves that when Saul talked in Hebrew, all the Israelites listened to him silently.
Because all the disciples who followed Messiah were Hebrew, they knew Him only as Messiah and not as Christ. But John 4:25 states that “Messiah who is called Christ.” The words “who is called Christ” have been added. The word “Christ” has been used to omit the word or title “Messiah .” We can definitely say that He is the “Messiah ” and not the “Messiah who is called Christ.”
The word Christians came from
the added words “who is called Christ.”
Likewise let us see other added words: “Saul who also is called Paul” (Acts 13:9). The words “who also is called Paul” have been added. To omit the Hebrew word/name “Saul,” “who also is called Paul” was added to change it to Paul.
Messiah called him, “Saul! Saul!” Read the following texts: Acts 9:4,11; 22:7; 26:14. Even after being baptized by Ananias and starting his gospel work, he was still called as Saul (Acts 9:11,17,22,24; 11:25,30; 12:25; 13:1,2,7). Only in Acts 13:9 was the actual name of Saul omitted and the name Paul was written. Likewise, the actual title or name, Messiah , was removed and replaced with Christ. His disciples only said, “We have found the Messiah ” but never said that they had found Christ (John 1:41).
The word Messiah means “Anointed One” (John 1:42). In John 1:42, the phrase “Anointed One” has a footnote saying that in the original language it is Christ. The Bible Society people should tell us what the original language was of “in the original language it is Christ.” Please find out “the original language” and tell me. I desperately want to know where the language came from, whose language this was, and what its script was. Every Christian who is called a Christian should know this “original language.”
Bible was not written in what they call “the original language.” The Bible was written in Hebrew. Since all of Messiah’s disciples wereHebrews, the books Matthew through Revelation were written in Hebrew. We see many Hebrew words. For example: Messiah , hallelujah, amen, rabbi, rabboni, Golgotha, Yepatha, thalithakumi, Eli Eli Lama Sabachtami, etc. How was the Bible written in Greek and notHebrew when all the places and events that were written were related to the land of Israel? Weren’t all the writers of the books of the New Testament, His disciples? Think about it!
The Bible was originally for the Jews (Romans 3:1-3).
Messiah the Saviour is a Jew (John 4:9).
Salvation came from the Jews to the gentiles (John 4:22).
The New Testament is for both Israelites and Jews (Jeremiah 31:31; Hebrew 8:8).
The Messiah came for the Jews (Matthew 10:5,6).
The promises, testaments and hopes were all for the Jews (Ephesians 2:12; Romans 9:4).
Elohim in the world is a Jew (Ephesians 2:12).
The bread was only for the Jewish children (Matthew 15:26).
The Messiah was the king of the Jews (Matthew 2:2).
The Messiah came to His own people (John 1:11).
The people who looked forward to the Messiah’s coming were Jews (John 4:25).
They knew that the Messiah would be born in their country (Matthew 2:4).
The Jews knew Him only as Messiah (John 1:41-42).
All His disciples were Jews (Matthew 10:2-4).
He came to save the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6).
The feast was readied for the Jews (Matthew 22:1-10).
The Passover was celebrated with them (Matthew 26:17-29).
The betrayer was also of His people (Matthew 26:14-26).
The people who killed Him were also of His people (11:26,59).
The whole history was of the Jews ; All these incidents happened in
Israel; the language spoken was Hebrew.
They only said Yahwah Messiah was the king of the Jews (Matthew 2:2) but did not say that He was the founder of Christianity or a New Way.
They called Him, Son of Man, Son of Elohim, Son of Joseph, Sovereign Son and Beloved Son, but they did not call Him the God of Christians or the Second in the Trinity. They called Him Nazarene (Matthew 2:23), but they never called Him Jesus Christ. Pilot asked Him if He was the king of the Jews (Matthew 27:11), but did not ask Him if He was the founder of Christianity. The people and disciples called Him Rabbi and Rabboni but they did not call Him a Christian Teacher. They said that they had found the person written about in the Law by Moses and the Prophets(John 1:45), but they never said that He was the God of Mala and Madiga or the God of the Americans.
John only said that He was the lamb of Elohim that takes away the sins of the world, but he never said that He would take away the sins of the Christians.
The word Christ came from the word Cristos. Cristos means sun god. The Romans were Sun worshippers. Sun worshippers — Sunday worshippers. They changed That Messiah to Christ and became supposed-Christians. They were totally pagan. They had all pagan rituals. They were great idol worshippers. The Jews were different from these people. If the Jews were Sabbath-keepers, the Romans were Sun-worshippers and that is why they worship on Sunday (Sun’s day) or the first day of the week. Even though they knew the Living Elohim, they followed pagan rituals like idol worship, idol-related days, Christmas, Lent, birthdays, death-days, thus establishing anti-Jewish doctrines and became Christians. That this why they say that Catholics and Protestants are the two strong arms of Christianity. The Catholics elevate Peter and say that he is their first pope. In reality that is a lie. Peter’s actual name is “kepha” which means “a stone” (John 1:42). He is a Jew. Protestants are those who came out of Catholics. But before all of them were the Jews who believed in the That Messiah and were the true believers. They are believers of the true assembly. They are neither Catholics nor Protestants. They are Messianic Jews ( Jewswho believe in the That Messiah ).
Acts 11:26. The disciples were called “Jews who believed in the Messiah” in Antioch. The following Bibles all say this: The Scriptures, Complete Jewish Bible, Restoration of Original Sacred name New Testament, The Sacred Scriptures, Jewish New Testament, and Restoration Scriptures.
Acts 26:28. Because king Agrippa was a Jew, he told Saul, “How easily you are making me into a Jew who believes in the Messiah.”
1 Peter 4:16. Because this letter is written by him, Peter wrote, “If anyone suffers as a person of Messiah , let him not be ashamed, but let him by that name glorify Elohim in this matter.”
The translators who translate the Scripture into Telugu with many translation errors and The Bible Society people who publish it with these errors keep silent when they are confronted in many situations since they have no answer. This deceit is prevalent in 150 countries. The Christians of the world are being deceived by this scam. I am not writing this information for those who are in the truth, but rather to awaken the people who are stuck in traditions and rituals.
The 120 people who gathered in the upper room on Pentecost day were all Jews (Acts1:11,13,15).
The 3000 people who were saved by Peter were all Jews (Acts 2:5-7, 14-37).
Peter preached to the Israelites (Acts 3:12).
The 5000 men who believed were all Jews (Acts 4:4).
Ananias and Sapphira were Jews (Acts 5:1-5).
The people to whom Peter and John spoke, were all Israelites (Acts 5:35).
Hebrew- and Greek-speaking Jews were Israelites (Acts 6:1).
The people who debated with Stephen were Jews (Acts 6:8-15; 7:2).
The young Saul was also a Jew (Acts 6:58).
Saul was destroying the Jews who believed in the Messiah (Acts 8:3; 9:1-2).
The disciples first proclaimed the gospel in Israel and then spread it to all other countries (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8; 8:1-5,14; 9:31; 10:46; 13:46-48).
After Saul was changed by Messiah , his main and only teaching was that “Yahwah is Messiah .” Before that Saul never accepted that Yahwah was the Messiah . However, after he changed, he proclaimed that Yahwah is the Son of Elohim (Acts 9:21) and that He is the Messiah (Acts 9:22; 17:3; 18:5). Even the Apollo, the Jew preached that Yahwah is the Messiah (Acts 18:28). The same Saul who tormented the Jews who believed that Yahwah is the Messiah , became a strong witness after believing the very same truth. That is why two strong groups were formed among the Jews.
1. The Jews who did not believe that Yahwah was the Messiah | 2. The Jews who believed that Yahwah was the Messiah |
These Jews insisted that circumcision was compulsory (Acts 15:1,5,24) and were confusing the gentiles with this. They preached the controversial gospel of being circumcised (Galatians 1:6). They insisted that you had to gain righteousness through circumcision according to the Law(Galatians 6:12-13; Philippians 3:2). | They were warned not to burden the gentiles with the yoke of circumcision (Acts 15:10; 19:20,28,29). They were taught that they had no connection with circumcision. They were taught to stop unholy idol worship, adultery and shedding of blood by murder (Acts 15:20,28,29). |
Rejecting the Messiah who had already come, they were still sacrificing animals and waiting for the Messiah to come. | Having found the Messiah , they recognized the times and worshipped the Messiah in spirit and truth. They were saved by His blood (John 1:45; 4:46). |
Faithful to the letter, they were circumcised of the flesh (Romans 2:29). | Spiritually faithful. They were circumcised of the heart (Romans 2: 29). |
They knew the law but did not walk according to it (Romans 2:13; Acts 7:53). | They were justified by keeping the law(Romans 2: 13). |
They were ready to ask for signs and wondersMatthew 12:38,40; 1 Corinthians 1:22; Luke 23:8). | Because He is the Word, they gave importance to the Word (2 Peter 1:19). |
They were the enemies who would not even kiss Him while accepting the Father (Psalm 2:12; 1 John 2:22). | They believed that the Son Himself was God(John 14:8-10). They stand true to His teachings (3 John 1:9). |
Stubborn people who were hardened of the heart (Acts 19:9). | Obedient people who accept Yahwah (Acts 17:4). |
Hurdle stones for the saved people(1Thessalonians 2:16). | Servants of the Sovereign Elohim who proclaim the path of salvation (Acts 16:17). |
People who kill the lamb, sprinkle the blood on the doorposts and keep the Passover feast(Leviticus 23:5-8). | Those who accept that the Messiah is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. They are those who eat the bread and drink the wine (1 Corinthians 5:7,8). |
They offer sacrifices and keep the feasts(Leviticus 23). | They praise Yahwah Messiah and keep the feasts (Acts 2:1). |
Pretending to follow the Moral Law, they live in opposition to the Law (Acts 7:53; 23:2-5). | They live according to the Moral Law and are justified as righteous (Luke 1:5; Acts 24:14,15; 25:8). |
They follow the Sabbath but are stubborn about the truth. They have lots of bad thoughts on the Sabbath (Acts 13:48,50; 14:2,5; 17:5,13). | They are the Jews and Gentiles believe in theMessiah and follow the Sabbath, walking in the path of truth (Acts 13:42,44). They don’t know about Sunday worship. Even the Bible Society has accepted that the word ‘Sunday’ is not in the Bible. |
They only believe from Genesis to Malachi; following the feasts and sacrifices that are written in them. | They believe from Genesis to Revelation; believe and follow the feasts mentioned in them praising the Messiah . They don’t know or keep Christmas, Lent, Good Friday and Easter Sunday that are added by Catholics. |
The strongest disciple among Yahwah Messiah’s disciples who wrote the most books in the New Testament is Saul. He was a great speaker and a wise man. He was an orthodox Pharisee who learned the law at the feet of Gamaliel. His books were the details of his four trips. This was true of the other disciples, too.
No one ever called Apostle Saul a Christian leader. Just as Yahwah Messiah was never called the founder of Christianity,Saul, too, was not called a Christian. What he was called can be seen in the Word:
For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:5).
Cladius Lysias called Saul a Roman (Acts 23:26,27). Saul, too, states that he is a Roman (Acts 22:28; 16:37-40).
The Romans called Saul a Jew (Acts 16:20,21).
Saul agrees that he is a Pharisee and a descendent of Pharisees (Acts 23:6; 26:5).
Saul accepts that he was a Jew born in Tarsus of Cilicia (Acts 22:3; 21:39).
In Romans 11:1, Saul says that he, too, is an Israelite, born to the family of Abraham in the tribe of Benjamin. Saul states that Jews are his blood relations (Romans 11:14).
Neither in the Bible nor in the letters he wrote, did he ever claim to be a Christian. Saul did not know the terms: Christ or Christian.
Look at the Muslims. Every Muslim in any part of the world calls his God as Allah. They do not change their God’s name from one language to another when praying to Him. Likewise look at the Hindus. Wherever they are (even in USA) or whatever language they use, the Hindus still use the same names for their gods. The common sense that these people have seems to be lacking in the Christians. How or why is His name changing with every language? Are there any Christians who wonder why is this happening? Preachers of today are the type who stay in denominations, praise people, try to please denominational leaders and live a servile life. Are there any preachers who give ear to the truth anymore? I have been musing over this for a long time and have realized there aren’t any preachers who care about the truth. There are neither radio speakers nor TV speakers who know how to even say His name. There is no one who even tells His real and pure name to anyone. If anyone were to correct these preachers, they turn around try to spoil the names of those who tell the truth. Instead of leading them in the path of truth, these preachers write and publish books that cover the truth. For example:
In the 147th page of Addanki Ranjit Ophir’s book, “Simhanadam” there is a sub-heading called, “Should we call Him Jesus Christ?” In this, Ophir is twisting the truth and presenting falsehoods to the people. This ‘prophet’ does not know what the doctrines of Jezebel are.
There is another name called “madness” to truth (Mark 3:21; Acts 12:15, 26:24; 1 Corinthians 1:24; 2 Corinthians 11:23). UnfortunatelyAddanki probably does not know this.
Satan chooses those who are intelligent to mislead many good people. Likewise, Addanki is misleading many good people with his book.
Dear brother Addanki, could I ask you this question? Should we call you only as Addanki Ranjit Ophir? (What is your name in Greek and Hebrew?) If you were called by any name, would you respond? If so, why do you only write this particular name? I have read all your books. There is only gossip but no material (truth) in them. I thought to send money for all your books. I will change your name and send the money to your house by money order. Can you cash it? Will the postman give it to you?
There is no word like “Simhanadam” because a lion only roars. Actually the title should have been “Simhagarjhana.” We should only say “Sarpanadam.” If we draw the image of a lion and blow a snake-charmers flute, it will not be right.
Mr. Ranjit you all are definitely apostles (Satan, too, was an apostle sent to Job). But you do not know the teachings of an apostle. When the Saviour was a Jew born in Judah, you should have had the common sense to know that His name would be Jewish. Yet you give Him the name of a Greek goddess (Iesus Cristos). You need to learn a lot more. Don’t be self-satisfied seeing the people who have lesser knowledge than you. Don’t forget to look at the many people who have more knowledge than you, the Hebrew word states, “Isa 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith Yahwah , and my servant whom Ihave chosen: that ye may know and believe ME, and understand that I am HE: before ME there was no God formed, neither shall there be after ME.
Isa 43:11 I, even I, am Yahwah ; and beside ME there is no SAVIOUR.”
Yahwah is SAVIOUR.’ When the Catholic Bibles have Lord in them, how is it that the Protestant Bibles have Jehovahinstead? Can you give me the reason why this is so? Isn’t that the very same Bible that Martin Luther brought out to everyone? Think about it! (I will write about all your mistakes little by little in detail).
It has been proved that the apostles were all Jews and the language they spoke was Hebrew. Messiah told HIS own NAME in Hebrewto Apostle Saul (Acts 26:14). Now let us consider the gospel that Apostle Saul taught the Jews:
Jews who did not believe the Messiah | Jews who believed the Messiah |
The Jews were those who were happy to see Peter caught when James was killed (Acts 12:1-3). | The Assembly of Jews who were praying for Peter (Acts 12:5,12). |
A sorcerer and false prophet on the island of Paphos was a Jew by the name of Bar-Joshua (Acts 13:6). | Sergius Paulus, a proconsul, who believed in the Messiah (Acts 13:7). |
The synagogue of Antioch in the city of Pisidia (Acts 13:14).
When the Jews saw the multitudes and were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Saul (Acts 13:45,46). But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and chief men of the city, raised up persecution against Saul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region(Acts 13:50). |
Many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Saul and Barnabas (Acts 13:43).
The gentiles + as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed (Acts 13:48). |
The unbelieving Jews stirred up the gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren (Acts 14:2).
Some were on the side of the Jews (Acts 14:4). And when a violent attempt was made by both the gentiles and Jews, with their rulers to abuse and stone them (Acts 14:5). |
When they taught in the synagogue at Iconium,many Jews and Greeks believed (Acts 14:1).
Some of them sided with the Jews (Acts 14:4). |
Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Saul and dragged him out of the city supposing him to be dead (Acts 14:19). | When the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe…and he made many disciples (Acts 14:20-21). |
They had a great dispute and argument regarding circumcision (Acts 15:1,5). | A decision was made that gentiles were not required to be circumcised (Act 15:10,19,28). |
When they were teaching that Yahwahwas the Messiah in the Jewish synagogue at Thessalonica…but the Jews who were not persuaded, becoming envious, took some evil men from the market place, and gathering a mob, set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people (Acts 17:5). | And some of them were persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the leading women, joined Saul and Silas(Acts 17:4). Jason, also, was one of the disciples who followed Saul. |
But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the word of God was preached by Sauland Berea, they came there also and stirred up the crowds (Acts 17:13). | Because they searched the scriptures…many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men(Acts 17:11-12). |
When he was teaching in the Jewish synagogue at Athens, some argued, called him a babbler, and said that he is a proclaimer of foreign gods. They talked of variously and some of them even mocked him (Acts 17:17-19,32). | Some men joined him and believed (Acts 17:34).
Among them were Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them. |
There were some men in the Jewish synagogue at Corinth who argued, blasphemed and opposed him (Acts 18:6). | Many of them heard and believed (Acts 18:8).
There were many multitudes (Acts 18:10). |
Felix heard of the Messiahand was afraid. He hoped that he would receive money from Saul. Therefore he sent for Saul more often and conversed with him, but because he wanted to be called a good person by the Jews, left Saulbound (Acts 24:24-27). | But Saul said, “I am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city (Acts 29:39).
I am indeed a Jew born in Tarsus of Cilicia(Acts 22:3). |
The Jews from Asia (Acts 21:27,28,30). | These men (Saul & Silas) were Jews (Acts 16:20). |
These Jews were yelling to kill Saul and not let him live, tearing their upper clothes and throwing dust up into the air (Acts 22:22). | A Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria came to Ephesus (Acts 18:24).
What is His teaching? Who is He? If we consider these questions, it is proved through the scriptures that Yahwah is theMessiah. For he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the scriptures that Yahwahis the Messiah(Acts 18:28). |
The Jews accused him through an orator(Acts 22:30: 24:1,2). | |
The Jews who wanted to tear Saul apart into pieces (Acts 23:10). | Like him, a multitude of Jews who believe theMessiah were in the city of Corinth (Acts 18:10).
There are thousands of Jews who believe theMessiah in Jerusalem (Acts 21:20). |
The forty Jews who vowed not to eat or drink till they killed Saul (Acts 23:12-15,20,21). | |
The high priest, Ananias, commanded those who stood by him to strike Him on the mouth (Acts 23:2). | The twelve disciples chosen by the Messiahwere all Jews who believed in the Messiah. |
In every synagogue there are Jews who believe in Him (Acts 22:19; 26:11). Stephen is also a Jew who believed in the Messiah(Acts 22:20). Ananias, who baptised Saul, was a Jew who believed in the Messiah (Acts 22:12). They all were called Messianicsor Nazarenes, but not Christians. Therefore you, who are called Christians, should first know how the name Christian came about. There are no Christians in the Scriptures. All were Jews who believed in Messiah.
YHWH Apostolic Ministries