Difference In Blood!

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

yes a difference!

Part IV – Difference In Blood!

C. R. Dickey, commenting on Acts 17:26 – “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation…” says: “Without quoting the latter part of this verse, some people make an ado over the first clause and use it glibly to overthrow all previous Bible teaching concerning racial separation. The key word used to prove the oneness of mankind is BLOOD, yet, actually it proves nothing because the word BLOOD does not appear in any of the ancient manuscripts. The following is a literal translation from the Greek: “and He made of one every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, fixing appointed seasons and the boundaries of the dwelling of them

The word BLOOD was added by translators.

Perhaps the most logical reading of this passage is provided by the Ferrar Fenton translation from the original language which reads: “Himself giving every one life and breath and all things; because He made by one (that is in Christ) every race of men to dwell upon the face of the earth”. This agrees with the Revised Version, the Emphatic Diaglott, and others. Even Dr. Scofield in his translation footnotes, makes note of the fact that the word BLOOD is not found in the best translations.

Over thirty years ago, Dr. James Bonner, Professor of Biology at Cal Tech, writing in the Saturday Evening Post (4/26/61) stated: “A tremendous fact developed is that the human races are not the same, but particular kinds of living things. The blood of the white Caucasian differs in molecular construction and hereditary factors from that of the Negro. The physical evidence of this difference has been commonly known as ‘sickle cell anemia’, a child killer and responsible for causing invalidism in adults. The anemia is not a disease. It occurs in the blood of the Negro as a mutation from the normal and is an inherited characteristic. It can be and is transmitted to the white race by transfusion of Negro blood”.

Professor Bonner remarks that a striking example of this is the enzyme found in victims of this hereditary condition which is characterized by abnormal hemoglobin of the red blood cells.

“Developments are gradually leaking out that the epidemics of hepatitus occu ring in hospitals the last few years are closely related to blood transfusions from different races of peoples. This is now being recognized by American blood banks”. He goes on to say:

“The social engineers and misguided do-gooders, devoting their energies to race mixing as a basis for social adjustment, are now proven wrong from every scientific point of view. Race mixing is bound to result in racial suicide! The Red Cross and other blood banks, who have mixed blood of the races for transfusions, under pressure of minority groups, are guilty of a crime against humanity. The crime is not directed to the white Caucasian race alone, but there is much evidence that white blood given to a Negro has, in many instances, caused a much more serious result”. Professor Bonner concludes: “This must not be continued in the face of scientific evidence that mixed blood transfusions may have fatal consequences”.

NOTE: While medical authorities are cognizant of the difference in the blood composition between the races, this is not considered a proper subject for general discussion and while this information is available from medical reference sources, it is not something which is promulgated by the published or electronic media. In fact it is considered to be “verboten!” (Does it not seem strange, that this vital information has been kept a secret from the “brainwashed” Christians in the Judeo-Christian churches. Ask yourself, why? Editor Mohr)

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