Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Yahweh the name

A “Bible Revelations” Presentation -   Created 1998,  updated 13 March 2008


Why were the Sacred Names removed from the Scriptures? – 7000 times in the Old Testament and 1000 times in the New Testament? The Restoration  thereof is flooding the world – You can share in it also!
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The use of the Sacred Name by Commentators, preachers and in special Sacred Name Bible publications, have been rapidly increasing over the last few decades. So intensive has this increase of knowledge been, that the use of the Hebrew or Jewish Names of The Most High and the Messiah, have become almost common domain in religious education and institutions and amongst dedicated worshippers.

According to Jewish Orthodox tradition, the Sacred Name is not to be uttered and accordingly, the form “G-d ” is used in writing or printing.  In place of pronouncing the Sacred Name in prayer, worship and discussion, the form “Adonai”  (the Hebrew for  ‘Lord’)  is used.

With due respect to our Jewish readers and to the Almighty, we teach,  use and print the Sacred Name for the following reasons, which we feel do override all other considerations:

  • To identify and accordingly exalt the bearer of this Name as the PERSONAL God of Israel and of the universe, as opposed to the general interpretation of a rather mystical, almost unidentifiable Being, as held by most religions.
  • To proclaim and make known this Name unto the masses of believers who claim to follow Him but know not His Name – so that they may sanctify and praise His name that His Name may be honoured among the nations (Malachi 1:11; Isaiah 12:4).
  • To conform with what may really be the more correctly interpreted  instruction of Exod. 20:7 concerning the use of His Name:  viz.  “Do not make His Name worthless”  “Lo tisah et Shem YHVH Eloheicha l’shav.”  By withholding the proclamation of His Name, we may well be guilty of “making His Name worthless.” For a more comprehensive overview of this interpretation and the topic in general, please refer to the study: Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God as Judaism insists?
  • The Torah and Tanach (‘Old’ Testament) clearly records how Hebraic Patriarchs and Prophets actually proclaimed and pronounced the Sacred Name as a Testimony to non-Jews and non-believers and how His followers will come to know His Name and call upon Him, using this Name!  Please refer to:  Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God?

The ‘Personal’ Name of the ‘God of Israel’ by which He anciently revealed Himself to Moses ( 6:2).  ‘YAH’ is spelt in original Hebrew, with the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet – the ‘yood’, smallest letter in the alphabet, represented by the inverted comma ( ‘ ). YAHU also has the meaning of  ‘He is YAH’

Obscure Preservation of the Sacred Name ‘YAHU’

Hebrew personal names have meanings, and many such personal names have throughout time, been linked to the Sacred Name YAHU.  In this obscure way, the Sacred Name YAHU has been preserved for modern times, notwithstanding the fact that it has been almost totally removed from most Bible Translations.

This Name, through recent archeological discoveries in Israel, has been found to be part of more Hebrew words and names than were formerly known. There is an untold number of usages in the Tanach (‘Old Testament’) where this form of the Sacred Name is used as a conjunction in Biblical names.  Some of the more common examples of these are:

EliYahu (‘Elijah’)

YeremiYahu (‘Jeremiah’)

YeshiYahu (‘Isaiah’)

YahuShafat (‘Josephat’)

NetanYahu (also the name of former Israeli Prime Minister)

YahuNatan (‘Jonethan’)

and of course, the Messianic Salvation Name YAHU’SHUAH (‘Yeshuah’)

In each of the examples above, the meanings of these names refer to the Name of the Most High, eg. YAHU is Strength, my God is YAHU, etc

Similarly, the Tribe of Judah, the progeny of which to this day, still represents the original Hebraic Faith instituted by Moses according to the Divine Mandate which was handed to him personally by YAHU, God of Israel, some 4000 years ago.  All the disasters of Time failed to wipe out the Tribe of Judah, which today is known as ‘the Jews’ -  in Hebrew: Yahudim. The Tribe of Judah, in Hebrew is ‘Yahuda’, a Jew is‘Yahudi‘. While no specific Hebrew meaning is attached to this term in the modern usage, we do find the following meanings as applied to obscure Bible characters with similar names:

‘YahuAdah’ (YAH unveils) 1 Chron. 8:36
‘YahuYadah’ (YAH knows) 2 Samuel 8:18, etc

Can it be that sinister powers have erased the linkage with the ‘guardians of His Oracles’ (the Jews) to the Name of YAHU? -  Rom 3:2  - they,  who have been His Testimony to the world all these centuries?

Strange also how, in the modern Hebrew dictionary,  three words appear in successive order:

  • Yehudah – with its derivations referring to Jews
  • YHVH – the Sacred Name, and
  • Y’SHUAH (abbreviated form for YAHU’SHUAH) – the Messiah’s Name.


    The Sacred Name appears in the Hebrew Scriptures as four Hebrew letters Yud,  hey, vav, hey, which is closest represented by the letters YHVH.  This format is  known as the Tetragrammaton.  According to Jewish tradition it is regarded as ‘not to be uttered’ in order never to profane it in any way.  In Judaism it is therefore pronounced as ‘Adonai’, meaning ‘Lord’. Notwithstanding this prohibition, the Sacred Name is acknowledged in its usage as part of the names of many Biblical characters, as referred to above – and as any Bible concordance or reference book will provide.

    Because of these prohibitions, translations of the original Hebrew scrolls have, throughout the ages, replaced the Tetragrammaton with ‘the LORD’ (in capital letters) and the Sacred Name, in so doing, became ‘lost’ for many centuries.

    Since the sixties, there has been a movement in modern theology and especially amongst sincere Bible students throughout the world, to restore the newly ‘rediscovered’ Sacred Hebrew Name.  Sacred Name publications which chose to restore the Sacred Name in the almost 7000 instances in the Bible, appeared one after the other and the ‘Sacred Name Movement’, towards the nineties and the turn of the millennium, became a flood which today literally engulfs the world…

    Although there is no firm consensus on the actual pronouncement or spelling of the Tetragrammaton YHVH,  there are several representations or transliterations in use by theologians and Bible students.  Some of the more popular forms are YAHVEH, YAHWEH and Jehovah. A comprehensive list of the various usages that abound, are presented further down on this page.

    For the purposes of this Web Site and out of respect for the Sacredness and sanctification of the Name, we will print the Tetragammaton formYHVH throughout the studies of this Web Site and leave the reader free to either substitute it or pronounce it in the way they find comfortable.

    The mystery attached to the Name of the Almighty, is related to the verb ‘to be’ ( I am, I was, I will be) which is the Hebrew verb ‘Hoveh’  (the ‘v’ pronounced as in ‘victory’),  meaning “to be”, in the present tense.  YHVH therefore, means: “YAH Hoveh”, which means  “YAH is …” (YAH being His abbreviated (actual ?) name as reflected in Psalm 68:4 in some translations.

    It is therefore quite possible that the correct rendering of the SH’MAH (the Greatest Commandment – Deut 6:4) should therefore read:


This is how it appears in the Hebrew Scrolls:

Read from right to left (so also the following)
Top line:
YHVH  Yisrael  Shmaa <{——-

Bottom line:
echad YHVH Eloheinu <{——-

Source:  http://www.biblicalhebrew.com/links.htm

In modern Hebrew grammar this matter is so serious and important, that the verb ‘to be’ (‘I am’) is not used in the present tense at all!  An Israeli will therefore state in Hebrew:  “I teacher … I clever”, omitting the verb ‘to be’ (I am) in the present tense.  Usage of the Hebrew verb ‘HOVEH’ (I am) would imply referring to oneself as being the Almighty!  This gives reason for serious contemplation.  The Almighty “is” everything good, without question. The human being, being exactly the opposite, is so easily inclined to self exaltation and self praise (often hidden under a false pretence of humility, love, care, etc.). The use of “I” and “I am” in the vocabulary of the proud and arrogant individual is a popular practice. The indwelling Spirit of the Almighty in the heart and soul of the believer, changes this selfish, haughty, deceiving attitude to an attitude of genuine humility, recreated in His Image, as the Almighty requires of us to possess. Volumes could be written on this subject.


The original Hebrew or Jewish Name of the professing Jewish Messiah, who was accepted as such by a certain section (some 3000 souls) of Israel, at and after His Appearance in Israel, some 2000 years ago.  To them He was known as YAHU’SHUAH  (abbreviated: Y’SHUAH, also pronounced YEHOSHUA or YESHUA).  In time, over the first few centuries after Messiah,   His Name was gradually changed to “Je-Zeus Khristos” by the pagan masses who converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic Sect.  Out of this, Christianity was born, which was a mixture of originally pure Judaism, and gradually, progressive influences of pagan customs and traditions, together with a growing tide of an anti-Semitic spirit.  This was greatly due to the instigation of influential leaders like Constantine the Great, who was a Zeus worshipper, and who purportedly converted to Christianity.  It was also a natural process as a result of the infiltration of followers of the sun god, Zeus,  into the Christian ranks. Even the name of their pagan idol ‘Zeus’ was applied to their new-found Jewish Messiah – and Y’Shuah  (the abbreviated transliteration of YAHU’SHUAH),  became “Y’Zeus” or Je-Zeus – which became ‘Jesus’ in English  (NOTE – the middle ‘s’ is pronounced as a ‘z’).  In other languages, it took on various other forms.

A similar pagan influenced name-shift has been retained to this day in the KJV translation of Luke 4:27, where it refers to the prophet “Eliseus’ and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14 (according even to the KJV reference version).  This prophet’s Hebrew name, however, was ‘Eli’Shuah’, which means “God is my Salvation” (as Y’SHUAH means “YAH is Salvation” or “YAH the Saviour”). Exactly the same as the pagan influence changed Y’SHUAH to “Y’Zeus” – (‘Jesus’ – phonetically ‘Jezus’), so also Luk 4:27 reflects the change of “Eli’Shuah” to “Eli’Zeus’  (“My God is Zeus”)!  Youngs Bible Concordance in its reference to the name ‘Eliseus’,  states: “The form in which the name of Elisha appears in the common version of the New Testament and the Apocrypha in Luke 4:27″.

The Hebrew form of the Name YAHU’SHUAH (or Y’SHUAH) is often used in the Tanach (Old Testament) as well as in the official Jewish daily and festival Prayer Books, where it is generally translated as “Salvation”.

The recent much acclaimed computer generated research into repeating patterns or ‘secret revealing codes’ purportedly contained in the original Hebrew text of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), revealed hidden codes of the Name Y’SHUAHin all the prophetic sections concerning the promised Messiah.

The 6th Book of the Bible uses the identical Hebrew form, and is translated “Joshua”.   The most probable authentic form is YAHOSHUA or YAHU’SHUA

The publishers wish to emphasise that, although the forms YAHVEH (for the God of Israel), and YAHU’SHUAH (for the Messiah) are favoured in this edition, we acknowledge most of the other accepted forms.  We believe that we should not be dogmatic, since all the various forms which are so dogmatically insisted upon by various interpreters, are merely transliterations of the original Hebrew – which after all, is the only true and exact Name.  All the various forms which are presented by Sacred Name promoters and which are the cause of so much confusion,  are proposed in an earnest endeavour to proclaim the Biblical Sacred Names.  This process of representing a word or a name in a different language, is called ‘transliteration’.


This process of writing Hebrew words in another language or alphabet is more an art than a science, and opinions on the correct way to transliterate Hebrew words and names vary widely amongst the Sacred Name Restorers amongst all the nations of the world.. This is why, for instance,  the Jewish festival of lights (in Hebrew,  spelled Chet-Nun-Kaf-He) is transliterated as ‘Chanukah, Chanukkah, Hanuka’  and many other forms   Each spelling has a legitimate phonetic and orthographic basis;  none is right or wrong from a linguist’s viewpoint.  It is only specific in the original Hebrew.

For purposes of this study, we have conglomerated from the Oxford Dictionary, a definition for the process of transliteration, from the three definitions affecting it, namely, name, word and transliteration. We then arrive at the following:

Transliteration of the Sacred Name is the process of representing the original Hebrew sound or combination of sounds which form a spoken word by which God is known and identified, in the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet

It is obvious, that this process of using “the closest corresponding letters”, would present various options in the ‘new’ alphabet, more so, because some Hebrew letters or sounds are not always represented in other languages.

Messianics claim  that  “… there is no other Name under heaven,  given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).  This is the Name which man has unwarrantedly changed through their transliterations of His original Hebrew Name,  into many different languages, so that today Messiah is known:

to the English as ‘Jesus Christ’
to Italians as ‘Gesu Cristo’
to the Welsh as ‘lesu Grist’
to Hungarians as ‘Jezus Krisztusnak’
to Nigerians as ‘Azizos Xraist’

To Pakistanis (Urdu) as  “Yasu Massih ”

What great embarrassment would it be to prominent men,  to have their names translated in each country they visit.  So, for instance,  Mr. Churchill, on his arrival in Germany, would be addressed as Mr. Kirchehiigel. This name will change to Mr. Kerkkoppie in South Africa – and on his arrival in Africa,  he will, no doubt, have much difficulty in recognising his name as Mr. Kerekelekgabana!!

An absurdity presented by this transliterating process,  is that often the ‘new’ representations introduce sounds that are non-existing in the Hebrew language, as for instance:
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jehovah’ (‘J’ as in ‘George’)
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jesus’
- the ‘w’ in ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Yahowah’
We have to re-emphasise that these sounds do not exist an Hebrew and is not provided for in the Hebrew alphabet, yet some Sacred Name promoters insist on their interpretation and transliteration as the ‘only true’ form.

It is for this reason that BIBLE REVELATIONS promote the wider tolerant stance of “acknowledging most of the other accepted forms”, without digressing from the importance of finding the correct form of the Sacred Name/s. The soundness of this tolerant stance can be substantiated by performing the following exercise:
The following paragraphs below publish a list of the various transliterated forms that are commonly proclaimed for the Sacred Name/s.  Read thru this list fast, almost casually or browsingly, without great concern for specific pronunciation – and LISTEN to your own voice.  You will find that all these variations present one almost identical sound.  It is also important to realise that, in any nation we find various sectors and dialects and when presenting these sectors with the pronunciation of even their own language, we will find great variations. The foundational Truth is, that a name represents a sound (and a meaning), and in the written language, this sound is represented by certain letters to secure that sound.  regarding the Sacred Name/s - the only true foundation that we have for it, is the written Hebrew form. And to represent this in various languages, is where the problem rests – thus, in the Curse of the Tower of Babylon (Gen. 11).

The following transliterated versions of the Sacred Names which are in use by various Sacred name groups,  are therefore acknowledged:

YHVH YHWH Yahweh Yahveh Yaveh Yaweh Jehova Jehovah Jahova Jahovah Yahova Yahovah Yahowah Jahowa Jahowah Yahavah Jahavah Yahowe Yahoweh Jahaveh Jahaweh Yahaveh Yahaweh Jahuweh Yahuweh Jahuwah Yahuwah Yahuah Yah Jah Yahu Yahoo Yaohu Jahu Yahvah Jahvah Jahve Jahveh Yahve Yahwe Yauhu Yawhu Iahu Iahou Iahoo Iahueh

Jeshua, Yeshua, Yeshuah, Yehshua, Yehshuah, Yeshouah,  Y’shua, Y’shuah, Jeshu, Yeshu, Yehoshua, Yehoshuah, YHVHShua, YHVHShuah, Yhvhshua, Yhwhshua, YHWHShua, YHWHShuah, Yhvhshuah, Yhwhshuah, Yahvehshua, Yahwehshua,  Yahvehshuah, Yahwehshuah, Yawhushua,Yahawshua, Jahshua, Jahshuah, Jahshuwah, Jahoshua, Jahoshuah, Jashua, Jashuah, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Yashua, Yashuah, Yahshua, Yahshuah, Yahushua, Yahushuah, Yahuahshua, Yahuahshuah, Yahoshua, Yahoshuah, Yaohushua, Yaohushuah,  Yauhushua, Iahoshua, Iahoshuah, Iahushua, Iahushuah, YAHO-hoshu-WAH


YAHU =  YA-HU,  the ‘YA’ as in ‘yard’;
and  ‘Hu’ as in ‘Who’
YAHU’SHUAH =  YAHU- SHOE- A   (the  final ‘A’ as in ‘arm’).
‘YA’ as in ‘yard’


For YAHU- we shall print YHVH

For YAHU’SHUAH - we may sometimes print Y’SHUAH


It is vital that students of the Bible have a Sacred Name version because the Scriptures become far more transparent in these versions.  There are various Sacred Name versions of the Bible available on the market. These are normally not easily obtainable.  Please drop me a line if you find any difficulties in locating a Sacred Name Bible.

Here are a few on-line free versions which you may use:

On-Line Sacred Name Versions of the Bible - click on title
Sacred Name King James Version
The Scriptures (Dr Koster)
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yahveh’ in the Old Testament & ‘Jesus’ in the New Testament
World English Bible - Uses English transliteration of the Hebrew names for the Bible Books, prophets & places, but ‘LORD’ for the Name of God
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yeshua’ in the New Testament.
The Tanach in Hebrew

Click here for List of Bible Versions which acknowledge Sacred Names

How to evaluate a Bible Translation Version

Typically, the enemy has gotten ‘his foot in the door’ with these Sacred Name translations.  Because Truth becomes so transparent when we read the Sacred Name in some 7000 instances in the Bible, the publishers of some of these versions have not neglected to twist some of the most salient texts concerning the sublime Identity of YAHU’SHUAH as the Only true God, away from this revelationary Truth. Some popular editions which make themselves particularly guilty of this audacious tactic, are:

The Traina version,

The TEST verse, by which to test the authenticity of a specific Translation and the spirit of the translator, is:

Isaiah 9:5 (or 6 in some versions):
Here is the original Hebrew version and its literal word meanings:
Ki – Because
Yeled – a boy
yulad – born
lanu - to/for us
Ben – a son
natan – was given
lanu – to us
va’tehi - and shall be
ha’misrah – the rule, dominion
al Shichmoh – on his shoulder
va’yikra Shmoh – and – shall call – His Name
Peleh - Wonderful
Yoh’etz – Consultant, Councellor
El Gibor – God Mighty
Avi-ad – Father Eternal
Sar-Shalom – Ruler of Peace

The literal word meanings above,  indisputably refer to the Messiah as the ‘Mighty God and Eternal Father’ - but when comparing different translations, it becomes clear that some translators deliberately conceal this Revelation by their manipulative renderings.  The reader may be sure that the rest of such a translation, in the many less affirmative texts, will certainly continue this cover-up.

For another example of such inconsistent translation in The Scripturesby Dr Koster,  click here, and do not neglect to read the rest of that study also - Should we address YHVH as Elohim rather than God?.

What is BIBLE REVELATIONS’ Position on the use and selection of Bible Versions?

Quotations in this Web Site of BIBLE REVELATIONS are generally made from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, unless otherwise stated.  Readers should however compare as many translations as possible and carefully follow the general context of those sections from which quotations are made as well as that of the whole Bible in its entirety.

There is no 100% perfect translation of the Original text of the Hebrew Scriptures.  The most authentic and best guarded renderings throughout the ages, are found to this day in Jewish synagogues.  This was the Divine Mandate to them (Rom. 3:2, Acts 7:38).

The sincere seeker after Truth may be assured, that any of the available translations have sufficient original Truth left in them, to bring one to the realisation of the Original True Faith.  This has been proven to be so throughout the ages, and increasingly so in these latter days,  by millions of Bible students all over the world who find and revert to this Original True Faith. (Refer Re-identification of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and related links on that Page and in the On-Site Library)


Following is a List of Bible Translation Versions which do recognize the Sacred Name of God to some greater or lesser extent.  The power of tradition over people’s minds, becomes evident when there is such great opposition by the majority of believers against the use or recognition of the Sacred Names, despite such a long list of authoritative Bible versions which recognise the Sacred Names.

The underlined titles below, are actual Links to


versions – Click

The Sacred Name YHVH versus the Hebrew words ‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’

We have pointed out above, that there may be a probable linkage of

YHVH to the verb ‘hoveh’ i.e.  “YAH – HOVEH, spelt in Hebrew

Y-HVH or Yud – hey vav hey. There are now some interpreters who

maintain that there is a similar Hebrew word spelt with exactly the

same Hebrew letters hey vav hey, which is pronounced “hovah”

(as opposed to ‘Hoveh’) and which means “covetousness/wickedness”.

They therefore discard versions of the Sacred name like: Jehovah,

Yahovah, Yahvah and even Yahoveh.

It is more likely that this closeness in spelling have an underlying

Truth in it, like for instance, that YHVH is the Saviour of those who

accept Him and comply with His requirements, while He is also the

Judge and the Destroyer (ultimately) of those who have rejected Him

and who chose to side with His opposers, or those who committed

themselves to evil.

The matter becomes particularly problematic, considering the peculiar

essentials of the Hebrew language not having vowels.  It is the vowels

that will change ‘hoveh’ into ‘hovah’ – but there are no written vowels in

Hebrew proper to indicate which version is meant (especially anciently

when the Torah was originally written).  Modern Hebrew does utilise

little signs (dashes and dots) below the Hebrew letters.  Thus either

‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’ is written in Hebrew, simply by using h-v-h

(Hebr. hey-vav-hey)

The Hebrew dictionary reflects the following versions, one after the

other strangely enough,  and all spelt hey-vav-hey

Havah – trouble, destruction, mischief, passion.
Hovah -    “               “               “        ruin
Havah – 3rd person past tense of ‘to be’  i.e. he was
Heveyh – Command form:  “be!” -  as in ‘be lord over your brethren’

Gen. 27:29
Hivah – 3rd person past tense – to cause to be, constitute
Hoveh – present, present tense.
Hoveh – 1st person, male, present tense – to be i.e. I AM  – though

written with a double vav
Hovah -    “     “     female,                   -  do  -

As if confirming the above peculiarity, the Hebrew spelling of the

Salvation Name inherent in Messiah’s Name, YAHU’SHUAH,  has an

equivalent particularly ‘bad’ alternative.  This occurs in the ‘ah’ sound

in the final syllable, ‘Shuah’.  In Hebrew, there are 2 letters denoting

the ‘a’ or ‘ah’ sound – either the Aleph, or the A’yin.  YAHU’SHUAH

(meaning ‘YAH or YAHU is salvation’, ‘Saviour’, ‘Help’) is written with

an a’yin.  But, the ‘Holocaust’, the biggest catastrophe in Jewish history,

is also called the ‘Shoah’ (Yom HaShoah is the special remembrance

Day on the Jewish Calendar).  This spelling is similar to the last part of

the Salvation Name, i.e. ‘YAH-Shuah‘, but it ends with an aleph – before

the final silent hey (which is sometimes used and other times not).

The dictionary, surprisingly, gives the meaning of Shoah as “destruction

, ruin” (same as for Havah!) – also as ‘holocaust, cataclysm, disaster,

abyss’ – all totally opposite from the sacred meanings depicted in His

name and Mission.

Is this pure co-incidence – or is there a deeper meaning, i.e.  that

YAHU’SHUAH will be ‘disaster’ etc. for those who oppose Him and go

lost, but He shall be Saviour and Help to those who accept Him, thereby

coming into the Eternal Covenant, like unto, and equal with Judah

(the Jews) – refer Eph. ch 2.  One could also reason that this extreme

oppostites in meaning of the same sounding words, may well infer the

power of ‘Salvation’ to change, roll over, redeem ‘disaster’ – just as

YAHU’SHUAH can change the disaster that a soul or the nation of

Israel finds itself in, eg.  10-Israel was rejected and ‘divorced’ by YHVH,

casted out of the Covenant into damnation – but YAHU’SHUAH

redeemed them and is returning them to be united into ONE Nation on

the soil of Israel once more!  He turns their ‘Shuah’ from damnation and

disaster into the Saving Victory!  HalleluYAH!

Refer:  The True Gospel

Is God not after all a Great Blessing to those who worship Him, and

disaster to those who don’t?  Significantly, there is but a small ‘crossing’

between the two – yet a great abyss for many souls who find it so hard

to traverse.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: For every Truth that transpires, Satan stands ready

with an alternative, to drag would-be over comers down into the Abyss

again.  Be warned, that this supposition of a probable dual meaning in

both the Name of the Creator God as well as His Salvation Name, will

be grabbed as support for their sick teaching, by promoters of the theory

that “God in essence can be the Source of both Good and Evil”.  These

people obviously lack the true respect and love for the Impeccable and

Holy One.  The fact that, apart from being the Saviour to some people,

God may also be the Judge and ‘disaster’ to those who oppose Him,

does not make Him the source of that evil or disaster!  This ‘theory’

goes even deeper, to an extent that we would refrain from even

mentioning here – be warned! This will simply be another test of your

True and unshakable Faith in His Holiness,  which you will be amply

rewarded for in His Kingdom.

So, don’t shy away from Knowledge which will set you free.  The Truth

shall certainly set you free.  Simply cling to the admonition given in:

Phil 4:8 (KJV) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

whatsoever things  are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever

things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of

good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on

these things”  (and discard the rest!).

Click here to view full index of Sacred Name studies.

Or Click below for Additional Reading

666 – Mark of the Beast versus The Sacred Name
Should we say ‘Elohim’ rather than ‘God’?
Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name as Judaism requires?
Why should a believer be baptised in the Sacred Name?
What really happened at ‘Pentecost’ in Jerusalem?

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