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What is Truth?
http://stargods.org/WhatIsTruth.html |
What is truth? Everyone has different ideas, and the only time they are spiritually united, is when we are under the direction of an institutionalized church. It is not about truth and who is right and who is wrong because these are perspectives. Perspectives are like snowflakes, no two are the same unless you submit to the universal perspectives of organized religion. At that point you become a slave of the controlled mind.
People today desire not to think or search for higher and elusive truths. They want the churches to think for them, and put all truth in a pretty box with a pink ribbon. Secular society allows TV to think for them and relives all from the responsibility of individual thought. Individual thought means change, and most people do not want change. Like controlled cattle they desire to work all day, only to come home and shut down their brain with the use of TV. Truth and individual thinking is shunned by today’s society. They believe what they are told to believe and follow the herd without question. Society hates truth. Having said this, we have many churches claiming to have the truth. Well if the churches have all spiritual truth, then they would have been emptied out and shut down centuries ago because the herd hates the responsibility of truth. Many claim to search for truth, but when given truth, they scream “heresy!” So called “truth seekers” claim to want truth, yet when told some truth, they respond with, “You can’t say that!” Many Christians today use the fear of the Devil and hell to shut free thinkers down. Anyone with an opposing perspective is called a deceiver and part of the New World Order. In the past non-conformist thinkers were burned alive on a stake. Today we have laws against this; so free thinkers of today are often threatened with hell fire and damnation for thinking outside the box. Herd mentality demands complete blind faith in church and bible. These pillars of religion can never be questioned. Well if truth is truth, then it demands and invites questions and debate. If one questions the Church or the Bible, he or she will receive a “Get behind me Satan” look by the herd thinkers. The Ranch hands often protect the herd thinkers. They water down all arguments and debates using used car salesmen logic. Some can also be fuzzy and placid in their arguments. These protectors, with a wave of their hand, and the use of flimsy logic, win over all debates, and are seen as great-learned ones among the cattle. Some go on to become so called theologians of institutionalized thinking. It is so ironic how church believers protect themselves from Satan and his lies, yet at the same time, Satan us used by the spiritual hierarchies to keep the herd in fear so they reject all truth. Satan appears to be the great boogieman that keeps the mindless cattle together through the use of fear. Get out of line and you will burn, suffer, choke, and weep in hellfire for ever and ever amen. Like in the movie Wizard of OZ, the spiritual cattle are told by the Great and almighty OZ never to look behind the curtain. The herd of today are told that if they do speak and question the doctrines, well this means they are backsliding into hell fire. A good Christian soldier is never allowed to question or to think beyond the chains of doctrines. The question is this; did Jesus teach doctrines of control? No. In fact he would often break Sabbath laws. What Jesus taught was love, advice, and not doctrines of control. He came to impart knowledge to the willing and waiting. He came to set us free. Yes, free from the Law/doctrines. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matt 11:29-30 The concept of love frees us from fear and control. Christ is in us guiding, teaching, and leading us to the Father. So with Christ in us, who needs church? What we have in us is far more spiritual than any church or scripture. Christ is in us leading us, and setting us free. In this time, Christians have become far too judgemental. One issue is the Gay movement. Yes some can act in ungodly ways in the media, but so can heterosexuals. It is strange for me how churches condemn Gays, yet at the same time, they ignore the ramped womanizing and pedophile actions among various churches. People should concentrate more on their spiritual growth instead of pointing fingers at others. Christians tend to poke their self-righteous sticks in people’s eyes and then wonder why people get hostile with them? There is an old saying that tells us to clean up our own backyards first. If it is important to you, then set an example and stop the finger pointing. Love and truth does not seek to enslave and control others. What is this faith that the cattle Christians push? It is a doctrine that Jesus died for our sins, and if we do not blindly accept this, we will go on to be tortured forever in a lake of fire. The Church feels that they have to push Jesus down the throats of the “pagans” so they accept Jesus in their hearts. Accepting Jesus forgives all sins. Then they can continue to sin, but now it is okay because of the bloody human sacrifice of Jesus. This is another chain link forged into the shackles of power and control. Christ did not come to free us from sin. We are born in sin. We breathe, ingest, and live in sin. Telling us not to sin is like telling a cat not to chase birds; it is never going to happen no matter how many human sacrifices there are. God is God, and I as a free thinker, do not agree with the fact that we must mouth a prayer of salvation and that’s it. Aging everything is all neatly packed into a pretty box and tied with a fuzzy ribbon. The Church does not focus on spiritual growth at all. They just focus on sin and guilt. We are told that we are pathetic sinners disserving death, and this is why we need the churches. With out the Church, we will all backslide into hell. This is not a doctrine of love. It is about using guilt to manipulate and control us! There is no sin, only lessons and challenges. When we sin, we should never feel guilty because sin is what makes us human. Don’t beg for forgiveness, let us just thank God for our growth. We all have to grow spiritually one day at a time, brick by brick, and piece by piece. A true God of love never condemns us. When a baby is learning to walk, do we condemn that child for falling, or do we offer a helping hand? Should the child just sit their and wallow in guilt and feel like a pathetic sinner? No. Rise up and move forward! God is far above anything we can conceive. He is as far above us, as we are to an insect. God is for all mankind. All we need to do is start learning from God. Jesus came to lead us to the Father, not to teach salvation prayers. God waits for us to begin to focus on him and to learn. As we learn, we grow closer to God. Sin is what happens when we miss the mark. In the Bible sin simply means to miss the mark in a race. In a race some cross the finish line, while others take longer, yet in the end, all cross the finish line. Mouthing a salvation prayer moves us into fuzzy warm and churches of bondage. Seeking the knowledge and love of God moves us into his presence. Never judge the spiritual journeys of others because we are all learning and growing towards God, and none of us has all the answers! We only have our own personal perspectives. God is bigger than any box man can make! Want to be “saved?” Then just start living for for the spirit and not the flesh. May God bless you in this journey called life. |