Anti-Zionist orthodox Jews protest against Israel

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Real News 24/7


Jews against Zionism: The

Hidden Protest

Massive Media Cover-up!

“On Sunday, June 1, 2003 at 5th Ave. and 59th St. in Manhattan, NYC a group of anti-Zionist Jews demonstrated against Zionism and the Zionist State celebrated by marchers in the so-called Israel Day Parade.” (Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest against Israel ) As improbable as it may seem to the uninformed, a significant number of Jews in the United States, Great Britain, Israel and elsewhere oppose Zionism, Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and, in some instances, even the very existence of the State of Israel itself! We say hiddenprotest because this tangible opposition has been totally ignored by the news departments of the major television and radio networks, magazines and newspapers (in the last source, some papers, such as The New York Times, may make very brief mention of the protests, but even then they bury articles far from the front page).  Jews: Zionism is cause of instability in the world “The Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will proclaim their loyalty to pure Judaism and their opposition to Zionist heresy, which violates every principle of the Jewish religion. These people believe that the idolatrous Zionist ideology has nothing to do with Orthodox Jews, and that Jews are obligated by Judaism to live in peace and harmony with all other nations throughout the world, including Palestinian natives of course.”

According to one website, the reasoning behind the opposition is Zionism’s disobedience to God’s plan: “The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah.” In the minds of these Orthodox Jews, the Zionists sin by attempting a return to the Hold Land before the Messiah comes, instead of waiting  patiently in exile. Obviously, should not be imagined that all or even most Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism nor that the ones that do are therefore ill-deposed towards Jewish nationalism. For an article concerning these issues, read Paul Gottfried’s informative historical study, “Wishful thinking about the Middle East,” where he observes:

The fact that some of the Orthodox in Eastern Europe had viewed Zionists as a threat to rabbinical authority or that some of the ultra-Orthodox believe Jewish nationalists have jumped the gun by establishing a pre-messianic commonwealth does not mean that these dissenting Orthodox were or are not Jewish nationalists. What separates them from the Zionists is the purely strategic question of when it is permissible to create a Jewish national state, where Jews can live apart from the nations of the earth. The Orthodox and the Zionists have never disagreed over whether such a project is desirable.

It is only in this context that one can begin to properly understand just what makes the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jew tick. Nevertheless, their opposition to Zionism is real and it is profound. And Gottfried is not entirely accurate: Yes, there is a difference concerning the timetable for reclaiming the Holy Land, but he misses the fact that although the Zionists have been able to marshal support from many Orthodox, they are also largely secular in outlook, even to the point of denigrating Jewish traditions, using religion only as a cynical means to win over the more conservative Jews and making race, not religion, the test for those seeking to immigrate to Israel.. Quotes from a few of these rabbis will suffice to show this. Reb Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, known as the Chazon Ish (right), on founders of  Israel and their successors: “The only actual difference with the formation of the Zionists’ state is that before this they were hoodlums without arms and now the hoodlums have arms.” His belief that the Zionists in what was then Palestine were promoting a false version of Judaism is well-illustrated in the following anecdote:

In 1946 a disciple of the Chazon Ish, very distressed, mentioned that a day does not go by without a Jew being killed by an Arab; the Chazon Ish, admonished him and said, “Why aren’t you at all worried that tens of thousands of Jewish children receive an education on non-belief, which is as burning the soul and the body. Is not this mass murder worse than the killings of the Arabs? our sages have clearly expressed that he who makes someone sin is worse than he who kills him.”

Concurring on this was Lubavitcher Rabbi Sholem Schneersohn: “It is surely clear that the Zionists not only are not approaching Judaism, but that they entirely destroy Jewish souls intentionally.” The same theme is taken up again and again; Rav Chaim Soloveichik of Brisk (left) declared: “The Zionists do not  make Jews into heretics in order to have a state, they want a state in order to make Jews into heretics.”  (For an extensive list of quotations from these and many other rabbis, see “Words of the Rabbis opposing Zionism” section of the Jews Against Zionismwebsite.

News blackout, persecution of anti-Zionist Jews

Jewish anti-Israel/anti-Zionist demonstrations have taken place from New York to London to Jerusalem (photos above right, below right, and below left and bottom, respectively…other photo slideshow), but this opposition has been effectively covered up by the controlled news media. (For an example, see the Rally for Israel link below.) Why is this? The very premise of an anti-Israel/anti-Zionist Jew is highly newsworthy by virtue of its uniqueness. The answer is twofold. First, by ignoring this phenomenon, they are better able to perpetuate the myths that all Jews support Israel and (less consciously) all Israelis support Zionism, so that Americans are conditioned to respond in knee-jerk fashion: Jew=pro-Israel, without considering the possibility of exceptions to this unreal universal. Secondly, by establishing this false premise, the Israel Firsters within the journalistic community are able to stifle any and all criticism of the Israeli government. They are able to do this by cultivating in the public mind the falsehood that to oppose Israel is tantamount to opposing all Jews, which, by extension, makes one an anti-Semitic, “Holocaust”-denying bigot. The Zionists fear that if the general public were to become aware of Jewish opposition to Israel, many people would see through the myth and cease giving that nation the unconditional support (and huge annual foreign aid package) it currently enjoys.

And the pro-Zionist media and their handlers have also manipulated (and, on occasion, coerced) Jewish opinion. In an article, “Judaism is not Zionism,” the Jews United against Zionism website states:

The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.

A case in point:  Zionist oppression of Jews in Iraq Naeim Giladi, an Iraqi Jew, on the Zionist influence in that country:

I am writing this article for the same reason I wrote the book: to tell the American people, especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate even more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors.…I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called ‘cruel Zionism.’…I write about it because I was part of it.

Zionist intimidation of anti-Zionist and non-Zionist Jews has various guises. On March 18, 2003, London  witnessed strong-arm attempts to suppress the free speech of those protesting Israel (see photo, right). Last fall, at the Rally for Israel in Washington, DC, Jewish Zionists posing as Christian Zionists shouted down rabbis who demonstrated against the rally.

Further, some Orthodox Jews also have even shown that before and during World War II the Zionists cut deals with Nazis and even left some of their coreligionists to perish in the camps, when they could have aided in their rescue. (This peculiar collaboration is also covered at length by the socialist Jew, Lenni Brenner, in the books,Zionism in the Age of the Dictators and 51 Documents: Zionist collaboration with the Nazis.) Incredibly, in a document to the Jewish Rescue Committee, which sought to secure the release of Jewish concentration camp prisoners, the Zionist Agency in Switzerland responded by callously declaring that “we must turn a deaf ear to the pleas and cries emanating from Eastern Europe.” (To read a translation of the complete letter at the Jews not Zionists website, under “menu” click “Zionism and the Holocaust,” then on “Min Hametzar.”)

Israel Shahak: “the world’s most conspicuous Jewish anti-Semite”

It should be noted, when the Zionists attempt to pigeonhole such sentiments to an ultra-Orthodox fringe, that several liberal (politically and/or religiously) Jews have also sounded their disapproval, even in Israel. Their opposition is less concerned with the religious aspects of the equation, focusing, rather, on the gross human rights violations that have been a part of the Zionists’ war against the Palestinians since Israel’s inception (and before).  An Arabic website notes that

There are a number of Jewish intellectuals who never stopped criticizing Zionism and always opposed its ideology and objectives.

They began opposing Zionism at the inception of  The Israeli League for Human Rights at the beginning of the 1970′s.

Intellectual Jews opposing Zionism include Elmer Berger, Norton Mezvinsky, Mosh Menuhin, Mick Ashley, Israel Shahak and Maxime Rodinson. Israel Shahak was the head of the league in 1970 and he was the first Jew to record detailed information about the number of children, elderly and woman killed, including Arab villages demolished by Hagana and Stern terrorist movements.

Israel Shahak’s records showed a total of 385 of 475 villages were demolished at the founding of Israel in 1948. (see Israel Shahak vs. Zionism)

Shahak, a chemistry professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University  and a Nazi concentration camp survivor wrote scathingly about the religious and cultural underpinnings of Zionism in many works, including the books Jewish Fundamentalism (co-authored by American history professor Norton Mezvinsky—reviewJewish History, Jewish Religion (review) and Open Secrets: Israeli nuclear and foreign policies (excerpts— review and another review by Norton Mezvinsky). He was also president of the Israeli League for Civil and Human Rights, a group which worked to defend the rights of Palestinians (a Google search for this organization did not find a website, so it may no longer be in existence). Such efforts have not gone without notice.

One of Shahak’s critics—Werner Cohn, also a Jewish academic—has described him as “the world’s most conspicuous Jewish anti-Semite”Some of Cohn’s attacks on points raised in Shahak’s book may be valid, but in general, there is far too much documentation there to refute the entire work.  While Cohn questions the sources (or lack thereof) for certain of Shahak’s contentions, it is Shahak’s own credibility and honesty that are questioned in the following passage:

One of Shahak’s charges has been taken very seriously. Some thirty years ago Shahak reported to the press that he had personally witnessed the following incident: an Orthodox Jew saw an injured non-Jew on the Sabbath. To save the man’s life, it was necessary to call an ambulance. The Jew had the phone handy but would not allow a violation of the sabbath, i.e. use of the phone, because the injured was a non-Jew. In Shahak’s version, with which he begins this book [Jewish history, Jewish religionReal News 24/7], the Jew here followed the ruling the of Orthodox rabbinate. The story was taken up by Ha-Arets in Israel, then by the Jewish Chronicle in London and other publications, all joining in a clamor against the barbaric Orthodox. (Dr. Shahak does not seem to notice that this clamor, which he duly notes, is in itself a refutation of his charge that current Jewish life is dominated by Orthodox inhumanity). Dr. Shahak, whose nose is longer than Pinocchio’s in any case, does not tell us the whole story of the incident. In the Summer 1966 issue of Tradition, an Orthodox Jewish journal, we have the much more credible account by Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits (left—later the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth). First of all, according to Rabbi Jakobovits, and contrary to Shahak’s allegation, the rabbinate had ruled clearly that not only can the Sabbath be violated under such circumstances, but such violation would be a religious duty, to save a non-Jewish life no less than a Jewish life. Moreover, we also learn that Dr. Shahak, when challenged to produce his “Orthodox Jew,” was forced to admit that this Jew did not exist.

For the text of Lord Jakobovits’s paper, please click on

This is a significant charge, because Shahak has identified this instance as a defining moment in his life, one that caused him to rethink (and, ultimately, reject) his Orthodox upbringing. Much of his subsequent career as political activist/iconoclast can be traced to this event. If it didn’t happen, if it was really  a non-event, then it would certainly be grounds to question Shahak’s veracity elsewhere, as well. The only source introduced by Cohn to show that “Dr. Shahak…was forced to admit that this Jew did not exist” is the Tradition article, “A Modern Blood Libel,” written not long after Shahak’s initial allegation. (A Google search was fruitless in finding more background material on this point.)

Unfortunately, neither Dr. Shahak nor Lord Jakobivits are alive, so they cannot be questioned concerning the matter. Since the rabbi didn’t live in Israel and the event allegedly occurred in Jerusalem, it must be wondered where the rabbi got his information and how reliable it was. If Shahak was forced to admit a lie, why would he have dared to use the falsehood in a book written years later? It could be argued that he didn’t think anyone would remember, but the possibility of detection seems a large risk to his reputation. And for that matter, how, in the first place, was he able to retain a good reputation for more than thirty years if all his enemies could simply raise the issue of his fabricated story. Yet apparently that never occurred, since only Cohn, of Shahak’s many critics, brings this up at all.

But all of this distracts from the issue of what Shahak was describing—was it credible? Is the notion of an “ultra-religious” (Shahak doesn’t use the word “Orthodox”) man refusing assistance on the Sabbath far-fetched? In his article, Rabbi Jakobivits quotes from the Talmud passages suggesting that a Jew would be morally obliged to help a non-Jew, but it is not uncommon to for rabbis to be able to glean theologically conflicting positions that vast work. The Brooklyn-born mass murderer Baruch Goldstein (right; see below concerning the Hebron massacre he committed) was an “ultra-religious” army physician, who not only would not have allowed his phone to be used in such a situation, but he would not treat a non-Jew—Sabbath or no Sabbath. Shahak, citing Israeli journals in an article linked below in the next section, writes:

But let me return to Goldstein’s refusals to treat the Gentiles. It turns out that he did it in principle, starting years before the massacre, but already in the capacity of an army physician and an officer. Aryeh Kizel in Yediot Ahronot, and “a correspondent” in Davar reported on March 1 that Goldstein, while still a conscript soon after his immigration to Israel, had been assigned as an artillery battalion doctor in Lebanon and flatly refused to treat the Gentiles. According to Kizel, he then declared straight out: “I am not willing to treat any non-Jew. I recognize as legitimate only two [religious] authorities: Maimonides and Kahane.” This declaration was made after a “refusal to treat a wounded Arab” who had to be referred to another military doctor as a result. “The background and consequences of the massacre in Hebron” (linked below in the next section)

The Kahane mentioned here was an other American, Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose teachings of vengeance were instrumental in Goldstein’s homicidal rampage. Concerning the teachings of Rabbi Moses Maimonides (also referred to as Rambam, short for his given name, R’ Moise ben Maimon), the12th century codifier of the Talmud, as they applied to “ultra religious” Jews,  Allan Brownfeld (also mentioned below) in the January/February 2001 issue Washington Report for Middle East Affairs, quotes Rabbi Avarham Hecht, president of the 540-member Rabbinical Alliance of America, on the subject of halakah (Jewish law), as it pertains to those who would yield any land of Israel:

Asked by New York Magazine to clarify what sounded like a religious death threat, Hecht explained: “All I said was that according to Jewish law, any one person—you can apply it to whoever you want—any one person who willfully, consciously, intentionally hands over human bodies or human property or the human wealth of the Jewish people to an alien people is guilty of the sin for which the penalty is death. And according to Maimonides—you can quote me—it says very clearly, if a man kills him, he has done a good deed.” (“Extremism in Israel Is Fueled by a Growing Ultra-Orthodox Movement in the U.S.“)

So, the incident cited by Shahak is consistent with the mindset of certain Orthodox in Israel and many other examples could be noted. In the light of such widespread “ultra-religious” activity, it hardly seems necessary for him to have had to invent an episode.

“Refuseniks” and other anti-Zionist Israelis

Yonatan Ben-Artzi appeared in a Jerusalem courtroom last April dressed in tee shirt and blue jeans. in Israel—it was a show of defiance, as he was ordered to wear the uniform of an army reservist. The 20-year-old was making an appeal to the Supreme Court that his trial for refusing to join the Israeli Defense Forces should be moved to a civilian court. If court-marshaled, he could get three years in prison.

The name Yonatan Ben-Artzi won’t mean anything to most Americans, but the name of his uncle will—Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s finance minister and former hard-line prime minister. Ben-Artzi is just the most high-profile of the “refuseniks”—the nickname refers to a growing number of Israelis soldiers and enlistees who object to the treatment of the Palestinians and refuse to take part in what they see as stateterrorism occurring in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As a result, around 200 have been jailed, but this has not diminished their determination to seek justice for the oppressed.   The man credited with giving the movement its impetus was the late Yeshayahu Leibovitz, a friend and Hebrew U colleague of Israel Shahak. Unlike Shahak, Leibovitz was an Orthodox Jew. Groups like Gush Shalom,founded by Israeli journalist Uri Avnery (below right), have championed the refuseniks’ cause (shown left, protesting the Iraq War) and an end to the continuing ill treatment of Arabs living in the Occupied Territories. Israel Shamir, a Siberian-born Israeli journalist, has also written much on the subject.

One such group, Courage to Refuse, consists of over 400 reservists. Members of the group have the gone before the Israeli Supreme Court with a petition, declaring:

The Israeli Defence Forces’ activities, notwithstanding the important goal of fighting terror, have a devastating impact on hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. For this reason, the occupation is illegal.”

According to a BBC report: “The soldiers argue that Israel has an obligation under international law to provide public services to Palestinians in any territory it re-occupies, and that it is not doing this.”

Yeshayahu Leibovitz also coined the term “Judeo-Nazism” to describe the mentality that was behind the 1994 massacre of 29 Islamic worshippers at a Hebron mosque by Baruch Goldstein, a  anti-Arab extremist. (See Shahak’s articles “The Ideology behind Hebron massacre” and the lengthier “The background and consequences of of the massacre in Hebron,” which also goes into the Israeli Army’s cover-up of certain details of the event.) Since then, comparisons of policies of the government Israeli President Ariel Sharon with those of the Nazis have become commonplace, though the first usage by Leibovitz was more restricted.

Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg, senior editor of The Jerusalem Report, in 2000 came out with a book, The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for Temple Mount, on the religious extremist elements—Islamic, Jewish and American evangelical Protestant “Christian Zionists”—at work in the Holy Land   In an interview with PBS about the book, he makes a surprising point concerning the origins of the Palestinian suicide attacks now so prevalent in the Middle East:

In a bizarre case of inter-religious influence, they adopted the method of suicide attacks on civilians that Goldstein had pioneered. The first big suicide bombing by Hamas came at the end of the forty-day mourning period after Goldstein’s massacre.

In The End of Days, Gorenberg roundly condemns the efforts to make Baruch Goldstein into a martyr and, concerning apocalyptic and potentially violent cults, says that the authorities must tread a fine line: “not treat beliefs as criminal [but] understand where those beliefs could lead.”

The contradiction inherent in the position of these Israelis is that while they oppose the outward manifestations of Zionism, they nonetheless are citizens of a country in which the Zionist ideology is intricately woven into the nation’s very institutions; quite literally, without Zionism there would be no Israel. So their task is monumental, as it requires a fundamental redefinition of Israel that includes full citizenship for all who live there. (This underscores the falsity of America’s bringing “democracy”—even by force, as in the case of Iraq—to some countries, but ignoring the fact that Israel is a democracy in name only, as it permits non-Jews to have only a second-class status.)

Noam Chomsky, Israel and the “Holocaust”

Noam Chomsky (right), MIT professor of modern languages and linguistics and political radical  who, in books like Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda and Manufacturing consent: the political economy of the mass media has been a significant media critic (“Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media”), has also written and lectured much against the horrendous political realities in the Middle East—and Zionism’s role in creating them. In his book Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians, Chomsky decries the double standard of the controlled news media in reporting the conflict, with the Israelis always portrayed as morally upright victims, but the Palestinians as fanatical killers:

The contrast is clear enough in journalism and scholarship, and it is also familiar in standard media fare, where the Arab terrorist is routinely contrasted with the heroic Israeli. It would,  for example, be inconceivable for a TV drama to portray an Israeli or Jewish character in the manner of the standard Arab villain, despite the ample record of Israeli terrorism over many years, effectively concealed in the United States.

However, the calumny he has received over such opinions pales in comparison to the enduring enmity he’s reaped as a result of his defense of French academic Robert Faurisson’s right to challenge certain alleged facts concerning the “Holocaust” without fear of losing tenure. In an essay “Some Elementary Comments on The Rights of Freedom of Expression,” Chomsky went so far as to write:

Let me add a final remark about Faurisson’s alleged “anti-Semitism.” Note first that even if Faurisson were to be a rabid anti-Semite and fanatic pro-Nazi—such charges have been presented to me in private correspondence that it would be improper to cite in detail here—this would have no bearing whatsoever on the legitimacy of the defense of his civil rights. On the contrary, it would make it all the more imperative to defend them since, once again, it has been a truism for years, indeed centuries, that it is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense. (Also see his “All denials of free speech undercut a free society,” which also denounces the deceit and intolerance of the Zionists.)

While he said he had not read Faurisson’s conclusions and had no particular interest in doing so, Chomsky stated  (with remarkable open-mindedness for a Jew) that

I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers or even denial of the Holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the Holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence. I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson’s work. (Chomsky letter to W. D. Rubinstein, 1981).

For this and for his approval of Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Chomsky was attacked by Canadian sociology professor Werner Cohn inPartners in hate : Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust deniers, which in typical Zionist fashion seeks to equate—without the slightest need for any supporting evidence—the simple denial or questioning of certain dogmas of the “Shoah” canon with the hatred of the Jewish people. Others Jewish critics of Chomsky for his anti-Zionist, pro-free speech positions  include Marxist-turned-”neoconservative” author David Horowitz and pro-torture ACLU lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

Other voices of “self-hating Jews”

There are other notable voices outside of Israel who are critical of Zionism’s aspirations. In 1978, Rabbi Elmer Berger (left), executive director of American Council for Judaism (1943-1967), and after 1968 as founder and president of the American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism, wrote a short study, Zionist Ideology: Obstacle to Peace, that is just as relevant twenty-five years later. Berger once declared:

The unarguable, political fact is that between Begin, the so-called ‘extremist,’ and [Chaim] Weizmann, the suave, deliberately ambiguous ‘moderate,’ the difference was one of only method or tactic; as indeed today (1984) the difference between a Kahane [the late Meir] and a Shamir or even a Peres, is one of only radicalism or gradualism.

Today, nearly two decades after this observation, the truism can be applied to Israel that the more things changes, the more they remain the same.

Around the same time as Rabbi Berger was writing Zionist Ideology: Obstacle to Peace, Alfred Lilienthal published The Zionist Connection (later appearing in a much expanded edition as The Zionist Connection II—click on cover for book review) a searing critique of the dominant Israeli ideology and its influence on America. Lilienthal, who served in the U.S. military and State Department, aroused controversy as early as 1949 with his article, “Israel’s Flag Is Not Mine,” published inReader’s Digest. Early in his book he makes a disturbing parallel between Zionism and the Third Reich, then explains the need for writing as he does:

In doling out incarceration and death while sweeping through conquered Europe, did not the Fuhrer undo the laws of emancipation for which many Jews had so long struggled, as he decreed: “You are not a German, you are a Jew – you are not a Frenchman, you are a Jew – you are not a Belgian, you are a Jew”? Yet these are the identical words that Zionist leaders have been intoning as they meticulously promoted the in-gathering to Israel (Palestine) of Jews from around the globe, even plotting their exodus from lands in which they have lived happily for centuries.

If at times this book seems unduly critical of Israel, and neglects to place in balance the oft-repeated arguments in its favor, it is simply because the gigantic propaganda apparatus of Israel-World Zionism has spun such extensive and deeply-ingrained mythology that there is hardly enough space to refute widely-accepted theses and expose the picture as it really is. (p. 5)

Norman Finkelstein (below, right), author of The Holocaust Industry (a look at the cynical financial exploitation of the “Holocaust” by certain Jews), received his doctorate from Princeton University’s Department of Politics for his thesis on the theory of Zionism. Jewish critics have accused him of being an “anti-Semite” and “Holocaust denier,” despite the fact that both of his parents were in Nazi concentration camp (The Washington Post’s Marc Fisher was forced to print a retraction of the latter allegation—found on Finkelstein’s website). He also has written both a book, Image and Reality in the Israel-Palestine Conflict, and articles critical of the way the Palestinians are mistreated by the Zionist government of Israel.

In that book, Dr. Finkelstein notes that the forced transfer of Palestinians was advocated by the British as early as the late 1930s and that

The right-wing Zionist leader, Vladimir Jabotinsky, taking heart from Nazi demographic experiments in conquered countries (about 1.5 million Poles and Jews were expelled in and hundreds of thousands of Germans resettled in their place), exclaimed: “The world has become accustomed to the idea of mass migrations and has almost become fond of them. Hitler—as odious as he is to us—has given this idea a good name in the world.”

Michael Neumann, a philosophy professor at Trent University in Ontario, Canada, also has contributed works concerning the Mideast crisis. In “What is anti-Semitism?” he shows how Zionists exploit the term anti-Semitism by accusing their critics of such an offense and how they mangle the meaning of words to suit their purpose:

“Anti-Semitism”, properly and narrowly speaking, doesn’t mean hatred of Semites; that is to confuse etymology with definition. It means hatred of Jews. But here, immediately, we come up against the venerable shell-game of Jewish identity: “Look! We’re a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry—a religion!” When we tire of this game, we get suckered into another: “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism! ” quickly alternates with: “Don’t confuse Zionism with Judaism! How dare you, you anti-Semite!”

Well, let’s be good sports. Let’s try defining anti-Semitism as broadly as any supporter of Israel would ever want: anti-Semitism can be hatred of the Jewish race, or culture, or religion, or hatred of Zionism. Hatred, or dislike, or opposition, or slight unfriendliness.

The serious side of this in the practical order is that the use of the “anti-Semitism” slur is made by the media lapdogs of the Zionist Israeli government to help deflect criticism of its criminal policies. (It makes committing atrocities against the Palestinians so much easier when one doesn’t need to answer for them!)

Syndicated columnist and author Allan Brownfeld (left) has written and lectured much on media bias as a member ofAccuracy in Media. In addition, he has penned incisive articles about Zionism and related issues, such as the one cited above regarding the “ultra-Orthodox” and their incitements to violence. It’s important to note that while many of those mentioned above are on the Left , Brownfeld is a conservative, proving that anti-Zionist Jews can be found all across the political and theological spectrums).

On another theme, already mentioned above, Brownfeld  notes the odd connection between Zionism and Nazism:

The point has been made by many commentators that Zionism has a close relationship with Nazism. Both ideologies think of Jews in an ethnic and nationalistic manner. In fact, the Nazi theoretician Alfred Rosenberg frequently quoted from Zionist writers to prove his thesis that Jews could not be Germans. (Emphasis added; from “Zionism and Anti-Semitism: A strange alliance through history,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July/August 1998 )

Finally, in this partial overview, attorney Stanley Cohen is standing up for the rights of Arab-Americans and their Palestinian relatives who have suffered at the hands of the Israelis. (He outlines the case here in a radio interview—the webpage has him misidentified as “Stephen” Cohen. Note the other links there, including Noam Chomsky audios.)

These are but a few of the more significant figures among the Jews opposing Zionism. Through the willful media suppression of such opinions, most Americans are ignorant of their existence. Yet the Zionists are painfully aware of them and have created a special term of reproach for these and other such critics of Israel/Zionism—self-hating Jews.* But such scorn only underscores the effectiveness of their criticism. However small in size, the importance of this Jewish resistance to the aims of the Zionists should not be underestimated. The news blackout of their activities is continuing proof of this.

Their outspokenness must also be viewed as a much needed corrective for those who—buying into the Zionist propaganda without realizing it—are quick to brand all Jews as unquestioning supporters of Israeli aggression and oppression. The sooner anti-Zionists from different religions work together to end its domination in the Middle East, the sooner lasting peace can be brought to the region.

(For much more, see Edward C. Corrigan’s Jewish Criticism of Zionism, a well-documented treatment of the subject.)

Also see our Special Report: Hitler, Nazism & Zionism

Jews against Zionism: The Hidden Protest initially was posted on 6-11-03. It  was extensively expanded on 6-16 and 6-23-03.

*Concerning the origins of this term, a biography of Shahak notes: “When he is accused, just as are American Jewish critics of Israel, of being a ‘self-hating Jew,’ he responds with first-hand knowledge. ‘That is a Nazi expression. The Nazis called Germans who defended Jewish rights self-hating Germans.’”


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“Mystery Stone”

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone

Photo Dan Raber, Loudon TN

The Los Lunas Inscription is an abridged version of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments, carved into the flat face of a large boulder resting on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. The language is Hebrew, and the script is the Old Hebrew alphabet, with a few Greek letters mixed in. See Cline (1982), Deal (1984), Stonebreaker (1982), Underwood (1982), and/or Neuhoff (1999) for transcriptions and translation, and Deal (1984) for discussion and photographs of the setting.

George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist, indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100 tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)

In 1996, Prof. James D. Tabor of the Dept. of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina – Charlotte, interviewed the lateProfessor Frank Hibben (1910-2002), a retired University of New Mexico archaeologist, “who is convinced that the inscription is ancient and thus authentic. He reports that he first saw the text in 1933. At the time it was covered with lichen and patination and was hardly visible. He was taken to the site by a guide who had seen it as a boy, back in the 1880s.” (Tabor 1997) At present the inscription itself is badly chalked and scrubbed up. However, Moorehouse compares the surviving weathering on the inscription to that on a nearby modern graffito dating itself to 1930. He concludes that the Decalogue inscription is clearly many times older than this graffito, and that 500 to 2000 years would not be an unreasonable estimate of its age.

The inscription uses Greek tau, zeta, delta, and kappa (reversed) in place of their Hebrew counterparts taw, zayin, daleth, and caph, indicating a Greek influence, as well as a post-Alexandrian date, despite the archaic form of aleph used. The letters yodh, qoph, and the flat-bottomed shin have a distinctively Samaritan form, suggesting that the inscription may be Samaritan in origin. See Lidzbarski (1902), Purvis (1968).

Cyrus Gordon (1995) proposes that the Los Lunas Decalogue is in fact a Samaritan mezuzah. The familiar Jewish mezuzah is a tiny scroll placed in a small container mounted by the entrance to a house. The ancient Samaritan mezuzah, on the other hand, was commonly a large stone slab placed by the gateway to a property or synagogue, and bearing an abridged version of the Decalogue. Gordon points out that prosperous Samaritan shipowners were known to live in Greek communities at the time of Theodosius I circa 390 A.D., and proposes that the most likely age of the Los Lunas inscription is the Byzantine period.

If Los Lunas is indeed a Byzantine Samaritan inscription, it may be significant that the sixth century historian Procopius reports that the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (r. 527-565 A.D.) undertook a massive persecution of the Samaritans in particular, which

… threw Palestine into an indescribable turmoil. Those, indeed, who lived in my own Caesarea and in the other cities, deciding it silly to suffer harsh treatment over a ridiculous trifle of dogma, took the name of Christians in exchange for the one they had borne before, by which precaution they were able to avoid the perils of the new law. …. The country people, however, banded together and determined to take arms against the Emperor … For a time they held their own against the imperial troops; but finally, defeated in battle, were cut down, together with their leader. Ten myriads [100,000] of men are said to have perished in this engagement, and the most fertile country on earth thus became destitute of farmers. ( Chapter 11, and in particular screens 52-54.)

Procopius elsewhere states that Justinian was responsible for the deaths of no less than three trillion (sic!) persons, so perhaps his estimate that 100,000 Samaritans were killed in this uprising may be a little inflated. Nevertheless, a persecution such as this, and perhaps this very one, may have been the impetus behind the Los Lunas Inscription. Pummer (1987, p. 4) reports that the uprising in question occurred in 529 A.D., and that “after the Muslim conquest of Palestine from 634 A.D. on, the Samaritan swere reduced even further in their numbers through massacres and conversions. Particularly under the Abbasids [750-1258 A.D.] their sufferings increased greatly.” Although the Samaritans have survived into the 21st century, they were clearly more numerous and prosperous in the first millenium A.D. than the second.

Further evidence of a Hellenistic or Byzantine influence on Los Lunas is provided by Skupin (1989). He analyzes the orthographic errors of the Los Lunas text itself, and concludes that it appears to have been written by a person whose primary language was Greek, who had a secondary, but verbal, comprehension of Hebrew. He writes of the inscriber,

He used the consonant [aleph] as if it were a vowel, like the Greek alpha, even though this clashes with the Hebrew orthographic system …. He confounded [qoph] and [caph] as a Philhellene who only knew kappa might do, and was sufficiently removed from Hebrew to be unaware that he had made an irreverent slip thereby. Most amazingly, he ‘heard’ macrons, the drawling long vowels that are structurally and semantically important in Greek … and felt compelled to indicate them even if he was not exactly sure of how it’s done (and rightly so, since in Hebrew they’re insignificant)…. His word order suggests a scriptural tradition related to a Greek version produced in Alexandria, Egypt, as does his spelling; and finally, he gives inordinate prominence to the words ‘brought you out of Egypt.’

Skupin concludes,

None of this proves anything. Until confirmation comes from another quarter, all we can really do is provide a clearer idea of the stone’s contents for those who are intrigued by it, and give those who reject the inscription’s authenticity … a deeper appreciation of what they have rejected.

Yet more evidence of Greco-Samaritan interactions is provided by Prof. Reinhard Pummer (1998, p. 29), who reports that “Ancient literature hints that Samaritan synagogues may have been located in Rome and Tarsus between the fourth and sixth centuries C.E. Short inscriptions in Samaritan and Greek script found in Thessalonica and Syracuse may have come from Samaritan synagogues in these cities during the same time period. Apparently, the Samaritans flourished in the Diaspora.” One Samaritan synagogue in Palestine, at Sha’alvim, in Judea N.W. of Jerusalem, simultaneously bears religious inscriptions in Samaritan letters and secular inscriptions in Greek. Another at Tell Quasile in Tel Aviv shows considerable Greek architectural influence. (Ibid., p. 30.) In his book, Pummer reports that the Samaritan wedding service even today contains a few words of Greek, and that a Samaritan deed of divorce from Egypt, dating to 586 A.D., is written in Greek (1987, p. 19). A Samaritan inscription in the nethermost diaspora might therefore well exhibit some Greek attributes.

It should be noted, however, that Pummer himself (personal communication, Aug. 31, 1998) does not believe that the Los Lunas inscription could be Samaritan. First, in Verse 8, the Los Lunas text follows the Masoretic (standard Jewish) text by saying “remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” whereas the Samaritan text always says “preserve the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Second, the Samaritans added a clause to the tenth commandment calling for a temple to be built on Mt. Gerizim, but this clause is absent in Los Lunas. And third, although an inscription in Greek language written in Samaritan letters is known, he is not aware of Greek-style letters ever appearing in Samaritan inscriptions.

The stone is located on New Mexico state trust land, as indicated in the New Mexico State Land Office’s webpage on the “Mystery Stone” at Visitors are supposed to obtain a permit in advance, costing $25 per family, from the New Mexico State Land Office, 310 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87504, (505) 827-5724. A copy of the permit application, with further details, is downloadable from [Links updated 7/24/06.] The site is about 1/2 mile south of State Route 6 at Rio Puerco, about 16 miles west of Los Lunas. A map and detailed directions are available from the State Land Office.

More Images

(Photos by Roger Williamson added 8/11/06 — discussion to follow)


Cline, Donald, “The Los Lunas Stone,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications

Deal, David Allen, Discovery of Ancient America, 1st ed., Kherem La Yah Press, Irvine CA, 1984. 1999 3rd Edition available from David Deal at 1651 Monte Vista Drive, Vista, California 92084 or mailto:[email protected]?subject=Los%20Lunas%20Stone

Fell, Barry, “Ancient Punctuation and the Los Lunas Text,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publicatons 13 (1985), 32-43 and cover photo.

Gordon, Cyrus, “Diffusion of Near East Culture in Antiquity and in Byzantine Times,” Orient 30-31 (1995), 69-81.

Leonard, Phillip M., and William R. McGlone, “An Epigraphic Hoax on Trial in New Mexico,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications 17 (1988), 206-219.

Lidzbarski, Mark, Letter Chart in Appendix to Wilhelm Gesenius and Emil Kautzsch, Hebräische Grammatik, 27th ed., Leipzig, 1902.

McGlone, William R., Phillip M. Leonard, James L. Guthrie, Rollin W. Gillespie, and James P. Whittall, Jr., Ancient American Inscriptions: Plow Marks or History? Early Sites Research Society, Sutton MA, 1993.

Moorehouse, George E., “The Los Lunas Inscriptions: A Geological Study,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publicatons, 13 (1985), 44-50.

Neuhoff, Juergen, “Los Lunas Decalogue” website, with translation of inscription by Stan Fox (1999).

Pummer, Reinhard, “How to Tell a Samaritan Synagogue from a Jewish Synagogue,” Biblical Archaeology Review, vol. 24 #3, May/June 1998, pp. 24-35. Online at

Pummer, Reinhard, The Samaritans, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1987.

Procopius of Caesarea, The Secret History c. 550 A.D. Richard Atwater translation, edited by Tim Spalding, online at The reader is strongly cautioned against reading Chapter 9, and in particular screen 42.

Purvis, J.D., The Samaritan Pentateuch and the Origin of the Samaritan Sect Harvard Semitic Monographs, vol. 2. Harvard University Press, 1968.

Skupin, Michael, “The Los Lunas Errata,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications 18 (1989), 249-52.

Stonebreaker, Jay, “A Decipherment of the Los Lunas Decalogue Inscription,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications 10 (1982, part 1), 74-81.

Tabor, James D. “An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico: Fact or Fraud?” United Israel Bulletin Vol. 52, Summer 1997, pp. 1-3.

Underwood, L. Lyle, “The Los Lunas Inscription,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications 10 (1982, part 1), 57-67.

Walter’s Web World provides another good photo of the Los Lunas inscription, at

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Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Yahweh the name

A “Bible Revelations” Presentation -   Created 1998,  updated 13 March 2008


Why were the Sacred Names removed from the Scriptures? – 7000 times in the Old Testament and 1000 times in the New Testament? The Restoration  thereof is flooding the world – You can share in it also!
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The use of the Sacred Name by Commentators, preachers and in special Sacred Name Bible publications, have been rapidly increasing over the last few decades. So intensive has this increase of knowledge been, that the use of the Hebrew or Jewish Names of The Most High and the Messiah, have become almost common domain in religious education and institutions and amongst dedicated worshippers.

According to Jewish Orthodox tradition, the Sacred Name is not to be uttered and accordingly, the form “G-d ” is used in writing or printing.  In place of pronouncing the Sacred Name in prayer, worship and discussion, the form “Adonai”  (the Hebrew for  ‘Lord’)  is used.

With due respect to our Jewish readers and to the Almighty, we teach,  use and print the Sacred Name for the following reasons, which we feel do override all other considerations:

  • To identify and accordingly exalt the bearer of this Name as the PERSONAL God of Israel and of the universe, as opposed to the general interpretation of a rather mystical, almost unidentifiable Being, as held by most religions.
  • To proclaim and make known this Name unto the masses of believers who claim to follow Him but know not His Name – so that they may sanctify and praise His name that His Name may be honoured among the nations (Malachi 1:11; Isaiah 12:4).
  • To conform with what may really be the more correctly interpreted  instruction of Exod. 20:7 concerning the use of His Name:  viz.  “Do not make His Name worthless”  “Lo tisah et Shem YHVH Eloheicha l’shav.”  By withholding the proclamation of His Name, we may well be guilty of “making His Name worthless.” For a more comprehensive overview of this interpretation and the topic in general, please refer to the study: Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God as Judaism insists?
  • The Torah and Tanach (‘Old’ Testament) clearly records how Hebraic Patriarchs and Prophets actually proclaimed and pronounced the Sacred Name as a Testimony to non-Jews and non-believers and how His followers will come to know His Name and call upon Him, using this Name!  Please refer to:  Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God?

The ‘Personal’ Name of the ‘God of Israel’ by which He anciently revealed Himself to Moses ( 6:2).  ‘YAH’ is spelt in original Hebrew, with the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet – the ‘yood’, smallest letter in the alphabet, represented by the inverted comma ( ‘ ). YAHU also has the meaning of  ‘He is YAH’

Obscure Preservation of the Sacred Name ‘YAHU’

Hebrew personal names have meanings, and many such personal names have throughout time, been linked to the Sacred Name YAHU.  In this obscure way, the Sacred Name YAHU has been preserved for modern times, notwithstanding the fact that it has been almost totally removed from most Bible Translations.

This Name, through recent archeological discoveries in Israel, has been found to be part of more Hebrew words and names than were formerly known. There is an untold number of usages in the Tanach (‘Old Testament’) where this form of the Sacred Name is used as a conjunction in Biblical names.  Some of the more common examples of these are:

EliYahu (‘Elijah’)

YeremiYahu (‘Jeremiah’)

YeshiYahu (‘Isaiah’)

YahuShafat (‘Josephat’)

NetanYahu (also the name of former Israeli Prime Minister)

YahuNatan (‘Jonethan’)

and of course, the Messianic Salvation Name YAHU’SHUAH (‘Yeshuah’)

In each of the examples above, the meanings of these names refer to the Name of the Most High, eg. YAHU is Strength, my God is YAHU, etc

Similarly, the Tribe of Judah, the progeny of which to this day, still represents the original Hebraic Faith instituted by Moses according to the Divine Mandate which was handed to him personally by YAHU, God of Israel, some 4000 years ago.  All the disasters of Time failed to wipe out the Tribe of Judah, which today is known as ‘the Jews’ -  in Hebrew: Yahudim. The Tribe of Judah, in Hebrew is ‘Yahuda’, a Jew is‘Yahudi‘. While no specific Hebrew meaning is attached to this term in the modern usage, we do find the following meanings as applied to obscure Bible characters with similar names:

‘YahuAdah’ (YAH unveils) 1 Chron. 8:36
‘YahuYadah’ (YAH knows) 2 Samuel 8:18, etc

Can it be that sinister powers have erased the linkage with the ‘guardians of His Oracles’ (the Jews) to the Name of YAHU? -  Rom 3:2  - they,  who have been His Testimony to the world all these centuries?

Strange also how, in the modern Hebrew dictionary,  three words appear in successive order:

  • Yehudah – with its derivations referring to Jews
  • YHVH – the Sacred Name, and
  • Y’SHUAH (abbreviated form for YAHU’SHUAH) – the Messiah’s Name.


    The Sacred Name appears in the Hebrew Scriptures as four Hebrew letters Yud,  hey, vav, hey, which is closest represented by the letters YHVH.  This format is  known as the Tetragrammaton.  According to Jewish tradition it is regarded as ‘not to be uttered’ in order never to profane it in any way.  In Judaism it is therefore pronounced as ‘Adonai’, meaning ‘Lord’. Notwithstanding this prohibition, the Sacred Name is acknowledged in its usage as part of the names of many Biblical characters, as referred to above – and as any Bible concordance or reference book will provide.

    Because of these prohibitions, translations of the original Hebrew scrolls have, throughout the ages, replaced the Tetragrammaton with ‘the LORD’ (in capital letters) and the Sacred Name, in so doing, became ‘lost’ for many centuries.

    Since the sixties, there has been a movement in modern theology and especially amongst sincere Bible students throughout the world, to restore the newly ‘rediscovered’ Sacred Hebrew Name.  Sacred Name publications which chose to restore the Sacred Name in the almost 7000 instances in the Bible, appeared one after the other and the ‘Sacred Name Movement’, towards the nineties and the turn of the millennium, became a flood which today literally engulfs the world…

    Although there is no firm consensus on the actual pronouncement or spelling of the Tetragrammaton YHVH,  there are several representations or transliterations in use by theologians and Bible students.  Some of the more popular forms are YAHVEH, YAHWEH and Jehovah. A comprehensive list of the various usages that abound, are presented further down on this page.

    For the purposes of this Web Site and out of respect for the Sacredness and sanctification of the Name, we will print the Tetragammaton formYHVH throughout the studies of this Web Site and leave the reader free to either substitute it or pronounce it in the way they find comfortable.

    The mystery attached to the Name of the Almighty, is related to the verb ‘to be’ ( I am, I was, I will be) which is the Hebrew verb ‘Hoveh’  (the ‘v’ pronounced as in ‘victory’),  meaning “to be”, in the present tense.  YHVH therefore, means: “YAH Hoveh”, which means  “YAH is …” (YAH being His abbreviated (actual ?) name as reflected in Psalm 68:4 in some translations.

    It is therefore quite possible that the correct rendering of the SH’MAH (the Greatest Commandment – Deut 6:4) should therefore read:


This is how it appears in the Hebrew Scrolls:

Read from right to left (so also the following)
Top line:
YHVH  Yisrael  Shmaa <{——-

Bottom line:
echad YHVH Eloheinu <{——-


In modern Hebrew grammar this matter is so serious and important, that the verb ‘to be’ (‘I am’) is not used in the present tense at all!  An Israeli will therefore state in Hebrew:  “I teacher … I clever”, omitting the verb ‘to be’ (I am) in the present tense.  Usage of the Hebrew verb ‘HOVEH’ (I am) would imply referring to oneself as being the Almighty!  This gives reason for serious contemplation.  The Almighty “is” everything good, without question. The human being, being exactly the opposite, is so easily inclined to self exaltation and self praise (often hidden under a false pretence of humility, love, care, etc.). The use of “I” and “I am” in the vocabulary of the proud and arrogant individual is a popular practice. The indwelling Spirit of the Almighty in the heart and soul of the believer, changes this selfish, haughty, deceiving attitude to an attitude of genuine humility, recreated in His Image, as the Almighty requires of us to possess. Volumes could be written on this subject.


The original Hebrew or Jewish Name of the professing Jewish Messiah, who was accepted as such by a certain section (some 3000 souls) of Israel, at and after His Appearance in Israel, some 2000 years ago.  To them He was known as YAHU’SHUAH  (abbreviated: Y’SHUAH, also pronounced YEHOSHUA or YESHUA).  In time, over the first few centuries after Messiah,   His Name was gradually changed to “Je-Zeus Khristos” by the pagan masses who converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic Sect.  Out of this, Christianity was born, which was a mixture of originally pure Judaism, and gradually, progressive influences of pagan customs and traditions, together with a growing tide of an anti-Semitic spirit.  This was greatly due to the instigation of influential leaders like Constantine the Great, who was a Zeus worshipper, and who purportedly converted to Christianity.  It was also a natural process as a result of the infiltration of followers of the sun god, Zeus,  into the Christian ranks. Even the name of their pagan idol ‘Zeus’ was applied to their new-found Jewish Messiah – and Y’Shuah  (the abbreviated transliteration of YAHU’SHUAH),  became “Y’Zeus” or Je-Zeus – which became ‘Jesus’ in English  (NOTE – the middle ‘s’ is pronounced as a ‘z’).  In other languages, it took on various other forms.

A similar pagan influenced name-shift has been retained to this day in the KJV translation of Luke 4:27, where it refers to the prophet “Eliseus’ and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14 (according even to the KJV reference version).  This prophet’s Hebrew name, however, was ‘Eli’Shuah’, which means “God is my Salvation” (as Y’SHUAH means “YAH is Salvation” or “YAH the Saviour”). Exactly the same as the pagan influence changed Y’SHUAH to “Y’Zeus” – (‘Jesus’ – phonetically ‘Jezus’), so also Luk 4:27 reflects the change of “Eli’Shuah” to “Eli’Zeus’  (“My God is Zeus”)!  Youngs Bible Concordance in its reference to the name ‘Eliseus’,  states: “The form in which the name of Elisha appears in the common version of the New Testament and the Apocrypha in Luke 4:27″.

The Hebrew form of the Name YAHU’SHUAH (or Y’SHUAH) is often used in the Tanach (Old Testament) as well as in the official Jewish daily and festival Prayer Books, where it is generally translated as “Salvation”.

The recent much acclaimed computer generated research into repeating patterns or ‘secret revealing codes’ purportedly contained in the original Hebrew text of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), revealed hidden codes of the Name Y’SHUAHin all the prophetic sections concerning the promised Messiah.

The 6th Book of the Bible uses the identical Hebrew form, and is translated “Joshua”.   The most probable authentic form is YAHOSHUA or YAHU’SHUA

The publishers wish to emphasise that, although the forms YAHVEH (for the God of Israel), and YAHU’SHUAH (for the Messiah) are favoured in this edition, we acknowledge most of the other accepted forms.  We believe that we should not be dogmatic, since all the various forms which are so dogmatically insisted upon by various interpreters, are merely transliterations of the original Hebrew – which after all, is the only true and exact Name.  All the various forms which are presented by Sacred Name promoters and which are the cause of so much confusion,  are proposed in an earnest endeavour to proclaim the Biblical Sacred Names.  This process of representing a word or a name in a different language, is called ‘transliteration’.


This process of writing Hebrew words in another language or alphabet is more an art than a science, and opinions on the correct way to transliterate Hebrew words and names vary widely amongst the Sacred Name Restorers amongst all the nations of the world.. This is why, for instance,  the Jewish festival of lights (in Hebrew,  spelled Chet-Nun-Kaf-He) is transliterated as ‘Chanukah, Chanukkah, Hanuka’  and many other forms   Each spelling has a legitimate phonetic and orthographic basis;  none is right or wrong from a linguist’s viewpoint.  It is only specific in the original Hebrew.

For purposes of this study, we have conglomerated from the Oxford Dictionary, a definition for the process of transliteration, from the three definitions affecting it, namely, name, word and transliteration. We then arrive at the following:

Transliteration of the Sacred Name is the process of representing the original Hebrew sound or combination of sounds which form a spoken word by which God is known and identified, in the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet

It is obvious, that this process of using “the closest corresponding letters”, would present various options in the ‘new’ alphabet, more so, because some Hebrew letters or sounds are not always represented in other languages.

Messianics claim  that  “… there is no other Name under heaven,  given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).  This is the Name which man has unwarrantedly changed through their transliterations of His original Hebrew Name,  into many different languages, so that today Messiah is known:

to the English as ‘Jesus Christ’
to Italians as ‘Gesu Cristo’
to the Welsh as ‘lesu Grist’
to Hungarians as ‘Jezus Krisztusnak’
to Nigerians as ‘Azizos Xraist’

To Pakistanis (Urdu) as  “Yasu Massih ”

What great embarrassment would it be to prominent men,  to have their names translated in each country they visit.  So, for instance,  Mr. Churchill, on his arrival in Germany, would be addressed as Mr. Kirchehiigel. This name will change to Mr. Kerkkoppie in South Africa – and on his arrival in Africa,  he will, no doubt, have much difficulty in recognising his name as Mr. Kerekelekgabana!!

An absurdity presented by this transliterating process,  is that often the ‘new’ representations introduce sounds that are non-existing in the Hebrew language, as for instance:
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jehovah’ (‘J’ as in ‘George’)
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jesus’
- the ‘w’ in ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Yahowah’
We have to re-emphasise that these sounds do not exist an Hebrew and is not provided for in the Hebrew alphabet, yet some Sacred Name promoters insist on their interpretation and transliteration as the ‘only true’ form.

It is for this reason that BIBLE REVELATIONS promote the wider tolerant stance of “acknowledging most of the other accepted forms”, without digressing from the importance of finding the correct form of the Sacred Name/s. The soundness of this tolerant stance can be substantiated by performing the following exercise:
The following paragraphs below publish a list of the various transliterated forms that are commonly proclaimed for the Sacred Name/s.  Read thru this list fast, almost casually or browsingly, without great concern for specific pronunciation – and LISTEN to your own voice.  You will find that all these variations present one almost identical sound.  It is also important to realise that, in any nation we find various sectors and dialects and when presenting these sectors with the pronunciation of even their own language, we will find great variations. The foundational Truth is, that a name represents a sound (and a meaning), and in the written language, this sound is represented by certain letters to secure that sound.  regarding the Sacred Name/s - the only true foundation that we have for it, is the written Hebrew form. And to represent this in various languages, is where the problem rests – thus, in the Curse of the Tower of Babylon (Gen. 11).

The following transliterated versions of the Sacred Names which are in use by various Sacred name groups,  are therefore acknowledged:

YHVH YHWH Yahweh Yahveh Yaveh Yaweh Jehova Jehovah Jahova Jahovah Yahova Yahovah Yahowah Jahowa Jahowah Yahavah Jahavah Yahowe Yahoweh Jahaveh Jahaweh Yahaveh Yahaweh Jahuweh Yahuweh Jahuwah Yahuwah Yahuah Yah Jah Yahu Yahoo Yaohu Jahu Yahvah Jahvah Jahve Jahveh Yahve Yahwe Yauhu Yawhu Iahu Iahou Iahoo Iahueh

Jeshua, Yeshua, Yeshuah, Yehshua, Yehshuah, Yeshouah,  Y’shua, Y’shuah, Jeshu, Yeshu, Yehoshua, Yehoshuah, YHVHShua, YHVHShuah, Yhvhshua, Yhwhshua, YHWHShua, YHWHShuah, Yhvhshuah, Yhwhshuah, Yahvehshua, Yahwehshua,  Yahvehshuah, Yahwehshuah, Yawhushua,Yahawshua, Jahshua, Jahshuah, Jahshuwah, Jahoshua, Jahoshuah, Jashua, Jashuah, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Yashua, Yashuah, Yahshua, Yahshuah, Yahushua, Yahushuah, Yahuahshua, Yahuahshuah, Yahoshua, Yahoshuah, Yaohushua, Yaohushuah,  Yauhushua, Iahoshua, Iahoshuah, Iahushua, Iahushuah, YAHO-hoshu-WAH


YAHU =  YA-HU,  the ‘YA’ as in ‘yard’;
and  ‘Hu’ as in ‘Who’
YAHU’SHUAH =  YAHU- SHOE- A   (the  final ‘A’ as in ‘arm’).
‘YA’ as in ‘yard’


For YAHU- we shall print YHVH

For YAHU’SHUAH - we may sometimes print Y’SHUAH


It is vital that students of the Bible have a Sacred Name version because the Scriptures become far more transparent in these versions.  There are various Sacred Name versions of the Bible available on the market. These are normally not easily obtainable.  Please drop me a line if you find any difficulties in locating a Sacred Name Bible.

Here are a few on-line free versions which you may use:

On-Line Sacred Name Versions of the Bible - click on title
Sacred Name King James Version
The Scriptures (Dr Koster)
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yahveh’ in the Old Testament & ‘Jesus’ in the New Testament
World English Bible - Uses English transliteration of the Hebrew names for the Bible Books, prophets & places, but ‘LORD’ for the Name of God
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yeshua’ in the New Testament.
The Tanach in Hebrew

Click here for List of Bible Versions which acknowledge Sacred Names

How to evaluate a Bible Translation Version

Typically, the enemy has gotten ‘his foot in the door’ with these Sacred Name translations.  Because Truth becomes so transparent when we read the Sacred Name in some 7000 instances in the Bible, the publishers of some of these versions have not neglected to twist some of the most salient texts concerning the sublime Identity of YAHU’SHUAH as the Only true God, away from this revelationary Truth. Some popular editions which make themselves particularly guilty of this audacious tactic, are:

The Traina version,

The TEST verse, by which to test the authenticity of a specific Translation and the spirit of the translator, is:

Isaiah 9:5 (or 6 in some versions):
Here is the original Hebrew version and its literal word meanings:
Ki – Because
Yeled – a boy
yulad – born
lanu - to/for us
Ben – a son
natan – was given
lanu – to us
va’tehi - and shall be
ha’misrah – the rule, dominion
al Shichmoh – on his shoulder
va’yikra Shmoh – and – shall call – His Name
Peleh - Wonderful
Yoh’etz – Consultant, Councellor
El Gibor – God Mighty
Avi-ad – Father Eternal
Sar-Shalom – Ruler of Peace

The literal word meanings above,  indisputably refer to the Messiah as the ‘Mighty God and Eternal Father’ - but when comparing different translations, it becomes clear that some translators deliberately conceal this Revelation by their manipulative renderings.  The reader may be sure that the rest of such a translation, in the many less affirmative texts, will certainly continue this cover-up.

For another example of such inconsistent translation in The Scripturesby Dr Koster,  click here, and do not neglect to read the rest of that study also - Should we address YHVH as Elohim rather than God?.

What is BIBLE REVELATIONS’ Position on the use and selection of Bible Versions?

Quotations in this Web Site of BIBLE REVELATIONS are generally made from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, unless otherwise stated.  Readers should however compare as many translations as possible and carefully follow the general context of those sections from which quotations are made as well as that of the whole Bible in its entirety.

There is no 100% perfect translation of the Original text of the Hebrew Scriptures.  The most authentic and best guarded renderings throughout the ages, are found to this day in Jewish synagogues.  This was the Divine Mandate to them (Rom. 3:2, Acts 7:38).

The sincere seeker after Truth may be assured, that any of the available translations have sufficient original Truth left in them, to bring one to the realisation of the Original True Faith.  This has been proven to be so throughout the ages, and increasingly so in these latter days,  by millions of Bible students all over the world who find and revert to this Original True Faith. (Refer Re-identification of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and related links on that Page and in the On-Site Library)


Following is a List of Bible Translation Versions which do recognize the Sacred Name of God to some greater or lesser extent.  The power of tradition over people’s minds, becomes evident when there is such great opposition by the majority of believers against the use or recognition of the Sacred Names, despite such a long list of authoritative Bible versions which recognise the Sacred Names.

The underlined titles below, are actual Links to


versions – Click

The Sacred Name YHVH versus the Hebrew words ‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’

We have pointed out above, that there may be a probable linkage of

YHVH to the verb ‘hoveh’ i.e.  “YAH – HOVEH, spelt in Hebrew

Y-HVH or Yud – hey vav hey. There are now some interpreters who

maintain that there is a similar Hebrew word spelt with exactly the

same Hebrew letters hey vav hey, which is pronounced “hovah”

(as opposed to ‘Hoveh’) and which means “covetousness/wickedness”.

They therefore discard versions of the Sacred name like: Jehovah,

Yahovah, Yahvah and even Yahoveh.

It is more likely that this closeness in spelling have an underlying

Truth in it, like for instance, that YHVH is the Saviour of those who

accept Him and comply with His requirements, while He is also the

Judge and the Destroyer (ultimately) of those who have rejected Him

and who chose to side with His opposers, or those who committed

themselves to evil.

The matter becomes particularly problematic, considering the peculiar

essentials of the Hebrew language not having vowels.  It is the vowels

that will change ‘hoveh’ into ‘hovah’ – but there are no written vowels in

Hebrew proper to indicate which version is meant (especially anciently

when the Torah was originally written).  Modern Hebrew does utilise

little signs (dashes and dots) below the Hebrew letters.  Thus either

‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’ is written in Hebrew, simply by using h-v-h

(Hebr. hey-vav-hey)

The Hebrew dictionary reflects the following versions, one after the

other strangely enough,  and all spelt hey-vav-hey

Havah – trouble, destruction, mischief, passion.
Hovah -    “               “               “        ruin
Havah – 3rd person past tense of ‘to be’  i.e. he was
Heveyh – Command form:  “be!” -  as in ‘be lord over your brethren’

Gen. 27:29
Hivah – 3rd person past tense – to cause to be, constitute
Hoveh – present, present tense.
Hoveh – 1st person, male, present tense – to be i.e. I AM  – though

written with a double vav
Hovah -    “     “     female,                   -  do  -

As if confirming the above peculiarity, the Hebrew spelling of the

Salvation Name inherent in Messiah’s Name, YAHU’SHUAH,  has an

equivalent particularly ‘bad’ alternative.  This occurs in the ‘ah’ sound

in the final syllable, ‘Shuah’.  In Hebrew, there are 2 letters denoting

the ‘a’ or ‘ah’ sound – either the Aleph, or the A’yin.  YAHU’SHUAH

(meaning ‘YAH or YAHU is salvation’, ‘Saviour’, ‘Help’) is written with

an a’yin.  But, the ‘Holocaust’, the biggest catastrophe in Jewish history,

is also called the ‘Shoah’ (Yom HaShoah is the special remembrance

Day on the Jewish Calendar).  This spelling is similar to the last part of

the Salvation Name, i.e. ‘YAH-Shuah‘, but it ends with an aleph – before

the final silent hey (which is sometimes used and other times not).

The dictionary, surprisingly, gives the meaning of Shoah as “destruction

, ruin” (same as for Havah!) – also as ‘holocaust, cataclysm, disaster,

abyss’ – all totally opposite from the sacred meanings depicted in His

name and Mission.

Is this pure co-incidence – or is there a deeper meaning, i.e.  that

YAHU’SHUAH will be ‘disaster’ etc. for those who oppose Him and go

lost, but He shall be Saviour and Help to those who accept Him, thereby

coming into the Eternal Covenant, like unto, and equal with Judah

(the Jews) – refer Eph. ch 2.  One could also reason that this extreme

oppostites in meaning of the same sounding words, may well infer the

power of ‘Salvation’ to change, roll over, redeem ‘disaster’ – just as

YAHU’SHUAH can change the disaster that a soul or the nation of

Israel finds itself in, eg.  10-Israel was rejected and ‘divorced’ by YHVH,

casted out of the Covenant into damnation – but YAHU’SHUAH

redeemed them and is returning them to be united into ONE Nation on

the soil of Israel once more!  He turns their ‘Shuah’ from damnation and

disaster into the Saving Victory!  HalleluYAH!

Refer:  The True Gospel

Is God not after all a Great Blessing to those who worship Him, and

disaster to those who don’t?  Significantly, there is but a small ‘crossing’

between the two – yet a great abyss for many souls who find it so hard

to traverse.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: For every Truth that transpires, Satan stands ready

with an alternative, to drag would-be over comers down into the Abyss

again.  Be warned, that this supposition of a probable dual meaning in

both the Name of the Creator God as well as His Salvation Name, will

be grabbed as support for their sick teaching, by promoters of the theory

that “God in essence can be the Source of both Good and Evil”.  These

people obviously lack the true respect and love for the Impeccable and

Holy One.  The fact that, apart from being the Saviour to some people,

God may also be the Judge and ‘disaster’ to those who oppose Him,

does not make Him the source of that evil or disaster!  This ‘theory’

goes even deeper, to an extent that we would refrain from even

mentioning here – be warned! This will simply be another test of your

True and unshakable Faith in His Holiness,  which you will be amply

rewarded for in His Kingdom.

So, don’t shy away from Knowledge which will set you free.  The Truth

shall certainly set you free.  Simply cling to the admonition given in:

Phil 4:8 (KJV) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

whatsoever things  are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever

things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of

good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on

these things”  (and discard the rest!).

Click here to view full index of Sacred Name studies.

Or Click below for Additional Reading

666 – Mark of the Beast versus The Sacred Name
Should we say ‘Elohim’ rather than ‘God’?
Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name as Judaism requires?
Why should a believer be baptised in the Sacred Name?
What really happened at ‘Pentecost’ in Jerusalem?


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

planet x  part 2

In Snorri’s[11] Gylfaginning, there is a prediction for the future given in the Song of the Sybyl, followed by a dialogue between King Gylfi and the Aesir,[12] disguised as men.  King Gylfi asks: “What happens when the whole world has burned up, the gods are dead, and all of mankind is gone?  You have said earlier that each human being would go on living in this or that world.”  The answer is that there are several worlds for the good and the bad.  Then Gylfi asks: “Shall any gods be alive, and shall there be something of earth and heaven?”” And the answer is:

The earth rises up from the sea again, and is green and beautiful and things grow without sowing.  Vidar and Vali are alive, for neither the sea nor the flames of Surt have hurt them and they dwell on the Eddyfield, where once stood Asgard.  There come also the sons of Thor, Modi, and Magni, and bring along his hammer.  There come also Balder and Hoder from the other world.  All sit down and converse together.  They rehearse their runes and talk of events of old days.  Then they find in the grass the golden tablets that the Aesir once played with.  Two children of men will also be found safe from the great flames of Surt.  Their names, Lif and Lifthrasir, and they feed on the morning dew and from this human pair will come a great population which will fill the earth.  And strange to say, the sun, before being devoured by Fenrir, will have borne a daughter, no less beautiful and going the same ways as her mother.”

Again, the authors of Hamlet’s Mill take a prosaic view of these matters, pronouncing sagely that it is “just a metaphor.”  And again, I have to disagree.  I do not think that the point is to “measure time,” in the sense of “world ages” of culture, civilizations, or even “psychic” or occult influences, except in that they relate to something far more important: WHAT IS CAUSING THE WOBBLE AND WHAT CAN BE THE RESULT? And we have a clear answer in Snorri’s tale: The sun will have borne a daughter…

In this sense, the ancients might have supposed, and quite rightly, that if we ever noticed this fact, if we were pointed in this direction, if we were plainly told that there is a handle that turns the axis, that this handle gets hot, that the axis of the planet comes unhinged, that it started out spinning upright and then gradually wobbled out of place and finally FALLS OVER INTO THE SEA, that we would be clever enough to get it.  The clue they are pointing out to us is that there is something OUT THERE that is the HANDLE and we ought to be able to figure out, by applying principles of atomic physics to celestial mechanics, exactly what it is and what it does.  The repeated references to the “dying and rebirth of the Sun,” in some sort of cosmic hierogamy and the Sun giving birth to a daughter, or having a Celestial Twin ought to be pretty plain clues to anybody who is paying attention to these things.

Now, getting to the recent pronouncements about Zecharia Sitchin and his prophecies. The email forwarded to me said:

Zecharia Sitchin, the world renowned scholar & archaeologist now finally agrees, quote: “I prophecize the return of this planet called Nibiru AT THIS TIME!”

Trusting the Pentagon/gov’t to guard itself & relay  needed information to protect you is clearly illogical. In July the red planet “2001 KX76″ was disclosed. This was the original cover-label for Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood, or THE MOST REVERED HEAVENLY BODY IN ALL ANTIQUITY. After 3600 years on its regular orbit it will pass again in SPRING 2003. It’s RECORDED IN ANCIENT TEXTS & the SCIENCE OF ARCHEOLOGY shows its effect on Earth with each passage. Yes, some conspiracies are without merit, ignoring history and science is another matter.

By August 2001 the disinformation had changed to the LARGEST ASTERIOD EVER and it’s now shown as blue. It’s the same label on a different object.

When the attention was drawn to the area by announcing the “Largest Asteriod” was there, they made sure the color of the new “2001 KX76″ was blue. All speculation about a large DULL RED brown dwarf being there was to be avoided. This is one of their tactics for hiding Planet X. First giving it a label, then using that same label for another object to misdirect attention. X is not a red KBO. The original color was not red for photographic reasons. Too many stories for the color change is just the first of many obvious clues of a cover up. They will continue to identify objects ahead and around X to misdirect attention.

The normal helpful & professional Nasa employees are being evasive & condescending when asked about it.

X has INTENTIONALLY BEEN MADE TO SOUND RIDICULOUS and confusing for several reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the world’s population. Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread lies. They say it only MAY exist and comes around only once every few million years IF it does. This disinformation is widespread.

X orbits between our sun and its dark twin. A diagram from the 1987 NEW SCIENCE & INVENTION ENCYCLOPEDIA shows our dead twin sun & the 10th planet.

X’s MASS, MAGNETISM & DENSITY is such that it DISRUPTS the surface of EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS PRIOR to its passage its far reaching eletromagnetic/gravitational influence changes Earths core flows TRIGGERING WEATHER, VOLCANIC & SEISMIC ACTIVITY. Since early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time records regularly. The up-tick of QUAKES, VOLCANIC INCIDENTS & changes in ELECTROMAGNETICS are being kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather alone can falsely be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not earths rumblings at the same time.

Research the advent of PLANET X and the cataclysms it will trigger by passing EARTH. Being prepared and FOREWARNED gives one an EXCELLENT CHANCE to SURVIVE.


Even the majority of the earthchange intuitives prophecies are tied into or name Planet X.


Well, when I went to the above websites to get the confirmation that “Planet X” had been sighted, I found the following (excerpted):

July 3 — The discovery of a large  reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto’s neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system.[...] What the discoverers are calling 2001 KX76 might be one of the largest “Kuiper Belt Objects” or KBO’s, found in the what is essentially a second asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune. Initial reports give 2001 KX76 a diameter of 900 to 1200 kilometers — roughly the size of Pluto’s moon, Charon. Pluto itself, it should be noted, is smaller than our own moon.

Now, please note right up front here that this very first announcement is rather straightforward about the issue as to whether or not this object ought to be called a “planet” or not. The email above waxes hysterical about color, but pays absolutely no attention to the size designation. Here is the initial photo:

“Because KBOs are believed to have very elongated orbits around the sun  they spend a lot of time on dark, centuries-long excursions into deep space. That makes them very hard to find, said astronomer Robert Millis, director of the Lowell Observatory, which was involved in the discovery. [...]

“There are certainly lots of (KBOs) in distant parts of their orbits now and we can’t detect them,” said Millis. The possibility that 2001 KX76 has big brothers and sisters again raises the thorny question of what can be called a planet and what cannot. [...] Historically, Pluto was designated a planet when it was discovered in the 1930s because it was thought to be much larger than it is, Marsden said. [...] If 2001 KX76 is any indication of larger KBOs out there, it might also lead to the demotion of Pluto from puniest planet to king of KBOs, said   Marsden. Millis prefers a third alternative: “There may exist a new class of planets.”

Now, please notice the point of the discussion and the size of the object and its distance from us: the orbit of PLUTO. 1200KM. Let’s have a look at the issue in the second site referred to in the above, hysterical email wherein it is now claimed that the disinformation process has set in by changing the color of the object in both the photo and the article:

23 August 2001:  Ceres, the first asteroid (minor planet) to be discovered in the Solar System, has held the record as the largest known object of its kind for two centuries.  However, recent observations at the European Southern Observatory with the world’s first operational virtual telescope  ‘Astrovirtel’ have determined that the newly discovered distant asteroid “2001 KX76″ is significantly larger, with a diameter of 1200 km, possibly even 1400 km.

“Caption: ESO PR Photo 27a/01 shows a reproduction of a colour composite image, based on three exposures with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. By combining data from the world’s first operational “virtual telescope”, Astrovirtel, with that from a conventional telescope at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) at La Silla (Chile), European astronomers have determined the size of the newly found, remote asteroid, 2001 KX76. Their measurements indicate that this icy rock has a diameter of at least 1200 km and is therefore larger than any other known asteroid in the Solar System. The previous record-holder, the asteroid Ceres, was also the first object of its type to be discovered – by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi on January 1, 1801. Its diameter is about 950 km, relegating it to second place after holding the asteroid size record for two hundred years.”

Now, let’s just get clear about this. The very first article was about an object that no one was sure whether they ought to call it a planet or not. It was larger than what we call asteroids, but smaller than Pluto. So, it was, at first, called a planet. But please note, the size was given in the first article, and it was then reiterated, only given a likelihood of being slightly larger than the original estimate in the second article. So, the entire discussion was about whether to call this object a planet or an asteroid. And, apparently, it was decided that “asteroid” was a better choice until the decision about what size constituted being a planet was decided once and for all.

And how BIG is this putative “Planet X?” This gigantic and terrifying object that Zecharia Sitchin predicted and which is now being claimed to be hidden from us in this tricky shell-game by NASA?

Well, have a look for yourself.

The first scientific results from Astrovirtel have allowed a substantial improvement of the accuracy of the computed orbit for 2001 KX76. It is now possible to confirm that this object is just outside that of the most remote known major planet Pluto.

Further analysis carried out by the team seems to indicate that the orbit of 2001 KX76 is very similar to that of Pluto. Asteroid 2001 KX76 is even larger than Pluto’s moon Charon (diameter 1150 km), adding fuel to the discussions concerning Pluto’s status as a “major” or “minor” planet. The new data show that 2001 KX76 is about half the size of Pluto (diameter about 2300 km) and this increases the likelihood that there are other bodies still to be discovered in the outer Solar System that are similar in size to Pluto.

The first observations of 2001 KX76 were quite sparse, so the initial estimates of the size of the new asteroid were very uncertain. However, it did look large, possibly about the same size as the largest known asteroid, Ceres, the diameter of which had earlier been measured at about 950 km.

In order to measure the size of any asteroid, it is necessary first to determine its orbit around the Sun, which gives its present distance from the Earth. The next step is to estimate its “albedo”, i.e. the percentage of incident sunlight reflected from its surface. From these numbers and the measured, apparent brightness of the asteroid (as seen from the Earth), its diameter can finally be derived.

To determine the orbit of 2001 KX76, the group used “Astrovirtel” to apply automatic search software to scan through “old” photographic plates obtained with various astronomical telescopes, as well as recent CCD observations made with the ESO Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope on La Silla (Chile). The search was successful: the astronomers were able to find several photographic plates on which faint images of 2001 KX76 could be identified – some of these plates had been obtained as early as 1982. The exact sky positions were measured and with accurate positional data now available over a time span of no less than 18 years, the team was able to compute the first, high-precision orbit of 2001 KX76. This also allowed to determine that the current distance from the Earth which turned out to be about 6.5 billion km, corresponding to 43 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, or nearly one-and-a-half times farther from the Sun than Neptune.

Thanks to the work of this group of astronomers, the orbit of 2001 KX76 may now be considered relatively secure and it may therefore soon receive a real name. [See note at end of page.]

Now, what are we to make of all of this?

It’s fairly evident that I am not saying that something is not going to happen. After laying out the evidence that there is, indeed, a 3600 year cycle, and that the last “hit” was right around 3600 years ago, no one can accuse me of not being as “catastrophic” as the next person. In fact, I think that what we are suggesting here, including our findings that something is definitely being hidden from us, is singularly catastrophic. In fact, it is damn scary.

However, we believe that having accurate information about these matters is not just important, but that it is CRUCIAL. Does the reader have any idea of how long it takes an object in the neighborhood of Pluto to get here?

Pluto is 6,000,000,000 km from Earth. If you travel at 100 km/hr, you could get to Pluto in 6849.3years Moving at 1,000 MPH, it will tak 684.9 years to get to Pluto, or vice versa. So please, take it to the bank that the object sighted in the neighborhood of Pluto is NOT Nibiru/Planet X and it is NOT going to arrive in 2003. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that there will not be an asteroid strike in 2003, or anytime between now and then. THAT could happen any day. If there is a brown dwarf perturber that slams through the Oort cloud, and if we do have a cluster of comets that travels on a 3600 year orbit, then there is NO WAY to have ANY warning whatsoever without the willingness of the government and the scientists who have control of the instruments of observation to share their data with us. And I can promise you that if a panic ensues from false alarms such as this nonsense about Nibiru, there will be no possibility of any sharing of data, and if it is gonna happen, you won’t know.

The Cassiopaeans have given us the clues. We have followed and are continuing to follow them and make discoveries that are grounded in scientific fact. We have discovered that there is, indeed, a Control System; that the influence of science has been to institute a form of Thought Control. But it most certainly does not operate the way the Rumormongers and purveyors of hysterical, half-baked theories would have us believe.

What is more, there is much, much more to this matter at the present time than meets the eye. There are many other clues, and we are making discoveries regarding these clues almost daily. We are also coming under increasing financial pressure that is obviously an attempt to prevent further discoveries, as well as deliberate attacks from various “cells” of the Thought Police intended to dissuade us from pursuing our present research.

What do I think? I think that, based on what the Cassiopaeans have said, supported by our research to this point, it is very likely that we are already experiencing some of the comets from the cluster that has been cycling through the solar system on that 3600 year orbit. In fact, we – or our Moon – may get hit by a couple of small ones in the next year or two. But I think that, for the most part, this former group has lost its potency. It is scattered and dissipated. Indeed, it seems likely that it is time for the birth of a new cluster from “between the thighs of the Ennead.”

I think that we will witness some amazing astronomical phenomena in the next few years. “Signs in the Sun and Moon.” I think that the powerful activity of the Sun during this sunspot maximum has been because its companion is drawing close. It is not yet close enough to be seen, but that will probably change. We may see it in the next year or two. There will be more solar activity. The companion star will be seen to “interact” with its primary similar to observations of other binary star interactions. A “hieros gamos” of cosmic proportions will take place. Earthquakes will shake the earth. Volcanoes will erupt. Sitchin will go on a veritable world tour of lectures declaring that this is the appearance of Nibiru and that he was “the first” to predict it. He will be lionized, courted, interviewed, and trotted out on all the television shows. Oprah will kiss his cheek and Art Bell will give him a regular spot.

But the important thing to remember is this: It will not be a planet Nibiru. There is no “Planet Nibiru.” But there IS a sun’s companion, Nemesis. And, even if this companion star is seen, it will never enter the inner solar system. That is not the way these types of bodies interact with each other. The closest that Nemesis will come is probably the orbit of Pluto. It will then “go away.” Everyone will settle down and think that nothing is going to happen. Sitchin will be disgraced because his predicted giant planet won’t do what he says it will do. Oprah will no longer take his calls, and Art Bell will not answer his faxes.

But that will not be the end of the matter… Because the important thing to remember about the appearance of a Dark Star at the outer reaches of our solar system is that, in order to get close enough to be seen, it has to pass through the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt… like a bowling ball through a row of pins. What is more, the macrocosmic quantum changes that could result from an interaction between a binary star system are too poorly known, and may contribute to an entirely different cometary intinerary. Cometary bodies that are slammed into the Solar System by a gravitationally heavy object may proceed rather more quickly than one would suppose.

And so, in addition to whatever is left over of a cyclical cometary swarm from the previous interaction with our Sun’s companion, will be augmented by a whole new grouping.

In closing, allow me to repeat a quote from Noah:

One of the chief proponents of catastrophe theory in the last century was Immanuel Velikovsky.  Criticisms aimed at Velikovsky included remarks stating that his vision “showed little respect for the laws of physics:  In his books, planets change orbits – in blatant violation of the laws of mechanics – and go crashing into other planets.[1]

Is this attack really justified?  Is talk about jumping planets evidence of ignorance, as the authors of Three Big Bangs seem to imply?

In a paper published in a collection entitled: The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems, Jeno M.  Barthomy[2]wrote: “It is conceivable that when the Earth was formed, it occupied a higher quantum state, and by releasing energy in the form of gravitational waves ‘jumped’ to its present ‘ground state.’  I do not wish as yet to speculate on a possible gravitational wave spectrum emitted from newly formed planetary systems in the universe.

How can such jumps occur in terms of more conventional concepts?  G.J Sussman and Jack Wisdom wrote in 1992:  “The evolution of the Solar System is chaotic.  Exponential divergence of nearby trajectories is indicative of chaotic behavior.”[3]

Up to the present time the computer simulations that have been done [4] have not even attempted to take into account a possible cosmic intruder – the brown dwarf Sun’s companion whose existence and properties have been researched by R.  Muller and J.  Matese. [5] They also did not try to take into account a possible fractal structure of space-time, which was the subject of a series of papers and of a monograph by French astrophysicist Laurent Nottale.[6]

I have discussed Nottale’s rules of quantization of planetary systems in my notes in the present work.  Here it is enough to say that fractal and multidimensional structure of space-time, along the ideas put forward by many physicists, astronomers and astrophysicists, whose works are quoted in this book, make cosmic jumps plausible.  My own research added one more factor here: as discussed in this work, it is one of the conclusions of EEQT that, as a rule, couplings of quantum systems to classical onesinduce chaotic behavior and fractal-like patterns of quantum jumps.[7] That may be one of the reasons why space-time is fractal-like both in micro- and in macro-scale.

The event generating algorithm that is at the foundation of EEQT can be easily modified, using cosmic scale coupling constants, to describe such jumps in terms of a piecewise deterministic Markov process, when prolonged periods of continuous evolution are interspersed by jumps of a random character.

The main feature of EEQT is that it provides an algorithm for describing the history of an individual system, where jumps really take place.  Therefore it provides appropriate tools for dealing not only with micro-particles but also with cosmic bodies, as discussed in this present work.

It may also put tools into our hands that will help us to intervene in the “events” of Cosmic Catastrophe.

The primary message of Noah is that one such continuous period may be coming to an end soon, and that the target quantum state after the jump is not fully determined.  Our actions, or our lack of action now, shape the probability distribution of our future “after the Flood” environment.

Paraphrasing slightly the quote from Niels Bohr’s friend Piet Hein, as used in John Archibald Wheeler’s Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam:[8]

We need to know
what this whole show
is all about
before it’s out.

And time is running out.

[1] Hills 85

[2] Muller 88, Muller 96

[3] Raup 86

[4] Matese 99

[5] Matese 00

[6] Talk about your lame interpretation!  Next they will be saying that the ancients were howling savages who smeared bear grease in their hair!

[7] We notice that the authors don’t jump on this pregnant allusion!

[8] And here I beg to differ.

[9] It is far more difficult for me to comprehend how these two authors can be talking about the ancients grasping this concept, and then to wonder why anyone with the brains to do so would even care!  That is, assuming it is just a “concept.”

[10] De Santillana & Von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill,1977, David R.  Godine, Boston

[11] Snorri Sturlson, author of the Prose Edda.

[12] Norse gods.

[1] This shows clearly to what extent the greenhouse effect has been overestimated in comparison with the solar contribution to climate change, which turns out to be the most important factor.

[1] [Muller 96]

[2] [Barthomy 74]

[3] [Wisdom 92]

[4] [Wisdom 01]

[5] [Matese 99, 00, Mueller 88, 96]

[6] [Nottale 93, Nottale 97]

[7] [Blanchard 00, 01]

[8] [Wheeler 98]

Note:The ‘Virtual Observatory’ concept, for which “Astrovirtel” is a prototype, is the start of a new era in astronomy. A larger study project called the ‘Astrophysical Virtual Observatory’ is now about to start within the Fifth EC Framework programme as a collaboration between ESO, ESA (ST-ECF), the University of Edinburgh (UK), CDS (Strasbourg, France), CNRS (Paris, France) and the University of Manchester (UK).

Observatory (ESO). Credit to “ESA, ESO, Astrovirtel and Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR)”.

Members of the group of scientists involved in these observations are: Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR, Berlin;, Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist (Uppsala University, Sweden;, Karri Muinonen, Jukka Piironen and Jenni Virtanen (University of Helsinki, Finland;, Andreas Doppler and Arno Gnaedig (Archenhold Sternwarte, Berlin, Germany) and Francesco Pierfederici (ST-ECF/ESO).

Number in Scripture

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Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
by E.W. Bullinger

Number in Scripture:

Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance

E. W. Bullinger

Fourth Edition, Revised.

“The works of the Lord are great,
Sought out of all them have pleasure therein.”
Ps. cxi. 2.

Eyre & Spottiswoode (Bible Warehouse) Ltd.,
33. Paternoster Row, E.C.


Many writers, from the earliest times, have called attention to the importance of the great subject of Number in Scripture. It has been dealt with, for the most part, in a fragmentary way. One has dealt with some particular number, such as “seven”; another has been content with a view of the primary numbers, and even when defining their significance, has given only one or two examples by way of illustration; another has confined himself to “symbolical numbers,” such as 10, 40, 666, etc.; another has taken up such symbolical numbers in their relation to chronology or to prophecy; another has collected examples, but has dealt little with their meaning.

There seemed, therefore, to be room, and indeed a call, for a work which would be more complete, embrace a larger area, and at the same time be free from the many fancies which all, more or less, indulge in when the mind is occupied too much with one subject. Anyone who values the importance of a particular principle will be tempted to see it where it does not exist, and if it be not there will force it in, in spite sometimes of the original text. Especially is this the case when chronology is dealt with, the greater uncertainty of dates lending itself more readily to the author’s fancy.

The greatest work on this subject, both chronological and numerical, is not free from these defects. But its value is nevertheless very great. It is by the late Dr. Milo Mahan, of New York. His work Palmoni*, which was republished among his collected works, has long been out of print. It greatly increased my interest in this subject, and led me to further study, besides furnishing a number of valuable illustrations.

* Not the anonymous Palmoni by an English author, published in London.

It is too much to hope that the present work should be free from these defects, which are inseparable from human infirmity. From one point of view it is a subject which must prove disappointing, at any rate to the author, for illustrations are continually being discovered; and yet, from another point of view, it would be blasphemy to suppose that such a work could be complete; for it would assume that the wonders of this mine could be exhausted, and that its treasures could be all explored!

I must, therefore, be content with the setting forth of general principles, and with giving a few examples from God’s Word which illustrate them, leaving others to extend the application of these principles and search out illustrations of them for themselves.

May the result of this contribution to a great subject be to stimulate the labours of Bible students; to strengthen believers in their most holy faith; and to convince doubters of the Divine perfection and inspiration of the Book of Books, to the praise and glory of God.


17 North End Road,
Golders Green, N.W.





The Heavens
The Vegetable Kingdom
Sound and Music


The Books of the Bible
The Writers
Occurrences of Words in Old Testament
Occurrences of Words in New Testament
Occurrences of Words in the Apocalypse
Occurrences of Phrases
Evidence as to Authorship of Hebrews and 2 Peter
Occurrences of Words and Phrases in Old and New Testaments combined



Chapter I

“Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand;
And meted out heaven with a span;
And comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure,
And weighed the mountains in scales,
And the hills in a balance?” (Isa 40:12)

“The works of the LORD are great,
Sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.” (Psa 111:2)

There can be neither works nor words without number. We can understand how man can act and speak without design or significance, but we cannot imagine that the great and infinite Creator and Redeemer could either work or speak without both His words and His works being absolutely perfect in every particular.

“As for God His WAY is perfect” (Psa 18:30). “The Law of the LORD is perfect” (Psa 19:7). They are both perfect in power, perfect in holiness and righteousness, perfect in design, perfect in execution, perfect in their object and end, and, may we not say, perfect in number.

“The LORD is righteous in all His ways: and holy in all His works” (Psa 145:17).

All His works were (and are) done, and all His words were spoken and written, in the right way, at the right time, in the right order, and in the right number. “He telleth the number of the stars” (Psa 147:4). He “bringeth out their host by number” (Isa 40:26). “He weigheth the waters by measure” (Job 28:25).

We may, therefore, say with David: “I meditate on all Thy works; I muse on the work of Thy hands” (Psa 143:5).

In all the works of God we find not only what we call “Law,” and a Law-maker, but we observe a Law enforcer. We speak of laws, but they are nothing in themselves. They have no being; they possess no power; they cannot make themselves, or carry themselves out. What we mean when we speak of law in nature is simply this: God in action; God not merely giving or making laws, but carrying them out and enforcing them.

As He is perfect, so His works and His words also must be perfect. And when we see number used not by chance, but by design; not at haphazard, but with significance; then we see not merely so many works and words, but the Living God working and speaking.

In this first part of our subject we are to speak only of design in the use of number; and in the second part, of significance. In this first chapter we will confine our thoughts to design as it is seen in the works of God; and in the second, as it is seen in the Word of God.

When we see the same design in each; the same laws at work; the same mysterious principles being carried out in each, the conviction is overwhelming that we have the same great Designer, the same Author; and we see the same Hand, the same seal stamped on all His works, and the same signature or autograph, as it were, upon every page of His Word. And that, not an autograph which may be torn off or obliterated, but indelible, like the water-mark in the paper; so impressed upon and interwoven with it that no power on earth can blot it out.

Let us turn first to


Here we see number displayed in a remarkable manner. The 12 signs of the Zodiac, each with three constellations, making 36 in all, which together with the 12 signs make a total of 48. There must be a reason, therefore, why the number 12 should thus pervade the heavens. Why should 12 be the predominating factor? Why should it not be 11, or 13, or 7, or 20?

Because 12 is one of the four perfect numbers, the number of governmental perfection; hence it is associated with the rule of the heavens, for the sun is given “to rule the day,” and the moon “to govern the night.” The significance of this, however, must be deferred till we come to consider the number “twelve” under this head. It is enough for us now to notice the fact here, upon the threshold of our subject, that we have one common measure, or factor, which is seen in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the 36 (3×12) constellations,* the total 48 (4×12); the 360 (12×30) degrees, into which the great circle of the heavens is divided. No one can tell us why the number of degrees was first fixed at 360. It has come down to us from ancient times, and is used universally without a question.** And it is this division of the Zodiac which gives us the 12 months of the Zodiacal year. This is called also the Prophetic year, for it is the year which is used in the prophecies of the Bible.***

* There are other modern constellations now: Hevelius (1611-1687) added twenty-two; Halley (1656-1742) added fifteen. But every one knows how different these are from the ancient constellations, both in their names, their character, and their utter absence of all significance.

** It probably arises from the product of the four numbers, 3, 4, 5, 6, which arise out of the phenomena which lie at the root of Geometrical and Arithmetical Science. 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 360, while 360 x 7 = 2520.

*** There are different or relative kinds of years, according as we reckon the revolutions of the sun in relation to certain objects, e.g.: (1.) In relation to the equinoctial points. The time taken by the sun to return to the same equinoctial point is called the Solaryear (also the Civil, or Tropical year), and consists of 365.2422414 solar days (or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 49.7 seconds). (2.) In relation to the stars. The time taken by the sun to return to the same fixed star is called the Sidereal year, and consists of 365.2563612 solar days (or 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9.6 seconds). (3.) In relation to his own orbit. The time taken by the sun to return to the same point in his own orbit is called the Anomalistic year, and consists of 365.2595981 solar days (or 365 days 6 hours 13 minutes 49.3 seconds). The word “Anomalistic” means irregular, and this kind of year is so called because from it the first irregularities of planetary motion were discovered.

Here, then, is an example of number as it is used in the heavens. Twelve is the pervading factor.


It is not necessary to go into the intricacies of this vast part of our subject. Notwithstanding the fact that God gave to man these heavenly time-keepers, he has so misused the gift (as he has every other gift which God has ever given him) that he cannot tell you now what year it really is! No subject is in more hopeless confusion, made worse by those who desire the dates to fit in with their theories of numbers, instead of with the facts of history.

We shall, therefore, avoid man’s use of numbers. Our only concern in this work is with God’s use of them. Here we shall find both design and significance. Here, therefore, we shall find that which is certain and full of interest.

The first natural division of time is stamped by the Number seven. On the seventh day God rested from His work of Creation.

When He ordained the ritual for Israel which should show forth His work of Redemption, seven is again stamped upon it in all its times and seasons. The seventh day was the holy day; the seventh month was specially hallowed by its number of sacred festivals; the seventh year was the Sabbatic year of rest for the land: while 7 x 7 years marked the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:4,8).

Thirty jubilees bring us from the Exodus to the opening of Christ’s ministry, when, opening Isaiah 61:2, He proclaimed “the acceptable year of the Lord” in a seven-fold prophecy (see Luke 4:18-21).

The great symbolical divisions of Israel’s history, or rather of the times of God’s dealings with them, are marked by the same number; and if we confine ourselves to duration of years rather than to the succession of years and chronological dates; with kairoV (kairos), season, a definitely limited portion of time, rather than with cronoV (chronos), time, the course of time in general* (hence our word “chronology”), —we shall have no difficulty.

* In modern Greek kairoV has come to mean weather, and cronoV, year, thus preserving the essential distinction between the two words.

God’s dealings with His people have to do with actual duration of time rather than with specific dates; and we find that His dealings with Israel were measured out into four periods, each consisting of 490 (70 times 7) years. Thus:—

The 1st. From Abraham to the Exodus.
The 2nd. The Exodus to the Dedication of the Temple.
The 3rd. From the Temple to Nehemiah’s return.
The 4th. From Nehemiah to the Second Advent.

It is clear that these are periods of duration having regard only to Israel, and to Jehovah’s immediate dealings with them. For in each one there is a period of time during which He was not immediately governing them, but in which His hand was removed, and His people were without visible tokens of His presence with them.

1. From the birth of Abraham to the Exodus Years Total
From the birth of Abraham to the Exodus was actually (Gen 12:4, 16:3 and 21:5)* 505
But deducting the 15 years while Ishmael was Abram’s seed, delaying the seed of promise - 15
Leaving the first 70 x 7 of years 490

*Abraham was 75 years old when the promise (Gen 12:4) was made to him. The Law was given 430 years after (Exo 12:40; Gal 3:17). But 430 and 75 make 505 years, or 15 years over the 490. How are we to account for this gap of 15 years as forming part of the 505 years? The answer is that at Abraham’s departure into Canaan (12:4) he was 75 years old, Ishmael was conceived 10 years after (16:3), therefore Abraham was 85 years old at Ishmael’s conception. But he was 100 years old when Isaac was born (21:5). Therefore it follows that there were 15 years (100 minus 85=15) during which Ishmael was occupying and usurping the place of the “promised seed”; and 15 from 505 leaves 490. Here then we have the first of the seventy sevens of years, and the first “gap” of 15 years.

2. From the Exodus to the foundation of the Temple, according to Acts 13:20:* Years Total
In the Wilderness 40
Under the Judges 450
Saul 40
David 40
Solomon (1 Kings 6:1,37) 3
But from these we must deduct the Captivities under 573
Cushan (Judges 3:8) 8
Eglon (Judges 3:14) 18
Jabin (Judges 4:3) 20
Midianites (Judges 6:1) 7
Philistines (Judges 13:1)** 40 93
Leaving 480
To this we must add the years during which the Temple was in building, for the finishing of the house (1 Kings 6:38) 7
And at least for the furnishing and ending of all the work (1 Kings 7:13-51)*** 3
Making altogether the second 70 x 7 of years 490

* The actual number of years was 573, according to Acts 13:20. But 1 Kings 6:1 says: “It came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of Egypt…he began to build the house of the LORD.” Therefore commentators immediately conclude that the book is wrong. It never seems to dawn on them that they can be wrong. But they are, because the number is ordinal, not cardinal, and it does not say four hundred and eighty years, but “eightieth year.” The 480th from or of what? Of the duration of God’s dealings with His people, deducting the 93 years while He had “sold them” into the hands of others. Thus there is no discrepancy between 1 Kings 6:1 and Acts 13:20. In the Acts the actual number of years is stated in a cardinal number; while in the Kings a certain reckoning is made in an ordinal number, and a certain year in the order of God’s dealings with His people is named. And yet by some, the inspiration of Acts 13:20 is impugned, and various shifts are resorted to, to make it what man thinks to be correct. The RV adopts an ancient punctuation which does not after all remove the difficulty; while in the Speaker’s Commentary the words in 1 Kings 6:1 are printed within brackets, as though they were of doubtful authority.

** The 18 years of Judges 10:8 were part of the joint 40 years’ oppression; on the one side Jordan by the Philistines, and on “the other side Jordan in the land of the Amorites” by the Ammonites.

*** For in 1 Kings 8:2 it was dedicated in the seventh month, though it was finished in the eighth month. Therefore it could not have been the same year; and it may well have required three years for the completion of all the interior work described in 1 Kings 7:13-51.

3. From the Dedication of the Temple to Nehemiah’s return in the 20th year of Artaxerxes Years Total
From the dedication to Nehemiah’s return (Neh 2:1) 560
Deduct the 70 years’ Captivity in Babylon (Jer 25:11,12; Dan 9:2) 70
Leaving the third 70 x 7 years 490
4. From Nehemiah’s return to “cutting off” of “Messiah the Prince” (Dan 9:24-27) Years Total
The “Seven weeks” (7×7) 49
The “Threescore and two weeks” (62×7) 434
“After” this, Messiah was to be “cut off,” and then comes this present interval, the longest of all, now more than 1970 years, to be followed, when God again deals with His people Israel, by “One week”* 7

* This “one week” must be future, because since Messiah was “cut off” no prince has come and made a covenant with the Jews and in the “midst of the week” caused “the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” This is specially stated to be the work of “the Prince that shall come.” See Daniel 8:11, where it is done by “the little horn”; 11:31, where it is the work of “the vile person” (different names for the same person); and 12:11. All these four passages are the work of the same person, and that person is not Christ, but Antichrist. Besides, Messiah was “cut off” after the “threescore and two weeks,” i.e., at the end of the second of these three divisions. This cannot be the same event as that which is to take place “in the midst” of the third of these three divisions. In a prophecy so distinct, that the very distinction is the essential part of it, it is impossible for us to introduce such confusion by violently taking an event declared to take place “after” the end of the second period and say it is the same event which is spoken of as taking place in the middle of the third; and at the same time, out of four distinct descriptions of the latter event to make one refer to the former and three to the latter—this is simply trifling with the Word of God. A system of interpretation which requires such violent and unwarranted treatment of God’s Word stands self-condemned.

Thus the number seven is stamped on “the times and seasons” of Scripture, marking the spiritual perfection of the Divine Prophecies.


We see the same law at work in various departments of nature. Sometimes one number is the dominant factor, sometimes another. In natureseven is found to mark the only possible mode of classification of the mass of individuals which constitutes the special department called science. We give the seven divisions, with examples from the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The one specimen of an animal (the dog) and one specimen of a flower (the rose).

I. KINGDOM Animal Vegetable
II. SUB-KINGDOM Vertebrata Phanerogamia
III. CLASS Mammalia Dicotyledon
IV. ORDER Carnivora Rosiflorae
V. FAMILY Canidae Rosaciae
VI. GENUS Dog Rosa
VII. SPECIES Spaniel Tea-rose


Here all is law and order. Number comes in, in many cases determining various classifications. In the Endogens (or inside-growing plants) threeis a prevailing number; while in Exogens (or outside-growing plants) five is a prevailing number.

The grains in Indian corn, or maize, are set in rows, generally straight, but in some cases spirally. These rows are always arranged in an even number. Never odd! They range from 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and sometimes as high as 24. But never in 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, or any odd number of rows. The even number is permanent. Mr. H. L. Hastings tells of one farmer who looked for 27 years and could not find a “cob” with an odd number of rows. A slave was once offered his freedom if he found a corn-cob with an odd number, and one day he found one! But he had found it also some time before, when it was young; carefully cut out one row, and bound it up, so that the parts grew together as the corn-cob developed, and finally presented the phenomenon of having an odd number of rows. This exception proves the rule in an interesting manner.

If we notice how the leaves grow upon the stem of a plant, not only is law seen in classifying their nature and character, but number is observed in their arrangement and disposition. Some are placed alternately, some opposite, while others are arranged spirally. But in each case all is in perfect order. After a certain number of leaves one will come immediately over and in the same line with the first:—

  • In the apple it is the fifth leaf,
  • In the oak it is the fourth,
  • In the peach, etc., it is the sixth,
  • In the holly, etc., it is the eighth; but it takes two turns of the spiral before the eighth leaf stands immediately over the first.
  • In the larch it is the twenty-first leaf; but it is not until after eight turns of the spiral that the twenty-first leaf stands directly over the first.

Examples might be multiplied indefinitely were design in nature our only subject. We are anxious to search the Word of God, and therefore can touch merely the surface of His works, but sufficiently to illustrate the working of Law and the presence of the Law-enforcer.


offers a vast field for illustration, but here again the grand impress is seen to be the number seven. The days of man’s years are “Three-score years and ten” (7×10). In seven years the whole structure of his body changes: and we are all familiar with “the seven ages of man.”

There are seven Greek words used to describe these seven ages, according to Philo:—

  1. Infancy (paidion, paidion, child).
  2. Childhood (paiV, pais boy).
  3. Youth (meirakion, meirakion, lad, stripling).
  4. Adolescence (neaniskoV, neaniskos, young man).
  5. Manhood (anhr, aner, man).
  6. Decline (presbuthV, presbutes, old man).
  7. Senility (gerwn, geron, aged man).

The various periods of gestation also are commonly a multiple of seven, either of days or weeks.

With INSECTS the ova are hatched from seven half-days (as the wasp, bee, etc.); while with others it is seven whole days. The majority of insects require from 14 (2×7) to 42 (6×7) days; the same applies to the larva state.

With ANIMALS the period of gestation of—

The mouse is 21 (3×7) days.
The hare and rat, 28 (4×7) days.
The cat, 56 (8×7) days.
The dog, 63 (9×7) days.
The lion, 98 (14×7) days.
The sheep, 147 (21×7) days.

With BIRDS, the gestation of—

The common hen is 21 (3×7) days.
The duck, 42 (6×7) days.

With the Human species it is 280 days (or 40×7).

Moreover, man appears to be made on what we may call the seven-day principle. In various diseases the seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-first are critical days; and in others seven or 14 half-days. Man’s pulse beats on the seven-day principle, for Dr. Stratton points out that for six days out of the seven it beats faster in the morning than in the evening, while on the seventh day it beats slower. Thus the number seven is stamped upon physiology, and he is thus admonished, as man, to rest one day in seven. He cannot violate this law with impunity, for it is interwoven with his very being. He may say “I will rest when I please,”— one day in ten, or irregularly, or not at all. He might as well say of his eight-day clock, “It is mine, and I will wind it up when I please.” Unless he wound it at least once in eight days, according to the principle on which it was made, it would be worthless as a clock. So with man’s body. If he rests not according to the Divine law, he will, sooner or later, be compelled to “keep his sabbaths,” and the rest which he would not take at regular intervals, at God’s command, he has to take at the command of man all at once! Even in this case God gives him more rest than he can get for himself; for God would have him take 52 days’ rest in the year, and the few days’ “change” he is able to get for himself is a poor substitute for this. It is like all man’s attempts to improve on God’s way.

It is not always seven, however, which is the predominant factor in physiology or natural history.

In the case of the BEE, it is the number three which pervades its phenomena—

  • In three days the egg of the queen is hatched.
  • It is fed for nine days (3×3).
  • It reaches maturity in 15 days (5×3).
  • The worker grub reaches maturity in 21 days (7×3).
  • And is at work three days after leaving its cell.
  • The drone matures in 24 days (8×3).
  • The bee is composed of three sections,— head and two stomachs.
  • The two eyes are made up of about 3,000 small eyes, each (like the cells of the comb) having six sides (2×3).
  • Underneath the body are six (2×3) wax scales with which the comb is made.
  • It has six (2×3) legs. Each leg is composed of three sections.
  • The foot is formed of three triangular sections.
  • The antennae consist of nine (3×3) sections.
  • The sting has nine (3×3) barbs on each side.

Is this design? or is it chance? Why should it be the number three instead of any other number? No one can tell. We can only observe the wondrous working of supernatural laws, and admire the perfection of design.


Here we are met with a field of research in which constant discoveries are being made. Chemistry is worthy of the name Science. Here are no theories and hypotheses, which deprive other so-called sciences of all title to the name. Science is Scientia, knowledge, that which we know, and what we know is truth which can never alter. Chemistry, for example, is not like geology, whose old theories are constantly being superseded by new ones. If we know the action of a certain substance, then our knowledge never changes. But side by side with this unchangeable truth there is the constant discovery of new truths.

All matter is made up of certain combinations of various elements, which are its ultimate, indecomposable constituents. Not that these elements are absolutely simple, but that hitherto they have not been decomposed. Some of these have been known from the most ancient times, while others are of quite recent discovery. Hence their number is slowly being increased. In 1874 there were 64; now there are about 103, fourteen of which are man-made.

But though their total number cannot yet be known, the law by which they are arranged has been discovered. This law is complex, but perfect.

1. All the elements when magnetized fall into two classes. One class immediately ranges itself east and west, at right angles to the line of magnetic force (which is north and south), and is hence called Diamagnetic (i.e. through or across the magnet); while the other immediately ranges itself by the side of and parallel to the magnetic pole (i.e. north and south), and is called Paramagnetic (i.e. by the side of the magnet).

2. Further, it is observed that these elements have other properties. Some combine with only one atom of another element, and are calledMonads; some combine with only two atoms of another element, and are called Diads; some combine with only three, and are called Triads: while those that combine with four are called Tetrads, etc.

3. Now when the elements are arranged, first on the two sides of the dividing line, according to their Diamagnetic and Paramagneticcharacters; and then placed on lines according to their properties as Monads, Diads, etc.; and further, are arranged in the order of their atomic weights,* the result is seen in the accompanying illustration [Reynold's Curve of the Elements according to the Newlands-Mendelejeff Periodic Law], which exhibits the presence and working of a wonderful law.

* The atomic weight is the smallest weight according to which different elements combine; e.g. hydrogen, whose atomic weight is 2, will combine with oxygen, whose atomic weight is 16, forming water. With carbon, whose atomic weight is 12, it combines also the same proportion of 2 to 12 (or 1 to 6). These are what are called the atomic weights, or the “combining proportions.”

On carefully examining this table it will be seen,—

1. That on either side of the central or neutral line, there are alternate groups of seven elements, and that these seven fall into the form of an introversion, Monad answering to Monad, Diad to Diad, etc., thus:—

Monad >>>>> Diad >>>>> Triad >>>>>
Monad >>>>> Diad >>>>> Triad >>>>>

Then, on the other side, the group of seven is arranged in the opposite way, but in a corresponding manner:—

<<<<< Triad <<<<< Diad <<<<< Monad
<<<<< Triad <<<<< Diad <<<<< Monad

Thus we have an introversion of seven elements alternated throughout the entire series.

2. Next observe that each time the line crosses upward from right to left there is a group of three neutral elements that occur together, near theatomic weights of 60, 100, and 190. So perfect is the law that the discoverers believe that about the points 20 and 155 there are yet two sets of three elements to be discovered…

3. Also observe that when the lines pass upward from left to right there are no elements whatever on this neutral line, and therefore we do not expect any to be discovered.

4. Further, that there are others which will yet be discovered to fill in the gaps that are left vacant, above the weights 145. A few years ago the number stood at 64. The present list contains 69. Some newly-discovered elements have been brought under notice while writing these words. They are Cerium, 141.5; Neodymium, 140.8; Praseodunium, 143.6; and “Ytterbium,” 173. These with others that may yet be discovered will fill up some of the gaps that remain.

5. There is an element whose atomic weight is a multiple of 7 (or very nearly so) for every multiple up to 147, while the majority of the others are either square numbers (or multiples of a square number), multiples of 11, or cube numbers. Indeed we may say that every important element is a multiple of either 4 or 7; gold, the most valuable, for example, being 196 (4×72); iron, the most useful, 56 (7×23); silver being 108 (4×27, or 22x33), copper 63 (7×9), carbon 12 (3×4), mercury 200 (4×50), bismuth 208 (4×52), etc.*

* Where the others are not exact multiples of these numbers, they are so nearly exact that the slight uncertainty in the accepted weights might account for some of the differences.

6. Note that all the parts of the image which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream are here, and they are all on the left or diamagnetic side; that is to say, they are at cross purposes with the line of Divine government! The three which are pure and unmixed are all on the same line of monads—”gold,” “silver,” and “copper,”—while the fourth, “iron,” is neutral, neither for nor against, like the fourth power, which is both religious and at the same time antichristian. The heaviest is at the top and the lightest at the bottom, as though to show us that the image being top-heavy is not destined to stand. Three have already passed away; the fourth is approaching its end; and presently, the “power” which was committed to the Gentiles shall be given to Him “whose right it is,” and the fifth monarchy (illustrated by the Rock out of which all the others proceed) shall swallow all up when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.

Thus the very elements of matter are all arranged according to number and law. When this law was first spoken of, it appeared to some chemists to be as absurd as suggesting that the alphabetical arrangement could be the scientific or natural order.

But here we have a natural, or rather, we should say, a Divine order. For the elements, when arranged according to the weights and properties which God has given to them, are found to fall into this wondrous order. Here there can be no room for human fancy, but all is the result of knowledge, or science truly so called.


Sound is the impression produced on the ear by the vibrations of air. The pitch of the musical note is higher or lower according as these vibrations are faster or slower. When they are too slow, or not sufficiently regular and continuous to make a musical sound, we call it noise.

Experiments have long been completed which fix the number of vibrations for each musical note; by which, of course, we may easily calculate the difference between the number of vibrations between each note.

These were finally settled at Stuttgart in 1834. They were adopted by the Paris Conservatoire in 1859, but it was not till 1869 that they were adopted in England by the Society of Arts. The following is the scale of Do showing the number of vibrations in a second under each note and the differences between them:—

(33) 297
(33) 330
(22) 352
(44) 396
(44) 440
(55) 495
(33) 528

In the upper row of figures, those immediately under each note are the number of vibrations producing such note. The figures in brackets, between these numbers, show the difference between these vibrations. The figures in the lower line are merely the factors of the respective numbers.

On examining the above it will be at once seen that the number eleven is stamped upon music; and we may say seven also, for there are sevennotes of the scale (the eighth being the repetition of the first).

The number of vibrations in a second, for each note, is a multiple of eleven, and the difference in the number of vibrations between each note is also a multiple of eleven. These differences are not always the same. We speak of tones and semitones, as though all tones were alike, and all semitones were alike; but this is not the case. The difference between the semitone Mi and Fa* is 22; while between the other semitone, Si andDo, it is 33. So with the tones: the difference between the tone Do and Re, for example, is 33; while between Fa and Sol it is 44; between Soland La it is 44; and between La and Si it is 55.

* In using this notation it is worth recording and remembering, in passing (though it is hardly relevant to our subject), the origin of what is now called Solfeggio. It arose from a Mediaeval hymn to John the Baptist which had this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher than the first syllable of the line that preceded it:—

Ut queant laxis
Re-sonare fibris
Mi-ra gestorum
Fa-muli tuorum
Sol-ve polluti
La-bii reatum
Sancto Iohannes

By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes, and as each syllable ended with a vowel they were found to be peculiarly adapted for vocal use. Hence Ut was artificially replaced by “Do.” Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century, and Le Maire, a French musician of the 17th century, added “Si” for the seventh note of the scale, in order to complete the series. It might have been formed from the initial letters of the two words in this line, S and I.

The ear can detect and convey these vibrations to the brain only within certain limits. Each ear has within it a minute organ, like a little harp, with about ten thousand strings. These organs were discovered by an Italian named Corti, and hence have been named “the organs of Corti.” When a sound is made, the corresponding string of this little harp vibrates in sympathy, and conveys the impression to the brain. The immense number of these little strings provides for the conveyance of every conceivable sound within certain limits. In the scale, as we have seen, there is a range of 264 vibrations. There is a difference between each one, so that there are practically 264 notes in the scale, but the ear cannot detect them. The ear of a skilled violinist can detect many more than an ordinary untrained ear. The mechanical action of a pianoforte can record only twelve of these notes. The violin can be made to produce a much larger number, and is therefore more perfect as an instrument, but not equal in this respect to the human voice. The wonderful mechanism of the human voice, being created by God, far excels every instrument that man can make.

There are vibrations which the ear cannot detect, so slow as to make no audible sound, but there are contrivances by which they can be madevisible to the eye. When sand is thrown upon a thin metal disc, to which a chord is attached and caused to vibrate, the sand will immediately arrange itself in a perfect geometrical pattern. The pattern will vary with the number of the vibrations. These are called “Chladni’s figures.” Moist plaster on glass or moist water-colour on rigid surfaces will vibrate at the sound, say, of the human voice, or of a cornet, and will assume forms of various kinds—geometrical, vegetable and floral; some resembling ferns, others resembling leaves and shells, according to the pitch of the note.

The “Pendulograph” is another contrivance for rendering these vibrations visible to the eye; and for exhibiting depths of sound which are totally inaudible to the ear. The pen is attached to one pendulum and the paper to the other, and these are made to oscillate at right angles with each other. When each pendulum is set at the same length (making the same number of vibrations in the same time), the figure made by the pen will be a perfect circle. But when these lengths (or vibrations) vary, the patterns that are described are as exquisite as they are marvelous, and almost infinite in their variety and design.

Even the organs of Corti are limited in their perception, notwithstanding the many thousands of minute vibrating chords. When these organs are perfect or well formed there is what is called “an ear for music.” But in many cases there is “no ear for music.” This means that these organs are defective, not fully developed, or malformed, in the case of such persons; and that the sounds are not accurately conveyed to the brain.

There is a solemn and important truth therefore in the words, “He that planted the ear”! (Psa 94:9). What wondrous planting!

Not every one has this peculiar (musical) “ear.” And no one has by nature that ear which can distinguish the things of God. The spiritual ear is the direct gift and planting of God. Hence it is written, “He that hath an ear,” i.e., only he that hath that divinely-planted, God-given ear can hear the things of the Spirit of God. “An ear to hear” those spiritual things is a far greater reality, and an infinitely greater gift, than an ear for music! Oh wondrous ear! It is the Lord that gives “the hearing ear” (Prov 20:12). He wakeneth the ear to hear (Isa 50:4); It is the Lord that openeth the ear (Isa 50:5). The natural ear does not hear spiritual sounds; it cannot discern them (Isa 64:4 and 1 Cor 2:9). Thus nature and grace illustrate each other, and reveal the great fact that there is a secret ear, more delicate than any “organs of Corti,” that can detect sounds invisible as well as inaudible to the senses, and which enables those who possess it to say:—

“Sweeter sounds than music knows
Charm me in Emanuel’s name;
All her hopes my spirit owes
To His birth, and cross, and shame.”


One more step brings us to colour, which is caused by the vibrations of light, as sound is caused by the vibrations of air. There is a relation between the two, so that a particular colour corresponds to a particular note in music.

Hence there are seven colours answering to the seven musical sounds, and it is found that sounds which harmonize, correspond with colours that harmonize. While discords in colour correspond with discords in music.

The seven, both in music and colour, are divided into three and four. Three primary colours and four secondary, from which all others proceed, answer to the three primary sounds called the Tri-chord, or common chord, and four secondary.

The subject is too abstruse to enlarge further upon here. Sufficient has been said to show that in the works of God all is perfect harmony, order and symmetry, both in number and design; and one corresponds with the other in a real and wonderful manner.

The one great question now is, May we not expect to find the same phenomena in that greatest of all God’s works, viz., His Word? If not the greatest in some senses, yet it is the greatest in its importance to us. For if we find in it the same corresponding perfection in design, then we see throughout the whole of it the same mysterious autograph. And its truths, and promises, and precepts come to us with increased solemnity and power; for the words of the book say with the stars of heaven, “The hand that made us is divine.” number02.htm


Daniel’s 70th Week

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Tribulation, Rapture & Millennium
Daniel’s 70th Week

A study of the events leading up to Armageddon, typically called the Tribulation or Jacob’s trouble (since this period deals with Israel & Jerusalem and the Jerusalem temple), seems more valid as the Millennium approaches. Such occurances as the “Coming of Antichrist” , the re-establishment of Israel’s temple sacrifice in Jerusalem, the “abomination of desolation”, and the resurrection of the dead are revealed in Bible prophecy, esp. the book of Daniel. Daniel contains a prophetic timeline that is to be taken literally (Daniel 8:26). By examining the prophecy given to Daniel concerning the Tribulation, Daniel’s 70th Week, & the “Coming of Antichrist” , an accurate timeline showing the seasons to expect prophetic fulfillment can be derived. The time frame of Daniel’s 70th Week is consistant with God’s fulfillment of prophecy within the feast days of Israel.

Bible prophecy – 360 days in Year

Although the modern Jewish calendar roughly parallels the 365 day solar year, the events of Daniel’s 70th Week, like all Bible prophecy fulfillment, will take place within 360 day Biblical/Prophetic years.

And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 yrs) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease: and on a corner of the alter desolating abominations even until the end.

The covenant must be about the temple sacrifice if it is broken when he causes the sacrifice to cease! The seven year treaty of Daniel 9:27, signed between Israel and the Antichrist, allows that the temple be rebuilt. This will necessitate not only a revival of tradition with the temple sacrifice, but the reintroduction of the calendar in which to celebrate their feast days–a 360 day Biblical calendar. But whether or not the Jews keep the Feast Day calendar, God will fulfill His prophecy within His own prophetic timeframe.

Daniel 7:25 shows the Antichrists’ power over the nations will last three and one-half Biblical years. Rev.13:5 & 11:2 further describe this power over the nations as consisting of forty-two months, a total of 1260 days.

Simple Addition & Subtraction

Since Daniel’s 7 yr. treaty equals 2,520 days, the “midst” of that period falls on day 1260. Daniel 12:11 further describes the tribulation time line, “And from the time the regular sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, 1,290 days shall occur.” This adds 30 days to the end of the seven years.
“How long is the vision, the regular sacrifice, and the desolating transgression, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled?”

That is, what is the combined duration for both the regular sacrifice on the Temple Mount, and the period of desolation?

“For 2,300 evenings and mornings, (a Jewish day begins at sundown, an evening and a morning are parts of one day), then the sanctuary will be vindicated.”

How long, then, is the regular sacrifice — the period of time where
Jews in Israel will once again be allowed to sacrifice on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

We know the length of the abomination of desolation, 1,290 days, and that it will commence from exactly the mid-point of the 7 years. After 7 years, 30 days from the signing of the covenant the desolation ends, so that has to be the point from which 2,300 days are counted backwards. If the desolation period 1,290 days is subtracted from the combined length of the sacrifice and the desolation, 2,300 days, there are 1,010 days from start of sacrifice to its interruption. The period of temple sacrifice lasts 1,010 days until the day when the Antichrist stops the daily sacrifice and sets up the abomination, at the mid-point of the 7 year treaty, day 1,260.

According to the time line of Daniel, this leaves 250 days from the start of the treaty of seven years, to the actual beginning of the daily sacrifice performed by the Levite priests.  That is to say, once the treaty which allows the sacrifice to start again in Jerusalem is signed, there will be almost a year — 250 days — before the public will see the sacrifice actually performed. Why would there be 250 days between the treaty allowing for the temple sacrifice, and the actual beginning of the regular sacrifice?

There are exactly 250 days between the feast of Passover, Nisan 14th, and the feast of Dedication (Chanukah), Chisleu 25th, in a 360 day year.

Feast day typology points to Passover, Nisan 14, in the first month of the religious year, as the likely date of a treaty reestablishing temple sacrifice.  Even though the Passover treaty allows eventually for the regular sacrifice to begin, The Levite priests cannot go up to the Temple Mount until Tishri 10, the Day of Atonement, to perform the necessary cleansing ceremonies according to Mosaic law.  It must be remembered that this area has been defiled since the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. During the crusades the temple mount was actually used for a garbage dump!

Even when the area is cleansed and properly prepared by the priests, the daily sacrificing to God on the temple mount would not just begin on any day. Such a momentous event as the first temple sacrifice in nearly 2,000 years in Israel would appropriately begin at the feast of Dedication or Chanukah, just as Joseph Macabee did on that date the last time the temple was rededicated. This feast day falls exactly 250 after Passover. One has to marvel at Daniel’s faithful writing of the prophecy he received, no wonder he did not understand the time line, the feast of Chanukah did not even exist in his day! If the covenant of the Antichrist begins on Passover in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then according to Daniel, 1260 days later, 3 and 1/2 years in the “midst” of the 7 year treaty, it would be broken on the feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 15th), in the first month of the Jewish civil year.

Daniel 12:11 “Even the time the regular sacrifice shall be taken away,
and the abomination that makes desolate set up,
a thousand two hundred and ninety days shall occur.
Blessed is he who waits
and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty five days.”

After the abomination of desolation is set up at the mid-point of the treaty, the prophecy of Daniel says that the vindication of the temple does not occur until 1290 days later. Then Daniel is told to wait to be blessed on a day 1335 days after the mid-point of the treaty. This adds an additional 45 days onto the end of the 7 years + 30 days .

If the religious year and the civil year are superimposed so that Passover in April, and the Day of Atonement start together, there are 75 days counted from the actual end of the 7 year treaty. Significantly, 75 days is the same amount of time between God’s feast day of Atonement, when the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies, and the feast of Dedication, or Chanukah.

Seven years after the covenant of the Antichrist begins, 2520 days after the signing, it is once again Passover. Prophecy tells us Jesus will return on that day, at the end of the battle of Armageddon (Zach 14:4), at the mount of Olives.

If the covenant of the Antichrist begins on Passover in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then 1,260 days later in the “midst” of the treaty, it would be broken on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 14th), in the first month of the Jewish civil year.

Return to Israel’s Feast Days and Bible Prophecy

Prophetic Significance of Tabernacles & the Rapture
millennium, millennialism, millennial prophecy, millennial kingdom, Jesus Christ, rapture, tribulation,  Jubilee, Israel, Jerusalem, temple, temple mount, Jerusalem temple, Jerusalem temple mount, temple sacrifice, Millennium, Bible Prophecy, Millennial Prophecy, the Apocalypse, Gog / Magog War, Armageddon, coming Antichrist & Tribulation, Israel, Jerusalem temple mount, Rapture & the Jubilee, Jerusalem Temple Israel Temple Mount Prophecy Tribulation Jubilee Rapture Antichrist,  Jewish holidays, Passover

Prophetic Significance of Passover & Armageddon

tribulation,  Jubilee, Israel, Jerusalem, temple, temple mount, Jerusalem temple, Jerusalem temple mount, temple sacrifice, Millennium, Bible Prophecy, Millennial Prophecy, the Apocalypse, Gog / Magog War, Armageddon, coming Antichrist & Tribulation, Israel, Jerusalem temple mount, Rapture & the Jubilee, Jerusalem Temple Israel Temple Mount Prophecy Tribulation Jubilee Rapture Antichrist,  Jewish holidays, Passover

What is meant by church, is there a soul, where dwells Satan?

  • Common Misconceptions about Christianity – Heaven, Hell & the Church
    The typical view of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture is Non-Biblical
  • Mistaken Notions about Pre-Tribulation Rapture

  • Jewish question

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    Jewish question

    What is a “Jew”?

    Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to Palestine?

    Not according to many historians, such as Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe

    The word “Jew” refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as “Chinese”. In such a case, some people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their race, and other people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their religion.

    Idiotic arguments would occur because some Chinese would insist that you cannot be Chinese unless your parents were Chinese. Other people would argue that we can all become Chinese, even Sammy Davis Jr. Incidentally, was Sammy Davis Jr. Jewish?

    This arguing over words may seem trivial, but it is the reason we have wars in the Middle East. A group of people referring to themselves as “Jews” are insisting that Palestine belongs to them because their ancestors lived there are 2000 years ago. They created the Zionist movement to help restore their homeland.

    However, numerous historians have looked into this issue and discovered that most of these Zionists are not descendants of the original Jews. Rather, most Zionists are “Ashkenazi Jews”; a race of people from Asia. The real, original Jews were physically and genetically similar to the Arabs, specifically, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.

    The real homeland for the white, Ashkenazi Jews is near the Caspian and Black Seas, not Palestine. Their ancestors picked up the Jewish religion many centuries ago. Due to the widespread ignorance of people in that era, after a few generations they assumed that they were the descendants of the Jews that lived in Palestine.

    The Thirteenth Tribe

    The remainder of this document is a book written by a Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, who died in 1983. He was an Ashkenazi Jew who helped to expose this major blunder that is causing horrendous suffering all over the world.

    His book is available at Amazon by clicking here, or you can read it online below.

    The Thirteenth Tribe
    Arthur Koestler


    Rise and Fall of the Khazars

    “In Khazaria, sheep, honey, and Jews exist in large quantities.”

    Muqaddasi, Descriptio Imperii Moslemici (tenth century).




    ABOUT the time when Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West, the eastern confines of Europe between the Caucasus and the Volga were ruled by a Jewish state, known as the Khazar Empire. At the peak of its power, from the seventh to the tenth centuries AD, it played a significant part in shaping the destinies of mediaeval, and consequently of modern, Europe. The Byzantine Emperor and historian, Constantine Porphyrogenitus (913-959), must have been well aware of this when he recorded in his treatise on court protocol[1] that letters addressed to the Pope in Rome, and similarly those to the Emperor of the West, had a gold seal worth two solidi attached to them, whereas messages to the King of the Khazars displayed a seal worth three solidi. This was not flattery, but Realpolitik. “In the period with which we are concerned,” wrote Bury, “it is probable that the Khan of the Khazars was of little less importance in view of the imperial foreign policy than Charles the Great and his successors.”[2]

    The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic key position at the vital gateway between the Black Sea and the Caspian, where the great eastern powers of the period confronted each other. It acted as a buffer protecting Byzantium against invasions by the lusty barbarian tribesmen of the northern steppes — Bulgars, Magyars, Pechenegs, etc. — and, later, the Vikings and the Russians. But equally, or even more important both from the point of view of Byzantine diplomacy and of European history, is the fact that the Khazar armies effectively blocked the Arab avalanche in its most devastating early stages, and thus prevented the Muslim conquest of Eastern Europe. Professor Dunlop of Columbia University, a leading authority on the history of the Khazars, has given a concise summary of this decisive yet virtually unknown episode:

    The Khazar country … lay across the natural line of advance of the Arabs. Within a few years of the death of Muhammad (AD 632) the armies of the Caliphate, sweeping northward through the wreckage of two empires and carrying all before them, reached the great mountain barrier of the Caucasus. This barrier once passed, the road lay open to the lands of eastern Europe. As it was, on the line of the Caucasus the Arabs met the forces of an organized military power which effectively prevented them from extending their conquests in this direction. The wars of the Arabs and the Khazars, which lasted more than a hundred years, though little known, have thus considerable historical importance. The Franks of Charles Martel on the field of Tours turned the tide of Arab invasion. At about the same time the threat to Europe in the east was hardly less acute. … The victorious Muslims were met and held by the forces of the Khazar kingdom. … It can … scarcely be doubted that but for the existence of the Khazars in the region north of the Caucasus, Byzantium, the bulwark of European civilization in the east, would have found itself outflanked by the Arabs, and the history of Christendom and Islam might well have been very different from what we know.[3]

    It is perhaps not surprising, given these circumstances, that in 732 — after a resounding Khazar victory over the Arabs — the future Emperor Constantine V married a Khazar princess. In due time their son became the Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar.

    Ironically, the last battle in the war, AD 737, ended in a Khazar defeat. But by that time the impetus of the Muslim Holy War was spent, the Caliphate was rocked by internal dissensions, and the Arab invaders retraced their steps across the Caucasus without having gained a permanent foothold in the north, whereas the Khazars became more powerful than they had previously been.

    A few years later, probably AD 740, the King, his court and the military ruling class embraced the Jewish faith, and Judaism became the state religion of the Khazars. No doubt their contemporaries were as astonished by this decision as modern scholars were when they came across the evidence in the Arab, Byzantine, Russian and Hebrew sources. One of the most recent comments is to be found in a work by the Hungarian Marxist historian, Dr Antal Bartha. His book on The Magyar Society in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries[4] has several chapters on the Khazars, as during most of that period the Hungarians were ruled by them. Yet their conversion to Judaism is discussed in a single paragraph, with obvious embarrassment. It reads:

    Our investigations cannot go into problems pertaining to the history of ideas, but we must call the reader’s attention to the matter of the Khazar kingdom’s state religion. It was the Jewish faith which became the official religion of the ruling strata of society. Needless to say, the acceptance of the Jewish faith as the state religion of an ethnically non-Jewish people could be the subject of interesting speculations. We shall, however, confine ourselves to the remark that this official conversion — in defiance of Christian proselytizing by Byzantium, the Muslim influence from the East, and in spite of the political pressure of these two powers — to a religion which had no support from any political power, but was persecuted by nearly all — has come as a surprise to all historians concerned with the Khazars, and cannot be considered as accidental, but must be regarded as a sign of the independent policy pursued by that kingdom.

    Which leaves us only slightly more bewildered than before. Yet whereas the sources differ in minor detail, the major facts are beyond dispute.

    What is in dispute is the fate of the Jewish Khazars after the destruction of their empire, in the twelfth or thirteenth century. On this problem the sources are scant, but various late mediaeval Khazar settlements are mentioned in the Crimea, in the Ukraine, in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania. The general picture that emerges from these fragmentary pieces of information is that of a migration of Khazar tribes and communities into those regions of Eastern Europe — mainly Russia and Poland — where, at the dawn of the Modern Age, the greatest concentrations of Jews were found. This has lead several historians to conjecture that a substantial part, and perhaps the majority of eastern Jews — and hence of world Jewry — might be of Khazar, and not of Semitic Origin.

    The far-reaching implications of this hypothesis may explain the great caution exercised by historians in approaching this subject — if they do not avoid it altogether. Thus in the 1973 edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica the article “Khazars” is signed by Dunlop, but there is a separate section dealing with “Khazar Jews after the Fall of the Kingdom”, signed by the editors, and written with the obvious intent to avoid upsetting believers in the dogma of the Chosen Race:

    The Turkish-speaking Karaites [a fundamentalist Jewish sect] of the Crimea, Poland, and elsewhere have affirmed a connection with the Khazars, which is perhaps confirmed by evidence from folklore and anthropology as well as language. There seems to be a considerable amount of evidence attesting to the continued presence in Europe of descendants of the Khazars.

    How important, in quantitative terms, is that “presence” of the Caucasian sons of Japheth in the tents of Shem? One of the most radical propounders of the hypothesis concerning the Khazar origins of Jewry is the Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A. N. Poliak. His book Khazaria (in Hebrew) was published in 1944 in Tel Aviv, and a second edition in 1951.[5]

    In his introduction he writes that the facts demand — a new approach, both to the problem of the relations between the Khazar Jewry and other Jewish communities, and to the question of how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in EasternEurope. … The descendants of this settlement — those who stayed where they were, those who emigrated to the United States and to other countries, and those who went to Israel — constitute now the large majority of world Jewry.

    This was written before the full extent of the holocaust was known, but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.


    “Attila was, after all, merely the king of a kingdom of tents. His state passed away — whereas the despised city of Constantinople remained a power. The tents vanished, the towns remained. The Hun state was a whirlwind. …”

    Thus Cassel,[6] a nineteenth-century orientalist, implying that the Khazars shared, for similar reasons, a similar fate. Yet the Hun presence on the European scene lasted a mere eighty years,[*] whereas the kingdom of the Khazars held its own for the best part of four centuries. They too lived chiefly in tents, but they also had large urban settlements, and were in the process of transformation from a tribe of nomadic warriors into a nation of farmers, cattle-breeders, fishermen, vine-growers, traders and skilled craftsmen. Soviet archaeologists have unearthed evidence for a relatively advanced civilization which was altogether different from the “Hun whirlwind”. They found the traces of villages extending over several miles,[7] with houses connected by galleries to huge cattlesheds, sheep-pens and stables (these measured 3-3½ x 10-14 metres and were supported by columns.[8] Some remaining ox-ploughs showed remarkable craftsmanship; so did the preserved artefacts — buckles, clasps, ornamental saddle plates.

    Of particular interest were the foundations, sunk into the ground, of houses built in a circular shape.[9] According to the Soviet archaeologists, these were found all over the territories inhabited by the Khazars, and were of an earlier date than their “normal”, rectangular buildings. Obviously the round-houses symbolize the transition from portable, dome-shaped tents to permanent dwellings, from the nomadic to a settled, or rather semi-settled, existence. For the contemporary Arab sources tell us that the Khazars only stayed in their towns — including even their capital, Itil — during the winter; come spring, they packed their tents, left their houses and sallied forth with their sheep or cattle into the steppes, or camped in their cornfields or vineyards.

    The excavations also showed that the kingdom was, during its later period, surrounded by an elaborate chain of fortifications, dating from the eighth and ninth centuries, which protected its northern frontiers facing the open steppes. These fortresses formed a rough semi-circular arc from the Crimea (which the Khazars ruled for a time) across the lower reaches of the Donetz and the Don to the Volga; while towards the south they were protected by the Caucasus, to the west by the Black Sea, and to the east by the “Khazar Sea”, the Caspian.[†] However, the northern chain of fortifications marked merely an inner ring, protecting the stable core of the Khazar country; the actual boundaries of their rule over the tribes of the north fluctuated according to the fortunes of war. At the peak of their power they controlled or exacted tribute from some thirty different nations and tribes inhabiting the vast territories between the Caucasus, the Aral Sea, the Ural Mountains, the town of Kiev and the Ukrainian steppes. The people under Khazar suzerainty included the Bulgars, Burtas, Ghuzz, Magyars (Hungarians), the Gothic and Greek colonies of the Crimea, and the Slavonic tribes in the north-western woodlands. Beyond these extended dominions, Khazar armies also raided Georgia and Armenia and penetrated into the Arab Caliphate as far as Mosul. In the words of the Soviet archaeologist M. I. Artamonov:[10]

    Until the ninth century, the Khazars had no rivals to their supremacy in the regions north of the Black Sea and the adjoining steppe and forest regions of the Dnieper. The Khazars were the supreme masters of the southern half of Eastern Europe for a century and a hall, and presented a mighty bulwark, blocking the Ural-Caspian gateway from Asia into Europe. During this whole period, they held back the onslaught of the nomadic tribes from the East.

    Taking a bird’s-eye view of the history of the great nomadic empires of the East, the Khazar kingdom occupies an intermediary position in time, size, and degree of civilization between the Hun and Avar Empires which preceded, and the Mongol Empire that succeeded it.


    But who were these remarkable people — remarkable as much by their power and achievements as by their conversion to a religion of outcasts? The descriptions that have come down to us originate in hostile sources, and cannot be taken at face value. “As to the Khazars,” an Arab chronicler[11] writes, “they are to the north of the inhabited earth towards the 7th clime, having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild.”

    After a century of warfare, the Arab writer obviously had no great sympathy for the Khazars. Nor had the Georgian or Armenian scribes, whose countries, of a much older culture, had been repeatedly devastated by Khazar horsemen. A Georgian chronicle, echoing an ancient tradition, identifies them with the hosts of Gog and Magog — “wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood”.[12] An Armenian writer refers to “the horrible multitude of Khazars with insolent, broad, lashless faces and long falling hair, like women”.[13] Lastly, the Arab geographer Istakhri, one of the main Arab sources, has this to say:[14] “The Khazars do not resemble the Turks. They are black-haired, and are of two kinds, one called the Kara-Khazars, [Black Khazars] who are swarthy verging on deep black as if they were a kind of Indian, and a white kind [Ak-Khazars], who are strikingly handsome.”

    This is more flattering, but only adds to the confusion. For it was customary among Turkish peoples to refer to the ruling classes or clans as “white”, to the lower strata as “black”. Thus there is no reason to believe that the “White Bulgars” were whiter than the “Black Bulgars”, or that the “White Huns” (the Ephtalites) who invaded India and Persia in the fifth and sixth centuries were of fairer skin than the other Hun tribes which invaded Europe. Istakhri’s black-skinned Khazars — as much else in his and his colleagues’ writings — were based on hearsay and legend; and we are none the wiser regarding the Khazars’ physical appearance, or their ethnic Origins.

    The last question can only be answered in a vague and general way. But it is equally frustrating to inquire into the origins of the Huns, Alans, Avars, Bulgars, Magyars, Bashkirs, Burtas, Sabirs, Uigurs, Saragurs, Onogurs, Utigurs, Kutrigurs, Tarniaks, Kotragars, Khabars, Zabenders, Pechenegs, Ghuzz, Kumans, Kipchaks, and dozens of other tribes or people who at one time or another in the lifetime of the Khazar kingdom passed through the turnstiles of those migratory playgrounds. Even the Huns, of whom we know much more, are of uncertain origin; their name is apparently derived from the Chinese Hiung-nu, which designates warlike nomads in general, while other nations applied the name Hun in a similarly indiscriminate way to nomadic hordes of all kinds, including the “White Huns” mentioned above, the Sabirs, Magyars and Khazars.[‡]

    In the first century AD, the Chinese drove these disagreeable Hun neighbours westward, and thus started one of those periodic avalanches which swept for many centuries from Asia towards the West. From the fifth century onward, many of these westward-bound tribes were called by the generic name of “Turks”. The term is also supposed to be of Chinese origin (apparently derived from the name of a hill) and was subsequently used to refer to all tribes who spoke languages with certain common characteristics — the “Turkic” language group. Thus the term Turk, in the sense in which it was used by mediaeval writers — and often also by modern ethnologists — refers primarily to language and not to race. In this sense the Huns and Khazars were “Turkic” people.[§] The Khazar language was supposedly a Chuvash dialect of Turkish, which still survives in the Autonomous Chuvash Soviet Republic, between the Volga and the Sura. The Chuvash people are actually believed to be descendants of the Bulgars, who spoke a dialect similar to the Khazars. But all these connections are rather tenuous, based on the more or less speculative deductions of oriental philologists. All we can say with safety is that the Khazars were a “Turkic” tribe, who erupted from the Asian steppes, probably in the fifth century of our era.

    The origin of the name Khazar, and the modern derivations to which it gave rise, has also been the subject of much ingenious speculation. Most likely the word is derived from the Turkish root gaz, “to wander”, and simply means “nomad”. Of greater interest to the non-specialist are some alleged modern derivations from it: among them the Russian Cossack and the Hungarian Huszar — both signifying martial horsemen;[**] and also the German Ketzer — heretic, i.e., Jew. If these derivations are correct, they would show that the Khazars had a considerable impact on the imagination of a variety of peoples in the Middle Ages.


    Some Persian and Arab chronicles provide an attractive combination of legend and gossip column. They may start with the Creation and end with stop-press titbits. Thus Yakubi, a ninth-century Arab historian, traces the origin of the Khazars back to Japheth, third son of Noah. The Japheth motive recurs frequently in the literature, while other legends connect them with Abraham or Alexander the Great.

    One of the earliest factual references to the Khazars occurs in a Syriac chronicle by “Zacharia Rhetor”,[††] dating from the middle of the sixth century. It mentions the Khazars in a list of people who inhabit the region of the Caucasus. Other sources indicate that they were already much in evidence a century earlier, and intimately connected with the Huns. In AD 448, the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II sent an embassy to Attila which included a famed rhetorician by name of Priscus. He kept a minute account not only of the diplomatic negotiations, but also of the court intrigues and goings-on in Attila’s sumptuous banqueting hall — he was in fact the perfect gossip columnist, and is still one of the main sources of information about Hun customs and habits. But Priscus also has anecdotes to tell about a people subject to the Huns whom he calls Akatzirs — that is, very likely, the Ak-Khazars, or “White” Khazars (as distinct from the “Black” Kara-Khazars).[‡‡] The Byzantine Emperor, Priscus tells us, tried to win this warrior race over to his side, but the greedy Khazar chieftain, named Karidach, considered the bribe offered to him inadequate, and sided with the Huns. Attila defeated Karidach’s rival chieftains, installed him as the sole ruler of the Akatzirs, and invited him to visit his court. Karidach thanked him profusely for the invitation, and went on to say that “it would be too hard on a mortal man to look into the face of a god. For, as one cannot stare into the sun’s disc, even less could one look into the face of the greatest god without suffering injury.” Attila must have been pleased, for he confirmed Karidach in his rule.

    Priscus’s chronicle confirms that the Khazars appeared on the European scene about the middle of the fifth century as a people under Hunnish sovereignty, and may be regarded, together with the Magyars and other tribes, as a later offspring of Attila’s horde.


    The collapse of the Hun Empire after Attila’s death left a power-vacuum in Eastern Europe, through which once more, wave after wave of nomadic hordes swept from east to west, prominent among them the Uigurs and Avars. The Khazars during most of this period seemed to be happily occupied with raiding the rich trans-Caucasian regions of Georgia and Armenia, and collecting precious plunder. During the second half of the sixth century they became the dominant force among the tribes north of the Caucasus. A number of these tribes — the Sabirs, Saragurs, Samandars, Balanjars, etc. — are from this date onward no longer mentioned by name in the sources: they had been subdued or absorbed by the Khazars. The toughest resistance, apparently, was offered by the powerful Bulgars. But they too were crushingly defeated (circa 641), and as a result the nation split into two: some of them migrated westward to the Danube, into the region of modern Bulgaria, others north-eastward to the middle Volga, the latter remaining under Khazar suzerainty. We shall frequently encounter both Danube Bulgars and Volga Bulgars in the course of this narrative.

    But before becoming a sovereign state, the Khazars still had to serve their apprenticeship under another short-lived power, the so-called West Turkish Empire, or Turkut kingdom. It was a confederation of tribes, held together by a ruler: the Kagan or Khagan[§§] — a title which the Khazar rulers too were subsequently to adopt. This first Turkish state — if one may call it that — lasted for a century (circa 550-650) and then fell apart, leaving hardly any trace. However, it was only after the establishment of this kingdom that the name “Turk” was used to apply to a specific nation, as distinct from other Turkic-speaking peoples like the Khazars and Bulgars.[***]

    The Khazars had been under Hun tutelage, then under Turkish tutelage. After the eclipse of the Turks in the middle of the seventh century it was their turn to rule the “Kingdom of the North”, as the Persians and Byzantines came to call it. According to one tradition,[15] the great Persian King Khusraw (Chosroes) Anushirwan (the Blessed) had three golden guest-thrones in his palace, reserved for the Emperors of Byzantium, China and of the Khazars. No state visits from these potentates materialized, and the golden thrones — if they existed — must have served a purely symbolic purpose. But whether fact or legend, the story fits in well with Emperor Constantine’s official account of the triple gold seal assigned by the Imperial Chancery to the ruler of the Khazars.


    Thus during the first few decades of the seventh century, just before the Muslim hurricane was unleashed from Arabia, the Middle East was dominated by a triangle of powers: Byzantium, Persia, and the West Turkish Empire. The first two of these had been waging intermittent war against each other for a century, and both seemed on the verge of collapse; in the sequel, Byzantium recovered, but the Persian kingdom was soon to meet its doom, and the Khazars were actually in on the kill.

    They were still nominally under the suzerainty of the West Turkish kingdom, within which they represented the strongest effective force, and to which they were soon to succeed; accordingly, in 627, the Roman Emperor Heraclius concluded a military alliance with the Khazars — the first of several to follow — in preparing his decisive campaign against Persia. There are several versions of the role played by the Khazars in that campaign which seems to have been somewhat inglorious — but the principal facts are well established. The Khazars provided Heraclius with 40000 horsemen under a chieftain named Ziebel, who participated in the advance into Persia, but then — presumably fed up with the cautious strategy of the Greeks — turned back to lay siege on Tiflis; this was unsuccessful, but the next year they again joined forces with Heraclius, took the Georgian capital, and returned with rich plunder. Gibbon has given a colourful description (based on Theophanes) of the first meeting between the Roman Emperor and the Khazar chieftain.[16]

    …To the hostile league of Chosroes with the Avars, the Roman emperor opposed the useful and honourable alliance of the Turks.[†††] At his liberal invitation, the horde of Chozars transported their tents from the plains of the Volga to the mountains of Georgia; Heraclius received them in the neighbourhood of Tiflis, and the khan with his nobles dismounted from their horses, if we may credit the Greeks, and fell prostrate on the ground, to adore the purple of the Caesar. Such voluntary homage and important aid were entitled to the warmest acknowledgements; and the emperor, taking off his own diadem, placed it on the head of the Turkish prince, whom he saluted with a tender embrace and the appellation of son. After a sumptuous banquet, he presented Ziebel with the plate and ornaments, the gold, the gems, and the silk, which had been used at the Imperial table, and, with his own hand, distributed rich jewels and earrings to his new allies. In a secret interview, he produced the portrait of his daughter Eudocia, condescended to flatter the barbarian with the promise of a fair and august bride, and obtained an immediate succour of forty thousand horse…

    Eudocia (or Epiphania) was the only daughter of Heraclius by his first wife. The promise to give her in marriage to the “Turk” indicates once more the high value set by the Byzantine Court on the Khazar alliance. However, the marriage came to naught because Ziebel died while Eudocia and her suite were on their way to him. There is also an ambivalent reference in Theophanes to the effect that Ziebel “presented his son, a beardless boy” to the Emperor — as a quid pro quo?

    There is another picturesque passage in an Armenian chronicle, quoting the text of what might be called an Order of Mobilization issued by the Khazar ruler for the second campaign against Persia: it was addressed to “all tribes and peoples [under Khazar authority], inhabitants of the mountains and the plains, living under roofs or the open sky, having their heads shaved or wearing their hair long”.[17]

    This gives us a first intimation of the heterogeneous ethnic mosaic that was to compose the Khazar Empire. The “real Khazars” who ruled it were probably always a minority — as the Austrians were in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.


    The Persian state never recovered from the crushing defeat inflicted on it by Emperor Heraclius in 627. There was a revolution; the King was slain by his own son who, in his turn, died a few months later; a child was elevated to the throne, and after ten years of anarchy and chaos the first Arab armies to erupt on the scene delivered the coup de grâce to the Sassanide Empire. At about the same time, the West Turkish confederation dissolved into its tribal components. A new triangle of powers replaced the previous one: the Islamic Caliphate — Christian Byzantium and the newly emerged Khazar Kingdom of the North. It fell to the latter to bear the brunt of the Arab attack in its initial stages, and to protect the plains of Eastern Europe from the invaders.

    In the first twenty years of the Hegira — Mohammed’s flight to Medina in 622, with which the Arab calendar starts — the Muslims had conquered Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and surrounded the Byzantine heartland (the present-day Turkey) in a deadly semi-circle, which extended from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and the southern shores of the Caspian. The Caucasus was a formidable natural obstacle, but no more forbidding than the Pyrenees; and it could be negotiated by the pass of Dariel[‡‡‡] or bypassed through the defile of Darband, along the Caspian shore.

    This fortified defile, called by the Arabs Bab al Abwab, the Gate of Gates, was a kind of historic turnstile through which the Khazars and other marauding tribes had from time immemorial attacked the countries of the south and retreated again. Now it was the turn of the Arabs. Between 642 and 652 they repeatedly broke through the Darband Gate and advanced deep into Khazaria, attempting to capture Balanjar, the nearest town, and thus secure a foothold on the European side of the Caucasus. They were beaten back on every occasion in this first phase of the Arab-Khazar war; the last time in 652, in a great battle in which both sides used artillery (catapults and ballistae). Four thousand Arabs were killed, including their commander, Abdal-Rahman ibn-Rabiah; the rest fled in disorder across the mountains.

    For the next thirty or forty years the Arabs did not attempt any further incursions into the Khazar stronghold. Their main attacks were now aimed at Byzantium. On several occasions[§§§] they laid siege to Constantinople by land and by sea; had they been able to outflank the capital across the Caucasus and round the Black Sea, the fate of the Roman Empire would probably have been sealed. The Khazars, in the meantime, having subjugated the Bulgars and Magyars, completed their western expansion into the Ukraine and the Crimea. But these were no longer haphazard raids to amass booty and prisoners; they were wars of conquest, incorporating the conquered people into an empire with a stable administration, ruled by the mighty Kagan, who appointed his provincial governors to administer and levy taxes in the conquered territories. At the beginning of the eighth century their state was sufficiently consolidated for the Khazars to take the offensive against the Arabs.

    From a distance of more than a thousand years, the period of intermittent warfare that followed (the so-called ‘second Arab war”, 722-37) looks like a series of tedious episodes on a local scale, following the same, repetitive pattern: the Khazar cavalry in their heavy armour breaking through the pass of Dariel or the Gate of Darband into the Caliph’s domains to the south; followed by Arab counter-thrusts through the same pass or the defile, towards the Volga and back again. Looking thus through the wrong end of the telescope, one is reminded of the old jingle about the noble Duke of York who had ten thousand men; “he marched them up to the top of the hill. And he marched them down again.” In fact, the Arab sources (though they often exaggerate) speak of armies of 100000, even of 300000, men engaged on either side — probably outnumbering the armies which decided the fate of the Western world at the battle of Tours about the same time.

    The death-defying fanaticism which characterized these wars is illustrated by episodes such as the suicide by fire of a whole Khazar town as an alternative to surrender; the poisoning of the water supply of Bab al Abwab by an Arab general; or by the traditional exhortation which would halt the rout of a defeated Arab army and make it fight to the last man: “To the Garden, Muslims, not the Fire” — the joys of Paradise being assured to every Muslim soldier killed in the Holy War.

    At one stage during these fifteen years of fighting the Khazars overran Georgia and Armenia, inflicted a total defeat on the Arab army in the battle of Ardabil (AD 730) and advanced as far as Mosul and Dyarbakir, more than half-way to Damascus, capital of the Caliphate. But a freshly raised Muslim army stemmed the tide, and the Khazars retreated homewards across the mountains. The next year Maslamah ibn-Abd-al-Malik, most famed Arab general of his time, who had formerly commanded the siege of Constantinople, took Balanjar and even got as far as Samandar, another large Khazar town further north. But once more the invaders were unable to establish a permanent garrison, and once more they were forced to retreat across the Caucasus. The sigh of relief experienced in the Roman Empire assumed a tangible form through another dynastic alliance, when the heir to the throne was married to a Khazar princess, whose son was to rule Byzantium as Leo the Khazar.

    The last Arab campaign was led by the future Caliph Marwan II, and ended in a Pyrrhic victory. Marwan made an offer of alliance to the Khazar Kagan, then attacked by surprise through both passes. The Khazar army, unable to recover from the initial shock, retreated as far as the Volga. The Kagan was forced to ask for terms; Marwan, in accordance with the routine followed in other conquered countries, requested the Kagan’s conversion to the True Faith. The Kagan complied, but his conversion to Islam must have been an act of lip-service, for no more is heard of the episode in the Arab or Byzantine sources — in contrast to the lasting effects of the establishment of Judaism as the state religion which took place a few years later.[****] Content with the results achieved, Marwan bid farewell to Khazaria and marched his army back to Transcaucasia — without leaving any garrison, governor or administrative apparatus behind. On the contrary, a short time later he requested terms for another alliance with the Khazars against the rebellious tribes of the south.

    It had been a narrow escape. The reasons which prompted Marwan’s apparent magnanimity are a matter of conjecture — as so much else in this bizarre chapter of history. Perhaps the Arabs realized that, unlike the relatively civilized Persians, Armenians or Georgians, these ferocious Barbarians of the North could not be ruled by a Muslim puppet prince and a small garrison. Yet Marwan needed every man of his army to quell major rebellions in Syria and other parts of the Omayad Caliphate, which was in the process of breaking up. Marwan himself was the chief commander in the civil wars that followed, and became in 744 the last of the Omayad Caliphs (only to be assassinated six years later when the Caliphate passed to the Abbasid dynasty). Given this background, Marwan was simply not in a position to exhaust his resources by further wars with the Khazars. He had to content himself with teaching them a lesson which would deter them from further incursions across the Caucasus.


    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009



    GENTILES”Arnold Kennedy [email protected]

    INTRODUCTION.When we examine verses such as, “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth” (Deut.7:6), they establish the exclusive nature of Israel as being a holy (set apart) race among all the other races of this globe. Because these verses are so precise, we can see that there is a racial message that conflicts with the common belief about “Jews and Gentiles”.

    The common teaching is that “The Jews” are Israel and the “Gentiles” are everyone else. The two views are against each other; one cannot be held together with the other. This is being examined and it will be seen that “The Jews” cannot equate to all Israel and that some “Gentiles” may be Israelites in Scripture. That is, the all-inclusive all-race message is not that of the Potter in Romans 9 who says in verse 18, “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth“. In the next verse Paul says, “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest [contradicts] against God?” On this basis those who hold the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine are contradicting God Himself.

    Because the traditional teaching is so ingrained in commentaries, concordances, Bible dictionaries, books and in people’s minds, it is very hard for anyone brought up with this belief to shake it off.

    Accordingly we will make an examination of the word “Gentiles” as commonly used in the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine, and then give some answers to particular popular Bible verses that are the mainstay of the “Jews and Gentiles” belief, and how there has been an identity switch made.

    That there are two parties in the New Testament does not mean to say the two parties have to be Jews and Gentiles in the way that this is taught. Rather than that, the existence of two parties confirms what is taught in the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets about the division of Israel into two kingdoms from which arose the House of Israel [ten tribes] and the House of Judah [two tribes]. These two houses are shown in prophecy to be a continual vexation to each other, with a “middle wall of partition” between them, until they are reconciled together under the New Testament [Isaiah 11:13]. But both parties are still Israelites!WHERE DID “GENTILE” COME FROM?

    This word, GENTILE, originated from the Latin Vulgate translation, where the Roman doctrine said that the Roman Church had become the Israel of the Bible. Even more recently, Pope Pius XI reinforced this saying, “Spiritually, we Christians are Semites“. The inference of the word “Gentile”, in the Roman Catholic context is, “one who is not of Rome“. In the English translations that were partly based upon the Latin Vulgate, this Latin word has carried on with a similar interpretation but instead of meaning “not of Rome” it has become to mean “not of Israel”. In the minds of those to whom Rome and Israel were synonymous, there was no difference; to be of the Roman Catholic Church was to belong to and to be part of Israel. Rome accommodated all races that could buy citizenship. Effectively, this is redefining “race” as being “belief” and this is still done today in the field of “Human Rights”. Rome calls herself a universal church with a universal Pontiff and is the originator of both modern and ancient universalism in the Christian religion.

    But, unfortunately, translators have transliterated this Latin word, “Gentile”, into their versions, and it has carried forward even into recent translations. By transliterating the Latin form, it has allowed scope for the idea that the untranslated Latin word “gentilis” referred to non-Roman to continue. Switch the “Roman” to “Israel” [because Rome said she was Israel] and we then find how Rome expressed the two parties as “Israel” and “non-Israel”. This has continued even to this day. This doctrine has found its way into commentaries and Bible dictionaries and through these media, most Christians are still influenced, and deceived.

    The meaning of “Gentiles” which comes from the Latin is confusing. The Latin noun “gen” means ‘a nation’ and is equivalent to “ethnos”. However, the wordGentiles does not come from the noun but from the adjective, gentilis, which means “of” or “belonging to” a nation. In all Paul’s writings that are to Israelites, he uses ethnos to refer to his outcast kinsmen of Israel because that is how they were addressed in the Old Testament Scriptures – Gen 19:4-6; Gen 18:18; Deut 32:41 (the “with” is not in the Hebrew text); Ps 22:27,28; Ps 57:9; Ps 67:4; Ps 81:8; Ps 108:3; Ps 117:1; Is 5:26; Is 11:12; Is 34:1; Jer 1:5,10. The Latin distorts and obscures these facts and we need to check its context every time it appears in the text.HOW THE WORD “GENTILE” IS MISUSED

    In both the Hebrew and the Greek there is no word even approaching the way “Gentile” is used today. In the concordances we can see the influences of the religious teaching of the day and age where the Roman influence is manifest.

    Strong H1471. Gowy or goi [goyim Pl.]: a foreign nation, hence a Gentile, also a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts, heathen.

    Strong G1484. Ethnos [Ethne Pl] a race [as of the same] habit, that is, a tribe; spec. a foreign [non-Jewish] one [usually by impl. pagan] Gentile, heathen, nation, people.

    We must remember that concordances give usage rather than definitions but within these we can see part of the true meaning “like of the same habit and tribe”.The lexicons are more definitive.

    Thayer: A multitude [whether of men or beasts] associated or living together … of the same nature or genus.

    Vine Denotes firstly a multitude or company, then a multitude of people of the same nature or genus. It is used in the singular of the Jews for example, Luke 7:5, Luke 23:2; John 11:48:50-52.

    Vine goes on to show that Gentile is used in Scripture of both Jews and non-Jews. [Strong and Vine use the word "Jew" for "Israel" following the understanding of the periods].


    It is time to look at the words translated as “Gentile”. In the KJV translation of the Bible, immediately the strange fact of multiple inconsistent translations can be seen.


    Gowry – goi – goyim ethnos – ethne

    374 times as nations 64 times as nations

    143 times as heathen 5 times as heathen

    30 times as gentiles 93 times as gentiles

    11 times as people 2 times as people.

    Now, when we compare versions, we find that the number of times we find the word “Gentiles” increases from 93 times in the KJV to 129 times in the NASB. This immediately alerts us that there is a problem with this word. It at once suggests that the NASB is writing doctrine into its version, even more that the KJV does.

    In the author’s paper, “Galatians and Israel Exclusive”, we can look at the “Greeks”. In the original text the word Hellen is used thirty five times, but our translators have also chosen to translate this word (wrongly) as “Gentile”, particularly in the Book of Romans. Ethnos and Hellen are quite different words! Sometimes the justification is to say that the Greeks were not “Jews” and therefore they must be “Gentiles”. This is not translating; rather it is interpreting Scripture in the translations. There is neither rhyme nor reason for all these various translations and mis-translations, other than to perpetuate a wrong belief!

    The commonly accepted meaning of the word “Gentile” immediately falls down from the translation point of view alone. When we add the fact that the word in Hebrew is used also of Israel it falls further! When we show the real meaning from the New Testament, it falls right out of sight! The Hebrew and Greek words mean “nations” as races and peoples. They mean any group of a common origin, including Israel, when this is the context.

    Let us look at some Old Testament Scriptures where the word Gowy, Goi or Goyim are used. If we apply the logic concerning Gentiles for these verses, we can see the ridiculous conclusions that could be reached by transposing translations. Remember that goi and ethnos are used of Israel as well as of other races.

    Gen 12:1,2 Now the Lord said unto Abram … and I will make of thee a great nation

    Gen 17:5 A father of many nations have I made thee.

    Did God make a great non-Israel “Gentile” nation out of Abraham and did Abraham father many Gentiles? Was the great nation other than Israel? We need not comment here on the singular “nation” and the plural “nations”.

    Gen 25:23 And the Lord said unto her (Rebecca), Two nations are in thy womb ¼

    Could Rebecca have what would become two non-Israel “Gentiles” in her womb?

    Gen 48:19 And his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

    There is no evidence in Scripture that Ephraim would produce a lot of non-Israelites. Indeed, Ephraim became the leading Tribe of the House of Israel.

    Gen 46:3 And he said, I am God, the God of thy father (Isaac) fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation.

    Could the sons of Jacob be a great non-Israel nation of “Gentiles”?

    Jer 31:36 If those ordinances [the sun and the moon] depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me for ever.

    As the word for “nation” is the same as that translated “Gentile”, we could equally read the seed of Israel shall not cease from being Gentiles before Me. We could even say Israel would not cease from being heathen! This is absurd!

    When we consider the word ethnos, which is sometimes translated as “Gentiles” in the New Testament, we have another block of translations among which we could make transpositions. The consequences are equally absurd!

    Luke 7:5 For he loved our nation, and has built for us a synagogue.

    Would that section of Jewry be pleased if the Centurion had built a synagogue for the so-called Gentiles or the heathen? “Nation” is the word ethnos.

    Luke 23:2 We found this fellow perverting the nation, ¼

    Would “The Jews” care so much if Jesus were perverting the “Gentiles”?

    John 11:48 ¼ the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.

    For the Romans to come to Judea and take away “our” Gentiles gets more that a little foolish.

    John 11:49,50 Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.

    Caiaphas did not know that this word ethnos would be translated as “Gentile” and “heathen” and note he used “nation” in the singular. Jesus did die for the sheep that the Father had given Him and only that many. He gave Himself a ransom “for many”; but not every race on earth. It is explained that the Law and Covenants given to the seed of Israel only were not given to other races. We will see more of what “many” means later in this paper.

    Acts 10:22 Cornelius … of good report among all the nation of the Jews ¼

    “Nation” is ethnos which is often translated as “Gentiles”, so could we possibly have “Gentiles of the Jews”, in the popular conception?

    Acts 24:17 ¼ I came to bring alms to my nation and offerings.

    Here Paul would be saying that he brought alms to his “Gentiles” in Jerusalem. Paul was an Israelite of the Tribe of Benjamin.

    We just have to admit that there is no such word in all of Scripture which matches up with the common acceptance of the word “Gentile”. We can now see that goi[Heb] and ethnos [Greek] can mean both Israelites and non-Israelites.

    Some teachers who admit to goi and ethnos being used of Israel declare that in the singular they refer to Israel and in the plural they refer to all the non-Israel nations. Galilee of the Gentiles in Matthew 4:15 is said to refer to “Gentiles” because it is the plural. When we make a comparison with Acts 1:11, “ye men of Galilee”, and Acts 2:7, “are not all that speak Galileans?”, it has to be admitted that the disciples were Israelites even if they were from Galilee, and so the expression, “Galilee of the Gentiles” is about Israelites living in Galilee. But it is not about Israelites living in Judea.


    We have already seen on the origin of the word “Gentile”. There appears to be no evidence that the Apostles could properly distinguish between Israelites and non-Israelites in the nations, to which they went. Hence the message had to be taken to the nations in order for the message to reach “all men” of the descendants of the outcast Israelites. These men had the capacity to believe God and so could accept the ‘good news’ and become reinstated as God’s people. But the Roman error was picked up and it has come to prevail. Of course, the originator, the arch-cult-type, the Roman Catholic Church keeps on its unchanging false doctrine and false identification. But she is the one with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and by whom they have been deceived through her sorceries [Rev 17:2 and Rev 18:23]. It was Rome who originated the error in doctrine about the “Gentiles”.

    But we are told to come out of her my people [Rev 18:4]. God’s chosen people Israel are warned to come out of all of Rome’s doctrines, including Rome’s universalism! Multitudes today are going Rome’s way. But the great whore will be cast down; God has so decreed, and none need be partakers of her plagues. Who rejoices when Babylon is cast down? Is it not the holy [set-apart] apostles and prophets? [Rev 18:20]. One has to come out to be set-apart! The Faithful and True will come to judge and make war on that whore Rome [Rev 19:11]. The “wife” must get ready. It is the saints [Israel by Bible definition - see Psalm 148:1] who wear the white linen [Rev 19:8]. The voice from out of the Throne addresses His servants. They are the ones who have the right to enter the city through those twelve gates. Would there be much point in mentioning this if every race went through those gates?

    Rev 21:12 And a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes the children of Israel.

    Rev 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

    A comment here might well be helpful because Rev. 21:12 is confirmed in the Book of Zachariah where we find Israelites only within the New Jerusalem, with the other races outside the City of God. This being so shows that there is no scope for the popular “grafting in” and “adoption” doctrines. “The Twelve Tribes” is rather definitive and cannot possibly be moulded into the popular concept of the “Church”. To do that it would be necessary for a switch in identity to be made, but this cannot be done because we are told, “The promises made to the fathers (of Israel) are fulfilled in us their children (offspring)”-(Acts 13:32).

    Who works the abomination in doctrine? Is it not the mother of harlots and abominations? Who spreads the doctrine of universalism? Who originated it? The meaning of Catholicism is universalism! Search the Scriptures and see which race is the only race written in the Book of Life, and when this was done!THE KINSMAN-REDEEMER

    JESUS IS THE REDEEMER OF KINSMEN! If anyone believes the “go ye into all the world” and “Jesus died to save the world” doctrine in the way Rome (and most churches) interprets the world, then that person cannot believe that Jesus is our [that is, Israel’s] Kinsman-Redeemer. At the Second Advent Jesus will ignore those who are not His kinsmen.


    In the second chapter of the author’s book, The Exclusive Nature of Israel in the New Testament, many New Testament Scriptures were quoted to show that the Apostle Paul wrote to Israelites and that he could not have been writing to anyone else.

    Gal 2:7 “The gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter”.

    Rom 11:13 “For I speak unto you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles”.

    These verses are commonly used to support the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine in the popular concept. In this view, the “uncircumcision” are the supposed “Gentiles” and the “circumcision” are supposed to be “The Jews”. Whatever would a circumcised “Gentile” be?

    It is important to remember that the word translated as “Gentiles” in these verses is “ethnos” in Romans and “hellen” in Galatians. “Ethnos” refers to Israelites by the same term that applied to them in the Old Testament.Hellen” is discussed in the author’s paper “Galatians and Israel Exclusive”. Everyone who has been taught that the Gentiles are always non-Israel does experience difficulty in “unlearning”. This is understandable, because this doctrine is what theology has taught; this is written into translations in a way that makes unlearning difficult.

    Now we can look at some other Scriptures from the New Testament that show Israel as being the only people being addressed.

    Acts 10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching (proclaiming) peace by Jesus Christ.

    Acts 10:43 To Him give all the prophets witness, that through his name, whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.

    Acts 13:23 Of this man’s seed hath God, according to his promise raised up unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus.

    Acts 13:32,33 How the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children ¼

    Here we see direct Scriptures that are particular and exclusive. We also have a whosoever to which all the prophets of Israel give witness. Now, in the Old Testament books, to what “whosoever” does the Redeemer of Israel come? Is it whosoever of Israel as the prophets say, or is it the “whosoever” of every race as translators think it should say? A positive decision has to be made! The word “whosoever” is an objective pronoun that gives a specific meaning to a noun or subject. Thus it means, “whosoever of Israel”. For this reason, “whosoever” cannot mean “anyone of all races” when Israel is the context.

    Someone might be thinking, Yes, but there are still two parties. This problem completely disappears when we take note of:

    Matt 4:12 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee [from Judea].

    Acts 9:31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee …

    The highlighted words show clearly that the two territories are treated differently. There was a clear barrier between the two. But both were Israelites of differing Houses.

    Matt 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom …

    Matt 4:15,16 The land of Zabulon and the land of Nepthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people which sat in darkness saw great light

    The latter verse identifies these Israelites in Galilee and calls them “Gentiles”! It is historical fact that Israel separated into two Kingdoms and became known in prophecy as:

    The House of Israel [10 tribes]……also known as Ephraim and “the uncircumcision”.

    The House of Judah [2 tribes]……..also known as Judah and “the circumcision”.

    Subsequently, both Kingdoms went into captivity in Assyria or Babylon. Following the captivities, all of the 12 tribes (except for a small remnant) went North and were dispersed among the nations. These became known as the Dispersion or Uncircumcision. A small remnant of the Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom returned to Palestine and formed the Judean nation. The ruling classes of the Judean nation were dominated by Edomites (Jews), and their subversion of the Scriptures, the Traditions of the Elders, became the religion of the land. The Judean nation practised circumcision and hence in the Scriptures, are referred to as the Circumcision. Consequently, the New Testament refers to two groups – the Uncircumcision (the Israelites outside the Judean nation) and the Circumcision (the Israelites inside the Judean nation).

    The other uncircumcised races are not included in the uncircumcision, because the sum of the two groups addressed is “all Israel” in Romans 9.

    But this is ignored by Churches that claim the “The Jews” means Israelites and that “Gentiles” means everyone else.JESUS’ MINISTRY WAS NOT PRIMARILY TO THE JEWS OR IN JUDEA

    Most people would question this statement without even thinking about it! But let us look at this matter more closely. In the gospels, Jesus makes a clear distinction between Galilee and Judea, the latter being the territory of “The Jews” = The Judeans or Jewry.

    John 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

    John 11:53,54 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death. Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim.

    Matt 19:1. And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judea, beyond Jordan.,

    Matt 4:13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum …

    In the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, the footprints of Jesus are presented graphically on Pages 274 and 275 showing that Galilee was the major area of Jesus’ ministry.

    Most Christians seem to think that Jesus dwelt among “The Jews” in Jerusalem, but this is not so. Christians seem to think that Jerusalem was the centre-point of Jesus’ teaching ministry. Jesus went to Jerusalem at particular times for particular purposes. His disciples did not appreciate these times about going up to Jerusalem, as Jesus once told them, “Your time is always now, but My time is not yet” [John 7:6]. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament times exactly regarding the Sabbaths and the feasts of Israel. Jesus said He knew the exact day of His crucifixion at Jerusalem [Matt 26:2]. He went to Jerusalem on exactly the right day [Nisan 10th] to be chosen by the Israelite people among the population as their King, and He was delivered to become the all-sufficient sacrifice for the redemptionof His people. Jerusalem was the centre-point where Jesus would fulfil His mission and His Father’s Will to be the Passover Lamb for Israel. The institution of the Passover Lamb was only to Israel.

    Across the border from Judea, mention is made of Ephraimites and Galileans [Benjamites]. Jesus was safe amongst the Israelites in Galilee whereas He was not safe amongst the Judeans. This fulfilled the prophecy made by Moses:

    Deut 33:12 And of Benjamin he said, the beloved of the Lord shall dwell safely by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.

    We have seen from Matthew 4:15,16 above that these Israelites in Galilee are called “Gentiles”. It was Galilee from whence Jesus picked out eleven of His disciples. Judas, the Judean, was the one who betrayed Jesus! Eleven of the disciples were not of “The Jews” and were not of Judah either.

    When Jesus ascended, the witnesses are described as Men of Galilee in Acts 1:11 and Acts 2:7. In Acts 2:22 those addressed were Men of Israel, but not “Jews”. But whilst addressing the Men of Israel, the disciples soon came up against “The Jews” in the national leadership. The more we look into this matter, the more impossible it becomes to say The Jews and the Men of Israel refer to the same people.

    Today most denominations are “Christian Zionists” who insist that “The Jews” and “Israel” are one and the same! We read that some of the priesthood believed in Jesus; all were not Edomites or other proselytes. Nicodemus was a “ruler of the Jews” and so was among the leaders. But his counsel was somewhat different as an Israelite non-Edomite! Jesus was speaking primarily of the leadership in general when referring to “The Jews”. Jesus described these leaders as “hirelings”,and not” the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not”. Each such person in the religious leadership was “climbing up some other way” and each was a thief and robber [John 10:1]. In Verse 5 Jesus calls them strangers and they are identifiable because of the what they were doing as making them different.


    God says that Israel would always be a nation. A nation has government such as a King, the laws of the King, a territory, and a subject people. The word ethnoscould not apply to a multi-racial church. Prophecy gives such positive identification of Israel. Israel is a separate people of a common racial origin. They would remain a nation [or nations] as long as the sun and the moon are shining [Jer 31:36].

    The Hebrew and the Greek words which are sometimes translated “Gentile” have both pagan and Israelite connotations. The words goi and ethnos are used of any group of a common racial origin. The idea that the word refers only to non-Israel people comes from the translators, who took their lead from the Latin Vulgate whose interpretation of “Gentile” was one who was not of Rome. This can never mean “not a Jew” in the sense it is given today, because Judaism is multiracial! There are other words that apply to heathen and barbarians and Paul could have used these to describe non-Israelites if that had been his mind. But he did not! What the word “Gentile” has come to mean is not the original meaning and therefore not the true meaning.

    Part two

    It is necessary to point out:

    1. If “The Gentiles” does not mean what we have been taught, then the word “Church” may not mean what tradition teaches either.

    2. If we want to declare that “The Gentiles” are non-Israel, then why does God say something different and still isolate Israel and Judah from the other races?

    3. If any want to say that Israel is now “The Church”, called out of every race, then they have a problem understanding the difference between race and nationality. These are not identical. Israel was scattered among the nations, and is regathered out of [not of] them. This means that they are separated from other races.

    The Apostle Paul concludes his argument in the Book of Romans by saying:

    Rom 11:26 And so shall all Israel be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away all ungodliness from Jacob.

    It is not said that the Deliverer will turn away ungodliness from others as well as from Jacob or that other than all Israel will be saved. It is “all Israel” that shall be saved. We cannot somehow change all races into “Jacob”.

    The parties that make up “all Israel” are still the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Thus says the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets! Thus says the New Testament also! Therefore, the two groups are not “Jews and non-Jews”, or “Jews and Gentiles” in the popular concept.


    There are many indoctrinated people who will not listen to any exposition about “Gentiles”, such as that above, and who rely upon certain passages that are supposed to “prove” their position. This paper would not be complete without a look at some of these.

    Most of these claims are based upon the word, “Gentiles”, and usually exponents think that they have such heavy-weight ammunition that any recourse to comparing Scripture with Scripture is unnecessary. That is, they have the traditional meaning of the word “Gentiles” so fixed in their minds that they will not consider any alternatives or make any examination.

    Let us look at some of these claims from actual email correspondence received. Some of the answers are written in a personal manner for this reason.

    QUESTION: “The Prophet Amos, he says directly, “And all the Gentiles who are called by My name, Says the Lord who does this thing.“  What clearer confirmation do you need that God has elected some from all the nations and that they will be gathered in along with all those of Israel who are true Israel as Paul teaches in Romans chapter nine?”

    ANSWER: Who is always “called by my name” through Scripture?  Look at over one hundred references! Who is this in the context of Isaiah 43:7? “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him“.   Does not Jesus call his sheep by name?  Who are always described as the “sheep”?  Is it not Israelites? Goats are not called by name, are they?

    QUESTION: Does not this Scripture shows that all Christians of all races are as one because of their belief? “Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,  that you may be one”.

    ANSWER: Who does God say He is Father to?  Where is any statement that God is the Father of all races? Who does “our” refer to?  Jer. 31:9, “for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn“. Who are the firstborn sons?

    QUESTION: Does not this Scripture tell us that God is merciful to everyone? “Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy’.

    ANSWER:   Where are, “The promises made to the fathers (of Israel)” ever said to be made to others? The “Gentiles” (also given as “nations” and “peoples”) are those referred to in Heb. 8:12 and 10:17, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more”.  The total context here is Israel.

    QUESTION: “For this reason I will confess to you among the Gentiles, And sing to Your name. He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore”.- [Psalm 18:48-50].

    ANSWER: Whichever way you want to use the word “Heathen” or “Gentiles”, it does not change the context from “to David and his seed for evermore“.  How does anyone manage to convert David’s seed into non-Israelites?

    QUESTION: Do not these verses say there are two lots of people, Deut. 32:43, “And again he says: “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people!”  And again: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!”  [Psalm 117:1 and verse two says peoples in my view].

    ANSWER:  You create your own problem in that you have not recognized that “with” is an added word supplied by the translators to support their view.  At least the KJV and the NASB puts “with” in italics to show it is an added word. “Heathen”, “Gentiles” or “Nations”, (whichever translation you like), has the gloss of, “a number of people accustomed to live together…a people…a nation“.  Take out the “with” and you have, “Rejoice o nation, His people“. No, even Strong says, “people, tribe, nation”.  Even in your version there is no “and” to determine two peoples.  If they were different the grammar would tell us.

    QUESTION: And again, Isaiah says: “There shall be a root of Jesse; And He who shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, In Him the Gentiles shall hope.” [Is. 11:10].  Does this not say that Jesus will reign over all races?

    ANSWER: The New Testament confirms the Old Testament as to who Jesus will reign over.

    Luke 1:32-33, “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end”.

    No one can convert “the throne of his father David” or “the House of Jacob” to mean all races, or even a “spiritual” kingdom.

    One does not have to be a genius to find out that the first “Gentiles” is not the same word and meaning as the second “Gentiles” in the Greek.  The first word is 5971 “’am” that Strong gives as, “persons, members of one’s people, compatriots, country-men”, and also “kinsman, kindred”. The second word “Gentiles” is 1471 “gowry” that is sometimes used of Israel.  Have you yet taken the trouble to pick up a concordance to find that this word is used of Israel (or are you scared to do this?).  At least the KJV is honest enough to give “people” and “gentiles” to show there are two differing words in this one verse that are given one translation.

    QUESTION: What about these verses”? “Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points, as reminding you, because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.  Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient–  in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation, but as it is written: “To whom He was not announced, they shall see; And those who have not heard shall understand.”

    ANSWER: Matt 10:6, “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, and Matt. 15:24, “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” answers this “clearly”…(a word you like using). You are again relying on the word “Gentiles” which is used of Israel too.  You just will to not examine this matter.   You will see more about the identity of, “and those who have not heard” below.  You should look at all the “not heard” through prophecy.

    In this you are following traditions…you will see why I can say this below. It is traditions that render the Word of God to be of “none effect”. You know Mark 13,“Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered“. Of course that last part is a quote from the end of Isaiah chapter 52 just before the gospel is presented so strongly in chapter 53.  It is preceded by, “So shall He sprinkle many nations“, and the next question looks at this word “many”.

    QUESTION Now let me ask you one of those tough “language” questions about this verse:  Why did the Holy Spirit say “many nations” instead of “both nations” if in fact there are only two nations or peoples involved in salvation?

    ANSWER: At least you do not say, “sprinkle many Gentiles” as might have been expected!  “Many” = rab is not an all-inclusive word. It is not the all-inclusive word, as you would like it to be.  The gloss in the Septuagint is, “a number of people accustomed to live together- a nation“.  Twelve tribes are “many”!  The “many” used here is not the cardinal number so there is no question about “both”.  Consider other places where “many” is used so you can compare Scripture with Scripture, such as Luke 2:34, “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel”. “Many” in  whom?

    Do not dodge the “many” in Gen. 17:4, “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee”. You will find plural kings of Israel elsewhere to confirm this. In the following verse to that above you can see whom these “many” are.  “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee“.  I cannot see anywhere out of more than 500 places where ‘many” is used as you want to claim.  Thus the odds are sure stacked against you, are they not?


    ANSWER: This traditional idea infers that it does not concern any outside of the “Jews” in the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrinal belief. If this was so, why should “non-Jews’ quote it? But this is a book that defines the two parties concerned as being “The House of Israel and the House of Judah”, where these are the “Gentiles” and “Jews” as defined by Scripture, but not defined by tradition. This book defines who only the New Covenant is made with:

    Heb. 8:8-10 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

    Further to this, tradition does not use the word “Jews” in the same manner and meaning as Jesus does in John chapter eight.


    ANSWER: How you reason is that Peter had difficulty in presenting the Gospel to Cornelius because one was a “Jew” whereas the Centurion was a “Gentile”, in your view. What you miss is that the House of Israel and the House of Judah had always had enmity between them, and you do not admit that the “middle wall of partition” that is what is broken down by the Gospel is between these two particular parties.

    Isaiah 11:12-13, “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim”.

    This of course also states exactly who are gathered to God, as do as most of the prophets who state they are only Israelites from the two Houses. Further to this, the Book of Corinthians tells us how the Corinthians could only be Israelites.

    1 Cor. 10:1-5 “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness”.

    Cornelius is used by many as a supposed example of a so-called “Gentile” non-Israelite being saved, but the place of birth, or citizenship tells us nothing about race. Neither does the word “Italian”.  The Roman army engaged or conscripted people of many races.  Some declare that the Roman armies in Palestine were mainly British and German Saxons. But Scripture can determine this man’s race, even if he is not described as a “Jew” [or "Judean" as it is here].

    In the AV of Acts 10:28, Cornelius is described as being of another nation but, the Greek text uses the word allophulos which is a compound of allos [another of the same kind], and phulos [a kindred tribe (phule)].  He was not “another” of a different kind…why ever ignore these language differences?  Cornelius was a devout man, we are told, and he feared [the] God, therefore he was one who could believe.  According to Vine, devout means careful as to the presence and claims of God.  So Cornelius knew the Old Testament claims of God upon Israel.  We do not find devout being used of people other than Israelites.  Also, he feared “God” [Acts 10:2] and he prayed to [the] God and was heard by [the] God.  “God” here is ho theos, the term used to denote the one true God.  So, Cornelius was not a Roman polytheist!  He was an Israelite! When we read, “And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses“.  The Law of Moses concerned Israel, and so Acts 13:39 is likewise concerned with Israelites. And, “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” is not about the redemption of any but Israelites.


    ANSWER: Peter addresses his book to “strangers scattered” just the same as James does and describes them as being “the twelve tribes”.  The word “scattered” = diaspora in both books and Strong gives this as, “Israelites dispersed among foreign nations”. So this is just yet another case of “Gentiles” being Israelites.   When we look at all the prophecy about the “scattering” and “gathering”, we have to reconsider.  The word “strangers” is not a way out either.  There are five major words in both Hebrew and Greek all with differing meanings, and some are Israelites.

    The people being written to are described in, “Ye are a chosen (elect) generation“?  Strong gives “generation” as meaning, “Offspring, family, stock, race, nation”.-i.e. nationality or descent from a particular people”. Thayer’s Lexicon confirms this with, “An aggregate of many individuals of the same nature, kind, sort, species”. Thus the basis of election is race.

    “Strangers and Pilgrims” in Greek matches perfectly with the Hebrew in regard to Israelites  (ger -torshab).

    Peter was writing to people who had a king, and therefore to a nation.  Do we really not see, “Honour the king” in 1 Peter 2:13 when we read this? Does any interpretation allow for a singular king over all the “Gentiles”?  Israel was promised a king over them somewhere even when scattered, and that this would continue so long as the sun and moon are still functioning.

    Peter takes us back to Hosea in 1 Peter 2:9, “Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy“, where he is talking about fulfilled prophecy made to Israel.  So how could these “Gentiles” in the Book of Peter be non-Israelites?  In the accusative, “Love the brotherhood” = adelphotes, this has to do with a common womb.  Does the use of “us” in this book of Peter refer to those diaspora being addressed, or to others? It is only to “us” of the “diaspora”.

    Even Strongs 1484 gives ethnos (translated as “Gentiles”) as “a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus“, so “Gentiles” may be Israelite or non-Israelite…that is, it means essentially, “any group of a common origin”.  The context decides.  Mr. Strong confirms that it is used of animals too, but we cannot think of Peter as addressing animals, can we?   And none can come back to say that “born again” in, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” is the same as “born again” in John 3, even if many churches say so. People do not become “a people” this way.


    ANSWER: This is sometimes used in connection with Rahab, to say that as a non-Israelite, she was justified by her faith. A full determination about Rahab and Ruth as being Israelites is too lengthy to be considered here, but three points will be made:

    Argument is made that these women were non-Israelite, simply upon the grounds that that they were not living in Israelite territory. That is not proof at all. As for Ruth being a Moabitess, we can find three places in Scripture where Israel had eliminated the inhabitants of a part of Moab, “until there was none left”. This is the Israelite-occupied territory in Moab where Ruth had gone. There were no Moabites by race living there.

    Argument is also made with Gabriel’s revelation to Zacharias in Luke 1:17, “And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings”.

    3. God would not operate against His Own Laws regarding racial intermarriage.

    It does not seem to matter to the exponents of this claim that they are extending the boundaries of the Gospel, and that in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews that Rahab is listed in a list that is made up of Israelites only, as well as Adamic stock that predates Israel.


    ANSWER: This view is based upon the traditional use of the word “Gentilies”.  When God said to Abraham, “I will make a great nation of you“, since the word translated here as “nation” is exactly the same as that translated as “Gentile”, so was not God then saying to Abraham, “I will make a great Gentile of you“?  Likewise, Rebecca had two Gentiles in her womb.  The mentions of the “Book of Life” in The Revelation such as, “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”, tells us something about the time when the names are written into this book. We are also told who can be removed from this book.

    Where the “nations” or “all nations” is written in the Hebrew or Greek, the inclusion of the article (not shown in most versions) determines that the

    subject people are the Israelites.

    In quoting, “In “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus“, it is common to make, “Christ Jesus” mean “Jesus Christ”.  These two phrases do not mean the same.  Grammar tells us “Christ Jesus” means “an anointed people belonging to Jesus”, whereas Jesus Christ means “Jesus the anointed one“.

    Your statement makes an absolute denial that, “He came unto His own” as in John 1. This shows those Jesus came to were His already as “His own”. This confirms verses like, Matthew 1:21, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins”. That Israelites are so spoken of as being “His own” before Jesus came is spoken against today. “Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against“-(Luke 2:34). “Many in Israel” is not “many in all races


    ANSWER: Israel was scattered amongst many nations in punishment for breaking the covenant God had made with them. Prophecy tells us about the regathering of the House of Israel and the House of Judah from amongst the people they were scattered. In the Greek we find the word ‘”ek” is there that means “out from amongst”, and not “of”.

    QUESTION: Does not Isaiah 11:10, “And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious” tell us that others besides Israelites will gathered to Jesus?

    ANSWER: No it does not. Verse twelve says, “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth”. These are “the nations” of this context.

    QUESTION: Does not Isaiah 41:1-2 say, “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street” say that the elect nation shall bring in the Gentiles too?

    ANSWER: “Elect” as in “mine elect is a singular adjective. Your view is based upon your misunderstanding of what “Gentiles” means, and that this can vary according to context. The context is found confirmed in the first verse of the next chapter, “But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine“. The context is Israelite only.


    In these Isaiah passages, please remember that here, as in other places, the word “Gentiles” may refer to Non-Israelites as well, e.g Isaiah 60:16. We can also see this in Gen. 10:5 and Judges 4, 2+13+16.

    We find passages like Isaiah 61:9, “And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed” where we can see how we have “Gentiles” and “the people” as differing words within one verse, where “people” = ‘am to which Strongs gives the meaning, “persons, members of one’s people, compatriots, country-men“.

    Ezekiel 4:13, “And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them” is another illustration.

    Matthew 20;19, “And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again“, is a New Testament illustration.

    As always, these words must be kept in their context. Otherwise total confusion will reign.

    CONCLUSIONThis paper says that the so-called “Gentiles” being addressed in many places cannot possibly be other than Israelites. In general, they represent the House of Israel as opposed to the Judean nation. But the word may refer to non-Israelites as well. The Bible is a book about the whole nation of Israel and the covenants and promises made to that nation, either as a whole nation or to individual parts of it. The other races are mentioned in the Bible only as they affect Israel. The term “Greeks” is examined in another paper.

    The popular use of “Gentiles” as always being non-Israelites, is wrong!

    The Khazar who are they?

    .Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    who are they?

    We do not know whether the Khazar rite of slaying the King (if it ever existed) fell into abeyance when they adopted Judaism, in which case the Arab writers were confusing past with present practices as they did all the time, compiling earlier travellers’ reports, and attributing them to contemporaries. However that may be, the point to be retained, and which seems beyond dispute, is the divine role attributed to the Kagan, regardless whether or not it implied his ultimate sacrifice. We have heard before that he was venerated, but virtually kept in seclusion, cut off from the people, until he was buried with enormous ceremony. The affairs of state, including leadership of the army, were managed by the Bek (sometimes also called the Kagan Bek), who wielded all effective power. On this point Arab sources and modern historians are in agreement, and the latter usually describe the Khazar system of government as a “double kingship”, the Kagan representing divine, the Bek secular, power.

    The Khazar double kingship has been compared — quite mistakenly, it Seems — with the Spartan dyarchy and with the superficially similar dual leadership among various Turkish tribes. However, the two kings of Sparta, descendants of two leading families, wielded equal power; and as for the dual leadership among nomadic tribes,[*********] there is no evidence of a basic division of functions as among the Khazars. A more valid comparison is the system of government in Japan, from the Middle Ages to 1867, where secular power was concentrated in the hands of the shogun, while the Mikado was worshipped from afar as a divine figurehead.

    Cassel[41] has suggested an attractive analogy between the Khazar system of government and the game of chess. The double kingship is represented on the chess-board by the King (the Kagan) and the Queen (the Bek). The King is kept in seclusion, protected by his attendants, has little power and can only move one short step at a time. The Queen, by contrast, is the most powerful presence on the board, which she dominates. Yet the Queen may be lost and the game still continued, whereas the fall of the King is the ultimate disaster which instantly brings the contest to an end.

    The double kingship thus seems to indicate a categorical distinction between the sacred and the profane in the mentality of the Khazars. The divine attributes of the Kagan are much in evidence in the following passage from Ibn Hawkal:[†††††††††]

    The Khacan must be always of the Imperial race [Istakhri: “…of a family of notables”]. No one is allowed to approach him but on business of importance: then they prostrate themselves before him, and rub their faces on the ground, until he gives orders for their approaching him, and speaking. When a Khacan … dies, whoever passes near his tomb must go on foot, and pay his respects at the grave; and when he is departing, must not mount on horseback, as long as the tomb is within view.

    So absolute is the authority of this sovereign, and so implicitly are his commands obeyed, that if it seemed expedient to him that one of his nobles should die, and if he said to him, “Go and kill yourself,” the man would immediately go to his house, and kill himself accordingly. The succession to the Khacanship being thus established in the same family [Istakhri: “in a family of notables who possess neither power nor riches”]; when the turn of the inheritance arrives to any individual of it, he is confirmed in the dignity, though he possesses not a single dirhem [coin]. And I have heard from persons worthy of belief, that a certain young man used to sit in a little shop at the public market-place, selling petty articles [Istakhri: ‘selling bread”]; and that the people used to say, “When the present Khacan shall have departed, this man will succeed to the throne” [Istakhri: “There is no man worthier of the Khaganate than he”]. But the young man was a Mussulman, and they give the Khacanship only to Jews.

    The Khacan has a throne and pavilion of gold: these are not allowed to any other person. The palace of the Khacan is loftier than the other edifices.[42]

    The passage about the virtuous young man selling bread, or whatever it is, in the bazaar sounds rather like a tale about Harun al Rashid. If he was heir to the golden throne reserved for Jews, why then was he brought up as a poor Muslim? If we are to make any sense at all of the story, we must assume that the Kagan was chosen on the strength of his noble virtues, but chosen among members of the “Imperial Race” or “family of notables”. This is in fact the view of Artamonov and Zeki Validi. Artamonov holds that the Khazars and other Turkish people were ruled by descendants of the Turkut dynasty, the erstwhile sovereigns of the defunct Turk Empire (cf. above, section 3). Zeki Validi suggests that the “Imperial Race” or “family of notables”, to which the Kagan must belong, refers to the ancient dynasty of the Asena, mentioned in Chinese sources, a kind of desert aristocracy, from which Turkish and Mongol rulers traditionally claimed descent. This sounds fairly plausible and goes some way towards reconciling the contradictory values implied in the narrative just quoted: the noble youth without a dirhem to his name — and the pomp and circumstance surrounding the golden throne. We are witnessing the overlap of two traditions, like the optical interference of two wave-patterns on a screen: the asceticism of a tribe of hard-living desert nomads, and the glitter of a royal court prospering on its commerce and crafts, and striving to outshine its rivals in Baghdad and Constantinople. After all, the creeds professed by those sumptuous courts had also been inspired by ascetic desert-prophets in the past.

    All this does not explain the startling division of divine and secular power, apparently unique in that period and region. As Bury wrote:[43] “We have no information at what time the active authority of the Chagan was exchanged for his divine nullity, or why he was exalted to a position resembling that of the Emperor of Japan, in which his existence, and not his government, was considered essential to the prosperity of the State.”

    A speculative answer to this question has recently been proposed by Artamonov. He suggests that the acceptance of Judaism as the state religion was the result of a coup d”état, which at the same time reduced the Kagan, descendant of a pagan dynasty whose allegiance to Mosaic law could not really be trusted, to a mere figurehead. This is a hypothesis as good as any other — and with as little evidence to support it. Yet it seems probable that the two events — the adoption of Judaism and the establishment of the double kingship — were somehow connected.[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡]




    “THE religion of the Hebrews,” writes Bury, “had exercised a profound influence on the creed of Islam, and it had been a basis for Christianity; it had won scattered proselytes; but the conversion of the Khazars to the undiluted religion of Jehova is unique in history.”[44]

    What was the motivation of this unique event? It is not easy to get under the skin of a Khazar prince — covered, as it was, by a coat of mail. But if we reason in terms of power-politics, which obeys essentially the same rules throughout the ages, a fairly plausible analogy offers itself.

    At the beginning of the eighth century the world was polarized between the two super-powers representing Christianity and Islam. Their ideological doctrines were welded to power-politics pursued by the classical methods of propaganda, subversion and military conquest. The Khazar Empire represented a Third Force, which had proved equal to either of them, both as an adversary and an ally. But it could only maintain its independence by accepting neither Christianity nor Islam — for either choice would have automatically subordinated it to the authority of the Roman Emperor or the Caliph of Baghdad.

    There had been no lack of efforts by either court to convert the Khazars to Christianity or Islam, but all they resulted in was the exchange of diplomatic courtesies, dynastic inter-marriages and shifting military alliances based on mutual self-interest. Relying on its military strength, the Khazar kingdom, with its hinterland of vassal tribes, was determined to preserve its position as the Third Force, leader of the uncommitted nations of the steppes.

    At the same time, their intimate contacts with Byzantium and the Caliphate had taught the Khazars that their primitive shamanism was not only barbaric and outdated compared to the great monotheistic creeds, but also unable to confer on the leaders the spiritual and legal authority which the rulers of the two theocratic world powers, the Caliph and the Emperor, enjoyed. Yet the conversion to either creed would have meant submission, the end of independence, and thus would have defeated its purpose. What could have been more logical than to embrace a third creed, which was uncommitted towards either of the two, yet represented the venerable foundation of both?

    The apparent logic of the decision is of course due to the deceptive clarity of hindsight. In reality, the conversion to Judaism required an act of genius. Yet both the Arab and Hebrew sources on the history of the conversion, however varied in detail, point to a line of reasoning as indicated above. To quote Bury once more:

    There can be no question that the ruler was actuated by political motives in adopting Judaism. To embrace Mohammadanism would have made him the spiritual dependent of the Caliphs, who attempted to press their faith on the Khazars, and in Christianity lay the danger of his becoming an ecclesiastical vassal of the Roman Empire. Judaism was a reputable religion with sacred books which both Christian and Mohammadan respected; it elevated him above the heathen barbarians, and secured him against the interference of Caliph or Emperor. But he did not adopt, along with circumcision, the intolerance of the Jewish cult. He allowed the mass of his people to abide in their heathendom and worship their idols.[45]

    Though the Khazar court’s conversion was no doubt politically motivated, it would still be absurd to imagine that they embraced overnight, blindly, a religion whose tenets were unknown to them. In fact, however, they had been well acquainted with Jews and their religious observances for at least a century before the conversion, through the continued influx of refugees from religious persecution in Byzantium, and to a lesser extent from countries in Asia Minor conquered by the Arabs. We know that Khazaria was a relatively civilized country among the Barbarians of the North, yet not committed to either of the militant creeds, and so it became a natural haven for the periodic exodus of Jews under Byzantine rule, threatened by forced conversion and other pressures. Persecution in varied forms had started with Justinian I (527-65), and assumed particularly vicious forms under Heraclius in the seventh century, Leo III in the eighth, Basil and Leo IV in the ninth, Romanus in the tenth. Thus Leo III, who ruled during the two decades immediately preceding the Khazar conversion to Judaism, “attempted to end the anomaly [of the tolerated status of Jews] at one blow, by ordering all his Jewish subjects to be baptized”.[46] Although the implementation of the order seemed to have been rather ineffective, it led to the flight of a considerable number of Jews from Byzantium. Masudi relates:

    In this city [Khazaran-Itil] are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans. The Jews are the king, his attendants and the Khazars of his kind.[§§§§§§§§§] The king of the Khazars had already become a Jew in the Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid[**********] and he was joined by Jews from all lands of Islam and from the country of the Greeks [Byzantium]. Indeed the king of the Greeks at the present time, the Year of the Hegira 332 [AD 943-4] has converted the Jews in his kingdom to Christianity by coercion.… Thus many Jews took flight from the country of the Greeks to Khazaria.…3a

    The last two sentences quoted refer to events two hundred years after the Khazar conversion, and show how persistently the waves of persecution followed each other over the centuries. But the Jews were equally persistent. Many endured torture, and those who did not have the strength to resist returned later on to their faith — “like dogs to their vomit”, as one Christian chronicler gracefully put it.[47] Equally picturesque is the description of a Hebrew writer[48] of one method of forced conversion used under the Emperor Basil against the Jewish community of Oria in southern Italy:

    How did they force them? Anyone refusing to accept their erroneous belief was placed in an olive mill under a wooden press, and squeezed in the way olives are squeezed in the mill.

    Another Hebrew source[49] remarks on the persecution under the Emperor Romanus (the “Greek King” to whom Masudi refers): “And afterwards there will arise a King who will persecute them not by destruction, but mercifully by driving them out of the country.”

    The only mercy shown by history to those who took to flight, or were driven to it, was the existence of Khazaria, both before and after the conversion. Before, it was a refugee haven; after, it became a kind of National Home. The refugees were products of a superior culture, and were no doubt an important factor in creating that cosmopolitan, tolerant outlook which so impressed the Arab chroniclers quoted before. Their influence — and no doubt their proselytizing zeal[††††††††††] — would have made itself felt first and foremost at the court and among leading notables. They may have combined in their missionary efforts theological arguments and messianic prophecies with a shrewd assessment of the political advantages the Khazars would derive from adopting a “neutral” religion.

    The exiles also brought with them Byzantine arts and crafts, superior methods in agriculture and trade, and the square Hebrew alphabet. We do not know what kind of script the Khazars used before that, but the Fihrist of Ibn Nadim,[50] a kind of universal bibliography written circa AD 987, informs us that in his time the Khazars used the Hebrew alphabet. It served the dual purpose of scholarly discourse in Hebrew (analogous to the use of mediaeval Latin in the West) and as a written alphabet for the various languages spoken in Khazaria (analogous to the use of the Latin alphabet for the various vernaculars in Western Europe). From Khazaria the Hebrew script seemed to have spread into neighbouring countries. Thus Chwolson reports that “inscriptions in a non-Semitic language (or possibly in two different non-Semitic languages) using Hebrew characters were found on two gravestones from Phanagoria and Parthenit in the Crimea; they have not been deciphered yet.”[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡][51] (The Crimea was, as we have seen, intermittently under Khazar rule; but it also had an old-established Jewish community, and the inscriptions may even pre-date the conversion.) Some Hebrew letters (shin and tsadei) also found their way into the Cyrillic alphabet,[52] and furthermore, many Polish silver coins have been found, dating from the twelfth or thirteenth century, which bear Polish inscriptions in Hebrew lettering (e.g., Leszek krol Polski — Leszek King of Poland), side by side with coins inscribed in the Latin alphabet. Poliak comments: “These coins are the final evidence for the spreading of the Hebrew script from Khazaria to the neighbouring Slavonic countries. The use of these coins was not related to any question of religion. They were minted because many of the Polish people were more used to this type of script than to the Roman script, not considering it as specifically Jewish.”[53]

    Thus while the conversion was no doubt inspired by opportunistic motives — conceived as a cunning political manoeuvre — it brought in its wake cultural developments which could hardly have been foreseen by those who started it. The Hebrew alphabet was the beginning; three centuries later the decline of the Khazar state is marked by repeated outbreaks of a messianic Zionism, with pseudo~Messiahs like David El-Roi (hero of a novel by Disraeli) leading quixotic crusades for the re-conquest of Jerusalem.[§§§§§§§§§§]

    After the defeat by the Arabs in 737, the Kagan’s forced adoption of Islam had been a formality almost instantly revoked, which apparently left no impression on his people. In contrast to this, the voluntary conversion to Judaism was to produce deep and lasting effects.


    The circumstances of the conversion are obscured by legend, but the principal Arab and Hebrew accounts of it have some basic features in common.

    Al-Masudi’s account of the Jewish rule in Khazaria, quoted earlier on, ends with a reference to a previous work of his, in which he gave a description of those circumstances. That previous work of Masudi’s is lost; but there exist two accounts which are based on tile lost book. The first, by Dimaski (written in 1327), reiterates that at the time of Harun al Rashid, the Byzantine Emperor forced the Jews to emigrate; these emigrants came to the Khazar country where they found “an intelligent but uneducated race to whom they offered their religion. The natives found it better than their own and accepted it.”[54]

    The second, much more detailed account is in al-Bakri’s Book of Kingdoms and Roads (eleventh century):

    The reason for the conversion to Judaism of the King of the Khazars, who had previously been a pagan, is as follows. He had adopted Christianity.[***********] Then he recognized its falsehood and discussed this matter, which greatly worried him, with one of his high officials. The latter said to him: O king, those in possession of sacred scriptures fall into three groups. Summon them and ask them to state their case, then follow the one who is in possession of the truth.

    So he sent to the Christians for a bishop. Now there was with the King a Jew, skilled in argument, who engaged him in disputation. He asked the Bishop: “What do you say of Moses, the son of Amran, and the Torah which was revealed to him?” The Bishop replied: “Moses is a prophet and the Torah speaks the truth.” Then the Jew said to the King: “He has already admitted the truth of my creed. Ask him now what he believes in.” So the King asked him and he replied: “I say that Jesus the Messiah is the son of Mary, he is the Word, and he has revealed the mysteries in the name of God.” Then said the Jew to the King of the Khazars: “He preaches a doctrine which I know not, while he accepts my propositions.” But the Bishop was not strong in producing evidence. Then the King asked for a Muslim, and they sent him a scholarly, clever man who was good at arguments. But the Jew hired someone who poisoned him on the journey, and he died. And the Jew succeeded in winning the King for his faith, so that he embraced Judaism.[55]

    The Arab historians certainly had a gift for sugaring the pill. Had the Muslim scholar been able to participate in the debate he would have fallen into the same trap as the Bishop, for both accepted the truth of the Old Testament, whereas the upholders of the New Testament and of the Koran were each outvoted two to one. The King’s approval of this reasoning is symbolic: he is only willing to accept doctrines which are shared by all three — their common denominator — and refuses to commit himself to any of the rival claims which go beyond that. It is once more the principle of the uncommitted world, applied to theology.

    The story also implies, as Bury[56] has pointed out, that Jewish influence at the Khazar court must already have been strong before the formal conversion, for the Bishop and the Muslim scholar have to be ‘sent for”, whereas the Jew is alreadv “with him” (the King).


    We now turn from the principal Arab source on the conversion — Masudi and his compilers — to the principal Jewish source. This is the so-called “Khazar Correspondence”: an exchange of letters, in Hebrew, between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba, and Joseph, King of the Khazars or, rather, between their respective scribes. The authenticity of the correspondence has been the subject of controversy but is now generally accepted with due allowance made for the vagaries of later copyists.[†††††††††††]

    The exchange of letters apparently took place after 954 and before 961, that is roughly at the time when Masudi wrote. To appreciate its significance a word must be said about the personality of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut — perhaps the most brilliant figure in the “Golden Age” (900-1200) of the Jews in Spain.

    In 929, Abd-al-Rahman III, a member of the Omayad dynasty, succeeded in unifying the Moorish possessions in the southern and central parts of the Iberian peninsula under his rule, and founded the Western Caliphate. His capital, Cordoba, became the glory of Arab Spain, and a focal centre of European culture with a library of 400000 catalogued volumes. Hasdai, born 910 in Cordoba into a distinguished Jewish family, first attracted the Caliph’s attention as a medical practitioner with some remarkable cures to his credit. Abd-al-Rahman appointed him his court physician, and trusted his judgment so completely that Hasdai was called upon, first, to put the state finances in order, then to act as Foreign Minister and diplomatic trouble-shooter in the new Caliphate’s complex dealings with Byzantium, the German Emperor Otto, with Castile, Navarra, Arragon and other Christian kingdoms in the north of Spain. Hasdai was a true uomo universale centuries before the Renaissance who, in between affairs of state, still found the time to translate medical books into Arabic, to correspond with the learned rabbis of Baghdad and to act as a Maecenas for Hebrew grammarians and poets.

    He obviously was an enlightened, yet a devoted Jew, who used his diplomatic contacts to gather information about the Jewish communities dispersed in various parts of the world, and to intervene on their behalf whenever possible. He was particularly concerned about the persecution of Jews in the Byzantine Empire under Romanus (see above, section I). Fortunately, he wielded considerable influence at the Byzantine court, which was vitally interested in procuring the benevolent neutrality of Cordoba during the Byzantine campaigns against the Muslims of the East. Hasdai, who was conducting the negotiations, used this opportunity to intercede on behalf of Byzantine Jewry, apparently with success.[57]

    According to his own account, Hasdai first heard of the existence of an independent Jewish kingdom from some merchant traders from Khurasan in Persia; but he doubted the truth of their story. Later he questioned the members of a Byzantine diplomatic mission to Cordoba, and they confirmed the merchants’ account, contributing a considerable amount of factual detail about the Khazar kingdom, including the name — Joseph — of its present King. Thereupon Hasdai decided to send couriers with a letter to King Joseph.

    The letter (which will be discussed in more detail later on) contains a list of questions about the Khazar state, its people, method of government, armed forces, and so on — including an inquiry to which of the twelve tribes Joseph belonged. This seems to indicate that Hasdai thought the Jewish Khazars to hail from Palestine — as the Spanish Jews did — and perhaps even to represent one of the Lost Tribes. Joseph, not being of Jewish descent, belonged, of course, to none of the tribes; in his Reply to Hasdai, he provides, as we shall see, a genealogy of a different kind, but his main concern is to give Hasdai a detailed — if legendary — account of the conversion — which took place two centuries earlier — and the circumstances that led to it.

    Joseph’s narrative starts with a eulogy of his ancestor, King Bulan, a great conqueror and a wise man who “drove out the sorcerers and idolators from his land”. Subsequently an angel appeared to King Bulan in his dreams, exhorting him to worship the only true God, and promising that in exchange He would “bless and multiply Bulan’s offspring, and deliver his enemies into his hands, and make his kingdom last to the end of the world”. This, of course, is inspired by the story of the Covenant in Genesis; and it implies that the Khazars too claimed the status of a Chosen Race, who made their own Covenant with the Lord, even though they were not descended from Abraham’s seed. But at this point Joseph’s story takes an unexpected turn. King Bulan is quite willing to serve the Almighty, but he raises a difficulty:

    Thou knowest, my Lord, the secret thoughts of my heart and thou hast searched my kidneys to confirm that my trust is in thee; but the people over which I rule have a pagan mind and I do not know whether they will believe me. If I have found favour and mercy in thine eyes, then I beseech thee to appear also to their Great Prince, to make him support me.

    The Eternal One granted Bulan’s request, he appeared to this Prince in a dream, and when he arose in the morning he came to the King and made it known to him.…

    There is nothing in Genesis, nor in the Arab accounts of the conversion, about a great prince whose consent has to be obtained. It is an unmistakable reference to the Khazar double kingship. The “Great Prince”, apparently, is the Bek; but it is not impossible that the “King” was the Bek, and the “Prince” the Kagan. Moreover according to Arab and Armenian sources, the leader of the Khazar army which invaded Transcaucasia in 731 (i.e., a few years before the presumed date of the conversion) was called “Bulkhan”.[58]

    Joseph’s letter continues by relating how the angel appeared once more to the dreaming King and bade him to build a place of worship in which the Lord may dwell, for: “the sky and the skies above the sky are not large enough to hold me”. King Bulan replies bashfully that he does not possess the gold and silver required for such an enterprise, “although it is my duty and desire to carry it out”. The angel reassures him: all Bulan has to do is to lead his armies into Dariela and Ardabil in Armenia, where a treasure of silver and a treasure of gold are awaiting him. This fits in with Bulan’s or Bulkhan’s raid preceding the conversion; and also with Arab sources according to which the Khazars at one time controlled silver and gold mines in the Caucasus.[59] Bulan does as the angel told him, returns victoriously with the loot, and builds “a Holy Tabernacle equipped with a sacred coffer [the “Ark of the Covenant”], a candelabrum, an altar and holy implements which have been preserved to this day and are still in my [King Joseph’s] possession”.

    Joseph’s letter, written in the second half of the tenth century, more than two hundred years after the events it purports to describe, is obviously a mixture of fact and legend. His description of the scant furnishings of the place of worship, and the paucity of the preserved relics, is in marked contrast to the account he gives in other parts of the letter of the present prosperity of his country. The days of his ancestor Bulan appear to him as remote antiquity, when the poor but virtuous King did not even have the money to construct the Holy Tabernacle — which was, after all, only a tent.

    However,Joseph’s letter up to this point is merely the prelude to the real drama of the conversion, which he now proceeds to relate. Apparently Bulan’s renunciation of idolatry in favour of the “only true God” was only the first step, which still left the choice open between the three monotheistic creeds. At least, this is what the continuation of Joseph’s letter seems to imply:

    After these feats of arms [the invasion of Armenia], King Bulan’s fame spread to all countries. The King of Edom [Byzantium] and the King of the Ishmaelim [the Muslims] heard the news and sent to him envoys with precious gifts and money and learned men to convert him to their beliefs; but the king was wise and sent for a Jew with much knowledge and acumen and put all three together to discuss their doctrines.

    So we have another Brains Trust, or round-table conference, just as in Masudi, with the difference that the Muslim has not been poisoned beforehand. But the pattern of the argument is much the same. After long and futile discussions, the King adjourns the meeting for three days, during which the discutants are left to cool their heels in their respective tents; then he reverts to a stratagem. He convokes the discutants separately. He asks the Christian which of the other two religions is nearer the truth, and the Christian answers, “the Jews”. He confronts the Muslim with the same question and gets the same reply. Neutralism has once more carried the day.


    So much for the conversion. What else do we learn from the celebrated “Khazar Correspondence”?

    To take Hasdai’s letter first: it starts with a Hebrew poem, in the then fashionable manner of the piyut, a rhapsodic verse form which contains hidden allusions or riddles, and frequently acrostics. The poem exalts the military victories of the addressee, King Joseph; at the same time, the initial letters of the lines form an acrostic which spells out the full name of Hasdai bar Isaac bar Ezra bar Shaprut, followed by the name of Menahem ben Sharuk. Now this Menahem was a celebrated Hebrew poet, lexicographer and grammarian, a secretary and protégé of Hasdai’s. He was obviously given the task of drafting the epistle to King Joseph in his most ornate style, and he took the opportunity to immortalize himself by inserting his own name into the acrostic after that of his patron. Several other works of Menahem ben-Sharuk are preserved, and there can be no doubt that Hasdai’s letter is his handiwork.[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡]

    After the poem, the compliments and diplomatic flourishes, the letter gives a glowing account of the prosperity of Moorish Spain, and the happy condition of the Jews under its Caliph Abd al Rahman, “the like of which has never been known…. And thus the derelict sheep were taken into care, the arms of their persecutors were paralysed, and the yoke was discarded. The country we live in is called in Hebrew Sepharad, but the Ishmaelites who inhabit it call it al-Andalus.”

    Hasdai then proceeds to explain how he first heard about the existence of the Jewish kingdom from the merchants of Khurasan, then in more detail from the Byzantine envoys, and he reports what these envoys told him:

    I questioned them [the Byzantines] about it and they replied that it was true, and that the name of the kingdom is al-Khazar. Between Constantinople and this country there is a journey of fifteen days by sea,[§§§§§§§§§§§] but they said, by land there are many other people between us and them. The name of the ruling king is Joseph. Ships come to us from their land, bringing fish, furs and all sorts of merchandise. They are in alliance with us, and honoured by us. We exchange embassies and gifts. They are powerful and have a fortress for their outposts and troops which go out on forays from time to time.[************]

    This bit of information offered by Hasdai to the Khazar King about the King’s own country is obviously intended to draw a detailed reply from Joseph. It was good psychology: Hasdai must have known that criticism of erroneous statements flows easier from the pen than an original exposition.

    Next, Hasdai relates his earlier efforts to get in touch with Joseph. First he had sent a messenger, a certain Isaac bar Nathan, with instructions to proceed to the Khazar court. But Isaac got only as far as Constantinople, where he was courteously treated, but prevented from continuing the journey. (Understandably so: given the Empire’s ambivalent attitude towards the Jewish kingdom, it was certainly not in Constantine’s interest to facilitate an alliance between Khazaria and the Cordoba Caliphate with its Jewish Chief Minister.) So Hasdai’s messenger returned to Spain, mission unaccomplished. But soon another opportunity offered itself: the arrival at Cordoba of an embassy from Eastern Europe. Among its members were two Jews, Mar Saul and Mar Joseph, who offered to deliver Hasdai’s letter to King Joseph. (According to Joseph’s reply to Hasdai, it was actually delivered by a third person, one Isaac ben-Eliezer.)

    Having thus described in detail how his letter came to be written, and his efforts to have it delivered, Hasdai proceeds to ask a series of direct questions which reflect his avidity for more information about every aspect of the Khazar land, from its geography to its rites in observing the Sabbath. The concluding passage in Hasdai’s letter strikes a note quite different from that of its opening paragraphs:

    I feel the urge to know the truth, whether there is really a place on this earth where harassed Israel can rule itself, where it is subject to nobody. If I were to know that this is indeed the case, I would not hesitate to forsake all honours, to resign my high office, to abandon my family, and to travel over mountains and plains, over land and water, until I arrived at the place where my Lord, the [Jewish] King rules.… And I also have one more request: to be informed whether you have any knowledge of [the possible date] of the Final Miracle [the coming of the Messiah] which, wandering from country to country, we are awaiting. Dishonoured and humiliated in our dispersion, we have to listen in silence to those who say: “every nation has its own land and you alone possess not even a shadow of a country on this earth”.

    The beginning of the letter praises the happy lot of the Jews in Spain; the end breathes the bitterness of the exile, Zionist fervour and Messianic hope. But these opposite attitudes have always co-existed in the divided heart of Jews throughout their history. The contradiction in Hasdai’s letter gives it an added touch of authenticity. How far his implied offer to enter into the service of the Khazar King is to be taken seriously is another question, which we cannot answer. Perhaps he could not either.


    King Joseph’s reply is less accomplished and moving than Hasdai’s letter. No wonder — as Cassel remarks: ‘scholarship and culture reigned not among the Jews of the Volga, but on the rivers of Spain”. The highlight of the Reply is the story of the conversion, already quoted. No doubt Joseph too employed a scribe for penning it, probably a scholarly refugee from Byzantium. Nevertheless, the Reply sounds like a voice out of the Old Testament compared to the polished cadences of the tenth-century modern statesman.

    It starts with a fanfare of greetings, then reiterates the main contents of Hasdai’s letter, proudly emphasizing that the Khazar kingdom gives the lie to those who say that “the Sceptre of Judah has forever fallen from the Jews’ hands” and “that there is no place on earth for a kingdom of their own”. This is followed by a rather cryptic remark to the effect that “already our fathers have exchanged friendly letters which are preserved in our archives and are known to our elders”.[††††††††††††]

    Joseph then proceeds to provide a genealogy of his people. Though a fierce Jewish nationalist, proud of wielding the ‘sceptre of Judah”, he cannot, and does not, claim for them Semitic descent; he traces their ancestry not to Shem, but to Noah’s third son, Japheth; or more precisely to Japheth’s grandson, Togarma, the ancestor of all Turkish tribes. “We have found in the family registers of our fathers,” Joseph asserts boldly, “that Togarma had ten sons, and the names of their offspring are as follows: Uigur, Dursu, Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazars, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir. We are the sons of Khazar, the seventh…”

    The identity of some of these tribes, with names spelt in the Hebrew script is rather dubious, but that hardly matters; the characteristic feature in this genealogical exercise is the amalgamation of Genesis with Turkish tribal tradition.[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡]

    After the genealogy, Joseph mentions briefly some military conquests by his ancestors which carried them as far as the Danube; then follows at great length the story of Bulan’s conversion. “From this day onwards,” Joseph continues, “the Lord gave him strength and aided him; he had himself and his followers circumcized and sent for Jewish sages who taught him the Law and explained the Commandments.” There follow more boasts about military victories, conquered nations, etc., and then a significant passage:

    After these events, one of his [Bulan’s] grandsons became King; his name was Obadiab, he was a brave and venerated man who reformed the Rule, fortified the Law according to tradition and usage, built synagogues and schools, assembled a multitude of Israel’s sages, gave them lavish gifts of gold and silver, and made them interpret the twenty-four [sacred] books, the Mishna [Precepts] and the Talmud, and the order in which the liturgies are to be said.

    This indicates that, about a couple of generations after Bulan, a religious revival or reformation took place (possibly accompanied by a coup d’état on the lines envisaged by Artamonov). It seems indeed that the Judaization of the Khazars proceeded in several steps. We remember that King Bulan drove out “the sorcerers and idolators” before the angel appeared to him; and that he made his Covenant with the “true God” before deciding whether He was the Jewish, Christian or Muslim God. It seems highly probable that the conversion of King Bulan and his followers was another intermediary step, that they embraced a primitive or rudimentary form of Judaism, based on the Bible alone, excluding the Talmud, all rabbinical literature, and the observances derived from it. In this respect they resembled the Karaites, a fundamentalist sect which originated in the eighth century in Persia and spread among Jews all over the world particularly in “Little Khazaria”, i.e., the Crimea. Dunlop and some other authorities surmised that between Bulan and Obadiah (i.e., roughly between 740 and 800) some form of Karaism prevailed in the country, and that orthodox “Rabbinic” Judaism was only introduced in the course of Obadiah’s religious reform. The point is of some importance because Karaism apparently survived in Khazaria to the end, and villages of Turkish-speaking Karaite Jews, obviously of Khazar origin, still existed in modern times (see below, Chapter V, 4).

    Thus the Judaization of the Khazars was a gradual process which, triggered off by political expediency, slowly penetrated into the deeper strata of their minds and eventually produced the Messianism of their period of decline. Their religious commitment survived the collapse of their state, and persisted, as we shall see, in the Khazar-Jewish settlements of Russia and Poland.


    After mentioning Obadiah’s religious reforms, Joseph gives a list of his successors:

    Hiskia his son, and his son Manasseh, and Chanukah the brother of Obadiah, and Isaac his son, Manasseh his son, Nissi his son, Menahem his son, Benjamin his son, Aaron his son, and I am Joseph, son of Aaron the Blessed, and we were all sons of Kings, and no stranger was allowed to occupy the throne of our fathers.

    Next, Joseph attempts to answer Hasdai’s questions about the size and topography of his country. But he does not seem to have a competent person at his court who could match the skill of the Arab geographers, and his obscure references to other countries and nations add little to what we know from Ibn Hawkal, Masudi and the other Persian and Arabic sources. He claims to collect tribute from thirty-seven nations — which seems a rather tall proposition; yet Dunlop points out that nine of these appear to be tribes living in the Khazar heartland, and the remaining twenty-eight agree quite well with Ibn Fadlan’s mention of twenty-five wives, each the daughter of a vassal king (and also with Eldad ha-Dani’s dubious tales). We must further bear in mind the multitude of Slavonic tribes along the upper reaches of the Dnieper and as far as Moscow, which, as we shall see, paid tribute to the Khazars.

    However that may be, there is no reference in Joseph’s letter to a royal harem — only a mention of a single queen and her maids and eunuchs’. These are said to live in one of the three boroughs of Joseph’s capital, Itil: “in the second live Israelites, Ishmaelis, Christians and other nations who speak other languages; the third, which is an island, I inhabit myself, with the princes, bondsmen and all the servants that belong to me.….[§§§§§§§§§§§§] We live in the town through the whole of winter, but in the month of Nisan [March-April] we set out and everyone goes to labour in his field and his garden; every clan has his hereditary estate, for which they head with joy and jubilation; no voice of an intruder can be heard there, no enemy is to be seen. The country does not have much rain, but there are many rivers with a multitude of big fish, and many sources, and it is generally fertile and fat in its fields and vineyards, gardens and orchards which are irrigated by the rivers and bear rich fruit … and with God’s help I live in peace.”

    The next passage is devoted to the date of the coming of the Messiah:

    We have our eyes on the sages of Jerusalem and Babylon, and although we live far away from Zion, we have nevertheless heard that the calculations are erroneous owing to the great profusion of sins, and we know nothing, only the Eternal knows how to keep the count. We have nothing to hold on only the prophecies of Daniel, and may the Eternal speed up our Deliverance.…

    The concluding paragraph of Joseph’s letter is a reply to Hasdai’s apparent offer to enter into the service of the Khazar king:

    Thou hast mentioned in thy letter a desire to see my face. I too wish and long to behold thy gracious face and the splendour of thy magnificence, wisdom and greatness; I wish that thy words will come true, that I should know the happiness to hold thee in my embrace and to see thy dear, friendly and agreeable face; thou wouldst be to me as a father, and I to thee as a son; all my people would kiss thy lips; we would come and go according to thy wishes and thy wise counsel.

    There is a passage in Joseph’s letter which deals with topical politics, and is rather obscure:

    With the help of the Almighty I guard the mouth of the river [the Volga] and do not permit the Rus who come in their ships to invade the land of the Arabs.… I fight heavy wars with them [the Rus] for if I allowed it they would devastate the lands of Ishmael even to Baghdad.

    Joseph here appears to pose as the defender of the Baghdad Caliphate against the Norman-Rus raiders (see Chapter III). This might seem a little tactless in view of the bitter hostility between the Omayad Caliphate of Cordoba (which Hasdai is serving) and the Abassid Caliphs of Baghdad. On the other hand, the vagaries of Byzantine policy towards the Khazars made it expedient for Joseph to appear in the role of a defender of Islam, regardless of the schism between the two Caliphates. At least he could hope that Hasdai, the experienced diplomat, would take the hint.

    The meeting between the two correspondents — if ever seriously intended — never took place. No further letters — if any were exchanged — have been preserved. The factual content of the “Khazar Correspondence” is meagre, and adds little to what was already known from other sources. Its fascination lies in the bizarre, fragmentary vistas that it conveys, like an erratic searchlight focussing on disjointed regions in the dense fog that covers the period.


    Among other Hebrew sources, there is the “Cambridge Document” (so called after its present location in the Cambridge University Library). It was discovered at the end of the last century, together with other priceless documents in the “Cairo Geniza”, the store-room of an ancient synagogue, by the Cambridge scholar, Solomon Schechter. The document is in a bad state; it is a letter (or copy of a letter) consisting of about a hundred lines in Hebrew; the beginning and the end are missing, so that it is impossible to know who wrote it and to whom it was addressed. King Joseph is mentioned in it as a contemporary and referred to as “my Lord”, Khazaria is called “our land”; so the most plausible inference is that the letter was written by a Khazar Jew of King Joseph’s court in Joseph’s lifetime, i.e., that it is roughly contemporaneous with the “Khazar Correspondence”. Some authorities have further suggested that it was addressed to Hasdai ibn Shaprut, and handed in Constantinople to Hasdai’s unsuccessful envoy, Isaac bar Nathan, who brought it back to Cordoba (whence it found its way to Cairo when the Jews were expelled from Spain). At any rate, internal evidence indicates that the document originated not later than in the eleventh century, and more likely in Joseph’s lifetime, in the tenth.

    It contains another legendary account of the conversion, but its main significance is political. The writer speaks of an attack on Khazaria by the Alans, acting under Byzantine instigation, under Joseph’s father, Aaron the Blessed. No other Greek or Arab source seems to mention this campaign. But there is a significant passage in Constantine Porphyrogenitus’s De Adminisdrando Imperio, written in 947-50, which lends some credibility to the unknown letter-writer’s statements:

    Concerning Khazaria, how war is to be made upon them and by whom. As the Ghuzz are able to make war on the Khazars, being near them, so likewise the ruler of Alania, because the Nine Climates of Khazaria [the fertile region north of the Caucasus] are close to Alania, and the Alan can, if he wishes, raid them and cause great damage and distress to the Khazars from that quarter.

    Now, according to Joseph’s Letter, the ruler of the Alans paid tribute to him, and whether in fact he did or not, his feelings toward the Kagan were probably much the same as the Bulgar King’s. The passage in Constantine, revealing his efforts to incite the Alans to war against the Khazars, ironically reminds one of Ibn Fadlan’s mission with a parallel purpose. Evidently, the days of the Byzantine-Khazar rapprochement were long past in Joseph’s time. But I am anticipating later developments, to be discussed in Chapter III.


    About a century after the Khazar Correspondence and the presumed date of the Cambridge Document, Jehuda Halevi wrote his once celebrated book, Kuzari, the Khazars. Halevi (1085-1141) is generally considered the greatest Hebrew poet of Spain; the book, however, was written in Arabic and translated later into Hebrew; its sub-title is “The Book of Proof and Argument in Defence of the Despised Faith”.

    Halevi was a Zionist who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; the Kuzari, written a year before his death, is a philosophical tract propounding the view that the Jewish nation is the sole mediator between God and the rest of mankind. At the end of history, all other nations will be converted to Judaism; and the conversion of the Khazars appears as a symbol or token of that ultimate event.

    In spite of its title, the tract has little to say about the Khazar country itself, which serves mainly as a backdrop for yet another legendary account of the conversion — the King, the angel, the Jewish scholar, etc. — and for the philosophical and theological dialogues between the King and the protagonists of the three religions.

    However, there are a few factual references, which indicate that Halevi had either read the correspondence between Hasdai and Joseph or had other sources of information about the Khazar country. Thus we are informed that after the appearance of the angel the King of the Khazars “revealed the secret of his dream to the General of his army”, and “the General” also looms large later on — another obvious reference to the dual rule of Kagan and Bek. Halevi also mentions the “histories” and “books of the Khazars” — which reminds one of Joseph speaking of “our archives”, where documents of state are kept. Lastly, Halevi twice, in different places of the book, gives the date of the conversion as having taken place “400 years ago” and “in the year 4500” (according to the Jewish calendar). This points to AD 740, which is the most likely date. All in all, it is a poor harvest as far as factual statements are concerned, from a book that enjoyed immense popularity among the Jews of the Middle Ages. But the mediaeval mind was less attracted by fact than by fable, and the Jews were more interested in the date of the coming of the Messiah than in geographical data. The Arab geographers and chroniclers had a similarly cavalier attitude to distances, dates and the frontiers between fact and fancy.

    This also applies to the famed German-Jewish traveller, Rabbi Petachia of Ratisbon, who visited Eastern Europe and western Asia between 1170 and 1185. His travelogue, Sibub Ha‘olam, “Journey around the World”, was apparently written by a pupil, based on his notes or on dictation. It relates how shocked the good Rabbi was by the primitive observances of the Khazar Jews north of the Crimea, which he attributed to their adherence to the Karaite heresy:

    And the Rabbi Petachia asked them: “Why do you not believe in the words of the sages [i.e., the Talmudists]?” They replied: “Because our fathers did not teach them to us.” On the eve of the Sabbath they cut all the bread which they eat on the Sabbath. They eat it in the dark, and sit the whole day on one spot. Their prayers consist only of the psalms.[60][*************]

    So incensed was the Rabbi that, when he subsequently crossed the Khazar heartland, all he had to say was that it took him eight days, during which “he heard the wailing of women and the barking of dogs”.[61]

    He does mention, however, that while he was in Baghdad, he had seen envoys from the Khazar kingdom looking for needy Jewish scholars from Mesopotamia and even from Egypt, “to teach their children Torah and Talmud”.

    While few Jewish travellers from the West undertook the hazardous journey to the Volga, they recorded encounters with Khazar Jews at all principal centres of the civilized world. Rabbi Petachia met them in Baghdad; Benjamin of Tudela, another famous traveller of the twelfth century, visited Khazar notables in Constantinople and Alexandria; Ibraham ben Daud, a contemporary of Judah Halevi’s, reports that he had seen in Toledo “some of their descendants, pupils of the wise”.[62] Tradition has it that these were Khazar princes — one is tempted to think of Indian princelings sent to Cambridge to study.

    Yet there is a curious ambivalence in the attitude toward the Khazars of the leaders of orthodox Jewry in the East, centred on the talmudic Academy in Baghdad. The Gaon (Hebrew for “excellency”) who stood at the head of the Academy was the spiritual leader of the Jewish settlements dispersed all over the Near and Middle East, while the Exilarch, or “Prince of Captivity”, represented the secular power over these more or less autonomous communities. Saadiah Gaon (882-942), most famous among the spiritua1 excellencies, who left voluminous writings, repeatedly refers in them to the Khazars. He mentions a Mesopotamian Jew who went to Khazaria to settle there, as if this were an every-day occurrence. He speaks obscurely of the Khazar court; elsewhere he explains that in the biblical expression “Hiram of Tyre”, Hiram is not a proper name but a royal title, “like Caliph for the Ruler of the Arabs, and Kagan for the King of the Khazars.”

    Thus Khazaria was very much “on the map”, in the literal and metaphorical sense, for the leaders of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of oriental Jewry; but at the same time the Khazars were regarded with certain misgivings, both on racial grounds and because of their suspected leanings toward the Karaite heresy. One eleventh-century Hebrew author, Japheth ibn-Ali, himself a Karaite, explains the word mamzer, “bastard”, by the example of the Khazars who became Jews without belonging to the Race. His contemporary, Jacob ben-Reuben, reflects the opposite side of this ambivalent attitude by speaking of the Khazars as “a single nation who do not bear the yoke of the exile, but are great warriors paying no tribute to the Gentiles”.

    In summing up the Hebrew sources on the Khazars that have come down to us, one senses a mixed reaction of enthusiasm, scepticism and, above all, bewilderment. A warrior-nation of Turkish Jews must have seemed to the rabbis as strange as a circumcized unicorn. During a thousand years of Dispersion, the Jews had forgotten what it was like to have a king and a country. The Messiah was more real to them than the Kagan.

    As a postscript to the Arab and Hebrew sources relating to the conversion, it should be mentioned that the apparently earliest Christian source antedates them both. At some date earlier than 864, the Westphalian monk, Christian Druthmar of Aquitania, wrote a Latin treatise Expositio in Evangelium Mattei, in which he reports that “there exist people under the sky in regions where no Christians can be found, whose name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among them is one, called the Gazari, who are circumcized and observe Judaism in its entirety”. This remark occurs à propos of Matthew 24.14[†††††††††††††] which has no apparent bearing on it, and no more is heard of the subject.


    At about the same time when Druthmar wrote down what he knew from hearsay about the Jewish Khazars, a famed Christian missionary, sent by the Byzantine Emperor, attempted to convert them to Christianity. He was no less a figure than St Cyril, “Apostle of the Slavs”, alleged designer of the Cyrillic alphabet. He and his elder brother, St Methodius, were entrusted with this and other proselytizing missions by the Emperor Michael III, on the advice of the Patriarch Photius (himself apparently of Khazar descent, for it is reported that the Emperor once called him in anger “Khazar face”).

    Cyril’s proselytizing efforts seem to have been successful among the Slavonic people in Eastern Europe, but not among the Khazars. He travelled to their country via Cherson in the Crimea; in Cherson he is said to have spent six months learning Hebrew in preparation for his mission; he then took the “Khazarian Way” — the Don-Volga portage — to Itil, and from there travelled along the Caspian to meet the Kagan (it is not said where). The usual theological disputations followed, but they had little impact on the Khazar Jews Even the adulatory Vita Constantine (Cyril’s original name) says only that Cyril made a good impression on the Kagan, that a few people were baptized and two hundred Christian prisoners were released by the Kagan as a gesture of goodwill. It was the least he could do for the Emperor’s envoy who had gone to so much trouble.

    There is a curious sidelight thrown on the story by students of Slavonic philology. Cyril is credited by tradition not only with having devised the Cyrillic but also the Glagolytic alphabet. The latter, according to Baron, was “used in Croatia to the seventeenth century. Its indebtedness to the Hebrew alphabet in at least eleven characters, representing in part the Slavonic sounds, has long been recognized”. (The eleven characters are A, B, V, G, E, K, P, R, S, Sch, T.) This seems to confirm what has been said earlier on about the influence of the Hebrew alphabet in spreading literacy among the neighbours of the Khazars.




    “IT was”, wrote D. Sinor,[63] “in the second half of the eighth century that the Khazar empire reached the acme of its glory” that is, between the conversion of Bulan and the religious reform under Obadiah. This is not meant to imply that the Khazars owed their good fortune to their Jewish religion. It is rather the other way round: they could afford to be Jews because they were economically and militarily strong.

    A living symbol of their power was the Emperor Leo the Khazar, who ruled Byzantium in 775-80 — so named after his mother, the Khazar Princess “Flower” — the one who created a new fashion at the court. We remember that her marriage took place shortly after the great Khazar victory over the Muslims in the battle of Ardabil, which is mentioned in the letter of Joseph and other sources. The two events, Dunlop remarks, “are hardly unrelated”.[64]

    However, amidst the cloak-and-dagger intrigues of the period, dynastic marriages and betrothals could be dangerous. They repeatedly gave cause — or at least provided a pretext — for starting a war. The pattern was apparently set by Attila, the erstwhile overlord of the Khazars. In 450 Attila is said to have received a message, accompanied by an engagement ring, from Honoria, sister to the West Roman Emperor Valentinian III. This romantic and ambitious lady begged the Hun chieftain to rescue her from a fate worse than death — a forced marriage to an old Senator — and sent him her ring. Attila promptly claimed her as his bride, together with half the Empire as her dowry; and when Valentinian refused, Attila invaded Gaul.

    Several variations on this quasi-archetypal theme crop up throughout Khazar history. We remember the fury of the Bulgar King about the abduction of his daughter, and how he gave this incident as the main reason for his demand that the Caliph should build him a fortress against the Khazars. If we are to believe the Arab sources, similar incidents (though with a different twist) led to the last flare-up of the Khazar-Muslim wars at the end of the eighth century, after a protracted period of peace.

    According to al-Tabari, in AD 798,[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] the Caliph ordered the Governor of Armenia to make the Khazar frontier even more secure by marrying a daughter of the Kagan. This governor was a member of the powerful family of the Barmecides (which, incidentally, reminds one of the prince of that eponymous family in the Arabian Nights who invited the beggar to a feast consisting of rich dish-covers with nothing beneath). The Barmecide agreed, and the Khazar Princess with her suite and dowry was duly dispatched to him in a luxurious cavalcade (see I, 10). But she died in childbed; the newborn died too; and her courtiers, on their return to Khazaria, insinuated to the Kagan that she had been poisoned. The Kagan promptly invaded Armenia and took (according to two Arab sources)[65] 50000 prisoners. The Caliph was forced to release thousands of criminals from his gaols and arm them to stem the Khazar advance.

    The Arab sources relate at least one more eighth-century incident of a misfired dynastic marriage followed by a Khazar invasion; and for good measure the Georgian Chronicle has a particularly gruesome one to add to the list (in which the royal Princess, instead of being poisoned, kills herself to escape the Kagan’s bed). The details and exact dates are, as usual, doubtful,[66] and so is the real motivation behind these campaigns. But the recurrent mention in the chronicles of bartered brides and poisoned queens leaves little doubt that this theme had a powerful impact on people’s imagination, and possibly also on political events.


    No more is heard about Khazar-Arab fighting after the end of the eighth century. As we enter the ninth, the Khazars seemed to enjoy several decades of peace at least, there is little mention of them in the chronicles, and no news is good news in history. The southern frontiers of their country had been pacified; relations with the Caliphate had settled down to a tacit non-aggression pact; relations with Byzantium continued to be definitely friendly.

    Yet in the middle of this comparatively idyllic period there is an ominous episode which foreshadowed new dangers. In 833, or thereabouts, the Khazar Kagan and Bek sent an embassy to the East Roman Emperor Theophilus, asking for skilled architects and craftsmen to build them a fortress on the lower reaches of the Don. The Emperor responded with alacrity. He sent a fleet across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov up the mouth of the Don to the strategic spot where the fortress was to be built. Thus came Sarkel into being, the famous fortress and priceless archaeological site, virtually the only one that yielded clues to Khazar history — until it was submerged in the Tsimlyansk reservoir, adjoining the Volga-Don canal. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, who related the episode in some detail, says that since no stones were available in the region, Sarkel was built of bricks, burnt in specially constructed kilns. He does not mention the curious fact (discovered by Soviet archaeologists while the site was still accessible) that the builders also used marble columns of Byzantine origin, dating from the sixth century, and probably salvaged from some Byzantine ruin; a nice example of Imperial thrift.[67]

    The potential enemy against whom this impressive fortress was built by joint Roman-Khazar effort, were those formidable and menacing newcomers on the world scene, whom the West called Vikings or Norsemen, and the East called Rhous or Rhos or Rus.

    Two centuries earlier, the conquering Arabs had advanced on the civilized world in a gigantic pincer movement, its left prong reaching across the Pyrenees, its right prong across the Caucasus. Now, during the Viking Age, history seemed to create a kind of mirror image of that earlier phase. The initial explosion which had triggered off the Muslim wars of conquest took place in the southernmost region of the known world, the Arabian desert. The Viking raids and conquests originated in its northernmost region, Scandinavia. The Arabs advanced northward by land, the Norsemen southward by sea and waterways. The Arabs were, at least in theory, conducting a Holy War, the Vikings waged unholy wars of piracy and plunder; but the results, as far as the victims were concerned, were much the same. In neither case have historians been able to provide convincing explanations of the economical, ecological or ideological reasons which transformed these apparently quiescent regions of Arabia and Scandinavia quasi overnight into volcanoes of exuberant vitality and reckless enterprise. Both eruptions spent their force within a couple of centuries but left a permanent mark on the world. Both evolved in this time-span from savagery and destructiveness to splendid cultural achievement.

    About the time when Sarkel was built by joint Byzantine-Khazar efforts in anticipation of attack by the eastern Vikings, their western branch had already penetrated all the major waterways of Europe and conquered half of Ireland. Within the next few decades they colonized Iceland, conquered Normandy, repeatedly sacked Paris, raided Germany, the Rhône delta, the gulf of Genoa, circumnavigated the Iberian peninsula and attacked Constantinople through the Mediterranean and the Dardanelles — simultaneously with a Rus attack down the Dnieper and across the Black Sea. As Toynbee wrote:[68] “In the ninth century, which was the century in which the Rhos impinged on the Khazars and on the East Romans, the Scandinavians were raiding and conquering and colonizing in an immense arc that eventually extended south-westward … to North America and southeastward to … the Caspian Sea.”

    No wonder that a special prayer was inserted in the litanies of the West: A furore Normannorum libera nos Domine. No wonder that Constantinople needed its Khazar allies as a protective shield against the carved dragons on the bows of the Viking ships, as it had needed them a couple of centuries earlier against the green banners of the Prophet. And, as on that earlier occasion, the Khazars were again to bear the brunt of the attack, and eventually to see their capital laid in ruins.

    Not only Byzantium had reason to be grateful to the Khazars for blocking the advance of the Viking fleets down the great waterways from the north. We have now gained a better understanding of the cryptic passage in Joseph’s letter to Hasdai, written a century later: “With the help of the Almighty I guard the mouth of the river and do not permit the Rus who come in their ships to invade the land of the Arabs…. I fight heavy wars [with the Rus].”


    The particular brand of Vikings which the Byzantines called “Rhos” were called “Varangians” by the Arab chroniclers. The most probable derivation of “Rhos”, according to Toynbee, is “from the Swedish word ‘rodher’, meaning rowers”.[69] As for “Varangian”, it was used by the Arabs and also in the Russian Primary Chronicle to designate Norsemen or Scandinavians; the Baltic was actually called by them “the Varangian Sea”.[70] Although this branch of Vikings originated from eastern Sweden, as distinct from the Norwegians and Danes who raided Western Europe, their advance followed the same pattern. It was seasonal; it was based on strategically placed islands which served as strongholds, armouries and supply bases for attacks on the mainland; and its nature evolved, where conditions were favourable, from predatory raids and forced commerce to more or less permanent settlements and ultimately, amalgamation with the conquered native populations. Thus the Viking penetration of Ireland started with the seizure of the island of Rechru (Lambay) in Dublin Bay; England was invaded from the isle of Thanet; penetration of the Continent started with the conquest of the islands of Walcheren (off Holland) and Noirmoutier (in the estuary of the Loire).

    At the eastern extreme of Europe the Northmen were following the same blueprint for conquest. After crossing the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland they sailed up the river Volkhov into Lake Ilmen (south of Leningrad), where they found a convenient island — the Holmgard of the Icelandic Sagas. On this they built a settlement which eventually grew into the city of Novgorod.[§§§§§§§§§§§§§] From here they forayed on southward on the great waterways: on the Volga into the Caspian, and on the Dnieper into the Black Sea.

    The former route led through the countries of the militant Bulgars and Khazars; the latter across the territories of various Slavonic tribes who inhabited the north-western outskirts of the Khazar Empire and paid tribute to the Kagan: the Polyane in the region of Kiev; the Viatichi, south of Moscow; the Radimishchy east of the Dnieper; the Severyane on the river Derna, etc.[**************] These Slavs seemed to have developed advanced methods of agriculture, and were apparently of a more timid disposition than their “Turkish” neighbours on the Volga, for, as Bury put it, they became the “natural prey” of the Scandinavian raiders. These eventually came to prefer the Dnieper, in spite of its dangerous cataracts, to the Volga and the Don. It was the Dnieper which became the “Great Waterway” — the “Austrvegr” of the Nordic Sagas — from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and thus to Constantinople. They even gave Scandinavian names to the seven major cataracts, duplicating their Slavonic names; Constantine conscientiously enumerates both versions (e.g., Baru-fors in Norse, Volnyi in Slavonic, for “the billowy waterfall”).

    These Varangian-Rus seem to have been a unique blend unique even among their brother Vikings — combining the traits of pirates, robbers and meretricious merchants, who traded on their own terms, imposed by sword and battle-axe. They bartered furs, swords and amber in exchange for gold, but their principal merchandise were slaves. A contemporary Arab chronicler wrote:

    In this island [Novgorod] there are men to the number of 100000, and these men constantly go out to raid the Slavs in boats, and they seize the Slavs and take them prisoner and they go to the Khazars and Bulgars and sell them there. [We remember the slave market in Itil, mentioned by Masudi]. They have no cultivated lands, nor seed, and [live by] plunder from the Slavs. When a child is born to them, they place a drawn sword in front of him and his father says: “I have neither gold nor silver, nor wealth which I can bequeath to thee, this is thine inheritance, with it secure prosperity for thyself.”[71]

    A modern historian, McEvedy, has summed it up nicely:

    Viking-Varangian activity, ranging from Iceland to the borders of Turkestan, from Constantinople to the Arctic circle, was of incredible vitality and daring, and it is sad that so much effort was wasted in plundering. The Northern heroes did not deign to trade until they failed to vanquish; they preferred bloodstained, glorious gold to a steady mercantile profit.[72]

    Thus the Rus convoys sailing southward in the summer season were at the same time both commercial fleets and military armadas; the two roles went together, and with each fleet it was impossible to foretell at what moment the merchants would turn into warriors. The size of these fleets was formidable. Masudi speaks of a Rus force entering the Caspian from the Volga (in 912-13) as comprising “about 500 ships, each manned by 100 persons”. Of these 50000 men, he says, 35000 were killed in battle.[††††††††††††††] Masudi may have been exaggerating, but apparently not much. Even at an early stage of their exploits (circa 860) the Rus crossed the Black Sea and laid siege on Constantinople with a fleet variously estimated as numbering between 200 and 230 ships.

    In view of the unpredictability and proverbial treacherousness of these formidable invaders, the Byzantines and Khazars had to “play it by ear” as the saying goes. For a century and a half after the fortress of Sarkel was built, trade agreements and the exchange of embassies with the Rus alternated with savage wars. Only slowly and gradually did the Northmen change their character by building permanent settlements, becoming Slavonized by intermingling with their subjects and vassals, and finally, adopting the faith of the Byzantine Church. By that time, the closing years of the tenth century, the “Rus” had become transformed into “Russians”. The early Rus princes and nobles still bore Scandinavian names which had been Slavonized: Rurik from Hrörekr, Oleg from Helgi, Igor from Ingvar, Olga from Helga, and so on. The commercial treaty which Prince Igor-Ingvar concluded with the Byzantines in 945 contains a list of his companions, only three of which have Slavonic names among fifty Scandinavian names.[73] But the son of Ingvar and Helga assumed the Slavonic name Svyatoslav, and from there onward the process of assimilation got into its stride, the Varangians gradually lost their identity as a separate people, and the Norse tradition faded out of Russian history.

    It is difficult to form a mental picture of these bizarre people whose savagery sticks out even in that savage age. The chronicles are biased, written by members of nations who had suffered from the northern invaders; their own side of the story remains untold, for the rise of Scandinavian literature came long after the Age of the Vikings, when their exploits had blossomed into legend. Even so, early Norse literature seems to confirm their unbridled lust for battle, and the peculiar kind of frenzy which seized them on these occasions; they even had a special word for it: berserksgangr — the berserk way.

    The Arab chroniclers were so baffled by them that they contradict not only each other, but also themselves, across a distance of a few lines. Our old friend Ibn Fadlan is utterly disgusted by the filthy and obscene habits of the Rus whom he met at the Volga in the land of the Bulgars. The following passage on the Rus occurs just before his account of the Khazars, quoted earlier on:

    They are the filthiest creatures of the Lord. In the morning a servant girl brings a basin full of water to the master of the household; he rinses his face and hair in it, spits and blows his nose into the basin, which the girl then hands on to the next person, who does likewise, until all who are in the house have used that basin to blow their noses, spit and wash their face and hair in it.[74]

    In contrast to this, Ibn Rusta writes about the same time: “They are cleanly in regard to their clothing” — and leaves it at that.[75]

    Again, Ibn Fadlan is indignant about the Rus copulating and defecating in public, including their King, whereas Ibn Rusta and Gardezi know nothing of such revolting habits. But their own accounts are equally dubious and inconsistent. Thus Ibn Rusta: “They honour their guests and are kind to strangers who seek shelter with them, and everyone who is in misfortune among them.[76] They do not allow anyone among them to tyrannize them, and whoever among them does wrong or is oppressive, they find out such a one and expel him from among them.”

    But a few paragraphs further down he paints a quite different picture — or rather vignette, of conditions in Rus society:

    Not one of them goes to satisfy a natural need alone, but he is accompanied by three of his companions who guard him between them, and each one of them has his sword because of the lack of security and treachery among them, for if a man has even a little wealth, his own brother and his friend who is with him covet it and seek to kill and despoil him.[77]

    Regarding their martial virtues, however, the sources are Unanimous:

    These people are vigorous and courageous and when they descend on open ground, none can escape from them without being destroyed and their women taken possession of, and themselves taken into slavery.[78]


    Such were the prospects which now faced the Khazars.

    Sarkel was built just in time; it enabled them to control the movements of the Rus flotillas along the lower reaches of the Don and the Don-Volga portage (the “Khazarian Way”). By and large it seems that during the first century of their presence on the scene[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] the plundering raids of the Rus were mainly directed against Byzantium (where, obviously, richer plunder was to be had), whereas their relations with the Khazars were essentially on a trading basis, though not without friction and intermittent clashes. At any rate, the Khazars were able to control the Rus trade routes and to levy their 10 per cent tax on all cargoes passing through their country to Byzantium and to the Muslim lands.

    They also exerted some cultural influence on the Northmen, who, for all their violent ways, had a naive willingness to learn from the people with whom they came into contact. The extent of this influence is indicated by the adoption of the title “Kagan” by the early Rus rulers of Novgorod. This is confirmed by both Byzantine and Arab sources; for instance, Ibn Rusta, after describing the island on which Novgorod was built, states “They have a king who is called Kagan Rus.” Moreover, Ibn Fadlan reports that the Kagan Rus has a general who leads the army and represents him to the people. Zeki Validi has pointed out that such delegation of the army command was unknown among the Germanic people of the North, where the king must be the foremost warrior; Validi concludes that the Rus obviously imitated the Khazar system of twin rule. This is not unlikely in view of the fact that the Khazars were the most prosperous and culturally advanced people with whom the Rus in the early stages of their conquests made territorial contact. And that contact must have been fairly intense, since there was a colony of Rus merchants in Itil — and also a community of Khazar Jews in Kiev.

    It is sad to report in this context that more than a thousand years after the events under discussion, the Soviet regime has done its best to expunge the memory of the Khazars’ historic role and cultural achievements. On January 12, 1952, The Times carried the following news item:



    Another Soviet historian has been criticized by Pravda for belittling the early culture and development of the Russian people. He is Professor Artamonov, who, at a recent session of the Department of History and Philosophy at the USSR Academy of Sciences, repeated a theory which he had put forward in a book in 1937 that the ancient city of Kiev owed a great deal to the Khazar peoples. He pictures them in the role of an advanced people who fell victim to the aggressive aspirations of the Russians.

    “All these things,” says Pravda, “have nothing in common with historical facts. The Khazar kingdom which represented the primitive amalgamation of different tribes, played no positive role whatever in creating the statehood of the eastern Slavs. Ancient sources testify that state formations arose among the eastern Slavs long before any record of the Khazars. The Khazar kingdom, far from promoting the development of the ancient Russian State, retarded the progress of the eastern Slav tribes. The materials obtained by our archaeologists indicate the high level of culture in ancient Russia. Only by flouting the historical truth and neglecting the facts can one speak of the superiority of the Khazar culture. The idealization of the Khazar kingdom reflects a manifest survival of the defective views of the bourgeois historians who belittled the indigenous development of the Russian people. The erroneousness of this concept is evident. Such a conception cannot be accepted by Soviet historiography.”

    Artamonov, whom I have frequently quoted, published (besides numerous articles in learned journals) his first book, which dealt with the early history of the Khazars, in 1937. His magnum opus, History of the Khazars, was apparently in preparation when Pravda struck. As a result, the book was published only ten years later — 1962 — carrying a recantation in its final section which amounted to a denial of all that went before — and, indeed, of the author’s life-work. The relevant passages in it read:

    The Khazar kingdom disintegrated and fell into pieces, from which the majority merged with other related peoples, and the minority, settling in Itil, lost its nationality and turned into a parasitic class with a Jewish coloration.

    The Russians never shunned the cultural achievements of the East…. But from the Itil Khazars the Russians took nothing. Thus also by the way, the militant Khazar Judaism was treated by other peoples connected with it: the Magyars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Alans and Polovtsians.… The need to struggle with the exploiters from Itil stimulated the unification of the Ghuzz and the Slavs around the golden throne of Kiev, and this unity in its turn created the possibility and prospect for a violent growth not only of the Russian state system, but also of ancient Russian culture. This culture had always been original and never depended on Khazar influence. Those insignificant eastern elements in Rus culture which were passed down by the Khazars and which one usually bears in mind when dealing with the problems of culture ties between the Rus and the Khazars, did not penetrate into the heart of Russian culture, but remained on the surface and were of short duration and small significance. They offer no ground at all for pointing out a “Khazar” period in the history of Russian culture.

    The dictates of the Party line completed the process of obliteration which started with the flooding of the remains of Sarkel.


    Intensive trading and cultural interchanges did not prevent the Rus from gradually eating their way into the Khazar Empire by appropriating their Slavonic subjects and vassals. According to the Primary Russian Chronicle, by 859 — that is, some twenty-five years after Sarkel was built — the tribute from the Slavonic peoples was “divided between the Khazars and the Varangians from beyond the Baltic Sea”. The Varangians levied tribute on “Chuds”, “Krivichians”, etc. — i.e., the more northerly Slavonic people — while the Khazars continued to levy tribute on the Viatichi, the Seviane, and, most important of all, the Polyane in the central region of Kiev. But not for long. Three years later if we can trust the dating (in the Russian Chronicle), the key town of Kiev on the Dnieper, previously under Khazar suzerainty, passed into Rus hands.

    This was to prove a decisive event in Russian history, though it apparently happened without an armed struggle. According to the Chronicle, Novgorod was at the time ruled by the (semilegendary) Prince Rurik (Hrörekr), who held under his sway all the Viking settlements, the northern Slavonic, and some Finnish people. Two of Rurik’s men, Oskold and Dir, on travelling down the Dnieper, saw a fortified place on a mountain, the sight of which they liked; and were told that this was the town of Kiev, and that it “paid tribute to the Khazars”. The two settled in the town with their families, “gathered many Northmen to them, and ruled over the neighbouring Slavs, even as Rurik ruled at Novgorod. Some twenty years later Rurik’s son Oleg [Helgi] came down and put Oskold and Dir to death, and annexed Kiev to his sway.”

    Kiev soon outshone Novgorod in importance: it became the capital of the Varangians and “the mother of Russian towns”; while the principality which took its name became the cradle of the first Russian state.

    Joseph’s letter, written about a century after the Rus occupation of Kiev, no longer mentions it in his list of Khazar possessions. But influential Khazar-Jewish communities survived both in the town and province of Kiev, and after the final destruction of their country they were reinforced by large numbers of Khazar emigrants. The Russian Chronicle keeps referring to heroes coming from Zemlya Zhidovskaya, “the country of the Jews”; and the “Gate of the Khazars” in Kiev kept the memory of its erstwhile rulers alive till modern times.


    We have now progressed into the second half of the ninth century and, before continuing with the tale of the Russian expansion, must turn our attention to some vital developments among the people of the steppes, particularly the Magyars. These events ran parallel with the rise of Rus power and had a direct impact on the Khazars — and on the map of Europe.

    The Magyars had been the Khazars’ allies, and apparently willing vassals, since the dawn of the Khazar Empire. “The problem of their origin and early wanderings have long perplexed scholars”, Macartney wrote;[79] elsewhere he calls it “one of the darkest of historical riddles”.[80] About their origin all we know with certainty is that the Magyars were related to the Finns, and that their language belongs to the so-called Finno-Ugrian language family, together with that of the Vogul and Ostyak people living in the forest regions of the northern Urals. Thus they were originally unrelated to the Slavonic and Turkish nations of the steppes in whose midst they came to live — an ethnic curiosity, which they still are to this day. Modern Hungary, unlike other small nations, has no linguistic ties with its neighbours; the Magyars have remained an ethnic enclave in Europe, with the distant Finns as their only cousins.

    At an unknown date during the early centuries of the Christian era this nomadic tribe was driven out of its erstwhile habitat in the Urals and migrated southward through the steppes, eventually settling in the region between the Don and the Kuban rivers. They thus became neighbours of the Khazars, even before the latter’s rise to prominence. For a while they were part of a federation of semi-nomadic people, the Onogurs (“The Ten Arrows” or ten tribes); it is believed that the name “Hungarian” is a Slavonic version of that word;[81] while “Magyar” is the name by which they have called themselves from time immemorial.

    From about the middle of the seventh to the end of the ninth centuries they were, as already said, subjects of the Khazar Empire. It is a remarkable fact that during this whole period, while other tribes were engaged in a murderous game of musical chairs, we have no record of a single armed conflict between Khazars and Magyars, whereas each of the two was involved at one time or another in wars with their immediate or distant neighbours: Volga Bulgars, Danube Bulgars, Ghuzz, Pechenegs, and so on — in addition to the Arabs and the Rus. Paraphrasing the Russian Chronicle and Arab sources, Toynbee writes that throughout this period the Magyars “took tribute”, on the Khazars’ behalf, from the Slav and Finn peoples in the Black Earth Zone to the north of the Magyars’ own domain of the Steppe, and in the forest zone to the north of that. The evidence for the use of the name Magyar by this date is its survival in a number of place-names in this region of northerly Russia. These place-names presumably mark the sites of former Magyar garrisons and outposts.”[82] Thus the Magyars dominated their Slavonic neighbours, and Toynbee concludes that in levying tribute, “the Khazars were using the Magyars as their agents, though no doubt the Magyars made this agency profitable for themselves as well”.[83]

    The arrival of the Rus radically changed this profitable state of affairs. At about the time when Sarkel was built, there was a conspicuous movement of the Magyars across the Don to its west bank. From about 830 onward, the bulk of the nation was re-settled in the region between the Don and the Dnieper, later to be named Lebedia. The reason for this move has been much debated among historians; Toynbee’s explanation is both the most recent and the most plausible:

    We may … infer that the Magyars were in occupation of the Steppe to the west of the Don by permission of their Khazar suzerains.… Since the Steppe-country had previously belonged to the Khazars, and since the Magyars were the Khazars’ subordinate allies, we may conclude that the Magyars had not established themselves in this Khazar territory against the Khazars’ will.… Indeed we may conclude that the Khazars had not merely permitted the Magyars to establish themselves to the west of the Don, but had actually planted them there to serve the Khazars’ own purposes. The re-location of subject peoples for strategic reasons was a device that had been practised by previous nomad empire builders.… In this new location, the Magyars could help the Khazars to check the south-eastward and southward advance of tile Rhos. The planting of the Magyars to the west of the Don will have been all of a piece with the building of the fortress Sarkel on tile Don’s eastern bank.[84]


    This arrangement worked well enough for nearly half a century. During this period the relation between Magyars and Khazars became even closer, culminating in two events which left lasting marks on the Hungarian nation. First, the Khazars gave them a king, who founded the first Magyar dynasty; and, second, several Khazar tribes joined the Magyars and profoundly transformed their ethnic character.

    The first episode is described by Constantine in De Administrando (circa 950), and is confirmed by the fact that the names he mentions appear independently in the first Hungarian Chronicle (eleventh century). Constantine tells us that before the Khazars intervened in the internal affairs of the Magyar tribes, these had no paramount king, only tribal chieftains; the most prominent of these was called Lebedias (after whom Lebedia was later named):

    And the Magyars consisted of seven hordes, but at that time they had no ruler, either native or foreign, but there were certain chieftains among them, of which the principal chieftain was the aforementioned Lebedias.… And the Kagan, the ruler of Khazaria, on account of their [the Magyars’] valour and military assistance, gave their first chieftain, the man called Lebedias, a noble Khazar lady as wife, that he might beget children of her; but Lebedias, by some chance, had no family by that Khazar woman.

    Another dynastic alliance which had misfired. But the Kagan was determined to strengthen the ties which bound Lebedias and his tribes to the Khazar kingdom:

    After a little time had passed, the Kagan, the ruler of Khazaria, told the Magyars … to send to him their first chieftain. So Lebedias, coming before the Kagan of Khazaria, asked him for the reason why he had sent for him. And the Kagan said to him: We have sent for you for this reason: that, since you are well-born and wise and brave and the first of the Magyars, we may promote you to be the ruler of your race, and that you may be subject to our Laws and Orders.

    But Lebedias appears to have been a proud man; he declined, with appropriate expressions of gratitude, the offer to become a puppet king, and proposed instead that the honour should be bestowed on a fellow chieftain called Almus, or on Almus’s son, Arpad. So the Kagan, “pleased at this speech”, sent Lebedias with a suitable escort back to his people; and they chose Arpad to be their king. The ceremony of Arpad’s installation took place “after the custom and usage of the Khazars, raising him on their shields. But before this Arpad the Magyars never had any other ruler; wherefore the ruler of Hungary is drawn from his race up to this day.”

    “This day” in which Constantine wrote was circa 950, that is, a century after the event. Arpad in fact led his Magyars in the conquest of Hungary; his dynasty reigned till 1301, and his name is one of the first that Hungarian schoolboys learn. The Khazars had their fingers in many historic pies.


    The second episode seems to have had an even more profound influence on the Hungarian national character. At some unspecified date, Constantine tells us,[85] there was a rebellion (apostasia) of part of the Khazar nation against their rulers. The insurgents consisted of three tribes, “which were called Kavars [or Kabars], and which were of the Khazars’ own race. The Government prevailed; some of the rebels were slaughtered and some fled the country and settled with the Magyars, and they made friends with one another. They also taught the tongue of the Khazars to the Magyars, and up to this day they speak the same dialect, but they also speak the other language of the Magyars. And because they proved themselves more efficient in wars and the most manly of the eight tribes [i.e., the seven original Magyar tribes plus the Kabars], and leaders in war, they were elected to be the first horde, and there is one leader among them, that is in the [originally] three hordes of the Kavars, who exists to this day.”

    To dot his i’s, Constantine starts his next chapter with a list “of the hordes of Kavars and Magyars. First is that which broke off from the Khazars, this above-mentioned horde of the Kavars.”, etc.[86] The horde or tribe which actually calls itself “Magyar” comes only third.

    It looks as if the Magyars had received — metaphorically and perhaps literally — a blood transfusion from the Khazars. It affected them in several ways. First of all we learn, to our surprise, that at least till the middle of the tenth century both the Magyar and Khazar languages were spoken in Hungary. Several modern authorities have commented on this singular fact. Thus Bury wrote: “The result of this double tongue is the mixed character of the modern Hungarian language, which has supplied specious argument for the two opposite opinions as to the ethnical affinities of the Magyars.”[87] Toynbee[88] remarks that though the Hungarians have ceased to be bilingual long ago, they were so at the beginnings of their state, as testified by some two hundred loan-words from the old Chuvash dialect of Turkish which the Khazars spoke (see above, Chapter I, 3).

    The Magyars, like the Rus, also adopted a modified form of the Khazar double-kingship. Thus Gardezi: “… Their leader rides out with 20000 horsemen; they call him Kanda [Hungarian:

    Kende] and this is the title of their greater king, but the title of the person who effectively rules them is Jula. And the Magyars do whatever their Jula commands.” There is reason to believe that the first Julas of Hungary were Kabars.[89]

    There is also some evidence to indicate that among the dissident Kabar tribes, who de facto took over the leadership of the Magyar tribes, there were Jews, or adherents of “a judaizing religion”.[90] It seems quite possible — as Artamonov and Bartha have suggested[91] — that the Kabar “apostasia” was somehow connected with, or a reaction against, the religious reforms initiated by King Obadiah. Rabbinical law, strict dietary rules, Talmudic casuistry might have gone very much against the grain of these steppe-warriors in shining armour. If they professed “a judaizing religion”, it must have been closer to the faith of the ancient desert-Hebrews than to rabbinical orthodoxy. They may even have been followers of the fundamentalist sect of Karaites, and hence considered heretics. But this is pure speculation.


    The close cooperation between Khazars and Magyars came to an end when the latter, AD 896, said farewell to the Eurasian steppes, crossed the Carpathian mountain range, and conquered the territory which was to become their lasting habitat. The circumstances of this migration are again controversial, but one can at least grasp its broad outlines.

    During the closing decades of the ninth century yet another uncouth player joined the nomad game of musical chairs: the pechenegs.[§§§§§§§§§§§§§§] What little we know about this Turkish tribe is summed up in Constantine’s description of them as an insatiably greedy lot of Barbarians who for good money can be bought to fight other Barbarians and the Rus. They lived between the Volga and the Ural rivers under Khazar suzerainty; according to Ibn Rusta,[92] the Khazars “raided them every year” to collect the tribute due to them.

    Toward the end of the ninth century a catastrophe (of a nature by no means unusual) befell the Pechenegs: they were evicted from their country by their eastern neighbours. These neighbours were none other than the Ghuzz (or Oguz) whom Ibn Fadlan so much disliked — one of the inexhaustible number of Turkish tribes which from time to time cut loose from their Central-Asiatic moorings and drifted west. The displaced Pechenegs tried to settle in Khazaria, but the Khazars beat them off.[***************] The Pechenegs continued their westward trek, crossed the Don and invaded the territory of the Magyars. The Magyars in turn were forced to fall back further west into the region between the Dnieper and the Sereth rivers. They called this region Etel-Köz, “the land between the rivers”. They seem to have settled there in 889; but in 896 the Pechenegs struck again, allied to the Danube Bulgars, whereupon the Magyars withdrew into present-day Hungary.

    This, in rough outline, is the story of the Magyars’ exit from the eastern steppes, and the end of the Magyar-Khazar connection. The details are contested; some historians[93] maintain, with a certain passion, that the Magyars suffered only one defeat, not two, at the hands of the Pechenegs, and that Etel-Köz was just another name for Lebedia, but we can leave these quibbles to the specialists. More intriguing is the apparent contradiction between the image of the Magyars as mighty warriors, and their inglorious retreat from successive habitats. Thus we learn from the Chronicle of Hinkmar of Rheims[94] that in 862 they raided the Fast Frankish Empire — the first of the savage incursions which were to terrorize Europe during the next century. We also hear of a fearful encounter which St Cyril, the Apostle of the Slavs, had with a Magyar horde in 860, on his way to Khazaria. He was saying his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes — “howling in the manner of wolves”. His sanctity, however, protected him from harm.[95] Another chronicle[96] mentions that the Magyars, and the Kabars, came into conflict with the Franks in 881; and Constantine tells us that, some ten years later, the Magyars “made war upon Simeon (ruler of the Danube Bulgars) and trounced him soundly, and came as far as Preslav, and shut him up in the fortress called Mundraga, and returned home.”[97]

    How is one to reconcile all these valiant deeds with the series of retreats from the Don into Hungary, which took place in the same period? It seems that the answer is indicated in the passage in Constantine immediately following the one just quo ted:

    “… But after Symeon the Bulgar again made peace with the Emperor of the Greeks, and got security, he sent to the Patzinaks, and made an agreement with them to make war on and annihilate the Magyars. And when the Magyars went away on a campaign, the Patzinaks with Symeon came against the Magyars, and completely annihilated their families, and chased away miserably the Magyars left to guard their land. But the Magyars returning, and finding their country thus desolate and ruined, moved into the country occupied by them today [i.e. Hungary].

    Thus the bulk of the army was “away on a campaign” when their land and families were attacked; and to judge by the chronicles mentioned above, they were “away” raiding distant countries quite frequently, leaving their homes with little protection. They could afford to indulge in this risky habit as long as they had only their Khazar overlords and the peaceful Slavonic tribes as their immediate neighbours. But with the advent of the land-hungry Pechenegs the situation changed. The disaster described by Constantine may have been only the last of a series of similar incidents. But it may have decided them to seek a new and safer home beyond the mountains, in a country which they already knew from at least two previous forays.

    There is another consideration which speaks in favour of this hypothesis. The Magyars seem to have acquired the raiding habit only in the second half of the ninth century — about the time when they received that critical blood-transfusion from the Khazars. It may have proved a mixed blessing. The Kabars, who were “more efficient in war and more manly”, became, as we saw, the leading tribe, and infused their hosts with the spirit of adventure, which was soon to turn them into the scourge of Europe, as the Huns had earlier been. They also taught the Magyars “those very peculiar and characteristic tactics employed since time immemorial by every Turkish nation — Huns, Avars, Turks, Pechenegs, Kumans — and by no other … light cavalry using the old devices of simulated flight, of shooting while fleeing, of sudden charges with fearful, wolf-like howling.”[98]

    These methods proved murderously effective during the ninth and tenth centuries when Hungarian raiders invaded Germany, the Balkans, Italy and even France — but they did not cut much ice against the Pechenegs, who used the same tactics, and could howl just as spine-chillingly.

    Thus indirectly, by the devious logic of history, the Khazars were instrumental in the establishment of the Hungarian state, whereas the Khazars themselves vanished into the mist. Macartney, pursuing a similar line of thought, went even further in emphasizing the decisive role played by the Kabar transfusion:

    The bulk of the Magyar nation, the true Finno-Ugrians, comparatively (although not very) pacific and sedentary agriculturalists, made their homes in the undulating country … west of the Danube. The plain of the Alföld was occupied by the nomadic race of Kabars, true Turks, herdsmen, horsemen and fighters, the driving force and the army of the nation. This was the race which in Constantine’s day still occupied pride of place as the “first of the hordes of the Magyars”. It was, I believe, chiefly this race of Kabars which raided the Slavs and Russians from the steppe; led the campaign against the Bulgars in 895; in large part and for more than half a century afterwards, was the terror of half Europe.[99]

    And yet the Hungarians managed to preserve their ethnic identity. “The brunt of sixty years of restless and remorseless warfare fell on the Kabars, whose ranks must have been thinned by it to an extraordinary extent. Meanwhile the true Magyars, living in comparative peace, increased their numbers.”[100] They also succeeded, after the bilingual period, in preserving their original Finno-Ugric language in the midst of their German and Slav neighbours — in contrast to the Danube Bulgars, who lost their Original Turkish language, and now speak a Slavonic dialect.

    However, the Kabar influence continued to make itself felt in Hungary, and even after they became separated by the Carpathian Mountains, the Khazar-Magyar connection was not completely severed. According to Vasiliev,[101] in the tenth century the Hungarian Duke Taksony invited an unknown number of Khazars to settle in his domains. It is not unlikely that these immigrants contained a fair proportion of Khazarian Jews. We may also assume that both the Kabars and the later immigrants brought with them some of their famed craftsmen, who taught the Hungarians their arts (see above, Chapter I, 13).

    In the process of taking possession of their new and permanent home, the Magyars had to evict its former occupants, Moravians and Danube Bulgars, who moved into the regions where they still live. Their other Slavonic neighbours too — the Serbs and Croats — were already more or less in situ. Thus, as a result of the chain-reaction which started in the distant Urals — Ghuzz chasing Pechenegs, chasing Magyars, chasing Bulgars and Moravians, the map of modern Central Europe was beginning to take shape. The shifting kaleidoscope was settling into a more or less stable jigsaw.


    We can now resume the story of the Rus ascent to power where we left it — the bloodless annexation of Kiev by Rurik’s men around AD 862. This is also the approximate date when the Magyars were pushed westward by the Pechenegs, thus depriving the Khazars of protection on their western flank. It may explain why the Rus could gain control of Kiev so easily.

    But the weakening of Khazar military power exposed the Byzantines, too, to attack by the Rus. Close to the date when the Rus settled in Kiev, their ships, sailing down the Dnieper, crossed the Black Sea and attacked Constantinople. Bury has described the event with much gusto:

    In the month of June, AD 860, the Emperor [Michael III], with all his forces, was marching against the Saracens. He had probably gone far when he received the amazing tidings, which recalled him with all speed to Constantinople. A Russian host had sailed across the Euxine [Black Sea] in two hundred boats, entered the Bosphorus, plundered the monasteries and suburbs on its banks, and overrun the Island of the Princes. The inhabitants of the city were utterly demoralized by the sudden horror of the danger and their own impotence. The troops (Tagmata) which were usually stationed in the neighbourhood of the city were far away with the Emperor … and the fleet was absent. Having wrought wreck and ruin in the suburbs, the barbarians prepared to attack the city. At this crisis … the learned Patriarch, Photius, rose to the occasion; he undertook the task of restoring the moral courage of his fellow-citizens.… He expressed the general feeling when he dwelt on the incongruity that the Imperial city, “queen of almost all the world”, should be mocked by a band of slaves [sic] a mean and barbarous crowd. But the populace was perhaps more impressed and consoled when he resorted to the ecclesiastical magic which had been used efficaciously at previous sieges. The precious garment of the Virgin Mother was borne in procession round the walls of the city; and it was believed that it was dipped in the waters of the sea for the purpose of raising a storm of wind. No storm arose, but soon afterwards the Russians began to retreat, and perhaps there were not many among the joyful citizens who did not impute their relief to the direct intervention of the queen of heaven.[102]

    We may add, for the sake of piquantry, that the “learned Patriarch”, Photius, whose eloquence saved the Imperial city, was none other than “Khazar face” who had sent St Cyril on his proselytizing mission. As for the Rus retreat, it was caused by the hurried return of the Greek army and fleet; but “Khazar face” had saved morale among the populace during the agonizing period of waiting.

    Toynbee too has interesting comments to make on this episode. In 860, he writes, the Russians “perhaps came nearer to capturing Constantinople than so far they have ever come since then”.[103] And he also shares the view expressed by several Russian historians, that the attack by the eastern Northmen’s Dnieper flotilla across the Black Sea was coordinated with the simultaneous attack of a western Viking fleet, approaching Constantinople across the Mediterranean and the Dardanelles:

    Vasiliev and Paszkievicz and Vernadsky are inclined to believe that the two naval expeditions that thus converged on the Sea of Marmara were not only simultaneous but were concerted, and they even make a guess at the identity of the master mind that, in their view, worked out this strategic plan on the grand scale. They suggest that Rurik of Novgorod was the same person as Rorik of Jutland.[104]

    This makes one appreciate the stature of the adversary with whom the Khazars had to contend. Nor was Byzantine diplomacy slow in appreciating it — and to play the double game which the situation seemed to demand, alternating between war, when it could not be avoided, and appeasement in the pious hope that the Russians would eventually be converted to Christianity and brought into the flock of the Eastern Patriarchate. As for the Khazars, they were an important asset for the time being, and would be sold out on the first decent — or indecent — opportunity that offered itself


    For the next two hundred years Byzantine-Russian relations alternated between armed conflict and treaties of friendship. Wars were waged in 860 (siege of Constantinople), 907, 941, 944, 969-71; and treaties concluded in 838-9, 861,911,945, 957, 971. About the contents of these more or less secret agreements we know little, but even what we know shows the bewildering complexity of the game. A few years after the siege of Constantinople the Patriarch Photius (still the same) reports that the Rus sent ambassadors to Constantinople and — according to the Byzantine formula for pressurized proselytizing — “besought the Emperor for Christian baptism”. As Bury comments: “We cannot say which, or how many, of the Russian settlements were represented by this embassy, but the object must have been to offer amends for the recent raid, perhaps to procure the deliverance of prisoners. It is certain that some of the Russians agreed to adopt Christianity … but the seed did not fall on very fertile ground. For upwards of a hundred years we hear no more of the Christianity of the Russians. The treaty, however, which was concluded between AD 860 and 866, led probably to other consequences.”[105]

    Among these consequences was the recruiting of Scandinavian sailors into the Byzantine fleet — by 902 there were seven hundred of them. Another development was the famous “Varangian Guard”, an élite corps of Rus and other nordic mercenaries, including even Englishmen. In the treaties of 945 and 971 the Russian rulers of the Principality of Kiev undertook to supply the Byzantine Emperor with troops on request.[106] In Constantine potphyrogenitus’ day, i.e., the middle of the tenth century, Rus fleets on the Bosphorus were a customary sight; they no longer caine to lay siege on Constantinople but to sell their wares. Trade was meticulously well regulated (except when armed clashes intervened): according to the Russian Chronicle, it was agreed in the treaties of 907 and 911 that the Rus visitors should enter Constantinople through one city gate only, and not more thin fifty at a time, escorted by officials; that they were to receive during their stay in the city as much grain as they required and also up to Six months’ supply of other provisions, in monthly deliveries, including bread, wine, meat, fish, fruit and bathing facilities (if required). To make sure that all transactions should be nice and proper, black-market dealings in currency were punished by amputation of one hand. Nor were proselytizing efforts neglected, as the ultimate means to achieve peaceful coexistence with the increasingly powerful Russians.

    But it was hard going. According to the Russian Chronicle, when Oleg, Regent of Kiev, concluded the treaty of 911 with the Byzantines, “the Emperors Leo and Alexander [joint rulers], after agreeing upon the tribute and mutually binding themselves by oath, kissed the cross and invited Oleg and his men to swear an oath likewise. According to the religion of the Rus, the latter swore by their weapons and by their god Perun, as well as by Volos, the god of cattle, and thus confirmed the treaty.”[107]

    Nearly half a century and several battles and treaties later, victory for the Holy Church seemed in sight: in 957 Princess Olga of Kiev (widow of Prince Igor) was baptized on the occasion of her state visit to Constantinople (unless she had already been baptized once before her departure — which again is controversial).

    The various banquets and festivities in Olga’s honour are described in detail in De Caerimonus, though we are not told how the lady reacted to the Disneyland of mechanical toys displayed in the Imperial throne-room — for instance, to the stuffed lions which emitted a fearful mechanical roar. (Another distinguished guest, Bishop Liutprand, recorded that he was able to keep his sang-froid only because he was forewarned of the surprises in store for visitors.) The occasion must have been a major headache for the master of ceremonies (which was Constantine himself), because not only was Olga a female sovereign, but her retinue, too, was female; the male diplomats and advisers, eighty-two of them, “marched self-effacingly in the rear of the Russian delegation”.[108][†††††††††††††††]

    Just before the banquet there was a small incident, symbolic of the delicate nature of Russian-Byzantine relations. When the ladies of the Byzantine court entered, they fell on their faces before the Imperial family, as protocol required. Olga remained standing “but it was noticed, with satisfaction, that she slightly if perceptibly inclined her head. She was put in her place by being seated, as the Muslim state guests had been, at a separate table.”[109]

    The Russian Chronicle has a different, richly embroidered version of this state visit. When the delicate subject of baptism was brought up, Olga told Constantine “that if he desired to baptize her, he should perform this function himself; otherwise she was unwilling to accept baptism”. The Emperor concurred, and asked the Patriarch to instruct her in the faith.

    The Patriarch instructed her in prayer and fasting, in almsgiving and in the maintenance of chastity. She bowed her head, and like a sponge absorbing water, she eagerly drank in his teachings.…

    After her baptism, the Emperor summoned Olga and made known to her that he wished her to become his wife. But she replied, “How can you marry me, after yourself baptizing me and calling me your daughter? For among Christians that is unlawful, as you yourself must know.” Then the Emperor said, “Olga, you have outwitted me.”[110]

    When she got back to Kiev, Constantine “sent a message to her, saying, ‘Inasmuch as I bestowed many gifis upon you, you promised me that on your return to Ros you would send me many presents of slaves, wax and furs, and despatch soldiery to aid me.’ Olga made answer to the envoys that if the Emperor would spend as long a time with her in the Pochayna as she had remained on the Bosphorus, she would grant his request. With these words, she dismissed the envoys.”[111]

    This Olga-Helga must have been a formidable Scandinavian Amazon. She was, as already mentioned, the widow of Prince Igor, supposedly the son of Rurik, whom the Russian Chronicle describes as a greedy, foolish and sadistic ruler. In 941 he had attacked the Byzantines with a large fleet, and “of the people they captured, some they butchered, others they set up as targets and shot at, some they seized upon, and after binding their hands behind their backs, they drove iron nails through their heads. Many sacred churches they gave to the flames.”[112] In the end they were defeated by the Byzantine fleet, spouting Greek fire through tubes mounted in the prows of their ships. “Upon seeing the flames, the Russians cast themselves into the sea-water, but the survivors returned home [where] they related that the Greeks had in their possession the lightning from heaven, and had set them on fire by pouring it forth, so that the Russes could not conquer them.”[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] This episode was followed by another treaty of friendship four years later. As a predominantly maritime nation, the Rus were even more impressed by the Greek fire than others who had attacked Byzantium, and the “lightning from heaven” was a strong argument in favour of the Greek Church. Yet they were still not ready for conversion.

    When Igor was killed in 945 by the Derevlians, a Slavonic people upon which he had imposed an exorbitant tribute, the widowed Olga became Regent of Kiev. She started her rule by taking fourfold revenge on the Derevlians: first, a Derevlian peace mission was buried alive; then a delegation of notables was locked in a bath-house and burned alive; this was followed by another massacre, and lastly the main town of the Derevlians was burnt down. Olga’s bloodlust seemed truly insatiable until her baptism. From that day onward, the Chronicle informs us, she became “the precursor of Christian Russia, even as daybreak precedes the sun, and as the dawn precedes the day. For she shone like the moon by night, and she was radiant among the infidels like a pearl in the mire.” In due course she was canonized as the first Russian saint of the Orthodox Church

    The Brain Washing In America

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    The Brain Washing In America
    And The Whole World
    Few Dare Call It Conspiracy

    “… absolute behavior control is imminent…. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will… never self-consciously know that it has happened.”
    [1]  Raymond Houghton, ‘To Nurture Humaneness’, ASCD (curriculum arm of the NEA), 1970 “The Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance…. Most people will tend to be hedonistic…”
    [2]  ‘Feasibility Study’, Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (B-STEP), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Research, 1969 “We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health… During the past few years I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public.”
    [3] Kenneth Goff, member of the U.S. Communist Party from 1936 to 1939. “Information is useful only if citizens can put it into a framework of knowledge and use it to solve problems, form values, and make choices. Education for sustainability will help them make individual and collective decisions that both benefit themselves and promote the development of sustainable communities. [It] must involve everyone.”
    [4] From the President [Clinton]‘s Council on Sustainable Development which, like other national PCSDs, follows guidelines from the ‘U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development’ (See Local Agenda 21)

    Brainwashing is not, as some anti-Christian educators and students contend, the Biblical process of training our children to love and follow God. The word “brainwashing” refers to a planned, step-by-step attempt to “wash” family-taught beliefs from the minds of those who oppose government ideology. In America, it would mean replacing the old Biblical values and world view with a new way of thinking that would support a totalitarian agenda. In other words, every child must become a peace child, a willing and active servant of a New World Order. A massive world-wide partnership is pioneering new strategies for social transformation. The media, the entertainment industry, computer companies, government agencies, educational institutions, the United Nations and its accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have all joined together in a common quest for a global mind change. They seek solidarity — a worldwide unity based on a new set of beliefs and values. “Obsolete” and “exclusive” loyalties to national sovereignty, Biblical values, and the unadulterated U.S. Constitution stand in their way. Conforming the masses to their way of thinking requires all the sophisticated tools and tactics developed at the various “behavioral science research” institutes and “education laboratories” established first in England, then in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and finally in the United States. If these psycho-social engineers win their battle against an unsuspecting public, they would “wash” away individual thinking, free speech and all the other “rights” that have made America unique. The vacuum would be filled with lofty ideals, enticing images and deceptive promises designed to mold minds that match their global vision. Group thinking and other controls and “incentives” would enforce compliance. (See Mind Control and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health)

    Bombard children with mind-changing suggestions A familiar tale told to first-graders in Pennsylvania illustrates both the tactics and the planned transformation of the world. We all know the story of the Little Red Hen who wanted some bread to eat. She asked some of her barnyard friends to help make it. But the cat, the dog, and the goat all said “no.” Finally she did all the work herself. Yet, when the bread was done and its fragrance spread throughout the farm, her unwilling neighbors were more than willing to help her eat it. “Won’t you share with us?” they begged. “No,” she answered. “Since you didn’t help, you don’t get anything.” In the context of traditional values, the moral of the story is: you get what you work for. But those who have learned to think and see from the new global perspective are led to another conclusion. Listen to the kinds of questions the first grade teacher asked her class: “Why was the Little Red Hen so stingy? Isn’t it only right that everyone gets to eat? Why wouldn’t she share what she had with some who had none?” [5] The concerned mother who heard and reported this story asked, “What kinds of values were the children taught?” The new interpretation emphasizes love and sharing, but what is missing? How might it confuse a child’s values? The answers are obvious. The children were taught socialist values. The new interpretation vilified values that had motivated Americans to be diligent, responsible and fair. The teacher’s questions were actually strategic suggestions prompting the group to ridicule traditional values, to see reality and society from the new politically correct perspective, and to intimidate and shame anyone who dared to disagree. A new mental “framework” is vital to this paradigm shift [see chart]. But to launch the new system, the old patterns must be blurred and broken. The educational establishment knows that children who are fed a daily diet of biblical truth will resist their plans for change. They also know that students bombarded with strategic suggestions and idealized pagan images will probably reject Christianity. If schools can build the “right” kind of framework or filter in the minds of children early enough, the new global beliefs will fit right in. In other words, the battle for the hearts and minds of America’s children will be won by the side that first trains children to see reality from its point of view. This paradigm shift was no mystery to Aldous Huxley, author of ‘Brave New World’. He wrote that education must provide a mental “framework… within which any piece of information acquired in later life may find its proper and significant place.” [6] In the old days, that mental framework was the biblical world view. But Huxley, like most of today’s change agents, called for a New Age/global framework. Like a filter, it blocks facts and ideas that don’t fit, but welcomes input that strengthens the framework -especially when communicated through stories and images that stir the imagination and arouse strong feelings.

    Focus on feelings, not facts This shift from factual education to feeling and experience-based learning began over seventy years ago. Through the decades, the strategies used to manipulate minds in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were developed, first at the Tavistock Clinic near London and later at Germany’sFrankfurt School (originally called Frankfurt Institute for Social Research). Their mind-bending methods soon spread to a rising number of psycho-social research centers in America. They were fine-tuned at Columbia, Harvard, Stanford and other American universities, at our regional educational laboratories and at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies where Elian Gonzales was remediated [indoctrinated, brain washed] in preparation for his return to a Communist system. (See Elian Starts Re-Education) More recently, at the 1989 Governor’s Conference on Education chaired by Bill Clinton, Dr. Shirley McCune, then head of the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory, summarized the policy in her keynote speech:

    “The revolution… in curriculum is that we no longer are teaching facts to children…. We no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary outcome of education.” [7]

    “What will take the place of logic, fact and analysis in the coming age?” This rhetorical question was raised by Dr. Donald A. Cowan, president emeritus of the University of Dallas. His revealing answer exposes an important step toward the new consensus:

    “The central way of thought for this new era will be imagination… Imagination will be the active, creative agent of culture, transforming brute materials to a higher, more knowable state.” [8]

    It’s easy to see why visionary change agents would prefer to inspire the imagination rather than teach facts and logic. Unlike facts and convictions, the imagination can easily be manipulated. Today’s popular books, games and other forms of edutainment bring all kinds of suggestions and images that confuse the old ways of thinking and promote the new values. They twist facts, turn right and wrong upside down, stir the imagination with unthinkable suggestions, redefine words, and give new meanings to old images such as the Little Red Hen. (See Establishing a Global Spirituality) Eventually, most students become conditioned to see everything through the new politically correct mental filter. The sight of an old social symbol (i.e. flag) or the sound of an word they have learned to hate (pastor, evil, capitalism, etc.) can now trigger emotional reactions that cannot be resolved with facts and logic. A simple example of this process was exposed by a Christian teacher in Sunnyvale CA. During a public elementary school assembly, the students sang the words of the Peacemakers’ Planetary Anthem to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. This melody, which has symbolized freedom to those who have loved America, now became a tactical trigger used to turn hearts from the old ways to the new vision:

    O Say can you see by the one light in all
    A ‘New Age’ to embrace at the call of the nations,
    Where our children can play in a world without war
    Where we stand hand in hand in the grace of creation,
    Where the rivers run clean through forests pristine….

    Inspiring, isn’t it? The mental images behind those words illustrate the “visioning” part of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) as well as Total Quality Management (TQM). Both use the consensus process to create the collective consciousness needed for the new communities and social organizations. In the classroom, this process of change often begins with planned “visions” that plant vivid but unrealistic goals into children’s minds and emotions. Next, students must learn to visualize scary images of the current crisis. The crisis is vital to the process. It provides the justification for environmental activism, government control, and unthinkable changes. So, in stark contrast to the lofty ideal in the song above, the students must learn to feel the pain of a dying earth abused by the ruling generation. The colorful classroom manual on global change, Rescue Mission Planet Earth, fits the bill. It is full of scary, sensational pictures and misguided children’s opinions that fire the imagination and fuel anger. Trained teacher/facilitators turn this anger toward parents and grandparents who must bear the blame for destroying our planet. This is important, because -as in totalitarian countries around the world- children must learn to submit to state-defined values and loyalties … not their parents or traditional values. In Rescue Mission Planet Earth, page after page of pseudo-science and twisted facts prepare the reader to follow the call to political action on behalf of the United Nations and planet Earth. Unless they know the facts, children and their teachers will have little resistance to the heart-breaking images of dying trees, starving children, abused women and an overcrowded planet drowning in pollution and rising oceans. It’s all part of the plan: create and/or publicize a crisis, vilify the “enemy of the people”, then market the pre-planned global solution to the world … starting with the children. As in the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the school becomes a boot camp for an army of angry and self-righteous rescuers, ready to argue using their feelings, not facts, against anything that opposes their new and narrow idealism. (See third point in Paradigm Shift) Rescue Mission Planet Earth is nothing less than “the children’s version” of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Sponsored by UNESCO and other UN agencies and promoted by the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (see Local Agenda 21), the propaganda-filled children’s book helps create the needed “gap” between inspiring visions and a perceived crisis scary enough to evoke strong feelings, change values and motivate children to government-led social action. “We have to re-orient education so that we turn out planetary carers (sic),” explained David R. Woollcombe [9], President ofPeace Child International and head of the Rescue Mission Planet Earth project. He also serves as Consultant to the Global Vision Corporation,[10] a massive international NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) accredited to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. Behind the backs of parents around the world, it works to transform the goals, the methods, the leaders, and the process of education. “And that,” continued Mr. Woollcombe,

    “…requires, as Agenda 21 said, a re-orientation of education towards sustainable development. It’s a revolution we’re talking about here! It’s going to require new materials, it’s going to require much greater involvement by young people themselves in their own teaching and education, because actually, adults don’t know as much and don’t care as much about the environment as many young people do. And it’s going to require a much better sort of facultative education, where teacher and students together are on this exploratory journey about how you can square the circle between economic growth and prosperity….” [11]

    Before you dismiss Global Vision’s power and influence, consider a few of its partners and sponsors. They include UN agencies such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Centre for Human Settlements and the UN Centre for Human Rights. It also includes numerous foundations, environmental groups, educational institutions, and media and corporate giants such as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Princeton University Centre of International Studies, Columbia University Department of Religion, Mystic Fire Video, Apple Computer, Sun Microsystems, The Image Bank, Bell Labs, Robert Muller, Noel Brown, Federico Mayor, Nafis Sadik, Maurice and Hanne Strong (See World Heritage “Protection?”), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Head of The World Health Organization), the Dalai Lama, and movie moguls Bernardo Bertolucci and Martin Scorsese. All have joined their talents and resources in a common pursuit of the global consciousness envisioned by the United Nations.

    A “new way of thinking” In 1994, President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development took a big step toward that global vision. It met with an influential group of like-minded change agents at the Presidio – the former army base in San Francisco that now houses the Gorbachev Foundation USA and dozens of other UN-related organizations. Its partners included the UN Environmental Programme, the EPA, the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, State and Energy, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the American Federation of Teachers, Stanford, Colombia and other major universities, the Sierra Club… and the organizers of the Rescue Mission Planet Earth project. Their joint report, “Education for Sustainability,” became a model for sustainable education. Quoting David Orr, author of Earth in Mind, it states,

    “One result [of formal] education is that students graduate without knowing how to think in whole systems, how to find connections, how to ask big questions, and how to separate the trivial from the important. Now more than ever, however, we need people who think broadly and who understand systems, connections, patterns and root causes.” [12] emphasis added “Root causes” involve far more than ecology. Anything that blocks the general acceptance of the new global ideology is suspect and must be challenged. Traditional beliefs and values rank high on the list of villains to their vision of peace. For example, an international “Declaration on Tolerance,” prepared by UNESCO and signed by its member nations, shows one of the major “root causes:”

    • “Tolerance involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism.”
    • “Scientific studies and networking should be undertaken to coordinate the international community’s response to this global challenge, including analysis of root causes and effective countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring… “
    • “Promote rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance, major roots of violence and exclusion.” Emphasis added [13]

    The earlier statement from Education for Sustainability stressed the “need” for “people who think broadly and who understand systems, connections, patterns and root causes” from a predetermined perspective. This kind of thinking is — and always have been – crucial to brainwashing in totalitarian regimes with a global mission. A basic goal of UNESCO’s worldwide program for “lifelong learning” was summarized in ‘Our Creative Diversity’, the 1995 book-sized report from the UN Commission on Culture and Development. Published by UNESCO, it tells us that,

    “The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living.” [14]

    This “new way of thinking” has become the standard for mental health in America. (See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health) As head of the Department of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala helped organize The National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network. Ponder its definition for mental health:

    “Mental health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life’s situations. It is how people look at themselves, their lives, and the other people in their lives …and explore choices.” [15]

    Do you wonder what Dr. Shalala and her network of health planners would consider good thinking? Or bad thinking? This definition doesn’t tell us. But Al Gore’s 1992 best-seller, ‘Earth in the Balance‘, helps answer the question:

    “The fifth major goal of the Global Marshall Plan should be … to organize a worldwide education program to promote a more complete understanding of the crisis. In the process, we should actively search for ways to promote a new way of thinking about the current relationship between human civilization and the earth.” [16]

    Vice-President Gore was referring to an environmental crisis with psychological overtones. As we pointed out in the article on Al Gore’s Vision of Global Salvation, he has diagnosed our basic social problem in America and suggested a solution:

    “…we feel increasingly distant from our roots in the earth…we lost our feeling of connectedness to the rest of nature.”[17] “The richness and diversity of our religious tradition throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by people of faith, who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own system of belief. But the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously throughout the world has… spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths. This panreligious perspective may prove especially important where our global civilization’s responsibility for the earth is concerned.” [18] emphasis added

    Al Gore’s “panreligious perspective” has helped lay the foundation for a global environmental ethic. His vision of a “world education program” is nearing reality. It fits right into the United Nations’ education system. This “seamless system” of partnerships and governmental agencies around the world has two main goals:

    In other words, people must learn “to look at themselves” as part of the collective society, not as individuals. Their sense of worth must be based on participation in the community and compliance with the new ideology, not on individual beliefs or independent choices. A continual barrage of classroom “assessments” and surveys must test and track how children and their parents think, “explore choices” and draw conclusions. To win this battle for the minds of the world, the United Nations and its powerful partners have agreed to put aside integrity and employ any possible means to reach their end. But they must still must operate according to guidelines that demand, at least, a perception of the consent of the masses. Therefore, the means to their end must be both subtle and deceptive, employing all the skills and strategies proven successful in the totalitarian countries of the 20th century. Al Gore summarized the attitude behind this global agenda well:

    “Adopting a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily – means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action – to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment… Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary.” [19] Emphasis added

    Our leaders have already shown us that Al Gore’s words, “every tactic and strategy…” includes compromise, lies, deception, and propaganda. Where Biblical values have been dismissed as obsolete, these tactics seem are perfectly acceptable to those who lead this spiritual and psychological war for control of the masses. The UN, with help from the Clinton-Gore administration, have already re-invented the concept of government. Its new global management system would be based on its principle of sustainable development or rather, the 3 E’s: Environment, Economy and Equity. It means using a grossly exaggerated view of the environmental “crisis” to re-educate the masses, persuading them to accept totalitarian tactics for redistributing the world’s economic resources and creating socialist equality. (See Local Agenda 21- The U.N. Plan for Your Community). Take a look at the envisioned world of the 21st century:

    BELIEFS Based upon the Bible Blend of ‘New Age’ and
    earth-centered religions
    CULTURE Western individualism Global solidarity
    VALUES Based upon the Bible
    (absolute, unchangeable truth)
    Based upon human idealism
    (easy to manipulate)
    MORALS Moral boundaries Sensual freedom
    RIGHTS Personal freedom Social controls
    ECONOMY Free enterprise Socialist collective
    GOVERNMENT By, and for, the people By, and for, those who control
    the masses

    The masses would be controlled through the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process by globalist leaders who would view the world through the new filter of globalism. Polls, propaganda, simple slogans, and continual conflicts would be essential to its success. In fact, the greater the perceived crisis, the faster the leader can assume the coveted political powers that true freedom forbids. President Clinton has already mastered these totalitarian strategies, as Mikhail Gorbachev suggested in a 1993 editorial:

    “Bill Clinton will be a great president if he can make America the creator of a new world order based on consensus.”[20]

    Remember, consensus demands a felt crisis, and today’s moral crisis – created by trading moral boundaries for sensual freedom – serves the purpose well. The absence of absolute boundaries leads to social chaos which, in turn, calls for social controls that would have been unthinkable under the old paradigm. In other words, the official promotion of sensual indulgence serves a political purpose. Aldous Huxley summarized it well in ‘Brave New World‘:

    “As political and economic freedom… diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator… will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude.”[21]

    Psalm 2 fit our times:

    Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing?
    The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
    Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
    “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”
    He who sits in the heavens shall laugh….
    Then He shall speak to them in His wrath
    And distress them in His deep displeasure:
    “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” ….
    Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

    See chart: Brainwashing & How to Resist It


    1. Raymond Houghton, To Nurture Humaneness: Commitment for the ’70′s (The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of the NEA, 1970)
    2. Sustainable America: A New Consensus, The 1996 Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 70, one of over 150 similar national councils implementing Agenda 21 under the direction of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
    3. The Soviet Art of Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, pages 19-20. Edited by the late Kenneth Goff, a former member of the communist Party, USA, who voluntarily testified before the Un-American Committee in Washington DC in 1939. His testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year’s Congressional Record. A friend of mine knew him and respected him greatly for his integrity and courage — the willingness to risk his life to expose this agenda.
    4. Sustainable America (The President’s Council on Sustainable Development, 1996); page 70.
    5. This story was included in the first grade curriculum in New Pittsburgh, PA. The story was also told–using the new paradigm context–at a parents’ meeting explaining Character Education. Anita Hoge, formerly a Pennsylvania mother and researcher, reported the story to me.
    6. James Quina, “Aldous Huxley’s Integrated Curriculum,” Holistic Education Journal (December 1993); 54.
    7. At the time of her 1989 keynote speech, Shirley McCune presided over the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL). The Regional Educational Laboratories are private, non-profit corporations which are funded, in whole or in part, under Title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Each lab operates under a contract with the Division of Educational Laboratories, Bureau of Research, U.S. Office of Education.
    8. Spoken at a 1988 forum address at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. This address formed the nucleus for his book Unbinding Prometheus: Education for the Coming Age.
    12. Education for Sustainability: An agenda for action, the report from the “National Forum on Partnerships Supporting Education about the Environment,” a demonstration project of the President’s council on Sustainable Development, held at the Presidio, San Francisco, in the fall of 1994, page 11.
    14. Our Creative Diversity, UNESCO, 1995, p.11.
    15. The National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN) at
    16. Al Gore, Earth in the Balance–Ecology and the Human Spirit (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992), page 355.
    17. Ibid., page 1.
    18. Ibid., pages 258-259.
    19. Ibid., page 274.
    20. Mikhail Gorbachev, “New World Order: Consensus,” The Cape Cod Times, January 28, 1993.
    21. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (New York: HarperCollins, 1932), page xvii.

    The Frankfurt Institute: According the Encyclopedia of Marxism, “The Institute for Social Research was founded in 1923 by Felix Weil to be an independent academy for Marxism intended to rival any University in the standards of scholarship, and the institute carried out important research on the history and condition of the German workers’ movement. It was possibly the first body to use opinion polls as a research tool.” Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), a German philosopher and social scientist directed the Institute from 1930 to 1958. He was a “close associate of Theodor Adorno, who mixed Marxism with influences as diverse as Schopenhauer, Dilthey, Nietzsche and Freud.” “After the 1923 defeat of the German Revolution, Horkheimer, and other members of the Institute to some degree, drew the conclusion that the working class could never be the vehicle for social change simply as a result of its position within the production process, and concluded that only the development of theory itself could be the scene of liberation. Horkheimer co-authored Dialectic of Enlightenment with Theodor Adorno while in the US during the 1940s…. In 1949, Horkheimer returned to Frankfurt and re-established the Institute, and retired to Switzerland in 1958.” “Others to be associated with the Institute as well as Horkheimer and Adorno included Leo Lowenthal, Raymond Aron, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and Ernst Krenek.” Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) co-founded the Frankfurt Institute. The Encyclopedia of Marxism reports that…

    “He fled to Geneva in 1933 when Hitler came to power, then went to the United States in 1934, where he taught at Columbia University and became a US citizen in 1940. His Reason & Revolution, written in 1941, made an important contribution to the understanding of Hegel and his influence on Marx. “An intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army during World War II, he headed the Central European Section of the Office of Intelligence Research after the war. He returned to teaching in 1951 at Columbia and Harvard, Brandeis University (1954-65), and the University of California at San Diego (1965-76), where after retirement he was honorary emeritus professor of philosophy until his death. “A Hegelian-Freudian-Marxist, Marcuse highlighted the cultural forms of repression and the role of technology and the expansion of the production of consumer goods in the maintenance of the stability of capitalism.”

    The current name seems to be Frankfurt Institute for Transformation Studies. You may find their Project overview interesting.