The Cosmic Pulse of Wilhelm Reich

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

The Cosmic Pulse of Wilhelm Reich
Where Science, Sex and Spirit Meet
Copyright 1998 by Nina Silver, Ph.D.

Nina Silver, Ph.D.
190 Kripplebush Road
Stone Ridge, New York 12484
tel: (845) 687-0963

The Cosmic Quest

A young woman named Diane recently sought my body-oriented psychotherapy services in order to “become more spiritual.” During our first session she told me that she watched her diet, had been meditating for five years, and tried to embody the qualities she felt constituted an enlightened, loving being. Did she ever get angry? I finally asked. No, not if she could help it. It just didn’t “feel right.” How about terrifically excited? I wanted to know. That was sort of okay, she answered cautiously, but in an effort to avoid “attachment,” it was better not to.

Then came the big one. “What about sex?” I asked her.
Her eyes widened. “What do you meaning?” she gasped.
“In other words, how do you feel about sex? Do you let go when you have an orgasm?”

Diane blushed and lowered her eyes. “That’s not … very spiritual. I try not to have ‘those feelings,’ and sometimes I can’t help it, but I do the best I can. If you’re a truly spiritual person, you don’t get into such lower octave energies.”


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I was disturbed. She wasn’t the first client who’d walked through my door expecting instant nirvana if I could only help them exorcise all those emotional demons — anger, sexual desire, even excitement and joy — from their system. Like many others treading a “spiritual” path, Diane thought that someone who is uplifted only feels uplifting feelings, and that the energy must only “lift up.” It was a stunningly new concept to her that genuine spirituality encompasses all of who we are, not just those parts we’ve been taught are “nice.”

Sexual desire is one impulse that hasn’t been on the “nice” list for quite a while. It is considered lewd, crass and intrusive, a beast to be tamed. When I hear designations like these an alarm rings in my brain, and I know that the person voicing them is really speaking of repression — their own.

“Repression” is a Western term. Someone following an Eastern tradition would probably use “transmuted” or “transformed,” but the underlying principle is the same. Diane and others like her want to redirect their sexual energy so that it ceases to manifest sexually. But by doing this they don’t expand; rather, they become small. They limit who they are in an effort to become spiritually “acceptable.” But acceptable to whom? And by what standards? Must our sexual urges be channeled elsewhere in order for us to become enlightened and happy? Or will doing this only make us miserable? Do we instead need to reexamine our attitudes toward sex, and perhaps embrace our sexuality even more?

A brief summary here of my own experiences with spiritual and sexual concerns might be helpful. Fifteen years ago, as my acceptance of transcendent realities grew, I found myself gliding into deep states of “altered” consciousness (to me they were quite normal) with increasing regularity. I would emerge from these meditations with an intensified perception of the energy fields that surround living things, and of the love that I sensed must underlie the creative force of the universe. I felt no need to call this bliss “God.” What was meaningful to me were my feelings of expansion — in my head, chest, entire body. Reveling immensely in these ecstatic states, I promised myself that I’d overcome any fears of opening.

My experiences, I later discovered, were somewhat different from those that other people described. They focused solely on what was happening in the upper half of their body, which they called love. I, on the other hand, was acutely aware of — and welcomed –the charge in my pelvis as well. I knew how awful I felt when I didn’t pay attention to my excitement, vulnerability, anger, or pelvic stirrings. With the same pragmatism that had led me to biology and the natural sciences, I was determined to access all of myself, not just the parts that were presumably moral or nice. Finally, possessing a healthy sexual appetite made it impossible for me to adopt any teaching that said that sexuality was wrong or at best irrelevant, that once you evolved into a master you wouldn’t need to bother with such base sensations. I pondered why the universal intelligence would torture us with such sensitive sexual apparatus in a responsive physical body if we weren’t supposed to feel it or use it in enjoyable ways.

What some people categorize as “spiritual” (or the “divine”), and what these same people consider “sin” (the earthy or sexual), exist on a continuum. The current throughout this continuum is the universal intelligence or life force, called in various cultures ch’i, kundalini, prana, or the great spirit. This current, which pervades all living things, fuels the celebration of life and self inherent in both sexual vitality and authentic spiritual practices. Since ancient times, priestesses, healers, and shamans have perceived this current or flow as permeating and surrounding the human form, with vortices (called “chakras” in Hindu theory) at major glands. Seekers, today, feeling incomplete or empty in their individual existence, are turning to esoteric teachings to help them reconnect to the life force, the infinite source of power. They recognize that to feel whole — whether they ascribe this connection prana or to the Goddess — they need not only the comfort, but the ecstacy, that this union provides.

Nonetheless, combined with the genuinely transcendental qualities of some spiritual philosophies is the idea that sex is a problem. It’s true that Oriental, Persian, and Indian masters utilized techniques to commune with and direct their sexual energy — techniques which do, intentionally, increase sexual pleasure. Such a position is more enlightened than Freud’s, which maintained that the human sexual drive needs to be contained and redirected into outlets that, according to Freud’s value system, were more “civilized” (read: acceptable). But the ultimate goal of many people who follow these older traditions is to transcend the sex drive entirely, emphasizing that real growth lies in the development of the so-called higher self. Disciples, advised that lower chakras are not the best location for universal force to flow, diligently practice breathing exercises to move the energy out through the crown, or top of the head.

It’s obvious that for this spiritual heritage, “higher” and “lower” do not simply refer to the location of a person’s energy when standing upright. That the presumed centers of spirituality are seen as “higher,” and the more earthy, sensual parts of ourselves are referred to as “lower,” not only says a great deal about how we really regard sex, but also reflects our fragmentation. A marked lack of connection to ourselves and our body is demonstrated when we so quickly ascribe a hierarchical status to qualities within us that are actually part of the same flow.

Given my clients’ Judeo-Christian upbringing (Western repression), and their acquired spiritual practices (Eastern repudiation), it is not surprising that they had problems with their lower chakras. They would earnestly warn me about the baseness to which they most certainly would sink if they didn’t stay on a spiritual path. This would inevitably bring us to a discussion of their guilt, and we would tackle their notion, learned at a very early age, that sex equals sin.

I find it tragic that who we are as sexual beings has become so divorced from what many of us consider to be spiritual. It’s no accident that in astrology, the themes of flowing and spontaneous sexuality, acceptance of death as a part of life, the occult, and transformational dimensions of reality, are all located in the same house. The ancients knew what they were doing when they assigned sex and the other-worldly to be bunkmates.

The Craft is one Western spiritual tradition that has customarily placed more emphasis on the physical aspects of existence than on the so-called spiritual. In Europe’s Old Religion, Goddesses and Gods were part of daily living, imbuing fertility into all of nature. Pleasure was one’s birthright, celebrated with life-affirming rituals in which people sometimes communed with the cosmos by having sex with each other. The attainment of religious ecstacy was considered an outgrowth of consummate connection on the physical plane. The afterlife was seen as a continuation of one’s consciousness after leaving the grosser physical plane, and people’s interest in it was generally confined to assisting their friends toward a peaceful passage. Adherents of the Craft did not think in terms of someday being freed from the tyranny of the body (which included pain and pleasure). Such an attitude missed the point of being alive, and perpetuated self-loathing under the guise of religious enlightenment. The edict “Do as ye will, but harm none,” pretty well summed it up. Life was sex and sex was life; what more could anyone want?

Yet today, communal polytheistic celebrations in a natural setting are infrequent and involve only a fraction of the population. Many others are seeking guidelines to help them attain inner peace and connectedness in an increasingly alienating and plastic environment. But genuine spirituality must support our ability to tune in to ourselves, each other, and the cosmos, and this means feeling ourselves fully. If we fear and avoid pleasure, we’ll always be in pain. And if we defend ourselves against pain, we cut off our joy.

So the question arises: how do we access and optimally use sexual energy, which people commonly avoid? The ancient art of Tantra addresses this, but is frequently taught from an overtly “divine” or “spiritual” orientation. This means that students of Tantra who otherwise feel shame or guilt about sexual matters are able to rationalize their focus because now it’s for the “spiritual” purpose of attaining God-consciousness. Tantra’s attempt at integrating sex with spirituality is an improvement over other existing methods, but I wonder at its ultimate effectiveness if its devotees never need to deal with their underlying emotional antipathy toward sex.

Instead, why not reclaim ourselves by focusing on the physical plane? If our body is indeed a temple of the divine, then the growth of our spirituality will be an organic result of living fully, ecstatically, and pleasurably in that temple. This approach makes sense when we consider the role of the body in blocking or allowing the life force to flow, and how even those on a spiritual path harbor blocks.

The Cosmic Superimposition of Wilhelm Reich

In order to approach consciousness from an overtly physical perspective, let us travel back to the early twentieth century laboratory of Wilhelm Reich, psychoanalyst and natural scientist who introduced the term “body armor.” Reich separated from Sigmund Freud and the stodgy analytic establishment when he saw how existing therapeutic methods, which allowed patients to intellectualize their emotions without feeling them, were not eliminating people’s dysfunctions. Utilizing his knowledge of biology, botany, chemistry, anthropology, history, politics, and quantum physics, Reich gave us insights and techniques for reuniting the mind with the body that preceded the numerous bodyoriented therapies popular today. He discerned the life force (which he called “orgone”) in a healthy person as free-flowing vertical streamings, confirming both the existence and direction of what the Hindus had perceived as kundalini.

Reich pointed out that when people do not express their emotions, their life force decreases and their ability to feel pleasure is correspondingly inhibited. Not only is the orgone flow blocked, but so are sexual impulses. Similarly, when pleasure is repressed and denied, the person’s emotional well-being suffers, because

    “emotion” means “moving out.” … [T]ake the word “emotion” literally in speaking of sensations and movements. Microscopic observation of amebae [sic] subjected to slight electric stimuli renders the naming of the term “emotion” in an unmistakable manner. ‘ Basically, emotion is an expressive plasmatic motion. Pleasurable stimuli cause an “emotion” of the protoplasm from the center towards the periphery. Conversely, unpleasurable stimuli cause an “emotion” — or rather, “remotion” — from the periphery to the center of the organism. These two basic directions of biophysical plasma current correspond to the two basic affects of the psychic apparatus, pleasure and anxiety. [author's italics]1

This understanding of the essential function of life energy provided Reich with his framework for the science he called “sex-economics.” Because the normal state of the living is to nourish itself in its own interests and to utilize energy in the most economic way possible, Reich reasoned that it was a natural law for humans to experience pleasure. Anything less meant an inefficient and anxiety-producing damming up of the organism’s energy. Unlike Freud, Reich did not believe in taming the libido, an act against nature that necessitated instinctual repression.

Reich demonstrated how flowing sexual charge accompanies love. Loving energy (the tendency to expand, inherent in all human beings) radiates outward from the heart through the arms and hands. Affectionate hugging relieves us of the buildup of bioelectrical charge, which we simultaneously experience as the emotion of love. When the joy and excitement of being with someone peaks, we feel the energy genitally and eventually need to express our passion through orgasmic release. The orgasm, Reich wrote,

    is a fundamental biological phenomenon … in the form of an involuntary contraction and expansion of the total plasma system …. Biophysically speaking, it is impossible to distinguish the total contraction of an ameba from the orgastic contraction of a multicellular organism …. [and] which, psychologically, we call “gratification”…[T]he discharge of the surplus energy in the organism by way of fusion with another organism makes itself felt at more or less regular intervals …. They usually become shorter in the spring [which] points to a close connection between the function of the orgasm and an energy function of a cosmic nature. [author's italics]2

Reich, from his Western scientific orientation, stated what members of the Craft knew intuitively when they held their sexual celebrations on the vernal equinox.

As Reich developed his practice, he noticed that patients who were too inhibited to “reach out” with a free and complete range of motion were unable to fully express love. They also displayed body armor: constriction in the chest, arms and hands, a lack of mobility in the diaphragm causing obstructed breathing, and invariably, a tightness in the pelvis. After Reich kept noticing that each characterological disturbance corresponded to particular body armoring — and that the psychic and physical armoring did not dissolve through talking alone — he broke all the rules of psychoanalysis by touching his patients.

To help them open, he insisted that they keep breathing, and that they breathe fully. He pressed on tight muscles until his patients emitted the corresponding repressed emotions, and he forced them to confront their obstructed pelvic energy. As Reich gained experience in working on the chest, he realized the inseparable relationship between the heart and sexual regions. An opening in one area without an opening in the other was incomplete. The “higher octave” of love engaged both the heart and the pelvis when the passion that streamed forth was spontaneous and unimpeded. Reich came to understand that people who are connected to their energy — including sexuality and passion — are in tune with the divine, for expressing the inherently loving side of human nature is the core of unfeigned spirituality. Thus, for Reich, an atheist who staunchly opposed organized religion and authority figures, a supreme deity was irrelevant. But humanity’s place in the cosmos concerned him his entire life. He recognized that the love we seek in the clouds exists on the earth, and must be accessed through the physical body as long as we are corporeal beings.

Reich’s involvement with cosmic/divine energy deepened when he reached an impasse in his ability to interpret body armor.

    In the upper segments, we had no great difficulty in discerning the emotional expression. The inhibition of the eye muscles, for example, expresses “empty” or “sad” eyes; a rigid chin may express “suppressed anger”; the “knot in the chest” will dissolve into crying or yelling. Here, in the upper four segments, we understand the emotional expressions immediately, and the body language is easily translated into word language. With the diaphragmatic segment, things are more difficult. When this segment is loosened, we are no longer able to translate the expressive language into word language. [author's italics]3

Reich’s difficulty in deciphering the body’s communications extended to what he had termed the orgasm reflex. “The most striking phenomenon in the orgasm reflex is the striving of … the mouth and the genital to [meet each] other … [T]he highly excited organism tries to draw its two body ends close to one another, as if it tended to unite them.” [author's italics]4 It was clear to Reich that the head falling back expresses giving and surrender. But the convulsive bending forward of the torso puzzled him. “I was again and again on the point of giving up the attempt to understand the orgasm reflex.” he wrote, “because it seemed so senseless to try to make this basic biological reflex comprehensible. But I stuck to it because I could not admit that, while the living has an immediately understandable expressive language in all other realms, it should express ‘Nothing’ in the orgasm reflex.”5 Finally, he had a breakthrough:

    Since the living derives from the non-living, and since non-living matter derives from cosmic energy, we must conclude that there arecosmic energy functions in the living …. In the orgasm, the living is [merely] a bit of pulsating nature.” [author's italics]6

That ‘pulsating nature” encompassed the entire cosmos. It was evident in the identical elements that comprised both the gaseous atmospheres of planets and human bodies. The pulse of the cosmic current was visible to the naked eye as a spinning wave of blue-tinged vesicles in the atmosphere. And the energetic base of all life was these spiralling curves which, when solidified, comprised nature from the egg (the most pure manifestation of this spiral form) to snail shells, beans, kidneys and embryos. Orgone’s trajectory was the spiralling of a yogi’s kundalini up the spine, the spiral of DNA, and the movement of earthworms whose simple structure made the orgonotic pulse easily identifiable.

From direct observation and using laboratory instruments, Reich reached the same conclusion that the ancients had come to centuries ago and written in their holy books: thought (the mass-free energy of orgone or kundalini) preceded form, and once the cosmic current solidified into matter, distinct natural laws governed the new substance.

Even with the varied manifestations of these natural laws on the grosser plane, humanity never lost the “memory” of its origin. The pulsations of current we feel in our body, the direction of the movement, and the need to flow, are all part of the cosmic pulse that created life. “Reduced and abstracted in its purest form, [having sexual] superimposition in the biological realm [is] the … attraction and full bio-energetic contact of two orgonotic STREAMS.” [author's italics and emphasis]7 In other words, because of our relationship to the cosmos, making love — which Reich called Cosmic Superimposition — is humankind’s attempt to return to the original, unimpeded flow of cosmic energy.

Beating with the Cosmic Pulse

I can imagine that someone who harbors sexual guilt might use the information presented here in a manner similar to the Tantra students described earlier. But sexually letting go is beyond words. If we truly embrace our sexuality, we forget about psychology, spirituality and God. We simply are.

    Mechanism and mysticism supplement one another to form a sharply split-up picture of life, with a body consisting of chemical substanceshere and a spirit or a soul, remarkable and uninvestigable, unattainable as only God him[sic]self, there. On the other hand, the unarmored organism experiences itself above all as unitary motility. [author's italics]8

Reich defined mysticism as the feeling that there is a greater force external to us of which we are not a part. This impression will always exist, regardless of the stated teaching, if people feel alienated from their own body. In a normally loving state, we openly meet the world. But cutting off from the pelvis decreases our energy and power and thus our ability to be in the world. Lacking a totality that includes sexuality, we will meet the world only part way, in pieces or fragments.

This is the kind of fragmentation that Diane brought with her when she came to me, a fragmentation that I tried to help her eliminate through the integration of her mostly “lower” chakra feelings. In the sessions I facilitate, people beat pillows, striking out at those who hurt them. Or they might reach out, which then often elicits spontaneous sobbing. I press my clients’ tense muscles so they can feel where, and what emotions, they are holding. People cry, yell, scream, laugh, and often feel frightened by all that energy. A connected person feels, thinks, communes, and desires. There’s life on earth below the heart chakra.

In Diane, who did not want to acknowledge her “lower octave” chakras, her body reflected our society’s negative conditioning. Her musculature was tense, her breathing shallow, she habitually averted her eyes, and she was too eager to break into a ready smile. Emotionally, this spelled anxiety; physically, it meant that a tremendous amount of energy was dammed up; and spiritually, it showed a severing of her connection to her own energy and therefore to the cosmic current. Beneath her compliance was enormous rage at having to be a “nice girl” who had to say no to sexual pleasure. Not surprisingly, when Diane was able to reconnect to her sexual desire through physical expression of her blocked emotions, she was also able to access more of her love. And it wasn’t the kind of saintly, storybook love she had initially thought that she wanted to attain. Instead, it was love with a genuine compassion for others, because she had learned to be more genuinely compassionate to herself.

Most of the time, when people say that they have transcended any emotion that isn’t love, I become suspicious. Have they really come through to the other side, or have they “transcended” by somehow bypassing the feelings they’ve learned to be ashamed of?

A major reason that people inhibit their authenticity (love, anger, sexual desire) is that they’re terrified of losing control. Relinquishing control of our emotions (and by extension, our bodily functions) is profoundly upsetting because it dissolves our self-image. It denotes the loss of ego, that well-developed monitoring device that prevents us from being spontaneous, and from surrendering to a full orgasm (a little death). When I asked Diane if she let go orgasmically, it elicited images that weren’t “nice,” including the feeling of intensely pleasurable sensations and the making of animal-like sounds and writhing movements that her parents and culture had taught her weren’t “ladylike.” Learning a structured form of meditation only allowed her to impose additional negative judgments of “unevolved” and “unspiritual” on top of her initial embarrassment and guilt about sexual matters.

Those on a spiritual path need to appreciate that there is a profoundly spiritual aspect to “letting go’ on the physical plane. The orgasm reflex is more than a simple biological response, for the biological, emotional, cosmic and spiritual cannot be separated. After over ten years of counseling others, I still believe that anyone who embarks on an overtly spiritual path needs to examine his or her fears of letting go.

To reclaim our connection to the Cosmic Pulse, we must pay attention to our body. If you are antsy and restless, and believe consciously or unconsciously that sex is dirty, shameful, or even simply irrelevant, then there is dammed up sexual energy within you that needs to be freed. Is your body numb? Numbness is a guard against feeling tense. Can you experience the tension? Tension is the physical counterpart of anxiety. Anxiety results from feelings we repress due to our upbringing and cultural constraints, feelings which, needing release, turn us into pressure cookers. The body is a rich storehouse for emotions; rely on it for feedback, and learn the messages it’s trying to tell you.

I believe that intimacy involves both the genitals and the heart, acting in concert. If you are unable to have sex with an intimate someone, it may be because you have a problem with intimacy, as well as sex. The same holds true if you are able to have sex with people with whom you don’t feel particularly intimate.

Not coincidentally, when we embrace our sexuality, we can then heal other areas of our lives. Embracing our sexuality means owning our desire, including the desire to experience aliveness, and thus change. If we feel shame at having desire, then the spiritual healing we seek will not reach through our blocks deeply enough because of the energy we are still holding back. The bottom line is that people who are able to be fully alive, present and sexually vibrant automatically incorporate spirituality into their lives. As Reich said,

    When the sexual expressions of nature in the human animal were repressed by the development of patriarchy, a sharp, unbridgeable antithesis arose of sexuality as “sin” and religion as “absolution from sin.” In patriarchy, orgonity becomes on the one hand “sin,” and on the other, “God.” In natural religion, religion and sexuality were ONE: orgonotic plasma excitation. [author's italics and upper case]9

Sex is meant to be enjoyed, although a willingness to embrace pleasure can feel risky at times. Being fully alive (by nature, pleasurable) can hurt, if it reminds us of the love, tenderness and support we never got when we were growing up. Pleasure is the joy of the ecstatically intense orgasms experienced when we let go, forget that we have an ego, and truly Merge with Other.

If all this sounds forbiddingly scary, I ask you: Why, then, are we in a physical body?

* * *

    Nina Silver holds a Ph.D. in Transformational Psychology from The Union Institute and conducts holistic health education, mediation, and body-oriented psychotherapy. Her writing on sexuality, feminism, political theory, and social change has appeared in Green EggThe New Internationalist, Off Our Backs, Fiction International, and the anthologies Closer To Home: Bisexuality and Feminism (Seal Press), Glibguips: Funny Words by Funny Women (Crossing Press), Transforming a Rape Culture (Milkweed Editions), and Women, Culture, and Society: Readings in Women’s Studies (Simon & Schuster). Her volume of poetry, Birthing, was published by Woman In The Moon Publications (P.O. Box 2087, Cupertino, California 95015-2087). She is currently marketing a book that integrates feminism, depth psychology, and the bodymind principles of Wilhelm Reich, and is doing research on Royal Raymond Rife.

* * *

1.Wilhelm Reich, Selected Writings (New York: The Noonday Press/ Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1961), p. 146

2. Ibid., p. 189-190

3. Ibid. p. 174

4. Ibid., pp. 333-334

5. Ibid., p. 175

6. Ibid., p. 182

7. Ibid., pp. 315-316

8. Ibid., p. 310

9. Ibid., p. 301

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Teaching Letters

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Teaching Letters

Letter #17
Home Up Letter #2 Letter #3 Letter #4 Letter #5 Letter #6 Supplement Letter #7 Letter #8 Letter #9 Letter #10 Letter #11 Letter #12 Letter #13 Letter #14 Letter #15 Letter #16 Letter #17 Letter #18 Letter #19 Letter #20 Letter #21 Letter #22 Letter #23 Letter #24 Letter #25 Letter #26 Letter #27 Letter #28 Letter #29 Letter #30 Letter #31 Letter #32 Letter #33 Letter #34 Letter #35 Letter #36 Letter #37 Letter #38 Letter #39 Letter #40 Letter #41 Letter #42 Letter #43 Letter #44 Letter #45 Letter #46 Letter #47 Letter #48 Letter #49 Letter #50 Letter #51 Letter #52 Letter #53 Letter #54 Letter #55 Letter #56 Letter #57 Letter #58 Letter #59 Letter #60


Letter #17

This is the seventeenth in a series of teaching letters. With this lesson, we shall continue with the much neglected and ignored story of the Zerah branch of Judah. I started this phase of the Zerah-Judah narration with lesson #13. You will need lessons #13 through 16 to comprehend the entire story that has been introduced thus far. In the last two lessons we have been considering the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, and how he fits into history. I was hoping to complete the account of Constantine with the last lesson, but there remain some very important, momentous facts about him that demand our very keen and avid attention! I believe, once these astounding, true realities are contemplated, you will never ever look on Constantine in the same manner again.

Now Continuing The Topic:



As a consequence of the first Ecumenical or General Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) Constantine’s actions were experienced for the better in Babylon. For this portion of the account of Constantine, we will go to The Story Of Civilization, Part (volume) 1, “Our Oriental Heritage”, by Will Durant, pages 245-246 (First Durant quotes the historian Herodotus as follows.):

“Every native woman (in Babylon) is obliged, once in her life, to sit in the temple of Venus, and have intercourse with some stranger. And many disdaining to mix with the rest, being proud on account of their wealth, come in covered carriages, and take up their station at the temple with a numerous train of servants attending them. But the far greater part do thus: many sit down in the temple of Venus, wearing a crown of cord round their heads; some are continually coming in, and others are going out. Passages marked out in a straight line lead in every direction through the women, along which strangers pass and make their choice. When a woman has once seated herself she must not return home till some stranger has thrown a piece of silver into her lap, and lain with her outside the temple. He who throws the silver must say thus: ‘I beseech the goddess Mylitta to favor thee’; for the Assyrians call Venus Mylitta. The silver may be ever so small, for she will not reject it, inasmuch as it is not lawful for her to do so, for such silver is accounted sacredThe woman follows the first man that throws, and refuses no oneBut when she has had intercourse and has absolved herself from her obligation to the goddess, she returns home; and after that time, however great a sum you may give her you will not gain possession of her. …”

(Back now to Durant’s comments about these women on the same pages): Such women, of course, were not [considered] prostitutes. But various classes of prostitutes lived within the temple precincts, plied their trade there, and amassed, some of them, great fortunes. Such temple prostitutes were common in western Asia: we find them in Israel, Phrygia, Phœnicia, Syria, etc.; in Lydia and Cyprus the girls earned their marriage dowries in this way. ‘Sacred prostitution continued in Babylonia until abolished by Constantine (ca, 325 A.D.). Alongside it, in the wine-shops kept by women, secular prostitution flourished.

You can be certain, if the sacred prostitution was legally discontinued by Constantine, the Babylonian law requiring the women to yield to an absolute stranger (probably of most any racial background) once in her lifetime, was legally halted also. This story speaks volumes about Constantine’s character. This was a very difficult period in history, resulting in many false doctrines being introduced into the church by the early church fathers, and Constantine found himself right in the middle of it. Paganism had overwhelmed the Roman Empire as a direct result of the wars of Alexander the Great. This is another story, and will have to be treated separately.


I don’t really have the time, at this point, to go into depth on the doctrines and tenets of Marcion, except to say they were not good. To engage in the subject of Marcion would require a separate comprehensive study in itself. This man did a tremendous amount of damage to the church and impaired the Word of Yahweh beyond description during the second century A.D. Some of his mischief remains with us today in the form of scriptural canon. Many of his misdeeds were later picked up and enlarged upon by the Roman Catholic Universal Church. In the book, Forerunners And Rivals Of Christianity From 330 B.C. To 330 A.D., by Francis Legge, volume 2, page 220, says this:

The conversion of Constantine put a violent end to any open propagation of the doctrines of Marcion or his successors. In the picturesque words of Eusebius ‘the lurking-places of the heretics were broken up by the Emperor’s commands, and the savage beasts which they harboured were put to flight.’


Upon coming to power in both the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire, Constantine made several reforms that are notable, other than those of a religious nature. Anyone making such reforms, in any period of time, would be deserving of much praise. The Encyclopedia Americana, ©1948, volume 7, under the topic “Constantine I” pages 554-555, has this to say:

Many beneficial decrees were proclaimed by him. Among these were those which abolished all the establishments of debauchery, ordered the children of the poor to be supported at his expense, gave permission to complain of his officers and promised that the Emperor would not only hear complaints, but compensate the complainants for injuries received, when they were proved to exist. He diminished the land-taxes and caused a new valuation of estates to be taken. The state treasury had always been enriched by the property of criminals; but Constantine spared the property of their wives and ameliorated (improved) the condition of their children. Death in prison, he said, was a cruel punishment for the innocent, and an insufficient penalty for the guilty; he therefore ordered all trials of prisoners to take place at once. He forbade the use of unwholesome dungeons and oppressive chains. He gave leave to sick persons, widows and orphans to appeal from the local magistrates, and refused this privilege to their adversaries. It had been customary for the heirs of a person deceased to divide his slaves among them; Constantine forbade the separation in these cases of husbands from their wives and of parents from their children. To the Christians he gave permission not only to erect churches, but to be remunerated for the cost of them from his domains.


Constantine further made it illegal for the “Jews” to reside in Jerusalem, and also to endeavor to make converts of slaves. Constantine’s son, emperor Constantius II followed up his father with even stricter more demanding laws pertaining to the Jews. For this interesting information I will quote from the, History Of The Jews, by Heinrich Graetz, volume 2, pages 564 and 567:

The first utterance of Christianity on the very day of its victory [by Constantine] betrayed its hostile attitude towards the Jews, and gave rise to those malignant decrees of Constantine and his successors, which laid the foundation of the bloody persecutions of subsequent centuries. Constantine re-enacted undoubtedly at the instigation of the clergy the law of Hadrain which forbade the Jews to live in Jerusalem. Only on the anniversary of the destruction of the city were they allowed, on making certain payments to the officials, to mourn on the ruins of the Temple. The clergy further succeeded in obtaining a law from Constantine prohibiting the Jews from making converts among the slaves. Christianity claimed the monopoly of expansion, and forbade Judaism to increase its influence either by making proselytes or by converting its slaves. …

The sentiment of hostility, nourished by Constantius against the Jews, also manifested itself in several laws concerning them. The causes of this persecution remain involved in complete obscurity, and it is impossible to ascertain whether the apostate Joseph, that second Acher, was in any way connected therewith. Marriages between Jews and Christian women, which appear to have been of not infrequent occurrence, were punished with death under the emperor Constantius (A.D. 339). Of even greater consequence was the law concerning slaves which was promulgated by him. Whereas his father [emperor Constantine] had only forbidden the admission of slaves into the Jewish community, and had simply punished the transgression of this prohibition by declaring forfeited all slaves so admittedConstantius decreed (A.D. 339) that the circumcision of a Christian slave entailed the pain of death and the entire loss of fortuneHe even forbade the reception of heathen slaves into the covenant of Judaism. The grounds for this law were twofold: it was desired that Judaism should receive no increase through its adoption by slaves, and also that Christians should not serve Jewish masters, ‘the assassins of God.’ This preposterous view has been held by the Church ever since, and prevails even at the present day.


Yes, Constantine was of the royal line of Judah on both sides of his house. He, therefore, was a descendant of Judah and Tamar. What does this have to do with the story of Constantine?!?!?! IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY OF CONSTANTINE, FOR HE WAS OF JUDAH! Not only this, Constantine was of the House of David on his mother’s side. I will repeat it again, Judah owned the septre, and Constantine, like Good King Lucius, knew how to employ it! Constantine had all the necessary qualities of a leader built right into him; that is the reason he was so outstanding in everything he put his hand to, a cool, intelligent, levelheaded, natural born leader; man for his hour. For verification on Constantine’s background, I will now quote from, Our Neglected Heritage, volume 2, “The Hidden Centuries”, by Gladys Taylor, pages 46-47. (Notice when she uses the word “Dardanian”, as it is derived from the name Darda, a descendant of Judah, found in 1 Kings 4:31.):

A turning point was reached when Constantius Chlorus was appointed as ruler of the provinces of Gaul and Britain. In A.D. 293, he was adopted by the Emperor Maximian and appointed Caesar. He was born in Illyria and had distinguished himself in his ‘able and gentle rule’ of the province of Dalmatia. He seems to have had an affinity with the Celts of Gaul and Britain and was popular in the western Empire.

It is interesting to note that, by ancestry, he came of a noble Dardanian family, which means he was most probably of Trojan stock, like the British royal family. Further point is given to this racial origin by the surname given to him by the Romans, ‘Chlorus’, which means ‘pale’ or ‘fair.’

On the abdication of Diocletian and Maximian, in 305, he became supreme ruler with the title “Augustus’, a position which was inherited by his son Constantine a few years later.

The outstanding achievement of Constantius, from our point of view, was the ending of the terrible Diocletian persecution of the Christians, which was wreaking havoc in Britain as well as on the Continent. Apart from the unusual leniency of his rule, it would seem that Constantius must have had some interest, at least, in the Christian faith. Perhaps this was due to the influence of his British wife, Helena, the daughter of King Cole II, ruler of eastern England from his capital, Colchester.

It would be unwise to judge the reigns of either Constantius [Chlorus] or his son, Constantine the Great, by mere superficial appearances. The facts recorded are sparse and sometimes contradictory. We have to feel our way through this jungle of expressed opinions, both from their friends and enemies trying to assess which statements are most logically fitting to the circumstances of the time. …



I don’t know why, but whenever I attempt to research to find something in Gibbon’s History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire it seems that I am unable to find anything worthwhile of his to quote. I have searched his work several times on various subjects to find something to contribute to my writings, and I usually come up empty-handed. On this matter of Gibbons, I would like to quote what Gladys Taylor has to say about him on page 53 of her book, Our Neglected Heritage, volume 2, “The Hidden Centuries”:

The early British historians, at least until the seventeen century, always obtained their information aboutHelena from the British, mainly the Welsh records and genealogies. It was when Edward Gibbon, after a prolonged visit to Rome, wrote his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that he passed on the Roman fiction of Helena’s birth in an innkeeper’s family at the small town of Naissus in the Balkans.

If the Roman Church wants to propagate a theory, the slenderest and weakest piece of evidence will be blown up, with the addition of spurious miracles, to serve the purpose. In spite of all the evidences in favour of theBritish Prince Linus being the first Bishop of Romethe Church of Rome has gone to great lengths to prevent British people [from] knowing this truth. This began before the Reformation, but continued with even greater intensity afterwards. In the same way, the fact that the mother of the first Christian emperor was a British Princess was a bitter pill to swallow. The fact that the nation that Rome wanted others to despise had been responsible for so much of the early history of the Church was too much for proud Rome to bear. While in Rome, Gibbon could have learned something of the truth, but he evidently listened to the prepared propaganda. Since his day, other historians and encyclopedias have slavishly copied Gibbon. This would not have mattered if they had also been fair enough to quote earlier historians with contrary views, but the encyclopedias, at least, completely ignore all British references.


Maybe there are more than one, but the following encyclopedia is the only one that I am aware of which does an excellent job of presenting the facts about Constantine’s family background. From the articles under the title “Constantine”, The Encyclopedia Americana, ©1948, volume 8, pages 420-421, we get the following information (This will be a lengthy quotation, but the information is very important and will bring us up-to-date. I will underline the most crucial parts):

DALMATIA, … (Slav Dalmacija,) Yugoslavia, a strip of land along the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, some 210 miles in length and averaging about 35 miles in width, which with its important adjacent islands has a total area of 4,923 square miles. Formerly part of the kingdom of Croatia, (q.v.) and afterwards a semiautonomous crown land of the Austrian Empire, it became in 1918 part of the SerbCroat and SloveneState, later Yugoslavia (q.v.).

Most of Dalmatia is protected along the northwest side by the Dinaric Alps, and because of this has a pleasant climate all the year round. Frosts very seldom occur, and in summer the breeze from the sea keeps the air cool. Although the soil was formed largely from the unfertile karst (porous limestone), it has been made productive through many centuries of hard human labor. The farmers still concentrate most of their efforts on such relatively high-paying crops as grapes, subtropical fruits, and tobacco. Because of the abundant sunshine, Dalmat wines are famous, but are not exported in very great quantities since each district specializes in its own brand, for which it has a limited number of patrons. There are nearly 4,000,000 olive trees, but the methods used in processing olive oil are still primitive, and most of the oil is exported to Italy, to be refined and marketed there. Dalmatia grows excellent sour cherries (marasca cherries) for export. and specializes in the cultivation of pyrethrum the camphor-yielding plant. Figs and carobs (St.-John’s bread) are raised for home consumption. Fishing is a very important industry, giving employment to more than 30,000 men in over 7,000 fishing boats, the annual catch averaging about 1,500,000 tons. Before World War II there were only about 20 fish-canning plants, yet Dalmatian sardines, packed in natural olive oil, have a distinctive flavor and are easily marketed. In medieval times, when the mountains were covered with heavy timber, Dalmatia was the center of the shipping industry in the Mediterranean, supplying boats for all countries. Zadar (Zara)population (1936) 12,838, became the capital; but Split (Spalato), estimated population (1945) 43,808 was for centuries the cultural and commercial center of Dalmatia. Other important cities with populations for 1931, are Sibenik (Sebenico), 37,284; Trogir, 23,468; and Dubrovnik (Ragusa), 18,767.


The Dalmats, a branch of the Slavs, moving westward from the Black Sea region, reached the shore of the Adriatic Sea about 450 B.C. Here they found people of similar stock who called themselves Illyrs. (Meaning Elohim people documented comment mine.)

Pre-Christian Settlements and the Roman Conquest of Dalmat Cities.— The Dalmats settled north of the Illyrs and built a fort (Dimal), but did not molest the Greek cities and harbors which they found in that area. Like other Slavs, the Dalmats were organized in clans, and the head of each clan was called the pan (hence the modern terms “ban” (q.v.), “banat” and “banovina”), and the continued use by the Czechs and Poliaks of pan in the same sense as the English “Mr.” In 278 B.C., a leader named Demetrius declared himself supreme ban of all the Slavs and Illyrs. In 205 B.C., Agron, king of the Illyrs, was recognized as king of theDalmats and Slavs. The Romans who knew him as a pirate, sent two emissaries in 200 B.C. to protest against his depredations. By that time Agron was dead, but his widow Teuta beheaded the ambassadors. Rome then sent a punitive army which in 182 B.C. took the island of Pharos (Pharia, modern Hvar) and destroyed the fortress of Dimal. Dalmatia was subjected by Rome in 6 B.C., during the reign of Augustus (r. 27 B.C.-14 A.D.). Rome never conquered all Dalmatia, confining its sway to a few cities and towns along the main road. The Dalmats remained under their native rulers, and so long as they did not attack Roman-held cities they were left in peace.

From the Introduction of Christianity to the Union with Croatia. The Dalmats were the first people(outside of Britain — comment mine) to adopt Christianity, receiving it from St. Paul (about 67 A.D.), who when shipwrecked on the island of Melita (modern Mljet), in 54 A.D., preached at Salona (Solin), now in ruins. He founded a diocese there installing Bishop Vinatius of Hvar. A new wave of Slavs must have arrived inDalmatia about the year 375 A.D., since the old chronicles say that “Radigost came from Scythia with a great army and became the strong ruler of all the Slavs in 400 A.D.” Then the Huns invaded Dalmatia, but were defeated by the Slavs in 470. By 525 the Dalmats succeeded in establishing an orderly state under Selimir, but five of his successors persecuted the Christians. In 639 Radimir conquered the cities of Zadar, Sibenik (Sebenico), Trogir, and Solin. Solin was destroyed in 615 during an invasion by the Avars, and the people moved into the abandoned palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (r. 284-305 A.D.), around which arose the city of Split. Svetimir liberated all the Christians and in 745 his son Budimir became the first Christian ruler of Dalmatia and the Croats. In northern Dalmatia the Franks ruled for nearly 100 years, from 776 to 871. But from the time of Budimir, southern Dalmatia and ultimately all of the country was closely connected with Croatia, and the two states ultimately merged, when Tomislav (r. as king, 910-928), who had been head of both, became the first recognized ruler of the united kingdom. From 1102 to 1918 Croatia and Hungary were ruled jointly by the Hungarian kings, Croatia retaining its identity, however. But in 1867 Dalmatiabecame a semiautonomous province of Austria.

During the intervening centuries, Dalmatia had its own colorful history. When the Republic of St. Mark (Venice) was at its height, many Dalmat cities joined it in order to find protection against the pirates, of whom there were many along the coast. The ranks of these marauders were swelled by the populations of the whole districts, which during the reigns of weak rulers declared themselves independent, and took to piracy. The city of Dubrovnik, known also as Ragusa, became a republic in its own right, but turned to trade instead of to piracy. During medieval times it became the cultural center of the Yugoslavs. Dubrovnik managed to keep its independence for centuries, until the period following the Battle of Austerlitz (Dec. 2, 1805), when Austria was forced to cede Dalmatia and Istria to Napoleon as a prelude to further concessions, and his troops took over the small republic, which was included for a time with his “Illyrian Provinces.”

Dalmatia Becomes a Crown Land of Austria.— In 1814 the congress of Vienna gave Dalmatia (including Dubrovnik) to Austria. After the fall of Napoleon’s Illyria, the Dalmats demanded union with Croatia, but Austria refused this demand, giving the ban of Croatia instead the empty title of “Ban of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia.” During the reorganization of the Dual Monarchy (1867), Dalmatia became a crown land of Austria, with a degree of local autonomy. It had a Diet, and was entitled to send 11 deputies to the Reichsrat in Vienna. The overwhelming majority of the Dalmats are Catholics and profess to be Croats. Adherents of the Orthodox Church prefer to be known as Serbs. The ratio between the two is best shown from the fact that of the 11 deputies sent to the Reichsrat, 9 were Croats and 2 Serbs. Italy claimed Dalmatia; yet there were not enough Italian votes to elect a single deputy. Despite this fact, Austria made Italian the prevailing language of the administration, the courts, and the city schools.

Dalmatia and Yugoslav Unity. Since medieval times the Dalmats have been among the most conscious of the Yugoslav peoples in their efforts to promote Yugoslav unity. During World War I, Dalmats figured prominently in the Yugoslav Committee in London which demanded that Dalmatia be united with Serbia. Dr. Ante Trumbic (1864-1938) the Dalmat leader, made a contract with Nikola Pasic, premier of Serbia, embodying definite plans for the organization of a new state. Authorities on Yugoslav history between the wars attribute much of the subsequent dissatisfaction in Yugoslavia, and the eventual collapse of the state to a failure especially on the part of certain Serbian political leaders in putting this control into effect.During World War II, Dalmatia, in proportion to its population, contributed the largest quota of fighters to the liberation forces under Marshal Tito.

I hope you observed the use of the name “Zara” or “Zadar” as the name of a city in the above quoted article toward the bottom of page 4. There is no doubt in my mind that this name is derived from the name of the Zerah branch of Judah because of Zerahites occupying that area. An alternate spelling for Zerah is: Zarah or Zara. There was also quoted the name of a city by the name of “Trogir” which, no doubt, is derived from the name Trojan. All the evidence appears to point to the reality that Emperor Constantine was a pure blooded descendent of Judah and Tamar through both Zerah and Pharez. Constantine’s genealogy was, then, what gave him the ability to accomplish all the phenomenal things which he did. It just came natural to him.

You will also notice, by the last quoted article immediately above, from The Encyclopedia Americana, ©1948, volume 8, pages 420-421, that the Dalmatia spoken of, is the same general geographic area which President Clinton ordered, along with the NATO aligned nations to be bombed this spring and early summer. It would appear that some of these people being bombed may be the same people as Zerah Judah. In other words, they may be bombing Tamar’s grandchildren. What do you think of that? Because of its complicated history, we cannot be sure how many of Zerah-Judah, if any, may still reside in that area. As the “Slavs form a language group rather than a race” (The World Book Encyclopedia, volume 17, page 414), we cannot be sure who the peoples of that area are today. Therefore, not all Slavic speaking people are Slavs, and not all Slavs are Israelites. You simply cannot categorize all Slavs into one group. The subject of the Slavs is another topic that needs a lot of study. Because of the Hunnic and Turkish invasions, the populations the Bulkans have changed drastically. The racial stock in the old Dalmatia area is quite different today than it was in the day Constantius Chlorus.

We know there were Zerahites in the Balkans as late as the fourth century according to Our Neglected Heritage, volume 2, “The Hidden Centuries” by Gladys Taylor, which she speaks of on page 12 as follows:

Another first-century missionary was Mansuetusan Irishman, baptized in A.D. 40 and martyred in the year 89. He travelled to France and joined Clement, Bishop of Rome, being appointed Bishop of Lotharingia (Lorraine), in eastern France, in the year 49. He travelled even further east to Illyria, in the western Balkans, preaching to a Gothic people, another branch of our own race, who possessed the Bible in their own tongue as early as the fourth century, translated by their Bishop Wulfilas.

I think it is quite interesting to observe, the satanic serpent seed in the personages of Madeline Albright, James Rubin and others are the ones calling all the shots in this war. It would seem these “Jews” have a vested interest in it’s outcome. Just what kind of a war do we have going on here? It would appear that it is a war of the false Judeans trying to destroy the true Judeans. In fact, it is the same old war of Genesis 3:15. Therefore, those who don’t understand the Two Seed-line doctrine cannot fathom this war. Those one seed-liners promoting the idea that the war of Genesis 3:15 is the “seed” of the spirit at enmity with the “seed” of the flesh, can in no way comprehend what this present war is all about. In fact, they fail to grasp about 90% of what the entire Bible is all about. It appears that the “Jewish” policy for the Balkans is the same as in other White countries — to force the different ethnic groups to live together so they can intermarry and inbreed thereby downgrading and destroying the White race (at least what few there may be left in that area).


It was not Constantine’s fault that Rome went wrong during the years of the Christian persecutions (and there were ten of them), or during the founding of the Roman Catholic Universal Church, or during the time of the Holy Roman Empire which followed. At this time, I could go into depth and show you how Rome had been importing paganism since the time of Alexander the Great. As Rome sent out her soldiers in conquest all over the then known world, when the soldiers returned home they brought back with them various forms of paganism as war souvenirs, so to speak. Thus Rome became the harbor, capital and stronghold of every known false and unclean religion of the world. Although these false religions did not contribute to the welfare of Rome, they were not the basic cause of Rome’s ultimate failure. The underlying reason for Rome’s eventual failure was in her law system. To comprehend how all of this happened, concerning her laws, it is essential to return to some history from the time of the Trojans. For this history, I will quote from, Our Neglected Heritage, volume 3, “The Magnet of The Isles”, by Gladys Taylor, pages 28-30:

After the fall of Troy, the royal house of Dardanos was divided and scattered. Caesar claimed descent from Aeneas and Virgil wrote the Aeneid to proclaim this fact. From Ascanius Julius, son of Aeneas and Creusa, daughter of Priam King of Troy, came the Julian family of Rome and also Brutus the Trojan, grandson of Ascanius, who gathered together a band of Trojan exiles, soon after the fall of Troy and traveled westward to Britain. This could have been a considerable migration. From a wealth of Greek and Latin literature dealing with the departure of the Trojans, notably the Trojan Cycle, listed by Procus in the second century A.D., we gather that Aeneas departed from Mount Ida with 88,000 Trojans and built a fleet of 332 vessels. We leave Aeneas in Italy and follow Brutus and his companions to Britain.

At Totnes, in Devon, where the Brutus Stone is preserved, tradition tells us that it was the pedestal of the Palladium at Troy, brought here by one Geryon the Augur (prophet) who came with Brutus. The presence of this stone on which, for many centuries, the Mayors of Totnes have proclaimed the accession of kings, is certainly interesting. The Palladium at Troy, a small figure of Pallas Athene, was sacred to the Trojans. It was their talisman. When Odysseus captured it, that was the ultimate insult. If the exiles wanted to take something to remind them of Troy, what better than the pedestal, since they could not have the Palladium itself.

The ninth century Historia Britonum of Nennius and, most notably, the Welsh chronicle Brut, both deal with the coming of Brutus and his foundation of London under the name of Trinovantium, or Caer Troia in the British tongue. Sir William Blackstone, in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, deals with Brutus as our first lawgiver, ‘Brutus the first king of this land, as soon as he had settled himself in his kingdom, for the safe and peaceable government of his people, wrote a book in the Greek tongue calling it the laws of Britons, and he collected the same out of the laws of the Trojans. This king died, … before the incarnation of Christ 1,103 years, Samuel then being judge of Israel.’

Links with Bible history are also given in Brut, and a mysterious reference to the giving of ‘privilege’ to the city, something which seems to have been continued by successive monarchs ever since: ‘When Brutus had finished the building of the city, and had strengthened it with walls and castles, he consecrated them and made inflexible laws for the government of such as should dwell therein peaceably, and he put protection on the city and granted privilege to it. At this time Beli the priest ruled in Judea and the Ark of the Covenant was in captivity to the Philistines.’

We know no more of the Laws of the Trojans than we know of the laws established by Cecrops or the Minoan laws, but it is interesting to see that they formed part of the most civilizing influences of antiquity and governed men noted for their wisdom and the reasonableness of their dealings, in each case. We know that the Romans sent to Greece for their laws, but altered them to suit the Roman mind. We have no record of the actual laws used by the Celts of France, but we do know from Caesar that they were written in the Greek tongue.

The codification of law occurs frequently in history, but this does not mean the introduction of revolutionary changes. The new code is merely the adaptation of original principles to the changing conditions of life.

There is an equilibrium in English Common Law which is hard to explain unless we do so in terms of Divine Law. The same principles of justice and right dealing are there every time the law is codified. There seems to be a remarkable similarity between the Common Law of England, on which so many legal systems in the new nations of the world are based, and those ‘changeless and unwritten laws of God’ to which Sophocles referred. The definition of Common Law, given in Nelson’s Encyclopedia, is in these words, ‘As opposed to Statute Law. it is the unwritten law of the land. Being older than Statute Law, it was founded on considerations of general justice, and fortified by the decisions of judges handed down from generation to generation, and binding on their successors.’

This appears almost casual to people accustomed to everything ‘legal’ being written down, yet it is the system that has worked admirably for many centuries. It was practiced by our brethren on the Continent, until Roman Law was forced upon them against their will, during the sixteenth century.


As Darda left his name to the geographic area of the Dardanelles, so Zerah’s descendants left his name to a city in Dalmatia and a narrow channel called the “Channel of Zara.” For information on this, I will quote from, The Encyclopædia Britannica,1894, volume 24, page 807:

ZARA (Slav. Zadar), an Austrian seaport, the capital of Dalmatia. and the seat of the Roman Catholic archbishop and of a Greek bishop, lies on the Adriatic, 130 miles southeast of Trieste, opposite the island of Ugliano and Pasman, from which it is separated by the narrow Channel of Zara. The promontory (point of land jutting into the sea) on which it stands is separated from the mainland by a deep moat, practically making an island of the site of the city. Down to 1873, Zara was strongly fortified; but its ramparts have now been converted into elevated promenades, which command extensive views to seaward and to landward. Of its four old gates, one, Porta Marina, incorporates the relics of a Roman arch, and another, the Porta di Terraferma.was designed by Sanmichele. The general aspect of the town, which is oval in form, is thoroughly Venetian. The main streets, dividing it into four quarters, are straight and wide, but the side-streets are ill-paved and narrow. The chief interest in Zara lies in its churches, the most remarkable of which is the cathedral of St. Anastasia, a fine Romanesque basilica, founded by Doge Enrico Dandolo after the capture of the town in 1202 and finished in 1205. The churches of St. Chrysogonus and St. Simeon are also in the Romanesque style, and St. Mary’s retains a fine Romanesque campanile (bell tower) of 1105. The old octagonal church of St. Donatus, traditionally (but in all probability erroneously) said to have been erected in the 9th century on the site of a temple of Juno, has been converted to secular purposes. Most of the Roman remains were used up in the construction of the fortifications. But two squares are embellished with lofty marble columns; a Roman tower stands on the east side of the town; and some remains of a Roman aqueduct may be seen outside the ramparts. Among the other buildings are the Loggia del Comune, rebuilt in 1565, containing a public library of 34,000 volumes; the old palace of the priors, now the governors residence; and the episcopal palace. The harbor, to the northeast of the town, is safe and spacious, and it is annually entered by about 1200 vessels, of 185,000 tons, mainly engaged in the coasting trade. The chief industry is the preparation of maraschino, made from the marasco cherry, which covers the hills of Dalmatia. About 340,000 bottles of this liqueur are exported annually. Glass-making and fishing are also carried on. The population of the town in 1881 was 11,861, of the commune 24,536. Almost all of these are of Italian descent, and Italian is practically the only language spoken in the town.

The foundation of Zara is ascribed by tradition to Liburni (Illyrian — Elohim people). In the early days of the Roman empire it became a flourishing Roman colony under the name of Jadera, subsequently changed toDiadora, It remained united with the Eastern empire down to about the year 1000, when it sought the Venetian protection. For the next four centuries it was a bone of contention between Venice and Hungary, changing hands repeatedly. It was occupied by the Hungarians at the end of the 12th century, but was recaptured by the Venetians in 1202, with the aid of French crusaders on their way to the Holy Land. In 1409 it was finally purchased from Hungary by the island republic for 100,000 ducats [$226,800]. In 1792 it passed, with Venice, into the possession of Austria. From 1809 to 1813 it belonged to France.

About 15 miles to the southeast lies Zara Veechia, or Old Zara, an insignificant village on the site of Biograd (White Town), formally the residence of the Croatian kings, but destroyed during the Hungarian-Venetian wars.

Now we will have to find what the term or name “Liburni” means. To do this, we will return to The Encyclopædia Britannica, 1894, volume 14, page 554:

LIBURNIANS were a people who at different times were prominent on the Adriatic coasts. They were originally, one cannot doubt, one of the homogeneous Illyrian tribes (see Illyria). Living in a barren rocky country along the north-eastern coast of the Adriatic they devoted themselves to the seaand were the chief navigators of the Adriatic in the early period. They settled on the coast of Picenum. where the town of Truentum was always counted Liburnian; and the Greek colonists found them at Corcyra and other places. They were pressed on all sides by other races, but were still a powerful people in the time of Scylax (Scyl., p 7). The islands that lay along the coast were peopled by them and called by their name. They were a race of pirates who used swift boats with a large sail. These Liburnian ships became famous when the Romans adopted them in several of their naval wars. The heavy and lofty ships that had been developed by the later Greek states proved unequal to the light and swift Liburnian boats. The country was incorporated by the Romans in the province of Dalmatia.

This should establish a better concept of just who the man Constantine the Great was, a man of the royal line! With the next lesson, we will leave Constantine the Great and investigate the invasions of Britain by the various Saxon tribes and see how these invasions affected the British Celtic Culdee church. Without the knowledge of this past history, it is impossible to appraise what is called “church” at our present time, Without a working knowledge of the general developments in history since the time of the Passion of our Messiah until now, we will only come to many mistaken conclusions.


Danger of Pork

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Danger for Pork


by Professor Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D.

Biological Therapy Vol.1 No. 2 1983

In consideration of wide sections of the population, it appeared strongly advisable to investigate more closely the reasons for the nocuity of pork and to report on the toxic and stress factors contained in pork, i.e. sutoxins. A possibility emerges that everyone can stay healthy by omitting toxic factors (specific pork poisons) from his diet or can regain health by observing a strict ban on pork.

The fact that pork causes stress and gives rise to poisoning is known. It is obvious that this does not only apply to preparations of fresh pork such as cold cuts, knuckles, feet, ribs and cutlets, etc., but also to cured meats (ham, bacon, etc.) and to smoked meats prepared for sausages.

Consumption of freshly killed pork products causes acute responses, such as inflammations of the appendix and gall bladder, biliary colics, acute intestinal catarrh, gastroenteritis with typhoid and paratyphoid symptoms, as well as acute eczema, carbuncles, sudoriparous abscesses, and others. These symptoms can be observed after consuming sausage meats (including salami which contains pieces of bacon in the form of fat).

The consumption of pork is particularly dangerous in the tropical regions. This, for example, is shown in parts of Africa where both the Islamic and Western civilizations live in neighboring territories under the same climatic conditions. The same conditions apply to various races in the Himalayas where the Hunsa (Bircher) live. The Islamic population does not consume pork and is healthy, working to a considerable age as porters for numerous expeditions. The races of the Western civilizations living on the other side of the valley do not observe the Islamic rules of behavior and eating, and suffer from all of the common illnesses. In other words .the population which observes the Islamic laws is healthy, while those who follow the habits of western civilization manifest all the typical diseases which come with the consumption of pork. Reference must be made to the founders of the great cultures, who have also fundamentally influenced Western culture. Moses, the prophet, and Mohammed, for example, recognized the prohibitions imposed by nature and based their laws on them.

The Old Testament: In Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 of the Holy Bible is written:

Lev. 11. Clean and Unclean Food The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Say to the Israelites: Of all the animals that live on land, these are the Ones you may eat: You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you. The coney, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.”

Deut. 14: “You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud. However, of those that chew the cud or that have a split hoof completely divided you may not eat the camel, the rabbit or the coney. Although they chew the cud, they do not have a split hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.”

The Koran: In Sura 1 6, Verse 115 is written:

He has forbidden you carrion, blood, and the flesh of swine; also any flesh consecrated other than in the name of Allah. But whoever is constrained to eat any of these, not intending to sign or transgress, will find Allah forgiving and merciful.

Jehovah, God of the Israelites also established identical prohibitions regarding the law of nature against which one must not sin; to do so will certainly bring biological retribution through the promise of “sickness in the form of punishment”. (See Deuteronomy 28 for example)

It would be superfluous to mention the people of Saudi-Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, or any other country where Islam is the national religion since these laws of practice have been their principles for several thousand years.

The strict prohibition of pork, by the Jews and the Moslems is also very well known. It is often suggested that these customs are religious-hygienic measures ordered by the priests because of the Trichina content of pork. This, however, is unfounded as this practice dates back to the time of Moses and Mohammed when Trichina was not known.

In World War II, soldiers in North Africa were taken ill in ever increasing numbers. They were suffering from abscesses of the lower part of the leg called “tropical ulcers”. These ulcerations left the soldiers unfit to fight and necessitated lengthy hospital confinement, often requiring their removal to more temperate climates. Every possible form of treatment as well as chemical therapy was exhausted without positive results. It was then suggested that these leg ulcers could possibly be connected with the soldiers’ eating habits, as the natives showed no signs of this disease. Rations to the soldiers were then based on a diet free from pork, much like that eaten by the Islamic population. This resulted in the immediate relief of the leg ulcer syndrome.

During the lean years of the war and especially those after the war, the health of the population was, practically speaking, good. Few people could eat their fill. Meat from any source was only available in small amounts, pork was rarely ever available. There was very little fat, hardly any sugar, but there were plenty of cereals and grains, i.e., bread and pastries. These were supplemented with potatoes, root crops and fresh vegetables.

During that time there were hardly any cases of inflamed appendix and no gall bladder problems except among those who had managed to kill a black market pig, which was rare. At the same time rheumatism, intervertebral disc damages and similar complaints were almost unknown. This was also true of cardiac ailments, sclerosis, and high blood pressure.

Soon after the currency reform of 1948 was established, pork products, ham arid particularly bacon became readily available and the health picture of the German population completely changed. Inflammation of the appendix, gall bladder disorders, acute eruptions of the skin such as pyodermia, impetigo, carbuncles and sudoriparous abscesses became common place. Upon treating these illnesses with chemical drugs and sulphonamides. chronic mycosis as well as a variety of side effects soon became apparent.

Particularly frightening was the increase in cases of cancer at that time. A great many patients between 60 and 70 years old, who had hitherto been free of disorders, suddenly became ill with stomach complaints, which were found to be caused by cancer of the alimentary canal, the stomach or the intestines. The progress of these cases was so instructive and biologically significant, or rather had such causal bases, that certain deductions as to the origin of all illnesses had to be made; this being that the basis of all illnesses are poisons.

Over the years, it was found that many other illnesses, such as arthritis and chronic osteoarthrosis, were to a large extent due to pork consumption, as well as some special diseases such as leucorrhea in women, chronic fistular eruptions, not only those following ear surgery, as for example after otitis, but also those adherent to shot wounds suffered during the war. As these were sustained through the consumption of pork, they were slow to heal, if at all, unless a biological, particularly a homeopathic cure involving complete abstinence of any and all types of pork was undertaken.

Feeding experiment with white mice

The results of these experiments were documented and published in “Homotoxins and Homtaxicoses, Fundamentals of a Synthesis of Medicine” by H.-H. RECKEWEG, Aurelia Publishing House, Baden-Baden in 1955.

The mice fed on pork developed a marked tendency towards cannibalism. As they grew older (ranging from a few months. to about a year). many developed cancer in various parts of their bodies.

In some cases skin diseases also became apparent. On the other hand, the mice fed on a normal diet also developed diseases, but there were fewer cases of cancer or of fatal illnesses; also they showed no signs of cannibalism.

Pork should never be fed to dogs, particularly boxers as they develop mange and itching skin sores, as well as tendency for severe internal diseases.

The same was reported about circus animals; especially lions and tigers, which due to pork consumption became lazy and obese, suffered from severe bloody noses (probably due to high blood pressure), and soon died.

The owner of a trout farm reported that the entire stock could be eliminated in a matter of days by feeding minced pork to the trout.

Pork should be regarded as an important homotoxin (human poison), which initiates activation of the body’s defense mechanisms. These defensive measures then manifest themselves in a variety of illnesses. Furthermore, from published reports, it became apparent that several constituents of pork behave as homotoxins or as stress factors, hence for them, the term “sutoxins” appeared justified. It is then evident that the socalled exogenic animal fat (that which is added through consumption) is stored in the body in this form. For example, a dog which has been fed mutton fat, chemically retains detectable mutton fat in its fatty cells. This is clear from the chemical reaction of the subcutaneous fat, i.e. iodine number etc.

In addition, the blood is flooded with a great many of these fatty particles. Large molecules are formed (the so-called “cenapse”, according to Macheboeuf) which when measured in the ultracentrifuge, according to their different speeds of separation (Swedborg units) are jointly responsible for the onset of arteriosclerosis as well as for high blood pressure, hyperaemia, for general poor blood flow through the connective tissues, and particularly in some important glands, and for the constriction and calcification of the coronary blood vessels.

Later, it also became clear that such fat-rich foods also cause a severe strain on the connective tissue.

Hauss (Professor in Munster/West Germany) reported fully on these factors in his book, “The Unspecific Mesenchyma Reaction”. According to Hauss, these types of stress resulting from a diet rich in fat, for which pork fat (particularly bacon fat) is mainly responsible, can, when combined with other stress factors, ultimately become fatal.

Wendt (Professor in Frankfurt/West Germany) attributes arteriosclerosis, diabetes and disorders of circulation almost exclusively to the “proteinfattening” for which the mucopolysaccharides, in particular the mucous components of the connective tissue of the pork, are to be blamed, although he mentions nothing about them coming from pigs.

The question has come up as to the differences between pork and other forms of meat. This has been very difficult to ascertain due to the lack of authentic literature on the subject, since most of it dealt only with the question of calories, It is, however, possible to establish the following:

1. Pork does not contain an enormous amount of fat, even the so-called “lean pork” in contrast to other types of meat such as beef, lamb, etc. Pork contains much intra-cellular fat or particles of fat inside the cells themselves, while in other animals, the fat is found almost exclusively outside these cells in the connective tissues, in the form of fat cells. Occasionally in aged beef, it is possible to find small amounts of fat in the cells themselves, while in pork, the cells have generally a high percentage of fatty particles. This can, for example be seen when even “lean pork” is fried. It immediately releases fat in a hot frying pan and is usually fried “in its own fat”. Since fat contains about twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins, it is, especially among heavy eaters, first of all stored for convenience in the connective tissue. As a result, the adiposity common to those who consume pork, including the other stress substances found in pork, i.e. mucous constituents, can only be broken down with difficulty. This corresponds in part to the “protein fattening” referred to by Wendt.

2. Fat is always associated with cholesterol. Cholesterol is responsible for the formation of the large cholesterol-loaded molecules in the blood which contributes to high-blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, as well as being supplementary factors in cardiac infractions arid disorders of the coronary circulation, and in the peripheral blood vessels, especially in combination with nicotine (smokers). Cholesterol is also found in the walls of cancer cells (Roffo).

3. Special dangers also arise from the sulphur-rich substances of the connective tissue, the mucopolysaccharides (amino-sugars, chondroitine sulphates, hexosamine, glucosamine, etc.) which have a specific mucous character. It is only possible with pork, to produce a sausage easy to spread wherein amino sugar, hexosamine and sulphur derivatives such as chondroitins, sulphuric acid and mucoitin sulphuric acid found in pork are directly responsible for this transaction. They cause a mucous swelling for the connective tissue and then combine with the fat for storage (“Cenapse”, Macheboeuf). From this develops a characteristic swelling reaction (`Ruben’s luxuration”) which is peculiar to pork eaters. The connective tissue, furthermore, acts like a sponge, and causes the typical cushion-like dilation of the connective tissue (water retention).

The storing of these mucous substances in sinews, ligaments, cartilages, etc. can be dangerous and can result in rheumatism, arthritis, and arthroses, and damages to intervertebral discs, to name a few.

This is due to the obstructions of the basic material of the connective tissue (as found in humans, and also in wethers) causing the connective tissue to become soft resulting in the loss of resistance. It is now that the work of Bier (Professor August Bier., surgeon in Berlin/West Germany) should be mentioned. Bier injected experimental animals with sulphur which led to the mobilization and separation of tissue sulphur. The basic materials of the cartilages lost sulphur, thereby becoming firmer with greater powers of resistance. Clearly sulphur baths work in this same way, by mobilizing the sulphur in tissues. It has been proven that the firmer and more resistant a cartilage Is, the less sulphur it contains.

Due to the predominantly large amounts of mucous connective tissue in pork, the sulphur content is extreme. This can be demonstrated by putrefaction tests. The tissue-sulphur is actually decomposed by putrefaction and digestive processes resulting in hydrogen sulphide (H2S), which is easily recognizable due to its pungent odor. Comparative experiments in putrefaction were simultaneously run on pork, beef and mutton, mutton showing the least amounts of sulphur. Those carefully sealed test tubes containing pork were removed within only a few days as the sulphuric smell seeped through and became intolerable. Beef soon went bad, but did not produce the intolerable smell which characterized pork. Mutton, after three weeks, had undergone little putrefaction. Lettre (Professor of Pathology in Heidelberg/West Germany) conducted experiments for living cell therapy and has shown with radio-active labeled animal tissues, organs and glands, that the decomposition products of tissues, upon being absorbed by the body, generally migrate to where they biologically belong.

This could be confirmed experimentally. Patients who have eaten a great deal of bacon (produced from the flesh of the pig’s back) show typical fatty folds at the back of the neck. The same is true from consumption of bacon derived from the pig’s stomach area, as these patients show thick bulges of fat in their own stomach areas. People who eat ham, especially women, show irregular deformation in the buttock and hip areas without even realizing that ham was the cause.

4. Pork is rich in growth hormones which is generally regarded as the prime cause of inflammations and swollen tissues. The consumption of pork is also attributed to a certain extent, with having some effect on the “acromegaly” or pathological protrusion of the chin and other prominent skeletal parts of the body, in particular adiposity as well as increase in general tendency to abnormal growth. This is particularly. true in the growing trend towards cancer where damaged tissues of an earlier toxic (possibly chemotherapeutic) treatment is concerned.

As cancer can be caused experimentally in laboratory animals, as in experiments with bacon, it became increasingly clear that after the currency reform in Germany, patients between 60 and 70 years of age with existing disposition were quickly stricken with cancer. As the means had become available, they more often had a snack with smoked bacon. This contains not only cholesterol (and according to Roffo, the principal material found in the walls of cancer cells) but also the growth hormones through which the cancer growth is promoted, and not least of all, benzpyrene, – a constituent of smoke which is typically viewed as a carcinogenic (cancer forming poison).

5. Then there are the skin irritating effects from the histamine content in the pork. These irritations are often accompanied by inflammatory processes such as boils and carbuncles; also inflammation of the appendix, gall bladder disorders, inflamed veins, leucorrhea in women, abcesses and phlegmons. The histamine can also be responsible for such skin diseases as nettle rash, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis as well as other dermatoses. Chronic cases of urticaria (nettle rash) in elderly female patients and among young children respond very well to the homeopathic treatment of Apis 1 2x and Sulphur 30x but recur persistently among the elder patients, especially among those women who eat pork.

This was so prevalent that in order to completely heal urticaria as well as assure no recurrence of it, the treatment had to include a diet completely free of pork. This included all varities of sausage as all types of sausage contain some kinds of pork (unless otherwise guaranteed to be pork free).

The amount of inflammation and itching due to the consumption of pork depends upon the content of histamine and imidazoles, such as ergothionine which initiates the inflammatory processes. This can also be established by experimental inducement.

By injecting histamine into the system, stomach ulcers can be brought on experimentally as well as skin irritations, inflammations and various allergic disorders such as asthma, hay fever, rhinitis vasomotorica as well as irregular heart beat and even cardiac infractions. Therefore, people who are in “high risk” categories or patients with histories of heart conditions should always refrain from eating pork.

6. A further stress factor found in pork Is a certain factor in the blood which research has not yet been properly able to define. It has been referred to as an oncogenic agent (Nieper), endobiortt (Enderlein), as siphonospora polymorpha (von Brehmer), or as erythrocyte enclosures (Scheller). It has yet to be ascertained whether and to what extent these different factors are identical or whether at the onset of cancer they should be regarded as initiators; that is to say the causal factors, as they are regarded in Speransky’s (Russia) research, or merely as indicators or pointers.

Pig’s blood is extremely rich in these sporiferous inclusions which, according to recent work, are to be regarded as migrating (from damaged cells) or as dying rnetochondria.

7. Another very important toxic factor in pork is the influenza virus which, according to Shope (Professor at the London Institute for Virus Research), remains infectious in the lungs of pigs. As pork is used in sausage, hot dogs, etc. this organism is always found in these products transmitting the flu virus through consumption. These organisms then migrate to their biological origin (according to Lettré) which, in this case, is the connective tissue of the lungs. There it remains dormant until factors of propagation are advantageous, as in spring, for example, when there are shortages of vitamins, lack of sunshine, a.s.o. With the onslaught of sri influenza epidemic, it would appear to be totally due to an airborne infection but in reality is partly due to the virus absorbed through pork consumption.

It should also be noted that certain influenza epidemics can emanate from consumption of horse meat, which can also be infected with influenza virus.

During the middle ages, when autopsies were legally forbidden, medical students used pigs for their studies. This was very practical for the anatomy student as the internal makeup of pigs is very similar to that of humans. It is also well-known, that even the skin of domestic pigs shows many similarities to that of the human skin.

The similarity between pig flesh and human flesh makes possible a slight biochemical exchange of components. This is particularly applicable to Lettr6′s living cell therapy, which indicates that large molecules and peptides migrate to where, biologically speaking they belong. There takes place, even while consuming pork, the exchange of firm human connective tissue for the ingested mucous nourishment factors of the pig. Therefore, the consumption of pork gradually chokes the connective tissue with mucous; in addition, it is so enriched with fats that someone whose diet consists of much pork outwardly soon resembles the animal he has eaten. We all know the saying “you are what you eat”.

Here one should mention the incidents of scrophula in children, a disease which is characterized `by chronic glandular inflammations, in which the glands atrophy with inflammation and may lead to the formation of fistulae. Then, too, glandular lumps may form, especially in the neck causing the child to actually look like a piglet (“scropha” – Greek: the pig, “scrophula” – the piglet). This name possibly indicates the cause of this disease, which is produced by pork consumption.

The defenses of the body are particularly directed against pork fat. This, upon being broken down in the intestine and resynthesis, is drawn into the lymph ducts, to the lymph glands of the breast, finally reaching the milchgang (Ductus thoracicus). Then it is discharged into the upper vena. The overloading, especially of the lymph glands, with the filtering and detoxification of the sutoxine factors (fat-mucous mixture) contained in park fat is stored in the connective tissue as “characteristic fat” after being broken down in the intestines – and is shown as an inflammatory response of the lymph nodes.

Let us not forget the extensive influenza epidemic which followed the first World War. The fatalities due to this epidemic were greater than the total loss of life in the war Itself. Particularly devastating was this epidemic to the German population. The tarnished German people wore, at that time, being fed on American bacon which was plentiful in those first food shipments. For many years those influenza epidemics were observed which followed the consumption of pork. This is true, for example, of the large quantities of Canadian bacon which were shipped to Germany in November’ when winter slaughtering took place. This was then consumed by the population and most assuredly the dangerous influenza epidemic broke out in January/February. It should also be pointed out that influenza epidemics are virtually unheard of in the Muslim countries where pork is not eaten.

Therefore, this corresponds to an intensification of all physiological functions, i.e., the swelling and dilation of glands, pain and fever~ suppuration, the formation of fistulae, also connected with irritation of the skin, eczema and the like, ano possible involvement with the hydrogenoid constitution, which shows a remarkable sensitivity to wet and cold, similar to the picture of the formerly, very common, exudative diathesis.

Apparently a continually one-sided diet (few vegetables, paucity of vitamins in food) will, in former times, have played a part in the ability of the scrofulosis to appear. Commonly observed in early stages of scrofulosis were umbilical colic, swelling of the mesenteric gland as well as possible swelling of the hilar gland with potential transition to tuberculosis. This hilar gland tuberculosis can become particularly manifested after suppression of fever.

With the advancement of age, especially after the treatment of colds with salicylates, pyrazolones~ and other fever suppressions, the so-called `easinophilic infiltrate” of the lung apexes can be observed from which then through the breakdown of this impregnation phase (in regressive vicariation within the meaning of homotoxicology) into the reaction phase of tubercular cavities, open tuberculosis develops, through which the whole toxic layer tries to disintegrate.

The parasitic tubercular bacteria in the cavities can then be allopathically destroyed with Streptomycin, among other things, without the causal “toxic layer” being taken into account, which when viewed from a biological point of view, is the foremost requirement.

It had never before been considered that this might be a pathology arising from food consumption. This, when treated with unbiological therapy, within the meaning of iatrogenic pathology, could be included among the “chronic illnesses”;

Gustav Nagel, the well known German “nature apostle” of the first decade of this century lived in accordance with the laws of nature, on a diet of raw foods. Through this he was able to cure himself of a fatal and progressive tuberculosis of the lungs.

This is a typical example of the significance of food poisoning for the development of diseases.

There are still further dangers in pork. Let us remember that a pig fattened for slaughter has grown from a piglet weighing only a few pounds at birth and within one or two years, because of the enormous amounts of growth hormones, is ready for slaughter weighing several hundred pounds.

Such a porker has little muscles, small bones and has an abundance of connective tissue, fat, blood and organs. Almost every inch of the pig is used by the butcher for food preparation. Through special methods of preparations, it is made into appetizing portions for consumption.

Furthermore, anyone who is accustomed to eating pork becomes addicted to it to some extent.

On the question of addict stimulation, W. Hoffmann, a German psychiatrist, indicates that all the symptoms of addiction can be found among pork eaters.

These people will find any excuse to eat pork. They cast aside any damage or disease which pork may cause and state every possible reason for having it, much in the same manner that smokers and alcoholics do. Among those who have broken the “pork addiction,” it is noted that pork acquires a disagreeable, repulsive and even nauseating characteristic, which… renders it intolerable and even wrong to eat, just as a non-smoker finds the smell of a dirty ashtray offensive in the morning.

Without question, the sexual hormones of the pig, which up to now have not been fully researched, and especially the androgenic sex hormone of the boar, play a part in assessing the quality of pork flesh. Boars are always castrated several weeks or months prior to slaughter (testicle extirpation), otherwise the meat would be unsalable due to the odor. For this reason, the sex hormones have to be considered carcinogenic agents, but as stated before, this aspect has to date not been fully investigated.

Pigs do not grow old, firstly due to the fact that their biological age is limited to a few years. Furthermore, they cannot live much beyond six years as breeders since signs of cancer are unavoidable.

Viewed overall the pig is a very sick animal having few muscles and small bones, but with an abundance of mucous and fatty connective tissue, suffering from fatty degeneration of the cardiac muscle and liver with possible dropsy; all its connective tissue and lymph material, including the irritants and toxic hormone factors are consumed when the pork is eaten, thus, allowing the buildup of stress factors.

This is wherein the great danger of pork is to be found. The human system is unable, in the ordinary way, to deal with the excess fat, cholesterol, growth hormones, mucous swelling substances and other toxic factors despite the very rich vitamin content (by the process of combustion). Nor can it eliminate it in physiological phases of excreta, even if engaged in strenuous physical work.

This is where homotoxicology has brought a definite solution to the problem of the actual injurious effects of pork.

Pork cannot be physiologically detoxified through ordinary detoxifying outlets, such as the urine, breathing, intestinal secretions and secretions from the skin; thus, it cannot be alleviated through the excretory mechanisms. The only means of detoxification is through pathological outlets, namely inflammations..

Accordingly, the different disorders that can occur are related to the types of organs and connecting tissue that are consumed. This is especially true of gall bladder disorders with the formation of gall stones (cholesterol). biliary colics and acute inflammation of the, appendix (appendicitis) to which people fall victim as well as thrombosis and embolisms. The toxic layer increases with the consumption of pork and is not eliminated by surgical removal of the affected organ (e.g. appendix).

On the other hand, if only small portions of pork are eaten, the inflammation may not immediately occur but instead a storage of pork particles is probable (particularly true of the mucous and fat of pork) in the connective tissue where it makes itself apparent as a fattening or adiposity, eg. as rolls of flesh on the abdomen and possibly even on legs and arms. This is particularly true of people who eat ham and sausage.

Only when “the limit is exceeded” and the organism can no longer manage the storage of these stress factors and when the periphery, the brain circulation are affected, will it as a last resort, induce the inflammations in order to break down these stress factors.

Thus, people suffering from thickenings of the neck develop dangerous carbuncles, boils or abscesses of the sweat glands. Often, generally after eating cold cuts containing pork, dangerous attacks of appendicitis, biliary colics, gallstones and disorders of the bile ducts occur (cholangitis, cholecystitis, empyema of the gall bladder, etc.) as previously mentioned.

Ulcer cruris (leg ulcer) is typically regarded as the consequence of eating pork feet. When viewing the sequence of events, these leg ulcers can often be regarded as the body’s last attempt to rid itself, through the meserichymal valve of the inflammation which often is threatening the formation of cancer from deep within the connective tissue. The (reaction phase) poison, thereby is evacuated from the body through these leg ulcers.

When these ulcers are forceably cured by means of cauterization and solutions of dyesubstances without the benefit of a radical diet change (pork free), then the development of cancer is almost always inevitable. This is especially true where weakness from a previous injury (within the meaning of `Locus minoris resistentia”) to the system is present or when further psychic stress factors are incurred. These associations were mentioned earlier.

When pork is regularly eaten the cartilage, due to replacement of firm human cartilagenous material by the mucous connective tissue of pigs, becomes soft and atrophies under the pressure of body weight. This eventually results in arthritis and arthrosis. Pork consumption also clogs the “holding apparatus.” Professional athletes often suffer from this due to adherence to an incorrect diet. The pork fat is stored, instead of being burned, which renders them tired, lazy, slow and generally unable to continue in their chosen occupations.

It is also possible during an attack of influenza that some of the poisonous sutoxine mucous material found in the lungs, is coughed up and rejected with the virus. If all acute diseases resulting from sutoxins, particularly leucorrhea (a defensive discharge reaction in women) were correctly treated in a biological manner resulting in complete healing provided a strict ban on future pork consumption was adhered to, then, these pork related poisons and stress factors would be rendered harmless and could in fact be eliminated from the body.

Unfortunately, in our highly developed civilization, this is hardly ever the case. Furthermore, the toxic situation which develops through pork consumption is not recognized by the medical profession and is, in fact, completely misunderstood.

Homotoxicology proves that every illness should be recognized as a defensive measure against poisons and the damages caused by them. Thus, all illnesses are to be regarded as biologically necessary processes which should never be suppressed as they clearly express that the body is trying, by inflammatory excretions, to return to a healthy state.

If this is not observed there arises the danger of acute poisoning exhibiting itself as a high fever, influenza and sore throats, etc. When the process of natural detoxification is interrupted by means of suppressive therapy, an alternative poisoning can develop.

This is primarily true in cases where chemotherapeutics, antibiotics and the derivatives are used. While these certainly destroy germs, they do not affect the causal poisons. Nor are these poisons eliminated; in fact, the poison layer is increased by the bacterial endotoxines released from corpses of the fragmented bacteria.

Generally speaking, in illnesses, the bacteria do not play the role of the initiators, but of indicators (Speransky). They live as parasites (are saprophytic) in the area of inflammation where the ingested pork is situated releasing the poison layer, thereby acting as useful aides.

They merely indicate which poison layer is present enabling their breeding, for example, a favorable homotoxic growth for streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, etc.; it is the ingested pork which offers the greatest opportunities for growth of bacteria and viruses (i.e. influenza virus).

People, who do not eat pork, usually do not suffer from viral influenza!

Due to the chronic use of chemotherapeutical agents and acetylsalicyl medications, etc., most people today have no highly active layer of defense. Special guidelines of hygiene should be observed. Everything should be done to strengthen the organs of defense (the main defense system). This can be achieved through biological stimulation therapy, as well as correct biological dieting and manner of living.

When these correct and proper attitudes are ignored, we will find the pernicious consequences of pork consumption arid the reason why so many young lives are wrecked. Invalidism, sickness, arid cancer have been the consequences of chemical treatment of discharges or abdominal inflammations, as well as kidney inflammations, thromboses and embolisms after operations.

Removal of the appendix will certainly remove the inflammation. But in this context, the appendicitis is acting as a detoxification process and is striving to rid itself of the pork poisons (sutoxins) through a lympathic reaction, Unfortunately, this disorder cannot just be left to itself without risking some very serious side effects. Therefore, the surgeon may possibly have to become involved.

In any case, there should always be a biological treatment to coincide with the necessary surgery; this could be accomplished, for example, with BHI Antipus, Inflammation and Lymphatic Tablets in order to break up the “poison layer” by use of the body’s own defense system.

The same also applies to female discharges generally characterized by a peculiar stale smell similar to that of the freshly butchered pig, or to carbuncles and abscesses of the sweat glands which through discharge act in a detoxlcating capacity.

Furthermore, any other general or pathological discharges should never be suppressed. Otherwise, the body would suffer the effects of repoisoning, displacing these into another dangerous pathological phase referred to as progressive vicaration.

A good example of this can be seen from x-ray suppressed abscesses of the sweat glands. This often causes colitis mucosa or ulcerosa, a dangerous ulcerous disorder of the large intestines.

The same rule applies to chemically suppressed diarrhea. The intestine is a large tube in which all poisons are separated and discharged naturally. Stimulative biological medicines such as BHI Diarrhea Tablets, BHI Inflammation Tablets, BHI Antipus Tablets should be used in treatment as they are highly effective and yet cause no side-effects.

It should also be realized that the flesh of the wild boar is just as toxic as that of the domestic pig, although generally speaking it contains less fat than that of the domestic pig.

It is a well-known fact to hunters that upon killing a wild boar, the hunter must immediately butcher the boar, in contrast to deer and other wild animals. Not to do so guarantees that the flesh will develop a “bad taste” as well as other toxic properties.

Generally speaking, the poison layer, which is the cause of every illness, becomes more or less heavily loaded through consumption of pork. This basically pre-conditions the body for a wide variety of illnesses.

Anyone entrusted with instruction in homotoxins, that is to say, doctors working in the biological, antihomotoxic sense, can with the sympathetic assistance of the patient, through a biologically correct pattern of life and diet (no pork consumption), counteract several primary effects and secondary damages caused by sutoxins, by treatment with appropriate preparations (as found in BHI Biological Homeopathic Remedies).

A factual though repulsive tale about a hospital during the second world war should be mentioned. Next to the hospital was a pigsty. The pigs were fed with the hospital refuse and at least once a month a pig would be slaughtered to provide a welcome addition to the rations.

Close to the pigsty were bins which contained the discharged bandages soaked with pus and blood of the wounded. These were usually burned once a month in the hospital yard.

Now one day, the pigs got out of the pigsty and overturned the bins which contained these bandages. They were found eating these as well as other matters of filth. From then on, for reasons of convenience, the bandages were no longer burnt, but given to the pigs as food, creating the perfect poison cycle.

And so the patients in the hospital, most of them with fistulous shot wounds, now received their toxin-saturated pork, a further stimuli to their suppurations. The pork, which acts as a suppurating factor even without the pigs eating the bandages contaminated with toxins, only served to accelerate the deterioration of the patients.

So, whether suffering is due to blackheads, acne vulgaris, or a bullet hole, a strict ban has to be put on the consumption of pork, including ham, bacon, sausage, salami, white sausage (which is fried in bacon fat) and calfliver sausage (which contains a high percentage of pork and pork fat).

Then there are the frequent stories of the “healthy peasant” who, despite his large consumption of pork, is never ill. A scientific investigation, carried out over a number of years has clearly proven that this is nothing but a fairy tale. This investigation proves that the country folks are not the most healthy, but indeed the most unhealthy population, in spite of the “fresh air,” obviously due to their chronic and almost continuous consumption of pork.

While he was practicing, the author visited a peasant family on their remote farm. The father suffered from chronic arthrosis, coxitis as well as liver damage. The mother had chronic leg ulcers and vancous eczema which caused her great pain. One daughter suffered from “heart trouble” and rheumatism following angina. The “healthiest” son also suffered from heart trouble following angina as well as boils. Another daughter had had her tonsils removed and had since been plagued with chronic bronchitis and was suspected of having bronchiectasis. Still another son suffered from chronic pleurisy with exuding scars and continually recurring exuding ulcers.

Similar Situations were observed by the author among peasant families in the Black Forest/West Germany as well as in the surrounding valleys. Having been in practice there for well over ten years he can make a professional assessment.

For more than an hour spent in consultation with the aforementioned family, a fully grown sow stood outside beneath an elder tree, rubbing itself, to its great delight, continually on a heavy overhanging branch.

The author commented on it to his patients, saying, “Do you see that pig there? All the irritants and inflammatory substances which are forcing the pig to scratch itself are consumed by you when you eat pork. These substances called histamine compounds are the cause of all the diseases I’ve come here to see and treat you for.”

It has become obvious that although pork is apparently more inexpensive than perhaps other types of meat, it is by far the most expensive of meats. If one but looks at the many serious diseases which it causes and then considers the deaths due to these diseases, although not recognized as being connected with it (and to which no one gives even a thought), this fact becomes crystal clear. Even when viewed that, for example, an inflammation of the appendix, which is generally recognized too late, after a possible entrance of the vermiform process into the stomach (from eating fresh liver sausage, cold cuts etc.), and particularly in case the damage caused by the diseases, and the treatment given through highly potent therapeutics, or even the premature invalidism due to these factors, pork will certainly not be a less expensive meat, but the most expensive one.

From a commercial point of view, a strict prohibition on pork consumption for everyone is not only justifiable, but due to even the financial straits which the health service is experiencing is equally unavoidable.

However, the beneficial results of such a reasonable measure would not have an immediate, but gradual effect, just as the prohibition decreed by Mohammed in the verses of the Koran on pork consumption did not have an immediate effect, but over the centuries has been noted.

Furthermore, the ban on pork imposed by Moses on the Jews has given them a constitutional quality, with the result that they, as the “chosen people” have accomplished important cultural and industrial achievements.

It is interesting to note that the peasant family in the Black Forest as well as several other peasant families both large and small in that area have, in due course, heeded the advice I gave them. Not only do they no longer eat pork, but, in fact, have sold their pigs and have replaced them with sheep, as in Islamic countries.

In other parts of the world, man can expect a biological life of up to 150 years. Areas in Caucasus and in Turkey, where no pork is eaten, as well as in other Islamic countries where the climate is not so severe, contain people whose ages are between 130 and 150 years. They are in the best of health and still active (for example, the Hunsa).

There are apparently serious problems in the processing of the basic meats because of variations in quality.

Numerous variations are seen particularly in the meat of pigs, which, in order to increase the fattening and

especially the flesh (at the expense of the fat), methods of breeding introduced in the last few years, cause much less resistance and tendency to stress.

And so it must be estimated that throughout the country, of all the pigs slaughtered in Germany about 20% have pale watery flesh (PW) and about 5% have dark viscous flesh (DV).

Both have the same biochemical cause and are the result of a changed pH factor. This is of considerable importance in the quality of fles1h, as main areas of meat processing are dependent on the pH, for example the water linkage (absorption of salt, formation of color), taste and preservation.

Biochemical processes which take place within the first twenty-four (24) hours after slaughtering determine the acidity of the muscular flesh. In the event of stress before slaughtering, which nearly always is to be expected (due to transportation etc.), enormous amounts of adenosine triphosphate and glycogen are quickly catabolized inside the muscular tissue of sensitive animals. It is to be assumed that the lactic acid in PWanimals passes from the cells of the muscles into the blood stream before slaughter, resulting in a higher pH factor of the meat.

However, in the DV-animals, the lactic acid remains in the flesh and so, the pH is lower (i.e., acidification). Normally, the pH at the moment of death reaches about 7.2, while some six to ten hours afterwards, a final pH of 5.4 to 5.8 is found.

With beef, after 12 to 24 hours, the pH reads between 5.3 and 5.7. With DVmeat the pH falls because of a precipitate glycolysis within an hour on the level mentioned above. The flesh therefore shows poor water-binding properties, and also, because of the watery surface, a pale color.

This change in color is, however, purely optical since the color of the muscles has not diminished.

On the other hand, the glycolysis in conjunction with the production of acid in the case of PW-flesh, is so delayed that the final pH seldom falls below 6.2. Thus, the quality of the meat is considerably reduced. In a cut, it is dry, “flat,” glutinous, dark red and has an above average ability to combine with water.

It is therefore a question of pork not being matured or not sufficiently matured which cannot be used for raw sausages and ham, but strictly for cooked sausages, boiled ham and grilled meat. With this PW-meat, pickled and boiled products are more tender and juicy. Furthermore with PW-meat, less salt is absorbed in pickling and the usual acidic smell and taste found in normal mature flesh is lacking, however, it cannot be preserved as long, and in the case of prepacked products, evidence of putrefaction often occurs. This represents a serious threat to health due to the high count of bacteria present.

However interesting and important this research on meat might be, unfortunately, as it is the case with the calculation of calories, it comes under the heading of chemical-physical technology. The actual pathogenetic consequences and those dependent upon

molecular-biological displacements of the constituents and their incorporation into the human organism have as yet not been properly discussed, whereby purely economic considerations, such as feeding the nation, subsidies and others can also bear responsibility.

Catering in Canteens and Restaurants

In particular, it is a heavy burden for restaurant owners, cooks and catering services to bear, but if en masse, these people would withdraw from the use of pork in their business, everyone would benefit.

Furthermore, kitchens in restaurants, should be advised to eliminate all forms of pork as well as such dishes as ham and beans, ham and peas, ham and carrots, etc., chicken wrapped in bacon, slices of fried sausage and the use of inexpensive lard (which usually contains large quantities of pork fat), since the really wholesome food is characterized by the absence of pork.

Many restaurant-owners and chefs believe that by adding bacon, ham or sausage, etc., they make their dishes more tasty. This false estimation is often paid for by the loss of their “cuisine renommée.” Customers do not, in the end, eat where a so-called “grub” is being offered since every dish tastes more or less alike due to the pork which is included. They rather look for restaurants of quality, one in which the food is served in the pure, clean form, as stated on the menu, without any additions of pork.

“Guests do not demand pork over and over again”: this may once have been true of an ignorant mass, but fortunately cannot be considered true today. Soon, those foolish eaters of anything and everything will pay the price with their own pork-induced ill health. Once these people understand why they will no longer eat in restaurants which adhere to the use of pork, but on the whole will try to get used to new and more healthy diets.

General and Medical Information

But any thinking person who reads his newspapers intelligently forms a picture — before it is too late — of the actual dangers of pork. Many assume that “a little can’t do any harm,” which proves wrong. If one has been keeping strictly off pork for weeks or months, then eating only a very small amount will possibly act “like a poison” which will soon make itself evident in the weaker spots of the constitution (Loci minoris resistentiae). This once happened to the author himself several years ago.

Since the student, later on the doctor, will not learn anything either from his studies at the university or in his clinical work in hospitals about the stress factors of pork, other than its uncomparably high calorie content, there are only few competent doctors who can give accurate information about this diet problem.

Furthermore, anyone who is not familiar with homotoxicology and the fine differentiation in the phase change which can be observed after consumption of pork and does not know how to record it (i.e., the formation of abscesses after the implantation of live cells when pork, bacon, ham, sausages, etc. are eaten) will probably become conscious of the actual biological significance later in life, as well as those dangers associated with eating pork in any form. When finally the homotoxicologically recognized connection between consumption of pork and illnesses are realized this will all be brought home to him.

Consequences and Recommendations

This does not represent a new theory about the injurious effects of pork consumption, but only states those which stem from the laws of Moses and Mohammed as well as the unusual results of observations of patients, the author’s own family and even himself. From these it had to be conceded that the ever increasing number of illnesses due to the consumption of pork in many ways correspond to the religious instructions given to the Jews arid to the Islamic population and are absolutely justified. Even without the risk of trichinosis, which can also affect bears, rats, mice, dogs, wolves and other animals, the stress factors found in pork alone are enough to fully justify these ideas.

Fortunately, quality restaurants are to be found in every town whose pure food (i.e., without the addition of pork) is prepared in a natural way and where, for example, cheese dishes are not ruined by adding ham.

Restaurant owners would soon see a marked difference in their profits if patrons avoided their establishments after having an especially well recommended meal which in some way contained pork and were to realize their suffering from biliary gallstones, inflammations of the appendix, inevitable gain in weight, high blood pressure, fatty degeneration of the liver, or other dreaded diseases, particularly arthritis and arthrosis, was a direct result of pork consumption.

Hopefully this paper will help all those who have not yet become aware of the dangers of eating pork to change their dietary habits to exclude pork; it would be a great accomplishment. This does not mean a diet which is monotonous, but to the contrary can be one that is both pleasantly varied and one that meets the biological requirements, this will result in a diminished yearning for fats as well as a positive effect on one’s general health which can be enjoyed for many years.

As a result of investigations, this firm advice should be given to patients:

Always avoid eating pork even in the smallest amount. If you have avoided eating pork for a few weeks, then occasional pork consumption of small amounts will produce an immediate increase in the defense system of the body which will appear as itching, inflammation or pains in weakened points of the body, disorders of the gall bladder (colics), inflammation of the appendix, rheumatic pains, etc. There may also be other inflammations or prewarning signs such as tiredness, as well as a deterioration of eczema, irritation and dermatitis. All of these are symptoms caused by the poisonous nature of pork.

In any event, many illnesses and the unhappiness they bring to you and your family can be avoided, providing you eliminate all forms of pork, and only buy sausages and meats that are absolutely pork-free.

Once you have kept a strict adherence to a pork free diet, you will begin to recognize when you have eaten food, which unknown to you, actually contained pork; simply due to the effect it has upon your own health.

It should always be remembered that the whole pig consists of low grade material, fat, mucous, irritants, ichorous and other substances which will cause inflammation as well as dangerous hormones which when eaten and absorbed by the human intestinal tract decompose into ichor.

Therefore, the only way to prevent ichorous illnesses is, to advise your patients of keeping a strict ban on all types of pork. Beef, veal, mutton, fowl and venison can be eaten without hesitation. Rabbit and hare should also be avoided.

Prove to yourself that this information is genuine by abstaining from pork consumption. Be critical with yourself and reject all arguments. This abstinence in addition to biological and homeopathic treatment and natural methods, such as compresses, hydrotherapy, etc. will soon render improved health for yourself and all the members of your family. Disorders arising from the unintentional consumption of pork will be quick to heal through these natural processes as they allow the actual detoxication and removal of all the poisons and stress factors in pork.

Healing, according to homotoxicology, means becoming free of toxins and toxin-damages.

Health, according to homotoxicology, means being free of toxins and toxindamages.

These fundamental, time-honored principles based on the laws of nature call for a strict ban on eating pork by all people. These laws have been firmly established in the Jewish and Islamic religions and are necessary in the civilized Western world, not least to avoid enormous health-care expenses.


Pork must be recognized as a primary factor contributing to disease!

The poisonous substances contained in pork, called sutoxins, cause most of the illnesses which are chronic and difficult to treat. According to Reckeweg’s homotoxicology, these specific stress substances are found to be intercellular, that is,

  1. as cholesterol-loaded macromolecules in the blood in cases of hypertonia, arteriosclerosis. plethora and in the walls of the cancer cells (so-called neoplasma phases);
  2. as histamine and as imidazole bodies in cases of urticaria, herpes, dermatitis, eczema (causing itching), initiating inflammatory processes with furuncles, carbuncles, fluor albus, appendicitis, cholangitis, cholecystitiS, thrombophlebitiS and phlegmonS;
  3. as growth hormone in promoting inflammatory and growth tendencies in cases of adipositas, acromegaly, neoplasma phases and hyperplasia;
  4. as fatty acids in cases of hypotonia, polycythemia;
  5. as mesenchymal, mucous substances rich in sulfur (amino sugars, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and others) in cases of myogelosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis;
  6. as oncogenic agent;
  7. as influenza virus.

Hence, the pathological symptoms referred to, can be completely cured through biological treatment only, provided that a total abstinence from pork is observed.

For more information:

God’s Food Laws in Today’s World, by Ted Walther

The Food Laws of the Bible

An address delivered at the Arizona Convention of the National Health Federation by Pastor Emry

Did God Cleanse Unclean Animals or Unclean Men?

Health Aspects of the Consumption of Pigmeat (PORK), by Prof. Dr. M. Abdussalam

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Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40) This document is provided for reference purposes only. Statements in this document do not reflect the opinions of Reactor Core staff or the owner. If you find ought to disagree with, that is as it ought be. Train your mind to test every thought, ideology, train of reasoning, and claim to truth. There is no justice when even a single voice goes unheard. (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1-3, John 14:26, John 16:26, Revelation 12:10, Proverbs 14:15, Proverbs 18:13)

Glory to God, Ad Dei Gloriam

Reptilian Agenda Website

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

the water below

Genesis & History of the Cosmic Conflict

archived 10-20-99
Archive file# r102099e
donated by James Vandale

Genesis & History of the Cosmic Conflict

archived 10-20-99
Archive file# r102099e
donated by James Vandale

Genesis & History of the Cosmic Conflict

“This letter is in reply to your January 31 letter. Please forgive me for not answering sooner. Enclosed is some material I hope that you can glean something of value (from). Please be as candid as you have been in the past and if I am far off base don’t hesitate to tell me… “Our foundation has located a vast system of underground passages in the Mother Lode country of California. They were first discovered in 1936, ignored by all even with our best efforts to reveal them. Recently a road crew blasted out an opening verifying our claims. ONE (of the chambers is) 200 feet long, 70 feet wide and 50 feet high. We have disclosed what we believe to be a vast subterranean drainage system (probably traversing the Great American Desert country for a distance of more than 600 miles).

We believe this system extends out like five fingers of your hand to such landmarks as Zion Canyon in Utah, the Grand Canyon, another runs south from the Carson Sink in Nevada and yet another follows (below) the western slope of the same range, joining it’s counterpart and ending somewhere in the Mojave Desert. We believe, contrary to orthodox geologists, that the existence of this underground system drains all surface waters running into Nevada (none, with the exception of the Armagosa runs out) and accounts for the fact that it is a Great American Desert. The hairy creatures that you have written about have been seen in several of these areas.

Certainly there has been much ‘saucer’ activity in these parts. For two years I have collected material pertinent to these creatures and if you have any opinions along these lines I would appreciate hearing them. “So much for now. I hope that I am still your friend. Much of my time has been devoted (to) helping a farmer near Portland who has made a fantastic discovery of incredible stone artifacts. He has several tons of them. They predate anything yet found (or accepted), let us say that for now. We are making slow but steady progress in getting through the wall of orthodoxy. – Chuck Edwards.”

Several years ago, subsurface researcher Richard Toronto reprinted a news article in his SHAVERTRON newsletter describing a Municipal Water Director in Los Angeles. This official talked with a man who said that he was hired by the government to look for underground water sources for Camp Irwin in California. At one point the man and a partner came across an abandoned mine and decided to follow it to the bottom. Near the bottom he was surprised to discover an ancient earth-fault which was wide enough for him and his companion to enter. They traversed this fault for a good distance until they finally emerged into a huge river-cavern.

To his surprise he saw before him a crystal pure underground river over a quarter of a mile wide which flowed through the passage and out of sight. Since learning of this incident the Municipal Water Director claims to have ‘discovered’ at least five similar underground rivers. Some of these have allegedly been die-traced and were found to emerge from the continental slope below the surface of the oceans, and at least one of them into the Gulf of California. This might confirm the allegations made by one anonymous retired Navy officer that the Navy has knowledge of a VAST system or labyrinth of aqua-caverns which meander beneath the surface of California and even into other western states, and that these watery labyrinths exit out into the oceans via huge entrances in the lower walls of the Continental Slope.

One of the more extravagant claims is that some of these aqua-caverns are so large that they can be navigated by submarine, and that one nuclear submarine on a secret mapping mission in fact became lost within the maze and was never heard from again. Two American nuclear submarines have disappeared without explanation in the past, the U.S.S. SCORPION and the U.S.S. THRESHER. It is true that one woman who claimed to have had a very strong emotional bond with her husband who worked on the Thresher, insisted at the time that she just ‘knew’ that her husband was still alive after the ‘disaster’. She said that she and her husband had such a spiritual-emotional connection that they always knew when the other was in trouble (For information on the Navy’s investigations of the aqua-labyrinths via nuclear subs, etc., see: ‘CALIFORNIA FLOATS ON OCEAN?’; article in the March, 1980 issue of John J. Williams’ “REBEL MAGAZINE”, which at the time was available from: Consumertronics Co., c/o John J. Williams. Pres., 2011 Crescent Dr., P.O. Drawer 537., Alamogordo, NM 88310).

The ‘Thresher’ incidentally ‘disappeared’ on April 10, 1963 with a crew of 129 men under the command of John W. Harvey, USN.) Researchers Will Carson and Jeannie Joy interviewed the woman mentioned above shortly after the disappearance. She said: “…My husband was on the submarine Thresher when it disappeared. I don’t consider myself a widow. I don’t believe my husband is dead. No, it’s not a matter of just not being able to believe it, to accept reality; I just can’t get over the conviction that he’s still alive somewhere. I love my husband very much. I know he loved — loves me. We were very close. We could always tell when something was wrong with each other. Intuition, I guess. I should have felt something the instant there was trouble, if he was really in serious trouble and knew it — a matter of life and death — but I didn’t.”

“What do you believe really happened?” Carson and Joy asked the attractive young woman. “Most people think I’m crazy when I say this, but I believe the Thresher was captured.” “By whom?” “I can’t say for sure, but there WAS a Russian submarine spotted near there that day (that is, near where it REPORTEDLY vanished 220 miles off Boston harbor) — only I can’t imagine how even the Russians could CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the slightest evidence!” John J. Williams’ source, the retired Navy officer (whose credentials Williams verified), stated that “an eccentric billionaire” (Howard Hughes!?) financed the false Thresher “recovery operation” to satisfy the public and the media. Still more revelations concerning the Mojave subnet can be found in Bourke Lee’s book ‘DEATH VALLEY MEN’ (MacMillan Co., N.Y. 1932). In his chapter: ‘Old Gold’, Lee describes a conversation which he had several years ago with a small group of Death Valley explorers.

The conversation had eventually turned to the subject of Paiute Indian legends. At one point two of the men, Jack and Bill, described their experience with an ‘underground city’ which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of an old mine shaft near Wingate Pass. They found themselves in a natural underground cavern which they claimed they followed for about 20 miles north into the heart of the Panamint Mountains. To their amazement, they claimed, they found themselves in an huge, ancient, underground cavern city. This account will be quoted later on, however in addition to this, Lee recorded yet another story of a Paiute Indian (not the same one referred to by Oga Make) who may have stumbled into the ‘deeper’ underground kingdom of the ancient race who built the city within the Panamints, a civilization that was still alive and thriving after thousands of years. During this lengthy conversation wherein they first revealed the secret of the underground city to Lee and others, the discussion turned to the topic of a Paiute Indian legend that they had heard which was remarkably similar to an ancient GRECIAN myth.

The Paiute legend concerned a tribal chief whose wife had died, and who according to the tradition took a spiritual journey to the underworld to find her, and upon returning with her he ‘looked back’ and since this was forbidden he was not allowed to bring his wife back with him from the dead. This legend would not be in the same vein as the more tangible story related earlier in the File, as told by the Navajo Oga-Make, concerning a Paiute chief who was allegedly PHYSICALLY taken into the underground cities of the Hav- musuvs deep below the Panamints. After this legend was referred to, the conversation turned to a discussion of an alleged subterranean race, who were believed to inhabit very deep caverns far below the Death Valley territory. Paiute legends of the ‘Hav-musuvs’ indicate that these ancient dwellers of the Panamints abandoned the ancient city within the mountain itself and migrated to still deeper and larger caverns below. Could the following story tie-in with the Paiute legends of the Hav-musuvs?

We will enter the conversation with the following discourse from Bourke Lee: “…The professor and Jack and Bill sat in the little canvas house in Emigrant Canyon and heard the legend all the way through. The professor said, ‘That story, in its essentials, is the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.’ “‘Yes,’ I said. ‘It’s also a Paiute legend. Some Indians told that legend to John Wesley Powell in the sixties.’ “‘That’s very interesting,’ said the professor. ‘It’s so close a parallel to Orpheus and Eurydice that the story might well have been lifted bodily from the Greeks.’ “Jack said, ‘I wouldn’t be surprised. I knew a Greek. I forgot his name, but he ran a restaurant in almost every mining town I ever was in. He was an extensive wanderer. The Greeks are great travelers.’ “Bill said, ‘They don’t mean restaurant Greeks. The Greeks they’re talking about have been dead for thousands of years.’ “‘What of it?’ asked Jack, ‘maybe the early Greeks was great travelers, too.’ “The professor said, ‘It’s very interesting.’ “‘Now! About that tunnel,’ said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a frown. ‘You said this Indian went through a tunnel into a strange country, didn’t you?’ “‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I think I called it a cave or a cavern, but I suppose a miner would call it a tunnel. Why?’ “‘Here’s a funny thing,’ said Bill. ‘This Indian trapper living right across the canyon has a story about a tunnel, an it’s not a thousand years old either. Tom Wilson told me that his grandfather went through this tunnel and disappeared. He was gone three years, an when he came back he said he’d been in a strange country livin among strange people. That tunnel is supposed to be somewhere in the Panamints not awful far from where we’re sitting. Now! What do you make of that?’ “Jack said, ‘I think Tom’s grandfather was an awful liar.’ “I said, ‘Tom’s grandfather lived when the Paiutes were keeping their tribal lore alive. He probably knew the old legend. Powell heard it in Nevada only sixty-five years ago.’ “‘It’s very interesting,’ said the professor. “‘I got an idea about it,’ said Bill, thoughtfully. ‘Tom’s grandfather might have wandered into some tunnel all goofy from chewing jimson weed and then come out an found some early whites an stayed with them. Tom told me that the people spoke a queer language and ate food that was new to his grandfather an wore leather clothes.

They had horses and they had gold. It might have been a party in Panamint Valley, or even early explorers or early settlers in Owens Valley. How about that?’ “Jack said, ‘Yeah. The Spaniards was in here, too. So it might have been Spaniards or the early Greeks. And, where is this tunnel? And why did Tom’s grandfather have trouble speaking the language? This is an entirely different story than the one Buck told. We are arriving at no place at all with these Indians and Greeks… To return for a moment to our discussion of geology, professor; have you been in Nevada much?’” From here the conversation took off in an entirely new direction… Not only human ‘UFOnauts’ have been encountered in the Mojave Desert region, but the so-called GRAYS as well. Is it possible that the GRAYS had their genesis on planet earth thousands of years ago the ‘Nordics’ apparently did?

This is the opinion of researcher Brad Steiger who is convinced that the GRAYS are actually descended from a mutation of the saurian race which mysteriously ‘disappeared’ from the earth, therefore giving rise to the theory that they became ‘extinct’ in spite of the fact that other saurians like the crocodiles, alligators and iguanas continued to survive. In 1967, UFO researcher Brad Steiger co-authored (with Joan Whritenour – later Joan O’Connell) a book titled: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE.

Regarding the intentions of many of the occupants behind the phenomena, Steiger and Whritenour stated: “…Certain saucer cultists, who have been expecting space brethren to bring along some pie in the sky, continue to deliver saucer-inspired sermons on the theme that the saucers come to bring starry salvation to a troubled world. The self-appointed ministers who preach this extraordinary brand of evangelism ignore the fact that not ALL ‘saucers’ can be considered friendly. Many give evidence of hostile actions. There is a wealth of well-documented evidence that UFO’s have been responsible for murders, assaults, burning by direct-ray focus, radiation sickness, kidnappings, pursuits of automobiles, attacks on homes, disruption of power sources, paralysis, mysterious cremations, and destructions of aircraft. Dozens of reputable eye-witnesses claim to have seen alien personnel loading their space vehicles with specimens from earth, including animals, soil and rocks, water, and struggling human beings.”

Steiger (who also authored the books: FLYING SAUCER INVASION – TARGET EARTH, and THE FLYING SAUCER MENACE, as well as several others) also believed that the entities most often encountered are not only hostile, as indicated by the above quote, but non-human and in fact REPTILIAN or SAURIAN in nature. In relation to this, there is the following statement which was recently made by Steiger in his popular video film “THE TRUTH ABOUT UFO’S”. Steiger has, to some extent (in his video) “changed his tune” concerning the nature of these reptilian beings – supposing now that they aren’t as evil as he made them out to be in earlier years. However, the facts just don’t support this conclusion, and the only explanation which we can offer to this change of attitude would be the fact (as mentioned by a number of sources) that these creatures have the ability to manipulate from a distance the minds, emotions and spirits of humans through occult-technological or psycho- supernatural means, and that they would undoubtedly use this power to de-sensitize humanity to their actual nature.

It may also be that Steiger succumbed to the pressure of the many New Age “Aquarians” with whom he interacts, who trust in “channeled” revelations which usually portray the Grays as benevolent “space- brothers” who are here to help establish a quantum evolutionary transformation and cosmic initiation into the fourth dimension of universal New Age god-consciousness, whatever that means. Certainly, if the true nature of the serpent races were widely known, their operations and even their very existence might be threatened. There are some who believe that the many movies, animated programs, etc., which depict reptilian-like ‘alien’ beings in a ‘benevolent’ fashion – are de-sensitizing America’s young people away from their natural enmity toward these ancient, though elusive, enemies of mankind.

Steiger, who is considered one of the foremost writers on UFO’s and related subjects, said the following: “In the late 1960′s I presented my hypothesis that the reason why the most frequently reported UFOnauts resemble REPTILIAN or AMPHIBIAN humanoids may be because that is exactly what they are, highly evolved members of a serpentine or semi-aquatic species. A provocative theory is that the dinosaurs didn’t really vanish, they ‘evolved’ into a humanoid creature that eventually ran it’s course, or was destroyed in an Atlantis-type catastrophe (i.e. such as the Great Deluge. Although Steiger and others may hold to an ‘evolutionary’ hypothesis, this may not necessarily be the case, especially when the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and the laws of entropy are brought to bear. Instead of ‘evolving’ from a far less complex form, it is in fact far more likely that the serpent race MUTATED via natural selection, environmental adaptation, survival of the fittest and most intelligent, and so on, into it’s various known and unknown branches, from a complex single species which originally inhabited the earth in ancient times. There is a BIG difference between the scientific fact of LATERAL MUTATION and the Darwinian theory of ASCENDING EVOLUTION – Branton).

“…I had developed this hypothesis considerably,” Steiger continues, “…so I was delighted when I received word that Dale Russell and Ron Seguen of Canada’s ‘National Museum of Natural Sciences’ of Ottawa, had fashioned a model of a humanoid dinosaur using Stenonychosaurus and Equallus as their inspiration. Stenonychosaurus, according to Russell, had a rather large brain and eyes with over-lapping visual fields.

The 90 pound dinosaur also walked on two legs, and it appears to have had a particularly OPPOSABLE THUMB on it’s three-clawed hand. The result of such scientific speculation was an astonishingly human-like creature that Russell terms a ‘Dinosauroid’. The creature stands four-and-a-half feet tall, has a large, domed head, green skin, and yellow reptilian eyes. It should probably have had ears, Russell conceded, but the effect would have made it appear too human. As it is, the dinosaur on display at Canada’s ‘National Museum of Natural Sciences’ almost EXACTLY fits the descriptions of UFOnauts provided by THOUSANDS of men and women throughout the planet who have reported close encounters…”

In his book ‘THE UFO ABDUCTORS’ (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.), pp 5-6, Steiger adds: “In the greatest number of alien encounters, the UFOnauts were described as standing about five feet tall and dressed in one-piece, tight-fitting jumpsuits. Their skin was gray, or grayish-green, and hairless. Their faces were dominated by large eyes, VERY OFTEN WITH SNAKELIKE, SLIT PUPILS. They had no discernible lips, just straight lines for mouths. They seldom were described as having noses, just little snubs if at all; but usually the witnesses saw only nostrils nearly flush against the smooth face. Sometimes a percipient mentioned pointed ears but on many occasions commented on the absence of noticeable ears on the large, round head. And, REPEATEDLY, WITNESSES DESCRIBED AN INSIGNIA OF A FLYING SERPENT ON A SHOULDER PATCH, A BADGE, A MEDALLION, OR A HELMET.”

The annual “NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL” for Summer, 1989 confirmed Mr. Steiger’s claims by re-printing a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California newspaper. The article stated: “Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times). “Russell calls his imaginary creature a ‘Dinosauroid’ which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands… ”

The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe — just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet.” This is one possibility which was given in the article. According to certain sources the ‘winged serpent’ that is emblemed on the ‘alien’ uniforms represents another reptilian mutation which is near the very top of the alien or reptilian hierarchy, entities which have been referred as the pterodactoids, the mothmen, or the winged draco.

These have allegedly been seen on rare occasions and have even been the subject of an entire book by UFO researcher John A. Keel. Further confirmation comes from the 4-part documentary ‘DINOSAUR’, hosted by Walter Cronkite. This program also described the possibility that certain groups of ancient saurians may have developed or mutated into hominoid sauroids. David Norman, in a review of the series, stated: “…The series finishes with an unusual flourish. In 1982 Dr. Dale Russel of the Royal Museum of Canada, Ottawa indulged in a half-serious thought experiment. He had described a small, HIGHLY PREDATORY, nimble troodont dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous, STENONYCHOSAURUS, which had AN UNUSUALLY LARGE BRAIN, large stereoscopic eyes, and grasping hands. He speculated about what might have happened to such dinosaurs if they had not become extinct. His answer was the ‘dinosauroid’ – a three-clawed, three-toed, large-brained, UPRIGHT, and TAILLESS dinosaur.”

Norman also described the almost human-like quality of the hand of one particular saurian branch, the Iquanodon: “…The flexible fifth finger moves a bit like a human thumb for grasping objects, while the middle three fingers are capable of little flexure. The large, stiletto-like thumb spike of Iguanodon would have been a devastating weapon. The sharp spike, coupled with the strength of the forelimb, could have punctured the toughest skin.” It is possible that if such a highly intelligent yet (according to many accounts) extremely insidious and predatory ‘race’ does in fact exist, then it might NOT have ‘mutated’ far from it’s original form as it is ‘pictured’ — although in a rather obscure fashion — in the 3rd chapter of Genesis.

{continued} - Go to Part 2

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Jewish wrongs

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Jewish wrongs

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The following article was written by former NSA intelligence analyst and Independent Israeli press correspondent, Bruce Brill, and published in an English language journal in Israel in the fall of 1998.  His article was again published in Michael Rood’s Astronomically Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar in the spring of 1999.  The article caused quite a stir in Jerusalem, and the following fall both Rood and Brill were invited to attend the annual meeting of the Israeli New Moon Society.  At that meeting, Michael was advised to immediately contact Karaite scholar, Nehemia Gordon so that his current aviv observations could be incorporated into Rood’s published astronomically corrected calendar.

The orthodox rabbinic scholars of the Israeli New Moon Society recognized the work of Gordon in re-establishing the correct interpretation of the ancient Hebrew agricultural term aviv, and they clearly understood the necessity of restoring the sighting and verification criterion for the new moon.  Within two years of that conference which combined the research efforts of Rood, Gordon, and Biblical Astronomer Robert Scott Wadsworth, the rabbinic scholars were satisfied that the Scriptural parameters of the ancient Temple calendar had been accurately restored.  The rabbis also clearly stated that the Creator’s observed calendar would not be re-instated until a Sanhedrin officially changed the calendar back to its original reckoning before the Tiberius calendar council of 359 C.E. instituted the modern Jewish calculated calendar.

The Maiden Moon
By Bruce Brill

The Talmud states that new moon witnesses can profane the Sabbath to report their sightings.  Given that it is permissible in Jewish Law to profane the Sabbath only for the most exceptional reasons, the importance attributed to setting the Holy Days by the new moon sightings is noteworthy.

The Mishnaic stipulations on a new moon witness were detailed and rigorous.  The sighted new moon fixed the month’s start, which in turn set the Hebrew Holy Days.  Once the Sanhedrin certified the sightings, the news was communicated to far-flung Jewish communities throughout Israel and beyond.

The system of sighting, certifying and signaling continued for hundreds of years.  After the Jewish revolts against Rome, most Jews were dispersed from Judea.  By the middle of the fourth century the entire system of sighting, certifying, and signaling new moons and months in what the Romans had renamed “Palestine”, was in dissolution.  A calendar for fixing our months became essential.

The modern Jewish calendar was established by Hillel the Second in the middle of the fourth century.  Yet, the two reasons for its introduction are no longer relevant.  Today, there are both enough Jews residing in and around Jerusalem to sight new moons, and ample means to communicate the sightings.  NASA claims to have improved on the amazingly precise lunar cycle of 29.53059 days used in the Jewish calendar.  And even though the monthly moon cycle varies by as much as +/- 0.7 days per lunar cycle, it has never been adjusted.

There is yet another, more compelling reason to return to the ancient reckoning.  The same reason that allowed profaning the Sabbath: the gravity of celebrating the Holy Days on the celestially correct day.  The framers of the calendar were eminently aware of this.  That is why Diaspora Jews celebrate two days for the major Holy Days.  It is also the reason that Yom Teruah, even in Israel, is a two-day festival.

Ironically, according to this writer’s actual new moon sightings for the past almost-five years from the environs of Jerusalem, much of the time both days of the two-day holidays are incorrect.  Could it be that the Jewish people have been celebrating their Feasts and Fasts on the wrong days?  Could it be that this year, for instance, Yom Kippur was not on the day fixed by the Jewish calendar, but two days afterwards, according to the new moon appearance?

The new moon rarely appears before the calendar claims it is due, but it usually appears one or two days after the calendar’s assertion.  Before the calculated calendar of Hillel, the Jewish month was always set with the unmistakable first appearance of the new moon.  Why not celebrate the Feasts at the celestially correct time as opposed to an incorrect calendar?

My personal sightings have been confirmed by other independent new moon watchers.  Yet, before the advent of modern super-computers, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prove with absolute scientific certainty that my personal sightings were correct.

Just this year, an American team, including astronomer Robert Scott Wadsworth, has published a calendar of the projected monthly new moon appearances from Jerusalem.  The team’s Michael Rood arrived in Israel recently with the express purpose of finding moon watchers to confirm his team’s exciting findings.  His data from the Jewish New Year and this writer’s sighting agree, so far.  If Rood’s data scientifically confirms my nearly five-year’s of observation, then the Jewish people are out of synch.  Further, if this is true, then instead of a calendar on the wall, we should be looking for the forlorn maiden moon each month in the twilight of the western horizon…

Bruce Brill
Independent Press Correspondent
Tekoa, Israel

Our thanks to Levite Bruce Brill who offered his plot of land in Tekoa, the ancient village of Amos the prophet and herdsman, to plant the first field of barley in two millennium for the express purpose of determining the month of the aviv.  Along with the sweat and blisters of tilling and dunging the soil, came the satisfaction of engaging in Levitical duties that were left behind with the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple nearly 2,000 years ago.  Restoring the calendar has been decades in development, and with the learning process comes the shedding of traditions, theories, and concepts that had to be buried under the realities discovered while putting many hypothesis to the test in the land of Israel.

Over thirty years ago, Michael Rood began the adventure of establishing the chronological order of the Gospel records and synchronizing them with secular history as well as astronomical proofs established in antiquity.  The restoration of the Creator’s calendar was absolutely essential in understanding these mathematical proofs.  But, more than just math and ancient Israelite history, the restoration of the Creator’s calendar allows us all to enjoy the cycle of life now, the way our Creator intended.  We need no longer be ignorant of His Times and His Seasons.  The fall Feasts of the LORD will be fulfilled by Yahshua to the very day, hour, and moment of their prescribed rehearsal – and the fulfillment will be executed according to His calendar and on His time clock.  The Day of the LORD need not come upon His servants as a thief in the night, if we walk in His light.  Some love darkness rather than light.

Related Articles:
The Creator’s Calendar Controversy
Fallen Angels
The Great Debate
Come, Join the Dance
Month of the Aviv
Barley NOT Aviv


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009


THE mystery of the SECOND PASSOVER
The Second Passover is a little known feast of the Old Testament. It was
Implemented by Moses at the request of certain obedient Israelites who did
Not want to miss the important celebration of Passover itself. They had been
Ceremonially unclean at first Passover and inquired as to whether or not
They could still partake of the feast. The Biblical story occurs in Numbers
9:1-14 and should be read now. This passage contains important clues
Concerning who should partake of Second Passover today, namely those who
Understand that they ARE IN A FAR JOURNEY OR live in the perpetual state of
Being defiled by a dead body, by a carnal nature.

Passover itself is really the preeminent feast of those who seek to overcome
The feast prophesied the sacrifice and crucifixion of Yahweh-savior
Whereby His blood redeems Adam kind from the curse of death, allowing the
Angel of death to “pass over” us so that we can live in Yah’s presence. This
Is why yah commanded Israel in the days of Moses to place the blood of a
Lamb on their door posts and lintels. The Passover lambs were effective for
The forgiveness of sins and the passing over of the death angel because
Their blood represented the blood of the Lamb of el, Yahweh Himself.

Yet, there is an important mystery hidden in the Second Passover. That feast
Relates to prophetic truth beyond our spiritual redemption in Yahweh shua. I
Can only find one instance other than the one above in Numbers 9 of an
Observance of Second Passover in all of Scripture. This is the account of
Second Passover celebrated by King Hezekiah of Judah in 2 Chronicles 30. I
Urge you to read that entire chapter now and again when you finish this
Article because the whole passage deals with Hezekiah’s keeping of the
Second Passover and includes many important prophetic truths.
The Biblical account of Hezekiah in 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and Isaiah
Carries an Overcomer, or Sons of yah, theme.
The best place to gain an
Understanding of the Overcomers is in the second and third chapters of
Revelation in the letters to the seven churches. Clearly messiah wrote those
letters to Christians who were members of those churches. He makes it clear
Throughout these letters that only a small group of these congregations, a
Remnant,” would ever qualify as Overcomers and thus partake of the rule and
Reign of His coming Kingdom. Many of his parables in the Gospels include
This theme. The idea of an Overcomer as a specific type of believer is found
throughout Scripture, Old and New Testaments. I cannot dwell more upon this
idea here.

We see the Overcomer theme in the story of Hezekiah in quite a few verses.
First, Hezekiah was an obedient believer according to 2 Kings 18:3-6. Second
when Sennacherib, king of Assyria, threatens to destroy Hezekiah and all of
Judah, Hezekiah seeks Yahweh and He answers through His prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah brings a word to Hezekiah prophesying Sennacherib’s destruction. See
Isaiah 37:21-38. Part of this prophecy includes the following sign given to
(Isa 37:30-32 NKJV) {30} “This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this
year such as grows of itself, And the second year what springs from the same
Also in the third year sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the fruit of
them. {31} And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah Shall
again take root downward, And bear fruit upward. {32} For out of Jerusalem
shall go a remnant, And those who escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of
yahweh of hosts will do this.”

By comparing verse 30 above with Leviticus 25:11, we see that Yahweh here
gives Hezekiah a jubilee sign. Israel was to neither sow nor reap each
fiftieth year. The key aspect of the jubilee is found in Leviticus 25:13
where yah commands that in the 50th year “each of you shall return to his
possession.” In the natural this meant that no man could lose his land, or
real estate, forever. Prophetically, it means that mankind’s spiritual
possession, his glorified body, will be restored to him on some future
jubilee. Also, note the “remnant” theme here in Isaiah 37:31-32.
Now it so happened that Hezekiah almost died of an infectious boil just
after this mighty deliverance from the hand of Sennacherib. Isaiah tells the
king to prepare his house for he is going to die. Hezekiah prays for his
life, however, and Yahweh grants him an additional fifteen years. This is
interesting for many reasons. One is that it fits in with the sign given
above. Up to this time Hezekiah was childless. The line of David would
possibly have ended if Hezekiah had died from his boil. The sign above,
however, states that in the third year from the time of the prophecy,

Hezekiah should sow and reap. Well, he did exactly that. In the third year
thereafter his wife, Hephzibah, conceived. Hephzibah is a prophetic name we
also find in Isaiah 62:4 and speaks of the Bride of messiah. At the end of
this third year, his son, Manasseh, was born. Manasseh, of course, is the
name of Joseph’s son who, according to 1 Chronicles 5:1, received “the
birthright,” i.e. the Kingdom. The birth of Manasseh thus speaks of sonship
and the inheritance of the birthright. This relates to ruling and reigning
with yahweh in His Kingdom. Thus we see that the story of Hezekiah
prophetically speaks of the “Sons of yah,” the Overcomers. It concerns our
time today.
Now remember that it is Hezekiah who partakes of the second Passover and
that he is the only person ever mentioned by name as having celebrated this
feast. This uniquely relates the second Passover to the Overcomers. Also,
since Hezekiah deals with a jubilee theme, this means that the second
Passover also prophesies the glorification of the Sons of yahweh, that event
that we have come to call “the sons of the most high. melchizedek of the new

On the other hand, I see that Josiah, who faithfully kept the first Passover
in 2 Chronicles 35:1, represents a faithful, but late-blooming hebrew.
Notice that he is not even aware of yahs Law until the 18th year of his 31
year ministry as king. When he does find the Law he obeys, but by then
yahweh says that it is too late to avert His judgment upon his kingdom. I
believe the same thing applies to our day. Most Christians have still not
found yahweh’s Law. They misuse yahweh’s grace as a license to sin and call
any use of yah’s Law “legalism.” They write books that undermine yah’s Law
and  words. Christians’ repudiation of the words and law of the messiah have
led to the current “leavened” state of all the world, leavened by sin and
false doctrine. It is too late now to avert yah’s judgment upon this
Mystery Babylon,” mankind’s governments and institutions. The time is late.
A few saint’s, like Josiah did, are beginning to obey yahweh’s word. They
are finding His Law. But, according to Matthew 25 we know that at some point
there is no longer time to buy enough oil to qualify as a wise virgin and
enter the wedding feast. I think the 1st passover Josiah kept represents

We may already have entered this late time, but only yahweh  knows who
qualifies as a wise virgin and who does not. Josiah represents saints who
will not be counted as Overcomers, who will not receive their glorified
bodies at the second resurrection.  and will not be allowed to minister yah
s truth in their natural bodies in the Kingdom Age. They will not live, but
they will shall die. but to those that have solved the mystery of the second
passover is the promise given, Isaiah describes as follows:
(Isa 65:18-25 NKJV) {18} But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy. {19} I
will rejoice in Jerusalem, And joy in My people; The voice of weeping shall
no longer be heard in her, Nor the voice of crying. {20} “No more shall an
infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old man who has not fulfilled
his days; For the child shall die one hundred years old, But the sinner
being one hundred years old shall be accursed. {21} They shall build houses
and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. {22} They
shall not build and another inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat;
For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect
shall long enjoy the work of their hands. {23} They shall not labor in vain,
Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of
the blessed of the LORD, And their offspring with them. {24} “It shall come
to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still
speaking, I will hear. {25} The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The
lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent’s food. They
shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,” Says yahweh.

Josiah, like all blind Christians, partook of the first Passover, not the
second. This is the only recorded Passover observed by a king of Israel or
Judah. The first Passover, of which all believers partake, is the Passover
of spiritual death. this  represents our spiritual rebirth. The death angel
passes over us so that we do not die forever. In the natural, in Exodus, the
death angel passed over the first born who partook of the Passover. The
Egyptians did not partake of this Passover. Therefore, all of their
firstborn died.
The second Passover, however, prophesies a different type of “pass over.” It
is that represented by yahweh’s parable in Matthew 24:37-51. The
interpretation of the one taken and the one left really does not matter here
I have heard various speakers refer to one or the other, the one left or
the one taken, as referring to the chosen. The point is that at the second
Passover, the ones who are not Overcomers shall be passed over, in a seeming
reversal of the first Passover. The Overcomers, or first born of the Sons of
God will be chosen to rule and reign with yahweh messiah. “Many are called,
but few are chosen.” Thus the remnant, the Overcomers, the Sons of yah, the
first born, will partake of the second Passover in the sense that they will
be chosen as such at the time of the prophetic fulfillment of this feast.
There is one other interesting point related to the second Passover.

According to Leviticus 23:10-11 the priest was to wave a sheaf of the
firstfruits of harvest of barley unto yahweh. This occurred on the “morrow
after the Sabbath” during the “feast of unleavened bread” celebrated for
seven days after Passover. 2 Chronicles 30 makes it clear that the feast of
unleavened bread is also celebrated at Second Passover. Since the Jews
measure time in lunar months, it so happens that every few years a month has
to be added to the calendar to keep the months aligned with the seasons.
They use the degree of maturity of the barley crop to determine when to add
a month. If the barley will not be ripe for the Passover of the first month,
then a thirteenth month is added to the year. In essence, this pushes the
Passover off to the second month of the new year (although it actually
becomes the first month since a thirteenth month was added to the old year).
My point is that this practice becomes a type of celebrating the second
Passover and the reason for doing so is to ensure that the barley will be
ripe for the wave sheaf offering. A careful reading of Scripture shows that
barley is often associated with Overcomer themes, thus making barley itself
a type of the Overcomer. The prophetic fulfillment of the second Passover,
therefore, will occur when the barley is ripe, when the Overcomes will
receive their glorified bodies and begin to rule and reign with yahweh.

In John’s gospel, chapter 11, we find yahweh-shua’s arrival in Bethany, a
small village near Jerusalem, where he came to the sisters Mary and Martha
who are grieving the death of their brother Lazarus that took place four
days prior.  yahweh-shua had delayed his arrival in Bethany so that His
raising of Lazarus from the dead would serve to glorify him as yahweh and
reveal who He was. it would also serve to give the Jewish sandherdin high
court ruled by caiaphas the high priest and the scribes and the the elders
that were assembled in the temple a legal reason to delay killing the
messiah in the first passover because he touched the dead body of lazarus.
11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come

11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with
graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. yahweh-shua saith
unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
11:45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things
which yahweh-shua did, believed on him.
11:46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what
things yahweh-shua had done.
11:47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said,
What do we? for this man doeth many miracles.
11:48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans
shall come and take away both our place and nation.

they knew that a very large number of Isralites would be in Jerusalem for
the 1st passover feast. this was a perfect reason for the delay of killing
the messiah in the first passover,  the fear of the jewish high court to
kill him him in the presences of the large crouds would give them time for
the large crowds to disperse after the first passover. the large crowd would
have long returned to their homes after the first passover  and present the
jewish high court a chance to condeem the messiah as unclean and have him to
return in the  second passover so they could kill him in a much smaller
crowd.because the messiah had gained a lot of respect among the people
proving he was indeed the messiah. The time is now getting critical in
yahweh-shua’s ministry.

For three years he had taught yahweh’s purpose throughout the region of
Judea.  Though yahweh-shua’s ministry was centered around Capernaum in
galilee, yahweh-shua visited Jerusalem during all the commanded feasts.  His
close proximity with the Jewish leadership engendered conflict on each of
these visits as the messiah  taught a gospel of real truth and grace that
refuted the legalistic and condemning practice of the Jewish leaders.  These
leaders saw this self proclamied messiah as an uneducated cult leader who
was leading people away from the Jewish law and out from under their
authority.  They interpreted his theology as capital blasphemy worthy of
death.  Consequently, each time we see an encounter between the messiah and
the Jewish leadership we see such conflict, and each time the leadership
retreats into secret council’s and builds their capital case against Him
hoping to put him to death.

Chapter 12 of John finds  the messiah six days before the 1st passover still
in the home of his friend Lazarus, whom he raised from the dead four days
proir, with Mary, and Martha in Bethany.  he is making preparations for his
entrance into Jerusalem as He is prepearing to take part in another Passover
feast.  but as we shall see the sanherdin jews will use the factor of
numbers chapter nine as toucthing the dead to  judge him unclean by reason
of raising lazarus, and will require the messiah, alone with lazarus, and
all the disciples and those that touched lazarus to return to jerusalem 30
days later to keep the second passover!

John 12:1-2.
Then Jesus six days before the Passover the messiah came to Bethany, where
Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. 2There they
made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat
at the table with him.
The scripture does not record any of the conversations between the messiah
and Lazarus’ family in the days following the raising of Lazarus from the
dead, but one can only imagine the joy that was felt by Mary and Martha as
the grief of their brother’s death and the hopelessness of their future
instantly vanished at his resurrection.  As Mary and Martha saw their future
restored and were thinking about the things that they would do, Lazarus had
the unusual opportunity to do the same.  As each is sharing about their
future, the messiah knew clearly what the nature of His future on earth
would be:  He would be captured by the religious leadership that sought Him,
and he would suffer a tortuous death.  The range of emotions present at this
time would be extreme.

John 12:3.
Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed
the feet of  the messiah , and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house
was filled with the odor of the ointment.
Mary’s gesture of love is curious.  The imported oil that Mary used would
have cost about 300 denarii, about a year’s wages for an average workman.
Because of its value and small size, many kept such oils as an investment
that could be sold quickly when cash is needed.  As the messiah was reclined
at the table, in the manner of first-century custom, His feet would be quite
accessible.  Mary wanted to show her love and gratitude to him for His part
in the restoration of the life of her brother, so she took her vial of oil,
opened it, and anointed yahweh’s feet with it.  Foot washing was a common
practice in their culture, as people wore sandals as they traveled in the
dusty streets.  The lowest servant would draw the task of washing the feet
of guests.  Mary’s gesture goes far beyond even this ritual in its humility
and expression of love.  the messiah’s feet would have already have been
washed as He entered the home.
Now, Mary uses this every expensive oil to
cleanse His feet.  The aroma of the oil would fill the entire room, and all
who were present would witness this act of love and humility.
The oil that Mary applied to the messiah’s feet is also used to anoint the
body of one who had died as they prepare it for burial.  It is unclear if
Mary yet knew that the messiah was about to die, and within the context of
her witness of the raising of her brother, it is quite doubtful that the
idea entered her mind.  Mary would not have known the significance of her
anointing of the messiah in the context of His coming death on the tree of
Calvary.  Still, her expression of love was profoundly generous, and would
have been noticed by all who were in the house.

John 12:4-6.
Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should
betray him, 5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and
given to the poor? 6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but
because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.
Not everyone in the room was appreciative of Mary’s gesture.  the messiah
knew Judas’ nature, and his upcoming act of betrayal (John 6:70).  What
Judas lacked in an appreciation for human need he gained in his desire for
financial success.  His interest in things financial gained him the task of
holding and managing the treasury of yahweh-shua and the apostles.
close proximity to their money was a temptation that Judas was not wanton to
overcome:  he helped himself to the contents of the bag at his own pleasure.
This act characterized Judas as a thief.  Judas’ concern for the
expenditure of the oil was not related to its application to help the poor.
If the spikenard were to be sold, it would have added a year’s wages to his
moneybag, providing him with more funds from which to pilfer.
John 12:7-8.
Then said the messiah, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she
kept this. 8For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.
yahweh’s statement clearly delineates the contrast between Mary’s devotion
to the messiah and that of Judas.  yahweh-shua’s statement may have even
surprised Mary as He stated that what Mary had just done served a specific
purpose:  to prepare Him for His upcoming death.
There is little question
that with the tree of Calvary looming so near, yahweh’s mind was focused on
it.  As Mary anointed his feet He would have immediately recognized the
appropriateness of her act, and at this first opportunity to speak, he
shared this with others.  he was not making a disparaging statement about
the poor, but rather than pointing out to Judas that if he really wanted to
help the poor he could have been doing so at any time before, and will be
able to continue doing so for as long as he walks the earth.  Judas’ lack of
concern for the poor is clearly exposed.  yahweh-shua then reveals the
brevity of His own presence.  Though the poor will always be around, He will
not. he told the people in the room that He would be dying sooner than they.
Little did they understand at this point, that he was speaking of the
events that would take place soon, and little did Judas know that he would
survive little longer when the consequences of his greed and deceit would
devour him.

John 12:9-11.
Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not
for messiah’s sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had
raised from the dead. 10But the chief priests consulted that they might put
Lazarus also to death; 11Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went
away, and believed on yahweh.
The crowd that gathered at this time at this home in Bethany had come, not
only to see the messiah, but to see Lazarus.  People had heard and witnessed
yahweh-shua’s power to heal, and many came to meet and speak to Lazarus.
Even today, if one were to return from the dead as some claim to have done,
people will seek to learn through that experience and the survivor will be
afforded a lot of attention.  This further inflamed the crisis that was
brewing in the Jewish leadership.  They were witnessing more and more people
coming to the messiah and his ‘blasphemous” doctrine.
Before yahweh-shua
came they were the proud carriers of the faith and were in total control of
Jewish religion, culture, and teaching.  they were the center of their
religious universe.  yahweh-shua had severely eroded that position of power,
and this event in Bethany only served to turn more people away from them.
At the rate that they saw their influence eroding and it was only a matter
of time before they felt they would be completely overthrown.  Now they were
faced with this man, Lazarus, who was giving a powerful testimony in support
of the messiah, and he was bringing as many followers to yahweh. The
religious leaders realized that the only way to quiet Lazarus would be to
kill him, so they conspired amongst themselves as to how they would go about
it.  One can only imagine the conversation among these religious leaders as
they tried to figure out how to kill someone who had already died once
before!  Surely, yahweh-shua would just raise him from the dead again.
Certainly, they faced a most unusual dilemma, one for which they would
shortly find a solution.
John 12:12-13.

On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard
that the messiah was coming to Jerusalem, 13Took branches of palm trees, and
went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel
that cometh in the name of  Yahweh.
As he entered Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover, he was accompanied by
a large crowd that was made up of two groups.  When we observe the record
made by the writers of the other three gospels (Matt 21, Mark 11, Luke 19),
we find that one group were those Jews who had made the pilgrimage to
Jerusalem to observe the Passover.  Travel was difficult in the first
century, so typically, most of the people who came would have originated
from the nearby region, including Capernaum where the messiah had spent the
large part of his three-year ministry.  These would have previously heard of
the messiah, and many would respond positively to the knowledge of his
presence among them.  The larger group that honored yahweh-shua at the gate,
however, was that which came with him from Bethany, the group that had
either witnessed the raising of Lazarus, or those who joined shortly
thereafter.  Consequently, the praise that was afforded to the messiah did
not start at the gates of Jerusalem, but rather at the grave of Lazarus.
One can envision the town of Bethany emptying out to accompany the messiah
and Lazarus to the City of Jerusalem.  Nothing like this had ever occurred
before, and the leaders of the City were well-aware of this dangerous

yahweh-shua’s  previous entrances to Jerusalem were wither quiet or almost
secretive because, as we find in previous chapters, yahweh-shua’s time had
not yet come.  However, in Bethany he stated that it was now His time, so
there was no such need for secrecy.  However, the riotous nature of the
crowd’s response at this point adds a new factor to the equation:  the power
of the Roman leadership.  Rome was successful in holding many lands far from
Rome due to the governmental structure that was in place.  Local communities
were allowed to rule themselves under Roman supervision as long as the taxes
were paid to Rome and the people were kept under control.   The presence of
so many Isralite’s in Jerusalem during the Passover had been considered
dangerous without this new controversy.  Because of this, all of the local
Roman leadership was in the city during the Passover, and the Roman guards
were on alert for any problems.  Therefore, when this crowd entered
Jerusalem with a controversial message, the the King of Israel (Psalm
118:25-26), is entering, the leadership that was responsible to Rome saw
their future to be bleak indeed.
The chant made by the people was clearly a
call for the Messiah.  They were shouting, “Hosanna”, which means literally,
“Save us!”  In order to keep their positions, the Jerusalem leadership, both
Jew and Roman, had to keep the peace, and now a crowd was advocating a new
King over Israel.  This situation was exceedingly dangerous.
John 12:14-19.
And yahweh-shua, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is
written, 15Fear not, daughter of Zion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on
an ass’s colt. 16These things understood not his disciples at the first: but
when he was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written
of him, and that they had done these things unto him. 17The people therefore
that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him
from the dead, bare record. 18For this cause the people also met him, for
that they heard that he had done this miracle. 19The Pharisees therefore
said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world
is gone after him.

The synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke provide more details
concerning the procurement and use of the donkey upon which the messiah rode
into Jerusalem.  First, this form of entry fulfilled the prophesy of
Zechariah 9:9.  A king who would come to power would enter the gates on a
horse, a “mighty steed,” and would be surrounded by his army.  Though we can
see parallels in this entry, the steed was a simple donkey, and because of
its youth, a small one at that.  The donkey was used by the poorest people,
and a horse by the richest.  messiah’s entrance on a donkey is an
illustration of his humble roots, and also serves to dissuade any thought
that His entrance is one that is militant in nature.  yahweh-shua’s army is
not bent on overtaking Jerusalem, it is simply focused on the person of
messiah as their king,

Yahweh-shua  attained that position with the people, not from military
junta, but by winning their hearts with his love and caring nature.  This
was not the type of King that was expected by the Jews.  Still, however,
this did not lessen the danger that the crowd presented to the religious
leaders.  For three years they had observed the growth of this self
proclaimed yahweh messiah’s following, and their inability to thwart it.
Verse 19 shows how they felt that in spite of all of their desires to stop
this movement, and against all of their efforts to take action against it,
they had gained nothing.  In their view they can see that the entire
community, the “world,” is going to follow this new messiah, and their
future is about to radically change, and in their opinion, it is certainly
not for the better.

Even as all of these events were transpiring, the disciples were so caught
up in them that they did not quite realize the significance of them at the
time.  Those who were most focused on the details of this event were those
who witnessed the raising of Lazarus, and they kept a detailed record of
these events.  It would be from this record that the disciples and others
would later realize that they had witness the fulfillment of prophesy.  At
the time, the disciples lacked the spiritual discernment that they would
attain after Pentecost when the record of all of these events would come
together in their memory to validate even more the nature, calling, and
purpose of this man who had said to them he was yahweh come in the flesh,
the Christ, the Messiah.  Through that record, their confidence and faith
would be affirmed all the more.

John 12:20-22.
And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the
feast: 21The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of
Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see the messiah. 22Philip
cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell yahweh-shua.
The group that entered with the messiah included many pilgrims, and
including among them were Greeks (or Gentiles), non-Jews who came to
Jerusalem to worship yahweh.  Their presence would only serve to inflame the
already dangerous situation since they held no allegiance to the religious
leadership of Jerusalem, or to anyone else for that matter.  Gentiles were
summarily rejected by the religious leaders and were forbidden from entering
the inner areas of the court because they were considered “unclean.”  The
riot in the temple that resulted in Paul’s imprisonment was started by the
rumor that he had taken a Gentile into the inner court.
The type of
leadership that the Gentiles saw in yahweh-shua was quite different.  the
messiah had took his message of grace to the greeks without hesitation.
After he healed the Gentile demoniac of Gadara, His message spread
throughout the Decapolis, the ten-city cluster that was East and Northwest
of the Sea of Galilee.  It is possible that some of these cities were
represented in this group.  These gentiles sought an audience with this
powerful man who call himself yahweh god of Israel, and rather than go to
Him directly, they went to Philip, who like a few other disciples, had a
Greek name.  Philip went to Andrew, another Greek-named hebrew, and together
they went to tell yahweh messiah of their request to see Him.

John 12:23.
And  messiah answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man
should be glorified.
It is not clear whether messiah’s response to the request for an audience
was directed to Philip and Andrew, or if the Greeks were also included.
However, his response is clearly directed to a Greek audience that had
heretofore been somewhat limited in their contact with the one who call
himself the god of Israel..  So, he gives to the Greeks a clear and unveiled
answer:  the time has now come that the Son of Man, referring to himself,
should be glorified, or lifted up.  he announced to the Gentiles that now
was the time for Him to fulfill His purpose, a purpose which involved
merging both Judah israel together under His kingship.  Unlike the rest of
the Jews who had rejected the Gentiles, messiah had never done so and in His
last statement to the Gentile community, He announces His purpose, and by so
doing, includes them in it.  Now the religious leadership find themselves up
against a following that not only includes the pilgrims and the village of
Bethany, but the Gentiles too!  To add insult to blasphemy, this so called
self proclaimed messiah is opening his fellowship to Gentiles!
When one
observes the dynamics of what is taking place at the gates of Jerusalem, it
is easy to see why the religious leadership worked so hard and so quickly to
diffuse this growing situation by killing this man from galilee.  At this
point, they would stop at nothing to quell the impending “disaster.”
John 12:24-26.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground
and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25He
that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this
world shall keep it unto life eternal. 26If any man serve me, let him follow
me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him
will my Father honor.

messiah repeats to the Gentiles a statement that he had repeatedly taught
the Jews.  It is recorded in Matthew (10:39) as spoken to the disciples, and
in Mark (8:36) to the disciples and a crowd, and in Luke (14:26) only
recently to a mixed audience,  When looked at within this context, we see
that yahweh-shua’s message of salvation is extended just as clearly and
openly to the Gentiles as it was to the Jews.   In explaining the teaching
to the Gentiles, he uses the metaphor of a seed of wheat.  As one witnesses
the life of living wheat, it grows and goes to seed.  However, it is at an
appropriate time that the wheat dies, and its seed falls to the ground.
However, this death is necessary so that the seed can be empowered.
dead seed will, at its appointed time, spring back to life, and bring forth
much more fruit.  the messiah’s death is like that of the wheat stalk.  It
is necessary for Him to die, so that through that death, fruition can be
found in new life that is afforded to Jews and Gentiles alike.  This cannot
take place without the atoning death of the king on the tree.
Consequently, as the messiah opens His arms to both Jews and Gentiles, all
must make a decision to follow Him or reject Him.  Verse 25 is very familiar
to many Christians.  Three different words for “life” are used here, and
understanding them might help us to appropriate a deeper knowledge of
messiah’s statement.  The first, psyche, from which English gets the word,
psychology,” refers to the individual’s personality and all that its
expression achieves.  To love one’s life is to place himself at the center
of his world, to make all of life’s priorities center around himself.  All
of the achievements of this life will be lost at death, and the person who
clings to this has no hope.

The second word for life is zoe, refers to the spiritual life that we
experience, and all that its expression achieves.  yahweh created adam in
His image, as beings who are not only physical and psychological, but also
spiritual.  It is this nature in adam that separates him from all of
creation.   We choose the foundation upon which we build our spirituality.
One can build it based upon the nature of this world, under the dominion of
Satan, or one can build it based upon the nature of yahweh.  The word that
is rendered, “hateth,” is a hate that results in rejection. Once we can
replace the word in the scripture and keep the meaning:  He who rejects the
Prince of this World shall overcome it, and be rewarded with eternal life.

Yahweh-shua then states that it is only through following Him that one can
make that distinction.  Following him is demonstrated by rejecting the
nature of this world and following Him as master.  Those who follow him do
so by submitting themselves to His kingship, and by so doing, become His
Servants.  It is these servants of messiah Christ that yahweh will honor on
the last day.
Again, it is very interesting to note that this last opportunity that the
messiah has to teach this truth is given to the Gentiles who asked for an
audience with Him.  Likewise, as yahweh revealed Himself to this lost and
wicked world, He did so first through the house of judah,  However, at the
appointed time,  he chose to extend his message of salvation to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel [gentiles] as well, and bring under His
kingship all jacob without regard to their worldly affiliation, as one body
of believers, under One Holy Spirit.

By including both Jew and Israel [Gentile] in His plan of salvation, yahweh
is, indeed, king of All.  There is no distinction in the mind of messiah
Christ when He lavishes His love upon us.  Likewise, those who number
themselves among His servants, should draw no distinctions when it comes to
inviting others to find the light and life of the gospel.  yahweh is king of
All, and it is the mission and ministry of the prophets to bring all of the
lost sheep back to Him.

the plot to kill him;
the new testement is clear that the messiah himself did not die in the first
passover but did in fact die on the second passover. now lets see if that is
so as we study the word of those that were present at the first passover, as
they plotted to kill him in the passover season.  THE Jews plot to Kill the
John 11:53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put
him to death.
26:1 And it came to pass, when Yahweh-shua had finished all these sayings,
he said unto his disciples,
26:2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son
of man is betrayed to be crucified.
26:3 Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the
elders of the people, unto the palace of the high priest, who was called
26:4 And consulted that they might take Yahweh-shua by subtilty, and kill

26:5 But they said,
Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the
Did you notice verse five ? “NOT ON THE FEAST DAY”   lest there be an uproar
among the people.!
Now let us see if they killed him on the first passover;
Matt; 26:17 Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples
came to Yahweh-shua , saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for
thee to eat the passover?
Here we can plainly see the messiah is still alive on the 15th the first day
of the feast of unleavened bread! If they had of killed him on the 1st
passover he would have died on the 14th day of the passover day at 3 PM!
Lets see what mark has to say on the subject;

14:1 After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread:
and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by
craft, and put him to death.
14:2 But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the
14:3 And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat
there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very
precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head.
Here we can plainly see mark also says he is alive,  ”But the Jews said,
Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people”
But of all things the messiah is sitting in the house eating with a leper! A
leper was unclean and if he was going to eat the passover he would of never
broken his own law to sit with the unclean or touch a dead body.
Mark 14-12,13
12 And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his
disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou
mayest eat the passover?
14:13 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye
into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water:
follow him.

Very clearly the messiah is alive after the first passover of the Jews, the
court brands him unclean and this will require the messiah to return to his
own city to purify himself in order to be ready for the second passover.
Lets see what city he returns too.
John 11:54 Yahweh-shua therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but
went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called
Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.
11:55 And the Jews’ passover [the second] was nigh at hand: and many went
out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves

11:56 Then sought they for Yahweh-shua, and spake among themselves, as they
stood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?
11:57 Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment,
that, if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take
and when the time came to return to Jerusalem to purify HIMSELF ALONG WITH
ALL THE OTHERS THAT WERE UNCLEAN the Jews sized upon the opportunity and
Apprehended and killed him on the 2ed passover of the unclean.

A “Bible Revelations” Presentation

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Name in the mountians

A “Bible Revelations” Presentation -

Created Nov. 2000,

updated  Dec.16, 2007

End-Time Joining together of the Two Houses of Israel

Behold! – the miraculous fulfillment of Prophecy before our eyes.
After 2700 years of lost Identity amongst the nations of the world,
the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, the ‘Skeleton’ of Ezekiel’s Prophecy -
is coming ALIVE!
Proof that we are standing at the dawn of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth!

This page will bring you the relevant Scriptural details and updated News and Reviews in

this amazing Drama of the fulfillment of Prophecy which is taking shape right before our eyes!

If the Return of Judah (the Jews) to their ancient Homeland was a Divine Miracle

(which is so violently being opposed in the Middle East today),  then the fulfillment of this

second and final leg of Prophecy, the awakening of what was assumed until now to be

“Gentile Israel”,  will be even more amazing!   Once again, in typical Divine style, this Miracle is

revealing itself in totally paradoxical style:

  • not according to the will or even the wants of man, but according to God’s Will;
  • not according to the way that Judah or awakening ‘Gentile Israel’ would have it;
  • and certainly not according to the opposing wishes and urges of the Gentile, non-Jewish
  • or anti-Jewish spectators!


Resistance against “Rabbinic Judaism”

Should “re-Identified Israel’ convert to Judaism?

Sacred NamesClick here for information why we use the

Sacred Names

Bible Translation Version Click here for information of

Version used here

Copyright Click here to read copyright note


Ezek. 37:15   “The Word of YHVH was addressed to me* as follows:  ‘Son of Man,

take a stick and write on it,  “Judah and those Israelites loyal to him:.  Take another stick and

write on it, “Joseph, the wood of Ephraim and all the House of Israel loyal to him.”  Join one to

the other to make a single piece of wood, a single stick in your hand.  And when the members of

your nation say, ‘Tell us what you mean’;  say. ‘The Lord YHVH says this:  I am taking the stick

of Joseph … and I am going to put the stick of Judah with them.  I shall make one stick out of the

two, and I shall hold them as one … I am going to take the sons of Israel from the nations

where they have gone.  I shall gather them together from everywhere and bring them home to

their own soil.  I shall put My Spirit in them – … they shall no longer form two nations nor be two

separate kingdoms … My Servant David will reign over them … they will follow My

Observances, respect My Laws and practice them.  They will live in the Land that I gave My

servant Jacob … I shall make a Covenant of Peace with them, an Eternal Covenant … I shall

settle My Sanctuary among them for ever … I shall be their God, they shall be My people.

And the nations will learn that I am YHVH the Sanctifier of Israel, when My Sanctuary is

with them for ever.” (also Jer. 3:18) Note: ref. also to the foregoing chapters in both refs.


me’ – the writer, Ezekiel the Hebrew prophet (6th cent. BCE – at the time of the Babylonian

captivity)Some 4 centuries earlier, the 12-tribe nation of Israel had split into the


Kingdom, (10 tribes, incl. the tribes of Joseph and Ephraim) hence forth known

as  “Israel’ ,

and the southern Kingdom (Judah and Benjamin).  These ‘two nations’ often

warred with each

other.  Judah carried the Oracles of God from Jerusalem.  Israel

(the 10 northern tribes)

degenerated into paganism and disappeared from history.

Both Houses were exiled from the Land.

Each stick represents one section of the divided Israel

God promises to re-unite the 2 houses but only after the ingathering – which started for

Judah since World War 1.  The State of Israel  (consisting of the returned House of Judah &

Benjamin) was declared in 1948 . The 10 Tribes totally lost their Identity as they probably

migrated to new countries across the globe.  To date, they have not yet been identified and has

not returned to the Land of Israel.

The re-identified 10 tribes, will return to Israel, as Judah did.  They will be re-united with

Judah and will also accept and abide by the Laws of God, which had been protected

throughout the centuries by Judah (the Jews),  even in exile.


Source credit:

  • After King Solomon (970 – 931 BCE) the ancient Kingdom of Israel split into 2 opposing

  • sectors:  ‘Israel’ – the Northern sector, 10 Tribes, Main City Schechem;  and ‘Judah’

  • - southern kingdom, 2 Tribes, Main City Jerusalem.

  • 720 BCE, the apostised 10 Northern tribes conquered, deported and the land

  • repopulated with foreigners.  Gradually lost their identity over the next 5 centuries.

  • 587 BCE, the southern Kingdom of Judah deported to Babylon by king Nebuchadnezzar;

  • after 70 year prophesied exile, Judah (and Benjamin) return and rebuild Jerusalem.

  • 70 CE, Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans. Jewish survivors exiled as slaves.

  • The next 1900 years (to 1948) saw the gradual engulfing of the exiles across the globe into

  • every country and nation on earth.

  • Since World War 1, the Jews gradually trickled back to Israel from across the world.

  • The international Balfour Declaration (1917) recognized Palestine, as the ancient Jewish

  • Homeland.

  • 1948 State of Israel declared.  Millions of Jews return over the next few years, many

  • from the death camps of Hitler and the Holocaust.  Israel built up, within a decade, to

  • one of the strongest armies in the world and a technologically advanced economy.

  • Jewish population count in Israel, year 2000 – 6 million.

  • 1980′s and 90′s – increasing awareness amongst earnest Christian Bible scholars

  • (mainly from the USA and Western Europe) discovering their ‘Hebraic’ roots in an

  • awakening which could be the dawn of the re-identification of  “The Lost House of Israel”.

  • Increasing awakening and acceptance of,  and observance of ‘Jewish’ Sabbath,

  • Festivals and other customs by individuals and small study clusters under the

  • common banner of ‘Hebraic Roots Restoration Movement’, Sacred Name Movement

  • and  Messianic ‘Jewish’ Movements.  Millions of pro-Israel Christians show solidarity

  • with Judah and call for the rejection by Israel of the Oslo Peace Accords.

  • Year 2000 -  Increasing identification by individual members of the above movements,

  • with Judah in its ‘time of distress’, as world pressure and secular, leftist Israeli

  • powers barter Holy Land for ‘Peace’ with the Palestinians.  As the Battle for Jerusalem

  • intensifies and builds up to an Armageddon scenario,  this support for Israel develops

  • into a search by awakening ‘Israel’,  for definite projects to realize active emigration of

  • ‘non-Jewish’ settlers to the Land of Israel.

Additional reference material

Jerusalem – Final Countdown to Armageddon

Revealing the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel

The One True Congregation

Signs of the True Way

Other Links

A Rabbinic view on the history of the Jews versus the Return of 10-Israel



An amazing development is currently taking place in Israel.

There are millions of persons across the world, who believe they are from the ancient

non-Jewish House of Joseph or Ephraim,  from the Northern Ten Tribes.

Biblical Prophecy is clear and emphatic, that not only the Jews (House of Judah) would return

to the Land of their forefathers (as we have seen happening since the Balfour Declaration in

1917 and the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948), but also the exiled Northern

Kingdom must return. The latter, who began assimilating into Gentile cultures shortly after

their exile to Assyria in 722 BCE, will in the  ‘End Time’  be re-identified and re-united with the

House of Judah into one nation, according to these Prophecies (Ezek. 37:15).

The Tikkun (or repair) of this 3,000-year old unreconciled rift between these two families

have been addressed by several Messianic visionaries who came to Jerusalem since the year

2000, believing that they personally had the Divine Mandate to enter into negotiations with the

Rabbis of Jerusalem.  Unfortunately, these claiming representatives of Ephraim and Yoseph

expected the Rabbis to consider such Tikkun on their own terms and conditions, mainly to

retain their non-Judah identity, which caused these negotiations to fail miserably.

In compliance with Prophetic Scripture, any such negotiations should aim at bringing exiled

10-Israel back into line with the Original True Faith as proclaimed and guarded by Judah

throughout the ages, according to the Divine Mandate of Gen. 49:10:  “The Scepter shall not

depart from Judah until Shiloh come …”



CNN. COM EUROPEAN WEB PAGE reports – November 10, 2000

WASHINGTON (AP) — Around 80 per cent of European men are descended from a single

primitive hunter, according to a new study.   Researchers analysing the Y chromosome taken

from more than 1,000 men from  25 different locations in Europe found a pattern that

suggests four out of five shared a common male ancestor about 40,000 years ago.

Peter Underhill, a senior researcher at the Stanford University Genome Technology Center and

co-author of the study, said the research supports  conclusions from archaeological,

linguistic and other DNA evidence about the  settlement of Europe by ancient peoples.

The study, co-authored by Underhill and more than a dozen researchers from Stanford

and Europe, appeared on Friday in the journal Science.

Underhill said the researchers used the Y chromosome in the study because its rare changes

establish a pattern that can be traced back hundreds of generations, thus helping to plot the

movement of ancient humans.

The Y chromosome is inherited only by sons from their fathers. When sperm  carrying the Y

chromosome fertilises an egg it directs the resulting child to be a   male. An X chromosome

from the father allows a fertilised egg to be female.

The Y chromosome has about 60 million DNA base pairs. Changes in those base  pairs happen

infrequently, said Underhill, but they occur often enough to  establish patterns that can be

used to trace the ancestry of people.  He said that researchers looking at the 1,007 chromosome

samples from Europe  identified 22 specific markers that formed a specific pattern of change.

About 80 percent of all European males shared a single pattern, suggesting that they had a

common ancestor thousands of generations ago.

About 8,000 years ago, said Underhill, a more advanced people, the Neolithic, migrated to Europe

from the Middle East, bringing with them a new Y chromosome pattern and a new way of  life:

agriculture. About 20 percent of  Europeans now have the Y chromosome pattern from this


The researcher said that archaeological digs in European caves clearly show that before 8,000

years ago most humans lived by gathering and hunting. After that,   there are traces of grains

and other agricultural products.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.

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Vendyl Jones, famous for his archaeological discoveries in Israel, published the following

amazing satellite photo and confirmation of who the Land of Israel belongs to, on his Web


Although Vendyl Jones’s does not present his report in support of the “Return of the Lost 10-Tribes” theory,  or the restoration of the Two Houses of Israel in the End Time, it does serve to confirm our views and understanding of the Biblical Prophecies in this regard.  We therefore publish an extract of his report in confirmation of our understanding of this all important End Time Event.

Please note that Vendyl Jones has  no association whatsoever with “BIBLE REVELATIONS” - the Publishers of this Page  -  and he may not endorse the views as expressed by “BIBLE REVELATIONS” in this or any of the other Pages of this Web Site

Images from top to bottom:

‘Ki’ – Because

Luz – Bethel

YHVH – The Sacred Name of the God of Israel


In response to the question:

“Who do you think this Land



belongs to, the Jews or

the Arabs?”  Vendyl  Jones responds:

“This Land belongs neither to the Jews nor the Arabs. I have a title deed here that

shows to whom it belongs.” I took out a photograph of the above satellite image and

pointed out the perfect Hebrew words “Ki-Luz-HaShem-Efraiyim.”

The accountant was aghast. “How did you make that?” he inquired.

When I had to explain that these were just the shadows of the mountains and that

the words were written there since the creation, he was dumbfounded. He took the

picture and showed it to everyone in the garage.

These words can stand alone or have a combination of connotations. The point is that the

shadows form Ki, meaning because or for the sake of. Luz can mean to turn, to coil, to

bend or to twist. Luz is also the name of the top vertebrae of the spine, sometimes

called the “resurrection bone” because it remains even after all the other bones of a body

have decomposed. Luz was the name of the place where Jacob had his vision of the

ladder reaching into heaven [Genesis 28:18-19]. Jacob called the same place Beth-El.

The name Luz is formed in the shadows precisely over the location of present-day

Beth-El.  (The play on “resurrection”, could well refer to the Prophetically destined

‘resurrection’ of Israel in the Prophecy of the dead bones – Ezek.36, just before

the 2-House Restoration Prophecy of Ezek. 37:15 – Ed.)

Beside and just north of Jerusalem, is that majestic, holy, ineffable, unutterable

Name of HaShem (God), YHVH. Coincidental is it not?

“Rather, only at THE PLACE that HaShem, your G-d, will choose from among all your

tribes TO PLACE HIS NAME shall you seek out His presence and come there.”

[Deuteronomy 12:5] This commandment was given to Moses 449 years before the

Shechinah filled the Holy House of Solomon in Jerusalem.

Yet, etched forever in the hills and valleys just north of Jerusalem is the name of HaShem,

YHVH, existing there since the day of creation. Although the name of HaShem was

forever written there, no one has ever noticed His name inscribed there until our

generation. Living in the space age, HaShem has granted us the privilege of looking

down upon the earth from HIS perspective and seeing the spectacular marvels of HIS


Were this, the holy name of YHVH, the only inscription seen on the ridges in the land of

Israel, one might say that was sufficient. Dayenu! At that moment each day, in

HaShem’s time, the quill of the sun dips silently into the inkwell of shadows between

the hills and inscribes that unspeakable name YHVH on the face of the earth. “The rocks

cry out! The hills clap their hands! They leap like lambs! They shout together!”

Yet, all their sounds are inaudible and imperceptible to the deaf ears of mankind.

The final word seen by the satellite imagery is Efraiyim, or Ephraim. It appears at the

lower left, below YHVH. Just as Luz is located exactly over present-day Beth-El, which

was originally called Luz, the name of Ephraim begins precisely where the borders

between Benjamin and Judah on the south and Ephraim on the North were located.

Ephraim is the name designating the ten northern tribes that broke away under

Rehoboam. The Holy Name of the G-d of Israel forever rests between the northern and

southern kingdoms. They had forsaken Him, but He never forsook them.

Source:  Vendyl Jones Web Site



This matter of the re-discovery and uniting of the 2 Houses is certainly coming to the fore on

many fronts in the world – with disturbing effects of disharmony amongst the 2 Houses and a

spirit of escapism by some of those claiming the Benefits of the “Restored One House”.

Following are two contentious issues that have become prevalent within the ranks of awakening

Israel believers.  These differences which cause such great division and disharmony, revolve


- whether the re-unification of the 2 Houses of Israel would occur before or after Mashiach comes.

Those who believe that the 2 estranged Houses would re-unite only after His Coming, by His own

doing, maintain that would-be settlers

should not ‘endanger their lives’ by going to Israel now, with threatening War and great

tribulation so imminent.  Those on the other side emphasise, that the Land and the Cause

vitally need their active participation and support in the face of the world’s predominantly

opposing attitude.

- whether full conversion to Orthodox Judaism is required for compliance by would-be settlers

who want to come to Israel.  Those against such conversion, feel that they would forfeit their

individual tribal identity by “joining Judah”.

The first reasoning above, smacks of the same ‘escapism’ which underscores the ‘Rapture’ theory.

Why should Judah always suffer alone?  Anti-Semitic ‘believers’ maintain that “they deserve it”.

On the other hand, there has of late been an increasing measure of a spirit of physical support

for Judah’s Biblical Mandate to “settle the Land”, from amongst a section of awakening ‘Israel’.

As they are progressively discovering their ‘Hebrew Roots”,  there is an increasing

awareness to share in Judah’s tribulations and to identify with Eretz (the Land of) Yisrael and

its ‘Judah’ population in physically support – to be part of them in the approaching “Gog &

Magog” final Tribulation.  Yes, this means a preparedness to physically die with Judah,

if necessary, if that is the price required to establish the Land of Promise!

This, most likely, is the Divinely intended re-uniting Process.  Yes, Judah is proud and

refuses spiritually motivated assistance from ‘strangers’.  Many centuries of persecution

(even to death) of Jews by Christian forces, have left Judah highly suspicious of any support

by strangers.  Add to this the culturally destructive affects off centuries of zealous Christian

proselytizing, historically even under the  threat of death.  But, imagine when Judah is forced to

face the Wall in the Coming Catastrophe, and then … in steps ‘brother Yoseph and Ephraim’ to

support them with blood and their physical supporting presence?  Imagine a ‘Settlers

Occupation Move’ by re-awakening Israel, to claim and settle the Land – which is the only

option left for Judah in the current Battle for Jerusalem, in order to reclaim the Land.  They

need settlers, settlers and more settlers – and those numbers simply do NOT exist within their

own ranks!  Not evangelizing, ‘testifying settlers’ (zealously striving to ‘save’ Judah’s soul),

but settlers who have subjected themselves to the otherwise highly unpopular ‘Levetical’ System,

by physically joining Judah.

Zecharaiah 8:22,23 “And many people and great nations will come to seek YHVH Sabaoth and

to entreat the favour of YHVH … in those days, ten men of nations of every language

(10 Tribes?) will take a Jew by the sleeve and say, ‘We want to go with you, since we have learnt

that God is with you.’”

Surely if re-settling the Land is a Divine Prophetic pre-requisite for the Kingdom to be set-up,

then it is illogic that only Judah will have to spill their blood, sweat and tears to reclaim the

Land from the Usurper?  Is this not perhaps why Lost Israel is to be awakened, in order to

physically (‘spiritually’ is an inseparable part anyway) assist Judah?

Must Judah do all? – and Mashiach do all? – and ‘Gentile-Israel’ or Messianic Israel simply collect

and gloat of Divine Blessings?

When Prophecy claims that the 2 Sticks will become ONE – we should ask:  “One what?”

A non-Judah stick?  A Christian stick?  A Torah-by-selection-only stick?  A prejudiced stick?

An opposing-of-Judah stick?

In the New Kingdom era, which of the Mitzvot (Laws) that  ‘Hebraic Roots Israel’ (or Messianic

Israel) today discard as ‘an unnecessary burden placed on believers’,  will be operating, and

which will be discarded by the King in His Kingdom?

The answer should be logic, but logic does not count with most – for it is too obvious!

Our foundational Scripture portion quoted above,  confirms this re-unification of the 2 Houses.

It explicitly confirms that ‘lost Israel’ at the time of their re-identification, will be brought back

into the Covenant.’  (Ezek. 37:15-28,

and specifically verse 24, read with the foregoing ch. 36:17 onwards).

We should ask ourselves here:

“Which Covenant will apply to the Lost Tribes of Israel? – if not the same Covenant as that

which Judah is still under?”   “Who must change – Israel or Judah?  To what? – Israel’s or

Judah’s position?”

If Judah is still under the Covenant and has to suffer for the re-establishment of the Kingdom in

Jerusalem, should ‘Israel’ then be excluded from the Final Tribulation even after it has been

brought back into the same Covenant?  WHAT gives Israel that exclusion benefit?

And all this points to the logical conclusion that Israel’s physical joining of Judah should in

fact be that re-uniting process of the 2 Houses of Israel

Obviously, such a process will be greatly opposed by the evil one. Logically also, such re-uniting

will be opposed both from within Judah and from within ‘Israel’.

That is what true believers should free themselves from – the inclination to resist the

“Jewish System”, which is nothing short of resistance against the Torah – the Law of God.

This is ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom’ which we should be proclaiming – not to Judah, but to

the world out there, who are not under the Covenant or who misinterpret the Terms and

the Purpose of this Covenant. (Refer: )

Finally,  let us confirm,  straight from the N.T. itself,  this essence of the ‘Gospel’ which Messiah

established, thereby bringing both 10-Israel (as well as the Gentiles) into physical Judah,

Eph 2:11 (The ‘Jerusalem Bible’ – Darton, Longman & Todd, London) (Adapted here with

Sacred Name restored and the Web Master’s personal comments appearing in black print):

“Do not forget, that there was a time when you who were pagans physically,  termed the

Uncircumcised (that is non-Jews) …. do not forget that you had no (Jewish) Messiah and were

excluded from membership of Israel (so, something had to be arranged to make you

members of Israel) aliens with no part in the Covenants with their Promises.

You were immersed in this world without Hope and without God (of Israel) (So, you had to be

reconciled, brought into the Covenant – like Judah is – with YHVH). But now in YAHU’SHUAH

Messiah, you that used to be so far apart from us (the authors of Eph.2 – i.e. Jews, Israelites),

have been brought very close by the Blood of Messiah (You have been bought at a very high

Price).  For He is the Peace (Restoration) between us (Jews and pagans) and has made the two

(Jews and non-Jews) into One (what?) and broken down the barrier(?) which used to keep

them apart, actually destroying in His own Person the hostility (rebellion) caused by the rules

and decrees of the (Jewish. Levitical) Law (This rebellion by pagans against the Law was the

barrier that kept them apart from Jews.  This scripture is twisted by Grace-only’s,  to imply

that Messiah did away with the Law itself,  rather than that He removed the rebellion against

the Law from the hearts of the receiving pagans, as confirmed in Jer. 31:31-33 and

Ezek 11: 17-21, placing His Spirit in them, thereby instilling a love for obedience to the Law

on their hearts and minds).  This was to create One Single New Man (abiding to ‘Jewish’ Law) in

Himself (Who meticulously kept the Law) out of the two of them (Jews and Gentiles) and by

restoring Peace, through the Cross,  to unite them both in a Single Body (Is this Body Christian

or Jewish?  If a ‘Christian’ Body, then He failed miserably, because there are few, if any, Torah

observant Jews in Christianity, just an unbridgeable void.  If this ‘Single Body’ refers to the

Jewish Body, then it is confirmed by those Messianic believers, Restoration movement,

of late, who are discovering their Hebraic Roots and who go all the way to joining up fully

with the Body of Jews into ONE Body) and reconcile them (both) with God. In His own person

He killed the hostility (against the Law – not the Law itself or the Body!) Through Him ,

both of us (Jew and converted pagan, lost but re-identified ‘Israelite’) have in the One Spirit

our Way to come to the Father.  So, you (reconciled ones) are no longer aliens or foreigners

(non-Jews); you are citizens like all the Tzadikim (righteous Jews) and part of God’s

Household (12-Israel, as represented by Judaism) (3:5) This Mystery that has now been

revealed … was unknown to any men in past generations.  It means that pagans (non-Jews)

now share (together with Jews and as Jews) the same inheritance (- the inheritance was not taken

away from Jews – it is now SHARED by pagans also!).  They are part of the SAME BODY

(of Judaism /12- Israel) and the same Promise (as had been made unto 12-Israel of old)

has been made to them (the pagans and lost Israelites) in Messiah, through the Good News!

(that He, God in the manifested shape of man, will sacrifice His Life in order to reconcile them

into Covenant relation with all its Divine Blessings)”

NOTE: The Covenant Promise of Eternal Life in the Kingdom of YHVH, is based on the

Condition that the candidate for citizenship upholds the Law of YHVH (which is the embodyment

of His Divine Will – the Torah).

Is that not the basic requirement for emigration by any government in the world?  Is it

unreasonable to expect from a citizen that he/she conforms to the Law of that country?

The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel lost its Identity for 2700 years for the very reason that they

slid into paganism, having discarded the Torah and its Instructions for Life.  They rebelled

against and rejected the Divinely mandated authority of Judah,  who continued to cling to the

Torah,  being Divinely appointed to be the Carriers of the Divine Oracles

(Genesis 49:10, Romans 3:2;  Psalms 60:7;  Matthew. 23:2 and 5:17-22).

Let us read the Scripture to see what these Oracles were:

Acts 7:38b “… it was he (Moses) who was entrusted with the living Oracles to pass on to us.”

This refers to the Laws, Statutes and Precepts that Moses received directly from YHVH on Mt.

Sinai with the Divine Injunction to teach the nation of Israel accordingly.  From Israel’s

observance of this ‘System’, the nations would then know what God’s Requirements are.

Paul,  to whom the conveying of the Gospel to the Gentiles (Christians) are credited, makes

an amazing statement regarding the value inherent in the “carrying of these Oracles”.

Rom. 3:1,2  “:What then, is a Jew better off?  Is there any advantage in being circumcised?

A great advantage in every way (for) first, the Jews are the people to whom God’s Oracles were


Thus, because they were entrusted with the Oracles, they have an advantage / it is better to be a

Jew for that reason.

Is it any wonder then, that man’s carnal inclination is opposed to the idea of subjection to the

Law?  Is this not the same spirit of rejection that Adam and Eve reflected right at the start

in Paradise?  Was that not the very same inclination that Satan,  through the figure of ‘the snake’

and being a Rebel against YHVH and His System himself,  addressed and steered them away from?

It is these Living Oracles which the spirit of rebellion in man, knowing that it is the

foundational requirement underlying the eternal Blessings of the Divine Covenant, opposes to

this day.

Restorers of the Hebraic Faith who have ‘rediscovered’ YHVH’s Law – the Sabbath, Feasts,

health laws, etc.  should therefore seriously question that spirit of opposition against

accepting the ‘full package’ of Judaism and the Oracles they carry!  Is it not still the same spirit

of the Garden of Eden?  Is that not why there is such a resistance against Judaism and its

‘Rabbinic’ system?  Should this ‘Levetical legalism’ not rather be seen and accepted as the

‘Key rules to abundant Life, here and hereafter’, than as ‘a burden of restriction placed on

believers’?  Are not all rules and regulations in the world, at some time or more often, seen as

‘restrictive’ on our freedom?

These Oracles (the Law), form the foundation of the New Covenant for YHVH states that

“I shall make a New Covenant with them – I shall write My Laws no longer on the

Tables of Stone but on their hearts – I shall put My Spirit in them, so that they will keep

My Laws and respect My Observances and put them into practice – they shall no longer form

two nations, I shall make them One nation - then they shall be My People and I shall be their God”

Jer 31:33;  Ezek 11:19 and 36:27.

Is there any reason left why awakening Israel should not physically and spiritually join Judah?

In closing, please click here and read THE SCRIPTURAL STATEMENT underlying the

Miracle of Lost Israel’s re-identification once more.  It should make a lot more sense now.

For a full Scriptural exposition of the Covenant, Click here:

The Eternal Covenant

Refer also:

The Way

The One True Congregation

The One True Gospel


There generally is a very great resistance amongst Messianic Hebraic Roots Restorers and their

leaders against what is labelled “Rabbinic Judaism”,  “Levitical Judaism”, “oral man-made laws”

or “legalism”.  The traditional Rabbinical Torah interpretations (Halacha) are often regarded

as “an unnecessary burden” placed on Messianic believers.  In this respect, the reasoning

of these teachers are no different from the general Christian interpretation and resistance against

the Law as contained in the Torah, much as they profess to be “Torah observant” and to

distance themselves from this Christian interpretation.

The seeds for this concept of the Laws of God “being a special burden laid on Jews only”,

are sown by the NT in Acts 15 in a conference decision of the early Messianic (Jewish)

leadership when confronted by certain Messianic believers amongst the Pharisees who

insisted that Messianic believers also keep the Laws of Moses (verse 5).  In their wisdom,

and “as decided by the Holy Spirit and themselves”" (v. 29),  it was ruled by the Messianic

convention that, in stead of “making things difficult for non-Jews who turn to God” (v. 19),

and in order not to “saddle them with any burden beyond the essentials” (v.29),  they would

only have to abide by some of the Mosaic Laws – and 4 categories of these were specified

(v. 20,29), i.e.

- abstaining from food sacrificed to idols

- abstaining from blood

- abstaining from the meat of strangled animals

- abstaining from fornication

Now these 4 abstentions had their roots in what is termed by the Rabbis as the “Noachide laws

which are applicable only for non-Jews who wish to observe Torah”.  Without going into

depths of this topic here, suffice it to state that the publishers of BIBLE REVELATIONS find no

foundation for this reasoning in the entire Torah or Tanach (OT) itself.  These Scriptures are very

clear, all over, that the entire Law System of God, as enshrined in Torah, is intended for the

Blessing and Success for all mankind, with Judah being Divinely appointed as guardians

of Torah – as “a Light unto the nations”.  It should therefore also be clear

(as stated repeatedly in this Web Site and on the BIBLE REVELATIONS Forum), that the

Return of 10-Israel will be vindicated by a return to full Torah observance.  As such, the

re-unification of the 2 Houses should be firmly based on the foundations of Torah

observance.  It was the rejection of Torah and of Judah’s spiritual leadership, after all, which

were the main reasons why 10-Israel of old were rejected and evicted off the Land by YHVH.

This spirit of rejection against ‘Rabbinism’ becomes more evident and intense when the Torah

opposing Messianic teachers turn their vindictiveness towards the “Rabbinic writings” or

“Oral Torah” in an endeavour to ‘expose’ the ‘errors’ and ‘anti-Gentile’ statements in ancient

Jewish writings like the Talmud.  In this way, they try to dissuade their followers from

following their new found spiritual inclination to convert and join Judaism.   In doing so,

they actually side with and endorse the venomous accusations of anti-Semites through the

ages.  Yet, they profess to ‘love’ Judah – the Jews, or their “brothers from the 2nd House of Israel”.

It would be presumptuous and vain to attempt to disprove the existence of such derogatory

remarks or teachings in certain Jewish writings.  For purposes of conveying the Divinely

approved spirit of forbearance that would be required from true believers and contenders for the

Kingdom of God, let us therefore assume and accept that these derogatory statements

do exist in the Talmud and other Jewish commentaries.

The first issue we have to settle if we work from this preposition,  is whether this changes

anything in YHVH’s election of Judaism as part of, or totally, His ‘Election’ of them?  Did the

Messiah Himself not condemn them for many issues anyway,  without ever intimating that He

totally rejects the nation which He chose to be born into?  Are these ‘vile doctrines’ which

Judaism, according to those writings, seem to display, any worse than those things which

God disapproved of in them throughout the ages?

If YHVH has not rejected them, how dare we?

These accusers will attempt to justify themselves by claiming that they do not reject the Jews

but ‘love’ them,  though their interpretations and accusations are in no degree any less

anti-Jewish in spirit, than even the most vehement anti-Semitic writings.  It conveys the same

spirit of rejection than do their anti-Semitic ‘revelations’.

Does that mean that YHVH wants us to overlook Judaism’s many glaring faults?   No!

The point is, that if He does not reject them or smear them, how dare we?  If He loves them

and blesses them in spite of their faults – why not us?   In fact, He warns: Gen. 12:3

“I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you”.

As a footnote to those ever accusing Messianics,  who justify themselves by saying  that they

do indeed love and bless Jews while they vehemently reject Judaism and ‘Rabbinism’ and much

of what it entails  – please note:

- the original Hebrew text uses two different Hebrew words in the above text, both translated

as  ‘curse’ in most popular Bible versions.  The popular verbal version of this Divine Statement,

which most of us use, almost exclusively renders  ‘curse’ in both instances.

A review of the actual Hebrew original will show how this Divine admonition has been

watered down, in that way becoming almost a ‘license’ to ‘bad mouth Jews – “as long as a curse

is not pronounced”!  The word selection

in the original Hebrew, holds a serious reprimand for many: the first, meaning ‘curse’ indeed – as

in persecute;  the second, ‘mekalal’

meaning: revile, speak lightly, despise’.  Thus, God will curse those who speak lightly of Judah,

or who bad-mouth Jews.  The same root

word kalal is used in Gen 16:4 where it is translated ‘despise’, viz.  Hagar despised Sarah after

she Hagar) conceived by Avraham, Sarah’s

husband.  We are also reprimanded from not denouncing even Satan (Jude v. 9).

Ezek chapter 20 contains the proper guidance for us in this matter – if we wish to follow in

His foot steps:  “I ,  YHVH,  resolved to discharge My anger on them, and exhaust My Fury

against them, to destroy them … but respect

for My Own Name kept Me from allowing it to be profaned in the opinion of the nations among

whom they were living.”

This Divine statement is repeated some 5 times in the chapter, referring to various stages in

Israel’s history, since Egypt, right to date and into the future.

It continues:

“Go on, all of you (Israel), worship your idols, but I swear that you will hear Me in the end….

through you, I intend to display My Holiness for all the nations to see … then you will learn

that I am YHVH, when I treat you as respect for

My Own Name requires and not as your wicked behaviour and corrupt actions require!”

Whether we wish to apply this Divine Statement to the one House (10 Tribes) or to both Houses

of Israel,  it is pertinently important that we leave the Judgment to Him.  That we bless Judah

irrespective of whether they deserve it or not.  That we stop delving into their rejectable words,

writings and attitudes.  That we uphold them to the nations (how much more to the believers

of Restored Truth!!) irrespective of their rejectable remarks, attitudes and behaviours.

That we delve for the multitude of revelatory interpretations in their traditional writings.

Yes, that we love them irrespective of all!  Love sees no harm,  is patient and long-suffering,

does not accredit evil to wrongdoers!  Love forgives even evil!  If that were not so, if YHVH was

not the personification of this Love, then no one has any chance whatsoever to inherit a place in

His Kingdom!

It is amazing that ‘Hebraic Roots Restorers’, the ’2-House’ proclaimers, etc. who aspire to sharing

the Blessing with Judah,  refuse to follow through with conversion to Judaism all the Way,

according to YHVH’s Intention of making ONE House of the two.  They persist in rather

pursuing and fuelling the hatred amongst the 2 Houses since antiquity!

Refer also to the following studies on this Web Site:

Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel

The Authentic Gospel

The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes

The One True Congregation

Are Jews Lost without acknowledging the Messiah?

Is the New Testament Christian or Jewish?

Are Jews eternally lost?

Should Gentiles convert to Judaism?

Are re-identified Yosephites and Ephraimites obliged to observe Torah?

Is God Jewish?

Recommended studies on other Web Sites:

Jewish Institutions -

BRIT AM ISRAEL – Studies on identifying the Lost Tribes of Israel/FONT>

Restoration of all Israel – United Israel World Union

Exclusiveness of Israel in the New Testament

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009


File PDF File List

The quickest way to find a file is to use the search function of your browser, Ctrl F.

These files use Adobe Reader, alternately you can view the files in Adobe Flash here

Please note that “Israelites,” as they are used in the texts below, do not mean the same thing as “Israelis” and “Jews,” as they are used today.

You can download the archive of these PDFs here

Arnold Kennedy Picture

20 Points about the Identity Belief

All Whosoever


Balance in the Church

Behaviour and Genetics

Born Again or from Above

Borrowing by Christians

British Israel Creed Contradictions

Can Abraham’s Seed by Spiritualistic?

Can we pray against God?

Clean and Unclean Foods

Can Protestants be Cosy with Rome?

Could Israel be a Chosen Race to Save the World

Could the Modern Day Jew be Israel?

Did Jesus Decend from Ruth, Noah or Adam

Eternal Security

Exclusiveness of Israel in the New Testament

Exclusiveness of Israel in the Old Testament

Galatians and an Exclusive Israel


God makes Covenants with Families

Gods Law and Gods Love

Gods Sovereign Choices

Harlot Churches

Humanism in the Church

I create Evil

In Thee shall all the Nations of the Earth be Blessed

Intellect or Emotion (new)

Intelligent Design

Is Liberty Free to Sin?

Is Truth just a matter of Personal Opinion

Jesus was not Jewish

Millennium Musings

No more Law

Objections and Reactions to an Exclusive Israel

Of One Blood

Race in the Creation Story

Racism is not Idolatry

Rapture Reflections

Rightly Dividing the Truth

Ruth was an Israelite

Salvation Redemption and other words

Schofield’s preconditioned churches

Seeds Spiritual and Natural

Should Christian schools be culturally sensitive

Sinfulness and Wickedness

Some Intraconveratble Things

Some Serious Questions

Some things we know for sure

Strangers and Pilgrims.

Stumbling Blocks to an Exclusive Israel

The Believer and Disasters

The Bible race and culture

The Church and Israel

The Churches are helping to build Babylon

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The Earth is the Lords

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The Family of Jesus

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The Genetic Code and the Book of Life

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The Gospel Preached to Abraham

The Heirs of Jacob

The Importance of Israel

The Parable of the Leven

The Regathering of Israel in the New Testament

The Regathering of Israel in the Old Testament

The Social Gospel vs The Kingdom

The Sons of Jacob

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The Two Most Misapplied Scriptures

the Usa-Zion Controversy

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What does Adoption mean?

What Follows the Gospel?

What then is the Law

Whatever is Satan

What Right have we to Complain (new)

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Aquarius Rising

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Aquarius Rising
A New Age Dawning?

By Jason Jeffrey

Mankind stands today on the threshold of a new era commonly referred to as the Age of Aquarius. As the spiral of history unfolds and a previous age comes to an end, new possibilities are emerging for the physical, spiritual and political development of humanity. But the effects are dramatic at the close of an age. As it winds down, and its energies wind up, all the issues of the old age become intensified and make a last stand.

The concept of an imminent new age have been popularised (and commercialised) since the 1960s. Nevertheless, few people consciously understand what the transition to the Age of Aquarius actually implies. To most people, the “Age of Aquarius” remains a vague phrase.

The cycle of these cosmic ages traces the spiritual development of humanity’s consciousness. They are based on the astrological circle of the Zodiac (hence, the “Age of Pisces,” the “Age of Aquarius,” etc.). In the same way your personal horoscope reveals your inner self, and the continuing planetary cycles in relation to your chart indicate the actual process of growth, so do these long-term, cosmic cycles reveal the collective spiritual state of mankind.

Here, we are not so much concerned with individual development but with the response of humanity in general to these Zodiacal ages. The subtle metaphysical variations effecting mankind over thousands of years can be examined through a study of these ages. Each period in our history has a corresponding influence on humanity’s consciousness and is revealed in the political and sociological structure of civilisations, sciences, religions, philosophies, myths, music and arts.

These eras have a pattern of formation synchronous to the state of human consciousness and its resultant civilisation. Present humanity attempts to see life in terms of a limited and clouded historical perspective, but knows little about its unfolding in terms of metaphysics.

These astrological ages – handed down to us by our ancient ancestors who had a superior understanding of reality – provide a framework that allows us to formulate both the metaphysical and mundane history of mankind. The study of esoteric wisdom helps us to gear our understanding to the structure of the larger cycles at work in the cosmos.

The Great Year

One of the largest and most important cosmic cycles is the 25,920 year period known as the Great Year. The Great Year is the product of several technical astronomical factors.

Like the 360 day year, the 25,920 year cycle of the Great Year is divisible into seasons, months, weeks, days and hours. What concerns us here is its division into twelve months corresponding to the apparent movement of the Sun through the twelve signs of the celestial Zodiac. Each Great Month lasts approximately 2,160 years, while each of its 360 days measures 72 years of our time or, approximately, the seventy years of man’s allotted span of life.

In each month of the common year the Sun appears to be in a different constellation of the celestial Zodiac as the Earth completes her annual or 360 day cycle. Likewise, the Sun, due to the ‘precession of the equinoxes’, appears to remain in each sign of the Zodiac for around 2,160 years, or one ‘month’ of the Great Year.

Interested students will note that, due to the particular direction of the Earth’s wobble (in relation to its path around the Sun), the order of precessional alignment to the Zodiac (Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, etc) is in reverse order to the more familiar sequence of monthly alignments (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, etc). Thus, the origin of the term ‘precession of the equinoxes’.

Have We Entered the Age of Aquarius?

The social upheaval of the 1960s in the West, coupled with songs announcing the birth of the Age of Aquarius, led many people to believe we entered the new age. Actually, a close study of history shows the first rays of Aquarius have been hitting the Earth for at least 200 years. Possibly the spiritual “seed” of the Aquarian Age was planted as far back as 1781, when astronomers discovered the planet Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.

Some astrologers put the beginning of the Aquarian Age within the next 50-100 years. Others set the date as far ahead as 2375. Still another group say the Piscean Age began several centuries before Christ’s birth, and therefore the Aquarian Age began early in this century, about the 1920s.

None is positively “right” because not only are the constellations unevenly spaced through the Zodiac, but it is impossible to measure their exact boundaries.

We do know there is a period of transition between the ages which extends over hundreds of years. And we are living during one of these periods between the outgoing Age of Pisces and the incoming Age of Aquarius. As will be shown later, intermingling of the cosmic influences from both star signs has initiated a period of great change and upheaval.

The Zodiac in History

In astrology, each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac symbolise characteristics and subtle cosmic influences impacting on nature. While astrologers interpret these influences on people, there is also an equivalent cosmic effect on whole periods of history.

If we study ancient history and religious custom with regard to the cycles of the Great Year, a curious thing is apparent. Each age has a distinctive flavour or tone of philosophy all its own. Many of the symbols and images of common daily usage found in recorded language for each distinct age reflect the symbols and images connected to the archetype descriptions of the sign naming that age.

Indeed, the fact can be verified from the study of ancient records and times, since around 4500 BCE. This period encompasses three ages prior to the birth of Aquarius. Let’s examine these ages in the light of the Zodiac.

Age of Taurus
(Approx. 4430 BCE – 2270 BCE)

Taurus represents the material establishment of a civilisation. It is a fixed-earth sign and as such, its vibrations produce the need to settle and identify man’s consciousness within a given geographical context. In essence, this entailed merging the resources of the people with the resources of the land. Thus we establish the concept of a national home, transcending tribal differences, the foundation for the creation of a civilisation.

Taurus is the sign associated with the tilling of the soil, the production of an agricultural society, and a sense of determination in the face of obstacles. It is ruled by the planet Venus, the patroness of the arts, an influence which imparts a great sensuality and creative inspiration to the cultures under its rays. Scorpio is the polar opposite to Taurus. It is associated with death, sex, rebirth, occultism, and great secrecy.

These two signs were the primary astrological forces behind the creation of the most fascinating of all ancient civilisations: Egypt. One of the best known traditions of the Egyptians, one that tied together the two signs of the age, was their preoccupation with building gigantic temples and tombs to house the body after death.

Cults of the Bull were the most popular form of religious worship during the Age of Taurus. Taurus is, of course, the sign of the Bull, and the veneration of this animal was extremely important. The statues of the Egyptian Kings invest features of strength and vitality, particularly in the head and shoulders (focus of the Bull’s power). The sacred animal is the Bull known as Mentu, the name being incorporated into royal names like the Mentuhoteps. Around 3200 BCE, the Mastaba of the early dynastic Egyptian King Serpent was constructed at Saqqara, surrounded by 346 bull-heads made of clay, but containing real horns.

In ancient Sumeria at this time the start of spring was ushered in by the Bull of Heaven, their name for the constellation of Taurus. The planet Venus was revered as Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her story was prominent in Sumerian mythology and precisely reflected the astronomical features of the orbit of Venus, with her cyclic disappearance and reappearance.

Bulls and their veneration were also prevalent in other cultures. The winged bulls of the Chaldeans testify to the prevalent Taurean influence. Pre-Aryan Hinduism, or the Vedic Era, was a flag-bearer of the Taurus Age, with a noticeable agricultural content and devotion to fertility in symbolism.

Students of hidden history have no doubt encountered the mysteries of Egypt in the course of their studies. The national deity was Osiris, god of the Dead and the Underworld. During the Age of Taurus, Osiris was often depicted as a man with a bull’s head. Later this changed to the head of the Ram when the age changed to Aries.

In Egypt the pyramid symbolised the structure of society. The Pharaoh was the capstone of the social edifice, while the people were stratified according to rank. He represented the Spirit of Egypt – the incarnation of the Divinity in the body of man. Pharaoh was the personification of the collective Mind of Egypt, the unifying force of the country (which, by the way, had been divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, a leftover from the duality of the previous Age of Gemini, the ‘twins’).

The power of Taurus gave the people of Earth a long period of stability and peace. As the Taurean era drew to a close, another important concept developed in religious thought – monotheism. In the history of the ancient Hebrews we find the transition period between two ages. The prophet Moses leads the Hebrews out of bondage to the land (Taurus) through the wanderings in the desert of Sinai (the cusp of the ages) to pioneer in a promised land (Aries). Here, Jesus of Nazareth is born some 2000 years later (Pisces).

Age of Aries
(Approx. 2270 BCE – 110 BCE)

The coming Age of Aries was signified by the predominance of Mars over Venus. In other words, an economy and civilisation based on war and the conquest of enemies as opposed to a more peaceful existence based on soil cultivation. The energy stored in the fixed sign of Taurus was activated through the cardinal male sign, Aries (by definition, a sign of immediate and direct self-expression), symbolised by the Ram.

The polarity or opposite of Aries is Libra, the ‘Scales’. Libra brings to this historical period a feeling for justice and the need to codify social behaviour into distinct sets of laws and mores. Libra represents the Law and the prevailing moral structure in any culture. Hammurabi, the King of Babylon, drew up his famous Code of Laws around 1727 BCE, the earliest-known example of a ruler proclaiming publicly to his people an entire body of laws, arranged in orderly groups, so that all men might read and know what was required of them.

The approach of the Age of Aries greatly affected the forms by which the Egyptian gods were represented. The cult of the Bull diminished and Amon-Re (the Sun god) became Ram-headed. The names of many of the major deities changed to illustrate the power of the cosmic forces at work in this new period. Mithra, the Persian solar deity, who used to be called “The Sacred Bull,” now became “The Slayer of the Bull.” Ashur, Sun god of the Assyrians and known as “The Great Bull,” transformed into a Mars-like god of war. In Sumeria changes were made in the calendar and in the lists of the celestial stars, recognising the ascendancy of the Age of the Ram.

The culture of Aries flourished in the warring states of Greece and later Rome. During this period, Apollo, the Greek solar deity, became the patron of shepherds and flocks.

The rise of the Zoroastrian religion in this period is also testament to the influence of Aries. The prophet Zoroaster instructed his followers to pray in the presence of fire, fixing their eyes upon it and thinking of justice and truth. This is symbolic of Aries, a fire sign. Instead of an image, the sacred centrepiece of Zoroastrian temples was an ever-burning fire.

During this period (Exodus 1:8-14) Moses emerged from the house of Pharaoh to lead the Hebrews out of bondage and into the Promised Land. Moses embodied all the qualities of the sign Aries and combined them with the practical influence of Taurus. He not only expressed his desire for his people’s freedom in an idealistic manner, but he also codified principles into what is now known as Mosaic Law. Through Moses the Ten Commandments were revealed. Thus we see the influence of Libra at work with Justice being created so the newly liberated pioneers of the desert would have a structure upon which to base their society.

The story of the Exodus as it is related in the Old Testament clearly illustrates the transition from the Age of the Bull to the Ram. When Moses went up to the Mount, Yahweh appeared to him in the form of a burning bush (Aries is a fiery sign). Moses received the Ten Commandments (Libra) and brought them down the mountain to the people, where he found the Israelites worshiping the golden calf (a symbol of the previous age).

The transition to the next age was personified by the birth of Jesus (the name derived from the Aramaic yeshua, meaning “saviour”, and from the Greek word for “fish”, ICQUS, which spells out an acronym standing for ‘Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour’). Jesus was the Saviour of the Piscean Age but came to Earth through the Israelites, a people of the Age of Aries.

In the Age of Pisces the concept of the conscious merger of Man with God in a spiritual union using love, compassion, and service as the vehicle for unifying peoples, rather than the physical conquests of Mars in Aries, was approached. In the Age of the Ram, man had learned how to come in contact with his own individual ego structure. In the Age of Pisces, this focus was changed into the desire to blend the Self with a greater spiritual reality through an inner, mystical experience.

Age of Pisces
(Approx. 110 BCE – 2050 CE)

During the 500 years before Jesus’ birth, many of the founders of present-day world religions were born. Buddha, Lao-tse and Confucius all appeared within a short time of each other. These Teachers united the various tribal and ethnic groups of the East into larger and more unified wholes.

The transitory phase, or no man’s land, between the Ages of Aries and Pisces, was a time of upheavals and big changes, particularly in the ancient Middle East. This period encompasses the establishment and demise of the Essene Order, an important religious community that firmly believed, based on their detailed study of both prophetic writings and the science of astrology, they were living in the last days of the Age of Aries. The Essenes carefully studied the course of the stars, looking for the sign of the long-awaited Saviour. Also, the approach of the Age of Pisces is reflected in the story of the three Magi who watched the heavens for a sign that would signal the birth of a Saviour, and the beginning of a new historical cycle.

The sign they awaited appeared in the year 7 BCE in an extremely rare triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, that occurs once every nine centuries in Pisces, where the event took place. David Fideler, in Jesus Christ: Sun of God, elaborates:

At one moment the two outermost planets looked as if they were nearly touching in the sky… It must have been a spectacular sight for anyone looking upward… Since the triple conjunction occurred in the constellation of Pisces, it must have been seen as inaugurating the start of the Age of the Fishes. According to gospel accounts, it was at about this time that Jesus, the avatar of the new age, was born in Bethlehem.

The psychologist Carl Jung, in his book Aion, comments:

…the appearance of Christ coincided with the beginning of a new aeon, the age of the Fishes.  A synchronicity exists between the life of Christ and the objective astronomical event, the entrance of the spring equinox into the sign of Pisces.

The symbolism inherent in the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus is very important, for it illustrates the relationship between the sign of the Fish and that of its polarity, Virgo. The name Jesus, as we have pointed out, can be traced to “fish.” Mary, His mother, was a virgin (Virgo). The name Mary comes from the Sanskrit word maya, meaning “the sea.” From the sea comes the fish; from Mary came Jesus.

The Christian religion is replete with Piscean symbolism. The Catholic bishop’s miter is representative of a fish head. The custom of eating fish on Friday (the day of the week ruled by Venus, the planet exalted in the sign Pisces) is also a manifestation of the deeper symbolism of the age. The New Testament cites Jesus as having taken His disciples from the ranks of fishermen after saying to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” We can also see in the Scriptures the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with two fishes (Pisces) and five loaves of bread (Virgo, viz. the Virgin holding the shafts of wheat as the emblem of this sign).

Jesus is also known as the sacrificial ‘Lamb of God’. Here, allegory plays a double role. ‘Lamb’ signifies the sign of Aries. Jesus, as sacrificial ‘Lamb’, therefore, closed the Age of Aries.

The change from the Age of Aries to Pisces is also revealed by the fact that the seat of the Roman Empire became, in the early centuries of the age, the centre of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. Through Charlemagne in the ninth century, the basic geographical framework of present-day Europe was formed. The Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire and the power struggle between the various heads of state in Europe and the Pope in Rome was firmly established.

The Church reached the height of its influence during the so-called Middle and Dark Ages. The desire to retreat from the world, so much a characteristic of the sign of the Fish, developed into the monastic as well as political life of the period. Huge religious orders such as the monks of Cluny, the Jesuits, the Benedictines, Dominicans, and Franciscans, controlled vast tracts of land and were the source of much of the power and wealth of the Western world. This phenomenon also demonstrates the influence of Jupiter, co-ruler of Pisces. Jupiter rules men and women of religious calling, although Neptune is specifically associated with the cloistered life. Its rays invoke thoughts of philosophy, theology, and canon law. Jupiter expands power but is also known as the preserver and is closely connected to the maintenance of dogma.

We can understand the conflict symbolised by the polarity of Virgo and Pisces. The former represents the desire to serve as a vehicle for the expression of the personal ego structure. The essence of Pisces, however, is service for its own sake and the eventual merger of personal desire into the will of God. Pisces is a vehicle for total surrender to a greater spiritual force, whereas Virgo attempts to structure its services according to a personal concept of right and wrong.

Constant self-examination in order to achieve purity in mind and body and the atonement of “sin” through confession, penance, and absolution are clearly projections of the energy contained within the Pisces-Virgo polarity. The priest functions as a medium, standing as he does between the Holy Spirit and man, administering his duties according to the doctrines of Mother Church. Suffering for one’s sins and repentance through established rituals and thought forms became designations for the road to salvation.

In Luke 22:10, Jesus states He and His followers, at the last Passover, are to go into “the house of the man with the water pitcher.” They are to follow him to the upper room and there prepare for feast which he will share with them.

Esoterically speaking, the man with the water pitcher signifies the coming Age of Aquarius; the upper room refers to a higher state of consciousness and the sharing of food refers to spiritual nourishment which is received from the Christ and shared with His followers.

Cusp of the Ages (Now)

We can expect to witness unprecedented changes of epochal proportions, and events of a magnitude unimaginable by most people. We cannot doubt that our experiences of his ‘interface’ transitional period will be intense, extreme, powerful (both positive and negative) on all levels, because the real global crisis is one of consciousness and ideology.”
– Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions

When the Earth progresses into a new age, there is a precipitation of incoming energies, causing significant variations in terrestrial occurrences. We can expect strange weather patterns, an increase in earthquake activity, and natural disasters unseen on this planet for thousands of years. The possibility of an asteroid hitting the earth is not out of the question.

We are on the threshold of a new era, but the birth of the Age of Aquarius will be attendant with toil and pain. All the prophets and Messengers of Light warn of cataclysmic Earth changes and an immense global catastrophe heralding the advance into Aquarius.

Of course, the ending of one age is also the beginning of a new one, but we should not expect overnight transformations. The supposed ‘dawning of the Age of Aquarius’ in the 60s, like all false dawns, quickly fizzled out. The belief we entered Aquarius and are now in a new era of universal love, peace and brotherhood, is a delusion suffered by many adherents of the ‘New Age’. The grave mistake of believing on a certain date the Earth, along with all humanity, will be automatically transformed to a new level, is a serious misinterpretation of astrological cycles.

However, humanity can expect a new revelation of the divine wisdom, and once the proverbial dust has settled, a new era. Like in the turbulent days of the Essenes, small groups of people are rejecting the dying old age and separating from the world to form underground networks. In touch with the divine wisdom of the ages, the task of this remnant is to survive the coming destruction and establish a New Society, with a truly Aquarian consciousness.

As David Fideler in Jesus Christ: Sun of God explains:

During such periods of cultural renaissance and renewal, a spiritual impulse is released into the world of human affairs. Those visionaries who have long been watching the horizon detect the first rays of light; they are the first to detect the soothing breath of spring’s first breeze, announcing the promise of a new season…

Age of Aquarius (Approx. 2050 – 4210)

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is to be the primary planetary influence for the next 2000 years. What do the vibrations of this planet and its sign indicate?

Aquarius is designated as the sign of “the realm of the organisation and projection of social ambitions and ideals.” Leo, its polarity, is involved with the same sphere of influence but carries out its role in a highly personalised manner. Leo is concerned with the preservation of the one, while Aquarius is preoccupied with the needs and interrelationships of the many.

As an air sign, Aquarius pertains to the mental realms. It formulates ideas from the watery inspirations of Pisces and then proceeds to organise the concepts upon which a new civilisation is to be based. It also provides much of the technology and foresight enabling humanity to plan ahead for the future.

While Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it is also influenced by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of limitations and represents the grounding force, the need for form, and the channelling of energies into prescribed paths for specific purposes.

Air is the element of the new age and this makes communication and inventiveness two of the most outstanding characteristics of the Aquarian period. The use of electricity, the car, telephone, television, Internet and space exploration – are all related to Aquarius. The advent of psychology and proliferation of ‘New Age’ beliefs have displaced the power of the Church. Religious practices have left the aspects of Earth [Taurus], Fire [Aries], Water [Pisces], and began to turn mental or psychic in essence.

The many UFOs sighted in the last half of this century are aerial phenomena. Carl Jung saw the UFO experience as a symptom of the end of an age. Jung contended that during these periods the psychic changes upon the population as a whole invoked a variety of occurrences like mysterious objects in the sky and apparitions. Jung predicted a transition between Pisces and Aquarius full of violent transformations and harmful effects to the collective psyche. This violence, Jung contended, made for “changes in the constellation of psychic dominants.”

Aquarius is often depicted as a youth with an urn of water placed upon his shoulders. This symbolism often confuses people into thinking Aquarius is a watery sign, but water, in this representation, is symbolic of an even deeper concept. The Water Bearer signifies man is created from the ‘waters’ of life. Water is seen as the stream of universal consciousness, inspiration, and intuition.

The Aquarian Water Bearer, illustrated by its star configuration, pours forth its contents, and conjures up the picture of a vast flow of dynamic spiritual energy spiralling into the ‘fish’ of the closing Age of Pisces.

The great changes being wrought by the rays of Aquarius are dramatically increasing man’s capacity for thinking, but not necessarily understanding or wisdom. Witness the last few decades and the availability of colossal amounts of information. An inability to discriminate, combined with acute naivety, mires transitional humanity in complex illusory traps. In time, the study of the relationships between teachings to find their similarities will bring wisdom and the unification of ideas.

Aquarius as an air sign stimulates the mental bodies of humanity towards brotherhood and the integration of knowledge. We can expect the energy generated by baser worldly desires to be transmuted to a search for gnosis or Soul-Wisdom. The new age will be one of synthesis and cooperation between individuals and groups.

We can assist the transition from the Piscean Age by cooperating with the Divine Plan or we can vainly try to impede the process. Unless our minds are receptive to the ideas of the Aquarian Age there is no avenue for these ideas to reach the Earth.

Dynamic and Destructive Energy of Uranus

Even at this early stage in our transition to Aquarius, the dynamic energy of Uranus is greatly affecting humanity. However, mankind is not ready to tap into these more highly developed powers. In order to properly handle this “increased voltage,” the proper physical, mental, and spiritual vehicles will gradually develop in the Age of Aquarius. You cannot send 500 volts through a conductor capable of handling only 100.

There are increasing numbers of people capable of responding to the rays of Uranus. While still in the minority, they will steadily increase. The first (or grosser) vibrations of Uranus are destructive. Uranus is known as the great ‘destroyer of forms’, but this destruction is only in order that a better form may come into being.

Uranus acts suddenly. It is unconventional, forceful, and often violent in its manner of expression. Instead of the slower processes of reason (Mercury), Uranus acts through bolts of lightning, illuminating one’s mental horizon with great power. Uranus is called the planet of invention and revolution. Invention, because it gives great flashes of light that give birth to creative innovations. Revolution, because it tends to overthrow preconceived or conventional notions with its directness, originality, and intuitive perspective. One of its primary effects is to create a feeling of independence and individuality.

The Dark Side of Aquarius

Our examination would not be complete without a warning about the darker potentials of the Aquarian Age, which is often ignored or denied by its proponents who equate it with the re-emergence of the ‘Golden Age’. (The distinction is the subject of a separate article but, in short, the ‘Golden Age’ occurred at one time on Earth, in the very distant past.)

On this subject, John Hogue in his book The Millennium Book of Prophecy, says the “Aquarian is a blind idealist, optimistic about the future – at all costs. The adherents of New Age thinking glibly encourage this misplaced idealism in others: ‘Don’t give the negative any energy and it won’t happen.’”

Aquarius rules the urge to impersonalise, which might herald a more tolerant mankind that takes and perceives aggression less personally. But used unconsciously, the same potential for impersonalisation could see people lose their souls to a dictatorship of the computer. Hogue adds the authorities of the coming age might, “fashion psycho-weapons out of the Aquarian element of atmosphere and mood… and you may not even feel the repression.”

This scenario is best envisioned by George Orwell’s 1984, in which the Big Brother state dominates and controls every aspect of citizen life. The Aquarian citizen might be seduced into believing the propaganda and even support a corporate police state in which every one is happy because of genetic engineering and virtual reality.

Another characteristic of Aquarius is its icy-cold, distant, critical side. The idealistic part of Aquarius has it loving humanity. But in the personal sense – the human sense – there is a feeling of revulsion for the soft, vulnerable and imperfect natures of actual people.

End of the Current World Order

Reviewing recent events and those over the past century, the forces of destruction are self-evident. These destructive forces can be expected to greatly increase in the coming years. Negative forces are extremely potent at the dawning of a new age, fearing, as it were, the loss of their privileged positions. They sow seeds of confusion, disarray and havoc, attempting to trick humanity into accepting the old age in new forms. The web of social, political and economic control is tightening on a global scale. Evil forces are entrapping people in a subtle world of consumerism, fantasy, escapism, and delusion which destroys lives.

We are entering the initial phase of a time of ‘strong delusions’ and ‘global deception’. All the evil forces and powers of the lower astral worlds are bursting barriers that had hitherto restrained them. Consequently ‘good’ will be called ‘evil’ and ‘evil’ hailed as ‘good’. Negative entities will manifest themselves before humans as aliens, extraterrestrials and ‘angels’. To find a parallel for such a time of false spirituality one must go back to the closing periods of the great Atlantean epoch.

Make no mistake, humanity is given a choice. By clinging to the old age consciousness and falling under the demonic delusions of false spirituality, the majority are doomed and will perish. Nothing we can do will stem this flood of evil that has already passed beyond control.


Nevertheless there is a mission, and that mission is to save the remnant. How is this to be done? A Message of Warning and Awakening must be declared. Those who escape the coming onslaught will accept that declaration. They shall be drawn to it by “spiritual affinity” and will find deliverance. By calling humanity to awaken and separate themselves from the delusions, traps and attachments of the world, the remnant is preparing a way of escape. A modern day ‘Noah’s Ark’. A new community of men and women who have left the old Age behind and are linking their consciousness with the impulses of the Age of Aquarius.

This message of awakening to a new way, a new life, a new consciousness, and ultimately a new age, must be publicly declared. This Work of Awakening and separation is spiritual – not mental and argumentative. If people do not recognise it as Truth intuitively, e


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

good stuff



It was not part of their blood

It came to them very late

With long arrears to make good,

When the SAXONS began to hate,

They were not easily moved,

They were icy-willing to wait

Till every count should be proved

Ere the SAXONS began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,

Their eyes were level and straight,

There was neither sign nor show,

When the SAXONS began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd

It was not taught by the State,

No man spoke it aloud,

When the SAXONS began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,

It will not swiftly abate

Through the chilled years ahead

When Time shall count from the date

That the SAXONS began to hate.

— by Rudyard Kipling