Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009 The Military’s Pandora’s Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages. The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based “Star Wars” weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska. The individuals who are demanding answers about HAARP are scattered around the planet. As well as bush dwellers in Alaska, they include: a physician in Finland; a scientist in Holland; an anti-nuclear protester in Australia; independent physicists in the United States; a grandmother in Canada, and countless others. Unlike the protests of the 1960s the objections to HAARP have been registered using the tools of the 1990s. From the Internet, fax machines, syndicated talk radio and a number of alternative print mediums the word is getting out and people are waking up to this new intrusion by an over zealous United States government. The research team put together to gather the materials which eventually found their way into the book never held a formal meeting, never formed a formal organization. Each person acted like a node on a planetary info-spirit-net with one goal held by all — to keep this controversial new science in the public eye. The result of the team’s effort was a book which describes the science and the political ramifications of this technology. That book, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, has 230 pages. This article will only give the highlights. Despite the amount of research (350 footnoted sources), at its heart it is a story about ordinary people who took on an extraordinary challenge in bringing their research forward. HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere
“Star Wars” weapon system
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009 BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY by Ron and Mary Nell Wyatt
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009

A study by Gavin Finley MBBS
As we have seen in our previous discussions the seventy weeks, (or sevens), of Daniel are made up of seventy “sevens” of years or 490 years. These 490 ‘years’ are 490 parcels of time. Now for that all important question. How many days are in each of these ‘years’?Let us not immediately assume that these ‘years’ are earthly years of 365.2422 days. This is where many have gone wrong in their calculations of the 70 weeks of Daniel. Remember that these ‘seventy weeks (sevens) of years’ are issued to us from the throne of God.
Fortunately we are not left to guess or to argue about this. We have an authoritative scripturally well founded answer to that all important question. This is undoubtedly what Sir Robert Anderson noticed as he studied and read his Bible.
Tucked away in the book of Revelation there is a “Rosetta Stone” for biblical or prophetic time. It is given to us in the context of that very important prophecy of ‘the woman and the dragon’. This prophecy concerns of the final 3.5 years of this age. The length of this very important time period and also the purpose for this time period is given to us twice in Revelation chapter 12. This passage of scripture gives us the timespan of the exile and nurturing, (or feeding), of ‘the woman’. This wonderful information was brought to Daniel, (and us), by the angel of God’s Word, the angel Gabriel. In verse 6 the time period for the exile and nurturing of the woman, a picture of God’s Elect, is given to us in terms of days. And in verse 14 the very same time period is given to us in terms of ‘times’ or years. This is our ‘Rosetta stone’ for calibrating the biblical years of the 70 Weeks of Daniel in terms of days.
Revelation chapter 12 provides us with some very important information concerning the last half of the 70th week of Daniel. This is the final 3.5 years of this age. It involves the exile and spiritual nurturing of the people of God. The period of time is given as 1260 days and also as 3.5 years.
This is John’s vision of the dragon and the woman. The ‘woman’ here is a picture of God’s covenant people. John saw her being threatened by the Dragon. God gives her the wings of a great eagle. She is airlifted, possibly from some country, (or countries), with an eagle in their heraldry. ‘The woman’ then flies off to a place of safety where she is fed/nurtured/taken care of for 1260 days/3.5 years.
The timespan of the Great Tribulation has been given to us twice in precise units of time. This prophecy actually calibrates the last half of the 70th week. The time is dispensed to us in terms of days as well as in terms of years. Here in Revelation 12 we have in effect a “Rosetta Stone” for biblical time. So we can know for an absolute certainty just how many days are in each ‘year’ of all 70 of the 70 ‘weeks’ or 70 ‘sevens’ of Daniel. Here are the details.
The timespan for the final half of the 70th week is issued to us twice. In verse 6 the Holy Spirit tells us that the woman is nurtured/taken care of/fed for a period of 1260 days.
6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
where she has a place prepared by God,
that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
Now, let us look down 8 verses in the same chapter.
Lo and behold, what do we see?
14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time,
from the presence of the serpent.
Verse 14 is a restatement by the Holy Spirit of the very same reassuring information. But this time He issues the time to us using a different unit of time. A ‘time’ in scripture is a year. The Holy Spirit tells us that the woman is ‘nurtured’ or ‘taken care of’ for a “time, times, and half a time” or 3.5 years.This is some exceedingly helpful information! Now. If we divide these 1260 days by the 3.5 biblical years we get a biblical or prophetic year of precisely 360 days.
This is very important. It shows us without a shadow of a doubt that in that last ‘week’ or ‘seven years’ of the 70 weeks of Daniel God is issuing His holy biblical or prophetic ‘year’ as a ‘year’ made up of exactly 360 days. So much for the length of the biblical or prophetic year as we see it outlined in scripture for the last 3.5 years of the 70th week. Each year of the final seven years of this age is made up of 360 days. It is not the solar year we see down here in this damaged cosmos, the year of 365.2422 days. God’s word has spoken. So there should be no question about it.
Now we can turn our attention to laying out the timeline of the 69 weeks. Since we have a God who does things in perfect order and beauty we can be absolutely certain that God is totally consistent in His reckoning of all of the 70 weeks/sevens of years. As we have seen, God measures out the 70th week in terms of years made up of of 360 days. So we can be absolutely certain that He has done precisely the same for the previous 69 years that unfolded in times past.So we can discount all the chronologies men have put forward for the 70 Week prophecy that are calculated on the basis of solar years of 365.2422 days. Every single one of them will be wrong. This is where Sir Isaac Newton was sidelined as he attempted to calculate the 70 weeks back in the late 1600′s.
God reckons time according to the ideal of a holy and perfect solar system. In susch a solar system the planet earth would orbit around the sun in perfect circle and each cycle would last 360.0000000 days. In this perfect ideal solar system the moon circles around the earth in perfect holy months of 30.0000000 days and finishes the 12 revolutions precisely as the earth finishes its revolution around the sun. Each of the four seasons would be 90.000000 days. So here is what we have established so far. Any reckoning of the 70 Weeks of Daniel which does not follow this perfect pattern and does not consider prophetic/biblical time as a year of 360 days made up of 12 perfect months of 30 days is not going to work. It will be flawed from the start.
OF 360 DAYS.
But, some will say, this reckoning of 360 days to a year does not agree with the earthly things we see around us? We see a year of 365.2433 days. And we see a lunar month of 29.530589 days. These are people with an earthbound mindset.God has given us a timeline of 69 weeks or sevens of years. We have to lay it out in history across nearly five centuries. Here is where we must decide. Do we measure out our biblical timelines with years based on what we see in the damaged and imperfect cosmos as we measure it out today? Or do we go with the measuring stick for prophetic time God has given to us in scripture? In laying out our timeline for the 69 weeks do we use the solar year our own human eyes see? Or do we use the year God has shown us that He Himself is using for the latter half of that final 70th week? In short, do we insist on using terrestial time? Or do we use the sacred heavenly time God uses?
Presented in this way the answer for an evangelical would seem obvious. But it is surprising how many liberal scholars find this to be a stumblingblock. Their earthy scientifically correct view of the year seems to be all that they can see. The biblical reckoning of time, (a year = 360 days), a leap of faith. It is too much of a stretch for them. It is very hard for earhly minded people to make the jump. What is going on here?
This may in fact be what God planned all along. This may be just another instance of how God guards His Word. We are in a spiritual war. Like all wars it is an information war. This information on the 70 Weeks of Daniel involves the end-time. The saints will need this information in times to come. But the less the enemy and his agents know the better.
Think of it. God’s Word has been hidden for a long time now. But as we come towards the end-time this information will be unsealed. God will make His message available to His saints. He speaks to them in biblical and devotional code. These are messages that only consecrated believers can “get”. Daniel was told to “seal up the prophecy until the time of the end. For many shall run to and fro and knowledge will increase”. (Dan.12:9) He was also told that “the wise would understand.” (Dan.12:10) So there is a reason for this information to be “sealed up”. God is getting His message out to His people when they need it, and especially as they approach the end time. He is also preventing His Word from getting into the hands of the wrong people. As they come up to the threshold of the end time drama the prophecies in Daniel will be unsealed. The information will then be opened up to the saints. This is just as Daniel prophesied.
So once we have calibrated our time units for the ‘years’ of the latter half of the 70th week we can now readily and easily calculate the number of days for the timespan of the former 69 weeks (or sevens) of years. This is quite simple really. Here are our calculations.7 weeks + 62 weeks = 69 weeks or 69 sevens of years.
69 x 7 = 483 biblical/holy years.
As we have established, each year is 360 days.
This ends up being
483 x 360 = 173,880 days (inclusive)
This is a time interval of 173,879 days between the beginning day #1 and the final day #173,880.
173,880 days
This, then, is the number which Sir Robert Anderson arrived at for the 69 weeks as set forth in his celebrated book, ‘The Coming Prince’. This book was first published in 1894. It is still available in good Christian bookstores.
The next step is to lay out our 173,880 days across the solar passage of years and determine how many earthly years this spans. Sir Robert Anderson used our present Gregorian calendar and its treatment of leap years to make his calculations of the 69 weeks/173,880 days. He wrote to the Astronomer Royal at Greenwich to determine when the new moons came through for the Passover month of Nisan for 445 B.C. and for 32 A.D. From knowledge of when the Nisan moon came through in the year of Nehemiah and the year of the passion of Christ he was then able to place his 173,880 days into the Gregorian calendar to arrive at his startling conclusion.
This is the approach using the solar cycles of years. An additional approach, and one used by this author, is to use the astronomical data for the monthly lunar cycles as well. As we shall outline further down in this article this comes to 5,888 moons plus 8 days. It is then a straightforward matter to connect the beginning and ending days of those 476 solar years plus 25 days or 5,888 moons plus 8 days into the Hebrew calendar for the years in question. The timeline can then be seen to fit perfectly between the Edict of Nehemiah and Palm Sunday at the beginning of Passion Week.
As we have determined above, the 69 weeks is a timespan of 173,880 days inclusive. This is 173,879 days for the difference between the first and last days of the 173,880 days. The true solar year astronomically is 365.242199 or 365.2422 days. How many years then is in this interval of 69 “weeks”/sevens/173,879 days? Let us pull out our calculators and see.
173,879 days divided by 365.2422 days
= 476.0649 years.
So the 69 weeks/sevens = 476 years plus a small fraction of a year.
That small fraction is 0.06492 of a year.
0.06492 x 365.2422 days per year = 23.7 days or 24 days.
So an accurate tally of years for the 69 week interval, the interval between day #1 and day #173,880 is 476 solar years plus 24 days.
Let us now lay out our 476 years and 24 days as a timeline. It must start from the date of an edict giving authority to ‘restore and build Jerusalem’. It must then run on without pause to end at a termination date auspicious as the day of “Messiah the Prince”.
As we determined in our earlier discussion of the various edicts in chapter 3 it was only the edict of Artaxerxes in His 20th year and delivered to Nehemiah in 445 B.C. that met the criteria called for to initiate Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 weeks. The month of Nisan in 445 B.C. would begin a timespan that would reach forward 476 solar years and 24 days. Finally, on the 173,880th day, the timeline would terminate on that epic day and year when Jesus presented Himself to His people politically as “Messiah the Prince”.
As we saw in part 3 of this study, the 457 B.C. date, as given by Sir Isaac Newton and many others even now, would be too early. This earlier edict of Cyrus not only fails to meet the requirements of a political restoration but it fails to connect on any auspicious days. And as we saw, these earlier edicts did not authorize or give any permission whatsoever for the Jewish nation to restore the gates and walls and thus grant political sovereignty to Jerusalem to resume its history as a sovereign, independent city-state.
In reaching forward the 476 years and 24 days we are not vague or sloppy in making the connection to the life of Jesus. The angel Gabriel told told Daniel, and us, that the terminus of the 69 week timeline would be “unto Messiah the Prince”. There must be a day in holy history that fits this. Is there? Let us take a look and see.
First, let us make one thing abundantly clear. We are looking for a day answerable to the prophecy “Messiah the Prince”. So we are not looking for the date of His birth nor His baptism. Yes, Jesus was born a king, just as the wise men from the east had stated. But Jesus did not present Himself to His people as “Messiah”, the anointed King of the Jews and High Priest of Israel when He was a baby. Nor was the day in which we saw “Messiah the Prince” the day when Jesus went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. There was one day, and one day only, in which Jesus presented Himself to His people as “Messiah the Prince”. On this auspicious day Jesus entered Jerusalem in a very public and political way. He came in through the Eastern Gate as Messiah should. He presented Himself before the crowds, lowly, and riding upon a donkey. This was precisely as prophesied. – Zech 9:9
So we have 2 very specific dates to consider as markers on a time line pegging out the first 69 weeks of the 70 weeks of Daniel. The likely starting day has been given to us in Nehemiah 2 as being “in the month of Nisan” and “in the 20th year of Artaxerxes”.
Here are the facts. Artaxerxes Longinus began his reign in February of 464 B.C. 19 years later his 20th year would have begun in February of 445 B.C. So the 20th year of Artaxerxes Longinus is well established historically as beginning in the winter month of February in 445 B.C. Nehemiah went to the king with his request a month or so later. According to Nehemiah this was in the springtime month of Nisan. Nehemiah does not give us a specific date in Nisan. But we have good reason to look at the new moon of Nisan 1 or Nisan 2 for our starting date. Because the time of the new moon was generally the time when kings made their edicts and pronouncements from the throne.
And when is our finishing day? As we shall see the 173,880 day time line comes to its terminus on a very auspicious day in the Passover month of Nisan in 32 A.D., specifically Nisan 10 of that year. As we shall discover, it was 5,888 moons and 8 days later.
Brothers and sisters, we must be very careful here. Two appropriate and auspicious dates in holy history have been given to us. We must now connect the timespan faithfully and accurately. And we must do it within the accuracy expected for the sighting of the new moons. We are talking here of an accuracy of one or two days across 476 solar years. That is a “hole in one” or a bullseye hit on a target at an extreme range. Can we do it? Let us see.
Remember, we are dealing here with holy things. If we cannot do this accurately and the time line does not fit and fit accurately then we are finished. We may as well then wrap up the study, admit we are defeated, and go home. Because we are dealing here with the holy things of God. And “mucking around” with the numbers is out of the question for us. That is occultic manipulative behavior. It will not do. It is falling short of God’s glory. It is sin. If we present wrong information we as teachers will be severely punished. False teachers commit the sin of Jeroboam, leading God’s covenant people ointo error. Bible teachers who dare to teach falsehood will suffer great shame and reproach before the courts of heaven.
We serve a holy God. His very Presence strikes fear into all who get crosswise of Him. Any person who teaches Bible prophecy should be very very careful. If we present or teach something relating to the Holy One of Israel then it had better be right. Our calling and our discipline as Christian believers is to be diligent in the holy scriptures, led by the Spirit of God, and obedient to our calling in God. God has promised us He will lead us into all truth. This is not ‘relative truth’ or ‘courtroom truth’ or ‘town hall truth’. In this matter of the 70 weeks of Daniel we must have total and absolute truth within the limits God has given us. When the time line is placed and then offered up for the saints it must be mathematically and astronomically correct!
Teachers of Biblical truth have an awesome responsibility here. God punishes severely all those who place incorrect markers on the pathway. As we walk on into the future then we as pilgrims need a correct map. So we had best be led by His Holy Spirit in what we present. No other ‘spirit’, be it profane or religious, has any right to worm its way into any teaching that involves the Holy Bible. These are days of great deception. The religious spirits among us are the worst of all. So we had best make sure that all our conclusions are in alignment with the Holy Scriptures.
If we are wrong in what we say then we are presenting disinformation. We are misleading God’s elect people and sending them off down the wrong path. This is a very serious matter. If we go along with disseminating wrong information then we as teachers have ‘turned’. We have become ‘double agents’ operating on the side of the enemy. We have wittingly or unwittingly become agents for the dark side.
Back to our study. The date of ascension of Artaxerxes Longinus is well established by secular sources. It was in February of 464 B.C. that his predecessor was assassinated. The 20th year of Artaxerxes would therefore have begun 19 years later on February of 445 B.C.. Since Nehemiah tells us that he received the edict from the king in the springtime month of Nisan which follows this February of 445 B.C. we can know with certainty that the 20th year of Artaxerxes was in the year of 445 B.C.. Thus begins our timeline of 173,880 days, or
5888 moons and 8 days, or
476 solar years and 24 days.
In counting the years between a B.C. date and an A.D. date it is important to remember to subtract a year since there is no year zero. 445 B.C. is therefore -444 A.D. Remember it was the Arab mathematicians who gave us the concept and the number zero. Their heyday did not come until centuries later in the 700′s A.D.
If we lay out 476 years and 25 days from the springtime of 445 B.C. we come to the springtime of 32 A.D.. Was this an auspicious year? It certainly was! Not only have we tagged the crucifixion year but we have intercepted it in the springtime. We have landed our 173,880 days right in the very time period of the Passover in the year of 32 A.D.! This looks very promising.
Now let us line up year 1 of our timespan, (which is 445 B.C.), with year 476 (32 A.D.) at their spring equinoxes. (See the chart above.) This will mark out 476 solar years exactly. Those extra 24 days over the 476 solar years will make up the days we use to reach out from the equinox points into the adjoining Nisan months of 445 B.C. and 32 A.D.. With those extra 24 days we shall measure out the days from the spring equinox points to reach out to those two auspicious dates, the decree of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah in 445 B.C. and the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem of Jesus at “Messiah the Prince” in 32 A.D.
We have just laid out our time-line of the 69 weeks in terms of the present Gregorian solar calendar. However, the beginning and ending points are given to us in terms of a Hebrew calendar. Nehemiah received the edict from King Artaxerxes “in the Hebrew month of Nisan”. – Neh. 2:1. And Jesus entered Jerusalem as “Messiah the Prince” during the Passover which was also during the month of Nisan. Since our present Gregorian calendar ignores the lunar passages we must connect our time-line to these Hebrew calendar dates by some other means.
Our current solar calendar uses months that Julius Caesar shackled to the solar year. Our months no longer follow the passages of the moon. So we shall need to reconcile our current solar-only calendar to the solar/lunar Hebrew calendar in some way. We shall need the testimony of the moon as well as that of the sun. This is what God told us back at creation.
and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;” -Gen.1:14
Our Creator was referring to the passages of the sun and moon.The best point to measure out the solar years and to connect into the Nisan moons of the Hebrew calendar is the spring equinox. The spring equinox on our Gregorian calendar occurs in March 21 or March 20th in a leap year. The first full moon that comes after the spring equinox is by definition the month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. So to measure out our timespan of the 69 weeks into the Hebrew calendar dates we shall need to lay out the Nisan moons alongside the spring equinoxes of the years in question. To do this we shall need the date and time those Nisan new moons occurred for the years 445 B.C. and 32 A.D.. This was the approach used by Sir Robert Anderson. Back in 1877 he obtained this information from the Astronomer Royal of Greenwich Observatory. Here is the letter he received back from the A.R.
– I have had the moon’s place calculated from Largeteau’s Tables in Additions to the Connaisance des Tems 1846, by one of my assistants, and have no doubt of its correctness. The place being calculated for – 444, March 12d. 20h., French reckoning, or March 12d. 8h. P. M., it appears that the said time was short of New Moon by about 8h. 47m., and therefore the New Moon occurred at 4h. 47m. A. M., March 13th, Paris time.”
I am, etc.,
” (Signed,) G. B. AIRY.”
The new moon, therefore, occurred at Jerusalem on the 13th March, B. C. 445 (444 Astronomical) at 7h. 9m. A. M.
One online resource that gives some lunar data is the U.S. Naval Observatory. Unfortunately it does not go back further than the year 1700. I have used Sir Robert Anderson’s new moon data for 445 B.C. and 32 A.D. for this study. Armed with this lunar information we can then construct a combined Gregorian/Hebrew calendar on which to lay out the 69 weeks.What was the date of the edict? Here Sir Robert Anderson began with a good assumption. Since the traditional times for kings to issue edicts was at the time of the new moon then he considered that Nehemiah would have received the king’s decree on the first day of Nisan. He therefore laid out his timespan from the 1st of Nisan, (March 14th), of 445 B.C..
When did the 69 weeks end? The 69 weeks/476 solar years and 23.7 days/173,879 day span reaches out from day #1 and comes to a terminus on day #173,880, the day of “Messiah the Prince”. This was on the tenth day of Nisan four days before the day the Passover lambs were killed on Nisan 14. (Lev.23:5, Num.28:16) Working from the calendar and adding the appropriate leap years and leap century adjustments Sir Robert Anderson had determined that Palm Sunday, the tenth of Nisan, was April 6th of 32 A.D.. But when we look at the new moon data for the Nisan moon of 32 A.D. Nisan 10 would appear to be closer to April 9th. (see section 5 down below)
All this notwithstanding, Sir Robert Anderson’s remarkably accurate and faithful work, perhaps set back in time by no more than 2-3 days is recorded in his book, now available online, “The Coming Prince”. It is a landmark piece of scholarship still being published today long after the first edition came out in 1894. His book should put to rest any historicist or preterist notions that 70 weeks or 69.5 weeks have already been completed.
Let us now consider the lunar cycles in more detail. What information can the moon provide us with apart from providing the Hebrew calendar connection points to the Gregorian calendar years of Nehemiah’s edict and “Messiah the Prince”? Well once we have identified our connection years on the Gregorian calendar we can then use the lunar cycles alone to provide us with a direct and accurate measure of the entire 69 weeks. This neatly by-passes all concerns about calendars, leap years and such. As far as I know this article is the first time a straight lunar measurement of the 69 weeks has been published. It had been ready and waiting to be done since the astronomical data is well known. Indeed the new moon times for the Nisan months in question, accurate right down to the minute, are sitting right there in Anderson’s 19th century book on pages 102 and 124. As we shall see, the testimony of the lunar cycles provides a wonderful confirmation of the solar/calendar measurements of the 69 weeks.
Sir Robert Anderson had obtained the Nisan new moon times for 445 B.C., the month of Nehemiah’s edict, and 32 A.D., the Passover month of Palm Sunday/Passion week. Nisan is by definition the first full moon after the spring equinox. These new moon times are as follows.
We are now able to start our work of laying out the moons as a second timeline for the 69 weeks.With the date and time of the new moon of Nehemiah’s Nisan moon fixed and the date and time of the new moon of Messiah the Prince similarly fixed in time then a certain perfect number of moons will fit precisely into that new moon to new moon time period. But exactly how many lunar cycles will that timespan accommodate? It will, of course, be an exact number of moons. That is the next thing we shall determine.
Let us first take our 69 week time span which is 173,879 days and ask ourselves how many moon cycles this timespan saw back in the 445 B.C. to 32 A.D. period. We know what the lunar cycle is today. It is a month of 29.530587 days. But is this the same lunar cycle seen during the time period of the 69 weeks two thousand years ago? The answer is no. And why not? Because the moon is slowing down with time and slowly moving away from the earth The lunar cycles are slowing down by one second every 36 years. How then can we find out what the lunar cycle length was back in the time of the 69 weeks? Well if it is slowing by one second every 36 years then the average lunar month for the time period of the 69 weeks back over two millennia ago will be the lunar cycle seen half way through the 445 B.C. and 32 A.D. timespan. This middle year would be 206 B.C.
This is 2206 years ago.
How many seconds faster was the lunar cycle back then than it is today in the year 2000? Let us find out.
There are 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400 seconds in a day.
61.3 seconds divided by 86,400 seconds = 0.000709 days
So the lunar cycle seen in the midst of the 69 weeks back in 206 B.C. was 0.000709 of a day faster than the lunar cycle as measured today.
So the average lunar cycle for the 69 weeks back during the years between 445 B.C. and 32 A.D was
minus 0.000709 days (the fraction of a day that the lunar cycle was faster.)
= 29.529878 days
This then is a pretty close calculation for determining the lunar cycle seen back in the time of the 69 weeks. With this pretty accurate figure for the lunar cycles back then we can plug it into our new moon to new moon interval between the Nisan moon of Nehemiah in 445 B.C. and the Nisan moon of Palm Sunday, 32 A.D. Then we can count the moons with full assurance that we are homing in to a very accurate figure.We do this by dividing our calculated lunar cycle into the time interval given to us by Sir Robert Anderson between the new moons listed above for Nisan of 445 B.C. (March 13 at 0709 hrs.) and Nisan of 32 A.D. (March 29 at 2257 hrs.). This new moon to new moon time interval is
= 476 x 365.2422 days + 16.658 days
= 173,871.94 days
Let us divide this accurate number of days (173,871.94) by our fairly accurate lunar cycle for the 69 weeks which we calculated above as close to 29.529878 days.
= 5888.0006
Aha! The answer comes to 5,888.0006 moons. This is very close. So we have now confirmed that 5,888 moons passed between the edict of Artaxerxes given to Nehemiah and the Passover of Palm Sunday. We can now be sure that if the Nisan moon of Nehemiah was moon #1 then the Nisan moon of “Messiah the Prince” was 5,888 moons later at Moon #5,889.
Now using our new moon to new moon span of 173,871.94 days we can fine-tune our calculated lunar cycle length for the 69 weeks. This will give us an exceedingly accurate lunar cycle for the 69 weeks. We do this by dividing the 173,871.94 days by this whole number 5,888 which is the exact number of moons for that new moon to new moon interval.
1. We now know the number of moons. There were 5,888 of them. 2. We now know with a high degree of accuracy what the lunar cycle was back in the time of the 69 weeks. It was 29.529881 days
With this accurate information we can now proceed to use the lunar cycles alone to measure out the 69 weeks/173,879 days between those two auspicious days reaching out and touching those Nisan moons 476 years apart.
Then we can lay it directly right onto the Hebrew calendar.
Let us now look again at the Nehemiah new moon to Messiah new moon timespan.
It is 173,871.94 days.
Let us now compare it to the 69 week timespan of 173,879 days.
So our 173,879 days for the 69 week interval is very close to 7 days over this new moon to new moon interval. So now, since our Nisan date for Nehemiah’s edict from Artaxerxes is 7 days earlier in the lunar cycle than the Palm Sunday lunar cycle then we can be fairly certain that the Hebrew calendar dates are also very close to 7 days apart. Since the Palm Sunday date was on the tenth of Nisan we can go back 5,888 moons and 7 days and say that Nehemiah probably got his edict from Artaxerxes on the 10 – 3 = 3rd day of the Nisan moon in 445 B.C. Which brings us to our next consideration.SETTING THE HEBREW CALENDAR
As Sir Robert Anderson stated in the “Coming Prince” it cannot be assumed that the first day of the month was the day following the new moon. It is exceedingly difficult to see the thin sliver of the new moon with the unaided eye before it is 24 hours old. This is seen in the photos sent into the Islamic site The new moon may not have been sighted until it was over 36 hours old or even on the morning of the third day if the weather was overcast. This is why sightings of the new moon were reported in from widely separated parts of the country.
As we saw in section B the 69 weeks of years comprised 476 solar years plus 24 days.
So the Nisan date of the entry of “Messiah the Prince” into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday of 32 A.D was
476 years and 24 days further into the solar year than the Nisan date of Nehemiah when he received the edict of Artaxerxes in 445 B.C. This is a big stretch for a timespan connecting two Nisan moons. It would only have been possible if the terminus was allowed to move deeper into the year than usual such as happens in an embolismal year with a late Nisan moon or a late Passover. This is precisely what we saw in 32 A.D. Even with the early Nehemiah Nisan and a late Calvary Nisan the 476 years and 24 days only just manages to squeeze into the time-line. No other paired Nisan moons in the years before or after could come anywhere near accommodating these 173,880 days. This proves conclusively thatthe Passover of our Lord’s passion was 32 A.D. and not 33 A.D. as is commonly stated.
A.D. 32 was an embolismal year and saw a late Passover that year. An embolismal year has an extra month of Adar inserted early in the spring before the 1st month of the year, the month of Nisan. This puts the Passover later down the year. In the following years it drifts back 11.24 days each year until the next embolismal year. Why 11.24 days? Since the lunar cycles are very close to 29.5 days the Hebrews used a calendar of twelve lunar months of alternating 29 and 30 days. This made a calendar of 354 days. The solar/calendar year is 365.24 days or 11.24 days longer than the lunar calendar of 354 days of 12 lunar cycles. About every third year the month following the 12th month would fall short of the the spring equinox. Having failed to qualify as the Nisan moon it would then be inserted as a thirteenth month and considered a second month of Adar. This would be an embolismal year. Typically, in the springtime, and after the 12 months had passed the rabbis would determine whether the coming moon was going to fall short of the spring equinox as it came to its fullness.
This consideration of the embolismal year is very important. Those 24 extra days over and above the 476 years had to be crammed into the span of time that would connect two Nisan months 476 years apart. Not only that, the terminus was only going up ten days into the Nisan moon. So our investigations astronomically will lead us to the conclusion that no other nearby years, (not 31 A.D. and particularly 33 A.D.) could accommodate the 69 weeks. The time-line only fits in between an early Nisan moon at the start of the time-line, (which we saw in 445 B.C.), and a late Nisan moon for the terminus point, (which we saw in 32 A.D.). No other pair of Nisans spanning 476 years will accommodate those 173,879 days! This provides proof that 32 A.D. was in fact the year of the crucifixion. Only an extra-long Nisan to Nisan span will accommodate the 476 years and those 24 extra days.
32 A.D. was such a year! This makes for an amazing confirmation of the 69 week prophecy.
Now we are finally able to place our 69 ‘week’ span of 173,879 days. Messiah presented Himself as Messiah on just one day in history. This was Nisan 10, the so called “triumphant entry into Jerusalem”. Jesus entered the eastern gate passing on up into the city of shalom riding on a donkey. The crowds threw palm branches out be fore Him. Yet just 4 days later they would cry, “crucify him!”
Let us now consider this Nisan moon of 32 A.D. According to the Astronomer Royal of Greenwich in 1877 and the U.S. Naval Observatory today the new moon would have occurred on March 29 late at night. It occurred at 2257 hrs or 10:57 P.M.. There is no way the moon could have been seen on the following morning of March 30th when it was only 7 hours old and highly unlikely it was seen the following evening when it was only 19 hours old and before the new moon set with the sun. On the morning of March 31st, however, the new moon was over 30 hours old and was probably seen then thus marking March 31 as Nisan 1 on the Hebrew calendar. The Palm Sunday date of Nisan 10 would therefore have been nine days later on April 9th.
Sir Robert Anderson put the Nisan 10 date 3 days earlier than this. He put it at April 6. This author does not believe that this would have been possible in view of the new moon data we have just considered.
Be that as it may the difference is of no great consequence. Sir Robert showed us the length of the time-line 69 weeks of years, laid it out across 476 years of history and tagged and connected the Nisan moon of the Edict of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah with Palm Sunday on the tenth day of the Nisan moon of Calvary. God bless him for that! He showed us that the 69 week time-line fits the two events with amazing accuracy.
In looking at the placement of his 173,880 day time-line it seems that Sir Robert Anderson was insistent that the edict of Nehemiah must have been issued on Nisan 1. After assessing the lunar data this author favors the date Nisan 2 for the Edict. Traditionally the new moons were times when edicts were handed down by kings. This is not a big difference. With the vagaries of new moon sightings and Hebrew calendars our ability to lay out a time-line with an accuracy of 1-2 days is about as close as it is possible to get anyway.
Having established a well fixed terminus for the 173,880 days let us remember that this April 9 Palm Sunday date is 24 days further down the solar year than the day of Nehemiah’s edict 476 years and 24 days before. So if we back up 24 days from April 9 we shall get to our Gregorian calendar date in which Nehemiah went before the king and made his appeal to rebuild Jerusalem. April 9 minus 24 days = March 16 of 445 B.C.
The question we must ask ourselves now is what date on the Hebrew calendar is March 16? Well again we shall need to determine when the new moon for Nisan 445 B.C. came through. Sir Robert Anderson’s own data from the Astronomer Royal of Greenwich gives us a new moon time of 0709 hrs. or 7:09 a.m. on March 13. Nehemiah was at Susa in Persia and 700 miles to the east. This would give a new moon time for Susa about 45 minutes earlier than this Jerusalem time. Would the new moon have been seen the following morning when it was 24 hours old? It may well have been. Sir Robert Anderson tagged this March 14 date as Nisan 1. But it might well have been reckoned as Nisan 2. Again, this is not a big issue. A forty-eight hour window after a passage of 476 years is exceedingly good accuracy!
Sir Robert Anderson considered this first day of the month as the day of the edict. He considered Nisan 1 as the first day of the 70 weeks. But we are not compelled by scripture to link the edict to the very first day of the lunar month. Nehemiah merely states that it was “in the month of Nisan” that he set wine before the king. So the decree could have come a day or two later than Nisan 1 with no compromise to the scriptural requirement whatsoever. Anytime during those 29-30 days of Nisan would be just fine as a starting date for the 70 weeks of Daniel. All God was asking His people to do was tag the lunar cycles. He wanted them be watching for their Messiah on certain future moon which happened to be a certain future Passover.
The Pharisees were very intelligent and savvy men. They were scholars. They had a very good handle on the solar and lunar cycles. The metatonic cycle was discovered 400 years before by the Greeks in Athens. So it was well known. If the wise men from the east knew to look for the approximate time for the expected birth of Messiah over 30 years before why weren’t the Pharisees paying attention to the times as well? They surely must have known enough to calculate the date of the terminus of the 69 weeks. Were the Pharisees watching when Jesus came through the eastern Gate of Jerusalem in the Passover month of Nisan in 32 A.D.?
Apparently not.
Having made our connections to the solar calendar let us now see if the lunar cycles will give us a confirming measurement. They will provide a crosscheck in our endeavor to fix the beginning and ending days of the 69 weeks, i.e. day 1 and day 173,880.
As we have seen from our lunar calculations above, our 69 sevens of biblical 360 day years (or 173,879 days), equal 5,888 moons plus 7 days. Let us now lay them out on the Hebrew calendar. We soon find out that the 5,888 moons plus 7 days fits neatly between the Nisan moon of Nehemiah and the Nisan moon of Passion Week and the Palm Sunday entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as ‘Messiah the Prince’.
Sir Robert Anderson did not use the lunar cycles as a measuring stick. He did use the new moon dates to mark out the Hebrew months of Nisan to fix the dates for the edict of Artaxerxes given to Nehemiah and Palm Sunday.
This little exercise with the lunar cycles is well worthwhile. When we use the passages of the moon as a time measuring device it confirms the amazing accuracy of Sir Robert Anderson’s work.
Let us start with our Nisan 10, 32 A.D. date for Palm Sunday. As we have seen, this day, and this day alone, fulfills the prophecy and meets the criterion for the terminus day of the 69 weeks.
Now let us lay out our time-line from a terminus of Nisan 10, 32 A.D. and back up into history 5,888 moons and 7 days (or 173,879 days). (This is the number of moons in the interval between the beginning and ending days of the 69 weeks (173,880 days inclusive.) Backing up 5,888 moons we come to the 10th day of Nehemiah’s month of Nisan in 445 B.C. Now we back track those last 7 days and we get a date ofNisan 3, 445 B.C.
In the month of Nisan in 445 B.C. the true new moon was 7 a.m. on March 13. The thin crescent would have just become visible to the unaided eye the following morning, the morning of March 14. At that time the moon was 24 hours old. It is possible that the thin crescent of the new moon was not seen until the following day, March 15 in which case the date of Nehemiah’s receiving the edict (March 16) would have been considered Nisan 2 and not Nisan 3. Nisan 3 (or Nisan 2) would have been the Gregorian date of March 16 that year. March 16 is the date we had arrived at earlier for the edict of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah in 445 B.C. So here we see that both the solar cycles and the lunar cycles agree with each other to confirm the timespan for the 69 weeks.
This is an amazing solution to the prophecy of the 69 weeks.
Sir Robert Anderson’s timeline for the 69 weeks/173,879 days was
Nisan 1, 445 B.C. <——> Nisan 10, 32 A.D.
This author’s timeline, using the astronomical data of the solar and the lunar cycles, was very close to that of Sir Robert Anderson.
Nisan 2, 445 B.C. <——->Nisan 10, 32 A.D. (5888 moons plus 8 days (inclusive))
This variance between the timeline of Sir Robert Anderson and the timeline of this author only amounts to 2-3 days. It is of no great significance. The conclusion is the same.
69 weeks connect the Nisan moon of Nehemiah to the Nisan moon of Palm Sunday and the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. No one has presented a timeline that fits the facts so well and with a timeline fitting the dates involved with such fine accuracy.
Dear saints, the 69 weeks have run their course!
And here, for all good men to take note of is one exceedingly important conclusion.
One ‘week’ of seven prophetic years remains to be fulfilled!!!
As we can see, the testimony of scripture (Dan.9:26) as well as the testimony of the sun and moon show us that these 69 weeks have run their course. But not the 70th week. No, not even the first half the 70th week! That fact is of critical importance. Today’s believers must make themselves aware of this. Preterist historicists and Partial preterists are everywhere. They, (and their religious arguments), are all over the religious landscape. Biblically sound doctrine, like truth, lies trampled in the street. Wisdom, as a woman, is lifting up her voice. (Prov.1) But few are listening. Even fewer are doing their homework and “proving all things” in the manner of good Bereans.A future 70th week, the final section of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel is up ahead. It will emerge into holy history in climactic fashion. This is exceedingly important. Future history will show that there are enormous devotional and church-state political and consequences to knowing, (or not knowing), that all of the 70th week is yet future.
A future 70th week is slated for our future. The witness of the saints is essential and will achieve a lot. The 5th seal is necessary before the 6th seal can be opened to reveal the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens. This may not be popular to the narcissistic Church in the west. But Chinese and Egyptian Christians over in places abroad understand it very well. It is Blood Covenant Christianity.
The facts of scripture are very clear. The Kingdom of God must be announced. The witness of Christ our Messiah must be given by His witnesses here on this earth. Holy history demands it. The angels are watching as the saints prepare for their final sprint to the finish line. – Heb.12:1 God has given us the signpost into the 70th week. It is the confirming of a seven year covenant with a coming global prince who is a false messiah. He will enter into covenant with many in the world, including Israel, the nations the established church. (Dan.9:27). Jesus Himself told us that this would happen. John 5:43
The signing of this earthy 7 year deal marks the beginnings of the apostasy, or ‘great falling away’ involving national Israel and the compromising world church. (2Thes.2:3) This is difficult for us to receive. But let no man or shady religious spirit lead the Body of Christ to believe otherwise.
This may all sound just too depressing. But it is not really. The trumpets will be sounding. And God’s people will trim the lamps of their spirit. They will procure the oil for the coming night They will make it their business to obtain a supply of spiritual energy from outside of themselves. This is the oil of anointing of the Holy Spirit. Even in the gathering gloom they will ‘rise and shine’. They will leave their places of ease to go out at midnight, even as a wedding party, to meet the Bridegroom. (Isa.60)
Here then, is the ‘rest of the story’. Our God is in control of holy history. He has determined and limited the time. And here is the good news. Messiah will come back personally to wrap up this evil age. (Isa.63) When those 70 weeks have run their course “the saints will possess the Kingdom”. (Dan 7:18 and 7:22) So we can be encouraged. As the 70th week opens up the true saints, as in times before, will cry out to God. And God will answer, as He always does. The saints will find the ancient paths. (Jer.6:16) This will bring in the Endtime Revival that Joel, Hosea, and Isaiah all saw. (Joel 2:28-32, Hos.6:2, Isa.60) God’s faithful elect, the ekklesia/congregation of God, are set to enter the most spellbinding days this world has ever seen. All of these awesome days of the future 70th week are up ahead of us and remain to be fulfilled.
As we have shown, the 69 weeks can be placed beautifully between the edict of Artaxerxes received by Nehemiah and the Palm Sunday entrance of Jesus as “Messiah the Prince”. No other timeline, (even if the author dared to present it astronomically), would even come close. None would achieve this amazing degree of accuracy. This is just one more of many instances where the Word of God has been proven proven infallible and true.
Grace and shalom to all who love His appearing.
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Dear Gavin,
Thank you for your site. The 360 day solution does make the calculation work. However, I noticed something strange. On your chart, you give April 9th as Psalm Sunday. However, April 9th, 32 was actually a Wednessday. The perpetual calenders I looked at say so. So, I want to ask, does that throw off your whole moon confirmation thing? I mean, as surely as the Bible is inerrent, Palm Sunday had to be a Sunday, right?
Also, you said that the moon loses a second every 36 years. Doesn’t that contradict the original 30 day plan idea?
Thank you,
Dear Raymond,
Thanks for your email and interest. I will try to answer your questions as best I can with the facts I have and what I have been able to piece together.
Firstly, you asked regarding April 9th being Palm Sunday since the perpetual calendars give April 9th as being a Wednesday. The information I have received is that we cannot be sure what the weekly cadence was as held by the rabbis in Jerusalem at that time. Perhaps this is not so. Perhaps as part of the Roman Empire the city state of Jerusalem held to the Roman weekly cadence. And then again, perhaps they didn’t. I don’t know.
I can say this. 32 A.D. is the only year that will fit as a terminus for the 69 weeks. With those 173,880 days we need an extra 24 days over and above the 476 years and so we need a late Nisan Passover for our terminus for the 69 weeks. If what you are reporting is correct, and April 9th, Palm Sunday was a Wednesday, and I have received emails from others confirming this, then the Hebrew weekly cadence we see for passion week of 32 A.D. must have been different from the Roman one. The Hebrew weekly cadence would is out of synch with the Roman week by 3 days. Knowing the Jews and the Romans had problems working together this would not be at all surprising. I have received no emails with proof that this was not the case.
It is strange you should mention this because it got me thinking. Sir Robert Anderson gives April 6th as Palm Sunday. I had wondered why he did this since the lunar cycles clearly indicates that the 10th day of the Nisan moon must have been 3 days later on April 9th. But he too must have believed that the Jews held to the perpetual calendar and the Roman week. He must have believed that April 9th was a Wednesday. That is why he squeezed it back to April 6th. It was because according to this reckoning this earlier date would have been the Roman Sunday. He was homing in on a date that satisfied the Roman weekly cadence and putting that ahead of his reckoning of the lunar cycles.
As for why I gave April 9th as Nisan 10 you will have seen in my article above that the astronomical new moon for the month of Nisan in 32 A.D. occurred in Jerusalem at 10:57 p.m. on the night of March 29th. The thin sliver of the new moon is not discernable to the naked eye under the best of conditions until it is at least 24 hours old, see the Islamic website Accordingly there is no way the rabbis could have received their confirmed sightings of the new moon on March 30th. It would have to have been the following morning, March 31st at dawn that they would have seen the new moon as the thin crescent rising up in the eastern sky. This would have pegged the new moon and Nisan 1 as March 31st of the year 32. Nisan 10, or Palm Sunday, would therefore have come 9 days later. Thus Palm Sunday, Nisan 10, would have to have been April 9th. It couldn’t be any earlier than that.
As for how the weekly cadence from the Julian calendar is reckoned to be three days earlier than the Hebrew weekly cadence as evidenced by the scriptures and the lunar data I do not know. But since the book of Genesis states that God gave us the sun and moon for times and seasons I will put the dependable cycles of the heavenly bodies ahead of Roman time. It could very well have been that the Jews had there own weekly cadence.
Historical records of times and calendar dates can get fouled up. As late as the Crimean war two armies were supposed to meet at a certain date. But since the Eastern Orthodox calendar disagreed with the Roman Catholic calendar there was a failed rendezvous. So my question is this, and let me be like A&E or Discovery Channel here and inject doubt. They usually inject doubt about God’s Holy Scriptures. But today let’s put the boot on the other foot. Lets insinuate some doubt and questionings about man’s historical records. Just how sure are we that we know for certain just what the weekly cadence was back in Jerusalem as held by the city elders in 32 A.D.? Can we be absolutely sure that the historical records we have can give us a sure fix on the cadence back then in Jerusalem?
As for what the weekly cadence was in relation to Passion week itself and the Hebrew lunar calendar there is no question that resurrection morning the third day after the crucifixion, was a Sunday, the first day of the week by Hebrew reckoning. In Matthew 28:1 the scriptures clearly state that Mary came with spices to the tomb at dawn on the first day of the week, a Sunday. This was three days after the Nisan 14 Passover, two days after the Nisan 15 Feast of Unleavened Bread proper, a high sabbath or holy day, and one day after the regular weekly sabbath, a Saturday. Palm Sunday was Nisan 10 and thus 7 days before Resurrection Sunday which came on Nisan 17. This date, Nisan the 17th is an auspicious day on the Hebrew calendar. On this very same day, the 17th day of the 7th month of the Hebrew civil year the Ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat. This was the day God delivered His people up from the waters of the Abyss and from the jaws of death.
Regarding your second question about the moon slowing down by a second every 36 years and how could this jive with the perfect heavenly prophetic 30 day lunar cycle as relayed to us in scripture well this is an easy question to answer. It doesn’t. The lunar cycle in this fallen earthly realm is a long way from a perfect 30.00000 days. It is 29.530589 days. And the new moon to new moon interval is slowing down and drifting out from the earth in its orbit. So it is slowing and drawing further and further from the perfect number all the time.
Holy time is issued in the mathematical perfection of God. When the time of a certain prophecy is dispensed from the courts of God up in the third heaven it is dispensed in the heavenly currency of a perfect 30 day month and a perfect 360 day year. If the Bible speaks of years and months then we must translate it into earthly terms of days just as we do the exchange of money from one currency to another when we move from one kingdom to another. Certainly God’s Kingdom is different from the kingdom of earth here below. And so is His calendar.
Here is an example. We have this spelled out for us clearly in the case of the later half of the 70th week. In the books of Daniel and the Book of Revelation this time interval is variously given to us as a time, ‘times and half a time’ (or 3.5 years) and also ’42 months’ and ’1260 days’. So when the Bible speaks of a month it means 30 days. We also see this in Genesis when the Bible tells us in no uncertain terms that the ark was on the waters for 150 days and that these 150 days spanned the period between the 17th day of the 2nd month and the 17th day of the 7th month or five months exactly. These five Biblical, holy, perfect, prophetic months were months of 150 divided by 5 = 30 days.
I hope this helps somewhat.
Yours in Christ,
Gavin Finley
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009HE DIED ON 2ED PASSOVER!THE SECOND PASSOVERThe Second Passover is a little known feast of the Old Testament. It was implemented by Moses at the request of certain obedient Israelites who did not want to miss the important celebration of Passover itself. They had been ceremonially unclean at first Passover and inquired as to whether or not they could still partake of the feast. The Biblical story occurs in Numbers 9:1-14 and should be read now. This passage contains important clues concerning who should partake of Second Passover today, namely those who understand that they ARE IN A FAR JOURNEY OR live in the perpetual state of being defiled by a dead body, by a carnal nature.Passover itself is really the preeminent feast of those who seek to overcome. The feast prophesied the sacrifice and crucifixion of Yahweh-savior whereby His blood redeems Adam kind from the curse of death, allowing the angel of death to “pass over” us so that we can live in Yah’s presence. This is why yah commanded Israel in the days of Moses to place the blood of a lamb on their door posts and lintels. The Passover lambs were effective for the forgiveness of sins and the passing over of the death angel because their blood represented the blood of the Lamb of el, Yahweh Himself.
Yet, there is an important mystery hidden in the Second Passover. That feast relates to prophetic truth beyond our spiritual redemption in Yahweh shua. I can only find one instance other than the one above in Numbers 9 of an observance of Second Passover in all of Scripture. This is the account of Second Passover celebrated by King Hezekiah of Judah in 2 Chronicles 30. I urge you to read that entire chapter now and again when you finish this article because the whole passage deals with Hezekiah’s keeping of the Second Passover and includes many important prophetic truths. The Biblical account of Hezekiah in 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and Isaiah carries an Overcomer, or Sons of yah, theme. The best place to gain an understanding of the Overcomers is in the second and third chapters of Revelation in the letters to the seven churches. Clearly messiah wrote those letters to Christians who were members of those churches. He makes it clear throughout these letters that only a small group of these congregations, a “remnant,” would ever qualify as Overcomers and thus partake of the rule and reign of His coming Kingdom. Many of his parables in the Gospels include this theme. The idea of an Overcomer as a specific type of believer is found throughout Scripture, Old and New Testaments. I cannot dwell more upon this idea here. We see the Overcomer theme in the story of Hezekiah in quite a few verses. First, Hezekiah was an obedient believer according to 2 Kings 18:3-6. Second, when Sennacherib, king of Assyria, threatens to destroy Hezekiah and all of Judah, Hezekiah seeks Yahweh and He answers through His prophet Isaiah. Isaiah brings a word to Hezekiah prophesying Sennacherib’s destruction. See Isaiah 37:21-38. Part of this prophecy includes the following sign given to Hezekiah: (Isa 37:30-32 NKJV) {30} “This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this year such as grows of itself, And the second year what springs from the same; Also in the third year sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. {31} And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah Shall again take root downward, And bear fruit upward. {32} For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, And those who escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will do this.”By comparing verse 30 above with Leviticus 25:11, we see that Yahweh here gives Hezekiah a jubilee sign. Israel was to neither sow nor reap each fiftieth year. The key aspect of the jubilee is found in Leviticus 25:13 where yah commands that in the 50th year “each of you shall return to his possession.” In the natural this meant that no man could lose his land, or real estate, forever. Prophetically, it means that mankind’s spiritual possession, his glorified body, will be restored to him on some future jubilee. Also, note the “remnant” theme here in Isaiah 37:31-32.Now it so happened that Hezekiah almost died of an infectious boil just after this mighty deliverance from the hand of Sennacherib. Isaiah tells the king to prepare his house for he is going to die. Hezekiah prays for his life, however, and Yahweh grants him an additional fifteen years. This is interesting for many reasons. One is that it fits in with the sign given above. Up to this time Hezekiah was childless. The line of David would possibly have ended if Hezekiah had died from his boil. The sign above, however, states that in the third year from the time of the prophecy, Hezekiah should sow and reap. Well, he did exactly that. In the third year thereafter his wife, Hephzibah, conceived. Hephzibah is a prophetic name we also find in Isaiah 62:4 and speaks of the Bride of messiah. At the end of this third year, his son, Manasseh, was born. Manasseh, of course, is the name of Joseph’s son who, according to 1 Chronicles 5:1, received “the birthright,” i.e. the Kingdom. The birth of Manasseh thus speaks of sonship and the inheritance of the birthright. This relates to ruling and reigning with Christ in His Kingdom. Thus we see that the story of Hezekiah prophetically speaks of the “Sons of yah,” the Overcomers. It concerns our time today. Now remember that it is Hezekiah who partakes of the second Passover and that he is the only person ever mentioned by name as having celebrated this feast. This uniquely relates the second Passover to the Overcomers. Also, since Hezekiah deals with a jubilee theme, this means that the second Passover also prophesies the glorification of the Sons of yahweh, that event that we have come to call “the sons of the most high. melchizedek” On the other hand, I see that Josiah, who faithfully kept the first Passover in 2 Chronicles 35:1, represents a faithful, but late-blooming hebrew. Notice that he is not even aware of yahs Law until the 18th year of his 31 year ministry as king. When he does find the Law he obeys, but by then yahweh says that it is too late to avert His judgment upon his kingdom. I believe the same thing applies to our day. Most Christians have still not found yahweh’s Law. They misuse yahweh’s grace as a license to sin and call any use of yah’s Law “legalism.” They write books that undermine yah’s Law and words . Christians’ repudiation of the words and law of the messiah have led to the current “leavened” state of all the world, leavened by sin and false doctrine. It is too late now to avert yah’s judgment upon this “Mystery Babylon,” mankind’s governments and institutions. The time is late. A few saint’s, like Josiah did, are beginning to obey yahweh’s word. They are finding His Law. But, according to Matthew 25 we know that at some point there is no longer time to buy enough oil to qualify as a wise virgin and enter the wedding feast. I think the 1st passover Josiah kept represents this. We may already have entered this late time, but only yahweh knows who qualifies as a wise virgin and who does not. Josiah represents Christians who will not be counted as Overcomers, who will not receive their glorified bodies at the first resurrection. and will not be allowed to minister yah’s truth in their natural bodies in the Kingdom Age. They will not live, but they will shall die. but to those that have solved the mystery of the second passover is the promise given, Isaiah describes as follows: (Isa 65:18-25 NKJV) {18} But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy. {19} I will rejoice in Jerusalem, And joy in My people; The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her, Nor the voice of crying. {20} “No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; For the child shall die one hundred years old, But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed. {21} They shall build houses and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. {22} They shall not build and another inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat; For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. {23} They shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the LORD, And their offspring with them. {24} “It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. {25} The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,” Says yahweh.Josiah, like all Christians, partook of the first Passover, not the second. This is the only recorded Passover observed by a king of Israel or Judah. The first Passover, of which all believers partake, is the Passover of spiritual death. this represents our spiritual rebirth. The death angel passes over us so that we do not die forever. In the natural, in Exodus, the death angel passed over the first born who partook of the Passover. The Egyptians did not partake of this Passover. Therefore, all of their firstborn died. The second Passover, however, prophesies a different type of “pass over.” It is that represented by yahweh’s parable in Matthew 24:37-51. The interpretation of the one taken and the one left really does not matter here. I have heard various speakers refer to one or the other, the one left or the one taken, as referring to the chosen. The point is that at the second Passover, the ones who are not Overcomers shall be passed over, in a seeming reversal of the first Passover. The Overcomers, or first born of the Sons of God will be chosen to rule and reign with Christ. “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Thus the remnant, the Overcomers, the Sons of God, the first born, will partake of the second Passover in the sense that they will be chosen as such at the time of the prophetic fulfillment of this feast. There is one other interesting point related to the second Passover. According to Leviticus 23:10-11 the priest was to wave a sheaf of the firstfruits of harvest of barley unto yahweh. This occurred on the “morrow after the Sabbath” during the “feast of unleavened bread” celebrated for seven days after Passover. 2 Chronicles 30 makes it clear that the feast of unleavened bread is also celebrated at Second Passover. Since the Jews measure time in lunar months, it so happens that every few years a month has to be added to the calendar to keep the months aligned with the seasons. They use the degree of maturity of the barley crop to determine when to add a month. If the barley will not be ripe for the Passover of the first month, then a thirteenth month is added to the year. In essence, this pushes the Passover off to the second month of the new year (although it actually becomes the first month since a thirteenth month was added to the old year). My point is that this practice becomes a type of celebrating the second Passover and the reason for doing so is to ensure that the barley will be ripe for the wave sheaf offering. A careful reading of Scripture shows that barley is often associated with Overcomer themes, thus making barley itself a type of the Overcomer. The prophetic fulfillment of the second Passover, therefore, will occur when the barley is ripe, when the Overcomes will receive their glorified bodies and begin to rule and reign with yahweh. the new testement is clear that the messiah himself did not die in the frist passover but did in fact die on the second passover. lets see if that is so as we study the word of those that were present at the frist passover as they plotted to kill him in the passover season. In John’s gospel, chapter 11, we find yahweh-shua’s arrival in Bethany, a small village near Jerusalem, where he came to the sisters Mary and Martha who are grieving the death of their brother Lazarus that took place four days prior. yahweh-shua had delayed his arrival in Bethany so that His raising of Lazarus from the dead would serve to glorify God and reveal who He was. The time is now getting critical in yahweh-shua’s ministry. For three years he has taught yah’s purpose throughout the region of Judea. Though yahweh-shua’s ministry was centered around Capernaum, yahweh-shua visited Jerusalem during the feasts. His close proximity with the Jewish leadership engendered conflict on each of these visits as the messiah truth taught a gospel of love and grace that refuted the legalistic and condemning practice of the Jewish leaders. These leaders saw this self proclamied messiah as an uneducated cult leader who was leading people away from the Jewish law and out from under their authority. They interpreted his theology as capital blasphemy worthy of death. Consequently, each time we see an encounter between the messiah and the Jewish leadership we see such conflict, and the leadership retreats and rebuilds their capital case against Him hoping to put him to death. Chapter 12 of john finds the messiah still in the home of his friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha in Bethany. he is making preparations for his last entrance in to Jerusalem as He will be taking part in another Passover feast. John 12:1-2.Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. 2There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. The scripture does not record any of the conversations between Jesus and Lazarus’ family in the days following the raising of Lazarus from the dead, but one can only imagine the joy that was felt by Mary and Martha as the grief of their brother’s death and the hopelessness of their future instantly vanished at his resurrection. As Mary and Martha saw their future restored and were thinking about the things that they would do, Lazarus had the unusual opportunity to do the same. As each is sharing about their future, Jesus knew clearly what the nature of His future on earth would be: He would be captured by the religious leadership that sought Him, and he would suffer a tortuous death. The range of emotions present at this time would be extreme. John 12:3.Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. Mary’s gesture of love is curious. The imported oil that Mary used would have cost about 300 denarii, about a year’s wages for an average workman. Because of its value and small size, many kept such oils as an investment that could be sold quickly when cash is needed. As Jesus was reclined at the table, in the manner of first-century custom, His feet would be quite accessible. Mary wanted to show her love and gratitude to Jesus for His part in the restoration of the life of her brother, so she took her vial of oil, opened it, and anointed Jesus’ feet with it. Foot washing was a common practice in their culture, as people wore sandals as they traveled in the dusty streets. The lowest servant would draw the task of washing the feet of guests. Mary’s gesture goes far beyond even this ritual in its humility and expression of love. Jesus’ feet would have already have been washed as He entered the home. Now, Mary uses this every expensive oil to cleanse His feet. The aroma of the oil would fill the entire room, and all who were present would witness this act of love and humility. The oil that Mary applied to Jesus’ feet is also used to anoint the body of one who had died as they prepare it for burial. It is unclear if Mary yet knew that Jesus was about to die, and within the context of her witness of the raising of her brother, it is quite doubtful that the idea entered her mind. Mary would not have known the significance of her anointing of Jesus in the context of His coming death on the cross of Calvary. Still, her expression of love was profoundly generous, and would have been noticed by all who were in the house. John 12:4-6.Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray him, 5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? 6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. Not everyone in the room was appreciative of Mary’s gesture. Jesus knew Judas’ nature, and his upcoming act of betrayal (John 6:70). What Judas lacked in an appreciation for human need he gained in his desire for financial success. His interest in things financial gained him the task of holding and managing the treasury of Jesus and the apostles. This close proximity to their money was a temptation that Judas was not wanton to overcome: he helped himself to the contents of the bag at his own pleasure. This act characterized Judas as a thief. Judas’ concern for the expenditure of the oil was not related to its application to help the poor. If the spikenard were to be sold, it would have added a year’s wages to his moneybag, providing him with more funds from which to pilfer. John 12:7-8.Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. 8For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always. Jesus’ statement clearly delineates the contrast between Mary’s devotion to Jesus and that of Judas. Jesus’ statement may have even surprised Mary as He stated that what Mary had just done served a specific purpose: to prepare Him for His upcoming death. There is little question that with the cross of Calvary looming so near, Jesus’ mind was focused on it. As Mary anointed Jesus’ feet He would have immediately recognized the appropriateness of her act, and at this first opportunity to speak, Jesus shared this with others. Jesus’ was not making a disparaging statement about the poor, but rather than pointing out to Judas that if he really wanted to help the poor he could have been doing so at any time before, and will be able to continue doing so for as long as he walks the earth. Judas’ lack of concern for the poor is clearly exposed. Jesus then reveals the brevity of His own presence. Though the poor will always be around, He will not. Jesus told the people in the room that He would be dying sooner than they. Little did they understand at this point, that Jesus was speaking of the events that would take place within a week, and little did Judas know that he would survive little longer when the consequences of his greed would devour him. John 12:9-11.Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead. 10But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death;11Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus. The crowd that gathered at this time at this home in Bethany had come, not only to see Jesus, but to see Lazarus. People had heard and witnessed Jesus’ power to heal, and many came to meet and speak to Lazarus. Even today, if one were to return from the dead as some claim to have done, people will seek to learn through that experience and the survivor will be afforded a lot of attention. This further inflamed the crisis that was brewing in the Jewish leadership. They were witnessing more and more people coming to Jesus and his ‘blasphemous” doctrine. Before Jesus came they were the proud carriers of the faith and were in total control of Jewish religion, culture, and teaching. they were the center of their religious universe. Jesus had severely eroded that position of power, and this event in Bethany only served to turn more people away from them. At the rate that they saw their influence eroding and it was only a matter of time before they felt they would be completely overthrown. Now they were faced with this man, Lazarus, who was giving a powerful testimony in support of Jesus, and he was bringing as many followers to Jesus this day, as Jesus was attaining Himself! The religious leaders realized that the only way to quiet Lazarus would be to kill him, so they conspired amongst themselves as to how they would go about it. One can only imagine the conversation among these religious leaders as they tried to figure out how to kill someone who had already died once before! Surely, Jesus would just raise him from the dead again. Certainly, they faced a most unusual dilemma, one for which they would shortly find a solution. John 12:12-13.On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, 13Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. As Jesus entered Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover, he was accompanied by a large crowd that was made up of two groups. When we observe the record made by the writers of the other three gospels (Matt 21, Mark 11, Luke 19), we find that one group were those Jews who had made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to observe the Passover. Travel was difficult in the first century, so typically, most of the people who came would have originated from the nearby region, including Capernaum where Jesus spent the large part of his three-year ministry. These would have previously heard of Jesus, and many would respond positively to the knowledge of his presence among them. The larger group that honored Jesus at the gate, however, was that which came with him from Bethany, the group that had either witnessed the raising of Lazarus, or those who joined shortly thereafter. Consequently, the praise that was afforded to Jesus did not start at the gates of Jerusalem, but rather at the grave of Lazarus. One can envision the town of Bethany emptying out to accompany Jesus and Lazarus to the City of Jerusalem. Nothing like this had ever occurred before, and the leaders of the City were well-aware of this dangerous situation. Jesus’ previous entrances to Jerusalem were wither quiet or almost secretive because, as we find in previous chapters, Jesus’ time had not yet come. However, in Bethany Jesus stated that it was now His time, so there was no such need for secrecy. However, the riotous nature of the crowd’s response at this point adds a new factor to the equation: the power of the Roman leadership. Rome was successful in holding many lands far from Rome due to the governmental structure that was in place. Local communities were allowed to rule themselves under Roman supervision as long as the taxes were paid to Rome and the people were kept under control. The presence of so many Jews in Jerusalem during the Passover had been considered dangerous without this new controversy. Because of this, all of the local Roman leadership was in the city during the Passover, and the Roman guards were on alert for any problems. Therefore, when this crowd entered Jerusalem with a controversial message, the the King of Israel (Psalm 118:25-26), or the “King of the Jews” is entering, the leadership that was responsible to Rome saw their future to be bleak indeed. The chant made by the people was clearly a call for the Messiah. They were shouting, “Hosanna”, which means literally, “Save us!” In order to keep their positions, the Jerusalem leadership, both Jew and Roman, had to keep the peace, and now a crowd was advocating a new King over Herod. This situation was exceedingly dangerous. John 12:14-19.And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written, 15Fear not, daughter of Zion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt. 16These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him. 17The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead, bare record. 18For this cause the people also met him, for that they heard that he had done this miracle. 19The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him. The synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke provide more details concerning the procurement and use of the donkey upon which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. First, this form of entry fulfilled the prophesy of Zechariah 9:9. A king who would come to power would enter the gates on a horse, a “mighty steed,” and would be surrounded by his army. Though we can see parallels in this entry, the steed was a simple donkey, and because of its youth, a small one at that. The donkey was used by the poorest people, and a horse by the richest. Jesus’ entrance on a donkey is an illustration of his humble roots, and also serves to dissuade any thought that His entrance is one that is militant in nature. Jesus’ army is not bent on overtaking Jerusalem, it is simply focused on the person of Jesus as their Lord, and their King. Jesus attained that position with the people, not from military junta, but by winning their hearts with his love and caring nature. This was not the type of King that was expected by the Jews. Still, however, this did not lessen the danger that the crowd presented to the religious leaders. For three years they had observed the growth of Jesus’ following, and their inability to thwart it. Verse 19 shows how they felt that in spite of all of their desires to stop this movement, and against all of their efforts to take action against it, they had gained nothing. In their view they can see that the entire community, the “world,” is going to follow Jesus, and their future is about to radically change, and in their opinion, it is certainly not for the better. Even as all of these events were transpiring, the disciples were so caught up in them that they did not quite realize the significance of them at the time. Those who were most focused on the details of this event were those who witnessed the raising of Lazarus, and they kept a detailed record of these events. It would be from this record that the disciples and others would later realize that they had witness the fulfillment of prophesy. At the time, the disciples lacked the spiritual discernment that they would attain after Pentecost when the record of all of these events would come together in their memory to validate even more the nature, calling, and purpose of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. Through that record, their confidence and faith would be affirmed all the more. |
The United States is Still a British Colony
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009
The United States is Still a British Colony (Part I)
Bend Over America (Part II)
Will the Real Government Please Stand Up (Part III)
Additional Reading
The 144,000
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/12/2009
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. who were they these that sang a new song look at THE scripture in,
Isa 26- 19 Thy dead men [males}shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise.[in the first resurrection!} Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. 20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, Yahweh cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God these. were all beheaded !
see..Revelation 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of yahwehshua, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
rev 14-4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God
see..Revelation 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of yahwehshua, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Matt 2- 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, 18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.
The 144,000 were all Israelite MALE children who were beheaded and redeemed from the earth in the first resurrection and sealed with the seal of the living God. now we will see the 144 000 chosen in the first resurrection being sealed and raised in the first resurrection.
Rev 7:2-4. 1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.[the seal is the name of the father!
Rev 14-1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads] 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. 5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand.
Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. 6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
IT IS VERY CLEAR IN THE BIBLE that Christ came to the earth as abridegroom to get his bride and return to heaven ! These 144,000 were innocent of all crime, even thoughts.
A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. 28 Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him. 29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease. 31 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.
Jhn 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
Psa 19:5 Which [is] as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, [and] rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
Isa 62:5 For [as] a young man marrieth a virgin, [so] shall thy sons marry thee: and [as] the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, [so] shall thy God rejoice over thee.
Jer 16:9 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride.
Joe 2:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
Matt 27-51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Mat 9:15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
Mat 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins,[ TEN NORTHERN TRIBES ] which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
Mat 25:5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
Mat 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Mat 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
luke 12- 35 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; 36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
Rev 19-7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
They will not repent of the sorceries but the wise will! The unrepentant were ” for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmecia) were all nations deceived.”
FEAR Yah. (Spiritual warfare). Fearing Yah is a message seldom heard in the Laodicean, lukewarmgeneration. Preaching on the fear of Yah has all but ceased. Occasionally, reverencing Yah is heard in place of the fear of Yah. Perhaps, these two scriptures convey the fear of God. It is written, Yah IS GREATLY TO BE FEARED IN THE ASSEMBLY OF THE SAINTS, AND TO BE HAD IN REVERENCE OF ALL THEM THAT ARE ABOUT HIM-Ps 89:7 Yah is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.
It is also written, BUT I WILL FOREWARN YOU WHOM YE SHALL FEAR: FEAR HIM, WHICH AFTER HE HATH KILLED HATH POWER TO CAST INTO HELL; YEA, I SAY UNTO YOU, FEAR HIM-Lk 12:5. The word “fear” means exactly what it says. In a few scriptures, the words denoting “fear Yah” can be translated as “reverence.” However, at most, it means to “be afraid.” In some, it means to “tremble.” Many people, in this lukewarm church age, want to make Yah appear smaller than He really is; they want to elevate or magnify themselves.
AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME. The Tribulation is a time of Yah’s judgments and wrath. The world is also being admonished to glorify and worship Yahweh of heaven. The judgment is at hand. Note, “glorify Him” and “judgment” are connected.
AND WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN (or the heavens), AND EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE FOUNTAINS (or springs) OF WATERS-Rev 14:7. In the Laodicean church age, the teaching that Yah is the Creator has been supplanted by Satan’s lie ofevolution.
There are four items that are referred to as being made—heaven, earth, the sea, and the fountains—are also mentioned many times in the Revelation during the Tribulation period. The first four trumpet judgments and other judgments affect three of these as well. The angel is confirming that Yah made these things. The devil did not make them.
One-third of Israel will be refined as silver is refined. They will go through many judgments and trials. However, two-thirds of the house of Jacob will not turn to Yahweh Sadly, they will ultimately be cut off and die.
Ezek 22:21,22.
The following verses are not concerning the 144,000, as they were taken in the first resurrection, but a generation to come before the 2nd coming, as It is written, BUT BEFORE ALL THESE, THEY SHALL LAY THEIR HANDS ON YOU, AND PERSECUTE YOU, DELIVERING YOU UP TO THE SYNAGOGUES, AND INTO PRISONS, BEING BROUGHT BEFORE kings and evil rulers.
The Bride and the Bridegroom are waiting on the children of the marriage AT the marriage supper many will be hated for his name sake and killed, as was the bride and bribegroom! our father and our mother are in the holy city waiting for the children to come home.
Rev 14:1-AND I LOOKED, AND, LO, A LAMB ( Yahwehshua) STOOD ON THE MOUNT ZION. The following may be noted, a voice from heaven-v.2, harpers-v.2, before the throne-v.3, the four beasts-v.3, the elders-v.3, and the 144,000 which were redeemed from the earth-v.3. Collectively, these indicate that this is a heavenly Mount Zion.
There is also an earthly Mount Zion, the temple site. It is a hill in Jerusalem. It is mentioned in the Bible approximately 156 times. There are times when “Zion” appears to represent Jerusalem, such as in Isa. 1:26,27 and Ps 126:1. The verse continues, AND WITH HIM ( Yahwehshua) AN HUNDRED FORTY AND FOUR THOUSAND (144,000). The 144,000 are now pictured with Yahwehshua on Mount Zion. HAVING HIS FATHER’S NAME WRITTEN ON THEIR FOREHEADS. Note, 144,000 (12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel) are also mentioned in Rev 7:1-8.
The one exception is the tribe of Dan. It was left out. In Rev 7:3, the 144,000 are called THE SERVANTS OF OUR GOD. They are SEALED…IN THEIR FOREHEADS-Rev 14:3. Here, we are told, they have the name of the Father in their foreheads. It appears the 144,000 are pictured before the heavenly Mount Zion.
Mat 22:3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.
Mat 22:8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
Mat 22:10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.
Mat 22:11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
Mat 22:12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
Luk 12:36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
Luk 14:8 When thou art bidden of any [man] to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him;
What wedding, who, when, where? I hope you see the big picture now how the Scriptures specify how they got there.
They were all beheaded! They were raised and translated into heaven after Yahwehshua was raised from the dead and came out of the graves to appear with the bridegroom on mount Zion in heaven as a bride type. They were all killed, during the 1st part of the Tribulation; being beheaded by Herod all males under 2 years old!
Some consider that Rev- 14 verse one is the earthly Mount Zion after the return of Yahwehshua but this can’t be so ! WHY? Because this is a heavenly scene. as v.3 appears to portray the 144,000 in heaven singing. still those that have a lack of understanding consider that the 144,000 HAVE not died yet, but are upon the earthly Mount Zion singing. Here we see this is not true!
rev.14- 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. who were they these that sang a new song ?.
The 144,000 children became the BRIDE, chosen to shed their blood for the lamb in the days that herod sent out his men to slay all the male children two years and down these 144000 became the first fruits of the lambs resurrection.
Again, we may note the harp in heaven. The harpers are identified. as only those that sang the song of Moses again look in the word of Isaiah 26-19 -20 these are the 144,000 saints that were martyred during Herod’s Tribulation. Harps and singing are mentioned again in Rev 15:2.
Rev 14:3-AND THEY (the 144,000) SUNG AS IT WERE A NEW SONG BEFORE THE THRONE. Here they are before the throne of God in heaven. AND BEFORE THE FOUR BEASTS (or living creatures), AND THE ELDERS: AND NO MAN (or no one) COULD LEARN THAT SONG BUT THE HUNDRED AND FORTY AND FOUR THOUSAND, WHICH WERE REDEEMED (or ransomed, or purchased) (or, we might say, were paid for and taken) FROM THE EARTH, It is noted that Yahwehshua had risen to heaven. The 144,000 have fulfilled their mission upon the earth during the first part of the Tribulation. Isa. 26-19 Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
Rev 14:4 THESE ARE THEY (or the ones) WHICH WERE NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN; FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS (or they kept themselves pure). These appear to have never been married and never had been intimate with a woman. Some consider the virginity mentioned here is not of a sexual nature but is referring to spiritual purity. However, the fact that women are mentioned, in connection with this, indicates this means exactly what it says. THESE ARE THEY WHICH FOLLOW THE LAMB (which is Yahwehshua) WHITHERSOEVER HE GOETH. THESE WERE REDEEMED (or ransomed, or purchased) FROM AMONG MEN, BEING (offered as) THE FIRSTFRUITS UNTO Yahweh (or as firstfruits for Yahweh AND TO THE LAMB.
This verse signifies that they were originally the first to be saved after the 1st resurrection and taken into heaven as the bride.
In the 2nd coming resurrection the children will be raised to join the bridegroom and the bride!
Rev 14:5-In an age when cursing and blaspheming Yahweh is commonplace, it is interesting to note in this verse, AND IN THEIR MOUTH WAS FOUND NO GUILE (or lie): FOR THEY ARE WITHOUT FAULT (or defect, or blameless) BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD.
These 144,000 are alive right now in heaven with Yahwehshua they are his bride waiting for the fruit [her children] at the 2nd coming! hope to see you there!
Pastor Buddy
The 144,000 Bridegroom & The Bride. ( by Pastor Buddy)
Born of the Evil seed?

People have often ridiculed me for believing that if one is born of the seed of Satan, there is no redemption. “How cruel. Going to hell because of the way you were born!” Well the Church believes that there are millions of people in hell right now because they made a few “bad decisions” in life. Now that sounds cruel to me.
Take Hitler for example. I believe that he was born evil and never had a chance for salvation. He was born to do what he did. The churches teach that he could of come to Christ at anytime. I do not believe that people chose to be evil; I feel that they are born evil along with a natural nature that evokes hatred towards God. I feel that people like Hitler were born evil and were predestined to hell. These are of the seed of Satan.
Predestined to hell? Yes. Did you know that one couldn’t be saved if you are born psychopathic or as well as many other so called disorders? I would say that this is proof that one can be predestined to hell by birth. The DNA of psychopathic is not of God nor can it be created by mutations. There has to be a source. The source of this DNA is of the seed of Satan. People who are psychopathic do not come to the Lord. There is nothing in them that can ever accept or want the Lord. They are doomed to hell from the day they are born. Why is because they are not the seed of God.
“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.Matt 13:24-30 (KJV) There is no indication here that there were bad seeds that started out as wheat, then after making some bad choices, magically turn into tares (weeds).
“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, just as iron is not mixed with clay.” Dan 2:43
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. Children of Satan only are born wanting only what their father wants, and that is a hatred for God.” In scripture the seed of Satan is referred to as Tares, beasts, and evil beasts.
“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.” 2 Pet 2:9-12(KJV)
Notice here that these bad seeds of Satan are natural brute beasts. This means that they are by nature beasts, and not part of God. Also note that they are “made to be taken and destroyed.” In very clear terms scripture states that they are born evil and are predestined to hell. There is no salvation for these people.
Christ died for all mankind. He did not die for the fallen angels, nor did He die for the beasts that walk among us and “mingle with the seed of men” until their Messiah comes who the Bible calls the Beast. He will be the son of Satan come to lead his people against God.
My heart goes out to these beasts because they are people we know and love, but these bad seeds can never accept the Lord nor desire him. Why is because by nature they are beasts (animals). I once red in the news how some people that had raised a tiger from birth and was on stage showing him off at a fair. They told of how much love the tiger had and how gentle he was. He grew up with the children of the house and never hurt them once. Suddenly as they spoke a child ran past the side of the stage and the tiger leaped into action mauling and injuring a little girl. See. No matter how much they loved the tiger and raised him right, he was still by nature a beast.
As I say, there are people that are born with many mental disorders that do not allow them to feel remorse, conviction, and have a total lack of conscience, so in turn they can never come to the Lord. I believe these are more traits of the seed of Satan i.e. beasts.
John 3:16 only applies to God’s children the descendants of Adam. God did not create or die for the seed of Satan. By nature, the children of God will at some point in life seek after God no matter how rebellious they lived in the past, example being the Prodigal son. They are predestined from birth to be heirs with Christ, and by nature will come to God for forgiveness when He calls them by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The children of Satan are much deferent. By nature they are beasts that desire the lusts of their father. They are incapable of coming to the Lord and are predestined to hell. Some are so wicked that when you speak to them, you can actually feel the evil in the air and see it in their eyes!
As for us believers… Let us praise and worship the only true Father! “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:27-29 (KJV)
The Sabbath they are keeping today is wrong
Created by pastorbuddy on 3/13/2009
Where did Babylon get the concept of a Sabbath day???? And where did they get the knowledge to find the Sabbath by counting from the new moon??? i.e. Babylon kept a Sabbath day and they found it by counting from the new moon. Where did they get the concept of a Sabbath in the first place and why did they count it from the new moon???
We know that the early descendants of Adam knew the creation story and how the Sabbath was reckoned. It only took 3 people for the information to be passed on from Adam to the flood. Adam lived 930 years and was living at the same time as Methuselah who live at the time of Noah and Methuselah died the same year of the flood and the creation story and the concept of Sabbaths was passed on from Methuselah to Noah and then by Noah’s three sons were all the Isles of the Gentiles divided, who carried the creations story and the concept of a seventh day Sabbath and how it was determined by the great lights of Genesis 1:14, into all the world. There is no historical record of any other Sabbath other than by the great lights of Genesis 1:14 until after Daniel’s prophecy of the little horn changing times and laws. This is a major embarrassment to Saturday Sabbath keepers.
We pointed out that the “great lights” are for seasons and that the Hebrew word “seasons” in Genesis 1:14 and Psalms 104:19 is the same word for “feast” in Leviticus 23:2 where it describes the first feast of Leviticus 23 as the weekly “feast.”
We argue that there’s no scripture that teaches that the seventh day feast is not included with the other feast throughout the year which are by the great lights.
Some people say the word seasons/appointments in Genesis 1:14 only refers to the annual feasts/worship days and not the weekly feast worship day even though the Scripture does not say this.
This article is very damaging to the traditional Saturday Sabbath because when we trace the creation Sabbath and how it was kept to Babylon and other parts of the land, we see that the seventh day Sabbaths were by the phases of the moon and the descendents of Adam in Babylon is a prime example.
The historical evidence is overwhelming and conclusively show’s that the seventh day feasts/seasons is included in Genesis1:14, where it says the “great lights” are for seasons/feast, including the seventh day feast.
As we go along we will see how the early descendents of Adam, who multiplied and filled the earth, understood that the weekly feast/season was not excluded in Genesis 1:14 as some try to say in order to protect their tradition.
Abraham of the “Chaldeans” was taught by Noah’s and his son Shem. What I am trying to show is if Abraham of the Chaldeans was living at the same time as Noah and Shem, then there are not that many people between creation and Babylon and the creation story of the Sabbath and how it was kept. The “ONLY” reason anyone would even suggest that these descendents of Adam who were living in Babylon, was keeping a different Sabbath than their father Adam is if the Sabbath they are keeping today does not line up with the Sabbath that was kept in Babylon which we know from historical evidence that it was by the phases of the moon. People today are keeping the Sabbath that Daniel prophesied of that came after the change of times and laws. i.e. the Sabbath and calendar of the little horn in the last days is wrong.
Babylon was a metropolitan city that Abraham and many of the descendents of Adam lived or visited and therefore it would be a “far stretch” to think that Babylon did not get the concept of a seventh day Sabbath and how it was observed from the creation story that was handed down from Adam to his descendents that settled in Babylon. There is “no historical evidence” of a Sabbath that is kept like the traditional Sabbath of today, yet people pretend they must have been, because of their tradition.
I am demonstrating how that Babylon could have had the concept of the Sabbath and how it was kept, when the descendents of Adam settled there in Babylon. We know the historical evidence proves that Babylon was keeping lunar Sabbaths by thephases of the moon which is in harmony with Genesis 1:14 which says let THEM (more than one) be for days and years, signs and seasons, which does “not exclude” the weekly appointments/season as some suggest, without any scriptural authority. i.e. the Babylon’s Sabbath is in line with Genesis 1:14 without any exclusion or exception clause that is added by the traditional Sabbath keepers.
The bottom line is that the historical evidence does not support the accusation that the weekly Sabbath/season is not counted by the great lights as the other yearly worship appointments. As a matter of fact the historical evidence of the lunar Sabbaths calendars found in Babylon support the Scripture of Genesis 1:14 where it says, “let them be for seasons/appointments” (the weekly appointment/season not excluded as some suggest).
Daniel later prophesies, while in Babylon, that the little horn would think to change times and laws and Julius Cesar booted the moon out of the time keeping calendar in 46 B.C which is a fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy and the moon was one of the THEM’s that is found in Genesis 1:14.
Wherever the little horn is today, she recognizes the modern-day sabbaths and the calendar that was changed from the one Daniel kept in Babylon.
If someone says Daniel kept Saturday Sabbath when he prophesied of the change by the little horn, then the change should have went from Saturday sabbaths to lunar Sabbaths but if Daniel was keeping lunar Sabbath and prophesied of a change, then it should have went from lunar Sabbaths to the Sabbath they are keeping today.
When Daniel prophesied of the future, how that the little horn would think to change times and laws, it ALSO tells us that in this time that Daniel is speaking, times and laws had not been changed yet. i.e. the calendar Daniel and Adam’s descendents was keeping in Babylon was the creation calendar because the Sabbath had not been changed yet and all the historical evidence show that it was a solar lunar calendar.
Brother Arnold