Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

planet x  part 2

In Snorri’s[11] Gylfaginning, there is a prediction for the future given in the Song of the Sybyl, followed by a dialogue between King Gylfi and the Aesir,[12] disguised as men.  King Gylfi asks: “What happens when the whole world has burned up, the gods are dead, and all of mankind is gone?  You have said earlier that each human being would go on living in this or that world.”  The answer is that there are several worlds for the good and the bad.  Then Gylfi asks: “Shall any gods be alive, and shall there be something of earth and heaven?”” And the answer is:

The earth rises up from the sea again, and is green and beautiful and things grow without sowing.  Vidar and Vali are alive, for neither the sea nor the flames of Surt have hurt them and they dwell on the Eddyfield, where once stood Asgard.  There come also the sons of Thor, Modi, and Magni, and bring along his hammer.  There come also Balder and Hoder from the other world.  All sit down and converse together.  They rehearse their runes and talk of events of old days.  Then they find in the grass the golden tablets that the Aesir once played with.  Two children of men will also be found safe from the great flames of Surt.  Their names, Lif and Lifthrasir, and they feed on the morning dew and from this human pair will come a great population which will fill the earth.  And strange to say, the sun, before being devoured by Fenrir, will have borne a daughter, no less beautiful and going the same ways as her mother.”

Again, the authors of Hamlet’s Mill take a prosaic view of these matters, pronouncing sagely that it is “just a metaphor.”  And again, I have to disagree.  I do not think that the point is to “measure time,” in the sense of “world ages” of culture, civilizations, or even “psychic” or occult influences, except in that they relate to something far more important: WHAT IS CAUSING THE WOBBLE AND WHAT CAN BE THE RESULT? And we have a clear answer in Snorri’s tale: The sun will have borne a daughter…

In this sense, the ancients might have supposed, and quite rightly, that if we ever noticed this fact, if we were pointed in this direction, if we were plainly told that there is a handle that turns the axis, that this handle gets hot, that the axis of the planet comes unhinged, that it started out spinning upright and then gradually wobbled out of place and finally FALLS OVER INTO THE SEA, that we would be clever enough to get it.  The clue they are pointing out to us is that there is something OUT THERE that is the HANDLE and we ought to be able to figure out, by applying principles of atomic physics to celestial mechanics, exactly what it is and what it does.  The repeated references to the “dying and rebirth of the Sun,” in some sort of cosmic hierogamy and the Sun giving birth to a daughter, or having a Celestial Twin ought to be pretty plain clues to anybody who is paying attention to these things.

Now, getting to the recent pronouncements about Zecharia Sitchin and his prophecies. The email forwarded to me said:

Zecharia Sitchin, the world renowned scholar & archaeologist now finally agrees, quote: “I prophecize the return of this planet called Nibiru AT THIS TIME!”

Trusting the Pentagon/gov’t to guard itself & relay  needed information to protect you is clearly illogical. In July the red planet “2001 KX76″ was disclosed. This was the original cover-label for Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood, or THE MOST REVERED HEAVENLY BODY IN ALL ANTIQUITY. After 3600 years on its regular orbit it will pass again in SPRING 2003. It’s RECORDED IN ANCIENT TEXTS & the SCIENCE OF ARCHEOLOGY shows its effect on Earth with each passage. Yes, some conspiracies are without merit, ignoring history and science is another matter.

By August 2001 the disinformation had changed to the LARGEST ASTERIOD EVER and it’s now shown as blue. It’s the same label on a different object.

When the attention was drawn to the area by announcing the “Largest Asteriod” was there, they made sure the color of the new “2001 KX76″ was blue. All speculation about a large DULL RED brown dwarf being there was to be avoided. This is one of their tactics for hiding Planet X. First giving it a label, then using that same label for another object to misdirect attention. X is not a red KBO. The original color was not red for photographic reasons. Too many stories for the color change is just the first of many obvious clues of a cover up. They will continue to identify objects ahead and around X to misdirect attention.

The normal helpful & professional Nasa employees are being evasive & condescending when asked about it.

X has INTENTIONALLY BEEN MADE TO SOUND RIDICULOUS and confusing for several reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the world’s population. Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread lies. They say it only MAY exist and comes around only once every few million years IF it does. This disinformation is widespread.

X orbits between our sun and its dark twin. A diagram from the 1987 NEW SCIENCE & INVENTION ENCYCLOPEDIA shows our dead twin sun & the 10th planet.

X’s MASS, MAGNETISM & DENSITY is such that it DISRUPTS the surface of EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS PRIOR to its passage its far reaching eletromagnetic/gravitational influence changes Earths core flows TRIGGERING WEATHER, VOLCANIC & SEISMIC ACTIVITY. Since early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time records regularly. The up-tick of QUAKES, VOLCANIC INCIDENTS & changes in ELECTROMAGNETICS are being kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather alone can falsely be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not earths rumblings at the same time.

Research the advent of PLANET X and the cataclysms it will trigger by passing EARTH. Being prepared and FOREWARNED gives one an EXCELLENT CHANCE to SURVIVE.


Even the majority of the earthchange intuitives prophecies are tied into or name Planet X.


Well, when I went to the above websites to get the confirmation that “Planet X” had been sighted, I found the following (excerpted):

July 3 — The discovery of a large  reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto’s neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system.[...] What the discoverers are calling 2001 KX76 might be one of the largest “Kuiper Belt Objects” or KBO’s, found in the what is essentially a second asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune. Initial reports give 2001 KX76 a diameter of 900 to 1200 kilometers — roughly the size of Pluto’s moon, Charon. Pluto itself, it should be noted, is smaller than our own moon.

Now, please note right up front here that this very first announcement is rather straightforward about the issue as to whether or not this object ought to be called a “planet” or not. The email above waxes hysterical about color, but pays absolutely no attention to the size designation. Here is the initial photo:

“Because KBOs are believed to have very elongated orbits around the sun  they spend a lot of time on dark, centuries-long excursions into deep space. That makes them very hard to find, said astronomer Robert Millis, director of the Lowell Observatory, which was involved in the discovery. [...]

“There are certainly lots of (KBOs) in distant parts of their orbits now and we can’t detect them,” said Millis. The possibility that 2001 KX76 has big brothers and sisters again raises the thorny question of what can be called a planet and what cannot. [...] Historically, Pluto was designated a planet when it was discovered in the 1930s because it was thought to be much larger than it is, Marsden said. [...] If 2001 KX76 is any indication of larger KBOs out there, it might also lead to the demotion of Pluto from puniest planet to king of KBOs, said   Marsden. Millis prefers a third alternative: “There may exist a new class of planets.”

Now, please notice the point of the discussion and the size of the object and its distance from us: the orbit of PLUTO. 1200KM. Let’s have a look at the issue in the second site referred to in the above, hysterical email wherein it is now claimed that the disinformation process has set in by changing the color of the object in both the photo and the article:

23 August 2001:  Ceres, the first asteroid (minor planet) to be discovered in the Solar System, has held the record as the largest known object of its kind for two centuries.  However, recent observations at the European Southern Observatory with the world’s first operational virtual telescope  ‘Astrovirtel’ have determined that the newly discovered distant asteroid “2001 KX76″ is significantly larger, with a diameter of 1200 km, possibly even 1400 km.

“Caption: ESO PR Photo 27a/01 shows a reproduction of a colour composite image, based on three exposures with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. By combining data from the world’s first operational “virtual telescope”, Astrovirtel, with that from a conventional telescope at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) at La Silla (Chile), European astronomers have determined the size of the newly found, remote asteroid, 2001 KX76. Their measurements indicate that this icy rock has a diameter of at least 1200 km and is therefore larger than any other known asteroid in the Solar System. The previous record-holder, the asteroid Ceres, was also the first object of its type to be discovered – by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi on January 1, 1801. Its diameter is about 950 km, relegating it to second place after holding the asteroid size record for two hundred years.”

Now, let’s just get clear about this. The very first article was about an object that no one was sure whether they ought to call it a planet or not. It was larger than what we call asteroids, but smaller than Pluto. So, it was, at first, called a planet. But please note, the size was given in the first article, and it was then reiterated, only given a likelihood of being slightly larger than the original estimate in the second article. So, the entire discussion was about whether to call this object a planet or an asteroid. And, apparently, it was decided that “asteroid” was a better choice until the decision about what size constituted being a planet was decided once and for all.

And how BIG is this putative “Planet X?” This gigantic and terrifying object that Zecharia Sitchin predicted and which is now being claimed to be hidden from us in this tricky shell-game by NASA?

Well, have a look for yourself.

The first scientific results from Astrovirtel have allowed a substantial improvement of the accuracy of the computed orbit for 2001 KX76. It is now possible to confirm that this object is just outside that of the most remote known major planet Pluto.

Further analysis carried out by the team seems to indicate that the orbit of 2001 KX76 is very similar to that of Pluto. Asteroid 2001 KX76 is even larger than Pluto’s moon Charon (diameter 1150 km), adding fuel to the discussions concerning Pluto’s status as a “major” or “minor” planet. The new data show that 2001 KX76 is about half the size of Pluto (diameter about 2300 km) and this increases the likelihood that there are other bodies still to be discovered in the outer Solar System that are similar in size to Pluto.

The first observations of 2001 KX76 were quite sparse, so the initial estimates of the size of the new asteroid were very uncertain. However, it did look large, possibly about the same size as the largest known asteroid, Ceres, the diameter of which had earlier been measured at about 950 km.

In order to measure the size of any asteroid, it is necessary first to determine its orbit around the Sun, which gives its present distance from the Earth. The next step is to estimate its “albedo”, i.e. the percentage of incident sunlight reflected from its surface. From these numbers and the measured, apparent brightness of the asteroid (as seen from the Earth), its diameter can finally be derived.

To determine the orbit of 2001 KX76, the group used “Astrovirtel” to apply automatic search software to scan through “old” photographic plates obtained with various astronomical telescopes, as well as recent CCD observations made with the ESO Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope on La Silla (Chile). The search was successful: the astronomers were able to find several photographic plates on which faint images of 2001 KX76 could be identified – some of these plates had been obtained as early as 1982. The exact sky positions were measured and with accurate positional data now available over a time span of no less than 18 years, the team was able to compute the first, high-precision orbit of 2001 KX76. This also allowed to determine that the current distance from the Earth which turned out to be about 6.5 billion km, corresponding to 43 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, or nearly one-and-a-half times farther from the Sun than Neptune.

Thanks to the work of this group of astronomers, the orbit of 2001 KX76 may now be considered relatively secure and it may therefore soon receive a real name. [See note at end of page.]

Now, what are we to make of all of this?

It’s fairly evident that I am not saying that something is not going to happen. After laying out the evidence that there is, indeed, a 3600 year cycle, and that the last “hit” was right around 3600 years ago, no one can accuse me of not being as “catastrophic” as the next person. In fact, I think that what we are suggesting here, including our findings that something is definitely being hidden from us, is singularly catastrophic. In fact, it is damn scary.

However, we believe that having accurate information about these matters is not just important, but that it is CRUCIAL. Does the reader have any idea of how long it takes an object in the neighborhood of Pluto to get here?

Pluto is 6,000,000,000 km from Earth. If you travel at 100 km/hr, you could get to Pluto in 6849.3years Moving at 1,000 MPH, it will tak 684.9 years to get to Pluto, or vice versa. So please, take it to the bank that the object sighted in the neighborhood of Pluto is NOT Nibiru/Planet X and it is NOT going to arrive in 2003. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that there will not be an asteroid strike in 2003, or anytime between now and then. THAT could happen any day. If there is a brown dwarf perturber that slams through the Oort cloud, and if we do have a cluster of comets that travels on a 3600 year orbit, then there is NO WAY to have ANY warning whatsoever without the willingness of the government and the scientists who have control of the instruments of observation to share their data with us. And I can promise you that if a panic ensues from false alarms such as this nonsense about Nibiru, there will be no possibility of any sharing of data, and if it is gonna happen, you won’t know.

The Cassiopaeans have given us the clues. We have followed and are continuing to follow them and make discoveries that are grounded in scientific fact. We have discovered that there is, indeed, a Control System; that the influence of science has been to institute a form of Thought Control. But it most certainly does not operate the way the Rumormongers and purveyors of hysterical, half-baked theories would have us believe.

What is more, there is much, much more to this matter at the present time than meets the eye. There are many other clues, and we are making discoveries regarding these clues almost daily. We are also coming under increasing financial pressure that is obviously an attempt to prevent further discoveries, as well as deliberate attacks from various “cells” of the Thought Police intended to dissuade us from pursuing our present research.

What do I think? I think that, based on what the Cassiopaeans have said, supported by our research to this point, it is very likely that we are already experiencing some of the comets from the cluster that has been cycling through the solar system on that 3600 year orbit. In fact, we – or our Moon – may get hit by a couple of small ones in the next year or two. But I think that, for the most part, this former group has lost its potency. It is scattered and dissipated. Indeed, it seems likely that it is time for the birth of a new cluster from “between the thighs of the Ennead.”

I think that we will witness some amazing astronomical phenomena in the next few years. “Signs in the Sun and Moon.” I think that the powerful activity of the Sun during this sunspot maximum has been because its companion is drawing close. It is not yet close enough to be seen, but that will probably change. We may see it in the next year or two. There will be more solar activity. The companion star will be seen to “interact” with its primary similar to observations of other binary star interactions. A “hieros gamos” of cosmic proportions will take place. Earthquakes will shake the earth. Volcanoes will erupt. Sitchin will go on a veritable world tour of lectures declaring that this is the appearance of Nibiru and that he was “the first” to predict it. He will be lionized, courted, interviewed, and trotted out on all the television shows. Oprah will kiss his cheek and Art Bell will give him a regular spot.

But the important thing to remember is this: It will not be a planet Nibiru. There is no “Planet Nibiru.” But there IS a sun’s companion, Nemesis. And, even if this companion star is seen, it will never enter the inner solar system. That is not the way these types of bodies interact with each other. The closest that Nemesis will come is probably the orbit of Pluto. It will then “go away.” Everyone will settle down and think that nothing is going to happen. Sitchin will be disgraced because his predicted giant planet won’t do what he says it will do. Oprah will no longer take his calls, and Art Bell will not answer his faxes.

But that will not be the end of the matter… Because the important thing to remember about the appearance of a Dark Star at the outer reaches of our solar system is that, in order to get close enough to be seen, it has to pass through the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt… like a bowling ball through a row of pins. What is more, the macrocosmic quantum changes that could result from an interaction between a binary star system are too poorly known, and may contribute to an entirely different cometary intinerary. Cometary bodies that are slammed into the Solar System by a gravitationally heavy object may proceed rather more quickly than one would suppose.

And so, in addition to whatever is left over of a cyclical cometary swarm from the previous interaction with our Sun’s companion, will be augmented by a whole new grouping.

In closing, allow me to repeat a quote from Noah:

One of the chief proponents of catastrophe theory in the last century was Immanuel Velikovsky.  Criticisms aimed at Velikovsky included remarks stating that his vision “showed little respect for the laws of physics:  In his books, planets change orbits – in blatant violation of the laws of mechanics – and go crashing into other planets.[1]

Is this attack really justified?  Is talk about jumping planets evidence of ignorance, as the authors of Three Big Bangs seem to imply?

In a paper published in a collection entitled: The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems, Jeno M.  Barthomy[2]wrote: “It is conceivable that when the Earth was formed, it occupied a higher quantum state, and by releasing energy in the form of gravitational waves ‘jumped’ to its present ‘ground state.’  I do not wish as yet to speculate on a possible gravitational wave spectrum emitted from newly formed planetary systems in the universe.

How can such jumps occur in terms of more conventional concepts?  G.J Sussman and Jack Wisdom wrote in 1992:  “The evolution of the Solar System is chaotic.  Exponential divergence of nearby trajectories is indicative of chaotic behavior.”[3]

Up to the present time the computer simulations that have been done [4] have not even attempted to take into account a possible cosmic intruder – the brown dwarf Sun’s companion whose existence and properties have been researched by R.  Muller and J.  Matese. [5] They also did not try to take into account a possible fractal structure of space-time, which was the subject of a series of papers and of a monograph by French astrophysicist Laurent Nottale.[6]

I have discussed Nottale’s rules of quantization of planetary systems in my notes in the present work.  Here it is enough to say that fractal and multidimensional structure of space-time, along the ideas put forward by many physicists, astronomers and astrophysicists, whose works are quoted in this book, make cosmic jumps plausible.  My own research added one more factor here: as discussed in this work, it is one of the conclusions of EEQT that, as a rule, couplings of quantum systems to classical onesinduce chaotic behavior and fractal-like patterns of quantum jumps.[7] That may be one of the reasons why space-time is fractal-like both in micro- and in macro-scale.

The event generating algorithm that is at the foundation of EEQT can be easily modified, using cosmic scale coupling constants, to describe such jumps in terms of a piecewise deterministic Markov process, when prolonged periods of continuous evolution are interspersed by jumps of a random character.

The main feature of EEQT is that it provides an algorithm for describing the history of an individual system, where jumps really take place.  Therefore it provides appropriate tools for dealing not only with micro-particles but also with cosmic bodies, as discussed in this present work.

It may also put tools into our hands that will help us to intervene in the “events” of Cosmic Catastrophe.

The primary message of Noah is that one such continuous period may be coming to an end soon, and that the target quantum state after the jump is not fully determined.  Our actions, or our lack of action now, shape the probability distribution of our future “after the Flood” environment.

Paraphrasing slightly the quote from Niels Bohr’s friend Piet Hein, as used in John Archibald Wheeler’s Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam:[8]

We need to know
what this whole show
is all about
before it’s out.

And time is running out.

[1] Hills 85

[2] Muller 88, Muller 96

[3] Raup 86

[4] Matese 99

[5] Matese 00

[6] Talk about your lame interpretation!  Next they will be saying that the ancients were howling savages who smeared bear grease in their hair!

[7] We notice that the authors don’t jump on this pregnant allusion!

[8] And here I beg to differ.

[9] It is far more difficult for me to comprehend how these two authors can be talking about the ancients grasping this concept, and then to wonder why anyone with the brains to do so would even care!  That is, assuming it is just a “concept.”

[10] De Santillana & Von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill,1977, David R.  Godine, Boston

[11] Snorri Sturlson, author of the Prose Edda.

[12] Norse gods.

[1] This shows clearly to what extent the greenhouse effect has been overestimated in comparison with the solar contribution to climate change, which turns out to be the most important factor.

[1] [Muller 96]

[2] [Barthomy 74]

[3] [Wisdom 92]

[4] [Wisdom 01]

[5] [Matese 99, 00, Mueller 88, 96]

[6] [Nottale 93, Nottale 97]

[7] [Blanchard 00, 01]

[8] [Wheeler 98]

Note:The ‘Virtual Observatory’ concept, for which “Astrovirtel” is a prototype, is the start of a new era in astronomy. A larger study project called the ‘Astrophysical Virtual Observatory’ is now about to start within the Fifth EC Framework programme as a collaboration between ESO, ESA (ST-ECF), the University of Edinburgh (UK), CDS (Strasbourg, France), CNRS (Paris, France) and the University of Manchester (UK).

Observatory (ESO). Credit to “ESA, ESO, Astrovirtel and Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR)”.

Members of the group of scientists involved in these observations are: Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR, Berlin;, Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist (Uppsala University, Sweden;, Karri Muinonen, Jukka Piironen and Jenni Virtanen (University of Helsinki, Finland;, Andreas Doppler and Arno Gnaedig (Archenhold Sternwarte, Berlin, Germany) and Francesco Pierfederici (ST-ECF/ESO).

Number in Scripture

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
by E.W. Bullinger

Number in Scripture:

Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance

E. W. Bullinger

Fourth Edition, Revised.

“The works of the Lord are great,
Sought out of all them have pleasure therein.”
Ps. cxi. 2.

Eyre & Spottiswoode (Bible Warehouse) Ltd.,
33. Paternoster Row, E.C.


Many writers, from the earliest times, have called attention to the importance of the great subject of Number in Scripture. It has been dealt with, for the most part, in a fragmentary way. One has dealt with some particular number, such as “seven”; another has been content with a view of the primary numbers, and even when defining their significance, has given only one or two examples by way of illustration; another has confined himself to “symbolical numbers,” such as 10, 40, 666, etc.; another has taken up such symbolical numbers in their relation to chronology or to prophecy; another has collected examples, but has dealt little with their meaning.

There seemed, therefore, to be room, and indeed a call, for a work which would be more complete, embrace a larger area, and at the same time be free from the many fancies which all, more or less, indulge in when the mind is occupied too much with one subject. Anyone who values the importance of a particular principle will be tempted to see it where it does not exist, and if it be not there will force it in, in spite sometimes of the original text. Especially is this the case when chronology is dealt with, the greater uncertainty of dates lending itself more readily to the author’s fancy.

The greatest work on this subject, both chronological and numerical, is not free from these defects. But its value is nevertheless very great. It is by the late Dr. Milo Mahan, of New York. His work Palmoni*, which was republished among his collected works, has long been out of print. It greatly increased my interest in this subject, and led me to further study, besides furnishing a number of valuable illustrations.

* Not the anonymous Palmoni by an English author, published in London.

It is too much to hope that the present work should be free from these defects, which are inseparable from human infirmity. From one point of view it is a subject which must prove disappointing, at any rate to the author, for illustrations are continually being discovered; and yet, from another point of view, it would be blasphemy to suppose that such a work could be complete; for it would assume that the wonders of this mine could be exhausted, and that its treasures could be all explored!

I must, therefore, be content with the setting forth of general principles, and with giving a few examples from God’s Word which illustrate them, leaving others to extend the application of these principles and search out illustrations of them for themselves.

May the result of this contribution to a great subject be to stimulate the labours of Bible students; to strengthen believers in their most holy faith; and to convince doubters of the Divine perfection and inspiration of the Book of Books, to the praise and glory of God.


17 North End Road,
Golders Green, N.W.





The Heavens
The Vegetable Kingdom
Sound and Music


The Books of the Bible
The Writers
Occurrences of Words in Old Testament
Occurrences of Words in New Testament
Occurrences of Words in the Apocalypse
Occurrences of Phrases
Evidence as to Authorship of Hebrews and 2 Peter
Occurrences of Words and Phrases in Old and New Testaments combined



Chapter I

“Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand;
And meted out heaven with a span;
And comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure,
And weighed the mountains in scales,
And the hills in a balance?” (Isa 40:12)

“The works of the LORD are great,
Sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.” (Psa 111:2)

There can be neither works nor words without number. We can understand how man can act and speak without design or significance, but we cannot imagine that the great and infinite Creator and Redeemer could either work or speak without both His words and His works being absolutely perfect in every particular.

“As for God His WAY is perfect” (Psa 18:30). “The Law of the LORD is perfect” (Psa 19:7). They are both perfect in power, perfect in holiness and righteousness, perfect in design, perfect in execution, perfect in their object and end, and, may we not say, perfect in number.

“The LORD is righteous in all His ways: and holy in all His works” (Psa 145:17).

All His works were (and are) done, and all His words were spoken and written, in the right way, at the right time, in the right order, and in the right number. “He telleth the number of the stars” (Psa 147:4). He “bringeth out their host by number” (Isa 40:26). “He weigheth the waters by measure” (Job 28:25).

We may, therefore, say with David: “I meditate on all Thy works; I muse on the work of Thy hands” (Psa 143:5).

In all the works of God we find not only what we call “Law,” and a Law-maker, but we observe a Law enforcer. We speak of laws, but they are nothing in themselves. They have no being; they possess no power; they cannot make themselves, or carry themselves out. What we mean when we speak of law in nature is simply this: God in action; God not merely giving or making laws, but carrying them out and enforcing them.

As He is perfect, so His works and His words also must be perfect. And when we see number used not by chance, but by design; not at haphazard, but with significance; then we see not merely so many works and words, but the Living God working and speaking.

In this first part of our subject we are to speak only of design in the use of number; and in the second part, of significance. In this first chapter we will confine our thoughts to design as it is seen in the works of God; and in the second, as it is seen in the Word of God.

When we see the same design in each; the same laws at work; the same mysterious principles being carried out in each, the conviction is overwhelming that we have the same great Designer, the same Author; and we see the same Hand, the same seal stamped on all His works, and the same signature or autograph, as it were, upon every page of His Word. And that, not an autograph which may be torn off or obliterated, but indelible, like the water-mark in the paper; so impressed upon and interwoven with it that no power on earth can blot it out.

Let us turn first to


Here we see number displayed in a remarkable manner. The 12 signs of the Zodiac, each with three constellations, making 36 in all, which together with the 12 signs make a total of 48. There must be a reason, therefore, why the number 12 should thus pervade the heavens. Why should 12 be the predominating factor? Why should it not be 11, or 13, or 7, or 20?

Because 12 is one of the four perfect numbers, the number of governmental perfection; hence it is associated with the rule of the heavens, for the sun is given “to rule the day,” and the moon “to govern the night.” The significance of this, however, must be deferred till we come to consider the number “twelve” under this head. It is enough for us now to notice the fact here, upon the threshold of our subject, that we have one common measure, or factor, which is seen in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the 36 (3×12) constellations,* the total 48 (4×12); the 360 (12×30) degrees, into which the great circle of the heavens is divided. No one can tell us why the number of degrees was first fixed at 360. It has come down to us from ancient times, and is used universally without a question.** And it is this division of the Zodiac which gives us the 12 months of the Zodiacal year. This is called also the Prophetic year, for it is the year which is used in the prophecies of the Bible.***

* There are other modern constellations now: Hevelius (1611-1687) added twenty-two; Halley (1656-1742) added fifteen. But every one knows how different these are from the ancient constellations, both in their names, their character, and their utter absence of all significance.

** It probably arises from the product of the four numbers, 3, 4, 5, 6, which arise out of the phenomena which lie at the root of Geometrical and Arithmetical Science. 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 360, while 360 x 7 = 2520.

*** There are different or relative kinds of years, according as we reckon the revolutions of the sun in relation to certain objects, e.g.: (1.) In relation to the equinoctial points. The time taken by the sun to return to the same equinoctial point is called the Solaryear (also the Civil, or Tropical year), and consists of 365.2422414 solar days (or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 49.7 seconds). (2.) In relation to the stars. The time taken by the sun to return to the same fixed star is called the Sidereal year, and consists of 365.2563612 solar days (or 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9.6 seconds). (3.) In relation to his own orbit. The time taken by the sun to return to the same point in his own orbit is called the Anomalistic year, and consists of 365.2595981 solar days (or 365 days 6 hours 13 minutes 49.3 seconds). The word “Anomalistic” means irregular, and this kind of year is so called because from it the first irregularities of planetary motion were discovered.

Here, then, is an example of number as it is used in the heavens. Twelve is the pervading factor.


It is not necessary to go into the intricacies of this vast part of our subject. Notwithstanding the fact that God gave to man these heavenly time-keepers, he has so misused the gift (as he has every other gift which God has ever given him) that he cannot tell you now what year it really is! No subject is in more hopeless confusion, made worse by those who desire the dates to fit in with their theories of numbers, instead of with the facts of history.

We shall, therefore, avoid man’s use of numbers. Our only concern in this work is with God’s use of them. Here we shall find both design and significance. Here, therefore, we shall find that which is certain and full of interest.

The first natural division of time is stamped by the Number seven. On the seventh day God rested from His work of Creation.

When He ordained the ritual for Israel which should show forth His work of Redemption, seven is again stamped upon it in all its times and seasons. The seventh day was the holy day; the seventh month was specially hallowed by its number of sacred festivals; the seventh year was the Sabbatic year of rest for the land: while 7 x 7 years marked the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:4,8).

Thirty jubilees bring us from the Exodus to the opening of Christ’s ministry, when, opening Isaiah 61:2, He proclaimed “the acceptable year of the Lord” in a seven-fold prophecy (see Luke 4:18-21).

The great symbolical divisions of Israel’s history, or rather of the times of God’s dealings with them, are marked by the same number; and if we confine ourselves to duration of years rather than to the succession of years and chronological dates; with kairoV (kairos), season, a definitely limited portion of time, rather than with cronoV (chronos), time, the course of time in general* (hence our word “chronology”), —we shall have no difficulty.

* In modern Greek kairoV has come to mean weather, and cronoV, year, thus preserving the essential distinction between the two words.

God’s dealings with His people have to do with actual duration of time rather than with specific dates; and we find that His dealings with Israel were measured out into four periods, each consisting of 490 (70 times 7) years. Thus:—

The 1st. From Abraham to the Exodus.
The 2nd. The Exodus to the Dedication of the Temple.
The 3rd. From the Temple to Nehemiah’s return.
The 4th. From Nehemiah to the Second Advent.

It is clear that these are periods of duration having regard only to Israel, and to Jehovah’s immediate dealings with them. For in each one there is a period of time during which He was not immediately governing them, but in which His hand was removed, and His people were without visible tokens of His presence with them.

1. From the birth of Abraham to the Exodus Years Total
From the birth of Abraham to the Exodus was actually (Gen 12:4, 16:3 and 21:5)* 505
But deducting the 15 years while Ishmael was Abram’s seed, delaying the seed of promise - 15
Leaving the first 70 x 7 of years 490

*Abraham was 75 years old when the promise (Gen 12:4) was made to him. The Law was given 430 years after (Exo 12:40; Gal 3:17). But 430 and 75 make 505 years, or 15 years over the 490. How are we to account for this gap of 15 years as forming part of the 505 years? The answer is that at Abraham’s departure into Canaan (12:4) he was 75 years old, Ishmael was conceived 10 years after (16:3), therefore Abraham was 85 years old at Ishmael’s conception. But he was 100 years old when Isaac was born (21:5). Therefore it follows that there were 15 years (100 minus 85=15) during which Ishmael was occupying and usurping the place of the “promised seed”; and 15 from 505 leaves 490. Here then we have the first of the seventy sevens of years, and the first “gap” of 15 years.

2. From the Exodus to the foundation of the Temple, according to Acts 13:20:* Years Total
In the Wilderness 40
Under the Judges 450
Saul 40
David 40
Solomon (1 Kings 6:1,37) 3
But from these we must deduct the Captivities under 573
Cushan (Judges 3:8) 8
Eglon (Judges 3:14) 18
Jabin (Judges 4:3) 20
Midianites (Judges 6:1) 7
Philistines (Judges 13:1)** 40 93
Leaving 480
To this we must add the years during which the Temple was in building, for the finishing of the house (1 Kings 6:38) 7
And at least for the furnishing and ending of all the work (1 Kings 7:13-51)*** 3
Making altogether the second 70 x 7 of years 490

* The actual number of years was 573, according to Acts 13:20. But 1 Kings 6:1 says: “It came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of Egypt…he began to build the house of the LORD.” Therefore commentators immediately conclude that the book is wrong. It never seems to dawn on them that they can be wrong. But they are, because the number is ordinal, not cardinal, and it does not say four hundred and eighty years, but “eightieth year.” The 480th from or of what? Of the duration of God’s dealings with His people, deducting the 93 years while He had “sold them” into the hands of others. Thus there is no discrepancy between 1 Kings 6:1 and Acts 13:20. In the Acts the actual number of years is stated in a cardinal number; while in the Kings a certain reckoning is made in an ordinal number, and a certain year in the order of God’s dealings with His people is named. And yet by some, the inspiration of Acts 13:20 is impugned, and various shifts are resorted to, to make it what man thinks to be correct. The RV adopts an ancient punctuation which does not after all remove the difficulty; while in the Speaker’s Commentary the words in 1 Kings 6:1 are printed within brackets, as though they were of doubtful authority.

** The 18 years of Judges 10:8 were part of the joint 40 years’ oppression; on the one side Jordan by the Philistines, and on “the other side Jordan in the land of the Amorites” by the Ammonites.

*** For in 1 Kings 8:2 it was dedicated in the seventh month, though it was finished in the eighth month. Therefore it could not have been the same year; and it may well have required three years for the completion of all the interior work described in 1 Kings 7:13-51.

3. From the Dedication of the Temple to Nehemiah’s return in the 20th year of Artaxerxes Years Total
From the dedication to Nehemiah’s return (Neh 2:1) 560
Deduct the 70 years’ Captivity in Babylon (Jer 25:11,12; Dan 9:2) 70
Leaving the third 70 x 7 years 490
4. From Nehemiah’s return to “cutting off” of “Messiah the Prince” (Dan 9:24-27) Years Total
The “Seven weeks” (7×7) 49
The “Threescore and two weeks” (62×7) 434
“After” this, Messiah was to be “cut off,” and then comes this present interval, the longest of all, now more than 1970 years, to be followed, when God again deals with His people Israel, by “One week”* 7

* This “one week” must be future, because since Messiah was “cut off” no prince has come and made a covenant with the Jews and in the “midst of the week” caused “the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” This is specially stated to be the work of “the Prince that shall come.” See Daniel 8:11, where it is done by “the little horn”; 11:31, where it is the work of “the vile person” (different names for the same person); and 12:11. All these four passages are the work of the same person, and that person is not Christ, but Antichrist. Besides, Messiah was “cut off” after the “threescore and two weeks,” i.e., at the end of the second of these three divisions. This cannot be the same event as that which is to take place “in the midst” of the third of these three divisions. In a prophecy so distinct, that the very distinction is the essential part of it, it is impossible for us to introduce such confusion by violently taking an event declared to take place “after” the end of the second period and say it is the same event which is spoken of as taking place in the middle of the third; and at the same time, out of four distinct descriptions of the latter event to make one refer to the former and three to the latter—this is simply trifling with the Word of God. A system of interpretation which requires such violent and unwarranted treatment of God’s Word stands self-condemned.

Thus the number seven is stamped on “the times and seasons” of Scripture, marking the spiritual perfection of the Divine Prophecies.


We see the same law at work in various departments of nature. Sometimes one number is the dominant factor, sometimes another. In natureseven is found to mark the only possible mode of classification of the mass of individuals which constitutes the special department called science. We give the seven divisions, with examples from the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The one specimen of an animal (the dog) and one specimen of a flower (the rose).

I. KINGDOM Animal Vegetable
II. SUB-KINGDOM Vertebrata Phanerogamia
III. CLASS Mammalia Dicotyledon
IV. ORDER Carnivora Rosiflorae
V. FAMILY Canidae Rosaciae
VI. GENUS Dog Rosa
VII. SPECIES Spaniel Tea-rose


Here all is law and order. Number comes in, in many cases determining various classifications. In the Endogens (or inside-growing plants) threeis a prevailing number; while in Exogens (or outside-growing plants) five is a prevailing number.

The grains in Indian corn, or maize, are set in rows, generally straight, but in some cases spirally. These rows are always arranged in an even number. Never odd! They range from 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and sometimes as high as 24. But never in 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, or any odd number of rows. The even number is permanent. Mr. H. L. Hastings tells of one farmer who looked for 27 years and could not find a “cob” with an odd number of rows. A slave was once offered his freedom if he found a corn-cob with an odd number, and one day he found one! But he had found it also some time before, when it was young; carefully cut out one row, and bound it up, so that the parts grew together as the corn-cob developed, and finally presented the phenomenon of having an odd number of rows. This exception proves the rule in an interesting manner.

If we notice how the leaves grow upon the stem of a plant, not only is law seen in classifying their nature and character, but number is observed in their arrangement and disposition. Some are placed alternately, some opposite, while others are arranged spirally. But in each case all is in perfect order. After a certain number of leaves one will come immediately over and in the same line with the first:—

  • In the apple it is the fifth leaf,
  • In the oak it is the fourth,
  • In the peach, etc., it is the sixth,
  • In the holly, etc., it is the eighth; but it takes two turns of the spiral before the eighth leaf stands immediately over the first.
  • In the larch it is the twenty-first leaf; but it is not until after eight turns of the spiral that the twenty-first leaf stands directly over the first.

Examples might be multiplied indefinitely were design in nature our only subject. We are anxious to search the Word of God, and therefore can touch merely the surface of His works, but sufficiently to illustrate the working of Law and the presence of the Law-enforcer.


offers a vast field for illustration, but here again the grand impress is seen to be the number seven. The days of man’s years are “Three-score years and ten” (7×10). In seven years the whole structure of his body changes: and we are all familiar with “the seven ages of man.”

There are seven Greek words used to describe these seven ages, according to Philo:—

  1. Infancy (paidion, paidion, child).
  2. Childhood (paiV, pais boy).
  3. Youth (meirakion, meirakion, lad, stripling).
  4. Adolescence (neaniskoV, neaniskos, young man).
  5. Manhood (anhr, aner, man).
  6. Decline (presbuthV, presbutes, old man).
  7. Senility (gerwn, geron, aged man).

The various periods of gestation also are commonly a multiple of seven, either of days or weeks.

With INSECTS the ova are hatched from seven half-days (as the wasp, bee, etc.); while with others it is seven whole days. The majority of insects require from 14 (2×7) to 42 (6×7) days; the same applies to the larva state.

With ANIMALS the period of gestation of—

The mouse is 21 (3×7) days.
The hare and rat, 28 (4×7) days.
The cat, 56 (8×7) days.
The dog, 63 (9×7) days.
The lion, 98 (14×7) days.
The sheep, 147 (21×7) days.

With BIRDS, the gestation of—

The common hen is 21 (3×7) days.
The duck, 42 (6×7) days.

With the Human species it is 280 days (or 40×7).

Moreover, man appears to be made on what we may call the seven-day principle. In various diseases the seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-first are critical days; and in others seven or 14 half-days. Man’s pulse beats on the seven-day principle, for Dr. Stratton points out that for six days out of the seven it beats faster in the morning than in the evening, while on the seventh day it beats slower. Thus the number seven is stamped upon physiology, and he is thus admonished, as man, to rest one day in seven. He cannot violate this law with impunity, for it is interwoven with his very being. He may say “I will rest when I please,”— one day in ten, or irregularly, or not at all. He might as well say of his eight-day clock, “It is mine, and I will wind it up when I please.” Unless he wound it at least once in eight days, according to the principle on which it was made, it would be worthless as a clock. So with man’s body. If he rests not according to the Divine law, he will, sooner or later, be compelled to “keep his sabbaths,” and the rest which he would not take at regular intervals, at God’s command, he has to take at the command of man all at once! Even in this case God gives him more rest than he can get for himself; for God would have him take 52 days’ rest in the year, and the few days’ “change” he is able to get for himself is a poor substitute for this. It is like all man’s attempts to improve on God’s way.

It is not always seven, however, which is the predominant factor in physiology or natural history.

In the case of the BEE, it is the number three which pervades its phenomena—

  • In three days the egg of the queen is hatched.
  • It is fed for nine days (3×3).
  • It reaches maturity in 15 days (5×3).
  • The worker grub reaches maturity in 21 days (7×3).
  • And is at work three days after leaving its cell.
  • The drone matures in 24 days (8×3).
  • The bee is composed of three sections,— head and two stomachs.
  • The two eyes are made up of about 3,000 small eyes, each (like the cells of the comb) having six sides (2×3).
  • Underneath the body are six (2×3) wax scales with which the comb is made.
  • It has six (2×3) legs. Each leg is composed of three sections.
  • The foot is formed of three triangular sections.
  • The antennae consist of nine (3×3) sections.
  • The sting has nine (3×3) barbs on each side.

Is this design? or is it chance? Why should it be the number three instead of any other number? No one can tell. We can only observe the wondrous working of supernatural laws, and admire the perfection of design.


Here we are met with a field of research in which constant discoveries are being made. Chemistry is worthy of the name Science. Here are no theories and hypotheses, which deprive other so-called sciences of all title to the name. Science is Scientia, knowledge, that which we know, and what we know is truth which can never alter. Chemistry, for example, is not like geology, whose old theories are constantly being superseded by new ones. If we know the action of a certain substance, then our knowledge never changes. But side by side with this unchangeable truth there is the constant discovery of new truths.

All matter is made up of certain combinations of various elements, which are its ultimate, indecomposable constituents. Not that these elements are absolutely simple, but that hitherto they have not been decomposed. Some of these have been known from the most ancient times, while others are of quite recent discovery. Hence their number is slowly being increased. In 1874 there were 64; now there are about 103, fourteen of which are man-made.

But though their total number cannot yet be known, the law by which they are arranged has been discovered. This law is complex, but perfect.

1. All the elements when magnetized fall into two classes. One class immediately ranges itself east and west, at right angles to the line of magnetic force (which is north and south), and is hence called Diamagnetic (i.e. through or across the magnet); while the other immediately ranges itself by the side of and parallel to the magnetic pole (i.e. north and south), and is called Paramagnetic (i.e. by the side of the magnet).

2. Further, it is observed that these elements have other properties. Some combine with only one atom of another element, and are calledMonads; some combine with only two atoms of another element, and are called Diads; some combine with only three, and are called Triads: while those that combine with four are called Tetrads, etc.

3. Now when the elements are arranged, first on the two sides of the dividing line, according to their Diamagnetic and Paramagneticcharacters; and then placed on lines according to their properties as Monads, Diads, etc.; and further, are arranged in the order of their atomic weights,* the result is seen in the accompanying illustration [Reynold's Curve of the Elements according to the Newlands-Mendelejeff Periodic Law], which exhibits the presence and working of a wonderful law.

* The atomic weight is the smallest weight according to which different elements combine; e.g. hydrogen, whose atomic weight is 2, will combine with oxygen, whose atomic weight is 16, forming water. With carbon, whose atomic weight is 12, it combines also the same proportion of 2 to 12 (or 1 to 6). These are what are called the atomic weights, or the “combining proportions.”

On carefully examining this table it will be seen,—

1. That on either side of the central or neutral line, there are alternate groups of seven elements, and that these seven fall into the form of an introversion, Monad answering to Monad, Diad to Diad, etc., thus:—

Monad >>>>> Diad >>>>> Triad >>>>>
Monad >>>>> Diad >>>>> Triad >>>>>

Then, on the other side, the group of seven is arranged in the opposite way, but in a corresponding manner:—

<<<<< Triad <<<<< Diad <<<<< Monad
<<<<< Triad <<<<< Diad <<<<< Monad

Thus we have an introversion of seven elements alternated throughout the entire series.

2. Next observe that each time the line crosses upward from right to left there is a group of three neutral elements that occur together, near theatomic weights of 60, 100, and 190. So perfect is the law that the discoverers believe that about the points 20 and 155 there are yet two sets of three elements to be discovered…

3. Also observe that when the lines pass upward from left to right there are no elements whatever on this neutral line, and therefore we do not expect any to be discovered.

4. Further, that there are others which will yet be discovered to fill in the gaps that are left vacant, above the weights 145. A few years ago the number stood at 64. The present list contains 69. Some newly-discovered elements have been brought under notice while writing these words. They are Cerium, 141.5; Neodymium, 140.8; Praseodunium, 143.6; and “Ytterbium,” 173. These with others that may yet be discovered will fill up some of the gaps that remain.

5. There is an element whose atomic weight is a multiple of 7 (or very nearly so) for every multiple up to 147, while the majority of the others are either square numbers (or multiples of a square number), multiples of 11, or cube numbers. Indeed we may say that every important element is a multiple of either 4 or 7; gold, the most valuable, for example, being 196 (4×72); iron, the most useful, 56 (7×23); silver being 108 (4×27, or 22x33), copper 63 (7×9), carbon 12 (3×4), mercury 200 (4×50), bismuth 208 (4×52), etc.*

* Where the others are not exact multiples of these numbers, they are so nearly exact that the slight uncertainty in the accepted weights might account for some of the differences.

6. Note that all the parts of the image which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream are here, and they are all on the left or diamagnetic side; that is to say, they are at cross purposes with the line of Divine government! The three which are pure and unmixed are all on the same line of monads—”gold,” “silver,” and “copper,”—while the fourth, “iron,” is neutral, neither for nor against, like the fourth power, which is both religious and at the same time antichristian. The heaviest is at the top and the lightest at the bottom, as though to show us that the image being top-heavy is not destined to stand. Three have already passed away; the fourth is approaching its end; and presently, the “power” which was committed to the Gentiles shall be given to Him “whose right it is,” and the fifth monarchy (illustrated by the Rock out of which all the others proceed) shall swallow all up when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.

Thus the very elements of matter are all arranged according to number and law. When this law was first spoken of, it appeared to some chemists to be as absurd as suggesting that the alphabetical arrangement could be the scientific or natural order.

But here we have a natural, or rather, we should say, a Divine order. For the elements, when arranged according to the weights and properties which God has given to them, are found to fall into this wondrous order. Here there can be no room for human fancy, but all is the result of knowledge, or science truly so called.


Sound is the impression produced on the ear by the vibrations of air. The pitch of the musical note is higher or lower according as these vibrations are faster or slower. When they are too slow, or not sufficiently regular and continuous to make a musical sound, we call it noise.

Experiments have long been completed which fix the number of vibrations for each musical note; by which, of course, we may easily calculate the difference between the number of vibrations between each note.

These were finally settled at Stuttgart in 1834. They were adopted by the Paris Conservatoire in 1859, but it was not till 1869 that they were adopted in England by the Society of Arts. The following is the scale of Do showing the number of vibrations in a second under each note and the differences between them:—

(33) 297
(33) 330
(22) 352
(44) 396
(44) 440
(55) 495
(33) 528

In the upper row of figures, those immediately under each note are the number of vibrations producing such note. The figures in brackets, between these numbers, show the difference between these vibrations. The figures in the lower line are merely the factors of the respective numbers.

On examining the above it will be at once seen that the number eleven is stamped upon music; and we may say seven also, for there are sevennotes of the scale (the eighth being the repetition of the first).

The number of vibrations in a second, for each note, is a multiple of eleven, and the difference in the number of vibrations between each note is also a multiple of eleven. These differences are not always the same. We speak of tones and semitones, as though all tones were alike, and all semitones were alike; but this is not the case. The difference between the semitone Mi and Fa* is 22; while between the other semitone, Si andDo, it is 33. So with the tones: the difference between the tone Do and Re, for example, is 33; while between Fa and Sol it is 44; between Soland La it is 44; and between La and Si it is 55.

* In using this notation it is worth recording and remembering, in passing (though it is hardly relevant to our subject), the origin of what is now called Solfeggio. It arose from a Mediaeval hymn to John the Baptist which had this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher than the first syllable of the line that preceded it:—

Ut queant laxis
Re-sonare fibris
Mi-ra gestorum
Fa-muli tuorum
Sol-ve polluti
La-bii reatum
Sancto Iohannes

By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes, and as each syllable ended with a vowel they were found to be peculiarly adapted for vocal use. Hence Ut was artificially replaced by “Do.” Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century, and Le Maire, a French musician of the 17th century, added “Si” for the seventh note of the scale, in order to complete the series. It might have been formed from the initial letters of the two words in this line, S and I.

The ear can detect and convey these vibrations to the brain only within certain limits. Each ear has within it a minute organ, like a little harp, with about ten thousand strings. These organs were discovered by an Italian named Corti, and hence have been named “the organs of Corti.” When a sound is made, the corresponding string of this little harp vibrates in sympathy, and conveys the impression to the brain. The immense number of these little strings provides for the conveyance of every conceivable sound within certain limits. In the scale, as we have seen, there is a range of 264 vibrations. There is a difference between each one, so that there are practically 264 notes in the scale, but the ear cannot detect them. The ear of a skilled violinist can detect many more than an ordinary untrained ear. The mechanical action of a pianoforte can record only twelve of these notes. The violin can be made to produce a much larger number, and is therefore more perfect as an instrument, but not equal in this respect to the human voice. The wonderful mechanism of the human voice, being created by God, far excels every instrument that man can make.

There are vibrations which the ear cannot detect, so slow as to make no audible sound, but there are contrivances by which they can be madevisible to the eye. When sand is thrown upon a thin metal disc, to which a chord is attached and caused to vibrate, the sand will immediately arrange itself in a perfect geometrical pattern. The pattern will vary with the number of the vibrations. These are called “Chladni’s figures.” Moist plaster on glass or moist water-colour on rigid surfaces will vibrate at the sound, say, of the human voice, or of a cornet, and will assume forms of various kinds—geometrical, vegetable and floral; some resembling ferns, others resembling leaves and shells, according to the pitch of the note.

The “Pendulograph” is another contrivance for rendering these vibrations visible to the eye; and for exhibiting depths of sound which are totally inaudible to the ear. The pen is attached to one pendulum and the paper to the other, and these are made to oscillate at right angles with each other. When each pendulum is set at the same length (making the same number of vibrations in the same time), the figure made by the pen will be a perfect circle. But when these lengths (or vibrations) vary, the patterns that are described are as exquisite as they are marvelous, and almost infinite in their variety and design.

Even the organs of Corti are limited in their perception, notwithstanding the many thousands of minute vibrating chords. When these organs are perfect or well formed there is what is called “an ear for music.” But in many cases there is “no ear for music.” This means that these organs are defective, not fully developed, or malformed, in the case of such persons; and that the sounds are not accurately conveyed to the brain.

There is a solemn and important truth therefore in the words, “He that planted the ear”! (Psa 94:9). What wondrous planting!

Not every one has this peculiar (musical) “ear.” And no one has by nature that ear which can distinguish the things of God. The spiritual ear is the direct gift and planting of God. Hence it is written, “He that hath an ear,” i.e., only he that hath that divinely-planted, God-given ear can hear the things of the Spirit of God. “An ear to hear” those spiritual things is a far greater reality, and an infinitely greater gift, than an ear for music! Oh wondrous ear! It is the Lord that gives “the hearing ear” (Prov 20:12). He wakeneth the ear to hear (Isa 50:4); It is the Lord that openeth the ear (Isa 50:5). The natural ear does not hear spiritual sounds; it cannot discern them (Isa 64:4 and 1 Cor 2:9). Thus nature and grace illustrate each other, and reveal the great fact that there is a secret ear, more delicate than any “organs of Corti,” that can detect sounds invisible as well as inaudible to the senses, and which enables those who possess it to say:—

“Sweeter sounds than music knows
Charm me in Emanuel’s name;
All her hopes my spirit owes
To His birth, and cross, and shame.”


One more step brings us to colour, which is caused by the vibrations of light, as sound is caused by the vibrations of air. There is a relation between the two, so that a particular colour corresponds to a particular note in music.

Hence there are seven colours answering to the seven musical sounds, and it is found that sounds which harmonize, correspond with colours that harmonize. While discords in colour correspond with discords in music.

The seven, both in music and colour, are divided into three and four. Three primary colours and four secondary, from which all others proceed, answer to the three primary sounds called the Tri-chord, or common chord, and four secondary.

The subject is too abstruse to enlarge further upon here. Sufficient has been said to show that in the works of God all is perfect harmony, order and symmetry, both in number and design; and one corresponds with the other in a real and wonderful manner.

The one great question now is, May we not expect to find the same phenomena in that greatest of all God’s works, viz., His Word? If not the greatest in some senses, yet it is the greatest in its importance to us. For if we find in it the same corresponding perfection in design, then we see throughout the whole of it the same mysterious autograph. And its truths, and promises, and precepts come to us with increased solemnity and power; for the words of the book say with the stars of heaven, “The hand that made us is divine.” number02.htm


TRUE Sabbaths When?

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

sabbaths when?


In this article, the title “God” is replaced by the Hebrew word “Elohiym”.

The name “Jesus” as used in the King James and nearly all other version of Scripture is replaced by the true name YaHuWshuaH also recognized as “Yahshua” or “Yahushua”. The name Jesus is not a Hebrew name and has absolutely no meaning in the Hebrew language yet few people deny that the Messiah was a Hebrew. To this very day, neither the Hebrew nor Greek Language contains a letter equivalent to “J” or the sound of “J”. Evidence bears out that the Authorized Version (King “J”ames Version) in 1611 AD did not contain a single letter “J” from Genesis to Revelation.  The name “Jesus” [pronounced “Gee-sus”] is a new invention of man that dates no further back than sometime between 1611 AD and 1630 AD.

The Title “LORD” which the translators of the Bible used when they removed and made a substitution for our Creator and Heavenly Father’s Name, in direct opposition to the Word of YHWH not to add to or take away from His Word, has been omitted and the true Sacred Name of YHWH has been restored using probably the most accurate phonetic spelling of the Tetragrammaton “Yod Hey Waw Hey (YHWH)” as “YaHuWaH”.

Also, a very special thank you is extended to Brother Arnold Bowen of for his ground breaking research into this subject matter of a lunar based Sabbath and that all Sabbaths throughout Scripture fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the Lunar cycle; much of which is addressed herein with additional elaboration and explanations by this author.

Conclusive Evidence that the True Scriptural Shabbat is Reckoned by the Moon

By Dauwd Ray

The evidence provided here will prove that the true weekly seventh day Shabbat of the Scriptures is observed on the same days of the Lunar cycle each month. These days are the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the Lunar cycle. We have all been taught the Roman Calendar and its concomitant changing of seasons, times, days and years. However the Modern/Roman Calendar is not the calendar of Sabbatical reckoning.

This author presents an open door to anyone who can pinpoint a weekly Shabbat on any other day than by the moon. Seventy two weekly Shabbat days, observed by the Qadosh men of old, have been pinpointed in scriptures and all of them are on either the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th day of the Lunar cycle. This is not happenstance or coincidence; the reason for this is that they never counted the day of the New moon when counting out the six workdays of the week. The New moon is a worship day all by it’s self and is not counted when counting out the week.

The original months were by the moon, and NOT just a count of 30 or 31 days. The original weeks were by the moon and NOT just count of 1 through 7 as is in common use today, and how we all were taught. All appointed times (moadiym), which include the Shabbat, were to be reckoned by the moon. See Gen 1:14  And Elohiym said, Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.; [Bereshith (Genesis) 1:14 (ISR Version) says “And Elohim said, “Let the lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and appointed times and for days and years.”] Psa 104:19  He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down. [Psalms 104:19 (ISR Version) says “He made the moon for appointed times; the sun knows its going down.]  The counting of the days did not start at midnight either; it started with the evening (Sunset, usually around 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.) followed by the day (Sunrise was usually from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.). Therefore there is Evening and then Morning as a proper day reckoning that has to sync up with the Lunar Calendar; See this defined in Gen 1:5  And Elohiym called the light, Day. And He called the darkness, Night. And there was evening, and there was morning the first day.

The gates of His house were to be shut during the six workdays, and open on the Shabbat and New moons  Rosh Chodeshim), which proves that the New-Moon-Day is NOT one of the 6 work days of the week. (See Ezekiel. 46:1 – 3); Eze 46:1 Thus says the Adonai YaHuWaH : The gate of the inner court that looks toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the day of Shabbat it shall be opened, and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened. Eze 46:2  The prince shall enter by the way of the porch of the gate outside, and shall stand by the post of the gate; and the Kohanim shall prepare his burnt offering and his shalom offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. Eze 46:3  The people of the land shall worship at the door of that gate before YaHuWaH on the Shabbats and on the new moons.).


The day of the New moon was a worship day and was not counted as one of the six work days of the week. (Which see Numbers 28:11 – 14; Isaiah 66:23: Num 28:11  In the beginnings of your months (Chodeshim) you shall offer a burnt offering toYaHuWaH: two young bulls, and one ram, seven male lambs a year old without blemish; Num 28:12  and three tenth parts [of an efah] of fine flour for a meal offering, mixed with olive-oil, for each bull; and two tenth parts of fine flour for a meal offering, mixed with olive-oil, for the one ram; Num 28:13  and a tenth part of fine flour mixed with olive-oil for a meal offering to every lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savor, an offering made by fire to the YaHuWaH . Num 28:14  Their drink offerings shall be half a hin of wine for a bull, and the third part of a hin for the ram, and the fourth part of a hin for a lamb: this is the burnt offering of every month throughout the months of the year. Isa 66:23  It shall happen, that from one new moon to another, and from one Shabbat to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says the YaHuWaH .)

The first workday was on the second day of the moons lunar cycle, and the seventh would be on the eighth day from the New moon (Chodesh), an intermission day, with six workdays in between. The same is true from one Shabbat to the next, it is eight days.

New Moon (Chodesh), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Shabbat; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Shabbat;  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Shabbat;  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Shabbat.

New Moon (Lunar Day 1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  Shabbat (Lunar Day 8); 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Shabbat (Lunar Day 15); 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, Shabbat (Lunar day 22); 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Shabbat (Lunar day 29); New Moon (Lunar Day 1)

From Shabbat to Shabbat is 8 days with 6 work days in between, and from New moon to the 1st Shabbat is 8 days with six work days in between. It can be seen that the Shabbat comes after six workdays and the New Moon is not one of them.

At least 72 weekly Shabbats on these days can be pinpointed in scripture. The first place the word Shabbat, is mentioned and it was on the 22nd of the second moon and He said it is the rest of the Qodesh Shabbat: See Exodus. 16:1-23; Exo 16:1  They took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of  Yisra’el came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Mitzrayim. Exo 16:2  The whole congregation of the children of Yisra’el murmured against Moshe and against Aharon in the wilderness;
Exo 16:3  and the children of Yisra’el said to them, “We wish that we had died by the hand of  YaHuWaH in the land of Mitzrayim, when we sat by the meat pots, when we ate our fill of bread, for you have brought us out into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” Exo 16:4  Then said YaHuWaH to Moshe, “Behold, I will rain bread from the sky for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law, or not. Exo 16:5  It shall come to pass on the sixth day, that they shall prepare that which they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.” Exo 16:6  Moshe and Aharon said to all the children of  Yisra’el, “At evening, then you shall know that YaHuWaH has brought you out from the land of Mitzrayim; Exo 16:7  and in the morning, then you shall see the Kabowd of YaHuWaH; because he hears your murmurings against YaHuWaH. Who are we, that you murmur against us?” Exo 16:8  Moshe said, “Now YaHuWaH shall give you meat to eat in the evening, and in the morning bread to satisfy you; because YaHuWaH hears your murmurings which you murmur against him. And who are we? Your murmurings are not against us, but against YaHuWaH.” Exo 16:9  Moshe said to Aharon, “Tell all the congregation of the children of Yisra’el, ‘Come near before YaHuWaH, for he has heard your murmurings.’” Exo 16:10  It happened, as Aharon spoke to the whole congregation of the children of Yisra’el, that they looked toward the wilderness, and behold, the Kabowd of YaHuWaH appeared in the cloud. Exo 16:11  YaHuWaH spoke to Moshe, saying, Exo 16:12  “I have heard the murmurings of the children of Yisra’el. Speak to them, saying, At evening you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread: and you shall know that I am YaHuWaH your Elohiym.’”
Exo 16:13  It happened at evening that quail came up and covered the camp; and in the morning the dew lay around the camp. Exo 16:14  When the dew that lay had gone, behold, on the surface of the wilderness was a small round thing, small as the frost on the ground. Exo 16:15  When the children of Yisra’el saw it, they said one to another, “What is it?” For they didn’t know what it was. Moshe said to them, “It is the bread which YaHuWaH has given you to eat.” Exo 16:16  This is the thing which YaHuWaH has commanded: “Gather of it everyone according to his eating; an omer a head, according to the number of your persons, shall you take it, every man for those who are in his tent.” Exo 16:17  The children of Yisra’el did so, and gathered some more, some less. Exo 16:18  When they measured it with an omer, he who gathered much had nothing over, and he who gathered little had no lack. They gathered every man according to his eating. Exo 16:19  Moshe said to them, “Let no one leave of it until the morning.” Exo 16:20  Notwithstanding they didn’t listen to Moshe, but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and became foul: and Moshe was angry with them. Exo 16:21  They gathered it morning by morning, everyone according to his eating. When the sun grew hot, it melted. Exo 16:22  It happened that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for each one, and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moshe. Exo 16:23  He said to them, “This is that which the YaHuWaH has spoken, ‘Tomorrow is a solemn rest, a Qodesh Shabbat to YaHuWaH. Bake that which you want to bake, and boil that which you want to boil; and all that remains over lay up for yourselves to be kept until the morning.’”

The last place the word Shabbat is mentioned is in Colossians 2:16; Col 2:16  Therefore, Let-no-one-judge you-all in eating, or in drinking, or in this-part-in-particular-of a-feast-day, or a new moon, or Shabbats, (This verse has been severely mistranslated so as to intimate that one does not have to keep the feasts of the shabbat, so here is the most correct meaning in the Greek). The weekly Shabbats can be proven before the Law, under the Law, and before the Crucifixion, during the crucifixion, and after the crucifixion; and all were on these days and will be in the New Heaven, and there is not even one example of another day other than by the moon. The Shabbat was for a Qodesh Miqra (Assembly as in Leviticus 23:3; Lev 23:3  “‘Six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a Shabbat of solemn rest, a Qosdesh Miqra; you shall do no manner of work. It is a Shabbat to YaHuWaH in all your dwelling), and we are to be assembled before Him when the gates to His temple are open.

The Modern/Roman Calendar started around 46 B. C. under Julius Caesar. Prior to that time there are a few other sources that tell us that the Shabbat was reckoned by the Lunar Calendar; The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges it, saying the Shabbats were originally by the phases of the moon. Philo the Jew who lived at the same time as our Saviour acknowledges that the weeks were by the moon alone, as well as Clement of Alexandra (Stomata Vol. VI). However the Jews did not always continue to keep the Shabbat as YaHuWaH caused them to forget it; See Lamentations 2:6; Lam 2:6  And He violated his booth like a gardenand destroyed his meeting-places. YaHuWaH made meeting-places and sabbaths forgotten in Tsion, and He rejected king and priest in the fury of His anger.

He said He would destroy their place of worship and cause His Shabbats to be forgotten in Tsion. Also when they were delivered from Mitzrayim’s bondage, He made His Shabbats known to Moshe and it was on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. (Ex-16 ch.) They had forgotten the Shabbat in Mitzrayim also. They are also forgotten in modern Mitzrayim as the Jews today hold the Shabbat to be from Friday Evening to Saturday Evening every seven Modern/Roman Calendar days and not according to Lunar reckoning. This is done today because of Commercial convenience, because the money-changers whined about when will the new moon and the shabbat be over that we may buy and sell. Since a Lunar sabbath is never on the same day each Modern Roman Month, it is quite an upset to money changing.

One must now carefully consider the Scriptures that teach that the traditions of men would make the Word of YaHuWaH of none effect?  (See Matthew 15:6 and Mark 7:13; Mat 15:6 and in no way he honors his father or his mother. And you annulled the command of Elohiym on account of your tradition. Mark 7:13  making the Word of Elohiym of no effect by your tradition which you delivered. And many such like things you do.) We also know that the Old Testament was written for our example (1Col 10:10  Neither should you murmur, as also some of them murmured, and perished by the destroyer. 1Col 10:11  And all these things happened to those as examples, and it was written for our warning, on whom the ends of the ages have come.). We are to keep Torah and the Royal Law (Ten commandments), and the one that turns his ear from hearing the Torah his prayers shall be abomination (Prov 28:9  Whoever turns aside his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer is an abomination.

The complete and comprehensive history WhitE RACE

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

race history

Comprehensive history
November 2005 Version 8
The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race,

spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events.

This is their incredible story – of vast visions, empires,

achievements, triumphs against staggering odds, reckless

blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles.

A blue-eyed Sumerian statue, 3000 BC

November 2005 Version 8
The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race,

spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events.

This is their incredible story – of vast visions, empires, achievements, triumphs against

staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles.

Cro-Magnon Cheddar Man: England, 7000 BC Spirit Cave Mummy, Nevada, USA,

7000 BC

From the time of the emergence of the White racial type, their wanderings to the four corners of the globe, and finally into space itself: This remarkable story of human endeavor is without parallel or comparison, and is a story of awe, inspiration and heroism.
Female Tocharian Mummy, China,

1500 BC

Detail from amphora, Classical Greece,

500 BC

Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the

rise and

fall of the world’s greatest empires – that all civilizations rise and fall according to

their racial homogeneity and nothing else – a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural

catastrophes, but not racial dissolution.

Queen Elizabeth I, England, 1600 Napoleon Bonaparte, France, 1796

Alexander Nevsky, Russian hero, 1240 AD

Octavian Augustus, Roman Emperor,

45 BC

The Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, 1325 BC

Thomas Jefferson, American Hero, 1789

Adolf Hitler, Germany 1940

Purchase Purchase this book – CD version currently available; printed book coming soon
Chapter 1. Important Issues - Definition of race; White racial types; Means of tracking race in history; Environment and genes; Homo Erectus and Neanderthal no relation to Homo Sapiens.
Chapter 2. The Late Paleolithic Age 35,000 BC – 10,000 BC; First modern White racial types establish hunter gatherer existence and sporadic first settlements in Europe and Near East.
Chapter 3. The Neolithic Age – 10,000 BC; First fixed White settlements in Europe; then in Near East. The great stone monuments are created, and the first cities emerge.
Chapter 4. Laying the Foundations – The Old European Civilizations - 5000 BC – 2500 BC; First European continental civilizations; Crete; Etruscans; and the Indus River Valley.
Chapter 5. Born of the Black Sea – The Indo-European Invasions - 5600 BC – 1000 BC; The Black Sea Flood causes Nordic invasions of Europe (Celts, Germans, Balts and Slavs); and the Near East, Afghanistan and India (Aryans).
Chapter 6. To the Ends of the Earth – Lost White Migrations - Astonishing ancient White migrations to China (1500 BC), the Canary Islands (1300 BC);  North and South America (7000 – 2000 BC).
Chapter 7. The Near East – Whites Overwhelmed -  3000 BC – 1000 BC; Indo-Aryan civilizations in Mesopotamia; Iraq; Iran; dissolution and disappearance into Semitic and Arabic neighbors.
Chapter 8. Egypt – Nordic Desert Empire - 3000 BC – 800 BC; Nordic Egyptian kings and queens; Dissolution of White Egyptians into Semitic, Arabic and Black (Nubian) neighbors.
Chapter 9. Alpha and Omega – The Rise and Fall of Civilizations - The rise and fall of civilizations explained in terms of their racial homogeneity; with the Near East civilizations as examples.
Chapter 10. The Hellenes – Classical Greece - 1500 BC – 200 BC; Age of Indo-Aryan peoples in Greece; The Classical Age and its dissolution into non-White slave and immigrant population.
Chapter 11. Conqueror and Creator – Alexander the Great – 1000 BC – 200 BC; The greatest military leader of all time, Alexander the Macedonian, conquers all of the known world and creates the kingdoms of Syria Ptolemaic Egypt.
Chapter 12. The Age of the Caesars – Pre-Christian Rome - 800 BC – 200 AD; Origins of Roman Republic and its transformation into an Empire; Racial developments till the time of Christianity; Julius Caesar, Octavian Augustus and the Pax Romana.
Chapter 13. Power and Purpose: The Glory of Rome - Cultural, military and architectural splendor of Classical Rome
Chapter 14. Opponents and Allies – Rome and the Celts – 200 BC – 100 AD; Roman conquest of Celtic lands of France, Spain and Britain
Chapter 15. The Useful Foe – Rome and the Germans - 100 BC- 100 AD; Roman Empire defeated by Germans under Hermann; German mercenaries become the backbone of the Roman military as true Romans become fewer.
Chapter 16. Racial Cauldron – Rome and the Near East – 200 BC – 200 AD; Roman conquest of mixed race Middle and Near East lands; Influx of mixed race peoples and slaves into Rome causes dissolution of original Roman population.
Chapter 17. Christianity – By Stealth and Steel - The Jewish origins of Christianity; Spread of Christianity into Roman Empire and Europe.
Chapter 18. The First Great Race War – Atilla the Hun – The invasion of Europe by Asiatic Mongols under Atilla the Hun and his descendants.
Chapter 19. The Fall of Rome – The Triumph of the Slaves - The real cause of the fall of the Western Roman Empire explained through the disappearance of the original Roman people.
Chapter 20. Byzantine – The Eastern Roman Empire - The Eastern Roman Empire as a largely mixed race population existing through constant replenishment of its population from Europe.
Chapter 21. The Second Great Race War- The Crusades - The White Race war against the non-White Muslims in Palestine; Egypt, North Africa and Portugal, under the guise of Christianity.
Chapter 22. Lessons in Decline – Spain and Portugal - Origin of the Iberian countries; the Portuguese slave trade; Gypsies in Spain; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 23. The Third Great Race War – The Moors Invade Europe – The non-White Moors invade Europe and are driven out by White armies; Jewish co-operation with the non-White Moors.
Chapter 24. The Nordic Reservoir – Scandinavia - Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway – the history of the Scandinavian countries from the first settlements until contemporary times.
Chapter 25. The Fury of the Men of the North – Vikings and Normans – History of expeditions and settlements: France; Britain, Ireland, Russia and North America.
Chapter 26. Flamboyance and Ferment – France - History until contemporary times.
Chapter 27. Destiny and Destruction – Napoleon - Racial implications of Napoleonic wars for France.
Chapter 28. The Isle of Influence – Great Britain - History until contemporary times.
Chapter 29. Civil War and Emigration – Ireland - Conflict with the English: the longest running White civil war in history; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 30. Small yet Significant – The Low Countries - Netherlands; Belgium, Luxembourg – History until contemporary times.
Chapter 31. The Fourth Great Race War – The Bulgars, Khazars and Magyars – Asiatic invasions of Eastern Europe defeated by White armies.
Chapter 32. The Fifth Great Race War – Ghengis Khan - Asiatic invasions of Eastern Europe and Southern Russia.
Chapter 33. Continual Conquest – The Baltic States – Prussia; Lithuania; Latvia; Estonia; Poland; the Christian Teutonic Knights exterminate the last White pagans.
Chapter 34. The Test of Ethnicity – Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - Conflict resolution in racially homogeneous and non racially homogeneous societies; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 35. The Sixth Great Race War – The Ottoman Holocaust - Non-White invasion of South Eastern Europe; The fall of Constantinople; non-White Turks only driven out after nearly 1000 years; Racial after effects on White population in this region.
Chapter 36. Turmoil in the Balkans – Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece - History until contemporary times; the true story of Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler); partially mixed race populations result from non-White Ottoman occupation and resultant instability.
Chapter 37. Risorgimento – The Resurrection of Italy - Lombard Germanic invasion of northern Italy causes division of Italy into bi-racial nation; White in the north, mixed race Roman remnants in the south; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 38. Gott Mitt Uns – The Rise of Germany – Holy Roman Empire; Civil Wars; Unification; Maintenance of racially homogeneous society; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 39. The Doomed Empire – Austria and Hungary - Creation of ethnically and partially racially diverse empire and its resultant collapse; History of the separate countries of Austria and Hungary until contemporary times.
Chapter 40. The Rise of the Tsars – Russia to 1917 - Nordic origins and race wars with Asiatics in pre-Communist Russia
Chapter 41. Christianity Dominant – The Dark Ages - The Age of Christianity causes halt in progress in learning; the Inquisition.
Chapter 42. The Rebirth of Classical Culture – The Renaissance - The overthrow of the Christian Dark Age causes a return to pre-Christian White classical values; science and learning re-emerge after 900 years.
Chapter 43. In The Name of God – The Christian Wars - White civil wars caused by Christianity; One third of the White Race killed as a result.
Chapter 44. White Expansion – Voyages of Discovery - Whites explore and start settling the world
Chapter 45. The Yihequan – Race War in the Far East - First White settlements; Chinese race war against White powers; Japanese racial isolation and then adaptation to White culture
Chapter 46. The Sun Never Sets – The British Empire - History until its dissolution
Chapter 47. The Well of Bibighar – Whites in India - The British take control of India with the aid of certain Indian leaders, but face a vicious anti-White race war and rebellion.
Chapter 48. Conquistadors – Whites in South and Central America – The White Conquest of South and Central America and the creation of modern South American population; fall of Incas and Aztecs explained through racial mixing.
Chapter 49. Revolution! The Birth of the United States of America - The establishment of the American Colonies and their rebellion against British rule, leading to the American Revolution and its racial implications.
Chapter 50. The Seventh Great Race War – The Amerinds - (“Red Indians”) – The race wars between the Whites and Red Indians in America; until contemporary times; Original American constitution refuses to recognize Amerinds as US citizens.
Chapter 51. The Eighth Great Race War – Mexico - Santa Ana and the Mexican-US War; The Alamo; The USA invades Mexico.
Chapter 52. Three Fifths of a Person: The History of Slaves - History of slaves as a means of importing Blacks into White countries; Original American constitution counts Blacks as three fifths of a person and denies them citizenship and voting rights; Black race war against Whites in Haiti.
Chapter 53. “Our White Men Cutting One Another’s Throats” – The American Civil War and the Reconstruction - Course of the American Civil War; Racial implications and the Ku Klux Klan.
Chapter 54. Immigration and Eugenics – America from 1870 to 1945 - Black riots; Jewish immigration ; Racially based US immigration laws follow American world lead in eugenics.
Chapter 55. British North America – Canada - Canadian Amerinds displaced by White immigration; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 56. The White Man’s Burden – White Settlements in Southern Africa - South Africa and Rhodesia; microcosm of the rise and fall of states according to their demographic make-up.
Chapter 57. New Zeal – Australia and New Zealand - Maoris and Aborigines displaced by White immigration; History until contemporary times.
Chapter 58. Shaping the World – The White Technological Revolution - All significant inventions which shape the world originate with the White Race; comprehensive list of inventors, inventions, dates, places.
Chapter 59. The First Great Brothers’ War – World War 1 - Course of war; Racial implications.
Chapter 60. The October Revolution – Communism in Russia - Course of revolution which brought Communism to the World.
Chapter 61. The Suppressed Link – Jews and Communism - The Jewish role in the creation of Communism; Soviet anti-Zionism.
Chapter 62. The Second Great Brothers’ War – World War 2 - Course of war; Racial implications.
Chapter 63. The Shadow of the Ghetto – The Saga of the European Jews - History of Jews until contemporary times; Expulsion in Middle Ages; Nazi anti-Semitism; Anti-Jewishness and anti-Zionism.
Chapter 64. The Racial State – The Third Reich - Racial Laws; Social ordering; Economics; Health laws; the Jews.
Chapter 65. The White Master Goes Home – The Collapse of Colonialism – The end of the White colonies in the Third World.
Chapter 66. Social Upheaval – ‘Civil Rights’ and the Collapse of Communism – The rise of Black Power in the USA; The Soviet Union and the Cold War until the dissolution of the Communist Empire
Chapter 67. The Changing Face – Non-White Immigration Into the White Heartlands - Third World immigration into Europe; North America and Australia in the last ten years of the 20th Century; World racial populations and projections.
Chapter 68. Ragnarok – The Coming Fall of the West – The dissolution of contemporary Western civilization through breakdown in racial homogeneity; racial discordance (race and crime); Current rates of non-White immigration will mean not one majority White country left on earth by 2090.
All Material (c) Ostara Publications 1999-2005

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concept of oneness

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

concept of oneness

A concept of


The Un-Holy Trinity***
1 2 3 4 click numbers of Audio broadcast’s

Oneness A is a modern term for a monotheistic doctrine which was formerly known as Patripassionism, Modalistic Monarchianism, or Sabellianism. (See encyclopedias.) A This doctrine teaches that the god of Israel, the one and only Yahweh of the Hebrew scriptures, manifested Himself in human form, as the New Testament Messiah. Some truth seekers find it difficult to believe that “the Father” and “the Son” are actually one and the same entity. Therefore this tract presents a brief conceptual introduction to the Oneness doctrine, but you should also read one titled, 2 Are Too Many Gods.


A primary reason for believing in the existence of a Creator, is the improbability that life could have generated spontaneously by random chance. It is difficult to believe the evolutionary theory, that a mass of hydrogen gas, or some other matter, changed into people all by itself!And so our concept is that the Creator has, or isphysical intelligent energy which is separate from, but which acts upon, or controls, the physical universe. intelligence, and energy, which can cause particles of matter to somehow assemble together, into a living structure having size and shape which conform to the Creator’s premeditated design. In other words, the Creator is the non-


At the time of our conception, we humans knew nothing at all. At birth, all of us were agnostic! A one day old child is not capable of knowing whether there is a god. Awareness of self, is not the same as awareness of the Creator. But as we grow, our minds develop, and through our five senses, we begin to perceive and acquire knowledge of our physical environment. But we are not equipped with extra sensory perception, nor is our sensory perception capable of detecting a non-physical Creator. It is only by abstract mental process that we might infer the existence of a deistic creator, (one who does not communicate). But the existence of Yahweh, (the one who has communicated), can be known or confirmed only by divine communication.


Since the Creator is non-physical, and since humans can perceive only physical things, it would appear that the Creator has made a very effective barrier between Himself and us, so far as divine communication is concerned. In other words, our Creator should not be surprised or disappointed that we cannot perceive or know Him. He made us the way we are, and so He already knows that the limitation of our five senses, limits our ability to acquire knowledge, or receive communication.


f the Creator wants to communicate to someone, He would certainly know that He would have to do so by some Physical means which can be detected by human sensory perception.

It seems consistent with the Genesis story, that Yahweh made Himself a body, so that He could be heard and seen as He talked with Adam and Eve in the garden. In the case of Moses, besides using a burning bush to get his attention, Yahweh may have also presented Himself in the physical form of the angel in the bush. (Ex 3:2) The Torah shows some occurrences of physical Yahweh. Yahweh’s physical appearance to Abraham and others, does not mean there are two Yahwehs. It simply means that Yahweh can present Himself in physical form whenever He has a need to do so.


It is, of course, ridiculous to think that the Creator of this entire immense universe is confined in the physical body of a man. But it may be reasonable to believe that Yahweh presented Himself as a physical Messiah; for the purpose of bridging the communication gap between Himself and His people; especially if He predicted it. See lsa 8:13-14; 40:3; Mal 3:1, and our tract titled, Some Oneness Prophecies.

If the Messiah is a separate entity from Yahweh, then by what means did the Messiah receive communications from Yahweh? Humans cannot read Yahweh’s mind, notwithstanding popular superstition to the contrary! John 12:50 & 14:10, 24 clearly says that the Messiah spoke Yahweh’s words. The question of how he received those words, so that he could speak them, is a most crucial one!

But on the other hand, if He was Yahweh, then He simply spoke His own words. It is no more absurd for a body to speak and say, “I am Yahweh” than for a mountain to say it! (Ex 20:18& Deut 4:12)

If the Messiah is Yahweh, it does not mean there are two Yahwehs. It simply means that the non-physical Creator reserved that particular body, inside of Mary’s womb, for His own personal use or habitation. It may seem strange to us that He would do such a thing, but that was His decision to make, not ours. If it was Yahweh Himself who was impaled, that does not mean that he ceased to exist for three days and three nights. Yahweh can exist, either with or without a physical body. In John 2:19 He said: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’ ” And John 10:18: “I have Power to take it down, and I have power to take it again!” And John 14:9: “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father… “


This conceptual introduction is not intended to be sufficient proof of the Oneness doctrine. For further study of this subject, I recommend the book, The God Of Two Testaments by Robert Graves. Other authors including: David K. Bernard; Andrew Urshan; Thomas Weisser; Gary C. Rugger; William B. Chalfant; John Paterson and Gordon Magee, have also written on this subject, and their books are available from: Word Aflame Bookstore, 8855 Dunn Road, in Hazelwood, Missouri 63042.



Daniel’s 70th Week

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Tribulation, Rapture & Millennium
Daniel’s 70th Week

A study of the events leading up to Armageddon, typically called the Tribulation or Jacob’s trouble (since this period deals with Israel & Jerusalem and the Jerusalem temple), seems more valid as the Millennium approaches. Such occurances as the “Coming of Antichrist” , the re-establishment of Israel’s temple sacrifice in Jerusalem, the “abomination of desolation”, and the resurrection of the dead are revealed in Bible prophecy, esp. the book of Daniel. Daniel contains a prophetic timeline that is to be taken literally (Daniel 8:26). By examining the prophecy given to Daniel concerning the Tribulation, Daniel’s 70th Week, & the “Coming of Antichrist” , an accurate timeline showing the seasons to expect prophetic fulfillment can be derived. The time frame of Daniel’s 70th Week is consistant with God’s fulfillment of prophecy within the feast days of Israel.

Bible prophecy – 360 days in Year

Although the modern Jewish calendar roughly parallels the 365 day solar year, the events of Daniel’s 70th Week, like all Bible prophecy fulfillment, will take place within 360 day Biblical/Prophetic years.

And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 yrs) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease: and on a corner of the alter desolating abominations even until the end.

The covenant must be about the temple sacrifice if it is broken when he causes the sacrifice to cease! The seven year treaty of Daniel 9:27, signed between Israel and the Antichrist, allows that the temple be rebuilt. This will necessitate not only a revival of tradition with the temple sacrifice, but the reintroduction of the calendar in which to celebrate their feast days–a 360 day Biblical calendar. But whether or not the Jews keep the Feast Day calendar, God will fulfill His prophecy within His own prophetic timeframe.

Daniel 7:25 shows the Antichrists’ power over the nations will last three and one-half Biblical years. Rev.13:5 & 11:2 further describe this power over the nations as consisting of forty-two months, a total of 1260 days.

Simple Addition & Subtraction

Since Daniel’s 7 yr. treaty equals 2,520 days, the “midst” of that period falls on day 1260. Daniel 12:11 further describes the tribulation time line, “And from the time the regular sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, 1,290 days shall occur.” This adds 30 days to the end of the seven years.
“How long is the vision, the regular sacrifice, and the desolating transgression, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled?”

That is, what is the combined duration for both the regular sacrifice on the Temple Mount, and the period of desolation?

“For 2,300 evenings and mornings, (a Jewish day begins at sundown, an evening and a morning are parts of one day), then the sanctuary will be vindicated.”

How long, then, is the regular sacrifice — the period of time where
Jews in Israel will once again be allowed to sacrifice on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

We know the length of the abomination of desolation, 1,290 days, and that it will commence from exactly the mid-point of the 7 years. After 7 years, 30 days from the signing of the covenant the desolation ends, so that has to be the point from which 2,300 days are counted backwards. If the desolation period 1,290 days is subtracted from the combined length of the sacrifice and the desolation, 2,300 days, there are 1,010 days from start of sacrifice to its interruption. The period of temple sacrifice lasts 1,010 days until the day when the Antichrist stops the daily sacrifice and sets up the abomination, at the mid-point of the 7 year treaty, day 1,260.

According to the time line of Daniel, this leaves 250 days from the start of the treaty of seven years, to the actual beginning of the daily sacrifice performed by the Levite priests.  That is to say, once the treaty which allows the sacrifice to start again in Jerusalem is signed, there will be almost a year — 250 days — before the public will see the sacrifice actually performed. Why would there be 250 days between the treaty allowing for the temple sacrifice, and the actual beginning of the regular sacrifice?

There are exactly 250 days between the feast of Passover, Nisan 14th, and the feast of Dedication (Chanukah), Chisleu 25th, in a 360 day year.

Feast day typology points to Passover, Nisan 14, in the first month of the religious year, as the likely date of a treaty reestablishing temple sacrifice.  Even though the Passover treaty allows eventually for the regular sacrifice to begin, The Levite priests cannot go up to the Temple Mount until Tishri 10, the Day of Atonement, to perform the necessary cleansing ceremonies according to Mosaic law.  It must be remembered that this area has been defiled since the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. During the crusades the temple mount was actually used for a garbage dump!

Even when the area is cleansed and properly prepared by the priests, the daily sacrificing to God on the temple mount would not just begin on any day. Such a momentous event as the first temple sacrifice in nearly 2,000 years in Israel would appropriately begin at the feast of Dedication or Chanukah, just as Joseph Macabee did on that date the last time the temple was rededicated. This feast day falls exactly 250 after Passover. One has to marvel at Daniel’s faithful writing of the prophecy he received, no wonder he did not understand the time line, the feast of Chanukah did not even exist in his day! If the covenant of the Antichrist begins on Passover in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then according to Daniel, 1260 days later, 3 and 1/2 years in the “midst” of the 7 year treaty, it would be broken on the feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 15th), in the first month of the Jewish civil year.

Daniel 12:11 “Even the time the regular sacrifice shall be taken away,
and the abomination that makes desolate set up,
a thousand two hundred and ninety days shall occur.
Blessed is he who waits
and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty five days.”

After the abomination of desolation is set up at the mid-point of the treaty, the prophecy of Daniel says that the vindication of the temple does not occur until 1290 days later. Then Daniel is told to wait to be blessed on a day 1335 days after the mid-point of the treaty. This adds an additional 45 days onto the end of the 7 years + 30 days .

If the religious year and the civil year are superimposed so that Passover in April, and the Day of Atonement start together, there are 75 days counted from the actual end of the 7 year treaty. Significantly, 75 days is the same amount of time between God’s feast day of Atonement, when the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies, and the feast of Dedication, or Chanukah.

Seven years after the covenant of the Antichrist begins, 2520 days after the signing, it is once again Passover. Prophecy tells us Jesus will return on that day, at the end of the battle of Armageddon (Zach 14:4), at the mount of Olives.

If the covenant of the Antichrist begins on Passover in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then 1,260 days later in the “midst” of the treaty, it would be broken on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 14th), in the first month of the Jewish civil year.

Return to Israel’s Feast Days and Bible Prophecy

Prophetic Significance of Tabernacles & the Rapture
millennium, millennialism, millennial prophecy, millennial kingdom, Jesus Christ, rapture, tribulation,  Jubilee, Israel, Jerusalem, temple, temple mount, Jerusalem temple, Jerusalem temple mount, temple sacrifice, Millennium, Bible Prophecy, Millennial Prophecy, the Apocalypse, Gog / Magog War, Armageddon, coming Antichrist & Tribulation, Israel, Jerusalem temple mount, Rapture & the Jubilee, Jerusalem Temple Israel Temple Mount Prophecy Tribulation Jubilee Rapture Antichrist,  Jewish holidays, Passover

Prophetic Significance of Passover & Armageddon

tribulation,  Jubilee, Israel, Jerusalem, temple, temple mount, Jerusalem temple, Jerusalem temple mount, temple sacrifice, Millennium, Bible Prophecy, Millennial Prophecy, the Apocalypse, Gog / Magog War, Armageddon, coming Antichrist & Tribulation, Israel, Jerusalem temple mount, Rapture & the Jubilee, Jerusalem Temple Israel Temple Mount Prophecy Tribulation Jubilee Rapture Antichrist,  Jewish holidays, Passover

What is meant by church, is there a soul, where dwells Satan?

  • Common Misconceptions about Christianity – Heaven, Hell & the Church
    The typical view of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture is Non-Biblical
  • Mistaken Notions about Pre-Tribulation Rapture

  • The book of the generation of Jesus Christ

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009



    Arnold Kennedy. [email protected]

    It is common to hear that Jesus descended from Ruth, who in turn descended from Noah and Adam.

    Blasphemy is a serious charge! What we read in Luke’s genealogy is, “And Jesus himself began to be about

    thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was (the son) of Heli“, The genealogy

    goes back to Adam and nowhere says explicitly that Jesus genetically descended from Noah or Adam. The

    words, “as supposed” = nommizo = “by custom” in this verse, have to do with the legal father, not any natural

    father of Jesus. In Luke’s genealogy, the expression “the son of” in the Greek is found only in this reference,

    “being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph”. In all the rest of the genealogy translators have added the

    words “the son”. Without having any Greek knowledge, we can immediately discern that the birth of Jesus is

    being treated differently from the rest of the genealogy.

    Matthew’s genealogy does not take us back to Noah or Adam either, the genealogy starting with,

    The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham“, so no such claim about

    Jesus descending from Adam can be made from this passage alone.

    Caution must be exercised here. In these precise genealogies, there are “legal” and “regal” matters

    involved. In this paper, the subject is solely one of “race”. It is common to see “law” and “race confused, but

    at no time does the woman control the race. In God’s Law, a woman may inherit her father’s estate, and

    Mary provided Jesus with the legal inheritance to the Throne, but not the Crown. As the legal father, Joseph

    provided the legal right to the Crown.

    We do not ascribe race to God the Father and thus do not to the Son of God either, and as far as

    racial descent is concerned; Jesus was, “having neither beginning of days, nor end of life“-[Heb 7:3] -as

    being a priest after the order of Melchisedec. So Jesus did not descend from any created human male (or


    A “father” is one who reproduces himself, and Jesus is wholly-begotten God. This Middle-Voice verb

    tells He performed the action upon Himself. John 1:12 tells us Israel was not out of bloods (which is ordinary

    human descent), nor out of the will of the flesh (which was Sarah’s desire for Abraham to have a child by

    Hagar), but are begotton of God. Thus the origin of Israel is from God Himself, as “Israel is My firstborn”.

    Where we read, “When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together,

    she was found with child of the Holy Ghost“, and, “Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary

    thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost“, it is clear that Joseph was NOT the genetic

    father of Jesus. Also, if no human sperm was involved, why then should an egg from Mary’s ovaries be

    involved? The way this involvement is used is to back up the idea of Jesus’ descent from Noah, presumably

    through Mary. It is common to presume that Jesus obtained his humanity from Mary, but this is supposition.

    If the Father did not need human sperm, why should He need a female egg?

    So we will look at how Jesus came into the “generation” (= genesis) of Abraham shortly. “Generation” is

    usually translated from genea, but here it is from genesis. Yet many still makes the claim that Jesus

    descended from Noah, in support of their wrong declaration that everyone except Noah and his family were

    destroyed by Noah’s flood. Hence we will be looking further into this.

    As an example of what churches do, the “Answers in Genesis” organisation drops in the idea that the racial

    blueprint is in the female mitochondrial DNA, and that, “one woman provided the mitochondrial DNA which

    gave rise to the sequences in all people alive today”. In a subtle indirect way this lines up with the New Age

    Earth Mother, ‘Mother Mary’, Lilith, and Gayia, etc.. Thus their idea seductively becomes that, “Jesus

    descended from Noah” through women. This is approaching the Roman Catholic teaching that Jesus came

    through Mary, who, “as the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin”.

    (This quote is from Roman Catholic teaching about their doctrine of the Immaculate Conception).

    Likewise Jewish teaching is that a Jew is a person who has a Jewish mother, but here we must remember

    how Jesus taught about those “who say they are Jews but are not” (Romans 2:9 +3:9). In this case, “Jewish”

    cannot mean either Hebrew or Israelite. The Jewish idea indicates that a woman is the source of all races,

    an idea also promoted by these false Jews who control the media. But both Testaments of the Bible show

    that genealogies are reckoned through the male side, i.e. a male begets a male down the line. Thus the

    popular saying, “Jesus was born to a Jew making Him also a Jew”, is totally unscriptural and therefore is


    multi race’s

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    multi race’s


    Monday, March 13, 2006

    Race Relations In America                   From: Deirdre Fields

    In this first decade of the twenty-first century, there is an Establishment agenda which clearly calls for the forced physical, social, cultural, and biological admixture of White Americans with the negroid, mongoloid,and mongrel races. The ruling elite intend to achieve “racial harmony” by deliberately altering the racial and ethnic demographics of America, and eliminating the Caucasian race through interracial marriage, or at least interracial sex, to produce a new, hybridized, raceless, classless brown “American”.

    Everywhere we turn, in product advertisements, in television dramas and situation comedies, in Hollywood movies, and indeed throughout all the mass entertainments and news media, non-Whites are placed at center stage in our society. Black athletes such as Michael Jordan and “gangsta rappers” like cop-killer Snoop Doggy Dog are held up as role models for White youngsters. All the while, White males are portrayed as fools like Al Bundy and nauseating cartoon caricatures such as Beavis and Butthead or Homer Simpson.

    And in the world of Political Correctness, one media image always predominates over all others—-the racially mixed couple. We are bombarded with scenes such as negroid Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas sporting his White wife at his confirmation hearings; the negro  police chief of Portland, Oregon showing off his White wife on television; O.J. Simpson trial judge Lance Ito, ironically presiding over the murderous dénouement of another famous interracial “romance”, with his White police captain wife; boring British negro comic Lenny Henry and his equally unfunny White spouse Dawn French; British actress Helen Mirren groping her African “partner” in steamy sex scenes during the second Prime Suspect mystery series. The revolting list is endless.

    What does the MTV generation actually see on MTV? More often than not, non-White males dancing with White girls and light-skinned negresses writhing and cavorting alongside depraved White girls in a sort of implied sexual smorgasbord. From prime-time television showsto rock music videos to Levi Strauss jeans advertisements, race-mixing is hip and cool, obviously the thing the power structure most wants White youths to do.

    The rot began noticeably to set-in back in 1933 with the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the elevation of his wife Eleanor, an unspeakable lesbian hag, to the position of First Lady. Since that time American society and government have grown into one gigantic cesspool of moral putrefaction. White workingAmericans are paying for it all, in cash, in the wasted lives and empty futures our children face, and in the mongrel babies our air-headed Kelly Bundy-type daughters are producing because they have been so cruelly and viciously deceived into betraying their Race and their Heritage.

    The True Enemy

    Who are the authors of the left-liberal agenda, and whose are the guiding hands which implement the plan? Who is behind this program to destroy all standards of decency and Racial self-respect, to propel young White girls (who are ashamed of being White) into the beds of non-Whites? Who exactly is it who wants to breed a new race of mongrels? The answer is simple: it is the jews. We can no more honestly discuss race-mixing and cultural poisoning without speaking of the jews than one can discuss disease without mentioning germs.

    As far back as 1908, one of the foremost jew  writers of his time, Israel Zangwill, published a play entitled The Melting Pot. This purported to be a patriotic piece praising the wonders of American assimilation (before “diversity”became the adopted tactic of the Tribe.) In reality, the play is one of the earliest modern examples of jew  miscegenation propaganda. The character of David Quixano, the “brilliant jew  intellectual” who is the play’s protagonist, concludes the script with the following tirade:

    “There she lies, the great Melting Pot! Listen! Can’t you hear the roaring and bubbling? There gapes her mouth—the harbor where a thousand mammoth feeders come from the ends of the earth to pour in their human freight. Ah, what a roaring and a seething! Celt and Latin, Slav and Teuton, Greek and Syrian, Gentile and jew, black and White and yellow…”

    Today the melting pot has become a festering trash heap. We allowed those infamous lines, written by the jew  Emma Lazarus, about giving us the world’s wretched refuse to be written on the Statue of Liberty, and that is what we have gotten, in spades. mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, mestizo Cubans, hispanics of every stripe, Filipinos, Russian jews, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Cambodians, Laotian Montagnards, Ethiopians, Somalis, Arabs of every Middle Eastern backwater—-all are pouring across our borders unchecked and spilling off every airplane that lands and every ship that docks in this country.

    For all practical purposes, there is no immigration control of any kind in the United States. They are taking our jobs, our hospital beds, our welfare dollars, our medical and social services, our schools, and our daughters. They fill our prisons. They sell drugs to our children. They transmit AIDS and other infectious diseases. They depress wages by supplying an endless source of cheap labor. In many parts of this country they are forcing their native languages on the rest of us rather than learning to speak English as White immigrants did in times past.

    In the Congressional Record, published by theUnited States Government Printing Office, Proceedings of the House 1957, page 8559, you will find documentation of the plans for using non-Whites to achieve the destruction of Aryan America. Israel Cohen, a leading British Communist leader, published a pamphlet as far back as 1921 entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century. An excerpt:”We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the Whites, we will instill into the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negroes. We will aid the negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negroes will be able to intermarry with Whites and begin a process which will deliver America into our hands.”

    Let us again quote Israel Zangwill, this time writing in 1914, the year millions of young White men marched to their deaths on the battlefields of Europe to make the world safe for jew  international finance:

    “…The negroes of genius [sic] whom the writer has been privileged to know…show the potentialities of the race even without White admixture, and as men of this stamp are capable of attracting cultured White wives, the fusing process, beginning at the top with types like these, should be far less unwelcome than that which starts with the dregs of both races.” Why does the name “O. J. Simpson” come to mind as we read these lines?

    The Canadian jew  intellectual, Max Dimont, called this acquisition of worldwide power by the jews through the genetic admixture and destruction of every race (except the jew  race), every nationality, and every religion (except for judaism) “…a true Brotherhood of Man. Where would the capital of such a world order be? Why, Jerusalem, of course.”

    In the Talmud we find these words of Rabbi Baba Mezia: “jews are human beings; the other peoples of the world are but beasts”. This deranged judaic vision of world conquest is symbolized in the esoteric Hebrew mysticism of the Kabbalah, and by the Talmudic allegory of the World Serpent, a gigantic snake depicted as girdling the globe with the head and the tail meeting in Jerusalem.

    The Zionist leader Maurice Samuel wrote in 1924: “We jews, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever, because we need a world of our own.” Wherever there is organized degeneracy and corruption; wherever the Christian religion is insulted, ridiculed, and vilified; wherever the White woman is cheapened into a sex object and her role as wife and mother is mocked and degraded; wherever our daughters and sisters are depicted in the arms of non-Whites; wherever sex is commercialized and twisted into the loathsome perversions of homosexuality, sado-masochism, feminism, transvestism, pædophilia; wherever the White male and the Western civilization he created are abused, reviled, and subverted, there you will find the influence of the jew. Always the jew!”

    Who created Communism, one of the crucial foundation blocks of today’s New World Order? The jews Mordecai Levy, a.k.a. Karl Marx, as well as his colleagues Friederich Engels, Karl Liebnecht, Victor Berger, Max Eastman, Daniel De Leon,Lev Bronstein (Leon Trotsky) with his armies of jew  commissars. Marxism has been an offshoot of judaism from day one.

    Who financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia? jew capitalist bankers such as Paul and Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, and the Rothschild family.

    Who created feminism, the sexual perversion which teaches that women should “liberate” themselves by rejecting marriage, home, and children and by lesbian sexual relationships? jews like Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Shulamith Firestone, Andrea Dworkin, Naomi Wolf, and Bella Abzug.

    What organizations actively promote the murder of millions of unborn White infants through abortion? The AmericanJ ewish Congress, the B’nai Brith Women, the National Council of jew  Women, the United Synagogues of America, the Women’s League of Conservative judaism, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the National Federation of Temple Sisters, the American jew  Committee, and the North American Federation of Temple Youth have all come out in favor of the “pro-choice”agenda. judaism is the one major American religious denomination which gives unqualified support to abortion, except for Orthodox jew  rabbis who are adamantly opposed to abortion for jews.

    Who created the vile “counterculture” of the 1960s which now dominates our universities, our government, and our air waves? “New Left” jews like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin,Mark Rudd, Bernadine Dohrn, Herbert and Bettina Aptheker, Allen Ginsburg, and Susan Sontag (who once described the White race as “the cancer of history”).

    In the U. S. Congress, who are the chief instigators of government violation of the Second Amendment right of all Americans to keep and to bear arms? jews Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, jew  Congressmen Charles Schumer and Barney Frank, former Senator Howard Metzenbaum and present Senator Arlen Specter.

    These people took a solemn oath to uphold the United States Constitution when they assumed office, yet they violate that oath without cavil every time they introduce, lobby, or vote for gun control legislation.Why the apparent casual willingness to violate their oaths of office?

    What is the basis for the jews’ universal and long standing historical reputation for dishonesty and untrustworthiness? Every year, during the most solemn holy day on the jew  calendar, the Kol Nidre (All Vows) oath is sung in jew  synagogues. In fact, it is the liturgical high point of the annual Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement festival. With the following Kol Nidre oath, jews ready themselves for another year among the Gentiles: 

    “All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted,or bound ourselves to, from this Day of Atonement untilthe next Day of Atonement, whose arrival we hope for in happiness, we repent aforehand of them all. They shall be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void, and made to no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths.”

    Whose influence thrust Great Britain into war with China to make the Far East safe for the opium trade? The jew  Sassoon family of bankers and drug dealers.

    Who were the traders in human flesh who brought the blacks to America? In the Carnegie Institute publication entitled , we find the following partial listing of jew owners of slaveships: Abraham Pereira Mendez, Aaron Lopez, Moses and Samuel Levy, Jacob Franks, Isaac Levy, Nathan Simpson, Justus Bosch, John Abrams, Henry Cruger, Jacob Phoenix, Mordecai and David Gomez, Nathan Marston, Abram Lyell, William DeWoolf andJames DeWoolf, Jan De Sweets, John and Jacob Roosevelt.

    Indeed, the slave trade was almost entirely a jew  enterprise as far as the actual financing went. black captives were sold into slavery by their own chiefs or rival tribes on the West Coast of Africa, Yankee skippers and crews captained the slave ships on the dangerous Middle Passage and battled tropical storms, deadly diseases, hostile tribesmen on the coast and the ever-present danger of slave revolts on board—while jews sat safe in Boston, Providence, Nassau, and Charleston and reaped the profits.

    Yet despite the role of the jews in bringing the blacks to this country in chains, who financed and directed the so-called “Civil Rights Revolution” when it served their purposes later on? jews like Jack Greenberg of the NAACP legal department, Marvin Rich of CORE, Herbert Aptheker of the Communist Party U.S.A., jew  symphonic conductor Leonard Bernstein who held fund-raising cocktail parties for the Black Panthers, and Rabbi Israel Mill of theRabbinical Council of America’s “Civil Rights Task Force”. Of the three so-called “civil rights activists” killed by Southern partisans in the famous “Mississippi Burning”incident in 1964, one was a black and two were jews.

    Who writes the scripts of television shows which ridicule traditional moral values, such as “Murphy Brown” and nauseous race-mixing drivel such as the thankfully short-lived “True Colors?” Wait until the end of any Hollywood movie or television sitcom and watch the credits roll. Notice all the Goldbergs, Levines, This-stein and That-stein, Silvermans, Kagans, and other obviously jew  names.

    We must stop this malicious destruction of our culture and our nation. We must refuse to allow ourselves to be deceived, indoctrinated, and intimidated by an alien people. And make no mistake about it—the Jews are an alien people in our midst. The Jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis made this point clearly when he stated,”…Let us recognize that we jews are a distinct nation of which every jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.” (Comment: Oh so true! For a jew, to ‘opt out’ can earn him early retirement… to his grave!)

    Not only are they in our midst, they are occupants of all the seats of power in this nation. They own the news media and the entertainment industry. They control the Federal Reserve Bank and thereby enjoy a stranglehold on the economic health or our people. By means of high finance, they have gained control of corporate America. Using bribery, blackmail, and deceit, they have seized control of the U.S. government along with all the power of coercive force which goes along with it; the result has been the open butchery of White separatists like the Weaver family and non-approved religious dissidents such as the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.

    We in White America are living under alien occupation. If we are to survive as a Race, and if civilization is to be maintained on the North America continent we must, like our forefathers, resist this tyranny with every means at our disposal. The Northwest Migration is now in the formative stages of building such a resistance.You have the moral duty to join and support the NPA in its efforts, without cavil and without stint.

    Will you take upon yourself this duty, this burden of history? Do you have “the right stuff”?

    posted by The Old Man at 11:40 AM


    Bly Blank My Volk - Stay White My People
    The most populous Race within a territory, will determine the nature of the society within that territory
    - regardless of who controlled it first.
    When Whites are in the minority, they get killed.

    why gilgal?

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    why gilgal?



    Until this year, no one knew where the real Gilgal was located. Tradition held that it was northeast of Jericho and on today’s mixed-up maps, that’s where you will find it. Gilgal is not the only error. On those same confused maps, the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are located at the south end of the Dead Sea.
    All of these locations are traditions that have been sanctified by time. Who put Sodom and Gomorrah at the south end of the sea, and who put Gilgal northeast of Jericho? These errors must be corrected. Therein lies the problem, because to correct such errors one must first understand that they are errors and that they stem not from facts, but from tradition.
    The locations just mentioned were NOT established by Israeli cartographers or Torah/Bible scholars. Rather, they were established by Byzantine monks sometime between 625 CE. And 638 CE, who had a habit (no pun intended) of locating holy places in areas that were not so “remote.” Once a place has been established by tradition and its location has been incorporated into various books and maps, the information becomes a “fact” in the mind of the misinformed that is very difficult to challenge.
    How do we correctly establish the real places that are mentioned in ancient texts, especially after such traditions have become accepted? To pinpoint the actual location of any given site it is important to recognize that such locations are nothing more than geographic points on a map. If you need to establish the true position of some long-lost ancient city, then its coordinates must be plotted using specific, accurate references to known geographic ground references (control points) or other absolute points of reference. These in turn must be derived from legitimate textual sources that are at least contemporary with respect to the city that is being researched.. Using even the most basic logic, these control points can be applied to the geography and the geology in order to ascertain with reasonable degrees of certainty the actual, or at least the approximate, locations of these areas. A physical examination can be, and in some cases has been used to confirm what should have been obvious all along.
    Lot’s Position Between Bethel and Ai
    An important control point is Mount Ba’al Hatzor, 3336 feet above sea level. Geographically, it is located between Bethel and Ai. The place of the altar of Abram was on top of Mount Ba’al Hatzor. In Genesis 13 Abram gave Lot a choice of going to the left hand (north), or to the right hand (south). Lot chose neither. From that site upon Mount Ba’al Hatzor, Lot could see the north end of the Vale of Siddim and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, 35 kilometers (22 miles) to the southeast. Lot gazed down at the kikar (circle) or the plain of the Jordan, only a mile below. Having journeyed east from Ba’al Hatzor, he cast his tent toward Sodom. Lot could see Sodom and Gomorrah from Ba’al Hatzor. Today, one can see Ba’al Hatzor from the “north” end of the Dead Sea. However, neither can the south end of the Dead Sea can be seen from Ba’al Hatzor nor Ba’al Hatzor be seen from the south end. How then could the monks place Sodom and Gomorrah incorrectly at the south end of the Dead Sea?
    The Vale of Siddim
    The canyon and the area to the south of Sodom and Gomorrah would of course eventually fill with water and become what is today called the Dead Sea. At the time it was referred to as the “Vale of Siddim” and rather than being filled with water, the fourteenth chapter of Genesis, verse 10, indicates that this small canyon was full of slime pits. Perhaps these slime pits were the source of the asphalt which floated on the surface and caused the Greeks to call it Asphalus Sea.
    Genesis 14:2 adds that: “…Five kings made war… All these were joined together in the Veil of Siddim which is the salt sea.” Did these five kings make war under water? Of course not! They joined together in the canyon called the “Veil of Siddim,” before it filled with water and became the salt (or Dead) sea. More importantly, in terms of our analysis of ground control points, it becomes a geological point of reference. It does so by virtue of the fact that the Dead Sea is very deep at the north end where there is a deep underwater canyon and extremely shallow at the south end. It logically follows that the Veil of Siddim was at the North end, and thus, so were Sodom and Gomorrah. Moreover, when combined with the first point of reference the correct map coordinates become that much more certain.
    The Kikar
    The two previously mentioned perspectives of Sodom and Gomorrah also establish a description of the Kikar Jordan. A kikar is a circular geographical feature — the word itself means a circle like a traffic circle or disk. Geographically, a circular basin or mesa can be referred to as a kikar. The phrase “The Plains of Jordan” is actually “Kikar Jordan” in Hebrew. It was, and still is a circular basin west of the Jordan River that makes a circular curve eastward a few kilometers north of the Dead Sea. The circular bend curves back to the west just before the River Jordan empties into the sea, the result being an almost perfect circular basin.
    The Mountain of Lot
    This circle just mentioned is itself contained within a series of concentric circles that increase in size and ground elevation as they expand outward. The outermost circle is a large flat basin that is approximately as wide as the Dead Sea itself. When the angels of HaShem led Lot and his family out of Sodom by the hand (at the north end of the sea) they was warned not stop in this kikar, or the circle, but to “flee unto the mountain.” However, in Genesis 19:19, Lot pleaded that he would not have to climb that mountain. Instead, he asked if he could take refuge in a certain city to the north of the kikar. That city was called “Tzo’ar” and was also referred to (among the five cities of the plains) as “Bela.”
    From the texts, the geography of the area, and the existing archaeological evidence of the area in the form of tels or mounds, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that what is traditionally referred to and shown on today’s maps as Tel Gilgal is actually the city of Tzo’ar on the north perimeter of the circle over which Lot fled.
    The Unusual Lack of Vegetation
    What about biological evidence? When HaShem destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:24-25, it says that he destroyed all the vegetation in the kikar and that even the earth was destroyed. That specific area, within the circle that is to the immediate north of the Dead Sea is to this day totally barren and desolate. There simply is no vegetation there! Moreover, the soil analysis performed by Ya ‘acov Arkin confirms that this particular soil is unique. It is not salty enough to prevent vegetation, but there is something about the soil that prevents germination!
    No Circle or Tel at the South End of the Sea
    At the south end of the sea there is no circular kikar, nor is there any tel that could possibly be identified as Tzo’ar as there is at the north end of the sea. Furthermore, there is no evidence of any trade route (ancient road) or city having existed at the south end of the sea. At the north, we find an ancient cobblestone road (as there must be per the biblical texts). At the south end there is only the flat valley at the base of the mountain formation.
    The Topography of the Jordan River
    Another point of reference can be derived from Joshua 4:19, which states that “…the people [of Israel] came up out of Jordan on the tenth day of the first month and encamped at Gilgal on the east border of Jericho.” The topography of that area indicates that the crossing was at, or near, or just south of what is today called Wadi Kelt (Ma’ale Adummim). How do we know?
    In that same chapter Joshua is directed to take 12 stones from the riverbed (one for each tribe) and to replace them with 12 other stones. The text of Joshua 4:3 and following says: “… And they took the 12 stones which they took out of the Jordan and Joshua set them up at Gilgal.”
    The only place where stones are present on the bottom of the Jordan is the portion that is just north of the Dead Sea. Why? Because rivers or wadis intersect with the river at or below this point. During the rainy season stones and other rubble are washed down from the mountains. The part of the river that is north of Wadi Kelt is nothing more than a mud bog — totally devoid of stones because there are no wadis flowing into the Jordan River for several kilometers above that area.
    Physiological Evidence?
    There is even a physiological point of reference! The next day (after setting the stones) Joshua circumcised all the men who were born in the wilderness who had not yet been circumcised. That means that on the 11th, 12th and 13th day of the month most of the men of Israel would have been “just slightly” incapacitated. On the 14th day of the month they celebrated Passover at Gilgal. If they were unable to travel, then how did they get there in time for Passover? It would have been impossible for them to travel the 18 miles from what is today the Adam Bridge down to Gilgal in their incapacitated condition, unless of course, their wives offered to give them piggy back rides…Oops! That wouldn’t work either! If they were already south of the Wadi Kelt then Gilgal would have been no farther than one hour by foot.
    The Banks of the Jordan
    Is there any additional geological proof? The entire 18 miles from the Adam Bridge to the intersection of the Jordan River with the Wadi Kelt is marked by a steep embankment on either or both sides, making it impossible for 5-6 million people with livestock to cross anywhere between these two points. This forbidding terrain makes it impossible for Joshua to have led the nation across at the Adam location as some traditions hold. The only practical crossing point south of the Adam Bridge would have been near or below the Wadi Kelt, just north of the Dead Sea where there are no steep banks on either side of the river; where we coincidentally find the mysterious one cubit high walls twenty-two cubits wide in the center of the circular basin.
    A Large Cemetery
    Joshua commanded the children of Reuven, Gad and 1/2 of the tribe of to arm themselves and form an advance guard to destroy the seven Cannanite armies that had mustered their forces at the place of the crossing. In Joshua chapter 4, verses 13-14, it says that “…about 40,000 [men] prepared for war [and] passed over before HaShem to do battle in the kikar Jericho (Plains of Jericho). On that day the L-rd magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him as they feared Moses, all the days of his life.”
    Until recently there was no hard evidence to suggest that a battle occurred in this area. However, during the last 10 days of our first month in Israel (March 1994), our first efforts were devoted to the area east of Jericho and just to the south of the Wadi Kelt. We found, stretched across the entire front of the kikar Jericho, a massive cemetery with more than 200,000 graves. The cemetery spreads through the entire area from the Jordan River all the way across the kikar to the south of the Greek Orthodox Monastery of Jeshorymos or Deir Hajla and continues west to the wadi near the Jerusalem-Jericho Road. The size of the cemetery would seem to verify that some sort of titanic battle took place at this spot. The Arabs know the massive graves are there and call it Graves of the Jews.
    With the exception of the battle between the seven Cannanite nations and the three tribes mentioned, there is no other reference to a battle in this area. Having reasonably established the age of the graves, logic would seem to support the presumption that this is one more point of reference.
    Achan in the Valley of Achor
    In Joshua 7, verses 24-26, the Hebrew text says that Joshua and the people of Israel “…brought Achan and his family up from Gilgal to the Valley of Achor.” The Valley of Achor lies between the sea and the mountain cliffs from the spring of Ein Feshka or Ein Tzuqim northward along the sea to Wadi Kelt. This is west and south of Gilgal.
    Anyone who has been to this area knows that Jericho is north of Ma’ale Adummim, so it certainly could not be opposite the “Gilgal” that is on today’s maps. The real Gilgal was south of the wadi. In the Hebrew it says: “…and the border went up toward debir from the Valley of Achor, and so northward, turning toward Gilgal which is opposite [or east] of the ascent of Ma’ale Adummim.” If the ascent of the wadi is south of Jericho and Gilgal is opposite this southern point, then it cannot very well be north of Jericho, can it?
    How much plainer can it get? The Gilgal on the today’s maps is obviously incorrect.

    Jewish question

    Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

    Jewish question

    What is a “Jew”?

    Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to Palestine?

    Not according to many historians, such as Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe

    The word “Jew” refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as “Chinese”. In such a case, some people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their race, and other people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their religion.

    Idiotic arguments would occur because some Chinese would insist that you cannot be Chinese unless your parents were Chinese. Other people would argue that we can all become Chinese, even Sammy Davis Jr. Incidentally, was Sammy Davis Jr. Jewish?

    This arguing over words may seem trivial, but it is the reason we have wars in the Middle East. A group of people referring to themselves as “Jews” are insisting that Palestine belongs to them because their ancestors lived there are 2000 years ago. They created the Zionist movement to help restore their homeland.

    However, numerous historians have looked into this issue and discovered that most of these Zionists are not descendants of the original Jews. Rather, most Zionists are “Ashkenazi Jews”; a race of people from Asia. The real, original Jews were physically and genetically similar to the Arabs, specifically, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.

    The real homeland for the white, Ashkenazi Jews is near the Caspian and Black Seas, not Palestine. Their ancestors picked up the Jewish religion many centuries ago. Due to the widespread ignorance of people in that era, after a few generations they assumed that they were the descendants of the Jews that lived in Palestine.

    The Thirteenth Tribe

    The remainder of this document is a book written by a Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, who died in 1983. He was an Ashkenazi Jew who helped to expose this major blunder that is causing horrendous suffering all over the world.

    His book is available at Amazon by clicking here, or you can read it online below.

    The Thirteenth Tribe
    Arthur Koestler


    Rise and Fall of the Khazars

    “In Khazaria, sheep, honey, and Jews exist in large quantities.”

    Muqaddasi, Descriptio Imperii Moslemici (tenth century).




    ABOUT the time when Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West, the eastern confines of Europe between the Caucasus and the Volga were ruled by a Jewish state, known as the Khazar Empire. At the peak of its power, from the seventh to the tenth centuries AD, it played a significant part in shaping the destinies of mediaeval, and consequently of modern, Europe. The Byzantine Emperor and historian, Constantine Porphyrogenitus (913-959), must have been well aware of this when he recorded in his treatise on court protocol[1] that letters addressed to the Pope in Rome, and similarly those to the Emperor of the West, had a gold seal worth two solidi attached to them, whereas messages to the King of the Khazars displayed a seal worth three solidi. This was not flattery, but Realpolitik. “In the period with which we are concerned,” wrote Bury, “it is probable that the Khan of the Khazars was of little less importance in view of the imperial foreign policy than Charles the Great and his successors.”[2]

    The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic key position at the vital gateway between the Black Sea and the Caspian, where the great eastern powers of the period confronted each other. It acted as a buffer protecting Byzantium against invasions by the lusty barbarian tribesmen of the northern steppes — Bulgars, Magyars, Pechenegs, etc. — and, later, the Vikings and the Russians. But equally, or even more important both from the point of view of Byzantine diplomacy and of European history, is the fact that the Khazar armies effectively blocked the Arab avalanche in its most devastating early stages, and thus prevented the Muslim conquest of Eastern Europe. Professor Dunlop of Columbia University, a leading authority on the history of the Khazars, has given a concise summary of this decisive yet virtually unknown episode:

    The Khazar country … lay across the natural line of advance of the Arabs. Within a few years of the death of Muhammad (AD 632) the armies of the Caliphate, sweeping northward through the wreckage of two empires and carrying all before them, reached the great mountain barrier of the Caucasus. This barrier once passed, the road lay open to the lands of eastern Europe. As it was, on the line of the Caucasus the Arabs met the forces of an organized military power which effectively prevented them from extending their conquests in this direction. The wars of the Arabs and the Khazars, which lasted more than a hundred years, though little known, have thus considerable historical importance. The Franks of Charles Martel on the field of Tours turned the tide of Arab invasion. At about the same time the threat to Europe in the east was hardly less acute. … The victorious Muslims were met and held by the forces of the Khazar kingdom. … It can … scarcely be doubted that but for the existence of the Khazars in the region north of the Caucasus, Byzantium, the bulwark of European civilization in the east, would have found itself outflanked by the Arabs, and the history of Christendom and Islam might well have been very different from what we know.[3]

    It is perhaps not surprising, given these circumstances, that in 732 — after a resounding Khazar victory over the Arabs — the future Emperor Constantine V married a Khazar princess. In due time their son became the Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar.

    Ironically, the last battle in the war, AD 737, ended in a Khazar defeat. But by that time the impetus of the Muslim Holy War was spent, the Caliphate was rocked by internal dissensions, and the Arab invaders retraced their steps across the Caucasus without having gained a permanent foothold in the north, whereas the Khazars became more powerful than they had previously been.

    A few years later, probably AD 740, the King, his court and the military ruling class embraced the Jewish faith, and Judaism became the state religion of the Khazars. No doubt their contemporaries were as astonished by this decision as modern scholars were when they came across the evidence in the Arab, Byzantine, Russian and Hebrew sources. One of the most recent comments is to be found in a work by the Hungarian Marxist historian, Dr Antal Bartha. His book on The Magyar Society in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries[4] has several chapters on the Khazars, as during most of that period the Hungarians were ruled by them. Yet their conversion to Judaism is discussed in a single paragraph, with obvious embarrassment. It reads:

    Our investigations cannot go into problems pertaining to the history of ideas, but we must call the reader’s attention to the matter of the Khazar kingdom’s state religion. It was the Jewish faith which became the official religion of the ruling strata of society. Needless to say, the acceptance of the Jewish faith as the state religion of an ethnically non-Jewish people could be the subject of interesting speculations. We shall, however, confine ourselves to the remark that this official conversion — in defiance of Christian proselytizing by Byzantium, the Muslim influence from the East, and in spite of the political pressure of these two powers — to a religion which had no support from any political power, but was persecuted by nearly all — has come as a surprise to all historians concerned with the Khazars, and cannot be considered as accidental, but must be regarded as a sign of the independent policy pursued by that kingdom.

    Which leaves us only slightly more bewildered than before. Yet whereas the sources differ in minor detail, the major facts are beyond dispute.

    What is in dispute is the fate of the Jewish Khazars after the destruction of their empire, in the twelfth or thirteenth century. On this problem the sources are scant, but various late mediaeval Khazar settlements are mentioned in the Crimea, in the Ukraine, in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania. The general picture that emerges from these fragmentary pieces of information is that of a migration of Khazar tribes and communities into those regions of Eastern Europe — mainly Russia and Poland — where, at the dawn of the Modern Age, the greatest concentrations of Jews were found. This has lead several historians to conjecture that a substantial part, and perhaps the majority of eastern Jews — and hence of world Jewry — might be of Khazar, and not of Semitic Origin.

    The far-reaching implications of this hypothesis may explain the great caution exercised by historians in approaching this subject — if they do not avoid it altogether. Thus in the 1973 edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica the article “Khazars” is signed by Dunlop, but there is a separate section dealing with “Khazar Jews after the Fall of the Kingdom”, signed by the editors, and written with the obvious intent to avoid upsetting believers in the dogma of the Chosen Race:

    The Turkish-speaking Karaites [a fundamentalist Jewish sect] of the Crimea, Poland, and elsewhere have affirmed a connection with the Khazars, which is perhaps confirmed by evidence from folklore and anthropology as well as language. There seems to be a considerable amount of evidence attesting to the continued presence in Europe of descendants of the Khazars.

    How important, in quantitative terms, is that “presence” of the Caucasian sons of Japheth in the tents of Shem? One of the most radical propounders of the hypothesis concerning the Khazar origins of Jewry is the Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A. N. Poliak. His book Khazaria (in Hebrew) was published in 1944 in Tel Aviv, and a second edition in 1951.[5]

    In his introduction he writes that the facts demand — a new approach, both to the problem of the relations between the Khazar Jewry and other Jewish communities, and to the question of how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in EasternEurope. … The descendants of this settlement — those who stayed where they were, those who emigrated to the United States and to other countries, and those who went to Israel — constitute now the large majority of world Jewry.

    This was written before the full extent of the holocaust was known, but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.


    “Attila was, after all, merely the king of a kingdom of tents. His state passed away — whereas the despised city of Constantinople remained a power. The tents vanished, the towns remained. The Hun state was a whirlwind. …”

    Thus Cassel,[6] a nineteenth-century orientalist, implying that the Khazars shared, for similar reasons, a similar fate. Yet the Hun presence on the European scene lasted a mere eighty years,[*] whereas the kingdom of the Khazars held its own for the best part of four centuries. They too lived chiefly in tents, but they also had large urban settlements, and were in the process of transformation from a tribe of nomadic warriors into a nation of farmers, cattle-breeders, fishermen, vine-growers, traders and skilled craftsmen. Soviet archaeologists have unearthed evidence for a relatively advanced civilization which was altogether different from the “Hun whirlwind”. They found the traces of villages extending over several miles,[7] with houses connected by galleries to huge cattlesheds, sheep-pens and stables (these measured 3-3½ x 10-14 metres and were supported by columns.[8] Some remaining ox-ploughs showed remarkable craftsmanship; so did the preserved artefacts — buckles, clasps, ornamental saddle plates.

    Of particular interest were the foundations, sunk into the ground, of houses built in a circular shape.[9] According to the Soviet archaeologists, these were found all over the territories inhabited by the Khazars, and were of an earlier date than their “normal”, rectangular buildings. Obviously the round-houses symbolize the transition from portable, dome-shaped tents to permanent dwellings, from the nomadic to a settled, or rather semi-settled, existence. For the contemporary Arab sources tell us that the Khazars only stayed in their towns — including even their capital, Itil — during the winter; come spring, they packed their tents, left their houses and sallied forth with their sheep or cattle into the steppes, or camped in their cornfields or vineyards.

    The excavations also showed that the kingdom was, during its later period, surrounded by an elaborate chain of fortifications, dating from the eighth and ninth centuries, which protected its northern frontiers facing the open steppes. These fortresses formed a rough semi-circular arc from the Crimea (which the Khazars ruled for a time) across the lower reaches of the Donetz and the Don to the Volga; while towards the south they were protected by the Caucasus, to the west by the Black Sea, and to the east by the “Khazar Sea”, the Caspian.[†] However, the northern chain of fortifications marked merely an inner ring, protecting the stable core of the Khazar country; the actual boundaries of their rule over the tribes of the north fluctuated according to the fortunes of war. At the peak of their power they controlled or exacted tribute from some thirty different nations and tribes inhabiting the vast territories between the Caucasus, the Aral Sea, the Ural Mountains, the town of Kiev and the Ukrainian steppes. The people under Khazar suzerainty included the Bulgars, Burtas, Ghuzz, Magyars (Hungarians), the Gothic and Greek colonies of the Crimea, and the Slavonic tribes in the north-western woodlands. Beyond these extended dominions, Khazar armies also raided Georgia and Armenia and penetrated into the Arab Caliphate as far as Mosul. In the words of the Soviet archaeologist M. I. Artamonov:[10]

    Until the ninth century, the Khazars had no rivals to their supremacy in the regions north of the Black Sea and the adjoining steppe and forest regions of the Dnieper. The Khazars were the supreme masters of the southern half of Eastern Europe for a century and a hall, and presented a mighty bulwark, blocking the Ural-Caspian gateway from Asia into Europe. During this whole period, they held back the onslaught of the nomadic tribes from the East.

    Taking a bird’s-eye view of the history of the great nomadic empires of the East, the Khazar kingdom occupies an intermediary position in time, size, and degree of civilization between the Hun and Avar Empires which preceded, and the Mongol Empire that succeeded it.


    But who were these remarkable people — remarkable as much by their power and achievements as by their conversion to a religion of outcasts? The descriptions that have come down to us originate in hostile sources, and cannot be taken at face value. “As to the Khazars,” an Arab chronicler[11] writes, “they are to the north of the inhabited earth towards the 7th clime, having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild.”

    After a century of warfare, the Arab writer obviously had no great sympathy for the Khazars. Nor had the Georgian or Armenian scribes, whose countries, of a much older culture, had been repeatedly devastated by Khazar horsemen. A Georgian chronicle, echoing an ancient tradition, identifies them with the hosts of Gog and Magog — “wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood”.[12] An Armenian writer refers to “the horrible multitude of Khazars with insolent, broad, lashless faces and long falling hair, like women”.[13] Lastly, the Arab geographer Istakhri, one of the main Arab sources, has this to say:[14] “The Khazars do not resemble the Turks. They are black-haired, and are of two kinds, one called the Kara-Khazars, [Black Khazars] who are swarthy verging on deep black as if they were a kind of Indian, and a white kind [Ak-Khazars], who are strikingly handsome.”

    This is more flattering, but only adds to the confusion. For it was customary among Turkish peoples to refer to the ruling classes or clans as “white”, to the lower strata as “black”. Thus there is no reason to believe that the “White Bulgars” were whiter than the “Black Bulgars”, or that the “White Huns” (the Ephtalites) who invaded India and Persia in the fifth and sixth centuries were of fairer skin than the other Hun tribes which invaded Europe. Istakhri’s black-skinned Khazars — as much else in his and his colleagues’ writings — were based on hearsay and legend; and we are none the wiser regarding the Khazars’ physical appearance, or their ethnic Origins.

    The last question can only be answered in a vague and general way. But it is equally frustrating to inquire into the origins of the Huns, Alans, Avars, Bulgars, Magyars, Bashkirs, Burtas, Sabirs, Uigurs, Saragurs, Onogurs, Utigurs, Kutrigurs, Tarniaks, Kotragars, Khabars, Zabenders, Pechenegs, Ghuzz, Kumans, Kipchaks, and dozens of other tribes or people who at one time or another in the lifetime of the Khazar kingdom passed through the turnstiles of those migratory playgrounds. Even the Huns, of whom we know much more, are of uncertain origin; their name is apparently derived from the Chinese Hiung-nu, which designates warlike nomads in general, while other nations applied the name Hun in a similarly indiscriminate way to nomadic hordes of all kinds, including the “White Huns” mentioned above, the Sabirs, Magyars and Khazars.[‡]

    In the first century AD, the Chinese drove these disagreeable Hun neighbours westward, and thus started one of those periodic avalanches which swept for many centuries from Asia towards the West. From the fifth century onward, many of these westward-bound tribes were called by the generic name of “Turks”. The term is also supposed to be of Chinese origin (apparently derived from the name of a hill) and was subsequently used to refer to all tribes who spoke languages with certain common characteristics — the “Turkic” language group. Thus the term Turk, in the sense in which it was used by mediaeval writers — and often also by modern ethnologists — refers primarily to language and not to race. In this sense the Huns and Khazars were “Turkic” people.[§] The Khazar language was supposedly a Chuvash dialect of Turkish, which still survives in the Autonomous Chuvash Soviet Republic, between the Volga and the Sura. The Chuvash people are actually believed to be descendants of the Bulgars, who spoke a dialect similar to the Khazars. But all these connections are rather tenuous, based on the more or less speculative deductions of oriental philologists. All we can say with safety is that the Khazars were a “Turkic” tribe, who erupted from the Asian steppes, probably in the fifth century of our era.

    The origin of the name Khazar, and the modern derivations to which it gave rise, has also been the subject of much ingenious speculation. Most likely the word is derived from the Turkish root gaz, “to wander”, and simply means “nomad”. Of greater interest to the non-specialist are some alleged modern derivations from it: among them the Russian Cossack and the Hungarian Huszar — both signifying martial horsemen;[**] and also the German Ketzer — heretic, i.e., Jew. If these derivations are correct, they would show that the Khazars had a considerable impact on the imagination of a variety of peoples in the Middle Ages.


    Some Persian and Arab chronicles provide an attractive combination of legend and gossip column. They may start with the Creation and end with stop-press titbits. Thus Yakubi, a ninth-century Arab historian, traces the origin of the Khazars back to Japheth, third son of Noah. The Japheth motive recurs frequently in the literature, while other legends connect them with Abraham or Alexander the Great.

    One of the earliest factual references to the Khazars occurs in a Syriac chronicle by “Zacharia Rhetor”,[††] dating from the middle of the sixth century. It mentions the Khazars in a list of people who inhabit the region of the Caucasus. Other sources indicate that they were already much in evidence a century earlier, and intimately connected with the Huns. In AD 448, the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II sent an embassy to Attila which included a famed rhetorician by name of Priscus. He kept a minute account not only of the diplomatic negotiations, but also of the court intrigues and goings-on in Attila’s sumptuous banqueting hall — he was in fact the perfect gossip columnist, and is still one of the main sources of information about Hun customs and habits. But Priscus also has anecdotes to tell about a people subject to the Huns whom he calls Akatzirs — that is, very likely, the Ak-Khazars, or “White” Khazars (as distinct from the “Black” Kara-Khazars).[‡‡] The Byzantine Emperor, Priscus tells us, tried to win this warrior race over to his side, but the greedy Khazar chieftain, named Karidach, considered the bribe offered to him inadequate, and sided with the Huns. Attila defeated Karidach’s rival chieftains, installed him as the sole ruler of the Akatzirs, and invited him to visit his court. Karidach thanked him profusely for the invitation, and went on to say that “it would be too hard on a mortal man to look into the face of a god. For, as one cannot stare into the sun’s disc, even less could one look into the face of the greatest god without suffering injury.” Attila must have been pleased, for he confirmed Karidach in his rule.

    Priscus’s chronicle confirms that the Khazars appeared on the European scene about the middle of the fifth century as a people under Hunnish sovereignty, and may be regarded, together with the Magyars and other tribes, as a later offspring of Attila’s horde.


    The collapse of the Hun Empire after Attila’s death left a power-vacuum in Eastern Europe, through which once more, wave after wave of nomadic hordes swept from east to west, prominent among them the Uigurs and Avars. The Khazars during most of this period seemed to be happily occupied with raiding the rich trans-Caucasian regions of Georgia and Armenia, and collecting precious plunder. During the second half of the sixth century they became the dominant force among the tribes north of the Caucasus. A number of these tribes — the Sabirs, Saragurs, Samandars, Balanjars, etc. — are from this date onward no longer mentioned by name in the sources: they had been subdued or absorbed by the Khazars. The toughest resistance, apparently, was offered by the powerful Bulgars. But they too were crushingly defeated (circa 641), and as a result the nation split into two: some of them migrated westward to the Danube, into the region of modern Bulgaria, others north-eastward to the middle Volga, the latter remaining under Khazar suzerainty. We shall frequently encounter both Danube Bulgars and Volga Bulgars in the course of this narrative.

    But before becoming a sovereign state, the Khazars still had to serve their apprenticeship under another short-lived power, the so-called West Turkish Empire, or Turkut kingdom. It was a confederation of tribes, held together by a ruler: the Kagan or Khagan[§§] — a title which the Khazar rulers too were subsequently to adopt. This first Turkish state — if one may call it that — lasted for a century (circa 550-650) and then fell apart, leaving hardly any trace. However, it was only after the establishment of this kingdom that the name “Turk” was used to apply to a specific nation, as distinct from other Turkic-speaking peoples like the Khazars and Bulgars.[***]

    The Khazars had been under Hun tutelage, then under Turkish tutelage. After the eclipse of the Turks in the middle of the seventh century it was their turn to rule the “Kingdom of the North”, as the Persians and Byzantines came to call it. According to one tradition,[15] the great Persian King Khusraw (Chosroes) Anushirwan (the Blessed) had three golden guest-thrones in his palace, reserved for the Emperors of Byzantium, China and of the Khazars. No state visits from these potentates materialized, and the golden thrones — if they existed — must have served a purely symbolic purpose. But whether fact or legend, the story fits in well with Emperor Constantine’s official account of the triple gold seal assigned by the Imperial Chancery to the ruler of the Khazars.


    Thus during the first few decades of the seventh century, just before the Muslim hurricane was unleashed from Arabia, the Middle East was dominated by a triangle of powers: Byzantium, Persia, and the West Turkish Empire. The first two of these had been waging intermittent war against each other for a century, and both seemed on the verge of collapse; in the sequel, Byzantium recovered, but the Persian kingdom was soon to meet its doom, and the Khazars were actually in on the kill.

    They were still nominally under the suzerainty of the West Turkish kingdom, within which they represented the strongest effective force, and to which they were soon to succeed; accordingly, in 627, the Roman Emperor Heraclius concluded a military alliance with the Khazars — the first of several to follow — in preparing his decisive campaign against Persia. There are several versions of the role played by the Khazars in that campaign which seems to have been somewhat inglorious — but the principal facts are well established. The Khazars provided Heraclius with 40000 horsemen under a chieftain named Ziebel, who participated in the advance into Persia, but then — presumably fed up with the cautious strategy of the Greeks — turned back to lay siege on Tiflis; this was unsuccessful, but the next year they again joined forces with Heraclius, took the Georgian capital, and returned with rich plunder. Gibbon has given a colourful description (based on Theophanes) of the first meeting between the Roman Emperor and the Khazar chieftain.[16]

    …To the hostile league of Chosroes with the Avars, the Roman emperor opposed the useful and honourable alliance of the Turks.[†††] At his liberal invitation, the horde of Chozars transported their tents from the plains of the Volga to the mountains of Georgia; Heraclius received them in the neighbourhood of Tiflis, and the khan with his nobles dismounted from their horses, if we may credit the Greeks, and fell prostrate on the ground, to adore the purple of the Caesar. Such voluntary homage and important aid were entitled to the warmest acknowledgements; and the emperor, taking off his own diadem, placed it on the head of the Turkish prince, whom he saluted with a tender embrace and the appellation of son. After a sumptuous banquet, he presented Ziebel with the plate and ornaments, the gold, the gems, and the silk, which had been used at the Imperial table, and, with his own hand, distributed rich jewels and earrings to his new allies. In a secret interview, he produced the portrait of his daughter Eudocia, condescended to flatter the barbarian with the promise of a fair and august bride, and obtained an immediate succour of forty thousand horse…

    Eudocia (or Epiphania) was the only daughter of Heraclius by his first wife. The promise to give her in marriage to the “Turk” indicates once more the high value set by the Byzantine Court on the Khazar alliance. However, the marriage came to naught because Ziebel died while Eudocia and her suite were on their way to him. There is also an ambivalent reference in Theophanes to the effect that Ziebel “presented his son, a beardless boy” to the Emperor — as a quid pro quo?

    There is another picturesque passage in an Armenian chronicle, quoting the text of what might be called an Order of Mobilization issued by the Khazar ruler for the second campaign against Persia: it was addressed to “all tribes and peoples [under Khazar authority], inhabitants of the mountains and the plains, living under roofs or the open sky, having their heads shaved or wearing their hair long”.[17]

    This gives us a first intimation of the heterogeneous ethnic mosaic that was to compose the Khazar Empire. The “real Khazars” who ruled it were probably always a minority — as the Austrians were in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.


    The Persian state never recovered from the crushing defeat inflicted on it by Emperor Heraclius in 627. There was a revolution; the King was slain by his own son who, in his turn, died a few months later; a child was elevated to the throne, and after ten years of anarchy and chaos the first Arab armies to erupt on the scene delivered the coup de grâce to the Sassanide Empire. At about the same time, the West Turkish confederation dissolved into its tribal components. A new triangle of powers replaced the previous one: the Islamic Caliphate — Christian Byzantium and the newly emerged Khazar Kingdom of the North. It fell to the latter to bear the brunt of the Arab attack in its initial stages, and to protect the plains of Eastern Europe from the invaders.

    In the first twenty years of the Hegira — Mohammed’s flight to Medina in 622, with which the Arab calendar starts — the Muslims had conquered Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and surrounded the Byzantine heartland (the present-day Turkey) in a deadly semi-circle, which extended from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and the southern shores of the Caspian. The Caucasus was a formidable natural obstacle, but no more forbidding than the Pyrenees; and it could be negotiated by the pass of Dariel[‡‡‡] or bypassed through the defile of Darband, along the Caspian shore.

    This fortified defile, called by the Arabs Bab al Abwab, the Gate of Gates, was a kind of historic turnstile through which the Khazars and other marauding tribes had from time immemorial attacked the countries of the south and retreated again. Now it was the turn of the Arabs. Between 642 and 652 they repeatedly broke through the Darband Gate and advanced deep into Khazaria, attempting to capture Balanjar, the nearest town, and thus secure a foothold on the European side of the Caucasus. They were beaten back on every occasion in this first phase of the Arab-Khazar war; the last time in 652, in a great battle in which both sides used artillery (catapults and ballistae). Four thousand Arabs were killed, including their commander, Abdal-Rahman ibn-Rabiah; the rest fled in disorder across the mountains.

    For the next thirty or forty years the Arabs did not attempt any further incursions into the Khazar stronghold. Their main attacks were now aimed at Byzantium. On several occasions[§§§] they laid siege to Constantinople by land and by sea; had they been able to outflank the capital across the Caucasus and round the Black Sea, the fate of the Roman Empire would probably have been sealed. The Khazars, in the meantime, having subjugated the Bulgars and Magyars, completed their western expansion into the Ukraine and the Crimea. But these were no longer haphazard raids to amass booty and prisoners; they were wars of conquest, incorporating the conquered people into an empire with a stable administration, ruled by the mighty Kagan, who appointed his provincial governors to administer and levy taxes in the conquered territories. At the beginning of the eighth century their state was sufficiently consolidated for the Khazars to take the offensive against the Arabs.

    From a distance of more than a thousand years, the period of intermittent warfare that followed (the so-called ‘second Arab war”, 722-37) looks like a series of tedious episodes on a local scale, following the same, repetitive pattern: the Khazar cavalry in their heavy armour breaking through the pass of Dariel or the Gate of Darband into the Caliph’s domains to the south; followed by Arab counter-thrusts through the same pass or the defile, towards the Volga and back again. Looking thus through the wrong end of the telescope, one is reminded of the old jingle about the noble Duke of York who had ten thousand men; “he marched them up to the top of the hill. And he marched them down again.” In fact, the Arab sources (though they often exaggerate) speak of armies of 100000, even of 300000, men engaged on either side — probably outnumbering the armies which decided the fate of the Western world at the battle of Tours about the same time.

    The death-defying fanaticism which characterized these wars is illustrated by episodes such as the suicide by fire of a whole Khazar town as an alternative to surrender; the poisoning of the water supply of Bab al Abwab by an Arab general; or by the traditional exhortation which would halt the rout of a defeated Arab army and make it fight to the last man: “To the Garden, Muslims, not the Fire” — the joys of Paradise being assured to every Muslim soldier killed in the Holy War.

    At one stage during these fifteen years of fighting the Khazars overran Georgia and Armenia, inflicted a total defeat on the Arab army in the battle of Ardabil (AD 730) and advanced as far as Mosul and Dyarbakir, more than half-way to Damascus, capital of the Caliphate. But a freshly raised Muslim army stemmed the tide, and the Khazars retreated homewards across the mountains. The next year Maslamah ibn-Abd-al-Malik, most famed Arab general of his time, who had formerly commanded the siege of Constantinople, took Balanjar and even got as far as Samandar, another large Khazar town further north. But once more the invaders were unable to establish a permanent garrison, and once more they were forced to retreat across the Caucasus. The sigh of relief experienced in the Roman Empire assumed a tangible form through another dynastic alliance, when the heir to the throne was married to a Khazar princess, whose son was to rule Byzantium as Leo the Khazar.

    The last Arab campaign was led by the future Caliph Marwan II, and ended in a Pyrrhic victory. Marwan made an offer of alliance to the Khazar Kagan, then attacked by surprise through both passes. The Khazar army, unable to recover from the initial shock, retreated as far as the Volga. The Kagan was forced to ask for terms; Marwan, in accordance with the routine followed in other conquered countries, requested the Kagan’s conversion to the True Faith. The Kagan complied, but his conversion to Islam must have been an act of lip-service, for no more is heard of the episode in the Arab or Byzantine sources — in contrast to the lasting effects of the establishment of Judaism as the state religion which took place a few years later.[****] Content with the results achieved, Marwan bid farewell to Khazaria and marched his army back to Transcaucasia — without leaving any garrison, governor or administrative apparatus behind. On the contrary, a short time later he requested terms for another alliance with the Khazars against the rebellious tribes of the south.

    It had been a narrow escape. The reasons which prompted Marwan’s apparent magnanimity are a matter of conjecture — as so much else in this bizarre chapter of history. Perhaps the Arabs realized that, unlike the relatively civilized Persians, Armenians or Georgians, these ferocious Barbarians of the North could not be ruled by a Muslim puppet prince and a small garrison. Yet Marwan needed every man of his army to quell major rebellions in Syria and other parts of the Omayad Caliphate, which was in the process of breaking up. Marwan himself was the chief commander in the civil wars that followed, and became in 744 the last of the Omayad Caliphs (only to be assassinated six years later when the Caliphate passed to the Abbasid dynasty). Given this background, Marwan was simply not in a position to exhaust his resources by further wars with the Khazars. He had to content himself with teaching them a lesson which would deter them from further incursions across the Caucasus.