Son of the Republic

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009


George Washington’s Visions / Prophecies

George Washington’s vision is recorded at the Library of Congress

Valley Forge, the winter of 1777, American forces were fighting against the British, the most powerful nation in the world. Many believe that only 3% of the American people took part in the struggle for independence, while “Tories” gave aid and comfort to the British cause.

“This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

“By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.

“A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor, Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarify, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.

“Presently I heard a voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world; Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

” `Son of the Republic’ said the same mysterious voice as before, `look and learn,’ At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

“A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

“Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, `Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.’ At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I a saw bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word `Union,’ bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, `Remember ye are brethren.’ Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

“And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.

“Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

“Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

“Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with o loud voice” `While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.’ And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word `UNION,’ he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, `Amen.’

“The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, `Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union. With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress and destiny of the United States.”

In his farewell address, Washington spoke of several avenues of tyranny, including selfish ambition (with pretended patriotism,) collusion of powers, usurpation and precedence of usurpation, debt, foreign influence, and rank party politics.

As for collusion of powers, he warned, “The habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.”

On usurpation, he warned, “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield.”

George Washington’s last words allegedly were Tis well.

George Washington

All Seeing Eye – Eye Symbology




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Fertile Signs

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009

Zodiac Chart

Planting by the signs is a fairly straight forward operation. You plant aboveground crops (lettuce, peas, tomatoes, etc.) when the moon is waxing (growing) from New to Full Moon. Underground crops (beets, radishes carrots, potatoes, etc.) are planted when the moon is waning from Full to New Moon. However, true gardening by the signs is a bit more complicated.

On its 29 day journey around the earth the Moon passes (from an earthling’s point of view) through all 12 signs of the Zodiac. These signs are divided into four broad Elemental groups: they’re either Water, Earth, Air, or Fire. Those signs classified as Water or Earth Signs are generally considered optimal for planting and pruning for growth. Air and Fire Signs are classified as Barren Signs and are generally suitable for weeding, tilling the soil, and pruning for control of growth.

Summary of Zodiac Planting

To garden by the signs, therefore, one plants when the Moon is both waxing and in a Fertile Sign; and weeds, tills, and harvests when the Moon is waning and in a Barren Sign.

In addition, one never plants on a Sunday. Sunday (named after and supposedly ruled by the Sun) is a fiery, barren day and therefore unsuitable for planting no matter the sign. Also, one never plants on days when the Moon is undergoing a phase change, ie: New Moon, Full Moon, or either quarter.

So with this information you now have enough data to become a full-fledged Moon Gardener yourself. And should you opt for this route, let me know you results. I’ll be very interested.

Below is a list of the Signs of the Zodiac showing their properties and a brief description of what to do when the moon is in that particular sign. Numbers following the description denote the quarter of the Moon’s cycle (beginning at New Moon) when the action described is best carried out.

Fertile Signs

Water Signs

  • Cancer – best time to plant aerial crops, or prune to encourage growth, or graft (1,2); plant seed (2), and plant root crops (3). It’s also the best time to water since plants take it up more easily in a water sign.
  • Pisces – transplant or sow seed in this sign for vigorous root growth (2). Fertilize root crops or graft for best results now (1,2); or plant root crops (3).
  • Scorpio – best sign for planting seed (2), or graft or prune for growth (1,2); or plant root crops (3).

Earth Signs

  • Taurus – transplant in this sign for hardy plants (1,2); sow seed (2); plant root crops (3); or prune to limit growth (4).
  • Virgo – till, cultivate, and turn compost heaps (1-4); garden pests and weeds are most vulnerable in this sign and pruning to shape plants is most effective (4).
  • Capricorn – prune for strong growth and graft in this sign (1,2); plant seeds (2); plant bulbs, tubers and rhizomes (3).

Barren Signs

Fire Signs

  • Leo – prune to shape shrubs in this most fiery of the fire signs (1); or cultivate and till the soil (1-4); this is the best sign to weed or control pests (4).
  • Aries – destroy weeds and pests (1,2); or till and cultivate (1-4); prune to limit growth, turn sod, and harvest crops for best keeping qualities now (4).
  • Sagittarius – till and cultivate in this sign (1-3); plant onions (3); or weed, prune to limit growth, or harvest crops for maximum keeping qualities (4).

Air Signs

  • Gemini – cultivate and till in this sign (1-3); harvest herbs and root crops (4); or weed for maximal effectiveness (4).
  • Aquarius – cultivate and till the earth in this dry, airy sign (1-3); get rid of weeds or harvest crops for long-term storage (4).
  • Libra – plant annual flowers (1,2); plant vines (2); flowers picked in this sign last longest and plants pruned now will keep their shape longer (4).

Other Authorities

These principles provide a straightforward basis for approaching the practice of gardening by the signs. Other authorities have more detailed recomendations. As an example of this, we have provided a chart of Zodiac Planting based on recomendations in Astrological Gardening, by Louise Riotte.

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Copyright © 2004 Jim Jung
Some images© 2004 All rights reserved


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009





Various Bible study guides in subjects pertaining to

New Earth prophecy, as taught by Paul Phelps.

For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD,

they shall inherit the earth.      Psalm 37:9




Bible quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version

except for my own translations or as otherwise indicated.

This study guide identifies the twelve Biblical jewels

that represent the twelve tribes of New World Israel.

A Bible study project by Paul Phelps.

After several years of study this writing was completed in 2000.


God has in times past appointed a jewel to represent each tribe in Israel, of
Jacob’s twelve sons.  Each jewel was set into the High Priestly breastpiece and
engraved with a tribe name.  God does everything with purpose, and we want
his wisdom, for “the price of wisdom is above pearls.  The chrysolite of Ethiopia
cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold.” (Job 28:18-19)  The
Biblical jewels are impossible to identify in their Hebrew names, for they have
been unused and forgotten since many centuries ago.  But God has guided us
and given us his assurance after a long search.  We have followed three rules:

1.   Every gemstone should be soft enough to engrave by the usual engraving
techniques known in ancient times (Ex. 28:9-11,21).  These stones could not be
harder than quartz crystal, hardness 7.  (Few jewels are less than hardness 5.)

2.   These jewel stones should be large enough to engrave names upon, to be
easily readable from an arm-length distance.  The High Priestly breastpiece is
almost 22 cm wide (a span or half-cubit), allowing for stones up to 5 cm width.

3.   The jewels must have been available in Egypt at about 1500 BCE, whenever
Moses led his people out of Egypt.  The jewels came from Egypt (Ex. 12:35-36).

Jesus promised his twelve disciples that they will rule Israel’s twelve tribes
when he comes as King (Matt. 19:27-28).  This makes a connection between the
twelve tribes and the twelve apostles in the Messianic age.  This is important
because Rev. 21:19-20 lists twelve jewels with the apostles’ names engraved
on them.  Apostle John evidently viewed New Jerusalem from all the four sides
because he described the gates on each side; Rev. 21: 12-14,

It has a great, high wall with twelve gates, and at the gates

twelve angels, and on the gates are inscribed the names of the

twelve tribes of the Israelites; on the east three gates; on the north

three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.

And the wall of the city has twelve foundations, and on them are

the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The viewing sequence of John’s vision is clearly specified, proceeding from
the east side, to the north side, to the south side, and lastly to the west side.
Thus the jewel stone list of Rev. 21:19-20 should follow this viewing sequence,
and in this way we may know which jewel belongs to which gate.  The twelve
jewels are in four groups corresponding to the four sides of the city wall, three
in each group.  The Bible doesn’t say how John viewed the three gates of each
side, but for west Asian people the traditional viewing pattern has always been 
from right to left
—because of the west-Asian manner of writing their languages.
Apostle John viewed the gates from right to left.

Some of the stones in Rev. 21:19-20 may be identified by their Greek names
in the Greek Bible but many Greek jewel names are as hard to identify as the
Hebrew names in the Old Testament.  Nonetheless we have conclusions for all
twelve jewels and these conclusions are helpful in the study of Bible prophecy
relating to Israel’s twelve tribes.  These are the jewel names in Greek: ÍASPIS,
This is the name order as given in Rev. 21:19-20.

ÍASPIS is the first gemstone listed in Rev. 21:19-20.  This was evidently the
jewel most admired because the entire outer wall of the heavenly city is made
of this stone (Rev. 21:18).  The heavenly city is radiant with the light of ÍASPIS
(v 11) and this jewel stone also decorates God’s throne (Rev. 4:3).  Many Bible
versions have translated ÍASPIS as “jasper” in the belief that these names have
a common origin, but the name “jasper” is now known to be of Persian origin.
Jasper is a cheap stone used mostly in interior decoration (much like marble).
But ÍASPIS was described as “a very rare jewel” (Rev. 21:11).

In 1272, while in western China Marco Polo wrote, “Chalcedony and jasper,
which are taken for sale to Cathay (the populous eastern provinces), and such
is their abundance that they form a considerable commerce.”  This is a key, for
the gemstones that Marco Polo thought were chalcedony and jasper are in fact
white jade and spinach jade from Xinjiang Province in west China.  These two
nephrite jades have colours similar to chalcedony and jasper, (familiar stones
in Marco Polo’s home country Italy).  This helps us to identify both jewels from
Revelation 21.  CHALKEDÓN is white jade, and ÍASPIS is spinach green jade.
Jade jewels are costly; the white and green jades are both elegant jewel stones
and well suited to carving.  Modern chalcedony gets its name from Chalcedon,
an ancient Greek seaport of the eastern Aegean Sea known for the jewel trade.
But Pliny the Roman historian described CHALKEDÓN as different from modern
chalcedony.  (In his time white jade was evidently marketed under that name.)

SÁPPHEIROS is a Greek name—having a similar origin as the Hebrew name
SAPÌR, which in time past referred to the deep blue coloured stone now called
lapis lazuli, found in Afghanistan.  Lapis lazuli is a very good stone for carving.
Modern sapphires were named for this stone, but modern sapphires were not
known in ancient times and are too hard for carving.

SMÁRAGDOS was always known to have been a clear or translucent jewel,
of emerald green colour, corresponding to the Hebrew BARÈKET, or BARKÀT.
Modern emeralds are included here because they were known to Greeks, and
they were found in the tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs.  But modern emeralds are
too hard for carving.  Ancient jewel names were not the modern mineral terms
that are used today: they were only labels to indicate an outward appearance.
Therefore two or more jewel stones may have been included within one name.
SMÁRAGDOS refers to emeralds but it also refers to the emerald green jadeite
that is found in ancient Egyptian jewel treasures.  In olden times emerald jade
was obtained from the European Alps and Tibet—and it is suitable for carving.
Jadeite comes in a variety of colours including lavender jade.

HYÁKINTHOS is hyacinth blue (a smoky colour, Rev. 9:17).  It is the lavender
variety of jadeite.  The Hebrew name AKH’LAMÀH means ‘dream-stone.’

BÉRYLLOS is known to have been a sea green coloured gem.  Amazonite is
the gem that matches this description.  In ancient Egypt it was a favourite gem
because if its colour, a blue-tinted green.  The corresponding Hebrew name of
this ancient jewel is NÒFEKH, (meaning ‘turquoise coloured’ or ‘embellished’).
Modern beryls were named from the ancient BÉRYLLOS because of similarity
of colour but they are not the same stone.  So far as known, the modern beryls
were not yet discovered in ancient times.  In any case modern beryl stones are
too hard for engraving.

TOPÁZION is a name derived from a Red Sea island now known in Arabic as
Zebirget, but earlier known as Topazos.  This identifies the jewel with certainty.
In the gem trade it is known as Olivine and Peridot.  It is a transparent crystal,
yellow-green in colour, like olive oil.  Olivine is the mineral name but strongly
green ones are called Peridot.  The Roman historian Pliny the Elder described
this gemstone by the name Topazos, (and the best jewels are from that island).
The Hebrew name PITDÀH is linked by tradition to the name Topazos.

The quartz gems are the ones that remain and we will describe them later in
this study guide.  We identify colours as well as names, and we’ve divided the
jewels into four groups corresponding to the four sides of the heavenly city, as
Apostle John described them and listed them, from right to left (Rev. 21:12-14).
We indicate the Greek and Hebrew names, the modern names and the colours.
These are the jewels, as indicated in Rev. 21:19-20.

1.  Green jade spinachgreen ÍASPIS YASHFÈH
2.  Lapis lazuli sapphire blue SÁPPHEIROS SAPÌR
3.  White jade misty white CHALKEDÓN YAHALÒM
4.  Emerald jade emerald green SMÁRAGDOS BARÈKET
5.  Sardonyx pale grey-pink SARDÓNYX SHÒHAM
7.  Citrine quartz honey gold CHRYSÓLITHOS TARSHÌSH
8.  Amazonite sea green BÉRYLLOS NÒFEKH
9.  Olivine, Peridot yellow-green TOPÁZION PITDÀH
10.  Chrysoprase apple green CHRYSÓPRASOS SH’VÒ
11.  Lavender jade Lavender HYÁKINTHOS AKH’LAMÀH
12.  Amethyst quartz purple-violet AMÉTHYSTOS LÈSHEM

The jewels inscribed with the names of Israel’s tribes signify earthly people.
The jewel stones chosen by God to represent earthly Israel do not include any
jewels above hardness 7.  Costly high brilliance sparkle gems such as rubies,
emeralds, sapphires and diamonds picture the Church in heavenly splendour.
The LORD calls the Church saints his special possession; Mal. 3:17.  He will give
them new names and he says they are to him a crown of beauty,royal diadem;
Isaiah 62:2-3.  This heavenly glory is for the LORDs bride.

Isaiah 61:10,

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my whole being shall exult in my God;

for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered

me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself

with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Israel’s tribal gems are valued as semiprecious; they have no great hardness
or brilliance but they are nevertheless very beautiful.  The colour of the jewels
is important in understanding the prophetic significance of Israel’s tribes.

The twelve tribal stones are all within the hardness limit of the quartz crystal,
which in fact is sand—quartz crystals pounded to small grains by ocean waves.
Sand symbolically represents earthly people distinct from heavenly people, as
comparing heaven and earth people, in the same way God spoke to Abraham.
Gen. 22:17,

I will indeed bless you, and I will make your offspring

as numerous as the stars of heaven

and as the sand that is on the sea shore.

And your offspring shall possess the gate of their enemies …

This indicates the vast number of Abraham’s future descendants (Heb. 11:12)
and also signifies the two different Kingdom inheritances.  Both inheritances are
again referred to in Isaiah 66:22,

For as the new heavens and the new earth,

which I will make, shall remain before me, says the LORD,

so shall your descendants and your name remain.

Apostle Paul says Abraham begat two kinds of seed, earthly and heavenly.
Rom. 4:16,

For this reason it depends on faith, in order that the promise

may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants,

not only to the adherents of the law but also to those that

share the faith of Abraham (for he is the father of all of us… )

Apostle Paul explained that the heavenly seed are those coming through faith
from among all peoples (Gentiles) “— in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing
of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promise of
the Spirit through faith.”
(Gal. 3:14)

And there are two different resurrection bodies—for the two kinds of seed,
the heavenly seed and the earthly seed.  1 Cor. 15:35-48 (v 40 quoted),

There are both heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but

the glory of the heavenly is one thing, and that of the earthly is another.

The glory promised is for the next world, the new heavens and earth.  The
world is now subject to futility, groaning and labouring in hope (Rom. 8:20-22).
Humanity is like clay (Isaiah 45:9; Jer. 18:1-6); we are clay in the Potter’s hands
for we are made of clay (Job 33:6).  God made us from dust of the earth—and to
dust we shall return (Gen. 3:19).  The nations are as clay pottery in God’s sight.
Psalm 2:8-9,

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and

the ends of the earth your possession.  You shall break them

with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

God spoke of dust in his promise to Abraham (Gen. 13:16): “I will make your
offspring like the dust of the earth but he also talked about sand: “I will surely
do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which cannot be
counted because of their number.” (Gen. 32:12)

This speaks of the difference between this world and the next.  In this world,
people are like dust of the earth and dust in the balances (Ps. 103:14; Is. 40:15).
But in the New Earth, humans will be compared to sand (Gen. 32:12).  As sand
is an upgrade compared to dust or clay, humanity and earth will be upgraded.
Isaiah 55:13,

Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress;

instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; …

Isaiah 60:17,

Instead of bronze I will bring gold, instead of  iron I will bring silver;

instead of wood, bronze, instead of stones, iron.  I will appoint

Peace as your overseer, and Righteousness as your taskmaster.

Sand grains are crystal jewels and they portend an upgrading of human life
in the New Earth.  Sand feels clean because dirt does not cling to it.  Likewise,
in the new world sin will not cling to us for the curse will be gone (Rev. 22:3).

We will describe the five quartz jewels in the High Priestly breastpiece.  The
Greek name AMÉTHYSTOS has reference to wine drinking.  The Hebrew name
for amethyst is LÈSHEM.  Amethyst is a quartz crystal easily recognisable by its
purple-violet colour.  In nature it is often found with yellow quartz because heat
changes amethyst quartz to yellow quartz, called Citrine.  The classical name is
CHRYSÓLITHOS, meaning goldstone in Greek.  The Hebrew name is TARSHÌSH.
In Daniel 10:6 an angel appearance is compared to the colour of this gemstone,
“like burnished bronze.”  The Citrine is a transparent jewel.

Quartz is found in a translucent or opaque form, in a wide colour range (very
much like jadeite).  The mineral-group name is quartzite.  Three quartzite gems
were in the breastpiece of the High Priest.

The CHRYSÓPRASOS quartzite stone is the Chrysoprase, (SH’VÒ in Hebrew),
apple green in colour.  SÁRDIOS is the Carnelian Sard, deep red in colour, with
an orange-brown tone.  Carnelian red (Latin carnalis) is the colour of raw flesh.
SARDÓNYX is the last quartzite jewel, which is sard and onyx layered together.
This stone is mostly red Sard, but the Greek word onyx (fingernail) indicates a
grey-white coloured overlay.  Onyx (Heb. SHÒHAM) is flat-layered quartzite,
pale layers on top, darker colours below.  Cameos are often made from it.

Just as ancient Greek names were adapted to modern gems, ancient Hebrew
names were also adapted to modern use, which has confused the true identities
of the Bible jewels, but we are confident that with God’s help we have identified
the jewels correctly.  Three have sufficient clarity to be transparent: Amethyst,
Citrine, and Olivine.  But in John’s vision of New Jerusalem, probably all of them
were transparent because the spiritual light of God shines even through gold.

The breastpiece jewels listed in Exodus 28:17-20 and 39:10-13 do not identify
the tribal names, so tribe and jewel correspondence has remained a mystery.
Neither does the Rev. 21 description name the city gates by tribe; so we cannot
get the tribe-jewel correspondence by any direct manner.  The solution comes
by comparing John’s vision (in Rev. 21) with Ezekiel’s vision of the city of Zion.
Eze. 48:30-34,

These shall be the exits of the city:

On the north side, … three gates,

the gate of Reuben, the gate of Judah, and the gate of Levi,

the gates of the city being named after the tribes of Israel.

On the east side, … three gates,

the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin, and the gate of Dan.

On the south side, … three gates,

the gate of Simeon, the gate of Issachar, and the gate of Zebulun.

On the west side, … three gates,

the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher, and the gate of Naphtali.

1.  REUBEN Emerald jade emerald green
2.  JUDAH Sardonyx pale grey-pink
3.  LEVI Sard red
4.  JOSEPH Green jade spinach green (pale to dark)
5. BENJAMIN Lapis lazuli sapphire blue (with gold flecks)
6.  DAN White jade misty white
7.  SIMEON Citrine quartz honey gold
8. ISSACHAR Amazonite sea green (blue-tinted green)
9.  ZEBULUN Olivine, Peridot yellow-green (olive oil green)
10.  GAD Chrysoprase apple green (gold-tinted green)
11.  ASHER Lavender jade lavender
12. NAPHTALI Amethyst quartz purple-violet

The gate entry foundation stones of Rev. 21 are the same as the breastpiece
jewels of the Exodus account.  In past times these twelve jewels were exhibited
only on the High Priest at especially designated times.  But in the Messianic era
they will be on continual display in the city together with other colourful jewels.
Isaiah 54:11-12,

I am about to set your stones in antimony, and lay your foundations

with *sapphires.  I will make your pinnacles of rubies,

your gates of jewels, and all your wall of precious stones.

*(Lapis lazuli, a sapphire-coloured stone)

In the Bible, a basic purpose of gemstones was colour definition for that was
the most accurate and acceptable way of describing colours.  We have our own
translation of the Biblical jewel list.  The Hebrew Text only has the jewel names
but we include colours because it is helpful to readers if they know the colours.
Exodus 39:10-13,

v 10,        And it was set with four rows of stones:

a row of red Sard, of yellow-green Olivine,

and of emerald green jade, which is the first row.

v 11,        And the second row is of sea green Amazonite,

of sapphire blue Lapis lazuli, and of white jade.

v 12,        And the third row is of purple-violet Amethyst quartz,

of apple green Chrysoprase, and of lavender jade.

v 13,        And the fourth row is of honey gold Citrine quartz,

of pale grey-pink Sardonyx, and of spinach green jade,

enclosed within gold filigree in their settings.

(translations mine)

This was the jewel stone arrangement for the High Priestly breastpiece.  We
may now identify the appointed tribal names in each row, the first row at top,
looking at the breastpiece in right-to-left sequence as Easterners would view it.
The first row has the names Levi, Zebulun and Reuben.  The second row has
the names Issachar, Benjamin and Dan.  The third row has the names Naphtali,
Gad and Asher.  The last row has the names Simeon, Judah and Joseph.

The High Priest also attached two stone plates on his shoulders which had
the twelve tribe names engraved on them in birth order (Ex. 28:9-12; 39:6-7),
with six names on one stone and six names on the other.  These epaulettes, or
shoulder stones were of sardonyx (Heb. SHÒHAM), the jewel stone of Judah.
This confirms our method of tribe-jewel correspondence for the tribes of Israel
were all put under the authority of Judah.  Their king and their Messiah were
appointed to be from Judah.  Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5).

The tribal name stones carried on the High Priest’s shoulders signify Messiah
bearing the peoples’ burdens, (burdens are put on shoulders).  Authority rests
on Jesus’ shoulders (Isa. 9:6).  His priesthood is permanent (Heb. 7:24) because
he continues forever.

As permanent High Priest, his priesthood continues through the Kingdom era
that has no end.  The jewel stones of the High Priest show forth Kingdom glory.
This is for glory and beauty (Ex. 28:2).

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we believe in water baptism by full immersion

Created by pastorbuddy on 3/11/2009


We are in Yahweh united in one great cause – to stand together for the TRUTH OF THE WORD RIGHTLY DIVIDED. We are convinced that the Gospel of Yahweh savior has been misrepresented, misunderstood, and marginalized in many churches. Compromise of the Gospel has led to the preaching of false gospels, false names the seduction of many minds and movements, and the weakening of the church’s Gospel witness for Yahweh.

As in previous moments of theological and spiritual crisis in the church, we believe that the answer to this confusion and compromise lies in a comprehensive recovery and reaffirmation of the Gospel – and in saints banding together in Gospel churches that display Yahweh’s glory in this fallen world.

We are also brothers united in deep concern for the church and the Gospel. This concern is specifically addressed to certain trends within the church today. We are concerned about the tendency of so many churches to substitute tradition’s and technique for truth, therapy for theology, and management for ministry.

We stand together for the truth of the Gospel – and for a full and gladdening recovery of the Gospel in the church. We are convinced that such a recovery will be evident in the form of faithful and true churches, each bearing faithful witness to the glory of Yahweh and the power of the the spoken and written word.

1- we believe in water baptism by full immersion in the name of Yahweh.
2- we believe in the nine spiritual gifts of the holy spirit.
3- we believe in the ancient art of building circle altars for the worship of  Yahweh.
4-we believe in the five signs to follow the believer.
5-we believe in the lunar calendar to set the times for new moons and Sabbaths.
6-we believe in the feast of the second passover,  Pentecost, and tabernacles.
7-we believe in Amos 3;-7 “for Yahweh will do nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets”
8- we believe in anointing the sick and the elders laying on of hands

We believe the Holy Anointing Oil (Exodus 30 Holy Oil) is not a general purpose anointing oil or perfume, it is for consecration and sanctification purposes as stated in the Old Testament scripture references:  Exodus 28:41, 29:7, 29:36, 30:26, 30:30, 40:9, 40:10, 40:11, 40:13, 40:14.  More interesting information about the Holy Anointing Oil can be found below.

1. To set apart for sacred use; consecrate.
2. To make holy; purify.
3. To give religious sanction to, as with an oath or vow: sanctify a marriage.
4. To make productive of holiness or spiritual blessing.


The devoting or setting apart of anything to the worship or service of Yahweh.

Article I
We affirm that the sole authority for the Church is the Bible, verbally inspired, inerrant, infallible, and totally sufficient and trustworthy when rightly divided.

Article II
We affirm that the authority and sufficiency of Scripture extends to the entire Bible, and therefore that the rightly divided Bible is our final authority for all doctrine and practice.

Article III
We affirm that truth ever remains a central issue for the Church, and that the church must resist the allure of pragmatism and postmodern conceptions of truth as substitutes for obedience to the comprehensive truth claims of Scripture.

We deny that truth is merely a product of social construction or that the truth of the Gospel can be expressed or grounded in anything less than total confidence in the rightly divided veracity of the Bible, the historicity of biblical events, and the ability of language to convey understandable truth in sentence form. We further deny that the church can establish its ministry on a foundation of pragmatism, current marketing techniques, or contemporary cultural fashions.

Article IV
We affirm the centrality of expository preaching in the church and the urgent need for a recovery of biblical exposition and the public reading of Scripture in worship.

We deny that Yahweh-honoring worship can marginalize or neglect the ministry of the Word as manifested through exposition and public reading. We further deny that a church devoid of true biblical preaching can survive as a Gospel church.

Article V
We affirm that the Bible reveals Yahweh to be infinite in all his perfections, and thus truly omniscient, omnipotent, timeless, and self-existent. We further affirm that Yahweh possesses perfect knowledge of all things, past, present, and future, including all human thoughts, acts, and decisions.

We deny that Yahweh of the Bible is in any way limited in terms of knowledge or power or any other perfection or attribute, or that Yahweh has in any way limited his own perfections.

Article VI
We affirm that the doctrine is essential, bearing witness to the ontological reality of the one true Yahweh in three divine persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of the same substance and perfections as all one Yahweh.

We affirm that Yahweh is true  El [God] and true Man, in perfect, undiluted, and unconfused union throughout his incarnation and now eternally. We also affirm that Yahweh’s body died on the tree as a substitute for Adam’s sins, as a sacrifice for sin, and as a propitiation of the wrath of Yahweh toward sinners. We affirm the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Yahweh the savior as essential to the Gospel. We further affirm that Yahweh is master over His church, and that he will reign over the entire cosmos in fulfillment of the Father’s gracious purpose.

Article VIII
We affirm that salvation is all of grace, and that the Gospel is revealed to us in doctrines that most faithfully exalt Yahweh’s sovereign purpose to save Adam. And in His determination to save his redeemed people by grace alone, through faith alone, in Yahweh alone, to His glory alone.

Article IX
We affirm that  yahweh is the only means of bringing salvation to His people, that sinners are commanded to believe the Gospel, and that the church is commissioned to preach and teach the Gospel to all adam.

Article X
We affirm that salvation comes to those of adam who truly believe and confess that yahweh is king. We deny that there is salvation in any other name, or that saving faith can take any form other than conscious belief in the yahweh and His saving acts.

Article XI
We affirm the continuity of yahweh’s saving purpose and the oneness unity of the covenants. We further affirm a basic distinction between law and grace, and that the true Gospel exalts yahweh savior’s atoning work as the consummate and perfect fulfillment of the law.

We deny that the Bible presents any other means of salvation than yahweh’s gracious acceptance of adam in the kinsman redeemer.

Article XII
We affirm that adam sinners are justified only through faith in yahweh the savior, and that justification by faith alone is both essential and central to the Gospel.

We deny that any teaching that minimizes, denies, or confuses justification by faith in yahweh alone can be considered true to the Gospel. We further deny that any teaching that separates regeneration and faith is a true rendering of the Gospel.

Article XIII
We affirm that the righteousness of yahweh is imputed to believers by yahweh’s decree alone, and that this righteousness, imputed to the believer through faith alone, is the only righteousness that justifies.

We deny that such righteousness is earned or deserved in any manner, is infused within the believer to any degree, or is realized in the believer through anything other than faith alone.

Article XIV
We affirm that the shape of yahweh’s discipleship is congregational, and that yahweh’s purpose is evident in faithful Gospel congregations, each displaying yahweh’s glory in the marks of authentic ecclesiology. We deny that any beleiver can truly be a faithful disciple apart from the teaching, discipline, fellowship, and accountability of a congregation of fellow disciples, organized as a  church. We further deny that the yahweh’s passover can faithfully be administered apart from the right practice of church discipline.

Article XV
We affirm that evangelical congregations are to work together in humble and voluntary cooperation and that the spiritual fellowship of Gospel congregations bears witness to the unity of the Church and the glory of yahweh.

We deny that loyalty to any denomination or fellowship of churches can take precedence over the claims of yahweh’s truth and faithfulness to the Gospel.

Article XVI
We affirm that the Scripture reveals a pattern of complementary order between men and women, and that this order is itself a testimony to the Gospel, even as it is the gift of our Creator and Redeemer. We also affirm that all saints are called to service within the body of yahweh, and that he has given to both men and women important and strategic roles within the home, the church, and the society. We further affirm that the teaching office of the church is assigned only to those men who are called of yahweh and faithfull in fulfillment of the biblical teachings and that men are to lead in their homes as husbands and fathers who fear and love fruit of yahweh.

Article XVII
We affirm that yahweh calls his people to display his glory in the reconciliation of the nations within the Church, and that yahweh’s pleasure in this reconciliation is evident in the gathering of believers from every tongue and tribe and nation of Israel.

Article XVIII
We affirm that our only sure and confident hope is in the sure and certain promises of yahweh. Thus, our hope is an eschatological hope, grounded in our confidence that he will bring all things to consummation in a manner that will bring greatest glory to his own name, and greatest joy for his redeemed people.


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

Yahweh the name

A “Bible Revelations” Presentation -   Created 1998,  updated 13 March 2008


Why were the Sacred Names removed from the Scriptures? – 7000 times in the Old Testament and 1000 times in the New Testament? The Restoration  thereof is flooding the world – You can share in it also!
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The use of the Sacred Name by Commentators, preachers and in special Sacred Name Bible publications, have been rapidly increasing over the last few decades. So intensive has this increase of knowledge been, that the use of the Hebrew or Jewish Names of The Most High and the Messiah, have become almost common domain in religious education and institutions and amongst dedicated worshippers.

According to Jewish Orthodox tradition, the Sacred Name is not to be uttered and accordingly, the form “G-d ” is used in writing or printing.  In place of pronouncing the Sacred Name in prayer, worship and discussion, the form “Adonai”  (the Hebrew for  ‘Lord’)  is used.

With due respect to our Jewish readers and to the Almighty, we teach,  use and print the Sacred Name for the following reasons, which we feel do override all other considerations:

  • To identify and accordingly exalt the bearer of this Name as the PERSONAL God of Israel and of the universe, as opposed to the general interpretation of a rather mystical, almost unidentifiable Being, as held by most religions.
  • To proclaim and make known this Name unto the masses of believers who claim to follow Him but know not His Name – so that they may sanctify and praise His name that His Name may be honoured among the nations (Malachi 1:11; Isaiah 12:4).
  • To conform with what may really be the more correctly interpreted  instruction of Exod. 20:7 concerning the use of His Name:  viz.  “Do not make His Name worthless”  “Lo tisah et Shem YHVH Eloheicha l’shav.”  By withholding the proclamation of His Name, we may well be guilty of “making His Name worthless.” For a more comprehensive overview of this interpretation and the topic in general, please refer to the study: Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God as Judaism insists?
  • The Torah and Tanach (‘Old’ Testament) clearly records how Hebraic Patriarchs and Prophets actually proclaimed and pronounced the Sacred Name as a Testimony to non-Jews and non-believers and how His followers will come to know His Name and call upon Him, using this Name!  Please refer to:  Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name of God?

The ‘Personal’ Name of the ‘God of Israel’ by which He anciently revealed Himself to Moses ( 6:2).  ‘YAH’ is spelt in original Hebrew, with the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet – the ‘yood’, smallest letter in the alphabet, represented by the inverted comma ( ‘ ). YAHU also has the meaning of  ‘He is YAH’

Obscure Preservation of the Sacred Name ‘YAHU’

Hebrew personal names have meanings, and many such personal names have throughout time, been linked to the Sacred Name YAHU.  In this obscure way, the Sacred Name YAHU has been preserved for modern times, notwithstanding the fact that it has been almost totally removed from most Bible Translations.

This Name, through recent archeological discoveries in Israel, has been found to be part of more Hebrew words and names than were formerly known. There is an untold number of usages in the Tanach (‘Old Testament’) where this form of the Sacred Name is used as a conjunction in Biblical names.  Some of the more common examples of these are:

EliYahu (‘Elijah’)

YeremiYahu (‘Jeremiah’)

YeshiYahu (‘Isaiah’)

YahuShafat (‘Josephat’)

NetanYahu (also the name of former Israeli Prime Minister)

YahuNatan (‘Jonethan’)

and of course, the Messianic Salvation Name YAHU’SHUAH (‘Yeshuah’)

In each of the examples above, the meanings of these names refer to the Name of the Most High, eg. YAHU is Strength, my God is YAHU, etc

Similarly, the Tribe of Judah, the progeny of which to this day, still represents the original Hebraic Faith instituted by Moses according to the Divine Mandate which was handed to him personally by YAHU, God of Israel, some 4000 years ago.  All the disasters of Time failed to wipe out the Tribe of Judah, which today is known as ‘the Jews’ -  in Hebrew: Yahudim. The Tribe of Judah, in Hebrew is ‘Yahuda’, a Jew is‘Yahudi‘. While no specific Hebrew meaning is attached to this term in the modern usage, we do find the following meanings as applied to obscure Bible characters with similar names:

‘YahuAdah’ (YAH unveils) 1 Chron. 8:36
‘YahuYadah’ (YAH knows) 2 Samuel 8:18, etc

Can it be that sinister powers have erased the linkage with the ‘guardians of His Oracles’ (the Jews) to the Name of YAHU? -  Rom 3:2  - they,  who have been His Testimony to the world all these centuries?

Strange also how, in the modern Hebrew dictionary,  three words appear in successive order:

  • Yehudah – with its derivations referring to Jews
  • YHVH – the Sacred Name, and
  • Y’SHUAH (abbreviated form for YAHU’SHUAH) – the Messiah’s Name.


    The Sacred Name appears in the Hebrew Scriptures as four Hebrew letters Yud,  hey, vav, hey, which is closest represented by the letters YHVH.  This format is  known as the Tetragrammaton.  According to Jewish tradition it is regarded as ‘not to be uttered’ in order never to profane it in any way.  In Judaism it is therefore pronounced as ‘Adonai’, meaning ‘Lord’. Notwithstanding this prohibition, the Sacred Name is acknowledged in its usage as part of the names of many Biblical characters, as referred to above – and as any Bible concordance or reference book will provide.

    Because of these prohibitions, translations of the original Hebrew scrolls have, throughout the ages, replaced the Tetragrammaton with ‘the LORD’ (in capital letters) and the Sacred Name, in so doing, became ‘lost’ for many centuries.

    Since the sixties, there has been a movement in modern theology and especially amongst sincere Bible students throughout the world, to restore the newly ‘rediscovered’ Sacred Hebrew Name.  Sacred Name publications which chose to restore the Sacred Name in the almost 7000 instances in the Bible, appeared one after the other and the ‘Sacred Name Movement’, towards the nineties and the turn of the millennium, became a flood which today literally engulfs the world…

    Although there is no firm consensus on the actual pronouncement or spelling of the Tetragrammaton YHVH,  there are several representations or transliterations in use by theologians and Bible students.  Some of the more popular forms are YAHVEH, YAHWEH and Jehovah. A comprehensive list of the various usages that abound, are presented further down on this page.

    For the purposes of this Web Site and out of respect for the Sacredness and sanctification of the Name, we will print the Tetragammaton formYHVH throughout the studies of this Web Site and leave the reader free to either substitute it or pronounce it in the way they find comfortable.

    The mystery attached to the Name of the Almighty, is related to the verb ‘to be’ ( I am, I was, I will be) which is the Hebrew verb ‘Hoveh’  (the ‘v’ pronounced as in ‘victory’),  meaning “to be”, in the present tense.  YHVH therefore, means: “YAH Hoveh”, which means  “YAH is …” (YAH being His abbreviated (actual ?) name as reflected in Psalm 68:4 in some translations.

    It is therefore quite possible that the correct rendering of the SH’MAH (the Greatest Commandment – Deut 6:4) should therefore read:


This is how it appears in the Hebrew Scrolls:

Read from right to left (so also the following)
Top line:
YHVH  Yisrael  Shmaa <{——-

Bottom line:
echad YHVH Eloheinu <{——-


In modern Hebrew grammar this matter is so serious and important, that the verb ‘to be’ (‘I am’) is not used in the present tense at all!  An Israeli will therefore state in Hebrew:  “I teacher … I clever”, omitting the verb ‘to be’ (I am) in the present tense.  Usage of the Hebrew verb ‘HOVEH’ (I am) would imply referring to oneself as being the Almighty!  This gives reason for serious contemplation.  The Almighty “is” everything good, without question. The human being, being exactly the opposite, is so easily inclined to self exaltation and self praise (often hidden under a false pretence of humility, love, care, etc.). The use of “I” and “I am” in the vocabulary of the proud and arrogant individual is a popular practice. The indwelling Spirit of the Almighty in the heart and soul of the believer, changes this selfish, haughty, deceiving attitude to an attitude of genuine humility, recreated in His Image, as the Almighty requires of us to possess. Volumes could be written on this subject.


The original Hebrew or Jewish Name of the professing Jewish Messiah, who was accepted as such by a certain section (some 3000 souls) of Israel, at and after His Appearance in Israel, some 2000 years ago.  To them He was known as YAHU’SHUAH  (abbreviated: Y’SHUAH, also pronounced YEHOSHUA or YESHUA).  In time, over the first few centuries after Messiah,   His Name was gradually changed to “Je-Zeus Khristos” by the pagan masses who converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic Sect.  Out of this, Christianity was born, which was a mixture of originally pure Judaism, and gradually, progressive influences of pagan customs and traditions, together with a growing tide of an anti-Semitic spirit.  This was greatly due to the instigation of influential leaders like Constantine the Great, who was a Zeus worshipper, and who purportedly converted to Christianity.  It was also a natural process as a result of the infiltration of followers of the sun god, Zeus,  into the Christian ranks. Even the name of their pagan idol ‘Zeus’ was applied to their new-found Jewish Messiah – and Y’Shuah  (the abbreviated transliteration of YAHU’SHUAH),  became “Y’Zeus” or Je-Zeus – which became ‘Jesus’ in English  (NOTE – the middle ‘s’ is pronounced as a ‘z’).  In other languages, it took on various other forms.

A similar pagan influenced name-shift has been retained to this day in the KJV translation of Luke 4:27, where it refers to the prophet “Eliseus’ and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14 (according even to the KJV reference version).  This prophet’s Hebrew name, however, was ‘Eli’Shuah’, which means “God is my Salvation” (as Y’SHUAH means “YAH is Salvation” or “YAH the Saviour”). Exactly the same as the pagan influence changed Y’SHUAH to “Y’Zeus” – (‘Jesus’ – phonetically ‘Jezus’), so also Luk 4:27 reflects the change of “Eli’Shuah” to “Eli’Zeus’  (“My God is Zeus”)!  Youngs Bible Concordance in its reference to the name ‘Eliseus’,  states: “The form in which the name of Elisha appears in the common version of the New Testament and the Apocrypha in Luke 4:27″.

The Hebrew form of the Name YAHU’SHUAH (or Y’SHUAH) is often used in the Tanach (Old Testament) as well as in the official Jewish daily and festival Prayer Books, where it is generally translated as “Salvation”.

The recent much acclaimed computer generated research into repeating patterns or ‘secret revealing codes’ purportedly contained in the original Hebrew text of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), revealed hidden codes of the Name Y’SHUAHin all the prophetic sections concerning the promised Messiah.

The 6th Book of the Bible uses the identical Hebrew form, and is translated “Joshua”.   The most probable authentic form is YAHOSHUA or YAHU’SHUA

The publishers wish to emphasise that, although the forms YAHVEH (for the God of Israel), and YAHU’SHUAH (for the Messiah) are favoured in this edition, we acknowledge most of the other accepted forms.  We believe that we should not be dogmatic, since all the various forms which are so dogmatically insisted upon by various interpreters, are merely transliterations of the original Hebrew – which after all, is the only true and exact Name.  All the various forms which are presented by Sacred Name promoters and which are the cause of so much confusion,  are proposed in an earnest endeavour to proclaim the Biblical Sacred Names.  This process of representing a word or a name in a different language, is called ‘transliteration’.


This process of writing Hebrew words in another language or alphabet is more an art than a science, and opinions on the correct way to transliterate Hebrew words and names vary widely amongst the Sacred Name Restorers amongst all the nations of the world.. This is why, for instance,  the Jewish festival of lights (in Hebrew,  spelled Chet-Nun-Kaf-He) is transliterated as ‘Chanukah, Chanukkah, Hanuka’  and many other forms   Each spelling has a legitimate phonetic and orthographic basis;  none is right or wrong from a linguist’s viewpoint.  It is only specific in the original Hebrew.

For purposes of this study, we have conglomerated from the Oxford Dictionary, a definition for the process of transliteration, from the three definitions affecting it, namely, name, word and transliteration. We then arrive at the following:

Transliteration of the Sacred Name is the process of representing the original Hebrew sound or combination of sounds which form a spoken word by which God is known and identified, in the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet

It is obvious, that this process of using “the closest corresponding letters”, would present various options in the ‘new’ alphabet, more so, because some Hebrew letters or sounds are not always represented in other languages.

Messianics claim  that  “… there is no other Name under heaven,  given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).  This is the Name which man has unwarrantedly changed through their transliterations of His original Hebrew Name,  into many different languages, so that today Messiah is known:

to the English as ‘Jesus Christ’
to Italians as ‘Gesu Cristo’
to the Welsh as ‘lesu Grist’
to Hungarians as ‘Jezus Krisztusnak’
to Nigerians as ‘Azizos Xraist’

To Pakistanis (Urdu) as  “Yasu Massih ”

What great embarrassment would it be to prominent men,  to have their names translated in each country they visit.  So, for instance,  Mr. Churchill, on his arrival in Germany, would be addressed as Mr. Kirchehiigel. This name will change to Mr. Kerkkoppie in South Africa – and on his arrival in Africa,  he will, no doubt, have much difficulty in recognising his name as Mr. Kerekelekgabana!!

An absurdity presented by this transliterating process,  is that often the ‘new’ representations introduce sounds that are non-existing in the Hebrew language, as for instance:
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jehovah’ (‘J’ as in ‘George’)
- the ‘J’ in ‘Jesus’
- the ‘w’ in ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Yahowah’
We have to re-emphasise that these sounds do not exist an Hebrew and is not provided for in the Hebrew alphabet, yet some Sacred Name promoters insist on their interpretation and transliteration as the ‘only true’ form.

It is for this reason that BIBLE REVELATIONS promote the wider tolerant stance of “acknowledging most of the other accepted forms”, without digressing from the importance of finding the correct form of the Sacred Name/s. The soundness of this tolerant stance can be substantiated by performing the following exercise:
The following paragraphs below publish a list of the various transliterated forms that are commonly proclaimed for the Sacred Name/s.  Read thru this list fast, almost casually or browsingly, without great concern for specific pronunciation – and LISTEN to your own voice.  You will find that all these variations present one almost identical sound.  It is also important to realise that, in any nation we find various sectors and dialects and when presenting these sectors with the pronunciation of even their own language, we will find great variations. The foundational Truth is, that a name represents a sound (and a meaning), and in the written language, this sound is represented by certain letters to secure that sound.  regarding the Sacred Name/s - the only true foundation that we have for it, is the written Hebrew form. And to represent this in various languages, is where the problem rests – thus, in the Curse of the Tower of Babylon (Gen. 11).

The following transliterated versions of the Sacred Names which are in use by various Sacred name groups,  are therefore acknowledged:

YHVH YHWH Yahweh Yahveh Yaveh Yaweh Jehova Jehovah Jahova Jahovah Yahova Yahovah Yahowah Jahowa Jahowah Yahavah Jahavah Yahowe Yahoweh Jahaveh Jahaweh Yahaveh Yahaweh Jahuweh Yahuweh Jahuwah Yahuwah Yahuah Yah Jah Yahu Yahoo Yaohu Jahu Yahvah Jahvah Jahve Jahveh Yahve Yahwe Yauhu Yawhu Iahu Iahou Iahoo Iahueh

Jeshua, Yeshua, Yeshuah, Yehshua, Yehshuah, Yeshouah,  Y’shua, Y’shuah, Jeshu, Yeshu, Yehoshua, Yehoshuah, YHVHShua, YHVHShuah, Yhvhshua, Yhwhshua, YHWHShua, YHWHShuah, Yhvhshuah, Yhwhshuah, Yahvehshua, Yahwehshua,  Yahvehshuah, Yahwehshuah, Yawhushua,Yahawshua, Jahshua, Jahshuah, Jahshuwah, Jahoshua, Jahoshuah, Jashua, Jashuah, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Yashua, Yashuah, Yahshua, Yahshuah, Yahushua, Yahushuah, Yahuahshua, Yahuahshuah, Yahoshua, Yahoshuah, Yaohushua, Yaohushuah,  Yauhushua, Iahoshua, Iahoshuah, Iahushua, Iahushuah, YAHO-hoshu-WAH


YAHU =  YA-HU,  the ‘YA’ as in ‘yard’;
and  ‘Hu’ as in ‘Who’
YAHU’SHUAH =  YAHU- SHOE- A   (the  final ‘A’ as in ‘arm’).
‘YA’ as in ‘yard’


For YAHU- we shall print YHVH

For YAHU’SHUAH - we may sometimes print Y’SHUAH


It is vital that students of the Bible have a Sacred Name version because the Scriptures become far more transparent in these versions.  There are various Sacred Name versions of the Bible available on the market. These are normally not easily obtainable.  Please drop me a line if you find any difficulties in locating a Sacred Name Bible.

Here are a few on-line free versions which you may use:

On-Line Sacred Name Versions of the Bible - click on title
Sacred Name King James Version
The Scriptures (Dr Koster)
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yahveh’ in the Old Testament & ‘Jesus’ in the New Testament
World English Bible - Uses English transliteration of the Hebrew names for the Bible Books, prophets & places, but ‘LORD’ for the Name of God
World English Bible - Uses ‘Yeshua’ in the New Testament.
The Tanach in Hebrew

Click here for List of Bible Versions which acknowledge Sacred Names

How to evaluate a Bible Translation Version

Typically, the enemy has gotten ‘his foot in the door’ with these Sacred Name translations.  Because Truth becomes so transparent when we read the Sacred Name in some 7000 instances in the Bible, the publishers of some of these versions have not neglected to twist some of the most salient texts concerning the sublime Identity of YAHU’SHUAH as the Only true God, away from this revelationary Truth. Some popular editions which make themselves particularly guilty of this audacious tactic, are:

The Traina version,

The TEST verse, by which to test the authenticity of a specific Translation and the spirit of the translator, is:

Isaiah 9:5 (or 6 in some versions):
Here is the original Hebrew version and its literal word meanings:
Ki – Because
Yeled – a boy
yulad – born
lanu - to/for us
Ben – a son
natan – was given
lanu – to us
va’tehi - and shall be
ha’misrah – the rule, dominion
al Shichmoh – on his shoulder
va’yikra Shmoh – and – shall call – His Name
Peleh - Wonderful
Yoh’etz – Consultant, Councellor
El Gibor – God Mighty
Avi-ad – Father Eternal
Sar-Shalom – Ruler of Peace

The literal word meanings above,  indisputably refer to the Messiah as the ‘Mighty God and Eternal Father’ - but when comparing different translations, it becomes clear that some translators deliberately conceal this Revelation by their manipulative renderings.  The reader may be sure that the rest of such a translation, in the many less affirmative texts, will certainly continue this cover-up.

For another example of such inconsistent translation in The Scripturesby Dr Koster,  click here, and do not neglect to read the rest of that study also - Should we address YHVH as Elohim rather than God?.

What is BIBLE REVELATIONS’ Position on the use and selection of Bible Versions?

Quotations in this Web Site of BIBLE REVELATIONS are generally made from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, unless otherwise stated.  Readers should however compare as many translations as possible and carefully follow the general context of those sections from which quotations are made as well as that of the whole Bible in its entirety.

There is no 100% perfect translation of the Original text of the Hebrew Scriptures.  The most authentic and best guarded renderings throughout the ages, are found to this day in Jewish synagogues.  This was the Divine Mandate to them (Rom. 3:2, Acts 7:38).

The sincere seeker after Truth may be assured, that any of the available translations have sufficient original Truth left in them, to bring one to the realisation of the Original True Faith.  This has been proven to be so throughout the ages, and increasingly so in these latter days,  by millions of Bible students all over the world who find and revert to this Original True Faith. (Refer Re-identification of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and related links on that Page and in the On-Site Library)


Following is a List of Bible Translation Versions which do recognize the Sacred Name of God to some greater or lesser extent.  The power of tradition over people’s minds, becomes evident when there is such great opposition by the majority of believers against the use or recognition of the Sacred Names, despite such a long list of authoritative Bible versions which recognise the Sacred Names.

The underlined titles below, are actual Links to


versions – Click

The Sacred Name YHVH versus the Hebrew words ‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’

We have pointed out above, that there may be a probable linkage of

YHVH to the verb ‘hoveh’ i.e.  “YAH – HOVEH, spelt in Hebrew

Y-HVH or Yud – hey vav hey. There are now some interpreters who

maintain that there is a similar Hebrew word spelt with exactly the

same Hebrew letters hey vav hey, which is pronounced “hovah”

(as opposed to ‘Hoveh’) and which means “covetousness/wickedness”.

They therefore discard versions of the Sacred name like: Jehovah,

Yahovah, Yahvah and even Yahoveh.

It is more likely that this closeness in spelling have an underlying

Truth in it, like for instance, that YHVH is the Saviour of those who

accept Him and comply with His requirements, while He is also the

Judge and the Destroyer (ultimately) of those who have rejected Him

and who chose to side with His opposers, or those who committed

themselves to evil.

The matter becomes particularly problematic, considering the peculiar

essentials of the Hebrew language not having vowels.  It is the vowels

that will change ‘hoveh’ into ‘hovah’ – but there are no written vowels in

Hebrew proper to indicate which version is meant (especially anciently

when the Torah was originally written).  Modern Hebrew does utilise

little signs (dashes and dots) below the Hebrew letters.  Thus either

‘hoveh’ or ‘hovah’ is written in Hebrew, simply by using h-v-h

(Hebr. hey-vav-hey)

The Hebrew dictionary reflects the following versions, one after the

other strangely enough,  and all spelt hey-vav-hey

Havah – trouble, destruction, mischief, passion.
Hovah -    “               “               “        ruin
Havah – 3rd person past tense of ‘to be’  i.e. he was
Heveyh – Command form:  “be!” -  as in ‘be lord over your brethren’

Gen. 27:29
Hivah – 3rd person past tense – to cause to be, constitute
Hoveh – present, present tense.
Hoveh – 1st person, male, present tense – to be i.e. I AM  – though

written with a double vav
Hovah -    “     “     female,                   -  do  -

As if confirming the above peculiarity, the Hebrew spelling of the

Salvation Name inherent in Messiah’s Name, YAHU’SHUAH,  has an

equivalent particularly ‘bad’ alternative.  This occurs in the ‘ah’ sound

in the final syllable, ‘Shuah’.  In Hebrew, there are 2 letters denoting

the ‘a’ or ‘ah’ sound – either the Aleph, or the A’yin.  YAHU’SHUAH

(meaning ‘YAH or YAHU is salvation’, ‘Saviour’, ‘Help’) is written with

an a’yin.  But, the ‘Holocaust’, the biggest catastrophe in Jewish history,

is also called the ‘Shoah’ (Yom HaShoah is the special remembrance

Day on the Jewish Calendar).  This spelling is similar to the last part of

the Salvation Name, i.e. ‘YAH-Shuah‘, but it ends with an aleph – before

the final silent hey (which is sometimes used and other times not).

The dictionary, surprisingly, gives the meaning of Shoah as “destruction

, ruin” (same as for Havah!) – also as ‘holocaust, cataclysm, disaster,

abyss’ – all totally opposite from the sacred meanings depicted in His

name and Mission.

Is this pure co-incidence – or is there a deeper meaning, i.e.  that

YAHU’SHUAH will be ‘disaster’ etc. for those who oppose Him and go

lost, but He shall be Saviour and Help to those who accept Him, thereby

coming into the Eternal Covenant, like unto, and equal with Judah

(the Jews) – refer Eph. ch 2.  One could also reason that this extreme

oppostites in meaning of the same sounding words, may well infer the

power of ‘Salvation’ to change, roll over, redeem ‘disaster’ – just as

YAHU’SHUAH can change the disaster that a soul or the nation of

Israel finds itself in, eg.  10-Israel was rejected and ‘divorced’ by YHVH,

casted out of the Covenant into damnation – but YAHU’SHUAH

redeemed them and is returning them to be united into ONE Nation on

the soil of Israel once more!  He turns their ‘Shuah’ from damnation and

disaster into the Saving Victory!  HalleluYAH!

Refer:  The True Gospel

Is God not after all a Great Blessing to those who worship Him, and

disaster to those who don’t?  Significantly, there is but a small ‘crossing’

between the two – yet a great abyss for many souls who find it so hard

to traverse.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: For every Truth that transpires, Satan stands ready

with an alternative, to drag would-be over comers down into the Abyss

again.  Be warned, that this supposition of a probable dual meaning in

both the Name of the Creator God as well as His Salvation Name, will

be grabbed as support for their sick teaching, by promoters of the theory

that “God in essence can be the Source of both Good and Evil”.  These

people obviously lack the true respect and love for the Impeccable and

Holy One.  The fact that, apart from being the Saviour to some people,

God may also be the Judge and ‘disaster’ to those who oppose Him,

does not make Him the source of that evil or disaster!  This ‘theory’

goes even deeper, to an extent that we would refrain from even

mentioning here – be warned! This will simply be another test of your

True and unshakable Faith in His Holiness,  which you will be amply

rewarded for in His Kingdom.

So, don’t shy away from Knowledge which will set you free.  The Truth

shall certainly set you free.  Simply cling to the admonition given in:

Phil 4:8 (KJV) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

whatsoever things  are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever

things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of

good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on

these things”  (and discard the rest!).

Click here to view full index of Sacred Name studies.

Or Click below for Additional Reading

666 – Mark of the Beast versus The Sacred Name
Should we say ‘Elohim’ rather than ‘God’?
Should we refrain from using the Sacred Name as Judaism requires?
Why should a believer be baptised in the Sacred Name?
What really happened at ‘Pentecost’ in Jerusalem?


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

where was he born?

Type text here

Pastor Buddy



49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver

From between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him

Shall the gathering of the people be.





“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be

No end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to


It, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from

Henceforth even for ever.” [Isaiah 9:7]

“The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not

Turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy

Throne.” [Psalms 132:11]

“And in mercy shall the throne be established: and

He shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David,


And seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.”

[Isaiah 16:5]

Israel’s promised Messiah – Redeemer will come from

The bloodline and lineage of King David!  The above verses

Are just a few of the many which promise that Messiah

Will come from David; for this reason, we have Matthew 1,

A chapter that demonstrates Jesus’ lineage, unbroken

All the way back to King David. Because this lineage is so

Important, the first chapter of the first Gospel is

Devoted to this subject. As the prophetically learned


LEARN right well, Messiah would come from David.

Listen to the first verse of Matthew 1 explain:

“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son

Of David, the son of Abraham.” [Matt 1:1]



BLOODLINE OF Jessie the father of David

From the tribe of Judah? Or

Joseph Ephraim?


1ST SAMUEL 17:12  Now David was the son of that
Ephrathite JESSIE!
0673   //  ytrpa  //  'Ephrathiy   //  ef-rawth-ee'  // patrial form
0672  ; adj pr
AV - Ephrathite 4, Ephraimite
 1; 5 Ephrathite = "ashiness: fruitfulness"
 1) an inhabitant or descendant of Ephraim
 2) an inhabitant of Bethlehem

Royal Blood ***
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Click on numbers to listen to live broadcast’s

Pastor Buddy



49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver

From between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him

Shall the gathering of the people be.





“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be

No end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to


It, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from

Henceforth even for ever.” [Isaiah 9:7]

“The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not

Turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy

Throne.” [Psalms 132:11]

“And in mercy shall the throne be established: and

He shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David,


And seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.”

[Isaiah 16:5]

Israel’s promised Messiah – Redeemer will come from

The bloodline and lineage of King David!  The above verses

Are just a few of the many which promise that Messiah

Will come from David; for this reason, we have Matthew 1,

A chapter that demonstrates Jesus’ lineage, unbroken

All the way back to King David. Because this lineage is so

Important, the first chapter of the first Gospel is

Devoted to this subject. As the prophetically learned


LEARN right well, Messiah would come from David.

Listen to the first verse of Matthew 1 explain:

“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son

Of David, the son of Abraham.” [Matt 1:1]



BLOODLINE OF Jessie the father of David

From the tribe of Judah? Or

Joseph Ephraim?


1ST SAMUEL 17:12  Now David was the son of that
Ephrathite JESSIE!
0673   //  ytrpa  //  'Ephrathiy   //  ef-rawth-ee'  // patrial form
0672  ; adj pr
AV - Ephrathite 4, Ephraimite
 1; 5 Ephrathite = "ashiness: fruitfulness"
 1) an inhabitant or descendant of Ephraim
 2) an inhabitant of Bethlehem
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David,
The son of Abraham.
 ISA. 11:1
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
 Isa 22:22
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder;
So he shall open,
And none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple,
How say the scribes that
Christ is the Son of David?
For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to
My Lord, Sit thou on my right
Hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then
 His son? And the common
People heard him gladly.
And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes,
These shall receive greater





 Lu 2:4
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth,
 into Judaea, unto the
city of David, which is called Bethlehem; * (because he was of the
 house and lineage of

 Lu 2:11
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which
 is Christ the Lord.
And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is
And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of
Rachel's grave unto this day.


 jo 7:1
After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not
walk in Jewry,
because the Jews sought to kill him.
Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said,

Of a truth this
is the Prophet.
Others said, This is the Christ. But some said *, Shall Christ
come out of Galilee?
Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of
David, and out of the
town of Bethlehem, where David was ?
So there was a division among the people because of him.
Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?
Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?
But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed.
Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night,
being one of them,)
Doth our law judge * any man, before it hear * him, and know
what he doeth ?
They answered and said unto him, Art * thou also of Galilee?
Search, and look:
for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.
But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [BETHLEHEM EPHRATH IS
IN GALILEE!] SEE GEN.35-19 though
thou be little among[COMPARED TO]the thousands of Judah,
yet out of thee [LITTLE EPH-RA-TAH
shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose
goings forth have been
from of old, from everlasting.
 acts 15:15
And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,
After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle [HOUSE]
 of David, which is
fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set
 it up:
 rom 1:2
(Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy
Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which
 was made of the seed of David according to
the flesh
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion
 of * the tribe of Juda,
the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to
loose the seven seals thereof.
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in
 the churches.
I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and
morning star.
 ruth 1 - 2
And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his
wife Naomi, and the name of
his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem
Judah. And they came into the
country of Moab, and continued there.
And Boaz said unto the elders, and unto all the people, Ye are
witnesses this day,
that I have bought all that was Elimelech's, and all that was
Chilion's and Mahlon's,
of the hand of Naomi.
And the women her neighbours gave it a name, saying,
There is a son born to Naomi;
and they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse,
the father of David.
And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed,
And Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David.
So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen
 generations; and from David
until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations;
and from the carrying
away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the
Lord appeared unto him
in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take
unto thee Mary thy wife:
for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple,
 How say the scribes that
Christ is the Son of David?
For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to
 Lord, Sit thou on my right
hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
David therefore himself calleth him Lord;[YAHWEH] and
 whence is he then his son? And
the common people heard him gladly.

And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes,
which love to go in long
clothing, and love salutations in the market places,
And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms
 at feasts:
Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long
 prayers: these shall
receive greater damnation.
In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of
righteousness to
grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and
righteousness in the land.
 jer 36:30
Therefore thus saith the LORD of Jehoiakim king of Judah;
He shall have none to
sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast
out in the day to
the heat, and in the night to the frost.
JER 23:5
the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a
righteous Branch,
and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment
 and justice in the earth.
For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit
upon the throne of the house
of Israel;
isa 9:7
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
end, upon the throne
of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it
with judgment and
with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the
 LORD of hosts will perform
 ISA 11:1
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,
 and a Branch shall grow out
of his roots:
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder;
 so he shall open, and
none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be
 for a glorious throne
to his father's house.
And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house,
the offspring and
the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups,
 even to all the
vessels of flagons.
 ps. 132:10
For thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of thine
 132:11  The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not
turn from it; Of the fruit
of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I
shall teach them,
their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
Then all Israel gathered themselves to David unto Hebron,
saying, Behold, we are
thy bone and thy flesh.
And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them,
 even my servant
David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince
 among them; I the
LORD have spoken it.
 hosa 3:5
Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD
their God,
and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness
 in the latter days.
 amos 9:11
In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen,
and close up the
breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as
 in the days of old:
 2 Samuel# 5:1
Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron, and
spake, saying, Behold, we
are thy bone and thy flesh.
 1sam 17:12
Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah,
 whose name was Jesse; and he
had eight sons: and the man went among men for an old man in
 the days of Saul.
But David went and returned from Saul to feed his father's
sheep at Bethlehem.
 zech 12:8
In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
and he that is feeble among
them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall
 be as God, as the angel of
the LORD before them.
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants
 of Jerusalem, the spirit
of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom
they have pierced, and
they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and
 shall be in bitterness
for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of
David and to the inhabitants
of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.
 lu 1:26
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God
unto a city of Galilee, named
To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the
 house of David; and the
virgin's name was Mary. 

And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house
of his servant David;
As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have
been since the world began:
Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring
from on high hath visited us,
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of
death, to guide our feet
into the way of peace.


Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009

hear ole israel yah is one yah


A Study by J.O. Adams

‘God is Spirit and it is necessary for those worshipping Him to worship with Spirit and with truth’. (John 4:24)

‘Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, “And to seeds”, as of many; but as of one, “And to thy seed, which is Christ”.’ (Gal. 3:16.)

These are the words of Galatians 3:16 as recorded in the King James, or Authorised Version. This well known verse is often quoted, but I doubt if those who use it are aware of its true meaning. Indeed, I believe it is impossible to know what Paul did mean from this rendition of his words. On giving a little thought to the matter, several problems present themselves.

Firstly, the verse states that the promises were made only to Abraham and to Christ. But is this so? We are told that God’s promises were given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but where do we read that they were made to our Lord? Instead of being the recipient of the promises, we are told that He came to confirm them. Paul himself declares this in Romans 15:8:

‘For I say that an anointed One (or ‘Christ’) became a minister of circumcision concerning God’s truth, in order to confirm the promises belonging to the fathers’.

This immediately contradicts the A.V of Galatians 3:16, for it states that the promises belong to ‘the fathers’- i.e. to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – but not to Christ, for He came to confirm them.

Again, this wording of Galatians 3:16 explicitly limits the promises to two persons only – Abraham and Christ. This clearly means that nobody else can share in them. Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, whether believers or otherwise, would therefore be excluded from participation in them. It will be said that this is ridiculous. I agree, but it is exactly what the words state.

Another question arises. Is jesus the seed of Abraham? This is a matter that requires careful consideration. The Greek word for ‘seed’ is spermaand this denotes a literal seed - ‘that which is sown’. In man this seed is supplied only by the male and is carried (or born) by the female. Hence it refers to the male line, to a family as descendants of the man. Jesus was not begotten of any man, but directly from God, the heavenly Father, and was born by the woman, Mary.

As John 3:16 states, He was ‘begotten-only’ of God. The angel also made this clear when informing Mary about what was happening:

‘Holy Spirit will come upon thee and power of the most high will overshadow thee; therefore the holy child being born will be called Son of God.’ Luke 1:35.

The two genealogies of Jesus (in Matthew and Luke), are careful to emphasise that Joseph was not our Lord’s father. So too does Matthew’s account of events prior to His birth:

‘Now the birth of *Jesus Christ was thus: when His *mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 1:18.

Again in verse 20 Joseph was told not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, ‘for that born by her is from Holy Spirit’. It is clear from all this, that Jesus was not the ‘seed’(sperma) of Abraham, nor of any other man.

It may also be mentioned, that if He were of Abraham’s seed then He would be of the fallen Adamic line, and as such, may not have the necessary qualifications to redeem His people.

To find an explanation of these anomalies it is necessary to consult the Greek text to see if the A.V provides a correct record of Paul’s words. When this is done we find that one word in particular requires attention.

This is the word rendered ‘Christ’. It is unfortunate that our A.V has, in all of its occurrences, indiscriminately used this word to represent the Greek word christos. This is not a translation of christos, but merely a transliteration of it – a transposing of the Greek letters into English.

The Greek word christos is a verbal adjective, and simply means ‘anointed’. When used alone (as in this verse) this is the meaning that should be applied to it. Sometimes it is used alone as a substantive (i.e. a noun) and in these cases an ‘understood word’ may be inserted to suit the context, and indicate to what it refers. For example, ‘an anointed one’, or ‘the anointed one’ if the article is used with it. Thus where it is used of a certain person such as our Lord, who may not actually be named, ‘an/the anointed One’ would be appropriate.

Of course, instead of ‘one’ some other understood word may be necessary to suit a particular context. Hence it may, and frequently is, used of God’s people being anointed. Where I think this is the case I render it as ‘the anointed people‘.

Attached to a noun it has its norrnal adjectival value, Thus IEsous xristos means ‘anointed Jesus’.

In Galatians 3:16 christos occurs alone without the article, and is therefore employed with its norrnal adjectival value. In this case it relates to Abraham’s ‘one seed’. Hence the final clause of the verse reads ‘which is anointed’. So, correctly and literally translated, Paul’s words are:

‘To Abraham and his seed were the promises announced. He saith not, And to the seeds, as to many, but as to one, And to thy seed which is anointed.’

Alternatively the last clause could be rendered, ‘And to thy seed which is an anointed people.’

For a fuller explanation of the word christos see my separate article ‘Our Word Christ’.

The verse now becomes a perfectly logical statement in keeping with Paul’s arguments in all his writings. God’s promises were bestowed on Abraham and upon only one of his seeds the anointed one. No one else is included. Indeed not even Abraham’s other sons, or their descendants. Nevertheless God did give some blessings, but only material ones, to the other descendants of Abraham. (As in Gen. 17:18-21.)

In addition to Isaac, Abraham had children from Hagar and Keturah, and these are the ones designated ‘the children of the fiesh’ in Rornans 9:8:

‘That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of *God, but the children of the prornise are reckoned as descendants.’

God stated quite definitely that Abraham’s seed was to be named (or ‘called’- A.V) in Isaac, who had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob was the one selected by Jehovah and, renamed, ‘lsrael’. Israel then is God’s name for Jacob, and for the people who came from him. This I believe, identified the ‘sons of Jacob’ as being the people who were ‘anointed’ with God’s Spirit.

Anointing is used to signify that God’s Spirit is placed in a person, and this would be the reason for its use in Galatians 3:16.

The birth of Isaac was miraculous. It was brought about by God Himself at the time Abraham was 100 years of age, and Sarah, who had always been barren, was 90. It was the result of God’s Spirit being introduced into Abraham, and by inheritance into lsaac and Jacob. Hence, as Paul states to his kinsrnen dwelling in Corinth, God’s Spirit dwells in His people, Israel:

‘Know ye not that your *body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that is within you, which ye possess from God; and ye do not belong to yourselves’. I Corinthians 6:19

And so, when God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, this indicated that he was the one descendant (the lone seed’) that could be regarded as that of Abraham. Anointing indicates the in-breathing of God’s Spirit, and therefore in Galatians 3:16,’thy (Abraham’s) seed which is anointed’, refers not to ‘Christ’ but to Jacob, and thence to his descendants.

‘Now to Abraham and to his *seed were the promises announced. He saith not “And to the seeds”, as to many, but as to one, “And to thy *seed which is anointed.”.’

In the verse we have been studying, Israel’s unique position in God’s Word is clearly stated. God’s covenants or promises, are bestowed upon His people (Israel), and not upon any others,

(In this study of Galatians 3:16. All Scriptural quotations are direct translations from the Greek unless otherwise acknowledged. Any Greek words used are printed in italics. Italics are also used where any ‘understood’ words are inserted to express the meaning in English. Where the Greek uses the definite article, but it is regarded as unnecessary in English, this is indicated by an asterisk before the word. Thus ho theos, ‘the God’, is sometimes printed as *God. In typing Greek words ‘e’ is used for epsilon, ‘E’ for eta, ‘o’ for omicron and ‘O’ for omega.)