Created by pastorbuddy on 3/10/2009
to america
How the Clovis People Came to North America
The Beringian Bridge theory holds that large bands of Proto-Mongoloids (or those whom the politically correct romanticize as “Native Americans”) migrated over a land bridge connecting the two continents twelve to fourteen thousand years ago. The Kennewick Man, the above-mentioned sandals, and other objects (or tools) — all unrelated to Indian findings — suggest that “Native Americans” were not the first or only immigrants. It is quite possible, even probable, that in North America Solutrean-descended Proto-Caucasoids from the east (e.g., from the peoples responsible for Marmes Rockshelter, Cactus Hill, and, later, Clovis itself) came into contact with Pacific-Rim Proto-Caucasoids from the west (Kennewick Man, Stick Man, Spirit Cave, etc.). Such contacts could well have contributed to the Clovis culture. At a professional conference at the end of October 1999, two prominent archeologists, Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradley, suggested that the Solutrean people crossed the Atlantic from what is now northern Spain and southern France about 18,000 years ago and settled in North America, establishing what is now called the “Clovis” culture. This construction of the evidence is strongly supported by projectile points and other “diachronic” correspondences between the two cultures. We know that humans had been sailing around the Pacific for thousands of years prior to the appearance of the Clovis culture, so it is no great stretch of the imagination to suppose that the Solutreans used skin boats to cross the much smaller Atlantic in perhaps as little as three weeks. The fact that much of the same technology appears in both Solutrea and Clovis – and nowhere else – strongly suggests that we are looking at two branches of the same people: a Caucasoid-like people.
Another discovery in Central Asia also shows some Clovis burial traits. This eighteen-thousand-year-old grave, the burial site of two children near Lake Baikal in Siberia on what could have been a route to North America, is very similar to what appears to be the grave of two cremated children found in a Montana excavation; both interments also had evidence of mammoth bones surrounding the bodies (a cult practice also found among the Clovis people).13
Evolutionary Branching
Years of unrelenting media and political pressure from the U.S. government, Indians and self-hating White academics to construct a “multi-racial” Kennewick Man have begun to affect even Dr. Jim Chatters. He has reacted like the countless honest but gun-shy Christian biblical researchers who disbelieve in the resurrection of Christ. When asked whether they believe in that dogma or not, they quickly change the topic to the “real” meaning of Jesus (which somehow always turns out to be a politically correct obfuscation). Something similar is happening in this case. From Dr. Chatters’ book, it is evident that he desperately wants to avoid an onslaught by the politically correct establishment. Married as he is to an Indian woman and being attacked by the intensely racist Indian tribes of eastern Washington State, he bends over backwards trying to “neutralize” the racial specificity of Kennewick Man. He insists on the obvious: that it is impossible to tell skin color from ancient bones (although the probability is extremely high that Kennewick Man did indeed have white skin). He states that Kennewick Man is an ancestor “of all of us,” thereby sidestepping the issue completely. In contradiction to his own findings about the bones, he has even gone to the extreme of inventing a new face for Kennewick Man with an “Indian” nose in order to please the media and the propaganda masters.
Despite such obscurantist contortions, it is ridiculous to view the branch represented by Kennewick Man as somehow belonging to American Indians or as not being Caucasoid-like. And it is impossible for Kennewick Man to have been an “ancestor of all of us,” since his people, and very possibly he himself, were exterminated by the Indians. (Of course, facts have never been important to the anti-White racial miscegenationists dominating modern American culture; only propaganda matters.)
The Extinction of the Paleoamericans
and the U.S. War against Truth
By the time Europenas arrived, there were no Proto-Caucasoids or Proto-Negroids left in the Americas, except perhaps for a few small, mixed populations at the hemispheric extremities or a dying Proto-Negroid remnant on the barren cul-de-sac of Baja California. Other than these sparse leftovers, only Proto-Mongoloids were around, savagely warring against one another. What happened, then, to the Paleoamericans, north and south?
These questions have spawned much controversy, mainly because it may impact “Native American” rights and, above all, government money from non-”Native American” taxpayers. The “Native (?) Americans” argue that the Kennewick man and other skeletons should be buried under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990. But with the new evidence, it is now clear that the Kennewick Man cannot belong to any existing tribe, and scientists should be allowed to study the skeleton under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (“NAGPRA”) of 1979. Scientists and “Native American” tribes are continuing their battle in court, but regardless of the legal outcome (which depends on politics, not truth) we can start rethinking and rewriting ancient North American history as to who the first settlers on the continent were and what happened to some of them.
North American Indians believe in storytelling as not only a traditional but an accurate method of transmitting their history. Armand Minthorn, a mendacious tribal leader for the Umatillas tribe, stated that “from our oral histories we know that we have been a part of this land since the beginning of time … Our elders have told us that Indian people did not always look the way we look today … We already know our history. It is passed on to us through our elders and through our religious practices.”14 Given this interpretation of knowledge and truth, it is no wonder that the cultures of Mr. Minthorn’s ancestors and of other Native Americans remain at such a pitiably low level even after having been exposed to White civilization for centuries.
In contrast, according to the logic and scientific findings of the White man, the oral transmission of history can be distorted and much of it forgotten if it is not written. (This is so regardless of the obvious fears Indians have about their mythology being labeled as fantasy and about the possibility – some would say probability – of their ancestors having committed genocide against Whites.) But for honest Whites, it is truth that matters; It may be “immoral” to some Amerinds and White genosuicidists to study the bones of the dead. But the same “Native American” people who have called this “immoral” for religious or other reasons, also put cedar chips and leaves into the wooden box which held the Kennewick Man’s remains; they thereby deliberately introduced matter which could damage the ancient relics. They also put other bones into the Kennewick Man’s box to make others believe that this discovery was a hoax.15 Not only this, but several of the bones in the care of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Batelle Institute, Building S-5 (“Sigma Five”) in Richland, Washington, mysteriously disappeared. Naturally, the Corps blamed it on Dr. Chatters, in spite of the fact that all the evidence clearly indicates that the bones’ disappearance was due to the anti-White attitude of the Corps in letting the Indians physically handle and steal the bones. (The Corps did not, of course, show this same deference to the Whites of the Asatru religion, who believe the Kennewick Man to have been an early Caucasoid). Such acts of vandalism are finally, one hopes, being prevented and proper methods of storing the bones used. As far as Indians’ assertions about (White) scientists’ “immorality,” are concerned, it should be pointed out that the scientific study of these antique bones to advance science is the most moral use that could be made of them.
Under the orders of U.S. Magistrate John Jelderks in Portland, on Friday, October 30, 1998, the Kennewick Man’s bones were finally removed from the jurisdiction of the anti-White U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and transferred to the Burke Museum in Seattle. (This was done even though a Burke curator had sent the concerned scientists an offensive e-mail “that was replete with insult, misinformation and accusation,” according to the scientists.) Located on the campus of the ultra-liberal and extremely anti-White University of Washington, the Burke Museum is nonetheless a major national resource for information on the natural and cultural history of the Pacific Northwest.
Finally the scientists got a limited chance to study the remains. Dr. Jane Richards concluded that the Kennewick Man appears to have the same skull structure found in the remains of Marmes Man (found at the Marmes cave site on the Snake River in Washington state). If this is borne out by forensic pathologists, then a pre-Indian migration of non-Mongoloid peoples can be demonstrated. This would certainly not answer all the questions, but it would be a start and maybe an impetus to archaeologists to continue the much needed study and excavations in both eastern Washington state and eastern Oregon (providing financial blocks to applications for rescue archaeology are removed).
The truth-hating mass media claimed that the Burke investigators had found the Kennewick Man to be “Asian,” thereby suggesting to the uninformed that he was Mongoloid rather than Caucasoid. After all, the people (and specifically Whites) have to be protected from the truth. Nonetheless, it did slip out that Kennewick Man was – and is – totally unrelated to any modern American Indian type. So much for the American Indian Movement’s mythology about the ancestors of the Indians springing up out of the ground like mushrooms and the Kennewick Man being one of them. Of course, the subspecies of White neurotics known euphemistically as “liberals” is riven by cognitive dissonance over these findings. Such a thing cannot, in the dominant anti-White view they espouse, be true. It will have to be suppressed. Unfortunately, the liberals and their many corporate and government supporters may have the power to do this, since they control such organizations as the Army Corps of Engineers and, apparently, the Burke Museum in Seattle.
Government Corruption of Truth
At the beginning of December 1999, the Associated Press reported that the federal government and the Burke Museum were confessing to yet another delay in the release of investigatory results about the Kennewick Man. This time it was a delay in releasing dating-test results on the specious ground that the bones didn’t have enough protein for good testing. In response, a Portland lawyer, Alan Schneider, representing eight anthropologists suing the government over the remains, pointed out that the government’s agents should have done chemical analyses to determine which fragments were best for testing. The anthropologists also charged that the federal hirees took as much as 100 times as much bone as they need for testing. In other words, we can be sure the government has done its best to bias the results in favor of its pre-drawn conclusions. It is difficult to guess exactly what tack the government was trying to take here. Possibly they were trying to taint the bones in some way which would make it impossible to determine anything at all, so they could then give the “benefit of the doubt” to the Proto-Mongoloids. More likely, “our” government might also have been attempting to drag out and play down the whole issue of the Kennewick Man in the hope that Whites would forget all about this momentous discovery and the bones could be quietly buried with animal remains on some tribal reservation in Washington State. Your tax dollars at work.
In the second week of January, 2000, the results of yet more radiocarbon testing were finally allowed to seep out to the newspapers, TV and radio. The tests indicated an age of about 9,200 years before the present. In other words, no real difference from what had originally been determined three years previously. Or rather, the difference was in the government’s obscuring of the truth through delays. The regime’s lawyers then proceeded to argue that the skeleton should be betrayed to the Indians because it belonged “to a culture that predated the arrival of Columbus.” In others words, since the perverse Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (“NAGPRA”) of 1990 claims that any remains dating to before Columbus’ discovery of the New World are “Indian,” the evidence that non-Indians inhabited the continent before 1492 must be destroyed.
So there you have it. The twisted logic of the regime now enabled its psychobabbling functionaries to take the bones of, say, ancient Vikings found on Long Island and give them “back” to Redskins on the absurd basis that the Vikings were in North America before Columbus and therefore “must” be Indians. After this perversion of justice the financially weak Asatru Folk Assembly withdrew from the litigation, recognizing that the power of governmentally enforced lie can defeat all truth. The scientists continued to fight doggedly on. In early January, 2001, they claimed that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the National Historic Preservation Act by plowing over the burial site where the 9,300-year-old skeleton had been found. In response, Corps officials lied that they had simply been “trying to keep looters away” from the site when they covered it with 500 tons of rocks and soil in 1998. The scientists pointed out that the Corps violated laws governing preservation of historical artifacts and risked ruining the original burial site. Of course, since the anti-White U.S. Government has all the money and power in the world, it didn’t take much insight to see what the outcome is going to be.
The scientists’ persistence is all the more admirable in the face of the grotesque fraud perpetrated on Monday, September 25, 2000 by Bruce Babbit, the Secretary of the U.S. Interior Department. This spin artist meowed that “Although ambiguities in the data made this a close call, I was persuaded by the geographic data and oral histories of the five tribes that collectively assert they are descendants of people who have been in the region of the Upper Columbia Plateau for a very long time,” according to the Associated Press. And with that pretext, he decided that Kennewick Man was to be given to five American Indian tribes who claim him as an ancestor. Luckily for the scientists, however, the haughty Babbit would not determine the fate of the skeleton; instead, the scientists persisted in prosecuting their lawsuit and, since the corrupt Clinton administration finally ended, increased their chances of winning it. (Of course, by that time the government may have ensured that there will be nothing left to study.)
On January 20, 2001, William Jefferson Clinton and his lackeys left office under much shame and disgrace (vandalizing much of the office equipment in the White House as they left), and the scientists were able to pursue their case without quite as much governmental harassment and obstruction as thitherto. On April 19, 2001 the Associated Press reported that they had filed documents in federal court showing that the Clinton regime, seeking to avoid a “messy” debate over just who the first human inhabitants of North America really were, had inexcusably and improperly allowed contacts between White House staff and members of a coalition of five American Indian tribes seeking to bury the skeleton. Further, the federal officials “coached the coalition on how to plead its case.” These documents make even more manifest the criminality of the genosuicidal Left masterminded by the fatherless Clinton.
In the face of these political attempts to suppress truth, science marched on. On Tuesday, July 31, 2001, the news media carried a report by Guy Gugliotta of the Washington Post, “Evidence suggests earlier migration to America,” with the subtitle, “STUDY: A more genetically diverse population is found,” about the results of a new study on the early peopling of the Americas. It said the following:
Ancient peoples only loosely related to modern Asians crossed the Arctic land bridge to settle America some 15,000 years ago, according to a study offering new evidence that the Western Hemisphere hosted a more genetically diverse population at a much earlier time than previously thought. |
The early immigrants most closely resembled the prehistoric Jomon people of Japan and their closest modern descendants, the Ainu, from the Japanese island of Hokkaido, the study said. Both the Jomon and Ainu have skull and facial characteristics more genetically similar to those of Europeans than to mainland Asians. |
The immigrants settled throughout the hemisphere, and were in place when a second migration – from mainland Asia – came across the Bering Strait beginning 5,000 years ago and swept southward as far as modern-day Arizona and New Mexico, the study said. The second migration is the genetic origin of today’s Eskimos, Aleuts and the Navajo of the U.S. southwest. The study in today’s edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences adds new evidence to help settle one of anthropology’s most contentious debates: Who were the first Americans? And when did they come? |
“When this has been done before, it’s been done from one point of view,” said University of Michigan physical anthropologist C. Loring Brace, who led the team of researchers from the United States, China and Mongolia that wrote the new report. “We try to put together more dimensions.” |
For decades, anthropologists’ dogma held that the Americas were populated by a single migration from Asia around 11,200 years ago - the supposed age of the earliest of the elegantly crafted, grooved arrowheads first found in the 1930s at Clovis, N.M. |
By the end of the 1990s, however, the weight of evidence had pushed the date of the first arrivals back several thousand years. But as the migration timetable slipped, additional questions and controversies have arisen. The 1996 discovery in Kennewick of the nearly complete skeleton of a 9,300-year-old man with “apparently Caucasoid” features stimulated interest in the possibility of two or more migrations - including a possible influx from Europe. |
The new study attempted to answer this question by comparing 21 different skull and facial characteristics from more than 10,000 ancient and modern populations in both the Western Hemisphere and the old World. |
The findings provide strong new evidence supporting earlier work suggesting that ancient Americans, like Kennewick Man, were descended from the Jomon, who walked from Japan to the Asian mainland and eventually to the Western Hemisphere on land bridges as the Earth began to warm up about 15,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age. |
Kennewick Man, in short, is not an Amerind, but a representative of the eastern branch of the early White or Proto-Caucasoid race.
Then, on February 4, 2004, a miracle: it was reported by the Associated Press that “[t]he 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld a decision last August by U.S. Magistrate Judge John Jelderks in Portland that the remains, which Northwest Indian tribes consider sacred, can be studied. …
“The three-judge panel found that the remains do not fall under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and can be studied under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act.
“The decision was written by Judge Ronald M. Gould. …
“The ruling said the remains date to a time before any recorded history and that that makes it impossible to establish any relationshipwith existing Indians.”
Thus, through great effort and expense, White science has won a partial victory over anti-White irrationality and guilt-mongering by Amerinds. For the time being, at least, non-White suppression of the truth has been restrained. With the genosuicidal lunatics of the Clinton presidency out of power, science has regained a modicum of freedom.
This brings us to a final word about the federal government itself. In the last decade or so, business and financial writers have talked a great deal about the “culture” of business organizations and how to change it. This topic should also be applied today to the “culture” of the American government. As is the case also with the major religions, the central psychodynamic of this organization is never mentioned in polite company. That psychodynamic is the insensate drive to push the White race to suicide through racial miscegenation while the U.S.-based oligarchy attains socio-economic domination of the entire globe. All kinds of irrelevant peripheral matters are raised to block any discussion thereof. And vituperation - the old ad hominem logical error - is the normal response to those who object to racial suicide. Since the unprecedented rise of the global economy masks the biological (to say nothing of the moral) destruction of the Caucasoid peoples, the majority of Whites is easily persuaded to go quietly into the eternal night. The inner circles of American power are keenly conscious of this reality. For they are the forces most eagerly seeking the Brave New World Order of mulattoism. Their strongest ally is the sick religion: Christianity. This creed, in all its denominations, claims that all Whites are “guilty” by virtue of their white skins. Non-Whites (the darker the better) must be “understood” if they act like animals. This, then, is the all-pervasive, government-led irrationality which seeks to turn the Proto-Caucasoid skeleton called the Kennewick Man over to Proto-Mongoloids.
Possible Causes of the Disappearance
of the Paleoamericans
Thus all the evidence supports the thesis that Kennewick Man, Stick Man and other Paleoamericans were descended from the same eastern Proto-Caucasoid branch which gave rise to the indigenous Ainu of Japan. The Cascade spearpoint in Kennewick’s hip, his broken, half-healed ribs and an old skull wound strongly suggest that he led a very violent life. Evidence of severe wounds on other Paleoamerican skeletons indicate the same. Dr. Chatters, discussing the disappearance of them all, suggests that Paleoamerican women did not bear enough children (their births being allegedly too widely spaced) and died too frequently in childbirth to save the race from extinction, and that many of the wounds came about from battles between the men over the dwindling supply of women.
This hypothesis, while agreeable to the politically correct, conveniently ignores several obvious facts. To begin with, the Paleoamericans had survived just find for at least ten thousand years before the arrival of the Amerinds, despite the high childbirth mortality found in all pre-modern peoples. Secondly, the timing of the disappearance of the Paleoamericans and the appearance of the Amerinds is simply too simultaneous to be dismissed as coincidental. And thirdly, the “disappeared” peoples included not just the cultures of the west, but also the Solutrean-descended ones of the east, of North America, and the Proto-Negroid peoples of South America to boot.
![]() Early man’s hunt to extinction of large mammals |
As the Paleoamericans ran out of large game in North America, the pressure to survive forced them to look to other strategies to cover their needs, one of them being territorial defense and offense. This suggests three possibilities as to why the these peoples vanished as mysteriously as they appeared: the first, which is the least likely, is that they starved with the inability to adjust to new methods of hunting; the second is a war with neighboring Indian tribes in which they were annihilated, which is probably the most common theory based on the historically high frequency of genocide;16 finally, the third possibility has them assimilating with coexisting North American Indian Tribes.
The possibility that the Caucasoids were starved out of existence is not really supported. There are and were plenty of food resources in the Pacific Northwest and in all of North America as well. Since the scientific testing already done on the Kennewick man shows he had a high marine diet (possibly salmon), together with the lush vegetation, buffaloes, caribou, elk, and deer, it seems most improbable that his people could starve.
But the competition for food and land that arose with neighboring non-Caucasoids could have ignited hostilities that lasted several hundred years. As the extinction of big game forced all early Americans to develop new methods of hunting and gathering, conflicts over territory must have arisen between the Proto-Caucasoids and the invaders. As is usual in history, rising tensions between peoples led to wars. It is quite possible that the ever larger number of Indian tribes, often at war even with one another, more readily attacked the Proto-Caucasoids because they were easily identified as an enemy by their physical and racial differences. In addition, the Proto-Mongoloids were almost certainly of higher intelligence than the Proto-Caucasoids and Proto-Negroids, and thus were able to outwit them (See J. Philippe Rushton’s RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR,” mentioned above). So it came about that the Red Man exterminated the Paleoamerican Whites and Blacks utterly.
To combat the serious research in recent years by various scientists now documenting the genetically based, great behavioral differences between races, liberal anti-White academics are now taking a new tack. There is, they assert, no such thing as race. They claim that the momentous racial differences in such areas as intelligence, brainwave frequency, mental endurance, law-abidingness, ability to defer gratification, and many other “mental” or even “spiritual” traits have sprung up in the last few thousand years of prehistory and cannot be considered “racial” differences. Therefore, on this view, behold!: there are no races (except for purposes of affirmative action) at all. (In fact, there are so few difference between us and the other great apes, why not give them welfare and equal rights also?)
This, of course, is little more than defining the issue of biological differences out of existence. A neat trick on the part of the academics. They get to have their cake and eat it, too. Racial differences are explained away as “cultural.” Whites are defined as merely having (or being) cultures of evil, while non-Whites and mulattoes are romanticized as “victims” of the monstrous Whites. This interpretation has of course found a great deal of support among the race-suicidal components of the White and Jewish population, which are concentrated in the media and academe. Redefinition of the facts allows them to obscure reality and justify their war on evolution.
As far as Indian “culture” is concerned, we may look at the earliest forms of civilization (city-systems) in the Americas - those of the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs - for an example of the institutionalized violence and elaborate forms of human sacrifice already in the New World long before the Europeans arrived. The Aztecs, whose ancestors originally came from what is now the U.S. southwest (their language is related to that of the Navajos, and their own myths tell of their migration from the north), were savage warriors who wiped out many lesser tribes, sacrificing and eating many thousands of people at a time. The violent measures that were used by them did not just happen. Their cruel methods were taught, advanced and promoted through an elaborately constructed mythology - an idea system innate to pre-Columbian Amerind culture everywhere. We need look no further than the U.S. Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 (quoted at the beginning of this essay) for testimony to the grotesque savagery of the Amerinds in their native state. The hideous deaths inflicted by Indians on early French Jesuit missionaries in Canada give evidence of the same thing. (Examples are: John de Brébeuf, tortured to death by the Iroquois in 1649; Gabriel Lalemant, tortured for seventeen hours and martyred with John de Brébeuf; Isaac Jogues, tortured by Mohawks [some fingers bitten off], tomahawked and scalped by Iroquois Indians in 1646; Noël Chabanel, martyred in 1649; Charles Garnier, martyred in 1649; Anthony Daniel, martyred in 1648.)
Thirdly, we come to assimilation. This theory has its pros and cons. For assimilation, one can look to Indian oral history. Members of the American Indian Movement allege that their ancestors looked physically much different than they look today (even though they physically resemble the Mongoloid peoples of northeast Asia and carry mostly the same genes). Assimilation would change their physical appearance and support their theory. Presumably assimilation would also account for the decline of technology following the disappearance of the Paleoamerican Proto-Caucasoids. Added to this is the fanatically held U.S. melting-pot ideology which holds that assimilation and the termination of evolution are inevitable, just and wonderful for everybody. Alas, there is still no evidence that Indian tribes generally (outside of the hemispheric extremities), before the “melting pot” situation of modern America, had anything but Proto-Mongoloid genes. So if there was any Proto-Caucasoid admixture, it was quite small.
We are left, so it seems, with the scenario of genocidal wars. This was the primary cause of the disappearance of the Paleoamericans which anthropologists were at a loss to explain until the end of the twentieth century. But with the incredible discovery of the Kennewick Man, history on the North American continent can now be rethought and rewritten.
Skull cast and restored face of Kennewick Man
![]() Dr. James Chatters |
Appendix A
Paranormal Experiences
of Dr. James Chatters
in Connection with Kennewick Man
Although anything called “paranormal” has been anathema to the official scientific establishment in modern times, Dr. Chatters has had some experiences involving the Kennewick Man which can only be described as uncanny.To begin with, it must be remarked that, among scientists, forensic specialists and others who work with the bones of the dead, it is not at all unusual to get a “feel” for the personality of the former owner of those bones. Those who experience this phenomenon are quite aware of the fact that they are encountering the spiritual essence or memories of another person. So it was with Dr. Chatters. He came to “know” the Kennewick Man as a human being, not just as a pile of bones. This knowledge is normally sensed through the slow-brainwave faculty of memory, which captures much more than merely personal experiences. That is to say, our memory not only takes in information from our daily life experiences, but also from the “mental” infrastructure of existence, which remembers all events. Memories also embed themselves in particular in the physical environment of an event, and skeletal bones retain the memories of their former owners. (Cf. Ásatrú and the Paranormal)
One day when Dr. Chatters was handling the Kennewick Man’s skull, he was looking at it from the rear. Now it so happens that the back of that skull is missing, so that when you view it from behind, you can see through the skull and the eye sockets to the other side. As he was doing this, he suddenly found himself looking at the room with the Kennewick Man’s own eyes! He had become momentarily “identified” with the Kennewick Man.
Afterwards, when he would drive along the highways through the semi-arid landscape of Eastern Washington in his car, he often found himself inexplicably feeling a mysterious attraction to that landscape, as though he needed to be out there doing something. Just as the Kennewick Man had done so many thousands of years before.
When the politicized Army Corps of Engineers demanded possession of the bones, it was a sad day for Dr. Chatters. However, when he learned that the Indians were demanding to bury the bones with their own kind, he felt something far worse: sheer, inexplicable panic. This feeling of panic was not something that came from Dr. Chatters himself. It flooded him from a dimension beyond our world. He felt the terror of the Kennewick Man himself faced with the prospect of being confined with his ancient mortal enemies, the Indians. Irrational? Yes. Like the irrational terror felt when suddenly faced by a murderer aiming a lethal weapon at you.
Finally, Dr. Chatters admits to having had other paranormal experiences related to Kennewick Man. He will not say what these experiences are, so that others can only guess. One guess is that he has experienced actual apparitions of this ancient representative of the Caucasoid race, epiphanies which made clear to him that the truth about the early peopling of the Americas must be made known, and that the liberaloid suppression of truth in favor of some romantic notion about Redskin “noble savages” must be ended. This is the true reason why Dr. Chatters has pursued the subject of Paleoamericans with such dedication: he has been gripped by the saga and the adventure and the mystical depths of these Ancient Encounters.
Appendix B
The sequence of Ice Age events
for the last 130,000 years, in summary form
(Phases about as warm as, or warmer than,
the present are written in bold.)
Years Ago | Type of Climate |
150,000 | cold, dry full glacial world |
around 130,000 | rapid warming initiates the Eemian interglacial (Stage 5e) |
130,000-110,000 | global climates generally warmer and moister than present, but with progressive cooling to temperatures more similar to present. (except for possible global cold, dry event at 121,000 y.a.) |
?110,000 | a strong cooling marks the end of the Eemian interglacial (Stage 5e). |
105,000-95,000 | climate warms slightly but still cooler and drier than present; strong fluctuations. |
95,000 – 93,000 | another cooler phase similar to that at 110,000 y.a. |
93,000 – 75,000 | a milder phase, resembling that at 105,000-95,000 y.a. |
75,000 – 60,000 | full glacial world, cold and dry (the ‘Lower Pleniglacial’ or Stage 4) |
60,000 – 25,000 | ‘middling phase’ of highly unstable but generally cooler and drier-than-present conditions (Stage 3) |
25,000 – 15,000 | full glacial world, cold and dry; Stage 2 (includes the ‘Last Glacial Maximum’) (This period includes two ‘coldest phases’ – Heinrich Events – at around 23,000-21,000 y.a. and at 17,000-14,500 y.a.) |
14,500 | rapid warming and moistening of climates in some areas. Rapid deglaciation begins. |
13,500 | nearly all areas with climates at least as warm and moist as today’s |
12,800 (+/- 200 years) | rapid onset of cool, dry Younger Dryas in many areas |
11,500 y.a. (+/- 200 years) | Younger Dryas ends suddenly, back to warmth and moist climates (Holocene, or Stage 1) |
9,000 – 8,200 | climates warmer and often moister than today’s |
about 8,200 | sudden cool and dry phase in many areas |
8,000-4,500 | climates somewhat warmer and moister than today’s |
Since 4,500 | climates fairly similar to the present (except; about 2600 y.a. – relatively wet/cold event (of unknown duration) in many areas) |
1 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man” The New Yorker. June 16,1997 pg. 72 [Return to text]
2 Gramly, Richard Michael. The Richey Clovis Cache: The Earliest Americans Along the Columbia River. pg. 5 [Return to text]
3 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man,” The New Yorker. June 16, 1997 pg. 73; note his diet of marine food which I will emulate in my conclusion as a possibility of a competition for food/push factor with the Paleo-Indian. [Return to text]
4 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man,” The New Yorker. June 16, 1997 pg. 73. [Return to text]
5 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man,” The New Yorker. June 16, 1997 pg. 75. [Return to text]
6 Gramly, Richard Michael. The Richey Clovis Cache: Earliest Americans Along the Columbia River. pg. 5 [Return to text]
7 White, Randall. Dark Caves, Bright Visions: Life in Ice Age Europe. fig. 29,30. Photo copy of the Solutrean tools used to hunt large game. [Return to text]
8 Gramly, Richard Michael. The Richey Clovis Cache: Earliest Americans Along the Columbia River. Top A, and top A & B Photo copy of the Clovis tools used to hunt large game. [Return to text]
9 Hill, Richard. “Gift preserves a site that rewrote history” The Oregonian, Jan. 18, 1998 [Return to text]
10 Hill, Richard. “Gift preserves a site that rewrote history,” The Oregonian, Jan. 18, 1998. [Return to text]
11 Ibid. [Return to text]
12 In my speculative conclusion I will relate to this as evidence of possible war between the Clovis people and other tribes that coexisted. [Return to text]
13 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man.” The New Yorker, June 16, 1997 pg. 78 [Return to text]
14 Preston, Douglas. “The Lost Man.” The New Yorker, June 16,1997 pg. 74 [Return to text]
15 Geranious, Nicholas K.. “Just Who’s Looking after Kennewick Man?” The Tacoma News Tribune, Sept. 1,1997 sec. B3 [Return to text]
16 Even today we see this. Various “modern” African nations keep exterminating various peoples with whom the dominant tribes in them are at odds. African Muslims are notorious for committing genocide against Christians in addition to enslaving them. Also there is the recent Bosnian conflict with its ethnic cleansing. [Return to text]
– Þeedrich (reachable at [email protected])
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